➡ Nick Taylor is encouraging people to support a project that includes a limited edition Illuminati comic and other items like art prints, stickers, and albums. Supporters can upgrade their backing to receive more benefits, such as the VHS box or joining the Illuminati Yacht Club. The project also includes discussions about various symbols used by the Illuminati and their significance. The campaign ends soon, and they plan to host a 25-hour live stream on the last day.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and historical events, including the decapitation rituals of Mariana Antoinette, the Order of the Assassin, and the influence of the Illuminati. It also mentions the use of drugs and manipulation by Hasana Saba to control people, and the symbolism of these actions. The text criticizes mainstream media and encourages independent research, while also referencing pop culture like the Squid Games and Hostel. It ends with a discussion on the significance of numbers in these theories.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and the people behind them, including Fritz Springmeyer, Robert Anton Wilson, Jordan Maxwell, John Todd, and William Cooper. It also mentions the use of symbols and codes in their works. The text also talks about a comic book that illustrates these characters and their theories, aiming to make the complex information more accessible and memorable.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and theorists, including William Cooper, David Ike, and Alex Jones. It highlights how these theories are becoming a form of modern mythology, similar to ancient Greek and Roman myths. The text also mentions how these theorists challenge societal norms, such as Alex Jones protesting against digitizing thumbprints. Lastly, it encourages support for their project, which delves into these conspiracy theories and theorists.
➡ This text talks about a comic called “Illuminati Comic” created by Donut and Paranoid American. The comic explores the history of the Bavarian Illuminati and other secret societies. It also mentions a character named Chan the cat and discusses various artwork related to the comic. The creators encourage readers to support their project and join the “Illuminati Yacht Club” for exclusive benefits.
Nothing funny here. The symbolism that I noticed now started to write off is this32 with the main bullet points. Here’s the bullets with the cryptic occult message on each bullet. And they titled the bullets right here, the 32. What does this 32 mean in these tragic events? As one of the most terrible events that happened in America. In Las Vegas, where I’m from, Sin city, on the 32nd floor, we had this tragic event. And what I do is I unlock the secrets of the symbols. So I’d be breaking down how this is the key symbol for serious star system as well.
With the eight pointed star of Ishtar. Right here is a gateway portal on the 32nd floor. A lot of symbolism. It’s even tied into sports and football. So if you like football, we’re going to cover a little bit of the Illuminati symbolism in football. Because this 32 spokes around the Miami Dolphins is connected to a lot of the symbolism. So this is just stuff in the mainstream world. And they’re now calling the assassin an assassin. I called it an assassin right away. The smiling assassin. Which is weird. The smiling assassin seen in New York, hostile. Everything about this story brings us back to the ancient days of Rome, brings us back with it being in York, in New York, bringing us back to the hospital.
Lars, right here. The hostel. The assassin order with the assassins and smiling that the mainstream media is calling this the Smiling Killer. As we just got this new film out, I haven’t seen it, but we were talking to homeboy writer Lee about the Shining. And he said the guy that he did this documentary with who’s like really big in conspiracy book world and research, said that he was watching this movie. He said it was really good smile too. And they’re calling this the Smiley Killer. Plus people have been reporting sightings of demon faces appearing. That’s also been something.
But something I pointed out during the debate is what’s up with the smiley face debate didn’t go that viral. Only 16, 000 views on Twitter. But the stage was a smiley face. And I’m like, what is up with the smiley face stage? But as time goes on and these rituals on the world stage happen. As we spoke with Illuminati watcher Isaac Weishaupt, go watch that podcast. He brought up how Ryder Lee was going over the Catcher in the Rye in the Shining being an MK Ultra mind control experiment. And these assassins get caught every time they do these assassins reading Catcher in the Rye.
So there’s always some sort of message with these books that the assassin leaves behind. And this one also the assassin on the bullets left. Deny, depose, defend. And I’ve been right on point. Like now we see the leftist celebrating the demise of this man, pushing for what the elites actually want. Elon Musk wants to put everyone on universal health care. Billy Bob, Warren Buffett, Amazon, Jeff Bezos. This is part of the utopia that’s being pushed of socialism. The socialists are going wild and they’re loving this. Deny, defend, depose. Making good T shirts of it as well.
I mean, I don’t get it yet, but I was damn there right on point. Because I’ve been looking into this for a while. Because if you control the health care, you control everyone’s life. This is why Elon Musk wants this. Jeff Bezos and United Health Group, where the CEO was gunned down right in broad daylight at the dawn. This is the dawn of a new day that Jordan Maxwell talked about. This company is a subsidiary of this company. And the guy left to go join Haven Health Care to work with Amazon. JP Morgan, Nazi Chase and Amazon and Berkshire halfway.
That’s Billy Bob. That’s like the whole McDonald’s thing. And McDonald’s is a big part of this. There’s certainly things like when the lockdowns happen, everybody agrees with the lockdowns. Every government. Same thing with McDonald’s. Even if you’re into health or fighting the system, you still want them chicken McNugget meals. I mean, who doesn’t? I mean, the brainwashing goes deep. And I’ve been connecting it to that and I’ve been right on point. Even looking into weird phenomenons happening on the 33rd floor in the ATL. This guy went crazy and they bury this story. I knew something was up with this.
