The 2024 Rituals are Happening Now!!!

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Alex Garland’s Civil War Movie Sparks MAGA Conspiracy Theories


➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, focusing on the “2024 rituals.” They connect certain patterns and symbols to Illuminati practices, UFO sightings, and Tesla robot attacks. The speaker emphasizes the importance of pattern recognition in events, media, and celeb actions, alleging their connection to symbolic sacrificial rituals. They also discuss the symbolism within popular culture, particularly the media industry.
➡ The given text emphasizes on the hyperconnected age we are living in, where digital technology such as cellphones and online platforms are said to have significant insights into our personal lives, emotions and patterns, manipulating these details for directed marketing and political campaigns. Additionally, discussion on displacement from digital media, global news narratives, symbolic attributes in the entertainment industry, and implications of unconventional calendars is included. It also briefly mentions a forthcoming music video release.
➡ The discussion covers a wide range of topics from deaths in the hip hop industry, Tennessee’s connection to significant geographical parallels, Dragon lines, and symbolic frequencies to Jelly Roll’s prominence, Sampaku eyes symbolism, and book bans. Further, there’s discussion about potentially upcoming social credit scoring systems initiated by companies like T-Mobile, symbolism in logos, Taylor Swift’s influence over a football team, Super Bowl locations, and the portrayal of technology and artificial intelligence in media and fashion.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics including the fashion industry’s tendencies tied to economic conditions, the symbolism in various forms of media and how it relates to secret societies like the Illuminati, unusual natural phenomena and peculiar incidents, AI-driven self-driving cars, and unidentified flying objects (UFOs). They also mention a subscription service for more information.


Yo, what up? It’s donut and you tuning into all your Illuminati news. The 2024 rituals are happening now. Yes. Hello, everybody. Make sure to smash that, like, button before we get into the Illuminati news. And put a one in the comment to let me know you can hear me. Okay. I hope everybody is doing good. It looks like everyone can hear me. Okay, wonderful, wonderful. So let’s get right into it.

There was some UFO activity, first off, at an air force base, and it was some orbs. I’m going to play the clip real quick. Every few minutes, we had something flying in the way. Oh, really? I didn’t see it. I’m not too sure what it was. Oh, my goodness. Yeah. Someone’s going to have to watch replay and see what that was. Something. Hold on. What was going the opposite direction right now? We saw something else fly above, too.

Geez Louise. Josh was spotting the ufos. Man. Are you ready? Someone has to watch the replay on that one. Go. Do we have anyone? Oh, yes. So it’s an orb. What is that? And we’ve been going over the orbs and how the orbs are actually plasma, and these orbs started showing up like the Foo fighters and whatnot after the atomic detonation took place, which was using the plasma field around it, according to some books I’ve been reading on the topic.

And this is when ball lightning started happening. So these balls, these plasma orbs would appear sort of like this encounter. If this is fake or not, who knows? It could be totally fake. But the orb is getting information from its surroundings. We did a couple of videos on it, on the last few streams that went deep into it, and the demon in the echo, which is the pyramid.

But we’re going to go over the 2024 rituals. Tesla robot attacks, breaking Illuminati news. A lot of six six six stuff, as tonight is the last full moon of 2023, the cold moon for the doc winter. And we’ve been breaking down pattern recognition all throughout the year, how these full moons, or eclipses, are connected to sacrifices, even symbolically. Here’s Matthew Perry, who passed away on 1028, which is that one two eight code, just like Julia Roberts was born on one two eight.

And Obama’s new movie out, leave the world behind. December eigth, twelve 8128. And you can see right here, it says ball, which goes into Christmas and Saturnalia and all that. So look out for some sort of ritual to take place tonight or tomorrow. There’s a three day window. With these sacrifices, we can just do pattern recognition of young dolph, rest in peace, or even Evelyn day Rothschild, or a lot of people in the fashion industry.

The moon is connected to a lot of these rituals that go down. And tonight is the full moon, the luna. And on the moon is a bunny. And we’re in the year of the rabbit, 2023. I said, this will be the UFO year. We just played the UFO clip because the lunar calendar is like the old calendar, the gregorian calendar. We’ve been duped. That’s what April Fool’s Day is all about.

