The Homunculus Golden Age: XRP Bridge Rituals BTC Templar Banking Revealed!!!

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➡ The text discusses Ripple, a cryptocurrency connected to water and maritime law. The founder of Ripple was part of the NSA and the company is currently being sued by the SEC. The text also mentions a conversation with Jordan Maxwell about the future of cryptocurrency, predicting it will skyrocket. The conversation then shifts to a comic related to the Illuminati and a secret society called the Order of the Sprinkle.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including those related to cryptocurrency, Illuminati symbolism, and the significance of the eye. It also mentions the concept of the third eye and the pineal gland, which some believe allows insight into other dimensions. The text also touches on the symbolism found on the dollar bill and its potential connections to cryptocurrency and the Illuminati. Lastly, it mentions a group called the Illuminati Yacht Club and a challenge coin associated with it.
➡ The text discusses a variety of topics, including dental work, secret societies, and the potential future of cryptocurrency. It suggests that as more people move their money into crypto and Bitcoin, banks may collapse, leading to a new system of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). The text also mentions the importance of banking in Africa, where most people are currently unbanked.
➡ The speaker discusses the future of cars becoming self-owned corporations, making money through crypto. They also touch on the possibility of the grid going down and the impact on accessing crypto. The conversation then shifts to a bizarre story about a woman in Ohio eating her cat, and a Chinese restaurant allegedly serving animals. The speaker also mentions the potential of crypto crippling the banking system and the role of secret societies in this.
➡ The text discusses the speaker’s experiences with cryptocurrency, particularly XRP, and their belief that it’s the future of money. They also mention the potential for manipulation in the crypto market and the possibility of a new coin by Mr. Beast. The speaker expresses concerns about the potential for control and surveillance through digital currencies, and the lack of transparency in government spending. They also discuss the concept of NFTs and their potential impact on the digital world.
➡ NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are like digital collectibles. They can be anything from art to music, and their value comes from being original and directly from the creator. However, not all NFTs are valuable, especially if they’re created by unknown individuals. There’s also a concern about NFTs being used for scams, but they can also provide a sustainable income for artists who can sell their work directly to buyers.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including a logo featuring George Washington, the connection between Epstein and Bitcoin, and the Deutsche Bank’s alleged involvement in controversial events. It also explores the potential of cryptocurrencies like XRP and the implications of AI technology. The conversation ends with a discussion about the occult aspects of the financial system and the potential dangers of integrating technology into it.
➡ The speaker discusses their comic book project, which is close to surpassing the sales of a rival comic. They also talk about their views on cryptocurrency, comparing it to a form of alchemy. They mention their social media presence and the fear of being demonetized on their channel. The conversation then shifts to discussing various celebrities and their involvement in controversial activities, such as performance art and alleged occult rituals.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and news, including the Illuminati, aliens, and cryptocurrencies. It also mentions a strange incident in Miami Beach involving a couple and an elephant statue. The speakers also discuss the potential of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in the future and their implications on the economy. They end by celebrating their success over a mainstream artist, Charlemagne, in terms of popularity.
➡ The speaker is grateful for their crowdfunded online business and is excited about an upcoming documentary they’re shooting. They also mention a loss and gain of subscribers during a live session, and they encourage listeners to subscribe to their channel and that of their friend, Juan. They also promote an Illuminati comic book they’ve collaborated on, offering early bird access and discounts. They suggest joining their street team to distribute the comics or joining the Illuminati Yacht Club for big supporters.


It’s donut and you tuning into all your Illuminati news. The homunculus golden age of xrp. The massive bridge rituals happening worldwide. We’re going to cover what is happening in the economy and in the world with XRP crashing through historic all time highs, almost not really there, just trending on the world stage. This is all connected to maritime law. We spoke with Jordan Maxwell around five years ago. Jordan. And we’re gonna start with that clip and then start the show. Jordan, there’s this crypto I wanted to ask you about that I’ve always been interested in and it’s called Ripple because you talked a lot about maritime law, water, the riverbank, the currency.

And this crypto is the only crypto kind of named after water. It’s called Ripple. A lot of people in the government work with this company. The guy who founded it was part of the NSA. Rosa Rios is who’s on the $100 bill, works with them. What they are is a bridge currency. That’s what they call themselves and like a bridge goes over water. So I don’t know if you’ve heard of it or what are your thoughts on something like that? Well, I don’t know anything about that. It’s very interesting. Sounds kind of interesting. Okay, so this is Ripple.

I mean Ripple is like water, a ripple of water. Their logo’s the Traskillian and they’re totally in with big tech and big government and they’re being sued by the SEC right now, which I think is just a big show. But yeah, what they do is cross border remittance payments. So I don’t know, it’s just interesting. It’s something that knowing about the water and how everything goes back to water just, you know, got me thinking. Yeah, it gets me thinking too. I know the crypto is going to go through the roof very soon. And I know that because I know some of the people who do know and they tell me if you got, if you got crypto, hold on to it because it’s going to go through the roof.

And so that’s what I said. And I can see it going now. And it’s going to, it’s going to hit one day soon. It’s going to hit one day soon and when it does, it’s going to go through the roof. That’s all I could say. And therefore I would be happy to receive any crypto. Well, I’ll make sure to get you some crypto. Okay. Yeah, I’ll also try to see if I could send you some of this ripple as well, because I think that would be big. So that was Jordan Maxwell, rest in peace. I got to speak with him around five years ago about cryptocurrency.

And we saw the connections to the ritual at the Olympics with the Gold man and the Silver man resembling, in my opinion, what I was saying, this goes back to these secret societies of the Hashash and order, the Knights templar order, the OGs of banking on the world stage, showing this earth right here with the bridge going from America through Africa to Australia. Now this is the bridge currency I was just talking about. The lights went out here at the Olympics for the 2024. We saw Elon, where the Omega, here’s the Golden Voyager. And Trump has been doing his speech for the golden age of America.

And we’re joined by two special guest, the One on One podcast, the chosen one, the hist himself, Juan Iola, over at the One on One podcast. What up, Juan? Yo, and Paranoid. Was he really on a beach for that, for that interview? That’s crazy, dude. He was on a beach. Yeah, that was actually Epstein Island. That’s what people were saying in the. When I put this video out, I had mad haters come out and a lot of them became my friends. But yeah, they were like, yo, look, Jordan Maxwell’s on Epstein Island. And I knew it.

And I’m like, how can you not know that’s a green screen? There’s no way that’s a green screen. There’s no way, dude. It’s. It’s missing all the telltale signs. Dude, it’s a totally agreed screen. No, I couldn’t even tell. You don’t have to play cover for Maxwell. I’m going to stick up for him. Well, I like that. My favorite comment so far, that, dude, Juan is so annoying. I agree. Jose Carlos, shout out to him. I’m gonna block him. Where is he? No, no, no, no. Don’t block them. Don’t block them, dude. Okay, you. You’ve been.

We need more of that. I. I want to hear all the people that think that Juan’s annoying. Yeah, nobody cares. We’re also here with Paranoid American. We’re doing these streams every day, all day, every day for the Illuminati comic. Thank you everybody for your support. Don’t worry about that. Wrong tab, dude. Wrong tab. Yeah, wrong tab. We’ll get to it. We are so close. Let’s get this past 34. $9. We just need one sign up for the Illuminati comic. We’re doing these streams every Single day for y’all. Time is running out. It’s almost over. The last opportunity for you to become part of the Illuminati Yacht Club.

Wait, so we become a part of the Illuminati if we back the project? Is that what you’re saying? If you get the baller tier, you do become a part of the Illuminati Yacht Club. The yacht club tier. Kind of like in my last one, you were invited into the Order of the Sprinkle, which is a secret society I can’t talk much about, but this one, you get to join the Illuminati Yacht Club. Or you could become part of the street team. Or you can just get the comic and get wicked smart. And time’s running out, so click that link below and go sign up and shout out to everyone who drew all the art.

We just got some new art right here. Looks super sick of the Illuminati worm. I’m guessing that’s Illuminati worm. And this is what it is. It’s all about inspiration. You got them dolphins. Thank you for who drew this one as well. Yesterday. And there’s the secret society right there. They must be an OTS member. I can’t really talk much about it, but you get to give my kitty cat drugs as well. If you sign up right now, we get a feed Chan drugs. No, don’t do that. No, no, we’re doing it. It’s not a bad thing.

It’s not total MK Ultra. I took him to the vet because he pissed on me, so I took him to the vet recently and he’s doing good, but we got him on a bunch of drugs right now. So if you sign up, we shout out your name and you get a Give Chan drugs. So you got some T. Gandhi in your bro, Is that what you’re saying? I’ve been had a T. Gandhi and me, yeah. Is that how you got so many tabs open? Is that like a side effect of T. Gandhi, where you have to have a thousand tabs open? Tabs open.

Well, why don’t you tell us a little bit about it? Because we’re covering the Knights Templar banking system, which is connected to this new currency system that’s being developed. The second layer of the Internet, the blockchain technologies. All roads lead to Rome and secret societies actually controlling things. Isn’t there a T. Gandi connection of the cat to the Knights Templar sniffing the anal gland of the kitty cats? So that’s what they said, because allegedly they could acquire a. An altered state of Consciousness when it came to interacting with the cat anus. But there was also another secret society, the Oculists, which were a freemasonic sect of eye doctors.