He was waving a firearm and blasting it off on the 33rd floor. They locked down the 32nd floor and the 34th floor, I think. And so the three steps, the three stories all connected to these numbers. And guess who owns this building? Yes. Berkshire, Halfway and Billy Bob. That’s what they want. So you can. I mean, I’ve been studying this stuff for a while. Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett, Bill. They’re all best friends. They love burgers. And then you even got this lady, Sydney Wilson, who was 33 in Apartment 32 2. That was a big story as well, where all these people are going crazy.
And I think it’s all connected to who really controls this world. And that goes into the pharmacia, the. The magician. So there’s a lot going on symbolically in the world that we’re covering here over at the Donut factory with Paranoid American as well. And I know I just word vomited a lot. What’s your thoughts on all this so far? Paranoid, am I? Explain. I got two more puzzle pieces to add to this, actually. One is that I was just right before we started, I was looking through some of the headlines and apparently they’re starting to trace the smiling assassin to Atlanta, that he got on a bus in Atlanta and took that all the way to New York.
So there’s another Atlantic connection. And then also just to kind of state maybe the obvious, but might have gotten glossed over, is that Catcher in the Rye, when this kid is coming to age and he’s going through all these very mature situations, he goes to Central park and this is the same exact place where the smiling assassin ran off to, bro. There is something MK Ultra going on with this. And not saying that the assassin was under mind control, but this is like an MK Ultra on the public. A huge story being massively promoted. This is obviously a female.
I don’t know why people look at those lips like, that’s like those are female lips. The. The. And just like the smile. I think this was a great connect too with the. I gotta watch this. So that movie with Ryder Lee, Clockwork Shining, really sparked the imagination of many truthers, I would say. And it seems to be connected. The smiling Assassin, how the Assassin order was front stage at the Olympics. And not only was the Assassin Order front stage at the Olympics, but the shooters, like the me magic of the. The shooters at the Olympics as well.
That was the main story of the Olympics. Right? The main meme. And then we get this shooter that’s going to bring in the regulations of the facial technologies. But as we covered in many other podcasts, especially yesterday, that is very amateur technology compared to what they already are using. And we got almost a thousand people up in Here, please smash that like button. Share the video out it is the weekend and we’re doing these live streams every single day. Paranoid American. Every day and every night because of the Illuminati comic. And we surpassed yesterday’s goal. We wanted to get to 38,000.
We got there with your support. Thank you so much. We wanted to get to 575. We got the 580. So thank you so much. Make sure to click that link below. Back this project, get the Illuminati comic. You’re going to learn so much. It’s a chit track. Illuminati comic. Absolutely incredible research. We will give everyone a shout out who purchase this live on the show. And you get a feed my kitty cat as well. Hold up a second. I forgot I need to upload some new overlays in the show. But while you do that and while Chan’s getting the treats and the MK Ultra drugs, we do have a whole bunch of people to shout out that backed us between last night and today.
So shout out to Surfing Yeti. Gustavo Garabe. Thank you. Wait, who’s the first one? Surfing Yeti. Surfing Yeti Gustavo Garabe. Gustavo. Yvonne got that digital deluxe. Oh, Yvonne, thank you so much for getting that digital deluxe. Nicole B. Nicole B. Maybe sister. That’s your sister. Shout out to Donut Sister. Trevor Harmon. Trevor, thank you so much. Nick Taylor got that VIP VHS box. Nick Taylor, thank you so much. You got the VHS box. Great, great choice. Now if you want to upgrade, if you already backed this project, with which many people have already backed this project, make sure to upgrade.
If you’re interested in upgrading, very simple. All you gotta do is when you already sign up where it says back this project, it will say like upgrade your project and you click that button and then you can upgrade to one of the bigger tiers like the Illuminati Yacht club or the VHS box. And if we could get this past 47,000 tonight, it’s a big stretch goal. But we only got four days and this is a limited edition Illuminati comic plus a bunch of other stuff as well with the VHS box. And we’re being able to send this worldwide go upgrade.
Because we’re yeah, only a few days left and we can update the the images as easily because once you submit it. But there’s way more than a 33% savings at this point. Anyone that’s getting the VIP box, the street Team or the Yacht Club is getting over $60 by the time that we’re wrapped up, you’ll probably end up having over an extra $100 worth of free things that we’re throwing in between art prints and stickers and albums and all sorts of unreleased digital content. So it’s really like we’re. We’re trying to make it so special that when it shows up, you are absolutely astounded at the value you got for this.
And you’ll back the next four or five projects we got coming out. Happy birthday, Paranoid American. Thank you. Yeah, yeah. Oh, wait, we got it. We got five or six more names to shout out really quick. So. Thank you. Marva. Marva. Thank you so much. Rodney Waller. Rodney Waller. Thank you so much. Ken. You know who you are. It’s just Ken. Thank you so much. Then we got Cats with a double Z. So a cat Z. Cats. Thank you so much. Royal Roxanne. Royal Roxanne. You got that VHS box? Oh, you got the VHS box. Good call.
Yeah, that’s very smart. Get the VHS box. Because once you get the VHS box, you get tons of add ons through these stretch goals, extra stickers, trading cards. I mean, everybody gets it for all tiers. But the VA VIP VHS box, you get even more. And we’re about to unlock the Donut Doi album once we hit the 47k. So let’s make that dream become a reality. And then finally, Jared Flan. I think I got that. Fl or fl. Jared. Thank you so much for your support. Much, much appreciation. Much appreciation. So now, now Chan is completely drugged and fed in the corner and he’s chilling.
