Just to shake them up a little bit. Damn. People are already ready to get to break down the Rothschild breakdown already. I did a stream yesterday talking a little bit about the Rothschild. A Rothschild died a huge news. Everyone’s freaking out because they’ve been so mythological, you know, with the unicorns and all that. And the 333rd day of the year and it was 33 minutes until the cops arrived or something. Right. The fire lasted 33 minutes. You’re right. And it was the day before the 333 day of the year a Rothschild family member died. And the thing is is that they sacrifice a Rothschild every year actually since I’ve started recording and documenting.
That’s very Phoenician of them. Yeah, it’s. It’s about like the branch thing. Remember we were talking about the branches. The. The golden bell. It’s the golden bow. You know, they need to get rid of some of the dead weight to keep it going or something. I don’t know. The good. It’s essentially the king kill ritual. King another 33 king kill 33 is when the someone of any kind of power, it doesn’t have to be the king, but anyone of any kind of power, once that power begins to wane or if the person themselves find themselves in a like a questionable situation.
Kingkill33 ritual dictates that some power would take them out so that you can transfer the most amount. It’s. It’s kind of like selling your stock at an all time high or selling your bitcoin at an all time high instead of waiting for it to drop down a little bit. That’s essentially like a dumbed down version of the king kill ritual. Yeah. And so like you can see on their cover they got the condom right here. Always use protection. Everyone got the condom and the unicorn. Speaking of that, as I kid, I kid a kid, it looks like it’s a.
That’s a clock thing. But this thing is Definitely doing something sexual to that night. He’s definitely tickling his ear with that. You know what I mean? The real secrets, you know? Yeah. If you want to unlock the secrets, you gotta go to illuminati comic.com to unlock those secrets. And you don’t even have to have a lion stick its tongue in your ear. This is the. The way to do it without going through that whole ordeal. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. So click, Click that link below. Let’s. Let’s get this up. Up there. We got to get this up there.
Go. We only got a few days left. Limited. I mean, we really need to get it to 33. That’s apparently. That’s the number. Yeah, we got to get it to 33. So go click the link below. Go get your Illuminati comic. While we’re streaming, let’s get this up to the stretch goal of the 33. We’ve unlocked so many secrets. Stickers for everyone. Trading cards for everyone. Art prints for everyone. Extra stickers for everyone. Now we gotta unlock this next tier. So click that link below. Unlock them secrets. Yeah. That was crazy. That there’s a. What, an Elon Musk float you found? This is an old float of Ronald McDonald, and I thought they looked the same.
I was like, damn, that looked like Elon Musk. Even the eyebrow. Look at the eyebrow and look at the Sampaku eye. This is the crazy San Paku eye they put on the killer clown wiki. So remind me, does the. The white above the eye mean they’re crazier or less crazy than white below the eye, or does it not matter? Yes. You know when you feel crazy and you look in the mirror and you say, why, God? Why? And then your eyes do this? That means that you feel a little crazy. Sampaku means three whites. And we’re coming up on White Wednesday.
Today’s Black Friday. Look out for White Wednesday and look out for the original. That was a joke. Look out for the ritual. I was trying to figure out on the. The Jake Paul fight too, that the senpaku under, like, the white under the eye means going down. And here we’ve got white above the eye, which would mean going up. Right? Which makes sense for a freaking float. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s underneath is like you’re distressed, and above is your cuckoo all around. Look out for that person. They’re gonna snap. That’s the. And you know what? I’m actually, since I love the San Paku eye so much like that symbolism, not only is it wonderful symbolism Nobody’s broken down in symbology through movie posters.
The Joe Rogan podcast and all 90s used it. But it’s also like you can read people’s body language. So I wanted to like go next level and start studying different, like microaggressions and stuff like that. I think that’ll be super useful. Yeah. To see if someone’s lying or something, you know, where you could be like, oh, look at him, he’s. He’s lying. Hold on one second. You continue the show. I just spilt. Okay. All over the keyboard. Well, I know you. I know you can still hear me because you got this blast. And so another one of the things that we’ve talked about a few times, both on the show and just like chilling on the phone are these different techniques of nlp.
And it’s, it’s almost like cliche to bring NLP up just because it almost hit its peak in the 80s, 90s and now we’re 40, 50 years after it was this groundbreaking technology, or at least at the time. But one of the most like asked about methods of NLP are these abilities to read micro expressions and microaggressions. But like the like, for example, this is not an a hard ruled fast that like always works this exact way. So you would have to always kind of get a baseline. So if I’m talking to you and I’m trying to figure out if you’re lying, you would casually start asking you things that you wouldn’t have to think about to just get your, your eye movement from those.
And then I would ask you something. This is a good example. I can’t see your eyes well enough now just because of like the screen size and the resolution. But if I said think about that. Yeah, so think about. Yeah, look right at the camera if you can do that. It’s like it’s already a screwed up experiment because there’s so many variables of like, you knowing that you’re being recorded and everything. But if you think back to the house you grew up in, what color was the front door? I don’t know. It was glass. Oh my God.
