➡ The text discusses a prophecy from the Zohar, a Jewish mystical text, which is believed to have predicted the events of September 11, 2001. It also talks about the significance of certain dates and events in Jewish history and their connections to modern events. The author also shares his experiences with video production, including a viral video and a film project. Lastly, he theorizes about connections between hotel fires in the U.S., a movie called “The Visitors,” and Orson Welles’ relationship with a Saudi prince.
➡ The text discusses various connections and theories about popular movies and characters, such as Karate Kid, Hot Tub Time Machine, and The Shining. It also explores the idea of who the real villain is in these stories, comparing it to public perception of figures like Trump. The text further delves into the symbolism in films like Us and the Shining, and ends with a discussion about director Roman Polanski’s controversial past and his connection to Jack Nicholson’s house and the Playboy Mansion.
➡ The text discusses a variety of topics, including a tunnel connecting Warren Beatty’s house to the Hugh Hefner mansion, Samantha Geimer’s experiences and her book, and a comic project. It also covers a story about monkeys escaping from a lab in Tennessee and the subsequent investigation into the lab’s practices. The text also mentions various movies and theories related to monkeys.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including Stephen King movies, Jordan Peele’s involvement in film projects, and the symbolism of monkeys and squirrels in different contexts. It also touches on the concept of scapegoatism in Judaism and Christianity, and the idea of collective sin. The text also references various movies and TV shows, such as Hot Tub Time Machine, The Shining, and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and their symbolic elements.
➡ The text discusses the idea of scapegoating in politics, using examples like Jesus, Trump, and Kennedy. It suggests that politicians are often used as distractions to divert attention from corruption. The author also mentions the strategy of promoting extreme candidates to make their own seem better. The text also delves into symbolism, referencing tarot cards, the sun, and gold, and ends with a discussion on Jared Leto’s climb of the Empire State Building.
➡ The text is a conversation about various topics, including memories of Tower Records, a story about a movie based on real events at the record store, and a discussion about Thanksgiving. The speakers also touch on topics like the Catcher in the Rye, Peter Pan, and the Jewish faith. They end by discussing conspiracy theories and the scapegoating of Jewish people.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, touching on topics like global power structures, symbolism, and the future of Africa. They also mention the influence of celebrities like Kanye West and Elon Musk. The conversation ends with a promotion for their Illuminati comic and conspiracy cards, which aim to expose secrets and theories. They encourage listeners to support their work and continue engaging with their content.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and connections between different films, their directors, and real-life events. It suggests that certain films may have hidden meanings or subtexts, and even hints at possible mafia involvement in the film industry. The text also explores the idea that some films might predict or symbolize major events, like 9/11. Lastly, it discusses the influence of films on our lives and culture, suggesting they can become a part of our collective mythos.
➡ The text discusses the concept of synchronicity in movies and TV shows, suggesting that both organic and manipulated elements are at play. It also touches on the importance of intention in creating impactful content. The conversation then shifts to a comic project they’re working on, which has raised significant funds. The text ends with a discussion about the symbolism in Stanley Kubrick’s work and the complexity of his films, suggesting that Hollywood has lost some of its depth in recent times.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the process of creating screenplays, the concept of artificial intelligence, and the symbolism in films. They also touch on the idea of synchronizing music with films and the significance of certain cultural events like the Macy’s Day Parade. The conversation ends with a discussion about the importance of understanding and appreciating natural patterns and how modern city life often disconnects us from these patterns.
➡ The text discusses the concept of synchronisticism, the idea that patterns and intelligence exist in nature and our lives, which we often perceive as chaotic. It also explores the intersection of conspiracy theories and this concept, suggesting that some people use disinformation to muddy the waters of truth. The text further delves into the significance of symbolism in world events, particularly the recurring motif of the rabbit in relation to UFOs and aliens. Lastly, it touches on the influence of certain individuals and their works, such as James Shelby Downard and his eccentric books, on the speaker’s perspective and creative endeavors.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the symbolism of streaming video, Elon Musk’s connection to the Omega symbol, and the significance of the oak tree. It also delves into interpretations of the movie ‘The Shining’, the concept of reincarnation, and the connections between Elon Musk and Jupiter. The text further explores the significance of the number 42, the mythology of Zeus, and Masonic trinity. Lastly, it touches on astrology and the Hebrew word for strength.
➡ The text discusses the concept of alignment with nature and the consequences of not doing so, drawing on Jewish prophecies and symbolism. It also talks about the symbolism of a man walking on a wire between the Twin Towers in 1972, relating it to the balance between mercy and judgment. The conversation then shifts to personal experiences with speech and communication, highlighting the importance of these skills in life.
➡ The speaker shares his experiences studying under Baba Hari Das, a silent monk, and how it led him to periods of silence where he communicated only through writing. This practice changed his perception of speech and thought, making him more visually oriented. He also discusses the role of psychedelics in spiritual practices, emphasizing that they are aids, not solutions. The speaker mentions influential figures like Krishnamurti and Alan Watts, and shares anecdotes about his connections to the psychedelic and music scenes.
➡ The text is a collection of various stories and theories, including an officer’s interest in LSD, a conflict between Keith Moon and Steve McQueen, JFK’s relationship with Frank Sinatra, and the filming of Rosemary’s Baby. It also discusses the connections between Mia Farrow, Frank Sinatra, and Woody Allen, as well as the murder of John Lennon in front of the Dakota building. The text also mentions the movie The Shining and its connection to John Lennon’s song “Instant Karma”.
Join us as we navigate these intricate landscapes, decoding the hidden scripts of our society and challenging the accepted perceptions of reality. Folks, I’ve got a big problem on my hands. There’s a company called Paranoid American making all these funny memes and comics. Now, I’m a fair guy. I believe in free speech as long as it doesn’t cross the line. And if these AI generated memes dare to make fun of me, they’re crossing the line. This is your expedition into the realm of the extraordinary, the secret, the shrouded. Come with us as we sift through the world’s grand mysteries, question the standardized narratives, and brave the cryptic labyrinth of the concealed truth.
So strap yourselves in, broaden your horizons, and steel yourselves for a voyage into the enigmatic heart of the Paranoid American podcast. Where each story, every image, every revelation brings us one step closer to the elusive truth. Yo, what up? It’s Paranoid. And today we’re going to be getting into the latest Monkey Watch news. There has been an update. You guys are gonna love it. But we’re gonna love even more is that we’re putting together two of the heavy hitters, Donut and David Charles plate that I do shows with every week on Think Tank. Guys, thank you for both showing up.
And we’re gonna rock tonight. This is gonna be such a good one. What up? So I guess up first for anyone that’s not familiar with David. David, do it little. Do your plugs. You know what they all are at this point. My plug plugging myself. Yeah, do the whole thing, man. Sell yourself. Oh, I’m the world’s leading pioneer in album film syzygy. So pairing. So since I was in junior high, I believe it’s been about 28 years I’ve been Dedicating like. Like a. Most of my, like, free time towards finding resonance between specific albums and specific films.
And so on the syncbook.com I have, like, over 200 of. Of different pairings that of these correspondences for free streaming and download on my Twitter. If you go to my highlights, I have some that aren’t on here. And, you know, just the same anomaly, though. So it’s just. Yeah, I. This is what I do, among other things. But this. This is my. My. I’m just being careful on your Twitter page because I don’t know what’s gonna pop up as I scroll through my highlights. It should be okay, but if you jump into the videos, then, yeah, you might end up with who knows? But, yeah, yeah, totally.
This is YouTube. No, we’re on Rumble, though, right? Are we on both? What are we. We’re on everything. Okay, cool. So we’re minding our P’s and Q’s and not talking about certain things. What got you into syncing music albums with movies? Because I knew that this was a Pink Floyd thing with wizard of the Oz, the Dark side of the Moon. Yeah. So my. My brother, who’s, like, almost twice my age when I was. When I was young, much younger, he told me about Dark side of the Moon, the Wizard of Oz. He didn’t show it to me, but then he told me about it, and then I went and I did it with the third roar and the whole thing.
And then we watched Pink Floyd’s the Wall together for the first time shortly after that, and I was like, wait, so they did a movie that’s basically a giant music video. And then I went from there. I just got, like, every Pink Floyd album, and then I saw. I was like, okay. So they did. Started with soundtracks. So I’m like, okay, so more and more. The album, more with the film, more. And then Obscured by Clouds with the Valley. And so, like, I paired the Valley, this French film, with its soundtrack of Pink Floyd called Obscured by Clouds.
And I was amazed by what happened. So I was just, like. I became obsessed. So just started with, like, every Pink Floyd album, and then I went from there and discovered different anomalies. So, you know, everything will sync with everything to some degree. That’s just the nature of things. But I’m, like, fascinated with those points where it really definitely crosses a line and that. That can be, you know, demonstrated to people. And so it’s almost like, you know, I. I think ultimately, like, when it comes to the phenomenon of synchronicity as exists in nature, like you could find the same thing in a leaf.
It’s just like here. It’s hard a lot of the time where the, like, especially when there’s backstory that syntax wise, I may not have known to begin with if after the fact I find out about that. There’s more to like it. Like the creators of a film and the creators of the music and like, how they actually, like, might know each other or have these kind of relationships and stuff. So I have to like, you know, consider intentionality in certain cases. So, like, I don’t always know like, or really I. I never ultimately know, you know, the degree of that line.
You know, like, it could be a line in the sand. I’m not really sure, you know. Yeah, there’s so many. I could keep scrolling more and more and more. There’s so many on here, man. Yeah. Have you added up the hours of sync films that you’ve got collectively? No. And this is not even. This is. What’s on this website is not even like near what I actually have in my hard drives. Like, this is just like more of like the cream of the crop kind of stuff. You know, the. I didn’t even know there was an Art of the deal.
Oh, this is the funny or die one. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. With Roger Waters. Is this life you really want? Wow. And you’ve done a very. All this work and you’ve done a big documentary as well with Back to the Future that was like millions and millions of views. All this stuff is kind of longer stories. Yeah. But yeah, so. So Joe Alexander, who had done Back to the future, predicts 9 11. Like. Like that came into being in Santa Cruz, where I live. So he basically, he was a basketball player. I don’t know if he cares if I share everything at this point, but I think he’s retired now, so who knows.
But he was playing. He used to play for the Chicago Bulls once upon a time. And he was. He had a leg injury and knee injury at a certain point and he recuperated from that and he was playing and then gave him options. So like a list of places that he could play in the world professionally and the like. In Santa Cruz, he could play not for the NBA, but for the Santa Cruz warriors if he came here. So he contacted me because we were both in the sync community and he was like, look, if I come out to Santa Cruz, I want to.
I want to put a film together. Do you think that you could contribute? I didn’t end up contributing in those ways. Like, he would come to my place and I would show him these think pairings and stuff. But he sat in on a couple sessions with me and my rabbi while we were looking at 911 in the Zohar. So I spent. I spent 10 years transcribing Zohar with. With a rabbi. He sat in on specific sessions where, like, I had brought something that was referenced by Leo Zagami to my teacher. And it took us like, two and a half years to transcribe these two sections of the Zohar that give the exact date of 911 and in the commentary from the 16th century, gives a full description of the significance of that event and all this stuff.
So it’s. It’s. It’s not ultimately, for me and for people who know, it’s not actually a debatable point that 911 was predicted, like, as early as the 12th century and then expounded upon in, like, the 16th century and then the 18th century. There was a rabbi who narrowed down, said, this is the date. So even though it gives a date in the original text, there was an incongruency because of what that date is in relationship to Shabbat, So it wouldn’t ever land on the day that it gave. So, like, if you know about, like a. Like a cult, like Mystery School, often go by the most recent determination.
So, like, you’d think that maybe the earliest would have the most authority, but it actually goes the other way. So in the 18th century, they said the way it translates into the Gregorian calendar for the day that these two strongholds are destroyed. And it has all this. It’s the only prophecy that exists in the Zohar. It’s only two sections. So when it describes, it gives the. The equivalent date in the Hebrew calendar, which appears at random in the Hebrew calendar, September 11, 2001. So for us. So, like, and then that’s. And then it goes on to explain that.
So Tisha Bab, the destruction of the temple, is always attributed to the ninth day of the 11th month in the Hebrew calendar. So that’s what Teacher Baav means, isn’t. You know, so is 9 11, basically. So we. So we have the reversal of that, in a sense. So it’s like the whole world gets to experience what The Jews experienced 2000 years ago and. And beyond. So that’s like the idea. So it’s a lot to too. But I think we’re going to talk more about Kubrick and stuff. But, yeah, so, yeah, my rabbi was showing me how even a lot of the hostage situation.
What’s going on is also connected with the releases in the. In this, the Torah and the Scriptures. I’m not sure so much with Zohar and the Cabal and whatnot, but he was showing how, yeah, the days and all that is all connected through Gematria, which I thought was, like, mind blowing, what he was talking about that. Sure. Yeah, totally. So I. If. If Joe had listened to me with my advice for his video, he wouldn’t have done well. Like, his video went viral because the way he did it, and he was almost doing, like, a satire on Internet conspiracy videos.
But he’s so freaking brilliant in his delivery that this, you know, it took off. Also the timing, because people. Because when the time that Back to the Future predicted, like, and people were searching online, this video came up like crazy. So he’s even gotten, like, Joseph Gordon Levitt responding to it and all these kind of things. But I. My advice to him was to not do it so conspiratorial, because that’s not necessarily, like, how we talked about this stuff necessarily. So, like, it was more like just, you know, synchronicity. But he was like, but that’s not.
He knew how to sensationalize it, and he did a really good job with that. So I’m glad he didn’t listen to me. When he showed me this video before he released it and what he’s working on, I was like. I was like, oh, man, no, you should, you know, be more nuanced with it or whatever. It’s like, that’s my style. That’s why I’m not as well known as he is. You know, there’s a connection to that movie with what’s going on with Back to the Future, time traveling, and even Donnie Darko. It just seems to be a big connection.
And I think that Southland Tales is connected to the whole thing as well. Right. Well, there’s two sections to the Zohar Prophecy, and the first one is much smaller than the other and almost reads, like, fanatical. If you look at it in today’s terms, like, even though Israel isn’t a nation until well into the future, its treatment of it is like, Israel act mightily and all this stuff. Whereas the second section is much more long. It’s much longer, more in depth. And then you have the commentary to boot, that really explains it from Ramakrishna. And so that’s that.