Chan’s good for the night now, I think. Yes, yes. Thank you. Thank you. Chan, you good, Tim? Yeah, he’s good. He’s good. So let me know if anyone else does subscribe. Click the link below and we will give you a shout out. Get yourself the Illuminati comic. We only got a few more days left for you to reserve that limited edition. Now, everything I’ve been talking about with this killer, with this 32, this is a symbol that is used by the Illuminati. It’s even connected to the Jesuit symbolism as well with the 32 spoke. So it’s used a lot.
And we kind of go over those connections here in the Illuminati comic. So make sure to go to the Illuminati comic to learn about the brawls that go down. But we saw this happen, this 32 in Las Vegas on the 32nd floor. These are massive events and this is the symbolism that is shown. You just look up the story and you’ll see these 32s all over the story. This is the signature of the Illuminati. They’d be doing little signatures there. They were calling it the Colin too is clearly meant for the public. Like this was not.
This could have happened in a lot of different private ways. But the way that this one was carried out, it absolutely seems like it was made for the spectacle more than the act. You know what I mean? Like if it was a personal beef or it was some sort of just like a revenge note, it wouldn’t have happened in this sort of scenario with the. The casings or the actual full bullets. They weren’t even just casings. They were just like normal unfired bullets with these words left behind. All of it. It was. It was for the populace.
You know, this was something. And I. And the part, I guess that maybe makes me a little bit nervous about this one is that whenever these sort of events publicly target elites, then that usually is what will spur change. This could happen a hundred times to someone in the lower class and it wouldn’t really spur any major movement within government or law enforcement or elsewhere. But now you can damn sure expect that something will happen because of this. And then we just had the Rothschild burn in a fire. Now we have another elite at this healthcare thing.
Very strange stuff going on. Sherry’s getting excited for the 25 hour marathon. Dang it. That caught on. I wanted it to be 24 hours, but now we got to do 25 hours. Okay, well, yeah, because we’re going to start at 10am on the 10th and run it till 11am on the 11th, which is when the campaign ends. Yeah. So please. That’s gonna be a fun show. We’re gonna do a full 25 hour stream for the last day. What do you recommend? Is this like a coffee sorts of situation? Should I track down some joke cola? Should I just like pump up with energy drinks? Like what.
What you don’t need here, you don’t need that. You. Let’s say you did. Let’s say you did need it. What would be the play? The play is. Yeah, nicotine and caffeine is the play for sure. Okay. That’s what you would. That’s what you would need to pull an all nighter like that. Yeah. But the thing is, is that. No, I think no is fine. As long as I don’t go all Jesse Saved by the bell with it. God will energize us. Okay. I’ll be okay. I’ll be releasing my wicked smot for dummies. On that day, I think we’ll be dropping also our necro interview as well.
So we got a lot of stuff that we could take a little nap and keep everybody very happy. Shabbat shalom, Swami. Thank you, Swami Mommy. I like that name. Appreciate that. Dubstep hero. Hello out there. Send pouches in espresso. 32. Like the 32 degrees in York, right? Freemasons. There’s also 32 pathways in Alistair Crowley Kabbalah. There’s 32 and some. So many different symbols of many different societies. And the where. Where I think it goes back to is a compass of the wind rose. And I learned this from. I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but I was doing a podcast with Cynthia Chung, or I would just read all of her materials.
And the wind rose. Let me see if. Right here, this is where I think it’s actually coming from, is the 32 spokes from the windrows. We see the Miami Dolphins have the 32 spokes. Like, the Jesuit logo has the 32 spokes, and the Smithsonian has half of that. We got this guy left the Jesuit after 32 years. So you’ll see this 32 kind of pop up when you Google it. Like, here’s McDonald’s. The employee with down syndrome left after 32 years being employed with McDonald’s. So you’ll see the 32 in the Miami Dolphins logo as well, which is connected to, I believe, any given Sunday, the Knights Templars and all of that.
Because if you look at any given Sunday, this football movie with the Knights Templar iron Cross, then you got the. The sun rays around in the Illuminati, the eye of Providence right there. Even Jamie Foxx is a Knights Templar with his name with the double X. It’s the double cross of Lorraine. That’s not his real name. Like, everyone’s like Jamie Foxx, but they never call him E, like, oh, yo, that’s Eric. You know what I mean? This name was chosen for a reason. There’s Jamie Foxx show. So you can see that this is Templar symbolism. The double X which you see on Pete Davidson, for example.
He’s the beta sex kitten for everyone to bang in Hollywood. They’ve probably made multiple clones of him, but you can see he’s got the. He’s a knight’s temper. So when you think of Knights Templar, people are thinking of, like, actual knights and shining armor. They. They’re not thinking of Pete Davidson plowing, you know, but the symbolism of Kanye. Kanye as well as a Templar, I think this whole thing is a orchestrated event. Jay Z is a Knights Templar. You could see it in his alcohol bottle that Kanye promotes. Jay Z created Kanye pretty much. Or vice versa as well.
Kanye pretty much created Jay Z as well because he’s the producer, you know what I mean? So like there’s also a lot of stuff. But this is when Carne declared he was the new Illuminati in this music video, what went over a lot of people’s heads, literally the decapitation. I’ve been teaching everybody on the Olympics how they were showing the decapitation rituals of Mariana Antoinette, which was a revolution put on by the Illuminati using meme magic memes is what created. They were blaming her for being an elite who likes to do orgies. And everyone got mad and they started the fire in the minds of the men and everyone went crazy and just started chopping off popes heads and stuff is crazy times.