Okay, well, what color was the house? You’re not gonna get me. What you could do though, is that you ask someone a question like that, like, like, what was the color of the house you grew up in? Describe the front window. Something that you’re gonna have them intentionally think back to a real memory that’s stored somewhere in their brain. And usually when someone is doing that and they don’t think that they’re being recorded or analyzed. If you can just get them to honestly think back to a real visual memory in their brain, you’ll need that. They’ll probably look up and then either to the left or to the right.
It’ll be one of those two directions. And after you get that baseline and you figure out, okay, every time I ask Donut a certain question about what he saw or some visual memory, is he looking to the left or looking to the right? Yeah. And then if I ask you some hard questions and I notice that you break that pattern, you start looking to the other direction, like you start looking up into the right instead of to the left, then that usually indicates that as opposed to accessing existing memories in your brain, you’re now creating a new visual that hasn’t existed.
And that, that would actually depend on your light, left or right brain, or which way you look. Now this, this wouldn’t be the exact same direction for everyone, but it’s kind of the same premise is that once you figure out the way that a person’s eyes look or the. All the micro expressions they go through when they’re accessing a real memory, then you can detect when someone’s not accessing a real memory, but is claiming that they are because they’ll. They won’t go through some of those same exact motions. I heard that if somebody’s like retelling a story and they’re like, looking all over the place, it means that they’re telling the truth because they’re trying to remember.
Rather if they like, hey, what happened to you when you. On this day? And they’re like, well, it was a winter cold day. Like, they know. It’s like they studied it or something. So I’ve heard that too, but I don’t know, but it’d be, that’d be an interesting deep dive, I think, symbolically. Well, this one is, is more very specific to visual recounting. So if someone’s got a story memorized or something, the all bets are off on those cases. But you would be able to tell a lot of other examples or other, like, giveaways. Any really good poker player kind of does this by default.
And that’s sort of what NLP is, is analyzing what other people do intuitively and figure out, like, what that formula is. You got to know when to hold them. And this is a different one. This is natural language processing, which has to do with AI. The, the one that we’re talking about is neuro linguistic programming. Yeah, there you go. Know when to hold Them know when to fold. Them know when to walk away. No, when you gotta couch. So if you see on the. The top left and right, they’re basically saying, and this. These could be inverted.
For some people, the left and right could. VC means visual creation. Visual construct, meaning you’re making up something as you go. The VR would be visual recollection, I believe. And then AC and AR are for audio. Auditory. The K is for kinesthetic. Well, my cat took a fat piss on me today. Nice. So did you look down into the. The right. He wanted to go outside. He hopped on the couch. He just started pissing all over me. I was like, what the heck? He’s getting more aggressive. He’s getting. He’s getting wilder as he gets older. It is crazy.
And I like, yeah, my. My dog’s doing this. I think my dog and your cat are roughly the same age, give or take like a year or two. What up, dog? They call it sundowning, and it definitely happens to pets. A lot of pets sundown, especially, like, late at night, too. They’ll get, like, extra feisty. Yeah, my cat, he is just. He’s a street kitty. He needs to go outside. He needs to dominate the block. You know, you could catch me on all the blocks except for Rider’s block, because we streaming every single day. And if you want to support this channel, you got to go.
Click the link below and get your Illuminati comic. It’s Black Friday. Get it before Samoan Sunday and Sephardic Saturday. Click the link below. Only 11 days left, too. 11 days left, and then you’re not going to see Paranoid or Donut. We going to disappear from the earth, and we going to release the Illuminati comic, and we going to deliver them to your house. We gonna knock on the door and we’re gonna be like, here you go. Here’s the Illuminati comic. And then we’re gonna upsell you at the front door. Yeah, let’s go. I was just kicking it with Christopher Green at amtv.
Bitcoin Millionaire. And so he always pumps me up when I hang out with him. So I’m, like, on next level. Like, yeah, let’s go. Because he just runs around. He likes just, like, diamond nuts. He hops in a Lamborghini and just peels off, and I don’t see him. That is probably the coolest way to exit something, though. Just grab your nuts, jump in a Lambo, and screech off. It’s contagious. His, like, confidence is contagious. His, like, attitude. And that’s another thing. And I, I recorded a video with him and I was explaining, like, when you’re with somebody, you want to, like, respect their time.
And so I was filming him doing a podcast, and I was like, you got to respect people’s time and get the questions in so they ain’t just kicking it. You know, I could kick it with him, and I would just kick it with him. But I was trying to say that’s like the two most important things is remembering someone’s name and being on time. And being early is being on time and ordering the Illuminati comic. Early is being on time. Mr. This was a military thing, too. In the military, if you weren’t 15 minutes early, then you were late.
And not. That wasn’t just a pleasantry. That was like a real rule. Like, you would actually get in some sort of trouble if you weren’t always 15 minutes early, at least. Yeah, I see. I wasn’t. I don’t have discipline, so I gotta pray to God every morning and say, God, discipline me. Does it work? Yeah. I’m not disciplined. He’s the only one who can discipline me, because I can’t on my own. So here’s some Illuminati news. Mysterious lights over Capitol Hill, which is Capitol Line Hill going back to Rome. Just remember that if you want to sound smart.