It’s all fool. We fooled you all because that’s not the real calendar is Deckham. December is ten. It’s the 10th month, but we’re going into the year of the dragon. But we were able to predict all this UFO stuff because there’s a bunny on the moon. Now, Obama, who released this film, also showed up dressed up as Santa Claus, which is Odin, which is Thor’s father. Thursday. And there’s this bear right here that says Thursday.

I’m sure there’s a connection, but this framing, it might look like it’s off the cuff, like there’s not much to it. You got the checkerboard floors just like an ipet goat. You got the checkerboard floor with Obama and George Bush. And look, right here is the dragon. I wonder if there’s the year of the dragon connected to any of this, because the year of the dragon ends on the one two eight code right here.

February 10 is when it starts the year, and it ends on one two 8. January 20 eigth, the one two eight code with the dragon. And here’s. I’m on the checkerboard floor. The checkerboard floor. But as you can see, that this looks like it’s just off the cuff that they didn’t plan this out. Well, I’m telling you, with 41. 7 million people watching his movie, they plan everything out.

So it might not look like it’s planned out. The symbols you see in the background, you can see the vove, the v, which is connected to the six six six. We’re going to break this down. A lot of people missed a lot of the symbolism within this for Christmas and the kabbalistic Christmas tree behind him. We’re going to break this all down. But first, smash that, like, button.

We got over 500 people in here in the late night show. We’re going to smash that, like, button and share this video out. While you share this video out, it gets into the algorithm, and then people get to watch the video just from a simple share and a simple likey poo does so much for us. Hello, moon empath. Project Chaney in the house. Make sure to go watch Project Chaney and Ice podcast we did illuminate confirmed Luna, Selena.

Hello from Australia. Melanie. What good, what good. Oh, nice shirt. Eric says he likes the shirt. This was a old donut shirt. It’s lay’s potato chips, but they’re microchips. Dropped this right when the lockdowns were going, you know, merry Christmas to everybody, too. Everybody got their vhs box. Hopefully we sent all those out. They sold out. So thank you for the support. I’m going to try to get this.

Even Alex Stein. Shout out to Alex Stein. He got his VHS box and gave me a shout out on the show. Donut. Everybody needs to go get the donut. Strange news phenomena. Look at these guys. Look what you get. You’re getting stickers, koozies for the jacuzzi. I’m dropping stuff. Oh, my gosh. I’m spilling the cats. Honestly, the cats are going to love that. But that’s for the cats magnets.

Look at donut on the freaking sea, dude. Let’s go. Yeah. I’m going to check out what happened, Yvonne, with the weekend. I guess the weekend posted something. We’ll look into that. But shout out to everybody. Hopefully you got the vhs box. This was the newest edition. They’re like Pokemon cards because we only drop them once a year. This one only had ten. And this one came out with 100 boxes in 2020.

So three years ago. And look, you even got Kanye on there as he just apologized to me. I forgive you, Kanye. I love you, Kanye. So let’s get into it. Let’s get into this Illuminati news because a lot of people missed this. So he’s speaking at this Christmas function just like George Bush did with the kids. George Bush was speaking to the kids when 911 happened and towers fell down at 1028.

One, two, eight. The one to eight code. Now check this out. Look right in the background. You see the inverted pentagram right there? Satanic inverted pentagram. It reminds me a lot of the order of the eastern star because of the color coding. I’m not sure what color is over here, but if there was red, it’s definitely the order of the eastern star with the colors. But it’s the inverted Pentagram Penta.

The five, the fighter, the five, the Pentagon, the five rose petals of Venus, making the rose petals going back to the War of the Roses as well. The rose symbolism, very feminine. The sacred feminine as a lot of this stuff goes into actual queens controlling the world, not kings. But here is a lot of symbolism within that. I thought that was a great find. But we can see this 218128 code.

Remember October 4 at 218, a couple of minutes early with the one two eight in it. There’s something up with this code, with this number system, because right after this emergency text happened, we had the Middle east conflict just a few moments after it. So what’s going on? I mean, with the breakdowns of these films, what’s happening is the deer right? What’s in the news right now? Zombie deer.

I didn’t even pull that up. I didn’t pull up the articles, but zombie deer, is that a hint to that happening now, the deer symbolism showed up in the new grand theft auto poster they posted. The deer and grand theft auto posted their commercial the day this came out, while the kids wearing the grand theft auto t shirt. So the video games, the sodas, the mountain dews, the lace potato chips, the RFD microchip potato chips, mkultra, it’s all connected in the similacrum, including the fashion industry is.

