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Tommy Truthful’s detailed breakdown of Matthew Perry’s hunter-moon ritualistic sacrifice.

The Matthew Perry Eclipse Ritual: Unveiling Occult Symbolism in Popular Culture

In recent times, a myriad of conspiracy theories have woven intricate narratives around popular shows and celebrities. One such theory delves deep into the symbolism and occult rituals surrounding the legendary TV show, “Friends”, with a keen focus on Matthew Perry and his mystifying connections to celestial events.

1. The ‘Friends’ Enigma

The world of “Friends” is replete with subtle hints and hidden symbols, especially concerning aquatic elements and lunar cycles. Many theorists believe that these symbols might be pointing to something more profound. An intriguing theory suggests that there are clandestine links between the cast and specific events, like the Great American Eclipse. The untimely death of Matthew Perry further fuels this narrative, with some speculating it has connections to predictive programming and the ominous Illuminati rituals.

2. The Bathtub Connection: From Foo Fighters to Nirvana

The symbolism doesn’t end at “Friends”. Renowned bands like Foo Fighters and Nirvana have recurrent themes of bathtubs in their imagery. The imagery of the bathtub is believed by many to be synonymous with secret rituals and rites. Matthew Perry, not just limited to his role in “Friends”, also had ties that raise eyebrows. His school association with Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, is a point of discussion and speculation.

3. Celebrities: The Moulders of Societal Thought

Our society is heavily influenced by celebrities. From HBO’s jubilee year to the nuances in the “Friends” show, symbolism is rife. Speculations range from the seemingly innocent color blue to the cryptic number 128. What do these symbols represent, and what messages are they conveying?

4. “Stranger Things” Have Happened

Another show under the conspiracy microscope is “Stranger Things”. The show, filled with symbolism, ties back to occult references and rituals. The presence of elements like bathtubs, doorways, and the color blue further adds to the mystique. These elements are often interpreted as gateways or portals, indicating a deeper, perhaps more sinister meaning.

5. The Bigger Picture: Connecting the Dots

As one delves deeper, it becomes evident that these aren’t isolated instances. Various figures in pop culture exhibit behaviors or events that seem to align with secret society rituals and practices.

6. A Call for Unity Amidst Global Chaos

The speaker, ever engaging with their audience, often shares insights into ongoing events in the Middle East. Emphasizing unity over division, they urge the global community to come together. Their live stream videos and Patreon content provide deeper dives into such topics. They never miss an opportunity to acknowledge their supporters, often giving shoutouts and answering fan queries.

7. The Future: Video Games and Neuralink

As the narrative concludes, a peek into the future awaits. With the rapid advancement of technology and Elon Musk’s Neuralink, video games might soon evolve in ways we can’t even fathom.




➡ The text discusses conspiracy theories around the “Friends” TV show, filled with symbolism and occult rituals, especially around aquatic elements and lunar cycles. The speaker draws connections between the cast and specific events like the Great American Eclipse and Matthew Perry’s death, suggesting predictive programming and relation to the Illuminati rituals such as bathtubs and figures related to drowning in popular culture.
➡ The text discusses various themes including the connection between the band Foo Fighters with Nirvana and the recurring theme of a bathtub in their imagery. It talks about Matthew Perry’s relationships and his school connection to Canada’s prime minister, Trudeau. It also discusses the role of celebrities as societal influences, mentions HBO’s jubilee year, themes in the show “Friends”, and speculated symbolism in media from the color blue to the number 128. It ends with a glimpse into the potential future of video games with neuralink.
➡ The text discusses symbolism in popular culture, particularly focusing on ‘Stranger Things’ and ‘Friends’, linking them to occult references and rituals. It explores the relevance of bathtubs, doorways, and the color blue, interpreting them as gateways or portals. Mention is also made of connections to other figures in popular culture, their relevant behaviors or occurrences, as well as potential ties to secret societies and rituals.
➡ The speaker is engaging with their audience, discussing their views on ongoing events in the Middle East, encouraging unity and a move away from division. They mentioned their live stream videos and Patreon for additional content, including upcoming deep dives into various topics, while also acknowledging and responding to fan shoutouts.