All roads lead to Rome. Sparks. UFO fears. UFOs in Washington D.C. as they’re telling everyone to start taking these mushrooms. Take your mushrooms. The aliens are here. Here’s the UFOs over Washington D.C. the orbs. Look at these orbs. That probably didn’t even happen. It looks so symmetrical. Yeah, it looks like these lights, these four lights. It’s just a reflection of these four lights. It is. Look at that. Boom, boom, boom, boom. You see how they’re in that angle? It’s the camera reflection of these lights, probably. Bunch of Dummies or UFOs. I don’t know. I don’t think they’re UFOS.
What do you all think? Are those new oohps, Right? Is that how you pronounce the UAP? That’s how I always call the. The UAPs. Or Ooh, Ops. Ooh, Apps. We. Coming up on that. We. Today’s Black Friday. They actually calling it Brown Friday. Do you see that? No. Who’s calling it Brown Friday? And why are they doing that? Because people are ruining their toilets from the Thanksgiving dinner. What? I’m not joking. Look here. I’m on this website that’s what they were calling it. Look, let me find it. Here’s Ghislaine Maxwell. They starved her for five. Oh, right here.
Plumbers report Brown Friday. See, I ain’t lying. I didn’t come up with that. Brown Friday. That’s wild, too. The Ghislaine Maxwell thing, that, that she’s on a hunger strike or she’s not able to eat during Thanksgiving. Is this just another inversion? Yeah. So they’re like, yeah, she’s not allowed to eat for five days, not allowed to have medicine. And then they show her pictures of, like, hella in shape. She’s just jogging, like, around. You’re not. You’re not jogging like that if you haven’t eaten in five days. Five days. No, no, no. I don’t know what’s going on.
Somebody says, look up what Black Friday really means. Jennifer, tell us what it means, please, please. There’s a few different Black Fridays. It is a holiday. Here’s Cyber Monday. It’s celebrated. It’s observed. I mean, not celebrated. It’s a. It’s a religious thing. Isn’t observed a religious thing? The term was coined by Ellen Davis H. December 2nd, Black Friday. Yeah. The ritual is going to go down. Look, see, nobody is doing this. No reports, because everyone’s going to be doing this online on Cyber Monday. Well, they. This was some of that plan programming. This is one of the few places where I do take it pretty literally because they used to call these things door busters.
And that’s exactly what people ended up doing. They would wait outside of a Walmart or a Kmart or a Best Buy or wherever. And there were so many examples. I guess this is pre 2019s, but people would be pushing the doors completely in, breaking the doors. People will be getting trampled and, like, seriously hurt. Just rushing over to get these TVs. And I know there’s still a whole bunch of articles that’ll come out tomorrow or the day after and people get into fights over the last item or something. But this was a way, way bigger deal, I think maybe a decade ago.
Yeah, yeah. It was a cathartic experience. Now nobody gonna leave their house. And I was looking at these strikes. Amazon workers to strike between Black Friday, Cyber Monday in the U.S. i mean, this does this looks so fake. Like, do any of these people look like they’re actually on. On strike? Like there’s actually a strike right now with, I think, postal workers in Canada or something? Because I was. I was shipping out comic books today for my own Black Friday stuff. And anyone that was ordering from Canada. I was getting all these alerts about, you know, shipping is delayed because of a strike.
Oh man. Yeah, it’s all bs. Like, the thing is, is like all these people striking should have been striking way before these crony monopolies took over America and the world. Like now they’re striking like they’re all going to be replaced by robots. And then I was looking up like Walmart strikes. I was like, I wonder if anyone’s protesting Walmart. And I found some weird symbolism. First, it’s the Limp Bezos. This Phick, it’s a limp phallic, which is pretty funny. We are not robots. And. But also this is the, the Walmart. Exactly why they want to get rid of you.
The Walmart one’s hella Illuminati look. They’re throwing up the Illuminati. That’s such a problematic hand gesture now too. Is this 2024 images or is this previous? This was a while ago. This is before this got co opted by a million different organizations and 4chan threads. Yeah, yeah. So that’s what’s going on. Let’s see if anyone got the comic while we were waiting. Yeah, it looks like someone did get the comic. Look, it went up like hundreds of dollars. I think someone upgraded their package to the Illuminati Yacht Club. If y’all want to upgrade your tier, today’s the day to do it on Black Friday.
Look, you can be satisfied, you know what I mean, with the comic. Absolutely incredible. I mean, totally get it. You know, get your chit track, Illuminati comic, access the private video. You’re getting a private presentation, you’re getting all these stickers added onto it because so many people are buying it. But upgrade, upgrade yourself and get the VHS box. Illuminati Yacht Club. That’s why I think someone did. I mean, I definitely want to get my Illuminati beach towel so when I go kick it on the beach, I could be decked out in that yacht club gear, get that polo swag, you know, and it’s limited Divaton only, so whoever upgraded, shout out to you.
You’re getting us closer to the goal. God bless you. I’m gonna. It was Raymond or Ramon. I’m not sure exactly which one, so I’ll say both. Ramon, Raymond, thank you so much. You’re getting us all closer. And this is literally, I mean, by the time we’re done streaming tonight, there’ll be 10 days left. And that’s the last time that this Illuminati Yacht club package will ever exist. It’s literally created just for this campaign. Yeah. And you get a VHS box. This is limited edition. You get autograph on it. Limited edition. You’re gonna want to get it.
