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➡ The speaker predicts a meme war between cats and dogs in 2025, discusses the importance of bargaining in a post-currency world, and mentions the symbolism in various aspects of society, including banking and AI. They also mention the significance of the year of the wood snake and express frustration with backlash received on social media for their interpretations of symbolism. The speaker appreciates their supporters and plans to focus on YouTube, Patreon, and Twitter for future content.
➡ The speaker discusses various symbols and their meanings, including the ouroboros and the yoni. They also talk about the Federal Reserve and potential economic issues in Japan. They mention various conspiracy theories, including the Illuminati and secret societies like the Skull and Bones. The speaker also discusses the significance of certain dates and astrological events, suggesting they may be linked to future events.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics including the concept of priming in food products, the creation of Illuminati-themed art and comics, and the symbolism in popular culture. They also mention an upcoming Super Bowl ritual, a book about the way of the Samurai, and a recent tragic event involving a military helicopter and a commercial plane collision. The speaker encourages audience interaction through comments and questions, and ends by asking for support and sending blessings from Japan.
Hey, smash that like button. Put a 1 in the comment if you can hear me. Okay? What up? What up? Hello everybody. I am early. Yeah, being early is being on time. Sounds like y’all can hear me. We do have some breaking news of a helicopter crash right now in D.C. i believe I got the footage up here right, right now. Let’s go to that real quick. Show you what’s going on. Right here is the helicopter and the airplane, I believe. And they crashed into each other taking off on the. The Runway 33. Runway 33. We’re going to keep on looking into.
What is this? Some people are reporting in the comments that there’s been a lot of strange phenomena around this. What it automatically reminds me of immediately is what happened to Vladimir Putin’s driver. He was just driving and then it looked like one of these AI cars took over and just crashed right into the key driver for Vladimir Putin does what reminds me of. So I’m going to keep on looking at the story and we’ll give you an update as we dive deep into all your Illuminati news. But we have just entered the year of the snake.
Hey, hey, hey to everybody as well as go Happy birthday to me. The year of the snake just started right after the 128 code. Now I got somebody in the comment being a smart ass saying nothing happened on one to eight. Well, you’re absolutely wrong. You just. He just wanted to be. Be a jerk. Matt. I kid, I kid. I understand. These topics are deep and these are new hypothesis that we are connecting. Look, we got 182 right now up in here. And look at that airplane. Look at that. That’s, that’s. I’m in Japan. I’m in Japan.
I’ve always wanted to be in Japan. I’m in Japan. Let me show you how to one to eight codes connected to collapsing. And that’s exactly what happened. As you can see the Illuminati whales are happening. We see this in Back to the Future. The clock is at 1-28-1028. The 128 code and the Doomsday clock hit the closest to midnight on 1 to 8. That’s pretty significant in my opinion being that yes something did happen on 1 to 8 and not just did the doom clock. The Doomsday clock hit on 1 to 8 the closest to midnight.
89 seconds to midnight of fears of AI. But we even had the deep stake. The deep seek revealed and Nvidia stocks collapsed on 1 to 8. I mean huge 600 billion historic single day drop of Nvidia on the 128. As you can see right here it says 127. But look it’s a, it’s, it’s 1 to 8 in Asia. In Asia is somewhere I’m at. And we gotta look. This is China. This is China’s AI. So 1 to 8 there more collapsing. As we saw the Francis Scott Key bridge collapsed at 1 to 8am I warned everybody for six months prior.
I said look out for the 1 to 8 code. And everyone was like what is this guy talking about? And then it collapsed that one to eight in the morning. Just like the towers collapsed at one two eight, ten twenty eight. Like this. Back to the Future. It’s all over the place. Yo, it’s all over the place now. We got hundreds of people up in here. I’m only streaming on YouTube right now, so please smash that like button. I know it’s late out there in America. I know it’s, it’s late out there. So smash the like button.
So when everyone wakes up they get all day Illuminati news. Japan is really cool. I’m streaming from the firmament and the 7 11s here are really lit. The crash happened over Reagan Airport. Maybe the beginning of the market collapse. Well let’s, we’ll get into that map because I think it’s connected to the collapse of currencies. As I’ve been reading a lot of Japanese news out here, getting a wider perspective. But you know me, I’ve been talking about the Illuminati dolphins. I’m the Illuminati dolphin guy. And we all know that the Illuminati dolphins communicate with the higher intelligent whales who have their own religion.