Like, I don’t know if what I transcribe with the commentary has ever been transcribed into English by anybody else. Like, I know that his other work, the Parties, Ferrari Garden of Pomegranates has been transcribed. But that. Those sections that we put together, like, I don’t. I don’t know. So, like. But there’s a. There’s a strong case that, like, you’d look at, like, the Wachowskis, or however you pronounce it. Like. Like certain people, like, I think they were privy to the first section, that’s my guess. And that they. They took that to, you know, mean whatever it meant for them.
And, you know, so it’s. It’s. It’s all really complicated, you know, but so. So I was struggling at a certain point after Joe had gone to Israel, after he was in Santa Cruz for a season playing basketball here, and I was having computer trouble, and I was like. And I had my account with Vimeo terminated for copyright stuff, which has been the bane of my existence, is navigating. Yeah, my Vimeo got removed because they said I was, as a Jewish person, anti Semitic, Because I said that the worst kind, the worst sign there is. I said the Third Reich was created through secret societies, the Thule Society.
So I got removed from there. Right. I even argue that Walt Disney had a huge part in bringing back the Third Reich. Right. Oh, my God. And totally. And so Joe, actually, he. He got me a computer so I could continue to do my film stuff. And so, like, at the time, I was in a difficult spot and he helped me out. And so for this reason, because of Alan Abidesa Green and. And, you know, the different people at the. At the Sync book, like, at the beginning of almost every film that I do now, I remember to put in, like, it says, it’ll say the Sync.
A syncbook production at the beginning. And it’ll say Apophenia Productions, because that’s Joe’s deal. So, like, I was just like, Joe helped make it possible. They gave me a platform, so I’m kind of just like acknowledging them at the beginning of my videos. So. But. But yeah, I think we’re gonna. We’re gonna. Oh. Oh, yeah. So. And then his idea was if he got me this computer, would I do a sequel to his film? So his film is like ten minutes long or something. I made the seven and a half hour long sequel that came from the idea of, like, when 2001 A Space Odyssey came out, the tagline was the ultimate trip.
And so I wanted to make, like, a film collage that was, like, done like Kubrick’s thing where it’s like, you don’t explain everything to somebody. You encourage them to figure it out for themselves. You leave everything in plain sight enough using Synchronicity. So I basically, like. I. Yeah, it appears in all these places online. I don’t even know, like, different people will share it in other places too. It trips me out sometimes. Like somebody put it on archive. Look at this. Probably the best movie title ever. Oh, wow. I didn’t. I don’t read the rest of the review.
I haven’t read this review. Yeah, okay. So far. But yeah, I wanted to make a movie that you could drop acid at, you know, and just like, it’ll carry you through the whole trip. So it’s done, like, in a format of the film, even though it’s seven and a half hours long. So it has like a building and it has an intermission and it like. It. Yeah, it kind of culminates at the end and has this big delivery. So. Yeah. Wow. Between this wine cough fire and the MGM grand fire, what. What are the fires matter? And all this.
So these were the two biggest hotel fires in United States history. And this is. This is pretty. Pretty complex stuff. So, like, the Weinkopf Hotel was in Atlanta, Georgia. And the. They had, like, new rules that were put in for, like, when you built a hotel after that fire because there was no fire escapes and all these people died due to it. This is brick. Brick building, you know. And so the second biggest hotel fire happened the day and year of a release of a film called the Visitors. So this is really, like. This is complex.
This is layered. But the film, the Visitors, that came out that day and year pivots around the location of the first biggest hotel fire in Atlanta, Georgia. So the movie’s filmed in Atlanta and it has all of this, like, super, like. Like, if you know what you’re looking at, really direct references to the thing. And so I actually. It doesn’t. I’ll show this in. Sorry, Cassandra. This is more like things that have come up for me, like, after the fact. But I. I get. I have indication that Orson Welles was actually involved in the production of this movie, the Visitors, using that he had gotten from a Saudi prince that he also used for a film called the Other side of the Wind, which wasn’t released until relatively recently by Netflix, that, like, he basically spent all this guy’s money and didn’t give him any return.
And he pissed him off. And so I actually, at this point, I theorized that the MGM grand fire was actually a. A reaction from him pissing off the Saudis. Because, I mean, even with the Las Vegas event connected to The. The Saudis with the helicopters. I’m not sure if you dive deep into that event, but this took place on the 33rd parallel. The WeincoP hotel fire and the MGM fire in Paradise. I believe paradise is on the 33rd parallel as well. That’s right. Both connected. Both of these fires on the same line. Charging. The director of this film, the Visitors, was.
Went by as a pseudonym for this particular film was Michael J. Paradise. And so the fire took place in Paradise, Nevada. There’s all of his other stuff. Was not shot anywhere near the same way. It’s all Italian. And this has, like, Shelly Winters and, like, John Houston and like, all of this, like, big. And the way that it’s directed and everything, it actually, like, it doesn’t. Nothing else the guy has done comes anywhere near it. So it’s. It’s totally nuts. Wow. Well, also, like, a lot of films that the mafia produces is just, you know, to make it, like, a flop.
That’s what I learned when I went to film school, that you could get hired by the Mafia to make a film. You’ll get paid, but it won’t really get distribution and you won’t get your name into credit. Yeah. So everything will be, like, fake. Like, you get your name in the credit, but it’s just like. It’s all fake. You don’t get your own name in it, though. So it’s just like. And it just used the money launder as well. So I wonder if there was some. Some stuff like that. But the Saudi connection is interesting. Right.
And it connects to 911 in crazy ways, too, because there’s a side to all this stuff. So, like, for me, I would make the argument like, I don’t know it all. I’m really into Webster Tarpley, so. Or I have been like, he’s been my favorite 911 researcher. Did you see the number of deaths at the Weincop hotel? It says 119, which is like, dude, if you. If you. So if you watch. Sorry, Cassandra, I misunderstood. Everything predicts 9 11. It lays out all of that. The number of deaths as it relates to Gematria. Every single Hebrew word that corresponds to the.
Like, it just goes on and on and on. So I’m. I’m linking. I’m letting these two events speak to them, to each other on their own. Kind of like, it’s like. It’s just this web. Lay it out all in plain sight. I expect. Like, my treatment of making this film was like, what if I just expect the most of my Audience intelligence wise, like, if they could. We’re paying that much attention what they could put together. So I don’t narrate it. I just let it speak unto itself. It’s based on a. On a Kubrick quote, you know, where he’s basically like the least enjoyable way to present something artistically is.
Is. Is. You know, and right here on the. On the website, I got pulled up here. Paranoid. Unless you’re already there on the. On the pictures. But, like, even the secret society symbol of the Knights Templar Double Cross of Lorraine is like, right. Right there in the. Totally. Yeah. I don’t know what this is. Jumping out of a window. Somebody jumped out of a window. Yeah, People were jumping out of the building. Yeah. This is the wine, coffee, fire. I can tell. So this is the fire. And right there you got the Cross of Lorraine just like jumping off the balcony in a sense, just like the MLK that took place at Lorraine Hotel on the balcony.
I mean, that’s crazy right there. I’ve never heard of this fire. Right. So the Visitor and the Visitors came out right around the same time. So the ABBA produced their last album called the. The Visitors in, I believe it was in November of 1981. Thereabouts. Yeah. So. But, yeah, so it’s. There’s. There’s high weirdness because that album screams to the. The Visitors film. So the. The Vi. The Visitors. The Visitor was originally called the Visitors when it was. So the early posters for it say the same thing as the ABBA album. And so it’s. This is.
So. I. I didn’t. I wasn’t expecting we’d go. I thought we’re going to talk about Kubrick stuff. We still could, but this. We’re doing everything, so. How so, Guys, there’s Hal Craig. I don’t know if you guys have ever heard of Hal Craig before, but he was a. He. He. He wrote Waterloo, which was. So Kubrick was working on a Napoleon film for the longest time that never came to fruition. So he dropped that project. So I actually went to. Went to the archives in. In London and Elephant and Castle, like, for all Kubrick’s boxes. Like, looking.
Looking through everything that he had on Napoleon and Aryan papers and AI and all these unfinished projects, you know, And I wanted to find anything I could that explained why he dropped Napoleon beyond, you know, the. The stated explanation that it would be too expensive because if you go through what he was saying that it would cost him, it’s not really anything that tremendous. And actually. So Dino De Laurentiis Produced his film Waterloo. Like, I think production started for it three months after K dropped his. And so there’s a subtext that exists within Waterloo that screams of Stanley Kubrick.
So, like, what he did with his subtext with Dr. Strangelove actually shows up throughout Waterloo where there’s this kind of, like, thing going on between the Duke of Wellington and Napoleon that’s, like, super homoerotic. So, like, you know, you’re probably familiar with that letter that Kubrick responded to with Dr. Strangelove where he said the whole thing was a sexual allegory. So he said that from the beginning to the end, Kubrick said this. So, like, when you see that they’re fueling the plane at the beginning in midair, that’s actually supposed to be a. It’s communicating. So you get the idea.
I’m sorry, I’m kind of all over the place. But, like, so that the ending of Dr. Strangelove is actually like a big orgasm. And the whole thing is about sexual repression. And so it’s. It’s frustration between Russia and America as though they were like, you know, had this kind of dance going on that they’re going to get it on. And then the explosion at the end is that they finally do. So this is admitted what’s going on right now with the. With the leftist and the. And Trump. They all say F. Trump, ftg. And also the other one says fjb.
Right. They all want to F each other, and then there’s going to be this explosion. The orgasm, right? Yeah. Like in Back to the Future. Why? It says CRM114 on the device at the beginning. When he gets blown up by the speaker, it shoots. It shoots him back. You know, and that’s. No, they’re referencing Dr. Strange left. That’s the bomb code for the bomb. So the same symbolism actually connects. There’s actually a. There’s a video that. That Joe Alexander made that he never released that shows Kabbalistically all this stuff in Back to the Future with. As a sexual allegory.
So he. That CRM that you just mentioned, too, is. Doesn’t that come up in other Kubrick movies? Isn’t. Well, yeah, the serum is 114 in A Clockwork Orange, which is tying back to the same thing. See, like, CR114 versus CRM114. Sorry, Cassandra, misunderstood. Everything predicts 911. Like, it’s. It’s to the beginning of the movie. There’s actually a trick that you can do with the three Back to the Future movies. If you let their lightning that when the lightning flash happens at the clock tower. If you align the lightning flash in all three films when it, when it happens and you see what plays out, what continues.
So there’s a trick you can do with like, so I don’t, you know, like in Back to the Future three, when, when Doc sees Marty at the beginning of the film and he like freaks out and falls back onto a piano, there’s a trick you can do with the, with the lightning flash so that to figure out the timing of this, where it makes it so that when Marty gets blown back from the speaker in Back to the Future one, it actually falls exactly in unison with when, when Doc freaks out when he sees Marty. So like the two, it’s like they’re, they’re parallel to each other in a really crazy way.
But so, so the scene where the lightning hits the watchtower on all three, that you freeze frame it and like you overlap it and it’s connected. I let all films play simultaneously and see, see what happens around them before and after that. And the way that they, they. Yeah, the way that they connect. It’s, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s a puzzle. I’m pretty sure it was, I don’t know how it couldn’t be intentional actually. I mean you’re like invested millions and millions, billions of billions of dollars into film. You got the military involved with it. It’s like high level control mechanism.
They’re not going to let little tiny things slip. And then you think of this micro macrocosm of this film that everyone watch becomes the, the mythos of our lives, of our generation. From Teletubbies to Back to the Future. These different like religious undertones, like Teletubbies got the sun right, so they’re like worshiping soul in a sense. And then you got all these different movies and TV shows. It, it seems to me when you talk about synchronicity, like syncing is this organic or is this God or is this man manipulated or what’s your thoughts? Both are, both are happening at the same time.
So like basically and, and, but it’s, it’s hard as like when you go into it to know where the actual line is. So it becomes this kind, it becomes vague at certain points and that’s kind of where the mysticism is, is in how the two meet. And I don’t think like a lot of this stuff like especially with the album film pairing stuff that if there is intention behind it, that it’s as mechanical as people would think. Because it’s like some. If something’s that on point, like, just having the intention to do something goes so much further than, like, most people would realize.
So, like, you know, and when it comes to fine tuning, tweaking something after the fact, like, because things already kind of do that, so if you just take it a step, it doesn’t take as much to take it further so that, you know, and you’ll have these kind of these really profound winks that come through if you’re really paying attention. And with a lot of this stuff, like, I don’t want to tell people ahead of time, you know, like. Like, what to look for. Like, I want them to have that insight, go on their own journey.
Yeah. To see it. Yeah. But it also people. It speaks, I’ve noticed, to different people looking at different things. So, like, it’s just like a journey people are on. Yeah. You know. Yeah. There’s. There’s confirmations sometimes that are. That are so uncanny and so ridiculous that I can’t. You know, sometimes I gasp, you know, like, I. You caught it. Wink. Is that like God winking at you? Like, yo, what a player. It could be. It could. It could be. Either way. That’s what I. That’s what I. That’s a causal. And that’s. That’s what Jung was pointing at, was this.
This principle. And it’s an organic, profound. Like, it’s. It’s an intelligent. That’s intelligence that surpasses our own. But then at the same time, you have people who are basically participating in this and pushing things in a certain direction as artists. And so the two actually come together in this strange way, you know? So. Yeah. Yeah. I call them God shots. That. It’s like just God saying, hello, people. It happens to everybody, and everybody’s on like, it’s wild. Yeah. Well, I promise we will get into Kubrick, and I think a cool part of that is that we’ve been doing these live streams every night, mostly because Donut and I have dropped the freaking Illuminati comic.
And it’s doing outstanding. We’re at over 30, 000 raised so far in two weeks. We’re halfway there. Oh, man. We only got 13 days to go. Make sure you got 13 days to go. And really, tonight, it’ll be awesome. We could just get the 475 if we could just get five people to back. You can back it for as little as just a dollar if you just want to donate. But then we also have a five dollar tier that you’ll get the digital version all in color. You’ll get a video that me and Donut do going through page by page explaining everything.
And. And I think. I don’t know if it’s still on the table. Are you still offering the. The Donuts. Words of encouragement. I forgot the name of the. The album you were talking about. Yeah, I’ll put out my Donuts Manifestation, current encouragement, meditation, hypnosis, mixtape. If we get it at the 33, 000 mark by in the next two hours. And what’s. What’s. We got two more hours left is that after. After this Illuminati comic is done and after the artist finishes the new Chaos Twins issue two, he’s gonna immediately start on the comic that me and David have been working on, which is another chick track.