You’re gonna want to get it today. What are you waiting for? Click the link below please and thank you. So you know I’m gonna pull up some more articles. Let me see what I got. All this poop stuff. Let me exit out of this screen and pull up a. Oh yeah, yeah. You were what was going on with the Brown Friday. You should had a whole diagram up and everything. But it looked like someone peeling potatoes. I wasn’t really understanding. Yes, we had the diagram up. You know we had to show you guys how is that.
Is that a potato being peeled? So that is. That’s that everybody was eating. And then the plumbers are reporting an uptick in service call. The day after is Thanksgiving. That could be a name of a movie. The day after Thanksgiving. It’s not called Brown Friday for the reasons you might think. The day after Thanksgiving is actually the busiest day of the year for plumbers because the surge in calls related to clogged drains and broken garbage disposals in kitchens. Interestingly, it’s not primarily about clogged toilets. A that’s such a clickbait. It’s. It’s really just about people that aren’t used to preparing lots of food in the kitchen for company coming over and they start stuffing everything down the drain.
Oh look, look. Orlando’s up there. Bro. Was that you, bro? We man. I was taught well to do compost. To always put all my scraps and compost. You can find me in St. Lou. Well, I can’t rain play all day. Some got jobs, some sell. Yeah. Orlando out pretty hard. Orlando. I’m gonna be coming out there to Orlando. The kick it. Here’s just some things in the news to scare everyone. The local sheriffs are gearing up to help Trump carry out the mass deportations. He’s gonna carry out them deportations. Here’s JD Vance shared a meme of Trump being his husband and he’s his wife.
Most controversial video game on the Internet. One morning earlier this month I slammed my laptop shut. There’s a new controversial video game out there. It was released and it’s called. I don’t know what it’s called. If I find what is it called? That’s quite the build up. It looks like they’re just talking about crossword puzzles. They got me. They got me. See, that’s how they get you with the clickbait titles. The Dow jumped 200 points. Dow up very high. I think the Dow is going to go through a ritual this year, next year because these years are carried out through the moon cycles of the dragon year.
We’re in the dragon year right now about to enter the snake and the Dow is celebrating right now. It’s 128 birthday and so 128 is connected to collapses. So I know this. The Dow, there’s going to be a ritual, it’s going to collapse and it could be way into next year because it’s got a long time. It’s not just right now. Well there’s, there’s communication happening right now outside of just mainstream media. But just like we were talking about the movie Pie the other night when David was on here and PI is kind of reflecting that there’s this pattern in numbers and in the markets that’s connected to this pattern of everything.
And I would almost. Yeah, this is exactly what the movie’s about. It was like a pumpkin pie I believe. I was just saying I wanted to see if you were going to laugh at that. But the, the whole premise is that look at how the crypto market did this year. So now the non crypto market almost has to respond that this is, these are signals that are literally being put out into the world that everyone’s paying attention to. So the Dow has to do something. It either has to have its own spike or it has to maybe have some kind of a collapse just to have like the callback.
Right. This is sort of how music happens. This is how all scripts happen, is that the two characters are playing off each other. And I guess in the financial world those are the two characters. Oh man. Yeah, I’ve been looking at them crypto markets for years and it is all connected to stuff I can’t even talk about and I’m not even going to talk about it. I’m not even going to talk about it. Okay. That’s quite the tease. Yeah, it’s toilet paper. It’s because I spilled coffee everywhere and I was trying to figure out what I could use to clean the coffee and I was all like, toilet paper is probably the best bet since I’m live streaming Crypto, for example, though the world was locked down and nobody can get this right.
This is the top notch stuff. Now people were getting high on their own supply with that tp, you know what I’m saying? You need a little more that corn. Holio, bong holio. Right there. And the world was locked down. There was a coin shortage. Crypto went down to three grand, then it skyrocketed up. And this is all connected to the new layers of the Internet, which will be inserted into people’s butthole, straight up through the neural link into their brain, through their autonomic nervous system of their spinal cord. Crypto, dogecoin, all that is all connected to the AI, the CHAT GPT and where we’re heading in the future.
Elon Musk, he is not only God to people, they. They’re portraying him as L, which is God. And they even did studies saying, what does God’s face look like? And they show Elon’s face. So he is believe that. That’s. Did you see that article? I did see it, but I just. I don’t actually believe it, even though I saw it. No, not at all. It’s just that people like him. He’s the richest person on the planet, freeing everybody, right? He’s. Everyone loves him. Well, he’s. He’s the one that’s here to usher in all of this AI or if we’re gonna.
I prefer to start talking about things in John C. Lilly language. So John C. Lilly would, I think, call this whole movement ssi, which is Solid State Intelligence, and the solid state intelligence. SSI is sort of an amalgamation of what ChatGPT and Claude, and all the video rendering and audio rendering, all of that together, essentially, because these programs are Solid State Intelligence, they can exist on an SSD or just in a RAM chip. And as you run it, it kind of emulates intelligence. And then this echo. This is such a crazy. I want to. This is what the Illuminati dolphin playset is going to end up reflecting.
It’s going to reflect this war of SSI and echo. But ECHO is this other group of entities or intelligence that’s not the same as Solid State. And they kind of keep some sort of regulation. It’s almost like the movie Men in Black. But instead of them regulating the universe and the Earth, this is almost like an organization that regulates intelligence. And they named the game Echo the Dolphin game about it. This is why I was trying to bring that Illuminati dolphin game to everybody. This literally is why it was called Echo the Dolphin. It was named after John C.