It’s where we get the word terrorism from the reign of terror. And right here is Hassana Saba, who is the Order of the Assassin. This is where you get like Jay Z’s do without Wilt T shirts with Alistair Crowley. But that goes back to the Hell’s Fire Club that you might see, you know, in Stranger Things, but goes back even further. But if you take it all the way back to the Assassin Order, it’s everything is permissible. And this is what happened is you drug someone up, you give them the orgy that. I mean, it’s wonderful.
You’re getting an orgy and. And look, this was before your cell phone and all the different naughty websites. So you’re just living in the desert, you’re bored. You got flies all around you like you’re just staring out in the middle of nowhere. Just waited for someone to come and buy something from your shop or something. Like it’s probably super boring. And most people were illiterate. Even the Knights Templars didn’t know how to read. But anyway, you would get pretty much kidnapped, you’d get put on all these different MK Ultra drugs. And then this guy Hasana Saba would appear with his head cut off like this in the ground.
This is the symbolism of that. Connie was probably showing some of the rituals that he went through joining these orders. And maybe he got in trouble for exposing some of the orders somewhat because the Raelian symbol Elon banned him. Elon didn’t ban him all the other times that he was saying stuff promoting McDonald’s and all that. But he gets banned when he shows the Alien cult. So these are rituals. And I get some, you know, I get. I get yelled at by some mainstream podcasts that are connected to the federal agencies that are controlling a lot of alternative movements.
But they call me out saying, I don’t know anything about, like, rituals. No, I don’t know anything about rituals because I’m not part of any of these orders. But I can learn about the symbols and then connect the symbols. And from what many of the other great researchers that we’re walking on the shoulders of kind of implement that into the research as well. And add upon the research like that. That’s what we doing. That’s what we doing is adding upon the research. Sorry for that long rant. Well, I can add on that too, because I think the most potent part of that hashin programming that Alhansa Sabah was running is that part of that after they would wake up from being drugged and before they get to all the orgies or during all that, he would tell them, you’re already dead.
Like you died and you’re in heaven right now. That’s why everything is so great. That’s why you’re surrounded by, you know, women and you’re surrounded by. Marco Polo wrote that there were literal rivers of milk and honey. It’s like all these stories about, you know, this land being of milk and honey. They, they constructed a literal version of that and all sorts of fruit trees that you wouldn’t be able to find anywhere else. And it was all inside this mountain with a completely artificial ecosystem. So when these, these captured captives, which would usually be fighting age men, so we’re talking like 12 to 20 year olds, they would wake up drugged, surrounded by luxury, and then told by Sabah that you’re dead.
I’m God. We’re going to send you back out into the world. We’re going to give you your life back. But you’ve got one mission only, and that’s to go and take out whoever it was that they wanted taken out. And the, the thing that, that happened here is that they would go back out into the world with absolutely no fear, because they already met God. They were already promised a place in heaven, and they had experienced it for themselves. And this is before Oculus and before the psychedelic revolution, where people might have been a little bit hip to, wait a minute, you guys just drugged me.
This isn’t a real place. That was a little bit harder to sort of contemplate. So this guy had, was making these MK Ultra moves a thousand years before we even started talking about it. So That I think that was the most potent. And also just to be a stickler, because that’s part of who I am, someone said 32nd degree York right, it’s 32nd degree Scottish right? Because York right doesn’t go up that high. And York right doesn’t even go by numbers. Once you join York Right, there’s 10 different degrees and they’re separated into the royal arch degrees, the cryptic mason degrees, and then there’s three chivalric orders.
And out of those, those final three, there is a Knights Templar degree. But none of those go by numbers. And even if they did, it would only go up to 13. It wouldn’t even make it into the 30s. So just, just to, to point that out, that’s why it’s good to stay humble and keep on learning. You know, I, I would say from my journey of doing these shows the last four years publicly since the lockdowns, this is why the content is not viral or anything, is because of the words that I choose to say during the most important time in our life, in history, during 2020.
So all these new researchers that just popped up out of nowhere being promoted by Fox News, they are plants and they’re allowed to go viral. They’re allowed to make a lot of money spreading hatred and division because that’s part of the chaos that’s being implemented for 2025. So it means so much if you click that like button support independent art as well. Go to the comic. But if you don’t get the comic just to smash that button, to smush it, smush the button, it goes a long, long way. Or maybe recommend. Share it out, Share it out.
Share the video out. And we’re coming up on the Squid Games which is all about hunting, right? And now there’s this three day hunt for this assassin, the smiling, coffee Eden smirking assassin. That’s what the Squid Games is all about, is about the hunt that these elite do, hunting humans. And this sort of has been going viral lately, some paintings of the hunting of humans, which is interesting because this killer was hanging out at a hostel which goes back to the hospitality of the hospitals. If we go back to where does this come from? And there’s a lot of misinformation like this video right here.