According to John C. Lilly and his research of the government having the dolphins. As you can see here, the dolphins are serving pretty much the whales in a sense to take the messages from the Dolphins to the whales and the whales go down to Atlantis. You can see here the Illuminati wells taken over America. So I’ve been looking at the, the Japanese yen because I’m in Japan and this is the sign for the yen and the yuan as well, China’s currency, the yen and the yuan, as you can see here. And this was important in the Economist magazine, predictive programming, where a lot of stuff’s already happened in the world ahead.
But we see three yens going down and today historic inflation in Japan, interesting enough there, is predicting something. Is this connected to the solar eclipse, the alignment of the planets? I think so. I think we’re coming up on a big event to go down for the eclipse and the spring equinox. This is what I’m looking out for is in like a month from now in March. And this has been part of my hypothesis for over six months or longer. And you go over to the Patreon today to go check that out. Not only will you get the private reports, but we’re going to be doing a early access interview with Courteney Turner going over Game B and different technologies.
You’re not going to want to miss it. She’s one of the smartest, wicked smart researchers on the planet. If you did like that Matt Eric video we just dropped. We dropped that last month. Well, we dropped down January 1st pretty much last month. It’s the 30th of January here in Japan. So you get videos a month early. You get early access to videos and unreleased videos like the Illuminati Unicorns and Paranoid American and I’s how to Mind Control Social Media Cult Part one. We’ll be releasing part two shortly. So go click that link below and access them secrets, boy.
Access them secrets. What are you doing? So a lot of this currency and crypto. I’m out here with Christopher Green of Bitcoin Rich amtv. I produced for him for over a decade, for over 10 years. So we’re having some great conversations as it’s very important to council as I am reading a book and I’ll be putting together a presentation out here in Japan on the hagakyory. Very excited about that. Of the way of the Samurai. And the way of the samurai is found in death. It’s not the death that you think. It’s a different type of death.
It goes deep into a lot of stuff. So really cool book that I will be breaking down. You’re gonna love it. It’s going to be a little creative, a little different, but we See, let’s get into a little crypto news since that’s a popular topic right now. Stellar. This is Lumen. Stellar, xrp. You probably heard of. Everyone talks about XRP and shout out to my. My good friend, you know who you are. You sent me this. He the homie. Thank you. Stellar just teamed up with the evil. The on. And the United Nations Development Program and Stellar Development foundation joined forces to advance blockchain solution for financial inclusion.
And then you got xrp, right? And this was the. They’re kind of battling Stellar and xrp. The guy, I forget his name. They. He worked for xrp. He built xrp. He left it and then he created Stellar. As you can see, they changed their logo to the Saturn. Maybe it has something to do with the Saturn. And doesn’t that city right here, even though we say this is California, I think it looks more like Japan. Honestly, I can’t do it. Japan is amazing. The how. How much they built. Like absolutely incredible what the human mind can do, what man can accomplish.
And it’s just pretty amazing to see what man has built. Pretty. Pretty incredible. Pretty breathtaking. So we’ll get into the yen a little bit. But Stellar is called Stellar Lumens. And we see they changed it from the Rothschild Economist magazine and in 1988 predicting the one world currency to come. And it’s the same logo. But what I find interesting is that there’s this Disney film about Lumen, right? Stellar Lumen. And the other character is Ripple. So it’s Lumen and Ripple. This is how they prime the youth and the world for what’s to come. And one of my predictions for the year 2025 is that we’re gonna see a cat and dog meme war.
In my opinion, some sort of meme war happen with cats and dogs, which has been going on for a while. But I’ve been breaking down the symbols of banking and maritime law. The law of the ocean banking is all water based. So yeah, y’all know me. Y’all know that’s what I’d be covering here and in the show Leave the World Behind. Not the. The magazine, the World Ahead, but the world behind the ending was very important about the collapse of currencies and going back to the bargaining system. If they made a part two, that’s what it would get into.