Lily Research. Yeah, I’m happy I brought the dolphin research to the forefront because, like, it’s so important, understanding the dolphins, understanding the bottlenose dolphins and the way they move. I like the way you move down, down, down. I like the way you move down, down they like the way that we move I like the way, I like the way. Look at that picture. Great. You’re shiny. Show me what that blow ho duel. Look at them three signs. Are those OO Ops. That’s the third sun. A dozen eggs, a dozen bullets Ammunition hits grocery stores. But what’s new? We’ll go to America.
Hell yeah. I don’t see how that’s really even exciting. I’m just like. But I’m in Arizona. I mean, I don’t think that these things are really there to make money as much as to make news about it. So here it is. And I mean you should just be ordering this online, cheap anyways, from the. The cheapest place you can get it. Not go into a vending machine, which I assume is going to cost a whole hell of a lot more just for the novelty of it. Yeah, but it is funny. I mean this is pretty American specific.
Dangerous college honey Sex trend alarms health experts. All the college kids are using this new thing that Tick Tock’s promoting called Royal Honey vip. Wait, what? It causes erectile dysfunction and you do it on purpose? No, no, no. It’s for erectile dysfunction. But it says it might cause. Oh really? New trend circulating on TikTok encourages men to eat honey packets that may cause. May contain an erectile dysfunction drug. Yeah, so it’s supposed to make you last longer, I guess, because it gives you ed. Oh. Tadalafil to dollar bill. Mona 2 Wicked Gladiator 2 sending Black Friday to a hundred million potentially best day year to date ticketing sales.
Mona too. I don’t know how much I believe any of these numbers either. No, it’s all alive. 118. I know Wicked’s supposed to be blowing up, but I was, I was in the music industry in the early 2000s and I remember a giant like a crazy big like scandal that ended up getting a lot of different high level people in trouble. This was, I think it was specific to YouTube at the time, but they were doing it everywhere. And I think it was Sony and Interscope and all of Universal. I think all of the big labels, they got caught showing that they were padding all of the numbers on YouTube that they, they would drop an album or drop a single and then they would pay to have it stream like 12 or 20 million times.
And someone looked into that and realized that over 90 of that traffic was fake. It was all just sort of coordinated to give it that buzz. And I would assume that this is the same. The same Way that they do with movies, the same way that they would fluff the box office response to tell you if it’s good or to tell you if it’s popular. I used to be on and Universal, but no one can handle something so controversial. I’m gonna be spinning rap this whole show. Notra Dam cathedral unveils its new interior five years after the devastating fire.
Do they ever find out what caused that fire? Fire? No, but they. They. They put it out with the scene river where the Olympics was. All these bridges and. Yeah, I don’t know. But Paris was known for, like, all its violence and fire throughout the years, and they named it the City of lights because nobody wanted to go there because the crime was so bad. And then they installed all these lights, and so it was called the City of Lights. And it helped crime go down a little bit. But now too much light, and you got a fire.
Look at that. Look at that. We can’t even build anything like this anymore. We have gone. Look, this is a. That’s. That’s a vesicle Pisces right there, I’m pretty sure. It’s so pretty. What’s up with these Knights Templar checkerboard floors? Well, I mean, the Freemasons definitely helped build Notre Dame. I don’t know about the most modern update versions, but it was absolutely one of the. The early projects for them. They don’t look too thrilled. Oh, that’s a good shot. Let’s get them. Walk. Just keep walking. Yep, yep. Looks good, guys. Looks good. Pan up, Pan up.
And cut. It’s wild that those cathedrals still serve the same purpose, and they do it well of putting you in an altered state of consciousness. They show you visuals that you don’t see anywhere else in nature. Colors, smells, sounds, all of these things are still very unique to one of these cathedrals. So if you were used to going here, or even if you just went once every couple years or once every, you know, 20 years, just the experience and going into some of these spaces because of your spatial perception is one of the strongest forms in our memory.
And they figure that out way back in the day. So anytime that you can put someone in a unique space that has, like, so many different ways for you to triangulate yourself within that space, Whether it’s the acoustics or the smells that are being emitted or the lights from the different stained glass windows, it actually banks it in your memory for way longer than in any other mundane area of your life. So even now, I guess that’s what’s Remarkable is that now it’s. It’s majestic and it’s sort of impressive. But imagine 100 or 200 or 300 years ago, these things still looked pretty much like they do to us now.
Oh, yeah, and look at this. Fire. The fire. Fire. Fire. It happened on April 15, which is a fire ritual day. Isn’t that when Waco happened? A Waco is about unlocking the Book of Revelation. Right. Seven seal. I don’t know how much you’ve looked into Koresh and. And the rest of the Branch Davidians before. That’s a whole other wild story. Very American specific. I’m obsessed with that. And shout out to Taz. Test upgraded to the. You’re gonna be happy. The Illuminati Yacht Club is honestly the dopest tier out of all of them. It’s got so much.