Everyone was saying how this was the Saudi prince, right? Even though it wasn’t, it was. That’s misinformation. This is a security guard who was up there on the 32nd floor and they were escorting him out of there during the time. But that’s why it’s good to stay humble and keep learning. Like, I didn’t know that, what Paranoid just said about the different degree system, how it goes to 13, you know, and that’s why it’s good to keep learning. And once you. Once you meet someone who knows everything, that’s when you. That’s when you stop learning. So it’s good to stay humble and keep searching for the.
The wisdom. But there’s a movie that came out called Hostel. It was one of my favorite films. La Roth is just a fantastic filmmaker. Cabin Fever was one of my favorite movies as a kid. But his other films, like Hostel is. That’s what it’s about. Hostel is about the elite hunting clubs. Have you seen Hostel? Yeah, actually, Eli Roth was a big name because I guess he had gone through the school that I went to when I was there for animation. He went there for film briefly. So he was always, like, touted as one of the, you know, the stars of this particular school.
So anytime a new movie came out, it was. It was almost required watching for school at that time. But yeah, the. The Hostile series. I personally think that’s probably the closest insight that we’ve got to how that system would actually work with the online bidding and just the entire way that they. They sort of spell. I mean, obviously it’s. It’s produced over the top because it’s condensed into a movie, but it does seem that this is how the actual, like, infrastructure would be set up. That’s dope. So you went to that same school as La Roth.
That’s just super cool. Yeah. Big fan of his filmmaking. But that’s where it led off to, you know. And we’re seeing not only those connections to the elite, but this number 32 is also 23 in reverse, which Robert Anton Wilson. They. They. He made a whole book pretty much talking about the number 23. Here’s Tiffany Gomez, who saw the face changing on the airplane. The face changing that we’re getting reports of. I’ve seen it happen to some people as well. I’m sure a lot of people are noticing faces changing, but she is right here on the 23 when she reappeared as a different person and she became the viral meme.
And here’s another meme with Disaster girl with the 38. So the 38 is connected to smiling as 38 in it and 83. So this is Gematria stuff over on Occult Decode, where even the numbers match up to murder and stuff. So here’s Murder by Numbers movie, the 3 and the 8, and Murder by numbers. And then you go to a cult decode and look up murder, and it has the murder, the three and eight all over it. Murder, murder, kill, kill. But yeah, you dog. Yeah. Well, do we have. I wanted to. To bring up a few of the new panels that we got.
I don’t think we’ve showed off yet. That’s what that setup was about. Thank you. Yeah. This. This is probably one of my absolute favorite splashes in this entire Illuminati comic. And this one, again, if. If you’re not familiar with what a chick track is, these chick tracks are some of the oldest form of comics in the US Are certainly one of the most prolific in terms of comics that have actually been distributed. It’s about the size of like, these little three by five index cards. But a full page looks like one of those big lineups. They’re all.
Most of them are these. Yeah, right here, what we’re seeing, you’ve got like two squares next to each other, and then you’ve got like these large, rectangular. These are our huge splash pages. And we use these to kind of put as much detail as we can into just one single panel. This is my other favorite one too. Yeah, but. And this. So the one right here, we’ve got a lineup. All of the artwork inside this comic is meant to kind of serve as a memory palace so that you can conjure up these images and immediately link it to real information that’ll make it so much easier to sort of remember all the key players.
And I. I’ve seen this one so many times, but I also am absolutely in love with all of the characters that we’ve got on that particular page. So I don’t know if you know them all. I don’t know if the viewers know all the names, but they’re important ones to actually understand from. How do we even know about the Bavarian Illuminati? Why is it even popular? So on the far left is the main. One of the. He was actually my introduction into conspiracies at all. And I don’t know if I would recommend everyone to jump directly into the.
The deep end like I did. I didn’t do it on purpose. It just happened to be the first book that I found that had the word Illuminati type in the title that was purported to be non fiction. This is Fritz Springmeyer. I don’t even want to say the full name of his book because it’s got some words in it. But this guy sort of is the baseline for Project Monarch and Project Even you can construe to, like, Project Mon Talk, which is actually a whole separate sort of side project. But without Fritz Spring Meyer, I don’t think we would have a lot of the same details about mind control being about specific programming and Disney programming and Snow White programming and Alice in Wonderland programming.
A lot of that comes from Fritz Springmeyer. So he’s super OG and then right next to him is the other person that I did. I did a podcast with Fritz. Very nice man. I guess he’s from the nice part of America, though, so everyone’s nice over there. He’s. Oh, he’s super O.G. he’s still around. And in fact, I think that he released a documentary. He was in a documentary, being interviewed last year, like a long format, talking even deeper about, like, his today perspective about everything that has come out. I mean, he’s super consistent about it.
He hasn’t jumped around. Homage to, like, what, like, you know, paying homage to where. How we got introduced to Illuminati, you know, Lord. And hopefully this. I my mind, this is the first time that there’s been a comic book illustration in a comic of Brett Springmeyer. So this. That was. That was the other point, too, of this entire Illuminati Jordan, was to take all of these characters and scenes and rituals and ciphers that have never been illustrated before, or if they have, it was like one time in the 70s, and now, like, we’ve kind of updated all this.
So we got. Yeah, that was Jordan on the far. I’ll just go through the names here, but on the far left is Fritz Springmeyer. Then we got Robert Anton Wilson, writer of Illuminatus, writer of Prometheus Rising. Yeah, I’ve been doing massive reports. I just learned about him through Pukey Pete. And this is what got me into John C. Lilly work with the dolphins. Absolutely incredible. I didn’t even know about him until recently, so. Yeah. And then my favorite OG Jordan. And you wanted him to be holding that sword. Can you explain why he’s holding the sword here? I forget why I wanted him to hold a sword.