The fashion industry is. These Tesla bots are attacking people. We’ll get into that article. But the Tesla bots was predicted in the vmas. And so these fashion shows, like Ball, Linciaga, Alexander McQueen’s fashion shows, they’re showing everybody the new technologies in the quantum computers to be utilized with the AI and all that for control, because it’s on such a deep, subconscious layer of programming that is scientific. It’s a scientific dictatorship that we live in.

Your cell phone and all that. It knows more about you than you know about yourself. It knows your heart like a beating. It knows the patterns that you’re walking, how many steps you take. It knows when you’re angry, when you’re scrolling through and you stop at a post and look at it for a couple of seconds, it’s watching your eyeballs and it’s engaging in all these aspects that ultimately sell you a product or a vote.

Products, votes. All of this is manipulation. It’s fabricated consent. Maybe that’s not the word to use, but it’s manufactured, in a sense, the manufactured consent propaganda for you to get a vote to buy a product. And it’s all using very subliminal programming, especially sexual programming as well, with fellatio and wetness and arousal and all of that in these magazine covers, on the billboards and these billboards, you’re not looking at them.

The billboards are looking at you. Like, obey. It looks at you, you look at it, so you imitate it, because you and me, baby, ain’t nothing but a mammal. So let’s do it like they do on the Discovery Channel, imitating what we’re seeing for the ideal image that the corporations are pushing. So you see a billboard of Kim Kardashian, you’re going to want to look like Kim Kardashian.

Or that’s what, that’s what happens. And I was just in Mexico and I really got to take some time away from the cell phone and the consumption of media, which is really good. And I even shot a music video out there which was going to be dropping pretty soon. I mean, it was off the hook. It was off the hook. So give me a couple of likes and I’m going to drop that music video for all you all because it was a lot of fun.

And one way to break out of the robot programming is through vocation. Your vocation, your excitement, your purpose, your passion, by pursuing that which this is my passion and vocation. I love doing what I’m doing. This is a way to break out of the system of control, is by following your vocation. And I’ve been promoting that since day one on this channel. So here’s leave the world behind.

They talked about the winter solstice rituals. We just went through the winter solstice on the 21st. And when I was in Mexico, the news was a lot different than the news in America. I kept peeking at the news and in Mexico there was a terrible massacre that happened. Not a lot of people know that, probably in America, because it wasn’t on your news station. What was on the news station in America was that you got all these illegals coming over.

So there’s two different narratives on two different countries. And even if you’re in one country, whether that’s in the Middle east or here in America or wherever, you’re in your own individual bubble of programming. Even in this own field of alternative looking at topics, it’s all in your own little bubble. So it’s a good thought experiment to leave your bubble and put yourselves in the shoes of others as well.

It’s not easy to do, but it’s a good thing to know, to keep expanding and breaking pattern, pattern recognition. Break the pattern. That’s another way to break the matrix, is by breaking pattern. Now here is Obama all about the v. What’s the well all about? Know, I’m not even going to say what I’m just thinking right now. I’m sure everyone else knows what I’m thinking with that letter.

But v is the vove, which is the 6th letter. It’s all about the six six six. And it’s in the blue, right? The blue frequency is a six six 6. Can even see in his movie they showed the six six six with the time. Six six with the blue. The six six six blue. And there’s the six six six blue right there. Sixes all over. Is this a coincidence? On his 60th birthday, you can donate $6.

60 or 606 six. All the sixes everywhere. This was for Obama’s birthday. As we’ve been doing this research for a minute now. So we see the pattern recognition popping up even with this word equaling six six six. And that’s happening in 2020. And then if you -2020 minus the six six six or divided, I mean, it equals Joe Biden’s text code, the three oh three. So you got all this six six six connected to the blue Democrats.

The blue Democrats all connected. He even did his six six six speech. Six minutes, six days or six weeks. On October 1. In six days, six weeks, six minutes would be November 18, Mickey Mouse’s birthday, or the three two two day of the year, or the day Adam Weishhop, the founder of the Illuminati, died. Now Mickey Mouse is losing its copyright protection next week. Something to bring up since his birthday is on that November 18 day.

But this was another thing I noticed. I noticed this looked a lot like the Sephiroth, but I’m like, okay, it looks like it because you got three lines going down, right? One, two, three. And right here it’s one and then two. You can see this thing. Like, why do they put that over there? It just doesn’t make sense because this is symbolism. One, two, three. But there’s only nine.