It’s going to come in a huge box. Yeah. This isn’t just like a little pack that’s coming in the mail. It’s coming in a giant box filled with stuff. Yes, Queen. Thank you for upgrading. Look at that. We almost passed that. 33. $4. $4 away. The next person that backs us will put us at 31. Oh, we just need one more person. Upgrade your tier. If you already grab your comic book, think about upgrading your life with the Illuminati Yacht Club. Join the Illuminati Yacht Club. And thank you so much. Test. Let’s feed the kitty cat.
Now, there were sound effects, but we. I. There wasn’t a way to put them on the stream yard. My cat literally pissed on me today. Still giving him treats. He still gets treats. I love him. He can piss all over anything he wants online. Thank you, Tess. You’re the best. I appreciate it. So this is in the news. That’s a latte gun. A latte. You know, my. My homie from Iran was telling me that we call things not latte, we call them. Damn it. Something about tea. Oh, anyway, I forgot. That’s a latte gun. World’s most perliest.
Starbuck opens where coffee lovers sip lattes and overlook Earth’s most militarized stretch of land. That’s pretty gangster. Now, you gotta understand, Starbucks isn’t a coffee company. They’re a real estate company, just like McDonald’s. And they’re a logistics company. Because the other thing that Starbucks does and what they’re showing to the business insiders that care is look at how consistent we can be when we source, deliver, prepare the exact same product on any corner of the Earth. And that’s Sort of what Starbucks has really made their brand is that all of the coffee and the op, the menu options and everything down to the exact beans that get roasted and shipped out are supposed to be incredibly consistent, like the most reliable.
You’ll know exactly what it tastes like no matter where you go. But that’s not just about coffee. It’s. It’s letting anyone else that needs something delivered worldwide to maintain some kind of standard. It’s like saying, hey, we figured out the formula to get logistics to work. So I, I would imagine that the revolving door between whoever sets up the actual infrastructure and logistics at a corporate level, like a worldwide corporate level for Starbucks, there’s got to be a revolving door there somewhere within the military or intelligence. Well, back in the old days, back in my old days, when we were going to go watch the war go down, we would bring the family to the picnic and we would all set up the picnic and watch the fathers all go to war and sons and kill each other.
And then we’re like, damn, this is not a picnic event. When the Civil War happened, when these wars happened, that’s what people did because they didn’t really understand. It’s like, hey, we’re gonna go watch the war. Oh yeah, I’ll be there. I’ll be there. When? Friday. Yeah, Friday, when war kick off. And then they all go to the picnic on the hill with their kids. They set up the picnic, they’d be eating it and then they’re like, damn, this is bloody. This is brutal. And things just haven’t changed. You’ll be able to watch Kim Young Un in Seoul.
I know. I don’t think Moon is in Seoul anymore. I think he retired. I don’t remember. But you’re gonna see the rocket man and all the rockets, the warfare, bloodshed, Rich will go down while you’re sipping your latte. That’s what that’s for. Is this kind of like being able to look at the, the Great Pyramid while you’re having a, like a Burger King? This is Jake, Paul and Mike Tyson fight. Like, it’s just, you get a sip your latte and watch people kill each other. Or am I tripping? I don’t think you agree with me. It’s okay.
I wonder if they have little, the little viewfinders like you would go and see on the Empire State Building or if you’re going to, to look at like Ellis island or something. I think they do look right, right here. Oh, okay. Yeah. So you can get a nice up close shot of it. My Cat’s gonna pee on me again, I know it. Oh, you’re a bad kid. They usually, they usually do that when they’re trying to teach you a lesson. The cat. Yeah, if, if I ever had to leave my cat for an extended period of time, that would be one of the ways that they show how displeased you are.
Why? Left town for like three days. But the thing is I have someone come and watch the cat give them the massages. Yeah, but, yeah, but he, but he knows. He’s pissed. He’s pissed. Literally 11 year old Chan, he’s like 11 or 12, he’s so mad. And you’re going on the Secret Society of Good Guys tonight, so that should be a fun show. Yeah. Hell yeah. Yeah, Every, every Friday night at midnight I go on. Usually it’s on Rumble. Oh my gosh, we do YouTube anymore. Oh, we’re there. Thank you. Thank you, whoever just grabbed a digital deluxe edition.
You’re gonna get, you’re gonna get the private video everything. You get a private video. CG. Thank you to CG. CG. Oh, CG. CG. Oh look, we got another one. CG’s Christopher Green. CG, shout out to Ashley. Got the VHS box combo. You’re gonna love that one too. That thing’s going to be absolutely packed with stickers and art prints and comics and everything we can put in there. Ashley. Woo woo. Are we gonna feed Chan? You gotta feed Chan at least. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. But you what you were saying you were going on the Secret Society of Good Guys.
Yeah, yeah. Every, every Friday night at midnight. It’s usually on Rumble. Sometimes it’s on YouTube if the channel hasn’t been banned for the two weeks. You know all about that. Sometimes on X. But yeah, if you just search for ssg. Secret Society Good guys. I go on there with Abby, Layla and Cheney. It’s just three girls and a guy. And we talk for sometimes three or four hours until people get everything out about the entire week. We go into crazy different tangents. It’s fun. It’s a cathartic experience for everybody. I do like it. Looks like we got another sign up or am I tripping? I could be tripping and seeing things.