Eye surgeons. Yes. And on one of their emblems, they actually have two cats on the back side of this coin. Right. Because we’re gonna be talking about money on the back side of the coin. So what’s been speculated is that they would do these rights of kissing the buttocks of these cats in order to have this tegany, which is a sort of parasite that some people say can drive you mad. That’s why you get like the crazy cat lady sort of thing. And it can. It’s a sort of mind control through this little parasite that you get from the cat’s butt.

So anyone who is right there. So they had written a book that they found that was only. They were only able to crack it through the use of AI and AI algorithm. And it was uncracked for more than 250 years, and they still haven’t 100 cracked it because some of the names within it are still, you know, occulted, if you will. And essentially this whole book was just a. A book on their rights and rituals. And one of the rituals that they would do is they would. The initiate would sit in the dark room and they would do a pseudo eye surgery on him, and they would pluck one of his eyebrows.

But they had all of these eye surgery instruments that they would use. And their secret was, their true secret of being an illuminated one, an enlightened one, was how well you could encrypt something. How well you could encrypt a code within a writing. So that makes me think of, like, crypto, because crypto, the one biggest thing that they sold us on when it came to crypto was that it was untraceable, right? That. Oh, you can’t. They crack. Disney grants. There was. I don’t think there was any cat stuff in there in this particular sense, but it’s interesting that they do have the two cats there on the side.

So it makes you think, why, like lines. There’s a cat right there, too. Oh, yeah. And mice right there. I think those are mouse mice. And this goes back to a lot of Illuminati eye surgeries with Bach and Handle both getting their eyeball gouged out. Like the Eye of Horus, where we see the Illuminati eye by the same oculus doctor. It’s called the copial cipher. Now, what’s interesting about the eye stuff, right, because recently we had who? Jay Leno had a black eye. Yeah, he was. He was doing black face. It was not. This is one of those things that people always bring up in, like these conspiracies when they see like a celebrity who has a black eye or.

Or whatever it is. Oh, he joined the club. He made the deal. Blah, blah. And then, yeah, the. The Pandey’s, that whole thing with. With Orlando Brown as well. So it kind of. I mean, it kind of makes sense to me that they would take the. The eye is. Is literally at the center of all of our lives. I mean, without. I can’t imagine. I mean, I know some people are born blind, but, you know, the eye is very important. And I had a. When I did that episode, I had an eye surgeon on with me, and he kind of broke down the anatomy of the eyeball and he said that part of the eyeball in the back actually has the same cells that make up our perineal gland.

So there’s something to be said about that. Right. The. The third. People talk about the third eye and the pineal gland and how it lets you see into, you know, other, like other dimensions, I guess, or something or other with the DMT and all that stuff. But bro, not only the pineal gland got photoreceptors in it. Yeah. As if it sees light. What is that all about? And Jay Leno’s left eye is the left eye of horse that got gouged out. So this goes into Illuminati symbolism perfectly. And we see on the back of the dollar bill, which is the.

The all seeing eye of the. What the. What’s it called? Eye of Providence. Right there on the back of the dollar bill right there. Bam. And if you connect the hexagram, it spells Mason. And even this one right here, one is broken off into 21 sections. So there’s 20 sections of one. So it’s like 21, in my opinion, which I believe goes into a lot of symbolism connected to cryptocurrency because there’s 21 million Bitcoin. So that whole 21 plays a. A big role with Blackjack or Boaz and Johan. The. The two pillars, and this is where the dollar comes from, is from the pillar dollar.

The pillar dollar is the two pillars that you showed us. Juan Trump has many pictures of him. Not only does he live in an Omega, which is on the dollar bill, the alpha and the Omega. We see here Rosa Rios as well. For all you XRP people who are listening, and I’m not endorsing Xrp or telling anyone to, to buy it. It’s not financial advice. Yeah, that’s like three. It’s like $3 now when I was talking to Jordan Maxwell and suggesting that it was at 19 cents. So I’m not saying to buy it. If anything, it could be a total psych out for, for people, but it is definitely part of the, the new order, the novice order circle system.

But right here we see on the dollar bill Rosa Rios. Rios means river and she works for XRP and she’s right there on our money. That’s how I knew the whole SEC lawsuit with MIT Deep State, Gary Gensler and Trump’s connection also to the MIT in the deep state as well with his nuclear uncle, that it was all just bs. It feels like we have entered into a utility bull run into a sense because they had to bring the masses in through a coin shortage during the lockdown where crypto was around 3,500 for Bitcoin. And then we saw the bull run into, you know, getting people interested into Dogecoin, who made Dogecoin a popular thing.

What was Elon Musk? Who. The Diablo King. Yeah, the Diablo King who is controlling the new financial system where. I mean, there’s just tons of images that I could bring up here in a, in a moment of Elon with, with. How many tabs can you have open on Google Chrome? Like have you reached the limit at one point donut? Yeah, I usually have around 200 at 1. 150. I usually have 150 tabs open at a show. A show usually will have 150 tabs. For sure. You can have even more if you start using the tab groups because then you can have like 150 per group.

You. Well, no, so I, I do have it in groups. So this is a group. Oh, I don’t know. Maybe not. You’re gonna have to teach me how to do that. Oh yeah, we’ll do some like pro tips. Oh my goodness. We way crashed through the. Whoa. Nice. Wow. Okay, we gotta feed the. We gotta get. We gotta feed it. Oh, okay. Yeah. So, so shout out to Amy Miura, who just became an Illuminati Yacht Club member. It’s a, it’s a small group of people that actually have signed up for the Illuminati Yacht Club. But it’s going to be the dopest sort of set that you’re gonna see.

You’re gonna see people showing pictures of these huge boxes that come packed with stuff. Are you guys authorized to, to put people in the Illuminati Yacht Club. Like, how does that work? Because I’m gonna, I’m gonna check your credentials after this stream. I might write an email. You get a challenger coin. You get, you get an official, like a referee whistle coin of membership. Like, okay. And I don’t know if you know how. You went to the last secret society meeting of the Order of the Sprinkle. Weren’t you there? I think so, yeah. Weird ritual with Pukey Pete.

That’s where he showed his butt, right? He showed that. Yeah, yeah, but I remember that. And you could get access to that ritual over on the Patreon links down below. But you’re gonna definitely wanna get the Illuminati Out Club membership. Thank you. I’m just gonna have to see your credentials as well, that’s all I’m saying. I mean, Amy says that we cut her name off, so let me just say it again. Amy Dalamura. I think that’s how you pronounce it. So thank you, Amy. And we got erect, didn’t upgrade. Kyla did an upgrade. And rgz, shout out to the homie.

RGZ all did upgrades which made us get here. They just accessed the secrets you accessed in the secrets rgz. And just for anyone that doesn’t know how a challenge coin works, it’s. I think it’s like a military government fight to the death, right? No, it’s not. Well, I mean, maybe, but usually how a challenge coin works is that if you’re out with the homies or someone within a certain crew and you’re getting drinks and someone puts a challenge coin on the table, then someone else has to put another challenge coin. And if they don’t, they buy you drinks.

And if they do, you buy the drinks. That’s. That’s typically how a challenge coin actually works. Yeah, and that’s that coin right there. You’re always going to win though, dude, because I mean, who, how many people are part of the yacht? Exactly. There’s. It’s a very small through. So that means that if you ever pull one of these out, the other person doesn’t know what the hell Illuminati Yach Club is. Now they’re buying you a drink, they’re like, what’s it? And they go crazy. Like, how many tabs do you need open to ascend to another dimension Donut? Like, if we don’t see you ever again, does that mean that you open up too many tabs and you won’t lock the matrix within Google Chrome to ascend to another dimension.

Who’s gonna take care of Chan bro once that happens? Chan can take care of his self. He’s a street kitty. He’s come from the street. But I did take him to the vet yesterday, so thank you, everyone, for your concern. I was sitting on the couch and you just started pissing all over me, giving me a golden shower of tea. Yeah, rude, right? And then so I brought him to the vet, got his blood work done. They did all this stuff. They said he’s super healthy. He also lost a lot of weight because we’ve been training for World War Three.

So we out there up on the stairs, up and down, working out, push ups, all that, you know, so he’s very, very healthy. But we’re gonna get the test back. He, you know, and see what’s going on. He’s got to get some dental work done. And what he needs braces? He’s gonna get. Yeah, get gold teeth. Invisalign. He needs Invisalign. Right? He’s gonna get a grill. I thought he just needs a retainer. You know, he’s reading off the. The. The results, T. Okay, he’s healthy, but he seems to be the leader of a secret society. What is all that about? The secret society of the sprinkle donut.

The order of the sprinkled donuts. Yeah. So you’re not going to want to miss out. Also, one more thing before we move on to more XRP news as well, and your Illuminati news is we unlock the secrets for these stretch goals. Every time we pass a stretch goal, everybody gets extra stuff, especially if you get the VIP box. You get that VIP box pack. Like, we pass 25k, we get to add a embroidered patch on for everybody. It’s right now it’s over $50 worth of extra rewards if you get the VIP box. And if you get any other printed tier, $9 and up, it’s coming with an extra 15 worth of stuff.