Yo, what up? It’s Donut, and you tuning in to all your illuminati news. We’re going to go over Matthew Perry’s ritual. Lot of new findings through this illuminati eclipse. Sacrifice with drowning. You know, I mean, it’s gonna be crazy. It’s gonna be a crazy video, hopefully. It looks like my computer is already freezing, so let me know you can hear me. Okay? Put a one if it’s good.

Put a two if it’s not good. If you can hear me, make sure you share this. Make sure you like it. It gonna get crazy as we just released right before this, the Matthew Perry ritual, right away. We put it out right away because we understood that there was going to be a ritual sacrifice on these eclipse and full moons. There’s a pattern recognition of sacrifice that happens the day before, after, or during the eclipse.

I mean, just look at the movie Apocalypto, right? They showed that eclipse, and that movie was about sacrifice. Interesting enough, the editor to that died during an eclipse as well on 420. So we got all these different moon rituals. Astronomy plays a big role in it, but we’re going to get into this. Please watch the other video to get caught up, I guess. But I’m sure you all already caught up.

That video did very well because it is the actors and whatnot. So you got the three girls and the three guys, the 33 in the checkerboard attire in front of the Knights Templar Fontaine fountain, right? And he dies on the eclipse on 1028. Now, Chandler, in the fictional show, the fictional character, Chandler Bing, his date of birth is April Eigth, right? Well, April Eigth will be the Great American Eclipse next year, 2024.

A lot of eclipse connections with him as the show Friends is full of symbolism. Look at this. This is symbology. This is symbolism. Eyes, ears, mouth. That’s just one little funny thing right there. But there is occult stuff happening now in the intro to Friends. He’d be choking on the water. He’s spinning the water out of his mouth. He’s the only one in the whole fountain who is spinning the water.

And they even later on in the season, the intro, the water goes into his mouth. They play it in reverse right here. I’ll play a little clip of that right now. They show it going into his mouth because there’s a lot of different seasons to this show and there’s a lot of these bathtub rituals that take place. So on this channel, we went out, we said, yo, bathtub ritual.

We showed all the different symbology of Whitney Houston, of Aaron Carter. Oh, my goodness. Even Biden in the bathtub eminem tupac. Everybody in the bathtub symbology symbolic, but dying in the bathroom or the bathtub is something as well as there’s plenty of evidence of this happening. It’s quite crazy. Now, I’m going to go to a couple clips real quick, which is pretty nuts. I’m going to have to play some music so I don’t get no copyright or something like that.

But we are streaming multiple platforms right now. We’re streaming on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Rumble. And if you are over on my YouTube channel or even on any other channel, I’m going to be deleting all my videos off this big channel, and they’re already all up on Rumble. So you could go check it out there, but also on my backup YouTube channel just to protect the channel. But let’s go into a couple clips in the show Friends that reference the drowning.

Let me play some music in the background so I don’t get hit with no copyright kind of thing. Hold up 1 second. Okay, your face. Wait, this is picture supposed to say geller and being to be married, not local woman saves drowning moron. Local woman saves drowning moron. That’s what she says. Hey, don’t laugh at him. He’s my drowning moron. Weird. Weird. Right there, right? Weird clip. There’s another clip that references drowning in human pyramids.

As if you look at the show Friends, they are doing the pyramid. Let me see where I got a picture of the pyramid somewhere. Where is the pyramid? I got to find it real quick. Okay, right here. So a lot of these covers to Friends, they do the pyramid. If you look at the show, we showed this in the last video. I’ll show you it here in a moment.

But the COVID to magazines, they show the six people, the six friends making the Illuminati pyramid. Now, the pyramid is used in hazing rituals in fraternities. It’s called a spanking pyramid. So this ritual also happens, these humiliation rituals, making the pyramid with people. And that’s what they do on the show. They make a human pyramid. Now, I’m going to go to a clip real quick where they talk about the human pyramid and drowning in the same episode.

It is quite insane. You’re up for it? We only need six more people for a human pyramid. Swoop, swoop. Oh, hey, I noticed you’re reading the paper. Another flood in Europe. Here’s a question. Would you rather drown or be burned alive? That’s kind of weird, right? Would you rather be drowned? And also, he also brought up a flood, right? So a flood is a drowning ritual. You got the Titanic that sank.

