➡ The text discusses various topics, including the symbolism of the Olympics, the history of certain brands like Coca Cola and Adidas, the political climate in America, and the increase in shark sightings. It also mentions the possibility of a significant event happening, hinted at through color coding in media and products. The author suggests that there’s a hidden narrative behind these events and symbols, and encourages unity among people to counteract division.
➡ The movie “Under Paris” humorously depicts sharks living in the location of an upcoming ceremony due to climate change. The film, which was recently released, shows the collapse of bridges in Paris during an Olympic event. It also hints at the control of people through electric frequencies, turning them into zombies. The Paris Olympics will take place near the Seine River, which is set to reopen for swimming after a hundred years, but is considered cursed.
It could be something like that because, I mean, there’s no images of it, at least so far, and this has been out. This is the only image I found. And it’s been hours where people cannot get to the Olympics. But Snoop Dogg’s there, and he is lighting the torch up in the flames. Now let put a one in the comment if you can hear me. Okay, we are streaming early. Shout out to Royal coffee girl, Sharon. Deanna, good morning to you. Yes, yes, we up early going to cover these rituals, and I’m going to give you my thoughts because there’s a lot of strange connections to these rituals that are about to go down.
The 2012 ceremony, for example, here on the right, showed us the lockdowns that were coming with the Grim Reaper. It was very satanic. So it’d be interesting to see what this ceremony holds, which I think is going to be connected to the new currency system. And I’ll get into that because the ceremony will be taking place on water. So french rail network hit by arson attacks before Olympics ceremony. It will be the 33rd Olympics. Snoop Dogg starting it off. And let’s not forget that the whole torch relay comes from the National Socialist. You’ll see a lot of strange connections with all this, but it’s connected to a bunch of other things.
Not just that you got the 33rd modern Summer Olympics happening, which is very freemasonic in France, is a big connection to the mafia, freemasonry. There’s so much history in France, it’s absolutely mind blowing the research that has been done and how far back it goes. So the french connection plays a huge role in the occult and secret societies that control the world. So look, everybody can’t get to the Olympics. I think like 800,000 people or something like delayed something crazy. And it just looks just like what happened with the crowd strike event. Remember the crowd strike event with the blue screens of death? Maybe this was assimilation for this right here, for this event.
Maybe they were just preparing. They’re like, yo, we got to prepare for this Olympics because the security is absolutely nuts. They’re calling it the most dystopic Olympics ever. You got, like, over 40,000 troops there or something like that. And these fires, this arson attacks that are happening, started in lily right here. I don’t know if I’m pronouncing that correct, but Lily or Leo. This is an interesting word. The illy goes back to the priesthood of the illies going into etymology. Where did these words come from? And it comes from the illy’s who rule on top of the hill.
The hillies and the village down below the. That’s where all the peasants were. So it’s like Ilia, Ella, Ellie, Amelie, and even on the illy luminate cards, you got France right here. I don’t see too much except for the liberal groups. The control is part of that card. You got the three and the five. Don’t really know if there’s any predictive programming in this, but just wanted to notate the Illuminati card. We’ve been going over how the old website for the Olympics, which isn’t here anymore, they deleted it, but it showed smoke coming out of the Eiffel Tower and even here in the crowd as well.
So not sure if that’s predictive programming. We’ll see what happens to at this Olympics, but I’m always looking out for that 128 code. There was new evid, like video footage of the twin Towers, which collapsed at 10:28 a.m. which is one, two, eight. It’s all connected to bridges. So the Francis Scott key bridge collapsed at 128 in the morning. The other one crashed at January 28. 128. And it’s connected to the new currency system, the bridge currencies. And we’ll get into that here shortly. But here’s Snoop Dogg starting off the Olympics, taking the picture here at the Olympics, wearing the baffomet chain right here.
And it looks like he painted his nails. Not sure what that’s about. Just something to notate. I like to notate everything. So let’s look at Snoop lighting the National Socialist torch of the Illuminati. Now, you got to understand that these celebrities or tools of the Illuminati and the Illuminati is all about the illuminated light. And we just saw his mentor, his creator, pretty much his. Snoop Dogg would be the homunculus of Doctor Dre. We just saw doctor Dre hanging with Bill Gates last week. Wait, no, this is a year ago. Oh, my goodness. Well, see, I got to correct myself all the time.
I’m. I don’t get everything right. I thought this happened last week. I guess it happened a year ago, but still, the plans of them hanging out a year ago still sus, because we seen the other ceremony, ritual of the superb owl, the Super bowl, which had snoop Dogg in it wearing the blue and yellow. And then right after that, the blue and yellow went to war at two two two on 222. So these dates all lined up. It’s all symbolic. Here’s the flame. It’s a girl. It looks like the omega logo a little bit. But Biden passed the torch to a girl.