You need ten. Well, let’s do a zoom out of this image that we’re seeing. You can see there’s the 10th one. I mean, maybe I’m stretching, but I am looking into symbols. And there you go. Bada bing, bada boom. Just looking into symbols. And it makes sense for that to be the symbol because the Christmas tree, as I just learned from Aniyasaru at the spiritual shade room that the Christmas tree is also the tree of life.

And the ornaments going around it is all connected. So it absolutely makes sense that that’s what that symbol is. As we’re coming up onto the 2024 rituals and we just crashed through 1000 people streaming. Make sure you smash that, like, button every time we crash through 1000 I’m going to remind you all to smash that, like, button. It means a lot. Means a lot. What’s up, Brian? What’s up, Shila? Shila says, February 11, las Vegas, 50 eigth on the day.

Whitney Houston. I think she’s speaking of the Super bowl. We’re going to get into the Super bowl and how it’s all connected. Yes. What’s up, Tara? She says sub donut. And the Da auth is hidden. Yes. The Da auth is the hidden sephiroth, where you get Doth Vader and Doth. If you’re looking at the body of the Sephiroth is the neck. And that’s what Darth Vader does. He chokes people at the neck.

And he speaks through, like. His voice is weird. You know what I mean? It’s all connected. But 24 is Omega. Right here, you can see the omega logo right here. And there’s the alpha and the omega on the dollar bill. You got the alpha and the omega and a 24, right? 24 is also x in the english Alphabet, as we’re going to have an x over America in Texas.

All my exes are from Texas, but this movie leaves the world behind in civil war. They’re working compatible together. They’re both part of the programming. And since we’re talking about the pathways in mysticism, Alastair Crowley has the 32 pathways. And you can see the Jesuits got the 32 spokes right here, just like the Miami dolphins got the 32 spokes, just like Beyonce won the 32 Grammys in Las Vegas on the 32nd floor.

That tragic event happened in front of a pyramid. Well, on the a 24, because this is all symbolism. That’s what we look at. We look at symbolism here on the channel, and it just gets more deeper with color coding. It just gets deep. So the divided America map is into five sections. 12345, the Pentagon, but the loyal estates. There’s 32 states. So right there, boom, you got another huge symbolism.

This is a huge symbol. So them being the 32 states is huge. This is the map. Like the fema map and whatever. And right here, you can see that when Obama was speaking as skinny Santa. It’s all about the experience. Are they hinting at the solar eclipse, the x over America, a 24. 24 x right here on April eigth? Yeah, I think they are, because you can see that Trump is the eclipse on the Economist magazine, and Melania Trump is missing.

That’s in the news. The gregorian calendar. We’ve all been duped, but let’s just pretend that New Year’s is New Year’s right? January 1 coming up? And if we do a world in review of the year. The first of the year. Miley Cyrus was performing underneath the Royal arch with Dolly Parton. Dolly Parton dropped their Illuminati album. Doing the illuminati eye. Miley Cyrus posted each one of her music videos.

Had the three, two, two timestamp in it. And while they were performing, the queen of Memphis passed away. Gangsta boo, rest in peace, at 43. And then Aaron Carter passed away in a tub like Matthew Perry at 34. The reflection, just like the queen died at 96 and the other queen died at 69. These reflection numbers. But hip hop reacts to the passing of gangsta boo on New Year’s day.

So that was the sacrifice for there. For Memphis making easy money. Pimp and hose is serious. Memphis, Tennessee, where Miley Cyrus is from. Which is the 36th parallel. A lot of stuff is connected to this 36 parallel. Las Vegas. The Luxor. That pyramid, I believe, is on the 36th parallel. Tennessee is on the 36th parallel. And I believe I’m the first channel to bring up the 36th parallel connection.

A lot of the 33rd parallel are the death row states. These are dragon lines. We’re going into the year of the dragon. In the dragon lines, there are frequencies. So certain points of the world are connected to certain entities. According to the ancients. Or even Malley P. Hall writing it out the sigil. So each place on the map, on these lay lines. The Templars were very fascinated with the dragon lines.

The lay lines, the meridians and the meridians are in our own body as well as on the planet. It’s like an as above, so below kind of thing. A micro macrocosm, just like the plasma balls that are popping up these ufos. If you look at plasma and you put electricity into the plasma, it reacts just the way that a body would react to a pathogen. So it resembles life.