But it basically drops all of this Kubrick symbolism and it relates it to the golden bow. I don’t know how much we want to get into the golden bow. That’ll just be a whole entire episode. Maybe that’s the thing. Like any of these topics, I’m like, that’s why I’m talking to, like, can you just go ahead and summarize the entire golden bow for us? Oh, my God, go. Well, that’s what we’re trying to do with the comic is like, how do you condense something that’s so dense and so complicated and just give, like, the bullet points to it, you know, What a name too.
The Magic, Art and Evolution of Kings. That is the. Probably the greatest summary of what the golden bow is. Although that’s one. Yeah, this is. Yeah, this is just volume one out of, like, a huge ginormous series. What is a. So the bow is referring to a branch in a. In what was a sacred tree in a place called Nemi that translates as Diana’s mirror. And what Frazier from Cambridge Anthropologists. What he postulated was that this. These archetypes that were involved in this ritual that was done way back when, that it, like, basically plays out through time.
And so this is why Kubrick was known to be obsessed with this book, is because he saw this something from anthropology, not in a mythological sense, but in something that’s actually playing out in the world today. And so you’d pull the A. Somebody had to meet certain qualifications. They had to be a complete outsider from the kingdom, and they would pull this branch from the sacred tree, and all these people would come together to watch it. The branch is symbolic of both the king’s phallus and the King’s daughter. So by him pulling that branch, the king is essentially already dead.
Like, he’s challenging the king and it’s, it’s spelling out the king’s doom. So the king sometimes would even kill himself. So that’s where we get the symbolism of the suicide king. Or he would, you know, die in combat with this outsider. And so this is where you also get like, you know, the spring man and like the green man was very referred to as. So he, he is, he fulfills this archetype where you’re bringing new growth to the kingdom through. Through sacrifice. So the kingdom is viewed as one with this tree. Symbolically, they’re like, they’re connected.
So the idea is, is like if the, the health of the king is symbolically tied to the health of the kingdom. So if you have a sickly leader, that denotes that the kingdom itself is in a sickly state. And so they, ancient people wanted to align the dynamics of the kingdom with what they saw in nature and the seasons. And so basically this is a pruning back of the tree to allow the kingdom to continue to thrive. Because if they just let it keep growing and growing and growing on its own through greed and whatever, then eventually it’ll destroy itself.
This also has to do with incest. So they needed to bring in new blood. So they can’t just keep it in the family indefinitely because you end up with people like George W. Or the queen, you know, you gotta. You gotta keep it, keep it going, you know, so it’s ambitious because. Because the golden bow is incredibly complex. Kubrick’s a complex. And we were like, hey, let’s just cover both of those in like 50 pages. Go. Right? Yeah. So, yeah. And then. And then looking at Bohemian Grove as a reversal of this traditional ceremonial act. So what we see at Bohemian Grove is.
Appears to be. Have every indication of being a celebration of. Instead of killing the king, killing that outsider fool that would go and challenge the king. And then, you know, being like, we got another year in power, mid summer sets us free, you know, so, yeah, it’s really. It’s a hubris of man. So. Yeah. All right, so, David, like the tree thing, it goes deep, right? Like the tree alive. The tree. The Yigas tree or whatever. Yes, I ever say that. So this tree symbolism goes. Goes way deep too. And that’s wild. I never knew about that book and how advanced like these directors and producers are.
They’re making these high level pieces of art, you know, and now it seems to be like, so corrupted. Like, I Don’t think. I don’t know. The new movie Wicked just came out. I don’t know how advanced they are with the Golden Bough, or are they just reading the Theosophy of Helen Blavatsky and just utilizing that in the films, you know? Well, keep in mind that Kubrick was very, very anti Hollywood. And as far as I’m concerned, Spielberg was more of his enemy than he was his friend. And there’s a lot of indicators of that. And even when you look at interviews with Spielberg about Kubrick, even though he did AI, I don’t think Kubrick ever intended for Spielberg to do AI and what he did with it making into a family film where the original conception of it was absolutely terrifying.
It was. Kubrick do a little bit of AI before he died, like, the first, like, 15 minutes or so. Well, he had people working for him that were basically coming up with conceptions based on what he was feeding them. So he would. He had these kind of premises that he wanted them to build off of so they could bring something together. And so there’s actually three different screenplays that were working towards that end. And so, like, I’ve read a good portion of those in the. In the archives or what I was able to. But the notes from Kubrick on those are nuts.
There’s Kabbalah stuff where he talks about the homoculus and all kinds of things where he’s like. And he’s distinguishing between what AI is in relationship to the homunculus. So he’s like, no, this isn’t like this in these specific ways. So, like, and it’s crazy because, like, I. Me and a friend of mine, like Patrick Svec and my old podcast, like, we used to discuss these things, like, just super. In a speculative way. And as in regards to how, like, where you would write. What is it that you know this, Thomas, what you write on the forehead? Met.
A met. So, yeah, golem. A met. Yeah. On the golem, you write. You write a mat, which is truth. And then once you’re done with it, once it’s. The golem has done what you want it to do for you, then you remove the olive and you get met, which is the Hebrew for death. So you’re going from truth to death. And so, like, we trip out on that in relationship to hal, when they shut down hal, is this, like, the golem thing where you shut the thing down? Well, I found in Kubrick’s own writing references to this exact thing in the.
The workings for AI before Spielberg ever touched it. And so it’s like to explain to the guy who’s writing it for him how AI is distinct from this idea of the golem. So like the kid in it, the Sixth Sense kid, he’s in the new film Blink Twice. I don’t know if you’ve seen that movie yet. Blink Twice, really good. It. It. It’s by Zoe Kravitz, Lenny Kravitz’s daughter, I believe. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And she’s exposing through the film, the Diddy parties. And you got this kid from the AI in the Sixth Sense, you know, as the star in it.
And he even. Yeah, I don’t know. This was a good movie too. I would check it out. I bet you you could like, think it to like Lenny Kravitz album or something. Or a Puff Daddy album. Oh, wow. Yeah, actually, that. Both of those are great ideas, actually. I don’t know if I. Yeah, that’s the thing is that with sync films, like album film stuff, like, I’ll end up being exposed to both films and albums that I gent. Sometimes in certain cases that I wouldn’t listen to on my own. So are the. So those albums that you were showing that you wouldn’t want to listen to? Because I saw like, yeah, like, listen to most cases of that.
Like, I wouldn’t have at a certain time in my life, I wouldn’t have like, ever. Like, I still wouldn’t just like, put on a Lady Gaga album and be like, oh, I’m gonna clean the house and listen to Lady Gaga. But in the context of a sync film, there’s places where I’m like, this is freaking amazing. Like, if you play Metropolis with the fame monster, it’s phenomenal. And like, I don’t relate to the thing in the same way in this context that I otherwise would. If that makes sense. Like it’s. It’s qualitatively different. You know what I mean? Like, well, we’re coming up on Thanksgiving tomorrow and they do the Macy’s Day Parade.
And something I’ve noticed with the Green Man, I think he did like a mixture of Green man and Green Day and something right there. I don’t know, I could be tripping. I just heard you say green man and I saw a Green Day. Well, Jim Carrey’s always been the Green man repeatedly. The Riddler, the mask, the Grinch. Like, he just does this thing. Yeah. So they got the Green Jolly Giant and they. That goes on the Macy Day Parade and it’s this Green man agriculture. Like, God. And I’ve shown some pictures of it, how it’s ritualistic, like the way that they build a lot of the stuff around that green man.
So this is going to be interesting. I. I might. I might stream the Macy Day Parade tomorrow, y’all. You know, I mean, like, just because it’s an interesting credit card, you know. Macy’s. That’s Macy’s, right? Macy’s, like, that’s a credit card company, people. Yeah, yeah. JCPenney’s isn’t a. An outlet that sells clothes. What they sell is interest and credit cards. So, like, that same thing with Macy’s. That’s the business model. So it’s. It’s gonna be fun to watch that, I guess. I don’t know. What’s your thoughts on that? Sinking Macy Day Parade with West side Connection? Oh, man, I don’t know.
There’s definitely something classic about just that parade, I guess. You got. I’m. I’m just. I’m. If I visualize it, I see Snoopy, a giant inflatable Snoopy in my mind. I don’t know if Snoopy’s been there every year or if that’s just old or whatever, but. Snoop Dogg, Yeah. Snoop Dogg was at the Olympics. So, you know, he’s important to the US The. The mind of the masses of the world. Because, like, that would be interesting, too, to see the sink of a ritual like that. A ritual of the Olympic ceremony or even though they’re already playing music at the Super Bowl.
Right. But, yeah, that. Well, you know, Snoopy started all with war. So the first Snoopy book is. I mean, he was a veteran, right? The guy who did Snoopy, Schultz, whatever, Peanuts. So that it started with Snoopy where he was fighting the Red Baron, right? And, like, he gets, like, shot down and he’s going through the war zone and that, like, that was the first Peanuts thing, was this Snoopy war story. And so, like, even, like, if you watch Full Metal Jacket, you know, you’ll see Snoopy up there in their press room, you know, when they’re coming up with it.
And Charlie, you know, they’re fighting char. You know, Charlie’s out there, so. Oh, that’s right. Yeah. And Charlie don’t surf because Charlie Manson wrote songs for the Beach Boys, but he didn’t surf. Neither did the Beach Boys, for that matter. So what the hell? I’m glad, actually, you bringing up surf reminded me something I wanted to ask you. Your. Your impression on this. And it kind of relates to Kubrick and Golden Bow and syncretism and all of These things, not syncretism, but like just, you know, the syncing of all these movies and whatever. But, but you kind of answered before that it’s a combination of the world kind of just having these patterns built in and then maybe some people orchestrating or being able to use them in some way.
Does this analogy work that if you were to go to the beach every day and saw someone just like shredding waves non stop, and over time thinking like, oh, not only are they really good surfer, but they’re creating those waves like they’re creating the environment in which they’re sort of thriving and making their living off of. And people start to convince themselves that it’s like an all in one shop. Like, oh, that surfer is clearly making the waves too. Not realizing that what the surfer is really doing is knows like when a wave is about the form, like senses the patterns in the environment and then uses that to their ability.
And it’s, it’s just like, you know, combination process. It’s not just, it’s a perfect algorithm without the wave, and it’s not just a wave without the surfer. It’s both of them working in unison. Right? That’s exactly it. So there’s, there’s actually an old kabbalistic allegory in that way where there’s two guys that build structures and people go, I’m trying to condense this, but yeah, people go up to the first guy and they’re just like amazed by what he built. And they’re like, wow, what did you build? You know, like, this is incredible. And the guy’s like, no, actually I just see these, these patterns in nature and I’ve documented them and then I’ve recreated them to the best of my ability.
But what I’m building is absolutely nothing compared to what it is that I’m, I’m modeling them after. Like, look at that, you know, like what we exist within. And they’re like, oh, okay. And then there’s like, they go to the other guy who built structures and so they’re like, oh, wow, this is an incredible structure. And he’s like, oh, thank you. You know, it’s like, that’s why we are in the smart cities and away from the pattern of nature and like the Fibonacci sequence and seeing how that works, seeing how waves work, being connected to that, we are like, at least me, I live in a smart city.
So it’s just all just grid, crappy buildings, like, you know what I mean? And it’s like right in nature. I’m like in the desert words like beautiful nature, but they just covered it up with. With cement and right. Tear down to paradise and put up a parking lot. But they’re distinct, but they’re not separate. So that’s like kind of the point of like Darren Aronofsky’s pie, you know, where he’s like, you know, I love that movie. There’s patterns everywhere in nature. Like, and if you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge. Mathematics is the language of nature, you know, so where is that actual line between our goings on, which we relate to as kind of like chaos, and the intelligence that exists in the patterns that we can observe in nature? So the like, that’s kind of what synchronisticism is, is an acknowledgment that there’s an intelligence in the things of our goings on that we.
We can distinguish ourselves from what we. What we emerge from, but we’re not ultimately separate, and we can find signs of that. So that’s the real sink wink that I think, like, Jung would speak to, where it’s like, where it’s literally shining through. But then you’re also, like, going, like. A lot of us come to sync, especially in the online synchronistic community that I’ve been a part of. A lot of us have come to this through conspiracy theory. Because if you keep digging and digging into conspiracy theory, you know, and you go into, like, what’s his name, James Shelby Downer, who did like, the King kill thing, which is a little, you know, big biggity, whatever, but, like, you go.
You go to a certain place and you’re like, wait, this isn’t even. Like, how do you even explain this? What would it take for, like, these people to, like, take it to this level of ritual, you know, like. And that’s where I think you see you, You. You discover, if you keep going with it is specific places where you can see how they’re merging, where it’s like, there’s. Nature takes over, where the two come together, and that’s really, like. That’s, you know, like Perusian Prakriti. That’s like the. The triangles face the opposite way that are ones laid on top of the other.
You know, like, there’s like a. There’s like the point in the center of transcendence to get to the other side. So there’s no way around. You got to kind of go directly through, you know, one’s own mortality to get to that transcendent place. You know, there’s no Workaround, you know, if you Think King Kill 33 is a little bit wild, I don’t know if I’m sure you’ve read his Carnivals of Life and Death. Have you read this one before? I haven’t read that, but, dude, actually, I brought it up myself, but, like, I was listening to the recordings of him that I didn’t know that I had until recently.
Like, I got them years ago. I don’t know if you’ve heard those, but, like, I got. Like, I have. No. Now I need to. Well, this book was the inspiration for me to start doing comic books at all. I really read this book and I thought, this is so insane. There’s no way any of this is possible. Not a single claim that could have been in that book was possible. He was saying that Alexander Graham Bell was this nudist, and he was running around Jekyll island shouting like a madman, doing, like, Indian war across a little, like, Hollywood Babylon, you know? But, yeah, it was.
Yeah, it was like a Hollyw Babylon kind of thing. But then I started doing just, like, some random research and found out that Alexander Graham Bell was absolutely one of the strongest advocates of nudity on his time period. He was in all these books about being a nudist and that. I read the autobiography of Thomas Watson, the guy that worked with Alexander Gram Bell, and he also said that every time Alexander Gram Bell had some kind of big discovery, he would run around doing these Indian war chants. Like, that was the way that he expressed just his energy, like, all penned up and, like, celebrating.
And the more and more I read about all the crazy claims that James Shelby Downard had in his weird books, I was like, oh, my God, the. Even if it’s all, like, just stitched together with, like, a fictional story behind it, the key points were so over the top and true that now I, like, the guy was a prophet in my mind. Like, he kind of knew what he was doing by sprinkling a little bit extra on top. But he did it so masterfully. Well, he was on one. You know, it’s like Cooper with the Behold a Pale Horse, where you have.