There was another book released way before Leave the World behind was released. That new green grid told all of Congress to read. And that’s called One Second After. And it went into bargaining, bargaining alcohol bargaining, nicotine. These are real currency. In a Leave the world behind scenario, which was released on 1 to 8, part of the 128 code. And that’s what they do at the very end there. It’s about bargaining and currency that was the most important thing. So Nvidia stocks collapsed. Here’s the eyeball, the all seeing eyeball. I think it’s even deeper where it’s an eye and here’s a cube.
So it can be like an iq. I don’t know. That’s just what I was thinking. But here’s OpenAI like you’re opening an eyeball. Open AI as well. And it’s the cube right there in the middle, the hexagon, which is on the top of north pole of Saturn. That’s why I think Kanye named his kid North. So Stargate was launched by, you know, Sam Altman, same guy who did AI Ellison and all that. And there was a movie called Stargate which was released on the 128 code as well. Just on top of all that, October 28, the 1 to 8.
It’s very important to what’s going on right now. In the year of the snakey poo. Shout out to the wood snake would STEAK welcome to 2025. The year of the wood snake. Now if you’re just tuning in, we got hundreds of people in here. Please smash that like button. Kimberly’s already up on it. Thank you so much, Kimberly. I’m so grateful for you. Thank you for always being here. Thank and sharing the links and I mean everybody, let’s give a shout out and a prayer to Kimberly. What a fantastic Kimberly you are. Thank you. Thank you very much.
I appreciate that. You can’t see me. I’m right here in front of you. I’m just playing. I’m just playing. So it’s a silhouette. I think it’s more important y’all see the city than see me, you know. So that’s how cameras work. If there’s light hitting you from the back, you become a silhouette. But I think this looked kind of cool. It gives me this like anonymous look. So we gonna, we gonna rock. We gonna rock with it. I’m actually not sitting in a dark room. It’s very lit up. I’m in the most baller like high rise because I’m out here with Christopher.
With Christopher. So he always be balling. So he, he hooking your boy up with the good view. Yeah, it’s light up here, but once the, the light hits the camera, I even got an ND filter on the camera so you can actually see better. If I took off that the aperture would be too bright. You wouldn’t see anything. It would just be white back there. But. But yeah, yeah, we in the Wood Snake year. And I mean, it’s a great time to start the year off with going to the Patreon, support the channel and support your learning going over to the Patreon, because that’s what we’re doing.
So this is some of the stuff that we have uncovered on Patreon years ago. I’ve made it public, but the Brazen Serpent, speaking of the year of the snake, I think this is all connected. This is where in a lot of books they say the Brazen Serpent is where we get the dollar sign, the S. But the two pillars for sure come from the. The pillar dollar as well. The pillar dollar, the ultra plus, which was America’s currency before we created our. Our own currency and the Federal Reserve. I’ve been pointing out the symbols. So right here, this is their new symbol that they’re using.
It’s the Ouroboros. It’s a snake. Meta uses it as well. But I showed y’all how fed now years ago was the Ouroboros. It’s the. This, the tail eating each other. It’s alchemical. It’s an alchemical meditation people do. And here’s the other Ouroboros. And they did just change this Ouroboros to this Ouroboros of the snake. So I was absolutely proven correct once again with the symbolism. Because that’s what I look at. I look at the symbolism, not so much the feelings and the narratives that the plebs partake in. I got a lot of backlash recently on Facebook.
That’s why I’m only streaming on YouTube right now. Because YouTube is long form content. These little memes that people post, they. They don’t dive deep into research. And it’s just brain rotting. So many people. And the backlash that I got. I’ll show you y’all, the backlash that, that I got with. With that or Boris. Let me see if I can go to that right now. Okay, so first lady Melania Trump, she took this picture, which is the official picture. I mean, this is her official White House picture. Very, very important. So it will be very, very symbolic.
Now, this doesn’t mean that I. It’s not even a dis for anybody new. I’m just pointing out symbolism. Symbolism is important and everybody uses symbolism. So her hands doing this is the yoni symbol. And the Washington Monument is a Phallic. She’s in the White House right here, the Oval Office. So it’s the phallic and the oval which represents the Yoni. She’s doing the yoni symbol in the yoni office with, with the penetration of the male masculine phallic. It’s yin yang, baby. It’s yin and yang. And we’re in the year of the. The wood snake, which is a yin energy.