That was people drowning, right? And then a year later, the Federal Reserve was built. This year you had the submersible where everyone drowned. And sure, they imploded, but they went under the ocean. And then Fed now was developed this year. So you got this money ritual happening right now that we’ve been covering and everybody dying, connected to money, banking industries or whatever. Peter Till, Cash App Founder all this dying the day before, after a full eclipse, with the full moon.

So this is how we’re able to showcase the rituals that are going to happen because that’s just what happens. It ain’t like genius. It ain’t predicting at all either. It is just how these rituals go down. Now, aren’t those two clips super interesting talking about the pyramid that they build and that’s how they showcase it on the show, the human pyramid. Now, hello everybody. What is up? Hello.

Kinetic gaming. Okay. Acapulco was destroyed. Thank you, thank you. So during this date as well, there was a Cap five, which is like a flood, right, of water, of wind, hurricane, and Acapulco, Mexico. And it was just raining. Normally it was just a small and then out of nowhere in a few hours, a hurricane. It’s like manipulated weather. And they got hit with a calf five, which is like unheard of according to a lot of these weather channels out there that I listen to.

So you also got that happening with the flood and the drowning. So lot of symbology, lot of rituals happening. Isn’t that crazy? Chandler’s birthday is even April Eigth, which is the day of the great American eclipse. We see the symbolism, we see the drinking, we see the bathtub. Him dying at 54. Right? We showed how Obama connection to his chef drowning this year at 45, which is the reflection number of 54.

Just like the beginning of the year, we had gangster boo die at 43. And then Eric Carter drowned at 34. Well, he didn’t drown. He was in a bathtub when he died. And he could have drowned on the medication. So that goes into that whole ritual as well, drowning. Like Elvis drowned on alcohol and medicine in the bathroom. Right? Crazy. So this five four connection gets even crazier.

You hear in a first on the Donut Factory, make sure you smash a like. We got over a thousand people up in here on the YouTube and Facebook and Rumble combined. Make sure to smash the like button. But if you go to their apartment number, their apartment number was five and four. In the original beginning of the series. Monica Rachel apartment was five. Chandler and Joe Ease was four five four.

He dies at five four. So you got this connection between all that as well, all this predictive programming. Now saturday Night Live. This happened on Saturday saturday Night Live. Who was hosting it? You got Walkins, Christopher Walkins hosting Saturday Night Live? Well, Christopher Watkins saw Natalie Wood drown and die. A famous actress. I hope my cat’s not being too loud at the litter box right now. He’s scratching away.

He’ll be done in a minute. He had to drop a deuce because I’m live. And whenever I go live, he wants to just do that because he loves my attention. So shout out to the cat that’s doing his business in the litter box. That’s what that scratching sound is. Real quick. Meow meow, meow. So while this guy Matthew Perry’s drowning, you got Saturday Night Live with Walken hosting it, who also went through his own drowning ritual with Natalie Wood, who’s a very famous actress.

Natalie Wood, I don’t know what happened. She slipped and fell in the water. That’s what he said. So he’s hosting Saturday Night Live with none other than the Foo Fighters. Well, this is interesting because it’s The Wizard of Oz right here. And we had that Hurricane Dora flood as well, which was responsible, they said, in the narrative with the Hawaii Fire. Well SNL here’s. Foo Fighters. The Foo Fighter connection to the Bathtub in Nirvana.

Here is the lead singer of the Foo Fighters or whatever, and Nirvana. And they’re in the bathtub in a lot of pictures and interviews. They’re in the bathtub as Kurt Cobain joined the 27 Club and died. And then just look at their album cover. There’s some water type ritual going on there with drowning. Isn’t that crazy? Isn’t that crazy? So Matthew Perry was dating Julia Roberts as well.

Matthew Perry dating Julia Roberts. I don’t know if it was in high school because they have a Friends episode where they’re in high school and he humiliated her or something. But he also went to school with Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister. Matthew Perry went to school with the Canadian prime minister and bullied him and humiliated him, put him through a humiliation ritual to the point where he became prime minister.