But, like, he’s very relatable to him. But, like, if you were to look at somebody like Zacharias Sitchin or, like I mentioned, like, Kenneth Anger, who did Hollywood Babylon. Like, to me, like, I don’t know, like, this is all speculative, but I get the sense that these people were actually doing this as kind of like a. Like a service to, like, because everyone knew that weird was going on in like, in Hollywood, right? But it’s like. Like, when it comes to Kenneth Anger, so it’s like. And everyone knew that there was weird going on with what the Catholic Church had access to in terms of all the Sumerian stuff.
So it’s like, I think that these. These people. There were certain people that were kind of like, they. They were real disinformation agents because they knew that people were going to catch on to certain things eventually. So in the service of these organizations, they put it all together, and they include a lot of disinfo throughout the mix. So, like, I wouldn’t say that about James Shelby Downer. Like, I think he was literally just on one. Like, he wanted to know, but, like, at. But for. And he. He had his own proclivities, you know what I mean? But when it comes to, like, Zacharias Sitchin, I think that was totally working for either the church directly or maybe through Loose’s trust or something, where they were like, we want to, like, muddy the waters.
You know what I mean? Like, so that when people go. And people will dismiss something because they’ll go, oh, well, that’s just Zacharias Sitchin’s weird trip. You know, that’s just disinfo. And they’ll throw it out, just. And I. I don’t think, like, Kenneth Anger doesn’t seem like somebody to me who would care if people just saw him as. As disinfo. They’re like, he’s just like, oh, I’m just like, he’s gonzo, right? Like, he’s just like, oh, what does it matter? You know? It’s just a bunch of, you know. But, hey, that surfer didn’t make that wave.
That’s kind of what it is. My. My friend Pukey Pete at Horrible Home Video, he sinks comedy and horror together. Not video, but art. So he did one piece of art that was amazing. That was the. The Muppets, right? But with puppet master. So it’d be kind of cool to think some, like, master of puppets, Metallica with the Muppets movie. That would be sick, too, you know? I love it. I love it because a lot of this is fun. Like, some of my sinks that are actually, like, have a level of profundity that I wouldn’t have anticipated came about just through me being like, like, well, that’s funny, you know? Like, I see a resonance somewhere, and I’m like, well, what happens? I just run the experiment, you know, because you don’t know until you.
Until you see it. So sometimes I’d be like, Something just do. Doing it as a joke because it’s a funny thing. And then I’m like, wait a minute. Wait a minute though. Actually, did he really just say that in relationship. Wait. Oh, no. And it’ll. Sometimes it’ll just stack up and then it’ll reach a crescendo and I’m just like, okay. Really? What the. But yeah, yeah, I. I do these things with symbolism in. In world events. And like, I got. I got this camcorder right here. So like, I think like, the 2023 is the year the rabbit, right? And then the rabbit is connected to the aliens.
All alien films showcase the rabbit connected to the ufo. And there’s a rabbit on the moon. First person abducted was Bugs Bunny, you know, by Marvin the Martian. And all these synchronicities of Area 51 or the Illuminati being founded on 5:1. And on 5:1, that’s when the aliens landed in Las Vegas for the year of the rabbit on 2023. So those predictions were right. Or the future gazing of the Economist magazine. In this magazine, all it talked about was the importance of the UFOs. And so, like, I got like all these different articles and streams throughout the years of just looking at a symbol, like the USB symbol in the trident.
And you know, we were just talking about. Doesn’t it 10. It does look like Shin put one in. You know? You know what I’m saying? You know I’m saying put one in. If y’all don’t know what that means. That’s the game dreidel. If you land on Shin, you gotta put one in. But isn’t that interesting how it’s like the squid games, PlayStation controllers. Like, how many times have we looked at these things or use these words of streaming video like a stream. We’re surfing the Internet like it’s. It’s water. And this is the. The probably the most recent sink that I’ve been going over for a while is on Elon and the Omega.
And he was just wearing the omega chain and him being L, writing in Hebrew. L. Right. Well, his name means tree. Was tree fragrance or something. It’s musk. Right? It means oak tree. Oh, if it means oak tree, then that’s crazy because I was just talking about the golden bough, which is an oak tree. Right. And so like, the oak tree has been so important. I believe that’s where the. The. The okay symbol comes from. The A. Okay. You know how people throw up that. I’m not even gonna throw it up because you get in Trouble throwing up the A.
Okay. Read into that one because it’s 666 though, right? A. Okay. Is oak. Yeah. A. Okay. Just an anagram for oak. Just like red Rum. Rum. Yeah, totally. Yeah. What’s your thoughts on the finger? Like. Like E.T. it’s a Jupiter finger. He does that. Like, it says 42 on his shirt right when he’s looking in the mirror. And the song that always plays whenever Danny has a vision in the Shining is actually called Jacob’s Ladder. So, like, the film Jacob’s Ladder actually seems to be taking the same subtext from the Shining, which is a Jack is dead.
So, like, if you’ve seen Jacob Slatter and the psychic lady is, like, looking at his palm and she’s like, well, according to this, you’re already dead. So Kubrick says this. He refers to it as an evil reincarnation cycle. You know, there was a reporter that had called Kubrick and that. That there was a recording of that communication where it gives the explanation for the end photo, you know, so he’s saying he’s been dead the whole time. So, like, it’s a Bordeaux of hell or something, you know? So it’s like he has to keep going through this thing, you know, like, it’s a different interpretation of reincarnation because it’s just like, you know, it’s like a dream or something, you know, or a nightmare, you know? But, yeah, so Jupiter.
You know that symbol, the alchemical symbol for Jupiter is an amalgamation of a 4 and a 2. Yeah, it’s the omega. Right? 24 letter omega. It was the original Olympics. Paris logo for 20. 24 was the symbol of Jupiter. And Elon is straight connected to Jupiter. Like, you can connect them straight to Jupiter. How. So I’m looking to see if I can find. So here’s the Paris. Jupiter symbol for Paris. Yeah, yeah, yeah, gotcha. Right. And then they changed it to this girl and like, the fire and the minds of men. And I think it’s the.
The Omega. Let me see if I could find the connection to Elon with Jupiter, because this was. Oh, here. I think this might. I think this might. Well, technically, everything relates to Jupiter. That’s kind of the point. But yeah, okay. One way or another. Well, I mean, you know that the thing with the 42, like, significance of 42, like, you could go on for days with it. But I mean, the. If you perceive a rainbow, you. That the angle at which light refracts water for you to perceive it is always at 42 degrees. Exactly. You’re probably hip to that.
Have you heard this one, too? Danny touches the doorknob of room 237. Exactly 42 minutes, then. Damn. There’s all these. There’s a list of 42s that. And that are presented throughout the Shining. Some of them check out, some of them don’t. I would have to check that one because I. So I. I used to repeat them and take them kind of for granted. They’ll be like, oh, Wendy swings the bat 42 times. Or this or that. And so, like, I had to go through the freaking movie. And it doesn’t always follow, but some of them do when they’re crazy, so.
Well, did you know that if you take the first word every 42 words and stitch those together. No. Give you, like, something really difficult task they have to check into. There’s examples of stuff like that I could from. Yeah, so. So Zeus is the king of the gods, the God of the sky. And that’s like Elon, right, With the starlink and the symbol of. Zeus is the planet Jupiter. Yeah. Or the oak tree. And that’s is Jupiter. Jupiter is the Roman version of Zeus, which is Greek. So just like Kronos is Saturn, Jupiter is. Right, right.
So they’re all playing out these different gods, and Biden is the bident, I believe he. There’s a lot of connections to that as well, with the. Are you into astrology at all? I have been, yeah. I mean, I. I paid attention to the trines, the sex styles, and the conjunctions and the squares for, like, many years, like, as they occurred, like, paying attention to where the moon was all the time. Like, you know, and there’s. There’s something. Things can come out of that if you. If. But it kind of requires a lot of attention and consistency, you know? Yeah, it’s hard to keep that up, you know, if you’re gonna go into it, you kind of have to give it everything, you know, You.
You brought up Zeus. I have to bring up. This is one of my favorite weird little threads that I ended up going down. And that’s that balls of Fawn, which is one of the many different gods that get amalgamated into just ball. When someone’s like, oh, they’re worshiping ball. Ball was lord, and lord meant a whole bunch of different ones. But all of the different ball gods kind of get squished into one big ball, and everyone just calls it that ball. But one of those balls was balls of Fawn. And Balzafan was named after Mount Saffin or Sapon.
I don’t Know how to pronounce it, all the different variations of it. But look, he was. He was related to all of these different balls. And apparently ball. Mount Zafon, where. Where Balzafon came from is the Hebrew word for north. That’s where it originally came from. But also in Greek mythology, this is where Zeus defeats Typhon on this mountain. So. So the mountain where Zeus comes from is called Mountains of Faun. And that. This is essentially the exact same. Or it gets through synchro. Actual syncretism, where the gods kind of merge with other ones, so totally becomes Zeus.
Right. So you know that. You know, we’ve been over this before, but the. The Masonic trinity of Jaw ball on. I might have to kill you for saying that. I’m sorry. Saying it out loud. Yeah. I would actually dissipate in front of you so you wouldn’t have to do anything to me. We’re in person. We’ll have to. We’ll have to sort this out. You know how people say. You know how they say we balling. Do you think they like. Right. But the on part of that trinity, that’s. That. That’s like a lot of these. This is key.
So, like, somebody told the guy who told me about this originally. I was like, probably 19 years old. This dude was like, I’ve run into him in town. He’s. He’s the happiest homeless guy I’ve ever met. He told me about the Masonic Trinity in the same conversation that he told me that his father worked for the CIA and that his. His father told him on his deathbed in Big Sur that that. That man who was at the time, who was just elected president, George Bush Senior, who’s an older guy, the George Bush Senior, that he helped kill Kennedy.
He was like, he didn’t pull the trigger, but that guy knows how to keep a secret. And they just. And he got moved to the head of the CIA because of his role in the Kennedy assassination. And this was before JFK 2 ever came out, that documentary that puts everything on George. George Senior, all this stuff, you know, so, like, I don’t know, man. Like, he also told me about this, but the. On part. See that there where it says strength. Oh, where was. Yeah, you just had it. Yeah, there you go. So. So this word in Hebrew, this is actually like idolatrous, right? This is.
It says strength, but like Oz is also strength. So like the wizard of Oz. The Oz part of the wizard of Oz is a Hebrew word for there’s two pillars to the kabbalistic tree And Solomon’s Temple, right. Joachim and Boaz, which translates literally as has established in strength. So the first pillar on the right is established. The pillar on the left is in strength. That word for strength is. Is denoted in Hebrew as the integrity of the universe. Right. But this word on is like a substitute version of that. So that would be the stone that the builders rejected, is that actual essential integrity, strength, thing that is godly.
Right. And this is the stone that’s put in its place in the interim while the clipo rule, for all intents and purposes, the tree during the fall. So we like the. The stages of the fall. It’s like a. It’s like a constriction that started way back when that it reaches a crescendo that’s basically, at some point, this is a prophecy in Judaism, will burst. That’s the jubilee. That’s the forgiving of all the debt. That’s the release of all the slaves. That’s our own evolution ultimately. Like, it’s an organic thing. It’s not something that we necessarily have to do.
What we do follows. Like, we. At any point, we could align ourselves with it. And that kind of relates to what I was saying earlier about the golden bow being. Like, we would have to align our systems with what we see in nature in order to allow the thing to thrive. Like, we always have that option. But if we don’t do that, then we get the bitter judgments. So, like, we could have sweet judgments. So, like, Gavora isn’t necessarily like, evil. Like, it’s not bad. It’s just like we experience it as severe as severity when we don’t align ourselves with what we actually see in nature.
Nature. So when we go against that through our hubris and our arrogance or whatever, then eventually it reaches a point where we’re going to be forced into it one way or the other. Like, we’re to be forced to align. That’s like all the communications around, like hell in. In traditional Judaism, it’s not like a punishment thing. It’s more like the flu. It’s like if you live a certain way and you miss the mark, and you miss the mark, then eventually you’ll have to be straightened. So the word that’s used for hell is the same word that’s used for, like, straightening a blade and heat, you know, so it’s like if you’ve gone out of alignment, you’re going to be put back into alignment.
So there’s no, like, eternity in hell. It’s a. It’s like a. A Place to put everything back in its. In its rightful order. Right. So, yeah, it’s just. So the thing with on is that. That’s actually Heliopolis. So like that last part of the Masonic Trinity. So that’s like the Ujot. It’s the freaking eye of raw. And it’s relating that there’s a substitute version of strength. Strength that is a. Is a space holder for the Shakina, which is the, you know, the feminine aspect of God, gets pushed to the bottom of the tree as Malkut. And in her place in the pathway of.
If you look, if you apply the tarot arcana to the Kabbalistic tree and you see where strength, the. Which would be Leo, where that, that. Where that aligns itself, that pathway is between Chesed and Gavorah. It’s between mercy and judgment. And so like that pathway is the top of the terrestrial pillars. When Philip Petit, that French guy, put that wire across the two towers and he walked across it, that was like straight up symbolism relating to the strength of the kingdom. Like those were Joachim and Boaz. Like, you know, because one tower was slightly taller than the other, they used the exact same ratio.
That was proven by a Scott Onstott who did Secrets in Plain Sight. He showed how the two towers are overtly modeled after Joachim and Boaz. That guy, for him, I don’t know if he did it consciously. I doubt it. That actually makes it more profound if he didn’t. But when he put that wire and walked across, that was a statement. That was the equivalent of pulling that golden bow. Because he’s challenging the kingdom by saying, I can go back and forth between these pillars, you know, because it’s like that is a. That’s the pathway. So, like, when was that? I don’t know what you’re talking about.
In 1972, I think. Yeah, yeah. So that was. So, you know, if you’ve seen Back to the future predicts 9 11, that’s the. That’s the basis of it is because he’s showing that. What’s his name, the director of Back to the Future. Come on. The high. It’s the tightrope between the Twin Towers. That’s what they’re calling it. On August 7, which is around that helical rising, that important date of August 10th and the day centering upon it as well. So it’s like he’s doing that. That’s why. Yeah, that’s. That was wild. Yeah. So that’s his film.