And the cool thing is, is that we just passed the 33, 000. We beat Charlemagne the God. Well, no, we’re. We were at less than 200 away from beating him, so we about to beat Charlemagne the God who it works with the Biden fan crime family. The real Illuminati. Yeah, the real Illuminati. He dropped an Illuminati comic as well. And this is Independent right here. You’re watching the Independent and we. We beat in the mainstream. So I thank you. It’s all because of y’all support and y’all and look, once we pass this next tier, we’re gonna drop a DofI album with it.

So it’s gonna be sick. So make sure to click that link below. You’re. You’re gonna love the dofi album. What is a DOFI album? Dude, you’re gonna rap. It’s gonna be like, you know, dofi, like lo fi, how that goes with the cat, It’ll be me with the cat. It’ll be music, beats. And I’ll be saying, like, manifestation and unlocking the secrets for your subconscious mind. Yeah. Every time my son comes into my room, I have the VHS cover that’s on my wife. He’s like, hey, look, it’s Alex. Oh, really? I got it right here. Hey.

Hey. So you get really cool stuff like this. But let’s talk a little bit about Manly PP hall and his secret destiny of Merca. Did you find the clip of Trump saying that? I I. He’s right here saying it. He says it right here. Yeah. Tell us what. What is this all about? So it was interesting because when he had won the nomination, he had done a A and he said something at the very beginning. I think it was like 25 minutes long. It was. I think he went off script or something. I think I heard people saying that he told people to turn off the teleprompter.

And what ended up happening was he. He mentions about fulfilling the destiny of America. And that stood out to me because Manly P. Hall has written about the secret destiny of America. And essentially what the secret destiny of America is. They. They essentially kind of sort of put this spirit on democracy, right? That democracy will always win and that it’s like it ushers itself in, in some sort of way and that we’re here as these pawns in this greater Game of Thrones to fulfill that destiny. Right? So, I mean, that’s up for interpretation. Manly P. Hall was a Freemason.

So I just found it interesting that is he. How do I word this? Is he part of the. Of the people who are going to usher in the NWO or, you know, what is crypto? Is it. Is it the mark of the beast? Like a lot of these things that people are sort of buying into open, you know, openly. Right? People are getting into crypto really openly. And it’s like, is there a sinister agenda behind it? And we gotta look at everything in a skeptical way, Right? Yeah. Handsome fellow. Who is that? Who is that? I don’t know who that.

It looks kind of like you, but it’s not you because it’s not me. Like, I know it’s not me because I didn’t authorize my image to be used on that. No, it’s. It was basically, you’re the brother that you never had. We had the artist assume what your brother might look like, and then that’s the guy that’s on the COVID so we don’t have to pay you any royalties. That’s my homunculus, dude. You’re gonna actually grow my clone if you use that kit. You know, almost everyone I’ve talked to that got the kit doesn’t want to open it and doesn’t want to actually create.

I don’t know if it’s because it’s a collector’s item or it’s because they don’t want a little wand running around because of the collectors stuff. It’s a. It’s a real cult item, dude. You can’t know. You got to use it carefully, because you will. That’s the thing with the Illuminati comic. It’s like, I. I’m all about that. Like, I. I get these. Here’s one I got of the pimp on the blimp, Alex Stein, and I got him to autograph it. You know what I mean? So, like, the only one in existence that’s got a foil Alex Stein comic book signed by Alex Stein.

That thing is worth, like, $33 million, dude. Thousands of more than XRP. More than XRP? For sure. Yeah. Way, way better. But. So this XRP thing is quite interesting. I’ve been looking at crypto for a long time as I’ve been to all the events. I’ve been to Singapore, been to all these crypto things. I’ve met the owner of Dash that turned into a billion dollar company at one point of the 2017, I think. Pump and Dump. I. I met Charlie Lee, who created Litecoin. I met Charlie Shrim, who was arrested because he was part of the whole Mt.

Gox thing. So I. I met all these different people, and I thought they were all like, cult in the cult because it was hella weird. But then you get into crypto, and it is a culture. It’s crypto that the meaning of crypto is cryptic, right? Like crypt, crypto, crip, cryptic. Let me see. Oh, yeah. Even bitcoin. Just gonna throw. Oh, I’m not even showing my screen. My bad. Even bitcoin, the numerology is BTC, which is 3, 2, 2, backwards, and XRP. The first day it traded was on February 2nd, when it first traded publicly, which is the 33rd day of the year.

XRP straight connected to Ellen DeGeneres as well. She got mass. She holds massive. Do you think there’s a sinister agenda with it? Like how they’re trying. Because essentially. So when bitcoin goes up, it is linked, right? If you do the USD to btc, essentially what’s happening is that the value of the American dollar is going down versus Bitcoin. So essentially it’s the downfall of the dollar. Smart. How are you supposed to. Here’s the thing with crypto. Like we, we recently had hurricanes here in Florida, right? We had a whole bunch of the Illuminati sent to take us out because they know that we’re, we’re the true Atlantis.

And if there’s no electricity, how are you supposed to use this stuff? So is it, is it another way for them to have control over you? No, you’re just not supposed to ask those questions. Okay. All right, got it. Thanks. Thanks, dad. Yeah. So the, the thing with crypto and XRP, this is the second layer of the Internet. It’s leading us into the CBDCs, which isn’t going to be a one world currency. It’s going to be called Liberty Coin. It’s going to be called something free, like the Patriot Act. This is all making it sexy, Doge and all this, it’s all leading us to this new system.

And what you’re talking about, I got to hang out with Christopher over the weekend and this dude’s a crypto millionaire and ask him a bunch of questions as well. And what we’re seeing is we’re going to be seeing collapsing banks. Banks are going to collapse like we saw at that 33 address of Silicon Valley Bank. All these different bank collapse that are going to happen is people moving their liquidity, right? Everything’s water, everything’s liquid liquidity out of the banks because the banks since 2020 aren’t insured or something like that. I don’t really understand it too much, but this is what my homie was telling me about.

And so once people move their stuff into crypto and bitcoin, we’re going to start seeing that go rise up. But then we’ll see a bank collapse. Bank collapse. Bank collapse. Like the end of Fight Club sort of with them two towers collapsing. It’s all designed, it’s all designed to bring in this chaos, to move us into the CBDCs, which will put everybody on their knees. But the most important thing really isn’t an America being banked. We’re already banked. It’s Africa. There’s a. Most of the world is not banked and is not trackable. And so this whole thing of crypto, the lockdowns, AI, it’s all interconnected with Starlink satellites.

The cars. I was talking about the cars and I didn’t, I didn’t know. I. I hit like a vein. Like, it made like hell of people in the comments laugh about it because I was talking about how cars are going to be corporations that purchase other cars, and that’s where it’s all heading. So, like, you have a car like a Tesla or something, you have an LLC that picks people up and drops them off at Ubers and makes money through crypto. And then it pays off the car loan, and then it owns the car loan. Then it’s profiting.

And those profits it takes out another carvana, goes over there, orders it itself. And so, like the car, the AI becomes its own corporation. We’re heading towards that. And if the grid goes down, which it will, they will reset. The great Reset. That’s what it’s all about. And it was sort of shown here at the Olympics where the lights go out and then what emerges with the gold and silver in the secret society is this bridge currency going through Africa to Australia. But if the grid goes down, for example, if there’s Internet anywhere in the world, you’ll be able to access your crypto if you have it on a private key.

If the grid goes down, you’re going to have a lot more problems than accessing your crypto. You’re going to have to worry about your cats being eaten, as that’s something that’s actually happening right now. There’s a. An article. An Ohio woman charged with eating her cat pleads guilty. She wasn’t. It wasn’t like a Haitian thing or anything like that, just in Ohio. What’s going on in Ohio? I mean, are their cats better than the cats they got in Florida? Maybe they just found a new delicacy. I heard cats like they. According to Dwight Schrute, who’s an alchemist, he says that cats are useless because they don’t have a lot of meat.

You know, I, I ate I at a local restaurant one time that I thought you were gonna say I ate a cat once. Well, it’s up for debate because I ate at a local restaurant one time that shut down a couple years later was a Chinese restaurant, of course, and they shut down because they allegedly, they were serving animals. That’s the rumors as to why they shut down. They even demolished the building. So I don’t know what else they were serving, but could I have had a cat or two maybe? Was this in Ohio by any chance? It was, you know, it was, it was in, in.

It was in Orlando, dude. So around here. Unless. Unless it was in Little Vietnam, then it was probably an Ohio based Chinese restaurant. So that would make sense that they. You know what’s crazy? The mo. I don’t know if you guys have ever seen the movie Gummo. I’ll take that as a no green guy. Well, there’s not. By Aashi69. Right. Well, it’s based on a movie called Gummo and I only know about Gummo because they’re watching it in the movie Belly. A lot of one word movies. But in Gummo they actually. These two kids go around and they, they, they use pew Pews against cats.