That’s what Matthew Perry said. As Matthew Perry also has the man crush on Obama. So now you got this illuminati political atmosphere with politics and celebrities as they go hand in hand, as the celebrities are the mystics of society, the idol, the idol worship. Friends are your digital friends. In the similacrum for you to imitate Andrew Tate imitate on your cell phone, you see what you see. It brainwashes you as like a similacrum of the Kardashian clan showing you a fake image of a body that will be very hard to imitate.

This ideal image of the Kardashians well, this same thing, this imagery or symbolism, because an image is a symbolism going the prom, the prom picture, that is a symbol. And these images control the world. The images and the symbols control the world. And friends are your digital friends. So when you’re locked down in society, you go home and you hang out with these characters on television. The office.

The new girl friends. They’re the digital friends. And the similacrum for Friends was to get your nine to five job live in the rat race in The Apartment. And that’s it. And that’s what that was all about. It was all about you accepting that. And I was just on the Cult of Conspiracy podcast. Shout out to the Cult of Conspiracy podcast. But they notated that. It’s also the hookup culture that they were pushing because they were all banging each other.

They were all banging each other in the show. Now, Matthew Perry was banging Julia Roberts. Julia Roberts birthday, October 20, Eigth 1028 which is one two eight in Numerology. Her birthday is when he perished. Not only that, I’m going to get into this 128 connection because it goes deep into the blue, coding into rituals and whatnot, but going into the whole witchcraft element of it. The fountain during Friends was the Hocus Pocus fountain in the Hocus Pocus, which is all about witchcraft and Halloween as we’re coming up on Halloween.

But the Friends fountain is the same fountain in Hocus Pocus. That’s pretty nutty right there, which is all at Burbank Studios at Warner Brothers, who owns HBO. And HBO is going through its jubilee year. The Beatles are going through its jubilee year, the 50th year. And on this date, he dies. The Beatles released their last song on the 50th year. The 50th year of hip hop. The 50th state, Hawaii, goes up in the fire.

The 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war. Now we got all that going on the 50th year of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon. And the number nine song is Eclipse. Right during this eclipse, on Bill Gates’s birthday, this guy passes away. It is also the 50th year of HBO, who owns the rights and showcases this and streams it to the world through HBO, which is the symbology of the Circumpunct right there in the middle.

The target logo is the circumpunk. So the way HBO starts off is the white noise, static. But as you can see, they’re celebrating the 50th year. And if you’re new to this channel, we got a lot of new subscribers. There might be a lot to catch up with. The best way to catch up is watch these videos. Also go over to the Patreon. We got exclusive content, got that link down below as well, where we got documentaries, podcasts, all that get all caught up on this research.

And I must give a shout out to everybody in the chat room. Hello, everybody. I see you all. This episode is so full of information because of you all, because I made the video and I just talked about the foundational structure of the ritual of the bathtub and all you have contributed to these videos because we all work together looking at these rituals. So shout out to everybody who has shown this.

If I don’t give you a shout out, I’m sorry, I’ll do that next time. Just tons of information in this video that is going to blow everybody away. So he was dating Julia Roberts in the 90s. As you can see, they’re wearing the blue. There’s this blue coating definitely going on his book covers. Blue. They made his eyes blue. He’s depicted wearing blue a lot. And I’ll get into some of that.

But hocus pocus fountain. Hocus Pocus, that’s where the fountain is. Julia Roberts, her birthday, 1028, which is one, two eight. The towers fell at 1028. Bill Gregate’s birthday is 1028. You take out the zero, it’s one two eight. And Julia Roberts new Netflix show is releasing on twelve eight, which is one two eight as well. So you got this coding in this, and look, she has the blue shirt in the blue room.

There’s all this blue connection even with Courtney Cox, right, in the new Scream. She posted this 33 weeks ago. She’s wearing the blue all over it. You’ll see Courtney Cox here in a second, but the blue is all over this. So it’s this blue and red shift frequency symbolism. I don’t know why they’re not showing it yet. I guess it’s like right in the beginning, just give it a moment.

But in this show, she wears the blue, and in the last show she was wearing the red in Scream. And this is the ritual through color coding, is the beginning of the year. We saw Doja Cat in that weird red outfit, right? We got Rihanna in the beginning of the year in the red attire at the Super Bowl. And then now they’re all wearing blue. Doja cat’s. The blue demon.