And the word plasma was used because of its resemblance to life. So this whole plasma thing is crazy. I just did this deep dive on it, and it’s just a crazy thing. But going back to the 36 parallel in the lay line, jelly roll is someone to look out for. Shout out to jelly roll. I actually edited a interview of jelly Roll back in the day. And he’s wearing the checkerboard floor.

But he’s from Nashville, right? The Tennessee Nashville. And he’s getting a lot of praise. And he has the sampuco eyeballs. This is symbolism. This means something tragic is coming their way. You can even see that Jesus is depicted a lot in art with the same sampaku eyeballs. And sampaku means the three whites down here. So I’m looking out for jelly roll to perform maybe at the New Year’s Eve special.

If he performs at New Year’s Eve special, there’s no information on it that he is or he isn’t. But if he does, I would very much be looking out for jelly roll because these new year celebration are straight connected to rituals. Miley Cyrus, Pete Davidson, all this gangsta boo passing away. And let’s not forget that gangsta boo and jelly roll are both part of the three six mafia.

That’s who gave them their start, in a sense. You know what I mean? So, January 1, several new laws are coming into effect. I mean, the banning of books, that’s one thing. They banned brave new world, that book by Aldous Huxley. As you can see, the Huxleys in that leave the world behind video. Aldous Huxley and his brother, Julian Huxley, these insiders, Julian Huxley created UNESCO. Where the aliens.

I was just in Mexico, right. Well, the Mexico aliens that they showed that Neil degrasse Tyson is saying, oh, no, it’s Neil degrasse Tyson. Yeah, right. That is all from the United Nations. Julian Huxley. There’s this connection to saving the environment. That’s the propaganda term. But the real agenda behind it’s eugenics. So another thing that’s happening besides these book bannings. Oh, hello, Patty. Patty says, donut love from Hell’s Canyon and Cape Town, South Africa.

Shout out to Cape Town, South Africa. Shout out to all y’all watching right now. Make sure to smash the like button. Okay? Donut. The three whites in our eyes. Yes. That’s the Sampu paku eyes. Homer’s favorite donut is the jelly roll. Interesting. Very interesting. Yes. So this is another interesting thing that’s happening on the first of the year with T Mobile, right? T Mobile on January 1, they’re going to start charging people for violations.

Those violations is called the shaft. That’s what they’re calling it, the shaft. And you can get fined $2,000 for social engineering or posting or having illegal content on your phone or something. There’s a lot of stuff on here. I mean, this is starting to be the social credit scoring system happening. But I thought it was interesting that you get 2000 fine for social engineering, that they use that term.

Social engineering is psychological manipulation. I mean, it is fifth generation warfare, social engineering. This is connected to what I’m exposing over here on the donut factory is the social engineering of, let’s say, the hippies or hip hop or the music industry or the movies, or leave the world behind. That is the fashion industry as well. The fashion industry. Social engineering. Engineered consent. That was the word I wanted to use earlier, engineered consent.

So, T Mobile. I made a video on Instagram showing. I was the first one to show this, but the T mobile logo is the two ball cane. It’s the two balls and the seven right here. It’s a seven, right? It’s two sevens, but it’s the seven and the two balls. The two ball cane. The seven. And I got a lot of flak for it. People are like, this is why I unsubscribe to you.

You’re saying that the TJ Maxx logo is a knights Templar logo. It is a Knights Templar logo. You can’t deny a symbol. When you see a symbol. It’s like, yo, that’s the symbol. It’s the double cross of Lorraine. That’s a Knights Templar symbol. It’s part of the TJ Max logo. And the TJ Maxx logo also has the two ball cane in it. So, I mean, it’s not people like, I’m unsubscribing.

This is crazy. It’s like, okay, it’s just crazy. I mean, people love their servitude. People love their TJ Maxx. People love their social credit scoring system. Now, there’s this. I’m screwed in the social credit scoring system. I’m effed. If you’re not effed in the social credit scoring system, shame on you. That’s all I got to say. Shame on you. But T Mobile, they were doing that thing with Elon not too long ago.

I was talking about that T Mobile to buy mint mobile, which is Ryan Reynolds. Ryan Reynolds was Satan, right? For mean. It’s all connected. It’s all satanic. It’s all satanic. Fifth generation warfare happening. They’re banning thousands of books. This is what to expect in 2024. It’s just crazy. The world is absolutely nuts. People don’t want responsibility. They want servitude. They want the queens and kings to take care of them.