And then they collect the cats and they sell them to a Chinese restaurant. And this place takes place in Ohio. Dummo takes place in Ohio. It’s from the guy who made kids. Right? Yeah. This is, this is a movie that I feel like I always need to take a shower after I see it. Well, kids as well. That. That movie poster looks. Looks familiar. If you’ve never seen this movie, it’s definitely worth seeing just one time for a very strange experience. You won’t forget the way it makes you feel, I don’t think. Oh yeah, I’m seeing some of the screenshots.

Yeah. Oh, gross. It looks like I, I’ll just, I’ll just move on from that movie. If it’s anything like the. It’s not like kids. It’s got. It’s nothing at all like kids. Okay. Okay. I’m gonna go check on the Illuminati comic. See if we got any other sign ups. As we’re doing. We got a sign. Someone’s got creative. So we’ll shout out exactly how they have it in here to Dustin’s decorative pledged for the VHS box combo. So I think that’s definitely worth a shout out. Dustin’s decorative concrete dot com. Thank you so much. Literally the name that they, they put in.

I, I think that’s clever. So. Yeah. And now they’re promoting their business. Do it. Hey, and, and hit us up. We might have some like business specific versions of these pamphlets where you can put your business info or your own ad on the back page or something and get like a few hundred to give. I don’t know. We’re. We’ve been talking about that behind the scenes. So if that sounds like something you might be interested in this and you want to get your advertisement in the comics, we can get you a bunch printed with your advertisement.

We’re thinking about stuff like that. You know, being entrepreneur, capitalistic hustlers fighting the evil Illuminati socialist of the crowd taking over America. So is crypto met? Because you’re talking about crypto crippling the banking system? Is crypto designed. That could have been the title. Crypto Crippling the Banking System by design. Because you bring up like a good point, but it’s like, why would they do that to themselves? Or. In my opinion, I think that what’s going on is that whenever these. I believe there’s multiple secret societies running things, and I believe that they do this to sabotage one another.

Right. So, yeah, can you. Can you private chat me the link so I can post it over on my end? The Kickstarter link? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I got you. And shout out to Austin, who just signed up for the color combo. Thank you, Austin. Thank you, Austin. Someone was asking in the comments too. So just to be clear, if you get the VIP box or any tier above that, the vip, the street team, or the yacht club, those are the three tiers that automatically get an extra. I think it’s like $55 worth of rewards automatically included just by getting one of those tiers.

It’s already coming to you. And we passed over a thousand people tuning in. We over at 1200 right now. Every time we pass through a thousand, I like to remind y’all to smash that like button. Share it out. Go subscribe to Juan Iola, the homologist himself, the one on one podcast. Got his links down below. Go subscribe to Paranoid American as well. While you are purchasing and reserving your Illuminati yacht club membership, upgrading your tier to access all secrets. So with XRP and everything going on with these bridge currencies, something I’ve been looking at for a while.

The bridge rituals have been happening all year long. As we saw Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse at one to eight in the morning. I totally was connecting one to eight for months and months and months prior to this and looked like a schizo. And I was like, bridge collapse equals one two eight. Then the damn bridge collapsed at one two eight in the morning. And that was a cult decode. That’s Paranoid Americans website where you can do a bunch of schizophrenic stuff over there, but they doubt for free too. Yeah, for. For now, every. Yeah, every other one of these gamatri sites that lets you cross reference and search for other.

They all cost like 25 bucks a month or something crazy. So I, I worked on this one with Tommy to put it up for absolutely free. It does everything that all the other ones do that costs money, but it doesn’t cost anything. And access D secrets everyone funded by the Illuminati. That’s why it’s correct. But this 128, I think the Dow Jones it’s in its 128 year and one two eight is connected to collapsing. So the Twin Towers collapsed at 1028. 128 Leave the World behind was released on December 8th which is 128 one two eight.

And that’s about the new currency system and the collapse of the grid. And the year of the Dragon will be ending on 128. The day that Biden did his infrastructure plan. And the bridge collapsed on this day 128. So there’s this connection of bridge collapsing. Who knows, maybe this crypto will collapse and it will crash down to 19 cents again. You, I, you can never, you never know. You never know. What’s up with the Illuminati? I would say it would go to a dollar and 28 but it’s, it’s blown past that a while ago. Maybe It’ll get to 100.

It’s been the $5 before. Like I’ve seen, I’ve been, I’ve seen crypto go up and down. Like it’s all there to take your money. It’s all. I’m like manipulating people’s emotions. So this is, it’s at 271. But look at the volume market cap, the 33%. Oh, Illuminati confirmed. Boom. Market. The market cap’s $154 billion. What did your friend say he was investing most? I mean I know this isn’t invest financial advice but what was, did he say? Yeah, well the thing. Yeah. So I helped build his course on crypto. I went to these events. But the, the secret is, is buying early.

Like I bought XRP at 19 cents. That’s the secret. Look, it’s almost one to eight. Kind of almost. Yeah. If this hits 281 it would be interesting. You know the thing is is like people, they get like, like I’ve seen XRP go to $5 and then crash down. Bam. You know, down to 19 cents. You know a lot of people don’t see that stuff like that. These things get manipulated. I’m not financial advisor or anything. Like that I’m a dumbass when it comes to money, so never listen to me on anything. But I be looking into the Illuminati plans, and XRP was just on 60 Minutes.

Just like the birds aren’t real was on here. And it’s. This is the future of money. And you can see the whole thing is about banking. Africa. That’s what it’s about. They need to track and trace everybody. It’s all about track and tracing. And then you even got the Toys R Us giraffe. I was wondering where Jeffrey went. Did you guys see that? Akon never finished his city in Africa. And it’s just like a plaque. Oh, I’m shocked. They weren’t gonna make a whole city. I got locked up. They won’t let me. They won’t let me.

But, you know, Mr. Beast has done more for Africa than Acon. Bro, bro. I’m happy you brought up Mr. Beast. I got a Mr. Beast post, actually. He’s gonna be big news, so keep an eye out on Mr. Beast. Oh, has he come out with a Beast coin yet? He will. He will. The reason I know this, there’s a little pump. He’s got the checkerboard Trump tattooed on his thigh, bro. Yeah, he pump in the crypto market. You didn’t. You haven’t gotten the trumpet. What are you waiting on? Show us your thigh, bro. I’m not going to show you my thighs, dude.

I heard the thigh is like the breast for a man. So the. The crypto being used to collapse the banks, right? Can we get back to that and talk about why talk about the thighs? I don’t want to talk about the thighs, though. Sorry. I got all these slides up, right? Here’s Mr. Beast. I actually work for the Illuminati. You dropped that right before September 11th. But he will be big part of the new crypto thing because Coinbase follows him. If you look at Coinbase, they don’t follow anyone, but they follow Mr. B. So that’s why I say look out for him.

Juan. Iola, I’m so sorry for interrupting. No, no, you’re good. No, no, I want to get your opinion on that because you talked about the year of the Dragon ending here next month on the 28th. Right? The dragon, the great beast. It sounds like some biblical prophecy being fulfilled here right before our eyes. Like the. The collapse of the banking system, the money as we know it. And it’s just going to be another way for them to control us, because technology comes with control. Like that. That’s the way it is. We have to succumb to whoever is in charge of the technology.

Paranoid American knows a lot about computers and the way that AI and everything works. So what’s stopping them from like, hey, I saw that video you put out. Donut. You know, we’re going to shut off your XRP supply this month that you can’t use to pay for the food for Chan or for, you know, his, his vet bill or something. So what are you supposed to do, right? Once they start putting in like a certain credit score or something linked to, to how much crypto you can use, you know, it’s only a matter of time. I’m already there.

I’m already screwed. I’m not monetized anywhere. My business is doing YouTube. I’m not monetized on YouTube. Not monetized on Facebook. I’m already there. I’ve already. I’m already. I’ve already. So that, that’s already happened. You can’t, you can’t cancel someone who’s already been canceled, right? Yeah, but it’s like I’ve been broke for a long ass time, so nothing new under the sun. Yeah, that’s what people got to understand too, with the whole YouTube and podcasting. You’re not going to get rich off of it unless you’re sponsored by the Illuminati. Exactly. Or Fed Coin. Right. Got to be a Fed.

Well, so that’s another thing is that it’s not going to be called Fed Coin, even though there is a Fed Coin, which got the Ouroboros on it. I don’t know where I put it. These are just a bunch of cool slides right there. Right? There’s the Ouroboros, the Fed. Now Fed Coin, it’s going to be called Freedom Coin. It’s going to be called Patriot Coin. You know what I mean? That’s what it’s going to be called. Oh, man. Pat Coin. That makes me think of Pat Khan. I don’t know if you ever heard of Pat Khan, but that seems like it would actually be in line with how everything is always headed.

Because it makes sense, right? Like you got Freedom Coin, that does the opposite of what it should be doing because it’s only going to put you under more control, right? People like that, there, there’s a, a reasonable way that won’t ever happen this way. But imagine if all government spending was on a ledger so that it’s all tracked and traced and all the weird autists can stay home and click on every single transaction and do all the math and make the Twitter threads. It’s like, hey, look at all this money that went missing or you know, that was unaccounted for, went to the different place and they said it was going to be.