And Kamala Biden passes the torch right before the torch relay ceremony of the Olympics in the dragon year. In the dragon year ends January 28, one to eight, because there’s a connection to these twelve year cycles. So the twelve year cycle of the Olympics twelve years ago had this crazy ritual that predicted the lockdowns. And these are mind control hats. These hats keep people under mind control. But, uh, you can see that this Olympics was very dystopic, where you had a bunch of strange stuff happening. I feel like it. It’s going to be the as above, so below with these Olympics, because it’s being held on water.
And these London Olympics, they were showing all the little kids in the hospital beds. It was super sketch. And then you got the grim Reaper. I mean, it was. It was sketch. Is that Mister Bean? I guess it’s. I like Mister Bean. I don’t care. I don’t care what he was like, Mister Bean. But with this one two eight code I’ve been covering. Shout out to Joe. He showed that this 128 codes, even in the movie or the tv show called Fallen, where the apocalypse happens on 18 two. So February 18, the day to look out for.
I’m looking out for any of these dates with this numerology in it, and that’s when the Olympics ends. So it ends on August 11, and the next day will be the helical rising, which would be 812, which was Joe Biden’s text number that he sent out the presidential alert text at 218. So it could be 218, the date to look out for. But the helical rising will be 812. So that might be the day the lights go out. We’ll see. But since these ceremonies will be taking place on the water, water is maritime law. It’s connected to banking, admiralty law, the law of the sea.
You got the law of the land and the law of the sea. And ships, banking, commerce is all connected to the water and the river. And the river banks. That’s why you have a bank, because of the river banks. So this ceremony, I think, is going to be dedicated to the CBDCs. Now, if a bridge collapses, which there’s some predictive programming of that, we’ll get into it. As you can see here in a film that was released this year was showing the bridge collapsings in Paris on the scene river, I think it’s called a seine scene.
Sorry for my ignorance. It’s 777, which is like that Crowley 777. I’m just gonna call it the scene. And that’s what it’s gonna be taking place on. And this movie that was released is about a shark named Lilith, which is, I think, the. The wife of Lucifer up in here. So we’re gonna get into that predictive programming as well. But there’s 37 bridges. And the bridge I’m looking out for with the 128 code is this bridge, Pont Maribou, because it’s in its 182 year. 128 year. So the construction ended. They finished building it in 1896. So it would be celebrating its one to eight year this year.
So this is the bridge. If a ritual does go down, someone drowns or something like that. I’m looking out for this bridge for if a ritual goes down because it is connected to the French Revolution, the bridge is connected to this guy who was a key figure, prominent figure of the French Revolution and the. That french revolution. The symbol was the phrygian cap, which is the symbol of the Olympics. This year is the phrygian cap going back to Mithra. And we got hundreds of people up in here. Please make sure to smash that like, button. Share this video out so when people wake up, they can see this before the ceremony.
See if any of these predictions come true. Archaic. Shout out to archaic. See, I think he gonna be doing some breakdowns of this as well. And let’s give some prayers out to Jacob Israel. I know he’s going through kind of. He was in a. An accident. So let’s all pray for him and his family and rip. Jordan Maxwell. Yes, yes. Jordan Maxwell is who talked about the maritime law and connected all that information. As you can see here, the Olympics will be on the water. So it seems to me that it’ll be connected to the CBDCs as we’re having all these fire rituals.
Canada. These are connected to land grabs, by the way, going back to the great fire of Rome. And the scene river was prominent to putting out the Notre Dame fire. Remember when this church caught on fire? They were using the water of the Seine river to put that fire out. And we just saw a church go up in the flames in Dallas or Texas. Yeah, I think it was Dallas, Texas. So these fire rituals are continuing, as you can see here. Just fires all over the place, even with the arson. Now, with Paris, the last video, we were connecting it to ISIS Parisis, and there has been meme threats right here of ISIS targeting the Eiffel Tower.
So that’s kind of interesting. But the ley lines, they’re called Argo lines or rose lines. I’m always pointing out the rose symbolism. Like, Russell Brand chooses religion by peeling the rose petals. This is all symbolic of the bloodlines. These are the meridian lines and whatever. And that’s out there at the loo or whatever. It’s gone up in France. So something also to notate of how ancient this is. And look, this is the official music video for the Olympics sponsored by Coca Cola. Let me show you some of the national Socialist Coca Cola. I mean, it’s kind of weird, because these Olympics, there’s a lot of connections to the National Socialists for this.
I mean, Coca Cola sponsoring it and people that don’t know their history. Coca Cola collaborated with the National Socialists and created this, the drink Fanta. So you know that. Yeah. Fanta, Fanta, Juana Fanta. That drink was created for the National Socialists, which is interesting. And then the Adidas as well, created the shoes for the National Socialists. Listen, they’re in trouble now. Just. Just a bunch of division. And the division in America, people have been going after religious groups, but now it looks like they’re done with the loosh festival somewhat for religious groups, and now they’re gonna change it to race groups.