And you know what? It is annoying, but it is what it that nothing new under the sun. It’s how it’s been for forever. So Taylor Swift, she is, like, ruining this football team. I don’t know Jack about football at all. I don’t know nothing about football. But it seems like Taylor Swift, wherever she performs at a stadium, the game, they’ll lose their game. And she started dating some football player.

And she’s wearing this hat with her friend, which is 87 and 15. And that’s the 201 right there. The 201 is like, you got event 201. It’s a huge Illuminati number. Here’s the squid games. That landed on 201. Thought that was interesting. Wanted to notate the swifties. But the Super bowl is going to take place on February 18, the 49th day of the year. I was just in Mexico hanging out with the illusion, and he was saying to look out for the 49 ers.

I’m looking out for them dolphins. Because I’m obsessed with the Illuminati Dolphins. But the Super bowl is going to be taking place in paradise, Nevada. Well, that’s where that event just went down at the UNLV, remember? And I was like, yo, that’s the 36th parallel. I did a whole post on it. Paradise, Nevada, where that UNLV event went down. Well, that’s where the Super bowl is going down on the 36th parallel.

Now, check this out. It was founded the day leave the world behind was released December eigth, the one two eight code. So definitely setting it up for rituals. Just like how this year the Super bowl ritual was all set up for egg rituals. The Memphis right shows the egg. The kniff. Like, you got Ken kniff from Connecticut. Where skull and bones is from. The Eminem thing. Oh, looks like Black Pegasus is up in here.

Yo, Black Pegasus. Everybody go. Subscribe to Black Pegasus. He spit them freestyles. Check this out. Black Pegasus. I’m going to be dropping a music video pretty soon. I’ll play a little clip. It’s going to be a nut, nutty video. You’re going to love it, bro. But shout out to Black Pegasus. He’s got some amazing music videos. Tesla robot terror engineered. Attack that factory. Trail of blood. And we can see that bad bunny was awarded in the year of the bunny.

And then you got the twerking Tesla bots right here. This is all warming up the subconscious mind for what’s to come. That’s what these shows are about. Here’s the quantum computers at the Grammys. The satanic Grammys. Remember that satanic thing was dancing? And it’s all connected to the fashion shows. Here’s cream master. Don’t Google cream master, because you’re going to see some gross stuff. But you can see that this is the stage that they use in a lot of.

You see the symbol in a lot of stuff. But this is Barney. What’s his name? Matthew Barney. He dated Bjork. I think but he made the cream master. This is all the fashion industry, like Balenciaga. And look, he’s got the double headed eagle, just like Kanye’s vultures using it. But Kanye, he apologized to the jewish community. So he asking for forgiveness in Hebrew and amends. And I want to say, I forgive you, Kanye.

I love you, dog. For show. For show. It’s the full moon. It’s the full moon. Oh, this is a crazy thing about fashion, my friend. He’s wicked smart. Friend of mine, he was telling me that in good economy, the fashion industry, like, girls, will dress more provocatively when times are booming. So you’ll see more like skin when times are doing good. But when things are doing bad, girls will dress more conservatively.

And I thought that was crazy, because he’s all into fashion. He knows how to take pictures and all that. And you saying, look out for the yield curve inversion, like a lot of big money knows we’re heading into a depression. And you just look at the yield curve inversion, and it proves that. I don’t know anything about it. But I thought that was interesting, that if things get bad, just you’re not going to see as much skin anymore, fellas.

But here’s the UFO caught on camera hovering over air force one during Joe Biden’s fundraising trip to LA. It’s that orb, the ball lightning orbs. Plasma. The plasma. It pops up and it gets information for the rest of the plasma. This was another interesting thing that happened this year. Speaking of strange news and phenomena, is this black line. That was another strange thing that happened this year. I mean, there’s so many strange things.

Like the vagina clouds. I don’t know if you ever seen that, but the vagina clouds. That’s what they call it. Okay, I’m not being weird. That’s what they call it. They show up before the earthquake happened in turkey, and they just showed up again not too long ago. So many weird things. Like, here’s Uruguay. This happened, too, this year, in 2023, 2000, penguins washed up dead in Uruguay.