So this is very ancient symbolism. It’s not even a dis. It’s. It’s absolutely true. If you just turn this around the. As above so below you can see it is the Yoni hand symbol right there. It is the Yoni hand symbol, period. Like there’s no arguing that. Here’s on top of the capital, you got the Vesica Pisces with the phallic in the middle of the yoni. It’s sexual symbolism. This goes back thousands and thousands and thousands of years. So when I say the hand symbol of the Yoni and the big phallic is sex symbolism. It is.
That’s absolutely what that is. Even Congress in an old dictionary means intercourse. This is just what the, the, the greats have taught us. Jordan Maxwell has broken all this down. So this is the symbol of the Yoni. So I’m not stretching. And this is the Washington Monument. Even Wikipedia will tell you it’s a phallic symbol. Even Dan Bernstein says speaking of sex symbols, there is no more phallic symbol in existence than the Washington Monument. So when, when I post, maybe it’s just too wicked smart for the, the plebes out there. When I posted it, I got you’re reaching hard af.
I got, I got you’re out of ideas for videos. I mean, I don’t even 89 likes. I don’t even think I’m out of ideas. I have been very consistent showing you all the different sexual symbolism in politics. I’ve been very, very consistent. I remember when I used to believe stuff Donut would put out, but now he’s just crazy. It’s just absolutely nuts how something as simple as a masculine and female symbol. How much pushback I got? So I had a council a little bit. What is going on? Well, I attacked their idols right now. So like when I made a picture of Elon showing that he was doing a Molokian, Moloch type symbol, I got the pushback.
So I deleted the, the picture because I don’t, I don’t even want it. But I don’t think I’m going to be streaming on the YouTubes anymore. I mean, not YouTube. I mean, Facebook anymore. I think I’m just gonna kick it with YouTube and the Patreon and Twitter as well, and X. Because I. I don’t. I’m not trying to, like, wake people up. If you’re here learning this right now, that we’re supposed to be here together right now, like it. And I’m not trying to get all that attention because I’m not like, trying to convince them that they’re right or they’re wrong and I’m right.
I’m just very blown away with all that. And thank you. My Sherry. My Sherry has been just absolutely awesome, as well as Kimberly. Thank you for moderating and doing all that hard work. I am just so, so grateful for you. Thank you to both of you. Thank you so much for all your hard work. And everybody, let’s send our prayers out to both of them because that. That is what’s up. That’s what’s up. So let’s go back. I kind of skipped a couple things with the. The yoni symbolism. It just really grind my gears. It got me pissed.
It got me royally pissed. But something else I wanted to notate that I didn’t even come up with. Someone else pointed out how this ouroboros was in her hair. You can see the ouroboros in her hair. I do see it. I see a lot, actually. I see the magical square, the tic tac toe, the four squares, and the double cross right there of Lorraine. So you got a lot of different symbols there being in black and white too as well. But that’s what we’re covering. We cover symbols. When I’m not getting into the emotional baggage and trauma that people have, I’m just looking for the truth.
And the truth is out there. So back to the Federal Reserve and Fed leaves rates unchanged, sees no hurry to cut again. They’re always lying. They’re probably will be cutting. And it’s interesting because I was reading an article and watching a video of Rafi Farber talking about Japan inflation. Because I’m in Japan. I was like, oh, he put out a new video. What so strange that he put out this video and his article had the ouroboros with the Illuminati whale in it. So I thought that was. Wow. I mean, it’s. Is it odd or is it God? And I think it’s God.
Like, I mean, what are the. The odds that I’m out here in Japan and the homie Maverick was. Is out here kicking it Kicking it. What? Like what are that Tokyo lives. We finally linked up. I mean, come on. That. That’s God working in my life. So Japan hikes will worsen inflation. The inflation is bad here. So, like, my dollar does better out here in Japan. So something that costs like 50 bucks costs in the US dollar, like 10$. And he was showing that Japan is about to implode. I don’t know anything about crypto. He’s just showing these graphs when it goes up here, that’s like during 2008, during the Asian financial crisis, during the lockdowns.