I. I totally forgot. Well, he’s holding the sword the. The one in the middle to the right of Jo. And I guess. Yeah. To stop. On Jordan Maxwell. He, I think, was probably the first one that I ended up hearing maritime law. And I absolutely fell in love with not just his description of maritime law, but everything. I forget why he has a sword. I got. I got a detail. I got it noted somewhere. Okay. I forget why. But, yeah, maritime law, his analogies oh, he’s doing that. He’s doing that. He’s doing that. Masonic logo of the apprentice degree.
Oh, that. Yeah, he’s doing an Illuminati pose, I think here. Yeah, that’s a Illuminati pose. And then wicked smile, bro. I’ll be learning about this. I’m hella smart. So, like, that’s the cool thing about this comic is that it’s full of symbols within symbols. Like, I forgot about that symbol, but he’s doing that symbol. That’s dope. That’s dope. And then to the right in the middle is John Todd, another name that not a lot of people are familiar with. But if you just search John Todd Illuminati, you’ll find a whole breadth of work that was incredibly influential.
Like, if you hear someone talking about the illuminati today in 2024, there’s a very high chance that you’re hearing part of the information that John Todd had originally put out in the 70s. Damn. Everyone that talked about, like, how they put witchcraft over the albums. That’s where it’s coming from. Yeah, he. That was one of his big claims, is that in order to. To get a bestselling album, you’d have to go in with the record execs into this, you know, secret ritual room and do sacrifices and. But yeah, John Todd is a. Is a very unknown but very powerful name when it comes to the lore of Illuminati.
And then we got William Cooper. I knew it. I knew it was Bill. Behold Apparel Horse. And this is the. I think this is the most influential. I wouldn’t even say this entire book. The whole Pale Horse is. Is something I think every conspiracy theorist should have read at one point. But there’s a separate version of it that came with Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. And when I read that, that was the first time that I really thought there was something way deeper into all these claims beyond just people doing horrible people things to other people.
Like this all of a sudden breaks Selling Weapon for Quiet Wars, Breaks down society and the human mind as if it’s a microchip or like an electrical schematic. And just add a resistor here, add a capacitor here, throw a little bit of voltage over here. And that’s not only a way that you can work on a person like. Like Frankenstein style, but also a city. You could apply that to the city and your capacitors and your resistors are just, you know, police or the. The strengthening or weakening of law enforcement. It’s just A ways to kind of push energy through a massive system.
And yeah, William Cooper’s book is what introduced me to that whole type of thinking, bro. I remember re reading that book. Yeah. And it’s funny because like, all these people all beefed with each other too, with the number one spot. Sort of like there was always like little. There’s always been infighting and conspiracy theory because when your entire mentality relies on not trusting anything, it, it is hard to sort of get onto the same page. And then when two people have irreconcilable differences in this sort of group, then all of a sudden the words about shill and insider and plant and like all of these come out.
I think that William Cooper was probably beefing the hardest with Alex Jones out of all of these, like they, they had a pretty public feudal. Jordan Maxwell called him an alcoholic. They didn’t draw a sober breath. And he didn’t even write Behold a pale horse that his assistant, this woman, did. I don’t, honestly, I don’t doubt that at all about William Cooper. He was not the mean to bring up the beef. It’s just funny because like, we’re now like talking about stuff and then there’s all these different beef. So this is the lore, man. This is what I find so interesting about conspiracy theories that I think that we’re a little bit beyond straight mythology.
I don’t think there’s going to be like an American mythology the same way. There was Roman and Greek and Phoenician. Like they had these shapeshifting gods that had all these supernatural powers and they could control the weather. Well, what do we have in 2024? We have figures that are claimed to control the weather and their claim to shapeshift, but none of that is ever kind of presented in the term of mythology because mythology is something that I guess only happens a thousand or two thousand or longer ago. Right. But we have this exact same claims about real people now.
And I just always wonder, what if, you know, civilization completely falls and we’re all gone and we’re buried over dust and 8,000 years later someone’s digging it up and they see all these claims about Hillary Clinton shapeshifting or these different people being like plants and, you know, all these supernatural claims. It’s very much just modern mythology. So we’re just sort of like, you know, developing a new mythology because there’s. We won’t have the same supernatural approach as we had previous because the world’s so secular now, for sure. Speaking of shape shifting lizards, the one Next to William Cooper is homeboy David Ike.
And you gotta do a podcast with David, like, three times. Yeah, I’ve had a chance to talk to him a few times, which is honestly, like, a life goal. It’s like a bucket list. I’ve done it a couple times, and he had to be represented here, of course. And then next to David Ike is Alex Jones in his beard phase before he started getting more into shape. Maybe we’ll have an updated, like, macho Alex Jones, and he’s holding his little bullhorn. And then to the right of Alex Jones, and Alex is, like, huge. And David as well.
I got into David before Alex, but endgame Alex is really what, like, woke me up like crazy. But. But this is, for me, the. The last one is he’s my. For. My favorite, for sure. Well, about Alex Jones, too. I think I got introduced to Alex Jones. The first documentary series that I really thought it was more than just a guy ranting on his public access show was the Police State series. Then there was like, three in that documentary series, but I was. I was in the military in Texas at the time. So I actually got Alex Jones show on public access just on my TV early in the morning or late at night, depending on when it was going on.