Rihanna has the blue bikini on her Twitter. It’s moving into the blue and red. It’s like moving away and going forward. Like there’s a lot of symbology happening with these rituals, even on a harmonic level of tones and frequencies, because that one to eight connection also goes into music and the blue. So like even this symbol right here, the Israeli flag with the blue was created on this date 1028, and it goes into the phoenician blue, the phoenician purple, even the tazakato soldiers in Asia.

I’m probably saying that wrong. We went all into this with the one on one podcast. That the purple frequency, the blue, the hans blue and purple frequency vibrates where you can leave into another dimension. Yeah, you got to watch that video to understand it. But I’m just going over all this blue stuff. He’s always depicted with the blue and this new Julia Roberts show, she got the blue all over right here.

And what’s interesting is that they showcase a cyber event in America is this predictive programming of a cyber event to come in America, and this show gets released on one 2812 eight. So that’s that one two eight code. Even Ed Sheeran just performed that night on one Two 8, October 20 eigth. Because he canceled his tour. And right when he canceled not his tour, but his last event in Vegas, he canceled right before he went on.

My cousin and my aunt were going to go to the show, and 1 minute before he went on, he’s like, I’m canceling the show. There’s tons of people here, big stadium now. I’m canceling it. The next day there was cyber incidents happening in Las Vegas as if he knew it. And now he’s doing a show with 50 Cent, the Jubilee of 50. But here’s the music, the harmonic frequencies as well.

I can’t explain this too good, but an octave is all connected to the twelve eight. The one two eight in music, in Western music. It plays a role in it twelve tone technique, the one two eight. And even an Atari has the one two eight memory right here, Ram. One two eight bytes of Ram. Because Matthew Perry is in a video game. Las Vegas fallout. These video games, I think, are huge in the ritual.

Here’s Pong as the whole neuralink and get ready, player one, all that predictive programming. This is where it is leading to as they do the neuralink test on the pong with the monkeys and whatnot. Here’s that Las Vegas event that happened in front of a pyramid. People are like, oh, no, it happened at the Mandalay Bay. Well, look at this picture. It’s right in front of a pyramid.

And then you got the bathtub. What is it about the bathtub? In the show Stranger Things Eleven, that’s how she goes into the other side. She goes into a gateway portal, a doorway. This is why the Doors died in the bathtub. And Janice Joplin, janice is the doorway god with the double headed the double headed doorway god. Janice and Chandler in the show Friends, dated Janice as well.

So you even got Janice in the show. Who he’s dating? He’s dating Janice, the doorway god. And look, they’re in the doorway. I bet you there’s some symbolism to that as well. Here’s Janice Joplin singing, I drown in my tears but this is all occult stuff. This is all occult. And what occult means, it’s hidden. This is all hidden stuff from us that we’re not supposed to know.

Only the initiatives are supposed to know. But this kind of makes sense of the ritual with Stranger Things as she goes in the bathtub and she’s able to go through the portal into the other side. So that’s probably some truth on what they’re doing with these bathtub rituals. Is John C. Lilly with the illuminati dolphins. He was communicating with them in the isolation tanks and whatnot. And Courtney Cox is channeling right? She’s channeling Friends while she’s cleaning up the star.

The pentagram. She’s cleaning the star. And Courtney Cox. She’s wearing the blue. I wish I could show you. How does this maybe if I just refresh it. Okay. Yeah. So right when it starts this came out 33 weeks ago. She’s wearing the blue. So they’re really showcasing her in the blue. In this one, as blue frequency equals six six six. But the blue is the shift from the red.

In the first one. She was always wearing the red and scream with Dewey. Officer Dewey from Scary Movie. I even talked about this in my Donut Illuminati book. Go sign up to the Patreon and you get the Donut Illuminati book. Or you could go on my website and get it. But I talked about the digital friends. I showed Digital Friends how they got us at home. This came out during the lockdowns.

They keep us at home. And then I talked about the superego and then this guy’s all up in the news too. I’ll be releasing a new book eventually. But on the Truth mafia Tommy Truffle wrote that Donut Factory warned you. Yeah, because I’d be talking about these full moon rituals or whatever. And he shows that the 911 tower fell at one 2810 28. So you got all this one to eight connection in all this now with The Doors being the portal and the gateway and make sure you smash that like button.