No, we got another one. Shout out to Elizabeth for, for upgrading. We gotta upgrade. Upgrade, upgrade with two Ds for a double dose of this upgrade. Thank you, Elizabeth. That’s amazing. If y’all want to upgrade, you can upgrade your VHS box to the Illuminati Yacht Club. Looks like a lot of people are upgrading their package deal. I mean, we only got a few days left before this is all wrapped up and you won’t be able to access the secrets. You’re going to want to access these secrets. You’re going to want to have this in your home, like, absolutely.
How can you not have this in your home at all times throughout the rest of your life and your kid’s life and your kids kids life. You’re going to want this there. It’s important. Well, it will be crazy not to upgrade anyways because the VIP box set and the Illuminati Yacht Club and even the street team, they’re all getting bigger and better every single time we pass through one of these extra milestones. So at this point, it would make all the sense in the world to just grab the Illuminati Yacht Club because of all the extras.
It’s already coming with. You gonna get one, you’re gonna get one. You’re gonna get one. Oh, Alex Stein’s cap pissed on him live. Yeah, we’re gonna have Alex. I feel like he would have set that up, though. He wanted that to happen. Yeah, we’re gonna have Alex Stein up on here too. For sure. We’re gonna hook y’all up with Alex Stein. Pimp on a blimp. You know it. You know. Yeah. So let me see, what else, what other Illuminati news I got for y’all inside the adults only sex. Oh, well, I don’t know why that, that one up.
Monkey deaths. Monkey deaths at primate research facility investigated by usda. Do we got any Monkey Watch updates? No, they’re, they’re. Honestly, at this point, they’re repeating the information that we’ve already dug up on Monkey Watch way early. I think we had almost all of the, the newest news that they’re getting into now about a week ago, and essentially here first, the recap is that the 43 monkeys that escaped, there’s four left remaining they haven’t caught yet. But this spurred a whistleblower to come forward about 10 or 11 days ago, and they released two years worth of reports that kind of cited that the, the facilities were being left, left in disrepair.
No one was paying attention to these monkeys. There was all sorts of horrible things happening. But then over the weekend, a furnace or something caught fire and a whole bunch of up to 20 of these monkeys died in a fire. The exact same facility that had just released them. So now there’s even more public scrutiny against them and there’s a congressional investigation that’s Looked after this. A lady named Macy Grace, I believe she’s the one that’s kind of spearheading this in South Carolina that came out that they own a place called Morgan island or Monkey Island.
So this is. This place is a huge company. Like the. The. Out of all the different companies in the US that breed monkeys for research, they seem to be at the forefront of that. And it’s all taxpayer funded. That’s crazy. And we’d be covering that first. We’d be covering. Covering it first. And they don’t. They don’t have a monkey watch intro like we do either. Looks like Lil Xan caught on video beating concertgoer. Like how Lil’zan being a concert goer. That’s hilarious. Well, as much as he could have. That’s so funny. He still built like a 13 year old.
Yeah. If this is him. But you never know. Like Jake Paul, like he would look like this, like last year. Gonna box Mike Tyson. That’s gonna be the new thing. Yeah. Drugs are bad. Okay. Russia and China stage nuclear exercise in Sea of Japan. Look at that. Look at that sea. Look at that ocean. They’re getting ready for Gajira. Okay, that’s not for. Whoa. Oh, yeah. This looks like pretty dated footage. Yeah, it totally is. They just don’t know what. Look, there’s nothing going on in the news right now. Every. This is the holidays right now.
Everybody’s not watching YouTube anymore right now. There’s nothing happening in the news. This is what happens in the news cycle. So everybody’s just waiting for a nuke to go off so the news stations can make money right now. It’s just slow because everyone’s on vacation in Thanksgiving weekend, you know, so people are out of town. So there’s nothing cracking on the Internet right now. And this is when the Hallmark channel is eating everybody else’s lunch for the next month or two. Yes, yes. I’ve been. I’ve been interested in doing some like a cult decode breakdowns of Hallmark movies because there’s actually a handful of them that are really, really crazy.
You’re right. Like, they don’t make any real sense in a normal world, bro. Hallmark movies and the occult. We gotta break that down. And Hallmark channel is the. It’s the Knights Templar Double Cross Lorraine. It is. And. And this is just. You knew that already. Like Lifetime. That’s dope. You already knew that. Well, I’ve been looking into doing a cult breakdowns of Hallmark movies for the last year. I’ve rewatched like the top 10 weirdest ones this year. I’m still coming up with some notes for it to make, but I think that this would be a really good series because this would maybe bring in the normies, but I need to figure out a way to do it so it’s not just feeding off the same crowd that we already got.
Like, I really want to get people that are just interested in Hallmark recaps, and then all of a sudden they’re hearing about a Bavarian Illuminati and skull and bones and, like, you know, sacrifice rituals. I really want to be able to capture that type of audience. They got the double cross of Lorraine on the Hallmark logo. You already knew this. That’s crazy. Look, how many times have you gone into Hallmark and got yourself little card and did you know, again, stuff from the Knights Templar, like right there, the double cross. That’s crazy. My kitty cat is like, freaking me out.