Oh, crazy. There was a couple things that I saw him do. I. Two particular events that kind of shape me. And this. This was before I even knew there were sort of conspiracy theory personalities out there outside of the other names that we just mentioned. And he went to SeaWorld one time, and he went to the DMV and he kind of did the same thing. DMV one is. Yeah. With. With the. The scanner. Yeah, yeah. He go. So he goes to the DMV and he ends up getting, I think, arrested because he’s there to cause a little bit of a public nuisance.
Right. He’s riling people up because they’re introducing the ability to scan your thumbprint, and then they’ll digitize your thumbprint and include that on your id. I mean, spoiler alert. He didn’t stop that from happening. It actually happened, even though he got arrested for it. But he did the same thing at SeaWorld, I believe, in San Antonio. And SeaWorld had this new thing that when you were going into the park, you would scan your hand or you would scan your thumb, and again, it would be digitized into a code that would then go around your wrist. And I don’t remember what the.
The reasoning for this was. I think was like, if a kid goes missing or something, but sure enough, Alex Jones was there with cameras and the news as soon as SeaWorld opened that morning and there were school buses full of kids that were there on, you know, like school trips that were just going to go and look at the dolphins and look at the seals. And instead Alex Jones is holding up the lines like, this is the mark of the beast, people. If you get your fingerprints stand, your kids are going to hell. Like he was kind of doing the whole blown Alex Jones thing.
And I just remember at that moment, like this guy’s got super ball. Like didn’t he just get arrested at the DMV for doing the same thing? And now he’s out doing it again. And I, I can’t think of anyone else that I saw at that. Not much consistency. Constantly getting arrested and then doing it again. And then when he called out George Bush. And that’s why I think he’s going through a lot of the lawsuits that are in, in, in Haven right now connected to skull ritual type things. But yeah, and then you can introduce the last one all the way.
The last one is my favorite. Is the great Michael Tesserian. I Female Illuminati. We got Knights Templar. I mean I. He’s my absolute favorite and I like him for a completely different reason than that. He has absolutely the best breakdown I’ve ever seen in my entire life. It’s called the subversive use of sacred symbolism in the media. It’s a, it’s a mouthful, but that’s the name of the title and it was a 40 minute presentation he gave it. Conspiracy Con 2003 I think made its way onto the, the Internet from that blew my mind. He just showed all these corporate logos and the checkerboard floors and like everything.
This was maybe even pre Mason days for me. And it got me real, really interested. The bank of America logo, that was the first time that I had seen a lot of this. I, I definitely had read Tex Mars and Tex Mars Codex Magicka, which is also referenced in this Illuminati comic. But, but the Tex Mars codec Magicka, it wasn’t as interactive and dynamic and explained he just kind of put a bunch of images together and was like, look, these things are connected. But Michael Sarion like slowly broke it all down, showed it to you, pointed it out constantly.
And then I ended up getting his Origin and Oracle series which talks about Sigrial astrology and all sorts of extra symbolism. And yeah, that was, that was kind of like when I felt I was advancing from intermediate to advanced was when I Like fully absorbed the work of all these guys on this page and there’s so many more that we didn’t get to add. I just added text Mars in here. Although Tex Mars does have a trading card in the conspiracy cards set. So if you got the trading card combo or any of the other combos that come with packs, there’s a good chance that you’ll get a text Mars card.
So click that link down below. Let’s try to get this past the record goal. Let’s get it past that 39, 000 tonight. Click that 581 backers right there. Let’s get it to 589. Like XRP going to. That’s the. Go back the project. Click that link below. Go join the Illumina. You’re not. You’re gonna love it. We go over and we got a couple shout outs too. Oh yeah, we got some new people that signed up. Nathan added a comment, said he’s number 585. So I don’t know if that, if that means. Oh, you know what that means is because a couple people weren’t able to, to filter their pledges.
So he’s the most recent. So shout out to Nathan Arnold, thank you Nathan. And then shout out to Tammy, who got the VHS box. Shout out to Tammy, thank you so much. VHS box is the way to go. The Illuminati Yacht Club. For the most bang for your buck, you’re getting physical, amazing stuff. But if you only got a little bit of money, $5 or whatever, get the digital version, it supports us massively. You’re gonna get the color PDF for the $5 tier. You’ll get the color PDF, you’ll get a private video where me and Donut walk through the entire pamphlet panel by panel, explain the background, explain the production process.
Like all the behind the scenes work that went into this. You’ll get insight that won’t even be available outside of this particular campaign for sure. You’re getting a private exclusive video. Private video is going to be fantastic. You getting the digital copy. So if you only got five bucks, but if you got like thousands of dollars or whatever, you could do a pledge without a reward. You could give us a million dollars right there. If you got like a million dollars, you’re just like, you know what, let’s get this, let’s make this go viral. You know, the sand.
But yeah, yeah, we could talk a little bit about the other splash pages as well. Like just the fine detail of everything. Looks good. The Illuminati Yach Club will get this detail up into a beach towel as well. Right there’s one of the decapitated heads. I wonder if that’s connected. There’s just so much symbolism all throughout this that you get to learn. And then you can find Donut. That’s me, all scared. This is really funny. I mean, it’s super good. Maybe we save some of this for another show as we’re coming. Yeah. These in another. Here’s just a couple little previews.