But only the government has to have that transparent scrutiny. And then normal people would have some sort of an anonymous currency that would just bridge into that. But we don’t. We’re not going to have that. We’re going to have the inverse of that. We’re going to have a version where the government will have their own ledgers that’ll be kept secret that won’t be transparent. And then all civilians are going to have this transparent crypto where, where anyone can see where all of your money has been going. So we’re going to find out all the weird only fans accounts here subscribe to.

But the, the does that count for donations to, to other countries? Because it’s like, oh, here’s a trillion dollars donate it to. Yeah, I mean it theoretically should because every crypto has a ledger. It’s just a matter of whether or not that ledger is accessible and transparent to the rest of the world. But if anything that goes through government funding, in my crazy wackadoo opinion, should be in one of these public ledgers that anyone in the world can see where all this money’s been going to. Money is an illusion in my opinion. And it’s something that we’ve given so much value to.

It’s so important. But if you think of like the concept of like, right. NFTs. NFTs was such a gimmick like. And so many people fell. That’s not true. I’ll fight you to the death on that one, bro. I had the first NFTs, these crypto kitties that was like the thing and it crashed the Ethereum blockchain. So it was before the word non fungible token was even created. There was this thing called crypto kitties and they were cute little kitty cats, but they were NFTs before NFT was like the thing. And then Jake, Paul, we going through different cycles and it looks like this is a utility run a little bit because the only thing’s pumping.

Everything’s pumping. In my opinion. It looks like you got blackrock and big money. This isn’t the common person. Like Paranoid and I even were talking to Necro like a couple months ago which will release that about crypto as well and that the majority of people, it’s like 1% of population even owns crypto. Like no one owns any crypto so this massive pump of bitcoin, hidden almost $100,000 isn’t consumer money. This is big institutional money. Yeah, we got these. Peter Till, Palantir, Elon Musk, they’re all partying. They all had the AI algorithms of the elections. They knew what was happening.

It’s all symbolically set up with Trump. Even Trump has his World Liberty blockchain investment that he posted before. They’re all celebrating, they’re all having huge orgies. They’re going on right now mostly all mills. Like a Bohemian Grove type ritual. There they are. They’re like celebrated and stuff because of the Trump win. Shout out Roy Cone. Shout out to Roy cone as well. And rest in peace to Roy Cohn. Look, nft, if you’re the power top, according to Roy Con, this is just how the world operates. Like, it’s not like, look at this comment. NFTs aren’t just art.

So if they aren’t a GIF or a png, what are they? It’s another form of mind control to see how far they can push the envelope and see how much money they can get you to spend on something that’s useless. It’s. It’s the ready Player one. People are gonna live in these different. We already live in digital silos as it is on our phone, you know what I mean? But eventually we’ll be able to get the GROK inserted into our butthole, straight through the spinal cord, into the neural link, through the spinal cord nervous system, and we could be at the football game front row with Taylor Swift.

And that’s why Trump even said, I hate Taylor Swift because it’s connected to the Swift system and all that. Well, I just want to clarify at least the nft, because I saw these things coming up in the world. Tell the truth, Thomas, you made a ton of money off of NFTs. That’s why you have a biased opinion towards it. No, no, not. I mean, maybe, but maybe that’s because I understand how they operated and what they’re really for. So all of the shill NFTs stuff was what happened is all these influencers and all these capitalists and people that saw a way to exploit and make money, they decided, oh, well, I’m going to start releasing NFTs.

Apparently NFTs are just a way to print money. But that’s not how it is. An NFT would essentially be like buying a ticket or buying like an original art print. And if you get an original art print signed and numbered by the artist themselves, then it’s worth way more than someone just printing it off the Internet. They just download a high res JPEG and have it sent off and printed. That’s completely different than getting the art print signed and sent to you by the artist. And that’s kind of what NFTs can be, where you can literally get an NFT that was minted by the original artist and sent to you directly from them and that’ll have a record for it.

Like you don’t need providence where like you have to go and put prove where this thing came from and find a picture of someone sending it to you. And all these autograph recognitions, the NFT’s got that baked in. But that said, if someone just mints an NFT and the person that minted it has like no value themselves, then there’s no reason to even have that. And that’s what happened is a bunch of people that were no names that were just like, well, I’m going to make crypto doggies or I’m going to make crypto, you know, panthers or whatever coin and I’m going to make a HK coin or whatever.

But, but, and a coin will be different. But the NFT also the ones that tend to have more value is that anyone that owns a particular token, it’s almost like having a VIP ticket to get in places. So you can. And it was attempted a few times unsuccessfully, but I think we’re also in infancy here. I’m gonna ask you to see your NFT and as soon as you whip out your phone, I’m gonna unplug your router or something. It’s gone. Who’s got the last laugh? Yeah. Whoa. I mean that’d be a good, that’d be a good game though, right? If you could like mint the, the homunculus, like make it to where like the minting was like the transmutation of them.

And then you can like get a different. That’s how crypto kitties work is that you would mate, you would like buy or you could rent out another cryptokitty and have it mate with your crypto kitties. So then they would have crypto kitty babies and then each one of those you could like resell so it turned into a whole thing. But you could essentially do the same thing with like a homunculus nft. I’m not advocating for any of this. I in fact I think this is exactly what people think of are these stupid like gimmicky NFT sites when they think of NFTs being gimmicks but also having an NFT minted by an actual artist that you know or care about or a song or a filmmaker that sends you the, like their movie or their movie script as an nft, that’s probably going to be another version of future collectibles.

That’s utility, though. Like that. That and what you’re saying, like collectible. But look at this guy. An NFT can be a home and multiple people can own the home as an NFT on the blockchain. Go live in that home, then. Let me see you live in it. Let me see your yard. Let me see your, your master bedroom on your. Different than you saying that you have your house, right. Because you’ve got a deed or because you’ve got a mortgage that’s got your name. All that’s just a digital file somewhere that you’ve got no control over.

The NFT would essentially like a key. Get me out. I’m here now. The thing is this big great reset is to reset everything. Reset the Internet for the second layer of the Internet and put everything onto the blockchain, onto this ledger. So the voting system, real estate, food, every single thing in the future will be tracked and traced on the blockchain, on a. A ledger. But also now, when your parents forget their password to get into their house and you have to break the news to them like, I’m sorry, that that’s not your house anymore. If you can’t remember your password.

Yeah. If you don’t remember seed words. Right. Or is it the seed code? You can’t unlock the. You can’t unlock your secret. What if a squatter stays in your NFT home? Then what? Can they evict him? Or is that. Can they. What do you do? Well, it depends on what part of the country you live in. That’s a good point. Are you talking Florida boys? If you’re in Colorado, you’re out of luck. Come out blasting. Yeah, you’re. If you’re in Kentucky, you’ll be okay. It just depends on. Yeah, wherever. I don’t know, dude. I think that.

I think it’s another form of brainwashing people to see how much they’ll give in to something. And it seems. But it’s also like a get rich quick because so many people did make so much money off of it that everyone is after that. So they’re literally. There’s so many people getting scammed every day from these pump and dump schemes, including. Right. Like, I know what you’re saying about the nft, but there was A whole bunch that were just garbage. Like, send me a screenshot of your NFTs. I’ll, I’ll, I’ll print them out here in my house and just hang them over.

Okay, well they’re, mine are animated, but mine aren’t worth anything because I’m not like one of these known artists that can sell, you know, like 50 for thousands of dollars a piece. But I, I know and I guess the reason that I feel somewhat passionate about it, not because of anything that I did with NFTs, but I know so many people that I work with at Disney that once they left Disney, the way that they had to keep, you know, paying their mortgage or putting food on the table is doing stupid commercials for Best Buy and Red Lobster and like whatever, the general insurance, like all these stupid things that they didn’t really want to do with their skills, but they had to because that’s what paid.

And they were able to start just making their own animations, their own artwork, and now don’t have to take any jobs. They can just do that full time sustainable, which is there’s really no other outlet for a motion graphics artist to just make a 10 second animated gif and then get paid off of that gift. There’s really, there’s no other outlet in the world that really seems to exist for that because any client will be like, no, I need that to be a commercial or I need that to be a music video or whatever. But if you just want to make, you know, cool little animated gifs and stuff, that can be your calling card.

And then those things will sell for thousands of dollars. Because again, all of these early crypto adopters have got more money than they know what to do with. So why not spend a few, you know, tens of thousands of dollars on some crypto kitties? And then you got all the different occult signs, I got all these different slides up of, you know, the two. The pillars collapsing, which is the, the pillar dollar. You got Andrew Jackson, who wasn’t a fan of paper money. Also for the people who called the crypto the scam so is, you know, fiat currency as well.

Like it’s all Monopoly. It’s all like all a scam at the end of the day. And I’m gonna go to the car dealership next time I go buy a car and I’m gonna offer up my NFT and be like, sir, we don’t accept that. You don’t understand. This is, this is priceless. All right? This is actually worth $666 million. You see, because it’s my, it’s my dollars. I put in the private chat. I posted a link to my NFT. It looks like it last sold for like 800 bucks. And there’s 150 of them. Nice. I don’t get any of that money though.