So that’s the CU in 30 years. You see I’m sure most people here have seen Back to The Future predicts 911 on YouTube, but, I mean, that was. That was the kicker. And so he did man on a Wire was the documentary about that guy. It was called man on a Wire. And then Leonard Cohen did Bird on a Wire. If you watch, like, the Walk, like, the girl is, like, playing, like, Leonard Cohen Suzanne in there. Like, there’s like. So I have a sync with. With Leonard Cohen’s popular Problems and the walk, that’s just like.
It’s. It. It blew my mind at the time. So I. I have that up with, like, the volume in between all the vocals. It’s like this whole, like, cinematic. It’s very meta, you know. Oh, what do you got? That’s wild that he walked over. Whenever people call me out, I’m supposed to put the hat on, but I’m trying to be subtle about it. Oh, did somebody call you out? One or two. They think I’m a Mason for some reason. Oh, well, you are, are you not? You are a Freemason. No. Are you outing me in public? You’re allowed to ask if somebody’s a Free Freemason.
I thought that. There’s no outing of. Is that not. I thought to ask a mate to be a Mason. Ask a Mason. Am I supposed to. I’m supposed to do that in private, not in front of all these people. You know what? I’ve. I’ve. I don’t know all the rules. He has retracted his question. Okay, I was right about to answer, but since you’re retracting. Oh, I’m not going to answer out of respect. You know, that’s what I’m supposed to exude for Sagittarius is silence. And I’m. I’m really not good at it. I’ve. I’ve in. In my life, I’ve gone.
I’ve. I’ve had, you know, at least two years of complete silence. If you add them up. Like, I did five months one time, I did three months other times. Like, it’s. I’d write on a board because Baba Hari Das, my teacher, talking. You just don’t talk. Yeah, I did that for most of my life. On with the. Do you have a board where people. I just didn’t talk. Like. Like, I don’t know how old I was. I just didn’t talk. I was just like, forever. Like, I. I was known as, like, the. The guy that just didn’t talk.
And then. And then I started to talk and I was like, man, this is kind of fun. Yeah. Talking. Now I can’t stop talking. What age was that? What was. What age was the. The talking? I was never talking ever, Ever. Like, my whole life I just didn’t talk. I didn’t like my voice too, you know, insecure, kind of. Maybe as a kid because I got a distinct kind of voice. And what happened was. And then you start smoking weed and then you really don’t talk. Like, you just sit there quiet. Right. And then I think it was when one of my uncles helped me mentor me on how to like, do like, business and stuff like that, you know, that I saw him talking and I was like, wow, that’s so cool.
This guy can just talk to anybody. And it was so confident. And then I started reading books on, like, John C. Maxwell and like, just. Just talking. And I just got into it. No, no. And I lived in California. I think the. I think California switched it up because I think you have to talk in California. Plastic exposure therapy. Yeah. Yeah. Just to make it in life, you gotta be like, talking. Yeah, dude. I can. I can relate. I was deaf until the age of two. Like two and a half, thereabouts. Something like that. They did.
They put tubes in my ears because my. My canals were sealed field. So, like my whole first part of my life was just. Was. I was deaf. You remember it at all? I have like a vague. Like. Yeah, because I. I had an extreme speech impediment all through my elementary school. And like, even a bit, I had speech therapy, like, all the time. They got the stars. The stars? Yeah. What’s that? I don’t know. Oh, no. I went to speech class in school. Speech class. Stickers? Yeah. No, I was like, horrified when I saw the masking stuff that was happening with the.
Like that the kids had to wear masks. And I was like. It was such a nightmare for me, like, learning to speak later than other people. Like, because if you have that. Give that delay, you know, you’re. You’re still learning. Like when you’re like 1, 2 years old, you know, like, you’re. You’re acclimating and localizing yourself and everything. So to like, just not have that part, that sense going for that time and then all of a sudden to have that sense was like, you know, I. It was. It was a whole. It was a tricky thing.
Yeah. So you taking like bow of silence or something now? Years later, when I. I studied under Baba Hari Das for seven years and I traveled to India with him, I studied the yoga sutures of Patanjali as he was Basically putting a book together of them. So this was Ram Dass’s teacher. Not his guru, but his teacher. So he was silent for, I think, 60 years when I met him. So, and then, yeah, there he is. So, yeah, I, I studied under this guy, and he was a silent monk. And so I, I, that was what got me started on that.
So I first did, like, five months of silence and just write on a board. And then throughout my life, in, throughout my 20s, I would, I would ride on a board for different periods. The Illuminati comic, the 33, 000. Tonight I’ll do the Ball of Silence and only ride on the board. Board, Yeah. I wouldn’t have much of a podcast if I was still writing on a board, you know? No, you could do it. You could do it, right? You just throw the symbol. You’d be like, yeah. So what did you learn by doing the spouse silence? Is it worth it or is it like, what, what is the what? What did you learn from it? Well, for me, I, I didn’t know what I, what I would get out of it, you know, like, it wasn’t, it’s when I went to speak again, the first five.
After five months of total silence, the voice that I heard was. But first of all, my vocal cords were so relaxed. Like, even like now as I’m speaking, like, there’s a degree of tension, but it was just like breathing. It was like breathing words. And like, you know when people say, like, to, like, abracadabra, to create, to speak is to create that kind of thing. Like, I could really feel that happening. Like, the power of speech, you know, and also just that, you know, it’s not the normal kind of disassociation. Like, maybe it approaches something like ketamine, but it’s very natural in the way that I’m not my voice is the same thing as, like, I’m not my body.
Like, something can be an aspect of me, but it doesn’t like the way that we attribute so much to it and also being able to think in imagery. So, like, the vo, the voice, like, dropped away and more and more of my processing became, like, visual oriented. Like, like, I’m not, I, I, I didn’t have something to attach my personhood to in terms of my, that the vocal cord. So even, like, as I speak, you know, I don’t, I’m, I’m forever changed by those experiences, you know, and it’s not just them. It’s like, what I brought to them.
Like, that’s something that gets me like, even about, like, psychedelics and stuff. Like, sometimes it’s like people will treat it like, the same way. Like, oh, did you see this movie? Like, it’s just like a spectator thing when so much of it is malleable and what we bring to it, it. So like, something is what you make of this experience. So it’s not like, oh, did you do this drug? Oh, what does that drug do? It’s like you’re. It’s. It’s what you’re. How you’re relating to the thing determines so much of what that thing is. You know what I mean? Like, it only.
It only does so much for you. So, like, psychedelics are referenced in the yoga sutures of Patanjali as entheogens really directly. And the. The prescription or whatever, or the explanation is that that this will take you to a certain level of samadhi, this can assist you to a certain level of samadhi, but it doesn’t. Doesn’t do the thing for you. You know what I mean? Like, it’s just an aid that will only go so far. And so you’re like aspirants and yoga would be encouraged to do entheogens, but they wouldn’t be looking to those entheogens to make them, you know, to bring about the big revelation.
You know, it’s not there. It’s not through that. It’s just that’s. This has its role. Does that make sense? Totally. Yeah. Well, they’re usually seen as like. Like shepherds or guides in some way. Like, even the. The salvia divine, they. They referred to it as the shepherdess, where it’s not the thing that. That you’re doing. It’s. It’s like the person that you’re calling on to help you with something. Right? Yeah, totally. Yeah. So. So Babaji was known for that. Like, he basically, he’s. He’s was famous relatively for making the point as far as, like, people who were considered gurus or teachers go for somebody to make statements like he did when it came to psychedelics, because he was surrounded by people who were on psychedelics who brought him to America.
And they were all high as all around him, like, all throughout the 70s, you know. And, like, there was even question with Mount Madonna if that would be like, a nudist community or not. But the point is, is that he would. He. He was known to say, like, Western man was looking for a way to find God, and he got as close as he could with lsd. So, like, through materialism, he was Looking for a way to find God through materialism. Excuse me. I’m not doing this justice. So it’s like, if you could get. Find God through materialism, LSD was as close as you could get to through that mean, you know, kind of trip.
Did you get into Krishnamurti at all? Oh, absolutely. Krishnamurti was. Was probably the most influential teacher before I met Baba Hari Das. Yeah. Like, I was. I was a teenager. What’s that? Christian Murray? Krishna Murty, J. Krishna Murdy. A new name for me. He’s pretty gangster. He’s pretty gangster. He’s the best. He’s one of my favorite people that’s ever existed. Yeah. Like. Yeah. Is it. I have a feeling that this is not. Am I right here? Is this okay? Yeah, he just. He just kicked it underneath the tree right in California. And he was very, like.
Was Hindu, Right. But it was very Ayn Rand as well. He was basically raised by the Theosophical Society, and he had been prophesied to be the world teacher by the Theosophical Society. When he reached, I think it was like the age of 13, you know, he rejected it all. He was like, there is no guru. You’re the guru. Like, this whole thing. Yeah. He was being set up to be the world teacher, and he went the rest of his life rejecting that role while at the same time paradoxically becoming the world teacher. And so, like, everything that Crowley was trying to become, Krishnamurti was rejecting.
Like, it’s such a strange. They’re, like, different approaches to the whole thing, you know? But look at that coincidence. English author Aldous Huxley lived nearby. Sure. Met curse nudie in 1938. And the two men became close friends. Yeah. This is way before the. Aldous Huxley published Doors of Perception by, like. Like a decade or two. Oh, wow. Yeah, yeah, Yeah. I always highly recommend Krishnamurti to people, but, yeah, this was like. I was. I was maybe 18, 19 years old, and I went deep into Krishna Murdy stuff. And, you know, it’s. It’s. It’s important. Yeah, yeah.
Did you ever get into. Even though, like, I know things get kind of sus when we look into these different people, but Alan Watts is the book. Have you ever read that? I’ve read quite a bit of Alan Watts. Have I read the book? What is the book? The. The book. It’s the Taboo of you. It’s a. It’s a fun read. It’s easy, like, poetic type stuff, kind of. It’s very Zen poetic poetry. I think I’ve read that. It’s like long ago. Yeah, they had that one. I like it. You got the little. That’s the capacity.
Yeah. I was. I was good friends with a guy named James Mazio. He was. He was also a client. I stretched canvases for him. He was. He. When he did LSD for the first time, it was with Alan Watts. So, like, I actually my. My boss has like all these recordings that we did with James Mazio where he just shared all these incredible. He was the original light guy for the Velvet Underground. Like, the original, original light guy. So he was like one of the early pioneers in that, like, oil projection stuff. You know, he was really good friends throughout his whole life with Neil Young.
And so like, he. He did those. What’s it called? I don’t want to say the Drink Zima Zuma album cover for. For Neil Young. But yeah, he had. He had this whole story about how. What did happen. He lived with. With Ozley, who was the sound engineer for the Grateful Dead. And like, one day, like, Ozley had taken everything out of his fridge and had like, put in like, shelves of Pink vials of LSD 25 like filling the whole fridge. He had like a hundred dollars on the table and was like, hey, sorry, I needed to use the fridge.
And then he. And James Mazio was in the Navy and one of his commanding officers, like, had. I don’t know if that’s the word for what his actual position was, but it was like one of the superiors had said, hey, I heard a lot about the hippies are doing this thing that I’m interested in. It’s called lsd. You seem like maybe the person I should talk to if I was going to talk to anybody about it. And they were like, at sea and like. And Mazio got all freaked out because he thought he was going to get in trouble or something.
He didn’t know. And he was like, yeah. And so. So he’s like, well, when would you want to do it? Like. Like, he’s like, you want to do the thing? When would you. And he was like, I’ll do it right. Like any. As soon as possible. And they took a flight, they got picked up from the ship and they came out that day and he gave his. His superior a bunch of LSD 25 and they kicked it together. It’s bizarre. I’m not gonna do it justice. I have these stories recorded though. I was gonna put them online, I think.
I feel like James Mazio would have appreciated that. So. Absolutely. Why. Why are these not online? Already. I know because I’ve been. I bug my boss about it every so often. I’m like, I want those recordings. And then I don’t follow through because I’m just. These could be awesome for like, little animatics too, to like, you know, the little animation. Animations of people go along with these talks. I’ll get him. There’s. He’s got like all stories that are recorded, like, where. What was it? Where Keith Moon got punched by Steve McQueen. They were neighbors and like, Keith Moon was like, complaining about Steve McQueen’s cars being parked in front of his house.
And then Steve McKee McQueen just like, punched him in the face. It’s like this article. Keith moon and Steve McQueen were once neighbors from hell. Right? Yeah. No, he was there for. Well, he lived with one. I think he lived with Keith Moon for a while. But yeah, he’s. Yeah, just all these stories, stories, stories, stories for days. Yeah. The funny story of the JFK and Frank Sinatra, how JFK would visit him. He had a whole helicopter pad for him to visit. And then JFK is like, I can’t visit you anymore. Too much Mafia connections. I’m the president now.
Of course, he was so mad, Frank Sinatra, that he bashed the entire helipad with like a hammer or something. Well, it was his high hopes. He helped him get elected. And so. And then they felt really betrayed when he didn’t really go with the program because they’re like, your dad was a. Was a bootlegger. They thought he would be completely on board for everything, and he wasn’t. This also relates to Rosemary’s Baby, you know, because Mia Farrow, when she got pregnant during the filming of Rosemary’s Baby, she found out she was pregnant. There’s a scene where she’s crying.
She’s really crying in real life because she found out she’s pregnant. She didn’t know. Know if it was Woody Allen’s or Frank Sinatra’s child. And so Tracy Twyman, shortly before she died, was theorizing that the line at the end, it’s. I guess it’s not in the book. I’d have to check. But where it’s saying his eyes. What did you do to its eyes? You know, with the. With the. The child is born and she’s freaking out that that was a reference to blue eyes of Frank Sinatra. Because when her child was born, they know which. Which who the.
Who the father was. Because understand, like, he filed for divorce the day and year that the impregnation scene was shot. So like, that was like the. Like, he was like, if you do this, that’s it. He couldn’t. Being associated with Catholicism, you know, with the Italians. Like, if he was to have his wife in a movie where she has the devil’s baby, like. And he wanted her to be in this other really shitty movie that she wasn’t gonna do. And, like, she’s. You know, it’s like. And then it explains a lot of what followed with Polanski, because Polanski then became an enemy of the mob.
So, like. And if they’re gonna take the whole thing out, it wasn’t going to be on Mia necessarily. It would be on him. So, like. Because he was the one who made it all possible, you know, so. Yeah, and there’s a connection to John Lennon a little bit, I think, with this. With. They filmed. Huge connection. Well, she was just with the Beatles right before the filming of this movie in India with Maharishi. So, like. And you’ll see references to it in the movie, like where it’s like the Yamaha commercial that Cassavetes is in, it’ll just say Maha, which is weird in terms of Kennedy, you know what I’m saying? But.