I want to go travel there. But penguins. We did the breakdown of the Illuminati penguins. Do you see that penguin on her shirt? The December eigth. One, two, eight. They leave the world behind. Happen. Yeah, it’s all in the code. Here’s leave the world behind. When he’s texting his wife, Maya, which I think means illusion, but he says is at 200 the right flight number? It’s not showing up.

And I looked up at 200. I mean, they really did their research in this movie, every single clip, even this little clip that only shows up for one little millisecond that nobody probably has talked about. Because when I dissect the film, I go through clip by clip because I’m a filmmaker editor, so that’s what I do. I like to look at each little clip because I know that everything that we are shown is for a reason.

And it could even go into the color coding of the red, white and blue right there. I mean, it gets deep. But at 200, I googled it and it is Casablanca, which is in Morocco, which is where his wife was at. Was in Morocco to JFK airport. And I was looking at all these dates. It’s always at five, five, five. I thought that was weird. If you guys got any connections with five, five, five, put it down in the comment below because it’s always on that time, except for if it gets delayed.

But it’s supposed to be at five, five, five. But leave the world behind. That’s where she’s at in Morocco. And her flight was in Casablanca. And Casablanca means White House. So, I mean, this movie is very deep in the symbolism. It is very deep. And we’ve been breaking it down. And Casablanca is known for that. City of Fez, right? Fez, Morocco. That’s where like, the Shriners have the fez hat, right.

You see in masonry from Fez, Morocco, the fez hat. Then you got Fez from that 70 show. So another thing to look out for in 2024. Tommy truthful broke this down in the truth Mafia podcast I did with him and Ani on 917 2024. It showed up on the screen. I thought that was a really good catch, something to look out for. But that date, they picked that date because that’s the day that they signed the constitution.

The constitution was signed that day right after a mystery man that came out and spoke and disappeared told everyone to sign it. How weird is that? That’s another phenomena. But the New Year’s is going to be taking place, and there’s this new building called Fontaine in Vegas. Fontaine blue Fontaine goes into the Templars as Fontaine, like in who cloned Tyrone? Fontaine was one of the original Knights Templars.

You got nine original Knights Templars for Saturnellia and Lil Uzi Vert, who’s a knights templar as well. In his new music video, he paid homage, I think, to the Knights Templars with the Iron Cross. See, this is a symbolism that I’m pointing out that you can’t deny the symbolism. It’s the Iron Cross of the Knights Templars. And there’s nine of them. Just like nine members of Wutang. Just like nine people on the Brady bunch.

It’s the Tic tac toe Octithorpe. That’s why blink 182 released the Tic tac toe ufo this year. And look, 182. That one two eight right there. And it’s the bunny. It’s a swastika as well. Look, there’s the arms. It’s a swastika. It’s a hidden swastika. Because they’re connected with Operation Paperclip in the church of Scientology. And they’re saying that life’s on k 2118. So, I mean, this stuff be popping up everywhere in the story.

Even national UFO day, July 2, leaves 182 days until the end of the year. Very high tech stuff. Stepson of missing Titanic submersible mole billionaire. Praised for posting attending blink 182 show. So a lot of strange things are happening, Tyrese. Them hips don’t lie. Wearing the red dress. You got the Knights Templar symbolism with Lou Uzi Vert, and even 50 cent during the double cross right here. The cross of Lorraine.

As I’ve been looking out for 50 all year, nothing seems to be happening. But a lot of weird stuff is happening with the Waymo. Right? Speaking of social credit scoring system, Waymo, this is all over Arizona. Self driving cars. It’s the AI that you see and leave the world behind poster. Sure, they’re Teslas, but the Waymo is, like, already. Look, all these Tesla cars crashing. The way mo is already in operation here.

And this is Google. Google owns Waymo, so look out for Waymo. Tyranny coming to your town now. Click the link below. Go subscribe to the Patreon. We drop the winter solstice rituals in Mexico. Biohacking and symbolism. This is a wonderful video. Make sure to go like it. We drop at least four videos a month over here. We got this plasma. If you want to know more about the plasma and the demons and angels and the pyramids, go subscribed to the Patreon.

It supports the channel. Plus you get a bunch of information. I mean, a bunch of videos. We released the VHS box there first. Go do it. What you waiting for? Go do it. It’s donut. Smash the like button. Much love, everybody, and God bless y’all. Bye. .

  • Unnamed -

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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