And it’s back up there again right here with the food inflation. So something I’m looking out for, maybe there is something to this Economist magazine showing the yen and the yuan and the down symbol. So I’m the first one to show that. Yeah, if you ain’t first, you’re last. So anyway, I gotta humble myself. I get humbled all the time. So, yeah, so there’s all the Ouroboros in the year of the snake. And just on top of that, just like the synchronicities of everything going on. Trump was known for saying the snake poem, which was about deportations, pretty much.
And in the year of the Snake, he’s doing mass deportations that all the other presidents were doing as well. And the doomsday clock dropping on one to eight, while the Illuminati whales of deep stake deep seek dropped on one to eight and they’re saying it’s doomsday. Even got the article facts showing you, showing you the facts is deep seek doomsday, you know, showing you the evidence, showing you the factual evidence. 89 seconds to midnight. And that’s just a doomsday culture. There’s always a doomsday cult. One of the things that the doomsday cult says, how the world’s gonna end in one to eight days, in 10, 28 days.
I mean, right there, it’s just a way to have a cult for a long time. But the doomsday clock I’ve been pointing out is the Royal Arch as well. And this is exactly where the Dow was when they dropped this. It was at 89 seconds to midnight in the Dow Jones in the Fear and greed index. Now it’s kind of up a little more on the keystone of the Royal Arch. I mean, it’s even built as the shape of the keystone. Obviously, the bridge you can see here, because this is what we’re covering. We cover symbolism here.
We don’t cover people’s idols and their emotional attachments. To their human saviors. I’m just covering what I see symbolically. And symbolically, right Here is the 69, which is the egg. The egg rituals. Here’s Mithra. Mithra was born out of this rock. And around Mithra, which was a Roman soldier cult, soldier soul. And we got the crypto soul that Trump launched the meme coin on. Here’s all the zodiac signs going back to the Pirates of the Caribbean because they were a Mithra cult. The Cilician pirates, just like the Skull and Bones, right, are also a Mithra cult.
The three two, two Skull and Bone secret society. And they’re calling for maga pirates now. And I just thought that was interesting. But I did this private report over on the Patreon six months ago, pretty much warning for what’s to come with the Skull and Bones ritual. I posted this on X. X deleted it. It was weird because I posted it and they deleted it, documented it and reposted it. So it’s up there March 20th at 201. I’ve shown y’all how. That’s the Illuminati number of 201. That’s the inauguration date. There’s, like, so many different things.
The three, two, two, scorn Bones ritual will happen because it’s the spring equinox that Reza Georgiani has shown that the crossbones are the vernal equinox or the spring equinox that makes the X right here. You see how the ecliptic is making an X? And that’s what it’s for. And we’re coming up on that. So go watch that private report. You would have got this private report six months ago. So I’m telling y’all, we come with this information first. I mean, this what we do over here. And it’s like, this is like where the real beginning of the year is, is March 20th for the spring equinox.
And here’s the Skull and Bones. And even their clock is at the 1 to 8 code. It’s at 8:12, 128 right there. So please go to the Patreon, everybody. Please do it. I would appreciate it. I appreciate it very much. Very, very much. Thank you. Thank you. Got those links down below and click the like button as. As if you’re just tuning in. I’m up here in Japan up here, and I’ll be doing a breakdown of the Hagakure. I’ll be doing a huge breakdown. I’ll probably be also removing all this content on the channel and just re uploading the Haga Curry.
So also go to my other platforms. I’m on Rumble, Twitter and all that as well. Links down below. So that’s when I think the chaos is really going to set in. I think right now we’re seeing like some pumps, but I think we’ll see some currency collapses or old infrastructure collapsing around this time, which will touch all the other markets, in my opinion. I think it will touch other markets or other, other things as well because we saw Google 2025, showed us it was going to be chaotic and leave the world behind showed us that the evil cabal do things on these winter solstices.
So astrology plays a role to the elite and the eclipses are very, very important. And the eclipse that took place on Constitution Day and leave the world behind, there was an actual eclipse. You see the eclipse here in one second after we saw the eclipse and leave the world behind and even the world ahead. Trump is the eclipse. I’ve always been connecting Trump to the eclipse, which is the. The moon. And the moon is connected to the money. And this was released on 3, 2, 2 as well. Just the heads up there. And now Mel Gibson is the king of Hollywood talking about societal collapse and his apocalypto.