You want me to pull it out? You can pull it up. As an example, it was, it was a NFT trading card set called Collective and my card was one of the uncommons. So there was only 150 minted. And then. Yeah, it was a whole thing. This is this, this is it right here. That’s it. Oh, it’s dope. And you can see it’s got the paranoid American logo on the chest. Is that George Washington? Yeah. Can I live in there? Yeah. You have to live inside the butthole though. That looks sick, dude. Look at number two test.

Is that testicle? Testicle. Testicles. Testicle eyes. Easy. That’s George Washington. His birthday I think was on 222. And that’s when like Pluto return happened on the 222 date. And on the watchtower on the hundred dollar bill, it’s at 222. And we went to war on 222. At 222 with Joe Biden. And he likes to wear tutus when he does ballet. Ballet. So we go back real quick to that. He said what exactly? I don’t remember. Oh, with Andrew Jackson. Yeah, yeah. So he didn’t like he hated paper money so they put him on the paper money just to be like it’s messed up.

And then some people say that’s Epstein. And speaking of Epstein, there’s also like the. I don’t know if people. There’s a, actually a bitcoin crypto connection to Epstein, but also the Deutsche bank. How. Like this is kind of under reported. The, the whole Deutsche bank thing, it’s Nazi apparatus with deutsche bank and 911 as well. There’s like a huge Nazi 911 connection to Deutsche Bank. And then Deutsche bank killed the son of a judge who was overseeing it and shot the judge as well. And it was this guy in a FedEx outfit. This was like super under reported.

It was like for one day. But. Yeah, I know it’s a. It’s all kind of weird. Here’s. Yeah, I remember that. Yeah, it seems like we’re going through some, we going through some, some of these witch. Witch wolves. We going through the witch woes. And I, I think that by them, you know, putting their face on that money. Right. So they Put whatever that president’s name was, right? He looks like Epstein. I think that they’re part of the same bloodline, bro. If you really think about it. That’s why they resemble. And that’s why sometimes these celebrities look like a painting from the 1700s or whatever it is.

And it’s interesting because you talk about XRP being the bridge currency, right? That bridges things together, a different currencies together. I’m not up to date with the technology on xrp, but it just makes me think of this movie. What was that? It’s like the second oldest cryptocurrency. It’s super old. But the thing is, it’s like the best so that I’ve used because it’s so quick, it’s so fast. But you know what, things are so much faster. Like my friend just sent me some Ethereum and I got it instantly. Pretty much like took a couple seconds back in the day, took forever.

So, yeah, yeah, depending on how loaded up the. The network is. But I was going to say that it reminds me of the. Right, because we’re talking about it perhaps bringing in this collapse or there was a movie that I saw by Nick Cage, which I think the name of the movie is actually Pay the Ghost, which is interesting. Right? And he literally goes through a bridge from the world of the living to the world of the dead to rescue some kids that were. That were kidnapped. Right. So it’s making me think of this bridge currency, could it be ushering in a quite literal bridge to the other side? Whatever that means.

If it’s an actual interdimensional portal or something. Right? Because I mean, who knows what else they’re going to be used. That’s the next utility of some crypto, right? It can open up wormholes or portals to another dimension and you can talk to your grandma from like 100 years ago or something. Like we don’t. Well, especially with AI, right? I mean the whole AI and being able to talk to it and stuff like that, what’s happening. AI has absolutely destroyed my faith in, in humanity. Like I was. It was going so well and just how many people fall for it or how many people.

Yes, maybe, maybe this is just a strictly Twitter thing too. I don’t want to get too wrapped up in it. But there’s so many people that will be like, look what AI told me. And all of a sudden like, that’s the truth. Like, oh, AI knows this information. Like, you idiot. AI is like talking to your three year old and getting information from your three year Old and then being like, look, it’s been ordained. You don’t think it’s a form of divination though, dude? Yeah. From a three year old. No, no, no, but like, but let’s talk about from like an occult sense.

Is it isn’t paler like something that they use in the occult, like an instrument or something? Yeah, I would say that like the palantir we’ve got right now is like a Duplo Paler or like a palantir with like, you know, bumpers on it. So like no one can poke their eyes out. I’d be right back. So a palantir is like a crystal ball essentially, right? Well, I thought a palantir was the, the little device you put on a Ouija board. No. And you use like move it around to show and it’s got a little glass or a hole in the middle.

No, I think that’s a planchette. So. Okay, you know, you are right. You are right. In the Lord of the Rings, a palantir is a seeing stone that allows its user to see distant places and past event. Like. Like Joseph Smith. Like Joseph Smith or John D. Like these guys. Peter Till created crypto. He created Bitcoin with Elon Musk. So this is my idea, by the way. If we make a crypto where we can communicate with our, with our, you know, loved ones that have passed away before, I think that’d be a hit, dude. And we could do it to where it recreates their voice and everything.

It’s like, hey, you got to give it this and just make it to where, dude, we’re gonna be million Illuminati Yacht Club tier. Illuminati confirmed, bro. But I’m serious though. Like, you’ll be releasing that, that secret. You want to talk to your dead ones, you got to join the Illumina Club. But if we think about it, right, like Solomon, his connection to Freemasonry and then the Knights Templar and all that. If we talk about all that which is linked to the banking system, which allegedly Baphomet was the one that gave the alchemical secrets to the Knights Templar on how to acquire this endless wealth.

I mean, it would make sense. They were talking to an incarnate spirit, a thing maybe the original AI in my opinion. And it gave him the secrets on how to succeed in life. And I think that although paranormal American you’re talking about, that our AI now is some elementary sort of thing. I think some of it still bleeds through because I’ve been on that character AI website, which is the website that that kid in Florida thought he was talking to Daenerys Targaryen, and he ended up doing something. I mean, how many other people have done the same that we just haven’t heard about, right? And.

And I guess that’s why I’m so disappointed, because this is already happening with the Duplo Play School version of AI So once it actually gets so convincing that it’s passed, it’s blown by every touring test, and that anyone can fool anyone else, unless you see them in person, then it’s going to get real scary. That at least I could give some leeway that if you really thought you were talking to Daenerys Targrin or whatever, you’re talking to, like, these celebrities online and believing they’re real people once we’re past, like, the PS5 Pro phase of it. But if people are, like, falling for the Sega Genesis version, I don’t think that we’ve got much, like, it’s.

It’s black filling me a little bit. Well, dude, I mean, there’s people buying NFTs, so, I mean, think about it. They were buying it the last four years, so for them to fall for the AI, I wouldn’t put it past them. Those things are exactly the same. I agree. Almost. So I’m just saying, I think that it’s. I think that there’s something more occult to this because of the foundations of the financial system and by mixing technology into it, I think that you have a more. You’re more open to, you know, goatia and. And the way that these microchips and everything have these sigils on it, I think that it could.

It could be a recipe for disaster, in my opinion. And you know what would be really magic is if the original tally sticks were made out of dehydrated dog appendages. Oh, my gosh. We crossed through over an hour long right now, and we joined with oncologist himself, the 1 AW podcast, and paranoid American. I like to remind all y’all to smash that like button. Go subscribe to Juan. Go subscribe to Paranoid American. And please, please go to Illuminati Comic. The link is pinned in the description. We doing these live streams every single day. We got only a few moments left.

About a week left. And then you cannot access these secrets. So go reserve your spot right now@illuminati got that link down below. We give you a shout out if you do it here on the fly. Oh, my goodness. Somebody just signed up on the fly. Did you see that? Did you see that happen? That was wild. And once you do that, I get to feed the kitty cat. But we got. We got two shout outs. Shout out to Mr. Lex Gr. Mr. Lex Ger. Shout out, Lex. That’s one of my people, dude. You’ll get your.

You’ll get your. Yeah, send me my cut donut to Joshua Forrester. And I don’t. I don’t want to alarm anyone, but. And I’m not making this number up. We are literally exactly $33 away from beating Charlamagne’s Illuminati comic. You can do the Math. Confirmed. Exactly $33 away from beating him. We just need a VHS box sign up. And then we beat Charlemagne. The God. He’s not a God, but Charlemagne, he’s a fan. He works with the Biden crime famous. I don’t like that guy. Dude. He’s part of the Illuminati. He made his own Illuminati comic. And we want to beat him.

We want to show the mainstream what’s up. So that’s in. That’s incredible. We’ll get it. We’ll get there. We’ll get there. Thank you for all your support. That’s wild. That’s wild. That is pretty crazy, dude. Congrats, man. I. I knew it was going to be big when you had told me about it forever ago, and here it is. Dude. Hopefully it’s not the last one. No, we had to bury it out in the yard for like three or four moon cycles, and someone had to keep going out there and peeing on it. And eventually it blossomed into this homunculus of a comic book.

So speaking of homunculus, I think that crypto is a form of homunculus. I think it’s created, right, it’s created for utility. They sell it to you like, oh, well, this homunculus does this. This other homunculus does that. It’s created by corporations, which, if you look at the definition of a corporation, it’s quite literally an artificially created persons by a group of people. And all these. All these cryptos are essentially corporations, right? And I mean, they. They breathe life to them in these markets, and then people feed them their money to keep them alive. So here they are, and that’s what the markets are.