All right, Maha again. Right, right. But I know I wanted. I’ve been wanting to take a screenshot of that when that happens in that movie, because that’s funny. But. But that was why they cut it. Like, that was in reference, because she. And so that song, the second song on the White Album, that’s called Dear Prudence, that’s for Prudence Pharaoh, who was Mia Farrow’s sister here. So, like, so that she had just gotten back from. From India when they. When they’re shooting this movie. So there’s that connection. And there’s also the obvious one that John Lennon was killed in front of the Dakota where Rosemary’s Baby was supposed to be filmed in.
So the externals of the Dakota were used for Rosemary’s Baby, even though the apartments themselves were actually somewhere else. But they went down that deep dive on the Dakota building, You know that where John Lennon was assassinated in front of. Of the Dakota. Right, right. On December 8, 1980. And that’s Catholic holiday known as the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. And that movie is a. Is a Cliffordic version of the Immaculate Conception. That’s when leave the world behind 12812eight was released. That’s when the Doors guy was born as well. That’s like. That’s my birthday, by the way.
But, yeah, 1 2, 8, 812 8. Yeah. 81 so I was born a year to the day after John Lennon’s death. Yeah, you’re Sagittarius. Yeah. Your birthday’s coming up. That’s true. Yeah, I know. Because my mom’s birthday is in December. I gotta. I gotta pull up, too. Every time that Rosemary’s Baby in the Dakota Building comes up is that the seventh victim from 1943 also arguably takes place in a building that would have been the Dakota Building, although this one was far more fictionalized. In the 40s, they weren’t trying to do these, like, direct nods. But the one of the guys that.
That wrote this was the research assistant to aldous Huxley, this DeWitt Bodine. He was. Yeah, right. Look at this. Bodine worked as a research assistant to Aldous Huxley. And in his research for the Seventh Victim movie, he actually ended up going to an underground cult of devil worshippers in Greenwich Village. This is the actual plot of the movie, but this is what DeWitt Boudin Bodine, Aldous Huxley’s research assistant, what he actually did, he actually went to Greenwich Village and met with devil worshippers in the late 1930s. I think it was in, like, 1938. What does it say right there with the Cat People right there in 1942.
So this, the seventh victim was basically, it says, basing a story on a satanic society meeting he attended in New York City. This is the real one, and set it as a prequel to Cat People. So technically, the seventh victim, even though it comes out after the Cat People, it’s supposed to be the prequel to Cat People. So first you start and you meet this satanic covenant. And then the Cat People represents, like, I guess, like an extension of what they’re doing. Right? But then David Bowie did the soundtrack to the remake of Cat People. And so.
And you know, David Bowie. There’s three main targets for Mark David Chapman when he killed John Lennon. John Lennon was one of them. The other one was David Bowie, and the other one was Johnny Carson, which is weird with the Shining thing, because the Shining is the book is named after instant karma from John Lennon. We all shine on. So he says it’s in the very beginning of the book where he dedicates his son to the song to his son named Joe King. I think it’s funny that Stephen King named his son Joe because it’s like he’s joking.
Like, do I look like I’m joking? You know, it’s like the Batman, you know, so. But, yeah, so he should have named them fa. Yeah. So, yeah, you Know, we all shine on. So it’s the basis of the Shining is that. That’s how it goes at the end. You know, he’s literally. It’s. It’s like a whole dark play on that, you know? So that’s freaking weird. So the Shining came out. I don’t. I forget how many months before John Lennon was killed. But the most famous line in the Shining, I think most people would argue is, here’s Johnny.
You know, Johnny is Jack. You know, Jack. Jack and Johnny. Like, it’s weird. I was. I. I was just having a trip out with Will yesterday on the Karate Kid and Hot Tub Time Machine and Trump and the Squirrel and all of the stuff. Squirrel on the play, when it throws off the game. And then it was the squirrel that was euthanized, like, a week before the election, and how those connected. And then the squirrel ran across the stage before Kamala’s concession speech and stuff. And how this, you know, he says in Potter, time Machine, that’s a magic squirrel.
And the guy in that scene who makes the bet with the character Lou, who’s dead through the whole movie, who kills himself at the beginning, that he was Johnny in the original Karate Kid. But I was like, oh, it’s Daniel’s son and Johnny. Johnny is Jack. It’s a surname name. So I was like. And then it was like. And Danielson is Danny. So it’s like, danny and Jack, Daniel’s son and Johnny. And then you’re like, who’s the. That whole thing of, like. So the director of Hot Tub Time Machine was the direct or the writer of Hot Tub Time Machine was the writer of Cobra Kai.
So they put. So, like, they, like, superimposed the freaking Karate Kid into that. And these guys have had, like, all these discussions around that viral YouTube video about who’s the bad guy in the Karate Kid. Is it Johnny, or is it, you know, like. Because you’d think that it’s Johnny, but actually everything. They cover that in the very first episode of Cobra Kai, they. I love that. I love it. How they embrace the Internet conspiracy theory and then integrated as if that had been the truth all along. I love that. So you get it. So that’s Trump, right? So you’re like, is the guy really that bad? Like, he’s Oz, you know, is he, like, who’s really the bet? Like, who is the protagonist and who’s the whatever.
Like, that is what that speaks to. And so that’s kind of the conundrum that people are, like, struggling with, you know, like, because he’s been so demonized. And, like, that’s how we perceive Johnny. Like, Johnny is just. We assume he’s got all the character traits. He looks like Hitler Youth. So we just have to, you know, relate to him how we do. So. But then you go into the details and you’re like, wait a minute here. Who’s actually. Who’s who right now? So does that mean Sweep the leg was actually a reference to goose stepping? Maybe I didn’t think of that.
But yeah. And then the crane, you know, but it’s a whole. It’s. That’s a. That’s a whole crazy trip. I’m sorry to go there, but I was just. I was thinking about Johnny and. And Danny Danielson and then Jack and Danny and like. And, you know, us. The movie us from Jordan Peele. So that is the symbolic sequel of the Shining. Like, overtly, just like he played on A Clockwork Orange and get out with the. Like the lid lock, so to speak, that he’s there with the TV and the whole. That whole thing. So, like, he did that with us, but with us, which, by the way, is film in Santa Cruz.
He’s got Jack Nicholson’s grandson in that movie in a small part. And if you look at the credits at the end, he’s credited as J as Jet or as Danny slash Tony. And so Tony is in the back of his throats, like, you know, Red Rob. And that’s why in us. Us were Americans, like, the way that they speak in us, you know what I’m saying? Because it’s a shadow. And so they’re both plays on Young stuff. So Young’s red book, like, and beyond and the symbolism of the shadow. So, like, that’s the calling. The shadow in us is.
Is Tony of Duke Nicholson. And so, yeah, you get where I’m going with that. It’s such a great film. Us. Yeah. Yeah. If you’re. If you’re trying to analyze that, it does the same thing that the Shining does, where, if you’re looking at. From a technical standpoint, it actually falls apart. Like, it doesn’t actually work, but it works. So why are they using. Well, with symbolism on it. Do you think there’s a. How got five on it is like they use that, but they mixed. It was like a remake of it where it was scary and then that was like the.
The viral sound that everyone uses it for, like conspiracy videos. It was the us got five on it sound. I got five on it could be a Pentagram reference. I don’t know. But you were just looking at the Lana Del Rey album, that Norman Rockwell right there. So he’s so people. The fans of Lana Del Rey were pissed over this cover because they’re finicky like that because she’s always by herself in her covers up until this point. And then Duke Nicholson is there with her on a boat. Why is she on a boat? So this album felt pairs perfectly with Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
It’s freaking ridiculous. And so where was Polanski when he found out that Sharon was killed? He was scouting locations for Day of the Dolphin, which we were just talking. So he was set to do Day of the Dolphin and then he found out his wife was murdered by mutants, so he had to freaking call the trip short. He was. I don’t know why you’d scout locations at sea. That is such the weirdest. I don’t know what the hell. But this movie is a play on, like, the Manchurian Candidate, where. But instead of it, them using the MK Ultra in the Queen of Hearts to get the Kai to shoot the President, they’re going to kill the president using a dolphin.
Yeah. Right. So this was set to be a Polanski film, and then he handed it over to who he handed over to because of that. That. So, yeah. So she’s. She’s at sea. He’s got a. Throughout his films. Like, you’ll see. Like, even so, when he was in On Trial for the rape of Samantha Geimer, the judge. This is so insane. The judge literally said, like, I watched your movies. I watched a bunch of your movies before you showed up here. And I know. And so he’s igno. The judge was acknowledging a synchronicity. He goes. I couldn’t help but notice that you have this water theme.
Your first movie’s Knife in the Water. It’s water. Water. Then I can’t help but notice that this happened in a hot tub. And it was like. He just. The judge was like. Is that like. You’re like. So he was on a synchro mystic trip, right? Dude. Dude. I just talked to John Cleese about this the other night. So, like, I went to go see John Cleese do, like, speaking performance. Monty Python. Yeah, dude. I went up. There was like, five people that got to talk to him. They opened up the mic. I ran to get to the microphone.
So, like, I bolted to talk to him and he. Everybody else he talked to, freaking insulted. Like, it was like, there’s only like, five of us. And I just. Straight up, I was like, hey, you know, I know about that. You wanted to do this show called Canceled, and I was looking forward to it for, like, a year or longer, you know, and then I saw that you had a show on GBN in the UK that you interview people who had been canceled, you know, people from. From America and people from elsewhere, like Rob Schneider and all these different people.
And I was like. And I was like. And then I saw that, you know, you did this movie last year with Polanski called the palace. And so I asked John Cleese the other night. I was like. I was like, so, like, did you help write your part in that? Because, like, I’ll spoil it for you. He’s dead through three quarters of the film, but they’re moving them around, like, Weekend of Bernie style. And I was like. Was that, like, you, like, what happened there, like. And he told. And though. So John Cleese just went on for like, 10 to 15 minutes, explaining to this large crowd about how it is that he, like, what his.
His interest was in working with Polanski. And, like, he gave his whole story about his parents being killed in Auschwitz around the story of Samantha Geimer. So, like, I had a kind of a thing on Twitter with Samantha Geimer for a while, like, his victim. Like, she referred to herself as a bad victim and would call people out on all the disinfo that people were spreading around what actually took. Not just what took place, but, like, in. In the situation itself, but, like, beyond. Like, that was Jack Nicholson’s house where that happened. Like, he had a direct tunnel to the Playboy Mansion from that house.
You know, I mean, like, crazy. Yeah. Like, everything about it, like, there’s indication. So. So with Samantha Geimer, like, initially, like, when I first started. House. Yeah. A tunnel to the Playboy Mansion. Yes, Absolutely crazy. Yeah. Not just him, multiple celebrities. That’s what’s going on with the Diddy Tunnel, huh? Yeah. I don’t know. I don’t know if that one actually connects, where that connects to. I’m. I’m curious. I don’t mean to interrupt. I didn’t. No, you’re not. No, no, I’m curious. And that’s very relatable. This. So this is a diagram of Warren Beatty’s house. And here is a golf course.
And then you can see this tunnel that connects directly from his house to the Hugh Hefner mansion over here on the. Right. Right. That’s some crazy. That’s crazy. Yep. Totally. And so this is the thing, is that I. So with Samantha Geimer, Like, I got a follow from her and then I had some. Like, some. I was very grateful for any back and forth that I could have with her on Twitter. You know, she left when Elon Musk bought it, Whatever. But, like, for a while, like, she would. She would do a thing where she would call people out in a really cool way and, like, they would be insulting her, not know.
On behalf of the victim, not knowing that they were talking to the victim. So, like, she would be saying something to them that they didn’t know, and they’d be like, screw you. What do you know? And they’re talking about her. So, like, her lived experience. So it’s just freaking nuts. But she. She. I responded to something from her and I was like, I think the freaking parents are pimping out their children through casting agencies which are doubling as prostitution rings for parents who want their kids to make it in Hollywood. And so I got like a, like and a follow when I said that.
And I was like, wait, is it like, if that were true? She wouldn’t say that. I read her. I read a good portion of her book called the Girl where she. Or the COVID of the book is her is a photo that Polanski took that day that they wouldn’t show on the news. They kept on showing photos of her from a couple years before. They didn’t want to show what she looked like at that time, you know, for, you know, obvious reasons when you see the photo, you know, so she wanted that to be the COVID of her book, you know, and so, like, you know, her whole thing is that he.
Obviously there’s. There’s. This is the photo, I believe. Yeah, very funny. Meet Samantha. Samantha Geimer, the girl. You can see it. But. Yeah. We got two new subs to Illuminai Comic. Let’s show this up. Yeah. Thank you for backing this Illuminati comic. We are so close to 475 backers for the night. And also. So what was the question? You need three more? We need three more. Wait. To 475. Three more. It’s so easy to do. You just go down here, pick one of the rewards, and. And then just click it. I can’t do it because I’m logged in and I’m the one that’s running.
It says, I can’t back my own project, but you can. You can back our project. And before I forget, one of the other things that we’ve been doing on these nightlies in celebration of the Illuminati comic is a Little segment called Monkey Watch. Are you familiar with Monkey Watch, David? No. I’m prepared to be though. Get ready. All right. I have been covering this. This 43 monkeys that escaped. Too bad it wasn’t 42. That would have worked out even better. But the 43 monkeys that escape in Tennessee, as you can see from the little animatic and from Chan dancing violently that only four monkeys still are missing.
They found the rest of them. However, this exact same lab is now in the news again after this past weekend reading that Yamasi monkeys allegedly slowly roasted alive. The report of 18, some of these say up to 20 deaths. And this happened just a few days ago. Here’s a quote directly from the the Bluffton today. It says several animals died after a heater related accident during cold weather over the weekend. And the Department of Agriculture is now investigating. And it says it was like zombie thing. They were those, they would turn the zombies and they flame throw dark the well.
So that actually is one of the quotes that I got here is it’s a wild quote that actually if I took it out of context, which I won’t, but if I took it out of context it would sound crazy. Alpha Genesis has blood on its hands. And this is PETA. So you gotta have. I mean it’s PETA saying this. So they would say this to Donut as well. Just holding throw blood on everybody like Donut, you’ve got blood on your hands. But the calling the center a notorious monkey dealer guilty of sheer negligence which on previous episodes we have actually shown that the sheer negligence is accurate.