You can see here’s the eclipse of the sun and the moon. And the whole movie was about the eclipse as well. So very important when people get offended. Like on the dollar bill, there’s a pyramid. On the dollar bill, it’s a symbol. Oh, yeah, it’s so evil that you pointed that out. You’re. Oh, you’re stretching. No, no. Like these are ancient symbols. They mean something. Maybe not to the plebs, but to the people in power. And one of the people who was in power, Joe Biden, he just became a Prince hall freemason right there. Because masonry is very important to the founding of America and the Knights Templars.
It’s part of the story of America. So, yeah, secret society stuff. Secret society symbolism. But we covering. Yo. I thought this was an interesting Time magazine with the robot and the flowers that glow. Because this came out, look in 2024, in November. And look what they’re highlighting. They’re highlighting the Volkswagen. This is created pretty much by Adolf himself. The Volkswagen electric bus. And what was the one thing in the fires that happened in California that stood was this blue. You see how it’s blue? It was this blue Volkswagen. It was the only thing that stood, coincidentally enough.
The WEF and the smart cities and all that. This is aligned and sponsored the World Economic Forum that went down so it’s just very subtle. It’s like a movie poster. This is a movie poster. And this was released by the Skull and Bones. Right here is a movie poster showing you. This is what’s going to come. You look out for this movie. And then we saw the next picture of it. I mean, it’s just. It’s called priming. We see this in food products. Here’s a Medium article where they showed the fire and ice, the illuminachos in the Mountain Dew.
Fire and ice. And that’s what we got in America was the fires and the polar, the cold. And shout out to all the Illuminati Art club members. Y’all gonna love the Illuminati. Here’s the one of the. The coins, the Challenger coins. I mean, excellent. Illuminati Art Club members, you’re gonna love it. It’s coming together really nice. We’re getting all the awesome stuff ready to ship out the Illuminati comics to everybody. And I mean, it’s just looking absolutely sweet. Paranoid Americans, a hard worker. And we’re also working on a kids Illuminati animal coloring book. So we got a lot of cool stuff coming with the one, two.
A code and all that. My eyes are on Mr. Beast as he’s doing this hand symbol as well. He’s doing the yoni hand symbol. That’s okay for me to point that out. No one’s going to get offended. These are symbols and they mean something. And Beast is 47. And right now we’re in the 47th president, but it’s the 47th compass as well. But he’s number one. And it’s all about currency. So this year we’re gonna see Mr. Beast, we’re gonna see currency, we’re gonna see squid games type stuff going on. And I’ll talk more about that.
But we got a big ritual coming up. He’s doing the shush. I don’t know who he is, but I’m pretty sure this is a football player. It could be a soccer player. I don’t know, but I don’t think soccer players are that ripped. Maybe they are. I don’t know. I’m pretty ignorant when it comes to sports. But we got the big super bowl ritual coming up, so make sure to go get prepared for that because we’re going to cover that. But this is what I’m excited to put out, which I’ll recording the. The footage of, like right here.
I’m getting like some footage for the presentation. I’m going to be Putting together of the Haga cure the way of the Samurai. Very cool book. I’m gonna go deep in it. It really relates to what’s going on even today. So it’s. It’s going to be a different vibe. But, you know, I feel like getting creative with it. You know, it’s all about getting creative and all that. Shout out to the comment section. I’ll go to some Q A in the comment section. I’m on the top of the world, yo. Oh, snap. John C. Maxwell says it’s lonely at the top.
And he says a leader never said that. So I’m gonna show you the view because my battery’s low. I gotta plug in the battery real quick. Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up. Check out that view. And I’ll play some cool music real quick while I plug in the battery real quick because my battery is low. And shout out to a paranoid American for make it producing these beats. Yeah, I had to plug in the battery real quick. We out here in Japan, you know, saying, we out here in Japan gonna be telling y’all about the hagakuri, the code, the way.
The way of the samurai, the way the samurai is found in death. A very important book to me and my growth, even spiritually. I applied a lot of the principles in the hagakori into business. Like, even with Christopher. Like, Christopher brought me here on the top of the world, looking down at Japan because I did implement a lot of the concepts in this book in business and succeeded. They were. I mean, the. The town that they were stamps from is like 10, 000 years old. Like, there’s evidence of that. What up, Terror? Tara, man. Trey Main Robinson says, what up, Donut? What up? So a lot of people are looking, says the helicopter came from CIA headquarters.