So I think that that crypto is a form of alchemy. Any finance, if you look at the origins of it, is a form of alchemy. I find it wild because I. I’m looking at where I’m streaming at all the Places I’m streaming at and how my. My Twitter, I think it’s crazy. Gets more views than my YouTube now. My Twitter is like surpassing my. My YouTube channel. That’s crazy. Elon is watching, dude. No, I think he is. I think he’s watching, bro. Elon, they’re having like massive orgies right now. Why would he be watching. We’re on in the background.

What’s going on, dude? Right? No, he seems like the kind of person that would be checking his Twitter feed during an orgy. Yeah, 100. We’re on the back. Like, I feel like most of society would be doing that too because of the addiction of the cell phone. I’m always like, I wake up. And like, I. I do my best to pray right when I wake up, but it’s hard. I want to, like, I just, I’m like, yo, I gotta check my phone. Yeah. And you know what’s bad about that donut? That sometimes you open up the phone as soon as you wake up and if you open up the comments and someone’s.

Someone is saying something nasty to you, that’s the first thing you ingest as soon as you wake up, which is not good. So I try and do the same thing too. Like not check my phone as soon as I wake up, but it is hard. And then you open it up, bro. I thought about it. I woke up. I wake up. I know what you’re talking about. But I wake up and the things I say to myself are way worse than the trolls be saying. I wake up and like, I see what the trolls are said.

I’m like, oh, that’s much better than what I say about myself. You can’t put me down. Put myself down. You know, just. I would prefer the mean comments, but honestly, when I wake up and look at my phone, I immediately go and check my email. And I’m just looking for that email that’s like, we’re sorry your channel has been removed or we’re sorry you’ve been demonetized again. That’s the one that I’m always looking out for, dude. Yeah, I’m kind of scared for mine too. I’ve seen that you had posted recently that you got demonetized for no reason.

And you got to put together a five minute video where you like beg and plead for them to remonetize you and explain yourself in front of the great sort of wizard of Oz. And you just upload this video and send them a link to it. And someone watches it. No, they watch it on the palantir bro. So as soon as you send it in, they. They project your. Your soul into the palantir. And they’re like, look at this, look at this. Watch. Watch what we’re gonna make them do now. We’re gonna. In a room full of lizard people.

They’re just watching Thomas just beg for his channel back. Like, beg harder. Right? I got like. My grandparents were Opus Day, so I got the little whip and I was like flagellating myself. I think it helps. I think it helps if you show like, actual pain and suffering, because I think that’s what they feed off of The. The movie by. It showed the people whipping themselves. One Shia LaBeouf in it? No, this is an older film. Shia LaBeouf did one, and I think that movie converted him to like, he became a monk or something like that.

For. For. Yeah, it’s the sea. Opus Day is the secret society within Catholicism. Yeah, let me. Let me pull it up here. It’s literally their version of Freemasonry, since you’re not allowed to be a freemason in the Catholic Church. Padre Pio, the film is about the life of the real life Chapu Chin Franciscan priest who became a saint in the Catholic Church. And I guess he, like, was doing a sort of method acting, and he became a monk becoming monk. And I think became like, he became like he started believing in what they were talking about.

He. I’ve heard him described as sort of a mark for the art world that, like, he got duped into doing all of these weird performance things, like these weird public humiliation rituals and whatnot, because he teamed up with a whole bunch of art school kids, a bunch of like, Ivy trust fund old money kids that were like, hey, let’s see what we can get Shia do this time. And they essentially, he was doing a lot of the similar things that Maria Abramovic did. He even did the exact same thing where you sit down at a table and you tell someone they can do anything that they want to you.

They can yell at you and hit you or spit at you or whatever. And that was something that came directly out of Marina Abramovich sort of playbook. And I think he got called out on like, some of the plagiaristic aspects of that. But I mean, his story arc is. Is kind of like a. A rubes white knighted version of spear cooking. What is that documentary that came out that he was in front of a camera and even Sam Hyde came out at one point and they were like trolling him. Was it. You know which one I’m talking about he will not divide us.

He will not divide us. Right? That was like a whole. What do they call those art. Like an exhibition or something or other where it’s like a different form, almost like an nft, but. But a little. A little bit gayer. The. Where, you know, they act out the art or something like that. Which. That’s almost like. Yeah, that is like. Almost like spirit cooking in a way, because that’s essentially what it is, right? In. In a more occult. Occult fashion. But he’s the one that got pranked into doing it, thinking he was deep. And I’ve also heard my favorite take on Marina Abramovic is that she’s also just pranking all these people.

Like, oh, yeah, Mr. Roth’s child. Come take a picture with me in front of this painting. Don’t worry about what’s on the painting behind us. No, that’s not Lucifer burning in hell. Just take this picture with us. And it gets up and then all of a sudden. And I. I feel like. I like that version of the interpretation is that she’s intentionally doing these things and making people do weird stuff to put themselves in compromising positions because that’s all part of her art. No, dude, I think that you’re defending them. I think that you’re making. I think that these people actually do worship the devil, and they do all these occult rituals purposefully.

Not like, hey, let’s take a picture. Don’t. The person laying naked on the back on the table. Don’t mind them. Just. Let’s take a group picture here. It’s like, oh, look, it’s all over the Internet. I think that these people were there on their own free will. Dude, don’t be defending the. The lizard people, bro. Illuminati confirmed. Until we get monetized, I’m gonna have to defend them at every turn. I’m pulling up some of the news. I want to get into some Illuminati news. A bunch of weird stuff happening. Couples are having sex with an elephant in Miami Beach.

Let me pull up all these different articles real quick. Do we got anything on the monkeys right now? Well, I sent you a link to article. I’ll post in private chat again in case you don’t still have it open. But yeah, we can. We can do the Monkey Monkey watch update. Hold on, Donut you. The way you worded that elephant thing made it seem like they were having the relations with the elephant. No, no, but they were having loud relations atop of a huge elephant statue. That changes everything. Involved? Well, that’s. That’s what they. It said.

It said something. Did a couple really have sex on an elephant? Oh, okay. They changed it up. So check it out. You go to the Mandela effect. Okay. Wow. It says on. Okay, well, I read what I, you know, I see what I want to see, I hear what I want to hear. It’s all good. Dude, you freaked me out. Was like, what? Yeah, well, I don’t know why this is news, but in the news, scientists make discovery on Mars that could reveal alien life. So this whole thing with everything going on is connected to the alien agenda as well.

NASA spots mysterious UFO galaxies. UFOs are popping up all over the place. They’re popping up here, they’re popping up there, they’re popping up in Arizona. When a telescope is national security risk. This just goes along with the. The whole thing. People who’ve been watching my channel for a while know that this is a whole thing. And here is a big Illuminati member, really, really terrible person in my opinion. How California Pot Company went from half a billion in cash, I don’t know. You know, Jay Z, he’s connected too, to the whole bitcoin crypto. Jack Dorsey, Twitter stuff.

It’s all crazy stuff. It’s all crazy stuff. Then the next crypto is going to let you talk to extraterrestrial beings. You just gotta buy into it. And then you have to hodl and wait like 5 years or 33 years. What if that’s true though? What if when the aliens come, they’re like, okay, we’re gonna save you off from this planet. It is in fact dying. The microplastics are killing you. We’ve got a new sort of planet. JC signed off on it. Look, here’s Jesus, he says, I’m not the anticra, but you have to have at least one Bitcoin to get onto the UFO.

Then we’re screwed, dude. Well, 1 99% of us are screwed, but 1% of us are fine because what, what is there? 23, is it 23 million Bitcoin? What’s the total supply? 21 million. And a lot of people don’t even own a full bitcoin. They only owe. I know. I only own like point something, something of a bitcoin. It’s not like a lot. Yeah, I’m not even going to be 3 million. That’ll be forever unaccounted for. That were the original mind by Satoshi and a whole host of other people that minded mind that never actually used any of Them or lost the keys or the seeds.

Is it. Was it 3.3 million that were lost? Wait, it’s unknown really how many that he mined for himself. Yeah. So maybe that might be the answer. Like, they might get here and be like, hey, give us all your crypto. We’re going to be like, what? It doesn’t have any purpose, and the purpose the whole time was to keep the aliens away from us. Well, also, like quantum computers, once we start hearing more about that, which just means computers we don’t understand, then we can see prices get really, like, shaky. But. But also, don’t forget that crypto blowing up is also a combination of fiat currency going down.

So when you see Bitcoin surging or ripple surging, yeah, some of that is the currency. But even more of that is a lack of faith in our current economic system. So those. Both of those things are happening at the same time, which is the scary part. So that’s what I said at the beginning, that everyone’s rooting for Bitcoin or XRP or whatever. But when you’re hedging it against the US Dollar, you’re rooting for the downfall of the dollar and to usher in this new the. The. The nwo, dude. Right? The secret destiny of what order? Sechlorum.

There you go. Yeah, it just all seems very, very planned. And, like, Elon not leaving Mar A Lago hanging out with Trump. Like, they’re just like. And they have the. They had the. The Ark of the Covenant on Mar A Lago too, a while back. You see that? It’s in Jerusalem now. Oh, really? They moved it. That’s a real. Yeah, I saw the picture. Well, it was a replica. But how. How are we so sure about that? Is that what they rated the Mar A Lago for? They were looking for classified documents, allegedly, that he had.