There was a whistleblower that came out with all like 20 or 30 different reports just from the years 2021 and 2022 when they were working there. So this is not nothing new. Here’s the actual speculative report. A diesel heater may have malfunctioned at the facility on Friday night. There were no alarms, no alerts and 20 long tailed Makis were likely endured agonizing deaths slowly roasted alive. So this is the exact same place. And look at this quote. This is the quote that I didn’t want to take completely out of context. This is no accident. So I don’t know if that conjures up.
Someone went in there with a flamethrower and they were just like let’s get these monkeys out of here. But. But I think it’s more of a reference that this pattern has been well documented for more than four years now. That this particular facility kind of shoots from the hip a little bit. They kind of are Playing like Alec Baldwin with the way that they run this facility. And it could have been prevented, I guess, a lot earlier on. And there was another report, the exact same one, but this one was says that 22 deaths at this fuel.
So I don’t know, like One article says 18, one says 20, one says 22. Just like originally the reports were saying that they only housed a couple thousand monkeys, but really it’s close to 10,000 monkeys because they also own this Monkey island place. And Monkey island has I think 3, 500 monkeys. They’ve got two different facilities in the the US one of them is in Yamasi and there’s a one in another county. So collectively they are the biggest research monkey dealer in the United States. And it sensor here. This was no accident. So I don’t know Project X based on a true story.
I mean, I would have to assume so because there’s nothing in that movie that seems particularly inspired by a true story. I think I forget if that’s the case, but so you know. Okay. Did we talk about this on Think Tank? I can’t remember. The thing with Monkey Shines. So you know about Monkey Shine. I’ve seen it. The. The horror movie. Right, right. So you know that Monkey Shines. What was it? That was. So there’s. Okay, yeah, I remember that was super scary. There’s something happening with this. This is a little complex. Let me see if I can lay this out here.
So, you know, there’s a. There’s an old film, one of the oldest films ever. That’s like a little short thing when we first like made the freaking movie camera. And we were like. It was that. That was like called Monkey Shine. So if you type in like Monkey Shine film, like old film, maybe monkey. I think it’s called Monkey Shine. Oh, no, no. But the US Is. Oh, you know, Monkey Paw. So there’s like. There’s like a monkey. Oh, sure. Oh, totally. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Yeah. So this is the thing. So there’s. Nope. Which is the other Jordan Peele movie.
Right. So he did get out. He did us and he did. Nope. And in. Nope. You had that monkey kills all those people. Crazy monkey. Yeah. Right. So this connects to. In that movie, you know, the thing with this Stanford. The guy who started Stanford University and all that. He. So the reason why it’s actually my initials, a DCP. It’s where you get 24 frames per second became the standard. That comes from that bet that he had made. Does a horse’s hooves touch the ground at the same Time while it’s running. So in order to determine that bet, they figured out that 40.
That 24 frames per second was the best that they could do to determine to get a view of it. And so that’s my favorite look on the camera. See. No, they’re talking about that footage. But the footage before then of the. Of. From that. From that bed was actually. We could find it. It’s called Monkey Shine. And so. But when Monkey Shines came out, people were. Some people were confused because Stephen King had written a short story, I believe shortly before then. I have to check the dates of. Of a monkey movie that had. For, you know, the monkey with the symbols thing.
So they were. They were like relating to that. To that. And they thought that this was a Stephen King movie, Monkey Shot Shines, even though it had nothing to do with Stephen King. But like right now, Jordan Peele is producing. I believe he’s producing. I have to check this stuff. But he’s. He’s involved with the project to. For the Stephen King movie. That was the short story that people thought Monkey Shines was. And so it’s crazy that Jordan Peele, who did. Nope. With the monkey combined with the thing of the early film that. The other film.
The. The other monkey man. What’s that? Monkey man. No, no. Oh, no. That’s another Jordan Peele thing that he was. Jordan Peele’s also involved with this other monkey movie from Stephen King. Check it out. So, yeah. And then the Hanuman monkey statue that was built, the Hanuman that Obama carries with them is connected to a squirrel as well. I don’t know if you know that, but we uncovered how, like all the paintings of Hanuman. There’s a squirrel up by his foot, like a peanut. Oh, it’s a rat or you don’t. Ganesh. Ganesh the monkey. The Hanuman.
Hanuman also, because I know that Ganesh is known to have that rat there. It probably is. You know what? We could just be tripping. You know what I mean? We were looking at pictures on a couple shows ago during this. Be pictured with Ganesh. That could be what’s happening. But probably what it was. Yeah. No, Hanuman’s related from the Ramayana, but no, there’s been looking at a bunch of crazy stuff. Jordan Peels. Yeah. His company is Monkey Paw. Thank you. Yeah. This is the thing. It’s like part of the big, like voodoo. Yeah. You make wishes and then it’s not what you.
What you wanted it to be. It’s just like bedazzled with where you make a deal with the devil, and then you think you’re getting the thing, and then they’re. Oh, but there’s some flaw, and the flaw just becomes too much. And you’re like, I don’t want this. Actually, you know. Yeah. Nature of the thing. Yeah. There’s a great Simpsons episode with the monkey paw for one of their treehouse of Horrors or whatever. Yeah. There’s also a It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode with the monkey paw as well. Oh, yeah. They built this giant. Yeah, totally. This was less than a year ago.
The remover of obstacles, I believe. But yeah. My favorite story with Hanuman in the Ramayana is when he’s in the city and they. And they set his tail on fire to stop him, and he decides to run around the whole city and set the whole city on fire using his tail before he puts it out. Out. So it’s just. It’s like martial arts, you know, it’s. Yield, overcome. He’s like, oh, you’re gonna set me on fire? I’ll burn all you with it. And then I’ll. But, yeah, that’s great. The reverse of a Paul Revere story. But no, I was talking about this.
The squirrel thing. Squirrel stuff has been. Things have been coming up with the squirrels a lot lately. Squirrel’s major synchronous peanut or predating peanut. Well, I was tripping out already on what is the significance of the squirrel in Hot Tub Time Machine for a long time. So. Because the squirrels are paramount in the movie. Like, they’re. They’re even in the movie poster. They show you that squirrel because Blue Lou kills himself at the beginning. You guys have seen Hot Top Time Machine. Yeah. Theaters. But. Yeah, when it was in theater. So it was a long time.
I don’t remember the name of that actor, but that. There’s the. The guy just trying to kill himself in his garage with the exhaust. And then he does kill himself. That whole movie is his death trip. And they go. When they show up at the lodge, he. They reference the shining directly. They’re like, oh, we’re gonna. There it is. If you look at that squirrel right there, it’s got the Chernobyl drink or whatever. Might be hard to zoom in on it. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. It’s this divided by the hot tub. And so. Because with radiation, you boil the water.
That’s basically what a power plant is. Right. So there’s. And there’s. Chernobyl is the drink, and. Which is Wormwood. It’s a freaking book of revelations. When Wormwood will fall from the sky. That’s what Chernobyl means. And so with the vodka and then the squirrel. So when immediately after the next thing you see after we’re looking at Lou trying to kill himself in his garage, is a squirrel on a television set. And then it backs up and it’s. And it describes a humiliation ritual on the tv. Like, that’s the words that they’re using. And then you see John Cusack.
And so that, like, at that point, Lou is dead. And then he’s dead for the rest of the movie. And it’s just like the Shining, where as explained by Kubrick as a Jack’s evil reincarnation cycle. So now Lou is trying is feel. Felt isolated from his friends. He wants to bring his friends together or whatever. It’s like. It’s. But. And then they even have the bear from the Shining gets in the hot tub with them. Like in that scene. Like, it’s just. It’s. It’s just fully. Oh, weird. Yeah, yeah. So then. And then you have the bet made with Johnny from Karate Kid with.
Which is a play on Biff Tannen in Back to the future 2 having the Gray’s Almanac to predict the future. So it’s. So the guy, the character Lou is like, oh, he’s actually not such a bad guy after all. After the bet doesn’t work out and he loses because a squirrel runs out on the field and the whole thing up and they say, squirrel on the play. And so then. So then he’s like. He tells me. He’s like, oh, well, you know, I just told him a bunch of sporting events in the future that he can make money off of.
So, like, he basically makes Johnny from the Karate Kid into Biff from Back to the Future, too, in Hot Tub Time Machine. So, like, it’s. It’s. It’s a crazy synchro resonator, but you can see that it’s overtly intentional because even Johnny’s girlfriend in Hot Tub Time Machine is the girl from Cobra Kai. I want to say Cooper Kai, but it’s Cobra Kai. Excuse me. But, yeah, pretty nuts. Have you seen the new Trump movie, the Apprentice? I haven’t seen it yet, no. Oh, it’s gang stuff. Is it. Is it good? Yeah, if you like. It’s phenomenal, man.
It’s absolutely phenomenal. Okay, watch it. Casino or the Good Fellas. It’s very similar. A lot of people go into it thinking that it’s just a movie that, like, slams Trump and embraces all and it Is. But it’s also done so well the way that they do it. Yeah, that’s how I felt about the die thing. But I didn’t watch it for the longest time with sound. I just seen it with Roger Waters until relatively recently, actually. But it’s got alf and it’s like. And it’s got what’s his name, Doc Brown, Christopher Lloyd. It comes back from the future and I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but like he shows up and he tells him, you know, what’s gonna happen and everything with him being president or whatever.
What’s that? It’s a funny or die movie called the Art of the Deal. Oh, Johnny Depp, right? Yeah, Johnny Depp. Yeah. So you already know it’s a cult. Oh, right. So this syncs with Roger Waters. Is this the life we really want? Which you’d treat as like, oh, this is just a Trump bashing thing. But it actually, it has, it has levels to it. You know, it has points of reflection. So, yeah, this goes into. It’s a good. You gotta check out the movie. It’s. It probably be a cool sync movie because the, the way it starts is like punk rock.
Very like the movie pie, quick cut. And then it moves into like Trump, turning into like this transhuman kind of guy in the 90s before the art of the Deal. So you kind of see this, this, this change in, in him. It’s. It’s so good. It’s so well done. Yeah. You know what people don’t realize about the scapegoatism, like, like that’s a big part of the golden Bow is the scapegoat. And that’s actually something communicated in Judaism where they would have. You’d. You’d have two goats. You know, no one seemed to take this ritual seriously because they don’t have like, personal salvation and sin.
Sin is collective. We all have to deal with each other’s sins. You know, we’re all, all. We’re all effective kind of bodhisattva in that way. In terms of what is liberation? Like, we’re all liberated together. What’s the point, you know, and that includes humanity just beyond the Jews, which is a common misconception that people have because they take certain parts of certain things and treat it to represent it all. It’s complicated. But anyway, you know, the skate, the scapegoat. It wasn’t until Christianity that you had this notion of the, the innocent scapegoat. You know what I mean? Like, when you scapegoat somebody, it wasn’t like, oh, they did nothing wrong.
You know, it’s like Jesus was as innocent as he could be. He was a lamb of God and he was. He was sacrificed and was scapegoated. But the tradition anthropologically, when you go back, was always like, you know, this. He’s a person, like they do and whatever. Like when it comes to the king kill ritual, it’s like this was a means to prevent corruption from going unchecked, that they knew that there was going to inevitably going to be a certain amount of corruption because that’s human nature. So they had these kind of rituals in place to like, circumvent that, you know, so to curtail it or whatever, you know, you’re just trimming it back a bit, you know, you can’t stop it.
You just have to deal with it, you know. So I don’t know. I think it’s just fascinating to me because who’s is more scapegoated than Trump? Like, I’m seeing the same thing with Kennedy. It’s just crazy how much like, you know, the. Because the way I would explain it to people, like for eight months I was tabling for Kennedy at a. At a farmers market until this election, you know, and I would just be like, look, like, suppose Kennedy didn’t exist. If you were in agreement that there’s this rotating door between corporations and regulatory agencies that are supposed to regulate those corporations and how corrupt all of that is.
Like, I’m like, in pharmaceuticals and all of these things, I’m like. And the war machine, I’m like, if somebody was to come along, like Kennedy aside, if somebody had a cohesive plan for how to attack that and do something about it, how do you think the networks and everything and all the politicians and everything that’s so corrupted would respond to that? When those networks are sponsored by those very same corporations, do you think that maybe they would look for anything that they could possibly use to use as slander and to make somebody appear as crazy and insane as possible for pointing out that corruption, you know, so I’m like, you know, think what you want to, but just, you know, about this particular person.
But consider what would happen if somebody did that just realistically, you know. So that’s what I see. And I think Trump was used as a Pied Piper candidate, admittedly so, in the WikiLeaks. You can see it in Podesta’s email when he outlines his strategy for the 2016 election. This is my favorite WikiLeak is when he just Explained that we’re going to use Trump. He has other proposals, including Ted Cruz, but he’s like, we’re going to use somebody, direct the media to basically scapegoat them, but at the same time substantiate them as a viable candidate. And this isn’t the only time that they’ve, that the DNC has done this.
They’ve also, Democrats have also done this with, I believe, governors and stuff. There’s instances where they will paint somebody, they want somebody as extreme as possible, and it’s a gamble so that they can just keep pointing at them and going, look how bad they are. So they’re taking this kind of lesser of the two evils thing to the extreme so that they can, they can make their candidate look good. They can, you know, put lipstick on a turd to. By pointing out how awful this other person is. But we’ve gotten to a point where it’s like the American public’s like, okay, yeah, even if he is bad, he’s not as bad as the thing that you’re trying to use him against.
Like, people don’t even have to know necessarily that this was the strategy that they had in mind. Like, you can still react to it and be like, what the are you trying to do to us? You know, like. Because you’ll just take. Then if you wonder, like, where this sensationalism comes from, you know, it’s this, this was their plan. Just like with Bernie, it was to use him as a sheepdog. You know, like, this is a trip that I’ve been on. I explain this to people and it’s amazing, like, how few people, like, are even aware of, like, what these terms even mean of, like a Pied Piper or a sheepdog.
So it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s crazy. It’s crazy. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it, though. That’s the thing. You know, you’re like, oh, yeah, obviously Trump’s not perfect. He’s their choice. He’s who they wanted to run against. They didn’t. And wanted to get rid of any other third party option, you know, like, that, that would actually be appealing to the public. You know, they want the only other option to be somebody that they can just keep slamming, you know, and go, they’re insane. You know. No, yeah. Could, could the relation to Trump and his obsession with gold, is there like a golden bow connection there? Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
So you can’t, I don’t know if you can find it anymore, but it used to be you could go to this website that would give you a tour of his penthouse suite at the. At the Trump Tower. And Apollo was everywhere in the whole room. You can count the apollos. Here’s like 50 of them. That’s the sun. It’s gold. He’s got this whole kind of like resonance with this whole thing. Yeah, that’s every part of this. Even the guy who climbed up the Trump Tower with the suction cups, he made it 21 stories. He was playing the fool.