That’s wild. Okay, thank you, Truth93. I’m gonna look into that. I’ll be doing a video with Christopher later over on his channel or we maybe would do a multicast stream. This book’s good. Anyway. Looking forward to that. Looking forward to all that. Oh, yeah. Let’s look and see what’s going on with this Blackhawk collides. Let’s look into it. I know it was like, off of the Gateway 33. The plane was on 33. The Runway 33. That’s wild, right? Desperate search for survivors after American Airlines, which is the AA right jet carrying 60, collides with military chopper over DC like, why is a military chopper crashing into an airplane like that Is so sus.
A desperate search for survivors is underway after a Blackhawk helicopter collided mid air with a commercial plane that was split in half near Reagan National Airport. They’ve been connecting Trump and Reagan together. There’s like a connection between both of them. So just Note taken. Flight 5342, APSA airline bomb raider CRJ700 regional jet, Runway 33. It collided with a military chopper while approaching Runway 33. I mean, come on, that’s so weird. Right around 9pm so let’s pray prayers out to anybody everyone affected with that. That’s super sad. Rescue crews are actively searching in the Potomac river which is on the 38 parallel.
38 is connected to the death murder code. Ah. So yeah, we’re gonna keep on looking into this, but that is very strange. The day of the snake year, right? Here’s some more. 33. I haven’t seen anything since they hit the river, but it was CRJ and a helicopter that hit, I would say maybe a half mile off the approach into 33. That’s freaking weird. Wichita. Shout out to Wichita. Flight collides with military helicopter in Washington D.C. and crashes over a river. Very strange story. Very, very SA crazy. American Airlines regional jet carrying 64 collides midair with military helicopter near D.C.
airport. I mean, a military Blackhawk helicopter crashes on Runway 33 at Reagan Airport. It just seems very, very. Oh, who knows? We’ll, we’ll keep looking on it. Very sad. Three soldiers aboard the helicopter. Wow. So please put your comments down below if you know anything about this in the comment section. The live section is great too, but the comment section is good too because it’s easier for me to access too. Oh, thank you. Christina got the Patreon. I even did a private presentation with Christopher over there going over some of the EMP stuff. Oh, wowzers. Wowzers.
Very weird. I’m just looking at the comments right now. See everybody, if you do have a question, put it in the comments. I’m take a Q A real quick. We’re streaming only on YouTube right now, so shout out to all y’all YouTubers. So the Potomac river is on 38 parallel. Oh, it’s just interesting looking at these maps of the river and the highway system. I’ve been looking out for the highways of 1 to 8, not so much California 1 to 8, but the Eisenhower highway system as they’re connecting Trump to Eisenhower as well with Eisenhower’s massive deportation.
And the 128 highway was very big part, part of all this. What’s this about the Golden Gate? So, yeah, I’VE been looking out for that for a while, looking at these maps. Here’s a book called Sex Symbols and the stars that goes over all the sex symbols, how important they are. We’re going to see them at the super bowl ritual that’s coming up in February with Kendrick Lamar, the Ishtar ritual, their fertility rituals. It’s all about charging the Oregon Energy with the cheerleaders. It’s the football players bleeding onto the grass, onto the grounds, onto the crops.
And the Oregon Energy charging that all up is very important. I wonder what’s the symbolism of the blue Gatorade? So we’re coming up with the ultra rare Mountain Dew flavor coming to America called the honeydew. So I’ve been looking at the honeydew symbolism. What is this showing us? It look does look like the infinity 8 right there. 88 infinity snake symbol. Honey is produced in China, but it is its counter of melon with major melon, which we covered a couple years ago. How the major melon is a freemasonic symbol right there. It’s the compass. It’s the freemasonic compass on his helmet right up there.
We dive deep into that. But China leads the world in the honey. So something I’m looking out for. If you like the Matt Ehret video, go check out Canadian Patriot. He goes over how there’s a big psyop going on with all that stuff going on. Yeah. So a lot of stuff going on in the news. A lot of AI stuff. And we’ll keep you posted and we’ll keep you posted on this tragic event that just happened. So please smash that like button. It’s donut out in Japan. Much love and God bless.