This one is. Well, come back. Come back tomorrow, and we’ll tell you what this one is. This is another one of my favorites in the panel. And this one, again, is sort of like a memory palace approach, where this image is striking and it looks surreal and it’s kind of over the top so that you memorize it and that it actually means something to you when you think about it later in the future, you might not have to understand that, but Donut and I have both been studying NLP and memory palaces for a while and all that.
Those techniques are sort of baked into the artwork and the way that we’ve laid it all out. And here is Chan. Chan the cat. Someone drew this. Thank you so much. We’ve been medicating my cat, getting him really doped up on MK Ultra drugs so we can do some weird ritual. Just kidding. Just kidding. My cat peed on me, and I took him to the vet. He’s very healthy. They gave him some medication so he could relax a little bit. And is it working? Yeah, he’s really doped up. It’s not fun giving cat medication because you got to, like, put it in their mouth, inject it, and they don’t like it.
But me and my cat, we got a strong bond, so we good. We good. Shout out to Jan even. Even though he’s a dictator, right? Well, he’s just a Russian asset. He’s a spy for Putin. But besides that, he’s cool. This one’s crazy. This is, like, one of the craziest thing, because it looks just like them with the dolphins. Like, definitely a cool. This one’s really cool. Illuminati chan at the dinner table. Really like this artwork. If anyone else wants to send us your Illuminati chan or Illuminati Donut or Illuminati dolphin artwork or renderings or anything, send it and we’ll look at it on the stream.
We’ll talk about it. Yeah. Shout out to Chan. And shout out to Paranoid American. I appreciate you. And make sure to tune us. Tune into the secret Society of Good Guys Paranoid goes on every Friday night. That’ll be on tonight at midnight Eastern time. Paranoid and I will return tomorrow night. So make sure to hit that subscribe button. And let’s get this illuminati comic. Pass the 59000 mark or 59. What am I saying? 39000 mark. 59 works too. 59000 mark works totally fine as well because the next stretch goal is the 47 000. We’ve already unlocked the secrets of right when we fund did it.
And every time we pass through the stretch goals like 33 000, everybody gets extra stuff. The trading card, the sticker sheet full of stickers, patches especially if you’re part of the VIP box. And now the next stretch goal is 47000 support us. Let’s crush through the 47000 and stick it to the mainstream and get unlock the secrets of the DOFI album and get a shout out on the album. The DOFA album. Anyway, it’s Donut and Paranoid. And Paranoid American. Much love and God bless you. Foreign yo, what up? It’s Donut and you. Tuning into all your Illuminati news.
Get your copy of the Illuminati comic. Illuminatic comic. You know you want it. Get early bird access to massive discounts and exclusive gifts dropping worldwide. Learn the secrets of the Illuminati. Access the secrets. Join the Illuminati Yacht club. Get the Donut VHS box and join the street team. Click the link below. Limited time only. Fight it, fight it, fight it, fight it. Oh, what up? It’s Donut. The Illuminati comic dropped worldwide. Get your Illuminati comic today. About the Bavarian Illuminati exposing the infamous secret society. It’s a chit track Illuminati comic. Make sure to go back this project we were fully funded in three minutes.
Learn about the full history of the Bavarian Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt, Alumbrados, Jesuits, Rosicrucians, Freemasons and more. We got early bird access today only. If you subscribe today, you get a massive discount anywhere in the world. The digital deluxe tier. Get the digital copy plus an add on private video presentation. Get the black and white chicken track Illuminati comic or get it in color. I, I, I mean I would get it in color because this is banging. Learn all the secrets and the Donut VHS box. Get the early bird special. This ends today. These sell out so quickly.
Very, very popular. And it’s the first time ever, we’re doing them worldwide with the Illuminati Comic. Massive discounts today only. Click that link below. The Illuminati Street Team. Become part of the street Team. Get a bunch of these comics and slang them. You can make a bunch of money. You can make your money back and profit. If you got a store, you can sell them out of your store. Just hand them out, leave them at the library. Join the Illuminati Street Team. Or if you a big baller like that and you want to be part of the Illuminati Yacht Club.
That’s for the big ballers right there who want to join the Illuminati Yacht Club. I mean, that’s that official like a referee whistle pledge right there. So click that link below. This is the Illuminati Comic. Sign up right now. Reserve your spot. Much love and God bless you. That’s right, it’s the Illuminati Comic from Donut and Paranoid American. Get yours now@illuminati comic.com mysteries. Bottle nose free short beaks in the night Humpback shadows Big KN out of sight all the dolphins you know it’s true Rolling deep in the ocean Blue stripes and spots they rule the tide Water dogs of the deep they don’t hide in the river’s grip seas endless bounty ruling the west open Illuminati praised by Romans Gods to the Greeks Underwater rulers the power peaks in ocean depths that counts for six dolphins in the dark never calling it quits Stripe this body in the seas domain aquatic dogs in their own insane lane through rivers they ride, seas they roam in the ocean depths they make their home well, I talk about insanity, which is what’s going on in your mind.
It’s very communicate with them. Did you know if you give too much, you’re in? I tried doing as much as I could. In the deep day creep. It’s a dolphin. Illuminati. In the rivers and the sea they be a mystery it’s the dolphin Illuminati it’s the dolphin Illuminati Illuminati.