There’s 22 Arcana. He’s the. He’s the. Like a actual expression of the tarot tableau playing out. Do you remember that? When that guy climbed the Trump Tower with suction cups, you know, like, dressed as Spider man or something? Or am I adding that on? Wasn’t actually dressed as Spider Man. No, but he wanted. Was. He wanted to meet Trump. The Devil’s Advocate was filmed there, I think, too. Oh, is that right? It looks like it, doesn’t it? That’s pretty crazy. Yeah. So, like. No, and that. That guy. I forget what his name is, but the. The kid who freaking climbed The Trump Tower.
21 stories. Like, the symbolism of that is as over the top as Philip Petit putting that wire between the two towers. For me, I’m like, he’s cool. It’s so much better that he not even know the symbolism of what he is doing by doing that. That, you know, of having. Yeah, it’s the nature of the fool. It has to be somebody from the lower classes. Yeah. Look at this guy. He’s just like. And then. And then he’s so oblivious after. They’re like, why did you do this? He’s like, I just wanted to talk to him. It’s me, Mario.
It’s me. That’s what Mario does. Right. Like, I remember in a Nintendo 64 version of it. Right. Is that what it was? Yeah. You’d be climbing on. On the. Like, on the. Where the ghosts are, like. Like when he’s underground. That’s what that kind of looks like. Yeah. You know how they climb on that gate and then go on the different sides? Right. No, I’m saying, like, this is the. The same symbolism applies because you have Leo. Like, you’re talking about gold. Is there a connection? Like with the golden bow? Yeah, dude. The freaking. The sun, the gold.
The strength card in tarot corresponds to Leo. That’s the pathway between chesed and gavor. That’s the top of the terrestrial pillars before you get to the supernal triad. And there’s that, you know, that golf in between. This is how Rosemary’s baby connects with 2001 A Space Odyssey. Because Rosemary’s Baby, they’re the same length. By the way. If you start Rosemary’s Baby at the very intro to the. When the fade in of the dawn of man after the also spake Zarathustra from Nietzsche, you know, like after. And it doesn’t fade in. It’ll make it so that if you start the movie there, it’ll be like written and directed by Stanley Kubrick at the same time that it’s like.
Like, you know, directed by Rowan Polanski like there. So 2001 Space Odyssey. If you add up the Gatria for the screen titles, when it says dawn of man, Jupiter mission 18 months later and Jupiter and beyond the Infinite, if you add up the Gatria in English for those titles, it’ll total 777. If you treat 18 as 18 because 18 months later. So if you just, you know, that is 18, that works that way. So that’s the lightning flash that extends through the Kabbalistic tree. So like, this is so deep. I mean, it’s a lot to get into.
I think we just hit the two hour mark. I don’t know how long you guys want to talk here, but I could go on for a while if you want. But yeah. Did you see Jared Leto climb the Empire State Building? I did because I follow him on Twitter for some reason. Jared Leto seen Fight Club? He’s in a lot of stuff, but yeah, he’s. He’s kind of a cult leader of sorts. I don’t know his full deal. I really wish that his band 30 seconds to Mars was good. Like, I want them to be good so bad.
I didn’t know he was in that because they really promoted that at Tower Records. That was a long time ago. He was big in my so called life. That’s where I originally remembered him coming from. I don’t remember him in Fight Club. He was the one with the blonde hair and it’s when freaks out and he’s like, calm down. And he said, I just wanted to. To destroy something beautiful. I think that was the line. The beautiful thing was Jerry Little’s face. He doesn’t even look like him. Well, it’s funny that you mentioned. Why did you mention Tower Records again? Well, I remember when Tower Records was around in the 90s, they were promoting that band.
I didn’t know he was part of that band. I just. Oh, right, right. Yeah. No, I just. I had a good friend that worked for tower for years. And she got her dismissal letter because tower went down, right? So tower collapsed. Like, and her letter. I was looking at it one day and it was. It was September 11, I think, 2002. And I was like, really? Does it? And it was like Solomon was the guy who signed it. I was like. And there was like, the solomon building at ground zero. I was like, is this real? Like, what am I.
What am I looking at? I was like, you should frame this by my friend. My friend baz. And so empire records, a lot of that movie is actually based on stories from tower records that even, like, my friend was involved with. So, like, what about guar guar? When I think of some butthead. But yeah, I don’t remember that guy right there with the. Yeah, yeah. Like, the whole premise of the thing where the guy steals the money and goes to atlantic city, that actually happened. But the guy went to Vegas. Vegas. And he called up my friend and told.
Told her what had happened, that he just lost all the money from the safe in vegas. And she. She had to go to the. She told russ, the guy who. Who founded tower records, and she contacted him and he laughed his ass off. And he’s like, unlike the movie, he actually did fire him, but he didn’t make him pay back the money because he just thought it was so outrageous and funny that he would think to do something like that. So it’s like the end of the night, he did. He just took the money and then went to vegas and lost.
It’s based on a true story. Yeah, we got signed up on the comic. The thing with the girl who cuts her wrists. You know, in that movie, like, that was inspired by a. A worker who had actually, like, took out a box cutter and he was throwing a tantrum and he actually slit his wrists in front of customers. There’s more extreme version of it. They didn’t want to show that in the movie, but yeah, I love box cutters. Like, they just. Oh, look at my kitty cat. Yeah. Yeah. We just need two more. Thank you so much.
We almost had that 475. That’s why you’re feeding. Chan is literally getting treats every time somebody donates. So if you want chan, unless you want channel go to bed hungry, then that’s. That’s. That’s on you guys. You guys fed chan pretty damn good. He’s about to pop. But we are coming up on Thanksgiving. Technically, it’s thanksgiving right now for me on the east coast. So this is the perfect time to get channel nice and Plump. Yes, yes. We just need two more supporters. And then we pass through the. Pass through the. The goal. The link down below.
Well, should we start wrapping up? We are past the two hour mark here. Should we. Yeah, I mean, I feel like I just. This. These topics could just go on and on. I got a million things to say, but I think that. I think we should do this again if you guys are into it. I mean, I was gonna. Before we started this talk, I thought I was going to be going off about Catcher in the Rye stuff because I watched like five minutes of your show last night and I was like, oh, I have something to say to that and this and whatever I saw.
And maybe, maybe I should watch that first to know what he lays out. But I was going to go off about J.D. salinger’s sequel to Catching the Ride called the Last and Best of the Peter Pans and how that relates with the Shining. And, like, because Wendy was a name that didn’t exist before Peter Pan, you know, like, there’s all kinds of crazy to go into, but yeah, and it shrouded military past and, you know, I don’t know. I don’t know what. Where he went with it, but yeah, as well. I would love to have you back on and talk more about Peter Pan and Catcher in the Ride and Kubrick and all of the things, man.
Cool. Cool. Yeah, it’s fun. How about the chat? Does anyone want David to come back or. Or do you guys just absolutely hate David and we should never even talk to him again? I’ll let the chat decide. We love. We love David. Cool. Thanks. Appreciate it. All right. Oh, man. No, it’s. It’s. It’s always like, so many, like, layers and like, every time I. I do anything like this, even if it’s just our sync tanks and there’s a particular topic, like, I always remember after the fact the things that I left out. Because, like, I mean, I was.
I brought up Hal Craig for a second who wrote Waterloo, and I’m like, dude, like, he wrote Barry Lyndon according to his obituary from the New York Times. And, like, IMDb doesn’t say that, but his obituary does. Like, there’s. And like, I found that out after I was like, did this guy. Because of the Napoleon thing, I’m like, did Kubrick help write this freaking movie? And then it’s like the guy who wrote. Did write it, wrote Barry Lyndon. But they don’t tell you that. Like, weird stuff, you know? So, like, there’s always these things that, like, I’m sure There’s going to be 50 things that come up in my mind that I’m like, oh, yeah.
And there’s that too. And that too. But oh, well, this way it goes. So maybe another show. It looks like the David does not, the chat does not like David. So unfortunately for you, David. Sorry. Thanks. Yeah, awesome. Thanks, guys. Well, Happy Thanksgiving to both you guys. I don’t know if you celebrate any of these colonizer holidays like I do. Yeah. And our family still believes that Christopher Columbus founded Thanksgiving originally. We don’t. Christopher Columbus is Jewish, so there’s a. Yeah. Wasn’t that the thing with Columbus that it’s peace and it’s the dove and that Noah sent out the dove to go find the land and then he went and he found.
It’s all. It’s so mythological, right? I mean, is Thanksgiving dinner kosher? Like, like just the most plain Jane version with the cranberry sauce and the stuffing and the turkey? It could be if you wanted it to be, but you have to go to some trouble for that. Yeah. If you really wanted. The thing with that kind of stuff though, is that it’s endless, like how much I got that kosher right there. Got that kosher. Yeah. Like if you, if you actually were to apply yourself to be like, I’m gonna live like an, like the Orthodox way.
Like, there’s no end to how perfect you can, can strive towards. Like, it’s just so that’s kind of the thing to have in perspective. Like the Jewish people, including my rabbi that I’ve known that are really, like, they do the thing, they have to remember that like, there’s no end to this. Like you could just, Otherwise you’re just gonna go straight up completely neurotic, you know, that’s why you end up just living that way you can, it’s gonna make you a bit, it’s gonna affect you in certain ways, you know. So I, I, I can’t, I’m not very kosher man at all.
So I wish I could be a practicing Jew, but it’s, it’s too much. And you know what? A lot of the people, when people are freaking out about, you know, the James Shelby downer and people are talking about the Jewish people out there. Like, something tells me that the Rothschilds and etc, these, I forget, like the Rockefellers aren’t even Jewish. It’s the Rothschilds. But like, I don’t think any of those people are practicing. You know what I mean? Like, are they like, like no, they’re not even the most powerful. They’ve got handlers, you know? Yeah. There’s just.
There’s so much evidence that. Just a big psyop right now of scapegoating Jewish people, not even institutions. Like when Kanye went to war on the exact day of October 7th, like, pretty much when you said, I’m gonna go DEFCON 3, we were actually at DEFCON 3 and like, it legitimate announced. Like, that’s where we’re at. So, yeah, he didn’t do it on institutions. He didn’t do it on, like, the mafia elements or rata. He did a war on Jewish people. Right. So it was like me. That’s what he was going to war against. And then there that goes into the whole scapegoating.
And I think it’s very interesting how the whole world was locked down and every single government institution bowed down to the U. N. And bow down to the real power players of the big farms that are out there. You know, the. The real power structures all leading back to Switzerland as well. And just different institutions, different other religious institutions. Yeah. And though then the world opens up and then we get this whole psyop, just the. Let’s focus on noticing. That’s the. That’s what everyone is focused on. Look, just look right here. It’s obvious to me, but it’s not a popular theory, but whatever’s popular usually is wrong.
Yeah. Yeah. It’s just complicated. We can go deeper into it. But yeah, it’s a whole thing. Like, you bring up Kanye and I’m like. I’m thinking about the Raelian thing where he had like, dude. And like, no one. No one talks about that, man. Like, when he was like. When Elon Musk responded to it, he was like, this is okay with a picture of him and his chones. And then he’s like, this is not okay. And it was like. And then the media at no point mentioned realism. They were like, oh, this anti symbol is like.
I knew what that symbol was because I’d used it in collage years before. And I looked into that UFO cult. It’s the world’s biggest UFO cult. I’m like, oh, he just freaking put up the symbol for Elon Musk’s own religion that he ascribes to. And he’s like, if you look at the. The Mr. Mr. Rail, the. The realism head, he’s made Elon Musk into an honorary member, like, before that ever happened. And like, his whole philosophy, like, it explains so much. And what he’s trying to do with Africa is the same thing that they did with Israel with the birthright thing.
That’s their vision of Africa for the future. They’ve already started setting it up for West Africa. They’re going to be moving people over there to do the same kind of apartheid. Whatever you get. Yeah. It’s just. It’s a whole. And if you look at the Olympics, the ceremony, it is the world and it’s America and there’s a bridge going to Africa. Like, sure. Oh, yeah, yeah. It’s the richest place of resources in the world and they cost the least of anywhere. What’s that about? Yeah, no, Africa is the future. So. Yeah. Anyway, thank you, guys. And then this was awesome.
He was banned too, with the raelian thing. With 322000 subscribers. 322-3-2022,0003 stolen bones. Just to give. Just to really drive it home. Yeah, I dig it. Yeah. Far out. The three, two, two thing. See, this is stuff that people don’t look at is how this goes back to Mithraism and how it’s connected to all these people on the mainstream. Candace Owens got baptized at 322 after being fired from the Daily Wire. Ben Shapiro on 322, too. Yeah, it’s. It’s all like, symbolic. Far out, man. All right. We had it’s like super active chat tonight. Appreciate all the.
I was trying my best to keep up with it, but then also pay attention to everyone’s saying and then also pull up screens and stuff. It’s a lot of work. Don’t. I don’t know how you do it normally because you’ve got way more comments that. That scroll by in yours, but it’s. It’s not easy work. But we’ll keep doing it. We’ll keep doing our best. Thank you for hosting that paranoid because it gave me a break. Break the kick. Kick it. Kick back. It is the one that can just kick back and not have to pay attention as much.
Yeah, this was a fun. Like, David held it down. Like, you put it on that. Thank you. Thanks. This is what you would call a passenger princess, but in like the podcast world. Yeah. For. And if anyone made it this far and you want us to keep doing the nightlies or you want David to come back, make sure you give us a. Like, give the little thumbs up, like to feed the little algorithms so that this goes out to more and more normies the more we do it. So we appreciate that. What you got for us, Donut? Any.
Any parting words, please go to the Illuminati comic. Com. Go. Click the link below. Hit the like button. Go subscribe. Much love, God bless you. Learn about the full history of the Bavarian Illuminati. Adam Vice House, Columb Jesuits, Rosicrucians, Freemasons and more. From the 18th century to modern day. We expose it all. That’s right, it’s the Illuminati comic from Donut and Paranoid American. Get yours now@illuminati comic.com. look, you’re gonna have to move fast. Conspiracy cards from Paranoid American are here. Truth be received cause flipping. What’s the deal? C receive cause with that paranoid sal I can unf.
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They lack an appeal. You welcome yet they doing it still you’re welcome.