I am scared of my cat. My cat. Oh, my goodness. Did you see that? No. We got. We got a big baller up, like $100,000. Oh, my goodness. Thank you. Thank you so much. Look, we only got. We only got three more minutes with Paranoid American. Let’s see how many people we could get this backed up in. Three more minutes. Let’s get this to 33,000. Look at this number, though. 31. 111. We got 11 days to go. Look at that. Three, one, one, one, one, 1, four, eight, one, one, one. Woo. Operators are standing by. Bruh, bruh, bruh.
What? You know what’s crazy is that the original goal was not even $2000. Like, we just needed to raise about 1700 in order to account for all the books that we needed to print. And now we’re basically gonna be dropping like 2000% more of these comics out into the world. So there’s going to be stacks of these in pretty much every city at this point. Bruh. This is nuts. This is nuts. Who. Who just signed up, they get to feed the kitty cat. All right, I gotta look it up. Me. Thank you for keeping Chan fed.
It’s. The more Chan gets fed, the less he will mess with Donut. It seems like he’s almost holding Donut hostage a little bit. Bendeline, Phallus, thank you so much for the color combo. Thank you, Bendeline. I love you. That was amazing. I’m checking the cities too. Let’s see. Oh, wow. Wow. I never would have expected this. Wow. Seattle is the number one city back in Illuminati comic right now. I know Seattle was number one. I just knew Seattle, we’re gonna be number one. Yeah, we got. We got 10 backers in Seattle. We got eight backers in Chicago and eight in LA.
And check this out, the number four city in the whole world is actually Sydney, Australia. We got seven different backers in Sydney, Australia, whatever’s number one. If it’s Seattle, if it’s Australia, whatever’s number one, I’m going there and putting on a free event. Oh, look, we got another sign up. Oh, my goodness, we just raised three. 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3. You gotta. You gotta burn, burn, burn this. Let’s try to get this past 33, 000, because paranoid Americans gotta leave us and go on Secret Society of Good Guys podcast. Shout out to to Evan.
Evan just signed up for the VHS box. And we got another upgrade. Nikki upgraded. Nikki upgraded. She’s gonna. She’s getting that trading card combo which you’re gonna love, because these, I don’t know if anyone even knows about the conspiracy cards that I dropped maybe a month or two ago. I can’t keep them in stock for more than a day or two. As soon as I post them on the website and I send out a newsletter, they’re gone within eight to ten hours. Yeah, you already, you already got some of them right now. But these, these things, I’ve been working on these for like five or six years.
Anyone that? Even Juan. When I first started talking to Juan, I was telling about this whole set that I wanted, but I didn’t want to drop it when I just had five made. I wanted to wait until I had at least like 80 or 90 of these made. And now with this particular project, we’re going to have a whole set of Illuminati trading cards. I think there’s an Adam Biceop, there’s a Philo, there’s an Albert pike trading card. There’s going to be a whole bunch. I got like 20 or 30 that are going to be coming out just for this campaign.
Absolutely. And everybody, those links are down below. Go upgrade to the Illuminati Yacht Club. Upgrade your package. Get the VHS box. Once in a lifetime opportunity to unlock the secrets. And we’re joined here every single night while we are doing the Illuminati comic, giving you all your Illuminati news with the one and only paranoid American. Go check out the Secret Society. You good guys, check me out. Yeah, I’ll be there, up there in 10 minutes from now. So see y’all at Secret Society. Good guys, much love and God bless You. Yo, what up? It’s Donut. And you Tuning in to all your Illuminati news.
Get your copy of the Illuminati comic. Illuminaticomic.com you know you want it. Get early bird access to massive discounts and exclusive gifts Dropping worldwide. Learn the secrets of the Illuminati. Access the secrets. Join the Illuminati Yacht Club. Get the Donut VHS box and join the street team. Click the link below. Limited time only. Access the secrets. Oh, what up? It’s Donut. The Illuminati comic dropped worldwide. Get your Illuminati comic today about the Bavarian Illuminati exposing the infamous secret society. It’s a chit track Illuminati comic. Make sure to go back this project, we were fully funded in three minutes.
Learn about the full history of the Bavarian Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt, Alumbrados, Jesuits, Rosicrucians, Freemasons and more. We got early bird access today only. If you subscribe today you get a massive discount anywhere in the world. The digital deluxe tier. Get the digital copy plus an add on private video presentation. Get the black and white chit track Illuminati comic. Or get it in color. I. I mean I would get it in color because this is banging. Learn all the secrets and the Donut VHS box. Get the early bird special. This ends today. These sell out so quickly.
Very, very popular and it’s the first time ever we’re doing them worldwide with the Illuminati comic. Massive discounts today only. Click that link below. The Illuminati street team. Become part of the street team. Get a bunch of these comics and slang them. You can make a bunch of money. You can make your money back and profit. If you got a store, you can sell them out of your store. Just hand them out, leave them at the library. Join the Illuminati street team. Or if you a big baller like that and you want to be part of the Illuminati Yacht Club.
That’s for the big ballers right there who want to join the Illuminati Yacht Club. I mean that’s that official like a referee whistle pledge right there. So click that link below. This is the Illuminati comic. Sign up right now. Reserve your spot. Much love and God bless you. That’s right, it’s the Illuminati comic from Donut and Paranoid American. Get yours now@illuminati comic.com.