We got almost 2000 people in here collectively on Twitter, on YouTube, all over the place. Make sure you smash that like button. The Doors is Jim Morrison. Well, Matthew Perry is also a Morrison. I don’t know if they’re blood connected, it wouldn’t surprise me. But Matthew Perry, his parents were Morrisons, who were connected to Treadot, right, right here. Relative stepson. Matthew Perry to Keith Morrison. Now, Jim Morrison died 27, club.

His father was connected to the military, part of the Gulf of Tonkin incident, a significant event, part of the Doors, the portal, the gateway and he died in the bathtub, right? And he died in the hot tub. And Jim Morrison also is depicted with the blue a lot as his car was a blue Shelby GT 500 right there. So there’s a lot of blue symbolism all over the place.

I don’t know, I’m looking into it, looking into all these frequencies. Just like the couch. Like what’s up with the couch? You got Nick at night with the orange couch. They had the orange couch. Oh, orange is 33 in Gematria, I forgot. And orange is the ember rituals. We are in the Ember months, which is about December because we’re cutting off from summer to fall or whatever. We go over it on the Patreon.

Make sure you go subscribe to the Patreon, please. That’s how we feed Chan over here. But what is the connection with orange and Nick at night? Right? They also got that sofa. I’m sure there’s something up with it because we look into these symbols like Nick at night. It’s the Running Man. Just like the Grateful Dead got the running, you know, I’m looking into ICP right now as they’re going to perform at the Masonic Temple.

Here’s some more crazy, crazy shit. Yes. The intro to the Friends I’ll Be There for you was originally going to be REM’s. All the happy, shiny people song. I don’t know, but it sounds very similar. And the day that on October 7 when this whole conflict in the Middle East started going off, he got married. I know there’s a connection here. He got married to like Tony Hawk and whatever.

REM, the REM guy, he put like a ceremony. He was like the priest or preacher or something. And look. His godmother is Drew Barrymore. That’s interesting. I’m sure there’s a connection there with Scream and all that REM held the ceremony. So this guy must be huge in this occult, warlock, witchcraft stuff, as I guess there was a breakup or a divorce and they were fighting for custody of Kirk Obane’s guitar.

Like, oh, I need the guitar. I don’t know, it’s just weird. It probably gets weird. Here’s Nirvana with the Foo Fighter guy in the bathtub doing the interview. There’s all this bathtub connection. And while this is going on, Walken, who was part of a ritual with the drowning, just like William Shatner’s wife drowned. There’s just so many things of it. Hurricane Otis as well. It wouldn’t surprise me if there’s 54 deaths at the end of it.

Pretty crazy. Jeff Buckley died, drowning. The list goes on and on. Arquette. They named everybody arquette. Arquette probably going to go through a ritual. Here’s the blue. It’s just nuts. I got all this stuff. What else can I show you? Yeah. And this hockey player gets his throat slit. Oh, look, he’s number 47. Are you serious? 47 is the Masonic compass. That’s insane. That is insane. Look, he’s 47.

That’s the Masonic compass. The illuminati penguins. So you could get your throat slit or you can be baptized and drowned in the whatever. There’s different ways of the rituals to go down. Now. He died on Bill Gates’s birthday. 1028 going to that one, two, eight. And Bill Gates is known for the medicine. And he was posting about the medicine in his tweet. I’m not going to get into it, but he was saying how much he likes the medicine and was a big advocate for that from the lockdowns.

Bill Gates birthday, him pushing. I mean, it’s crazy. This is just nuts. This story’s nuts. Now, could he have faked it? Do these elites fake this? And they go underneath the ground into the bunkers because they know something about to happen, some World War Three stuff about to happen. Do they know this? So they’re selecting the right people to go underground because there’s this movie, under the Silver Lake, speaking of drowning, and that’s exactly the premise of the movie, that these elites fake their debts to go ascend in a pyramid or whatever, and the people be drowned in under the Silver Lakes, which was Hollywood, which is all about very, very deep film.