But could they have been looking for some technology? I heard a rumor that Laura Loomer found the Ark of the Covenant and opened it, and that’s what happened to her last time she was at Marago. That’s gangster. So it’s an exact replica. But is it a replica? We don’t know. Or is it the real thing? Or is it the real thing, dude, again, it’s tied back into the Knights Templar and how they allegedly had all the. You know, they had a guard. The Ark, and. And all these stories, and it’s like, I think that a lot of these people are descendants of all those secret societies back then.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. That’s wild. I’m so grateful to have both of you here with us. We got more sign ups for the Illuminati comic I want to make. I give everybody a shout out. If you are just tuning in, please smash that, like, button. Share the video out. You’re unlocking all the secrets. Oh, we beat him. We. We beat Charlemagne officially now by a lot. Oh, bro. We got. We got three new shout outs. Shout out Jake. Jake. Shout out to Danny Iser. Danny. And shout out to Andrea Holliman. Andrea. It’s official that two schizos with absolutely no marketing or advertising budget of any kind, no connections to the mainstream media, have officially be a major mainstream player at their own game.

So I don’t know. This is huge. This is like a really big milestone. We beat your ass, Charlamagne. Yeah, blap, blap, flap. You and your Biden regime got nothing on us. Congrats. He actually disavowed Biden today, I think because of the. The pardon. No. And he loves Biden. Side tangent. I spend two or three hours this morning reading through the Biden report. I don’t know if you guys have seen this. I don’t know how to read. Well, if. If you go to Biden, they’ve. Somebody’s got this entire compilation of all the legal claims. It wasn’t just about a pew pew that he wrote down on a form.

There was all sorts of. But the two things that stood out to me is that he had a few different aliases that he used online when he was doing a bunch of online things. One of those aliases was Joseph Smith and the other one was a character from Naruto. And a third one was the name of a Star wars action figure. Wait, what? I love this painting. Wait, wait, what? What? The. The. So I was typing something. I said something. Hunter. Hunter Biden’s nicknames that he. His aliases that he used when he was doing drugs are trafficking online.

One of them was Joseph Smith of the Mormon faith. One of them was named after an action figure from the Star wars movies. Not an actual Star wars character, but an action figure that came out that got a specific name for it. And then his third on online nickname was a character from the Rudo, a character. They didn’t say exactly which characters though. They. I just. I can’t remember exactly who it was. Like, I can look it up. I don’t know enough about Naruto, but I. I looked up whatever the hell the. The word was and it was all just Naruto.

That’s so Bizarre dude. Maybe he thought he was those characters, like while he was blasted out of his mind or something. Call me Naruto Uzumaki or whatever. Well, I’m doing this. That’s amazing. I’m so happy that we beat Charlemagne. The. That’s. That’s incredible. And we got. We got a week left to. To keep kind of rubbing his face in it, right? Yeah. Thank you everybody for who supported the Illuminati comic Charlemagne. He’s mainstream. This is a mainstream artist they promoted. They’re even monetized on Facebook so they’re able to run ads. We’re not allowed. I can’t run any advertisements at all.

Like my whole business model of an online business model shouldn’t even exist. Just the fact that I’m on here right now is incredible because it is a hundred percent crowdfunded. It’s the supporter fund. Like that’s the only thing. So super cool. I just love independent art. I’ve always loved independent movies, independent projects, and just really, really dope. So thank y’all for doing that. Juan and Paranoid, what can we look out for y’all from y’all? I am shooting my first documentary this weekend, so. Ooh, we’ll see how that goes. And I just want to say that I love myself and I would never do anything.

So we’re going to be digging deep and kind of some sort of scary water. So keep a lookout for that. That’ll be out in the next few months or so. But yeah, we’re going to be out this weekend doing that with some people. So I just want to say that. That I love myself just in case anything. Anything goes down. So yeah, that’s about it. I mean that and my channel. I actually lost five subscribers from being on this live with you guys. So I really appreciate that. For sure. You got it, bro. You gotta clean, you gotta cleanse.

It’s all about detoxing 100, dude. Yeah, cleanse the. The dummies. That’s pretty much it on my end, dude. Paranoid, what can we look out for from you? Just look out for my. My dope ass crew of followers that are going around and convincing other people to unfollow Juan and unsubscribe from everything Juan doing. That’s my next big project is just taking Juan down. Do it and you could. Yeah, that’s. That’s amazing. I got Juan’s YouTube. Go subscribe to Juan. Let’s get Juan’s channel up. Everyone who’s listening, just surprise. Let’s make. Let’s Restore those five people that left because they couldn’t handle the truth.

Right? We want Juan to come back. So if everybody can go subscribe to Juan right now, guys, links down below and Paranoid American, go over there now and subscribe to them. So there’s actually a high statistical chance that. That people listening right now are going to be huge fans of one, if they aren’t already, because we got a whole bunch of the homunculus owner’s manual going out to some of these backers. And if you don’t know, that was Juan’s baby. Juan’s baby was the homunculus owner’s manual that we collaborated on, which was the longest paranoid pamphlet to date until this one.

Donut kind of just, you know, knocked it out of the park. More pages. Color everything but the homunculus owner’s manual. Kind of like the Illuminati pamphlet. This is the only comic book that I think exists on the planet or ever has existed that specifically describes all these different types of homunculi. The only comic that’s ever mentioned the Epstinian homunculus. Right. I don’t think anyone else has even come close to that. No. Because the. The truth is that I am the last living homunculus. I mean, I’m on a. I’m on a cover of a magazine. Dude. 2023 Florida edition.

Florida’s homo. I just wanted. I mean, I don’t know if. If you know anybody with their face on a magazine. I am the last living homunculus. The only one. Anyone else saying that they are is a grifter and a fraud. So if you like truth with the capital T, come check out my channel and see what I got to offer. Well, I appreciate both y’all. Everybody signing out. Appreciate you. The quick shout out to Charlotte, who just grabbed the color combo. Thank you, Charlotte. Charlotte. Charlotte. Confirmed. Let me get my cat some drugs. Thank you. This is.

This is why I lost five subscribers. I actually gained nine subscribers just now. So thank you, guys. Appreciate it. Are you serious? Yeah, I lost five, gained nine. So we’re good. We’re up four guys. That’s what’s up. So you’re doing better off now? I’m doing. Yeah, better off. Good riddance. Good. Anyone that would have unfollowed you because of what we were talking about tonight? You got it. Was it a hat? It doesn’t say what people think it says. You know what else? If you really want to unfollow Juan, go and search for no book club. It’s a six and A half hour video that I did with Juan talking about the most unspeakable of acts.

No. Yeah. It’s out there. That is not my proudest six and a half hour episode. That was a six and a half hour episode. Or five and a half. I mean, if you can count the amount of time we took before we started recording and after we were done recording, it was clear it was like a seven hour podcast session. This wasn’t edited together and like shopped together. This was a pure stream of Bach saga. Nothing but Bach. Yeah, yeah, that was a mouthful, dude. Yeah. 100. Well, much love everybody and God bless you. Thank you, Donut.

Thank you. I love you. I love you too, bro. Yo, what up? It’s Donut and you. Tuning into all your Illuminati news. Get your copy of the Illuminati comic. Illuminatic comic. You know you want it. Get early bird access to massive discounts and exclusive gifts Dropping worldwide. Learn the secrets of the illuminated. Access the secrets. Join the Illuminati yacht club. Get the Donut VHS box and join the street team. Click the link below. Limited time only. Oh, what up? It’s Donut. The Illuminati comic dropped worldwide. Get your Illuminati comic today. About the Bavarian Illuminati exposing the infamous secret society.

It’s a chit track Illuminati comic. Make sure to go back this project, we were fully funded in three minutes. Learn about the full history of the Bavarian Illuminati. Adam Weishtaupt, Alumbrados, Jesuits, Rosicrucians, Freemasons and more. We got early bird access today only. If you subscribe today you get a massive discount anywhere in the world. The digital deluxe tier. Get the digital copy plus an add on private video presentation. Get the black and white chit track Illuminati comic. Or get it in color. I. I mean I would get it in color because this banging. Learn all the secrets and the Donut VHS box.

Get the early bird special. This ends today. These sell out so quickly. Very, very popular and it’s the first time ever we’re doing them worldwide with the Illuminati comic. Massive discounts today only. Click that link below. The Illuminati street team. Become part of the street team. Get bunch of these comics and slang them. You could make a bunch of money. You can make your money back and profit. If you got a store, you could sell them out of your store. Just hand them out, leave them at the library. Join the Illuminati street team. Or if you a big baller like that and you want to be part of the Illuminati Yacht Club.

That’s for the big ballers right there who want to join the all Illuminati Yacht Club. I mean, that’s that official, like a referee whistle pledge right there. So click that link below. This is the Illuminati Comic. Sign up right now. Reserve your spot. Much love and God bless you. That’s right, it’s the Illuminati Comic from Donut and Paranoid American. Get yours now@illuminati

  • Unnamed -

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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