Could there be some truth to that? Now, the name Chandler, looking it up, it goes into some occult witchcraft stuff, as hocus pocus found in is the same as the friends found in. There’s even connections to Phoebe Chandler in the witch trials. As Phoebe Chandler put one of the witches, she’s a witch, to get hung and burnt. And I think that even Phoebe dressed up as a witch in an episode.

And then there’s Rachel Chandler, who was connected with Balenciaga, and Kanye loves Balenciaga, and he has that ritual where it’s all flooding, and he’s underneath the eclipse while Elon Musk is salivating, watching these rituals go down. It’s pretty nutty. It’s a nutty world that we live in. It’s just crazy. And we almost got 2000 people up in here. We smashing record numbers. Donut, your research makes me sad sometimes.

Oh, I’m sorry, Sky Marie. It could get heavy. But if you’re looking at this research with us, you got to have balance and you got to have spirit. I don’t know. For me, letting go and laying God, you got to have your own toolkit. I want to look at this stuff. If you’re in a bad time, you got to be right with God, you know what I mean? Hello everybody.

Hello. Big up. Donut. Finally caught my first live. Oh, shout out to DJ DreddA. Hello brother. Blue suede shoes. Yeah, we told dude, you are a total disgrace. You see, like I get all this love and then one comment, I’m like, oh my goodness. One bad whoop. But you see this live. Please confirm now. Yes, it is live over on Facebook. As you can see, I’m on Facebook and YouTube streaming and we got a ton of new people up on here.

So everybody shout out to all the new people whenever a celebrity ritual goes down. We do get a grip of new subscribers. Mr. Donut, we love to hear your take on the Middle East that’s going on. Know it’s all, divide and conquer. We all need to love each other and not fall for corporate programming on the autonomic level. But this stuff has been going on before. All we were alive.

I don’t think any of this stuff ever going to end. But I’m all about I’m on the side of love in. Hello. Hello. Okay, pickleball, can you shout out Southside Chicago? Shout out Antonio Bennett. South Side, chicago. Shytown. Shy rack. I got a lot of friends from Chicago. That’s how I know it’s called shytown. AZ yo. AZ yo. Coding eye. Look at all these everybody up in here.

Shout out to all you all. So many comments. I won’t be able probably to get to all the comments. There’s so many. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Yes. We’re going to get into it even deeper. We’re going to dive deeper for people who didn’t watch the last video on this event that just went down. But shameless plug real quick over on the patreon. We’d be doing videos.

We’d be doing live streams. We’d be doing early access. If you liked robot programming, we released that a month ago. We do live streams. Here’s the one with Matthew Eric, not edited. Tons of good stuff. It supports this channel. It’s the best way to support us. Plus you’re also getting stuff as well. You’re getting know, you could subscribe to Netflix or you can subscribe to independent filmmakers donut Factory and get the Donut illuminati know.

So you’re definitely going to like it. It’s definitely worth it. Trust me. You’ll like it. You’ll like it a lot. So Matthew Perry. Code blue ritual. This is just saying I’m looking at he’s dying at 54 in the show. They’re in apartment five and 454. He dies at 54 and Obama dies. Not Obama, but Obama’s chef drowns just like he drowned at 45. So you got the reflection number.

All the celebrities, like Brittany Murphy dying in the bathtub, and they showed her on the poster in the bathtub before it happened. And I believe there’s a connection to Eminem, who’s b Rabbit, which is the moon. His first album is the Bunny on the Moon and ICP with the song Fu in the moon. And I’m going to be doing that. Let me know if I should do my juggalo decode tomorrow night.

I’m thinking I’m going to be doing my Juggalo secret society, a juggalo decode tomorrow night. I’m thinking of coming on here and doing that presentation. So if you get this video a lot of likes or maybe put a comment down. Yes, do the juggalo thing. I’ll do it tomorrow night. But we already put a lot of that information up on the patreon. And you know what, I was about to go through all this stuff right here, but I went through all this on the last video.

Make sure to watch the last video. It goes deep into the whole ritual. And I’m pretty sure all you already watched that. Anyway, much love, all you all. Thank you so much. We’re going to be looking out for more stuff, more crazy stuff. It’s doughnut and God bless. .

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