So they’re gonna go after, um, black versus white now for the elections, because this is. They just target every culture they can, uh, to divide people. And that’s what it’s about. That’s why we got to unite. Uh, you know, I mean, but the Barack Obamas are endorsing Kamala Harris. And let’s not forget, they made the film leave the world behind, which was released on the twelve 8128, which was about the lights going out, is about these cyber incidences. And Kamala in Hebrew, I could read Hebrew. So this is right to left, it says k mah la.
Now you do it in reverse, left to right, but you still read it this way. It says amalek. So Kamala is amalek backwards. And what is Amalek? It is the enemy nation. Of the Israelites in the scriptures. So there’s a lot going on through etymology right now. There’s a story being told behind the scenes. It’s the esoteric, but we are only privy to know the exoteric story. And Joe Biden, he’s leaving and passing the torch to Kamala. And this issue will be released August 5, which is 218 in leap year. So it’s the one two eight code.
So I think he’s going to step down on this date, August 5, and pass the torch to Kamala. At the Olympics, we’re seeing this color coding of the blue and pink. It’s everywhere. And I think these color codings like this just was released on 60 minutes about the lights going out, the cyber incidences. And look at the color coding that they’re using for when things go pitch black in Paris is the city of Light. It has a gruesome backstory. It’s just interesting because this was published on the three two two date. It’s just weird how things like that happen.
But it’s called the City of Light. In the backstory of it was. It was very violent there in the 1660s. Very violent. Lots of murders took place. It was very dangerous. And then they lit it up. So I want to be as dangerous. And the other city of lights would be Sin City. And this 60 minutes, they showed the first scene after this color coding to Vegas. And they’re highlighting the MGM, because the MGM, they had a cyber incident as well. But look at the thumbnail. It’s this color coding of the pitch black, the blue, and the pink.
You see the pink in the blue. So I feel like there’s some color coding symbology to this in a big event to go down, because you could see the pitch black, the mountain Dew. Pitch black is that same color coding. Like, don’t look up. It’s got that ton of stuff, as you can see right here. It’s in the background. That’s something I’m looking out for. Mountain Dew even released a new flavor with a map price on and up with that. But we could see how these food products predict the future. All the fiery menus. Subway got their fiery sandwich.
Burger King fiery menu. Doritos got their fiery mango. While the fires are happening, this is the fire in juniper. And Juniper. I looked up green laser juniper, and just so happens that there’s a company named Juniper that makes green lasers. So this is how they bury the information, because Hawaii. They had green lasers over Hawaii before it caught on fire. Oh, my goodness. On the 128 date above the islands of Hawaii on one, two, 8, January 28. It’s the 128 code. They had the green lasers. So I look up green lasers, juniper. And that’s how they bury the information.
Just like in Las Vegas. All the reports of helicopters being responsible for the Las Vegas event. You look up helicopters, Las Vegas event, and there’ll be a company that will take you on a helicopter and do your own kind of event. It’s just a way to bury stuff and shout out to al money, al Kimoni. Just pointing out the symbolism of the coat of arms. Got the boat right here of Paris. And I also noticed they got the double cross, the Knights Templar cross, the Iron Cross. This looks like the Tudor rose, something I’ll keep on looking in.
But this ceremony that’s going to be taking place is going to be in the scene, the water. And there’s a movie that came out called under Paris came out this year. I think it goes into some predictive programming. My last video, I was talking about sharks. Why are sharks popping up everywhere? Well, this movie under Paris is about a shark down here that attacks Paris during a sort of Olympics event. It’s not the Olympics, but it’s an event similar to the Olympics. Let’s get into that predictive programming. The shark’s name’s Lilith. Under Parents Paris the shark.
Here’s the trailer. I took some screenshots of it. But who’s going to be directing the ceremony? Steven Spielberg. He’s going to be a big role in the ceremony on the water. And he was famous for the movie jaws, which made people terrified that the government studied this film because it was psychological terror. People stopped going to the beaches because of this movie. So it had people under mind control to be scared of the sharks. And that’s what the movie’s about. Under Paris, Hollywood heads to the Olympics. Steven Spielberg, Kelly Clarkson, Celine Dione on deck for opening ceremony.
So we’re going to definitely see a big movie for this 33rd Olympics. But sharks have been all over the news. Sharks in Brazil test positive for tons of cocaine. These sharks are just super addicted to Yale. I mean, there’s a bad problem. There’s a Yale problem in the shark community. Sharks, they, you know, they. The government’s been pushing drugs to the sharks and getting them addicted to the coke. Cocaine. Very sad. Very sad. Sharks are making a comeback on the Long island sound, leaving boaters and swimmers scared. This just came out yesterday. Sharks everywhere. What’s up with this alarming increase of sharks in the east coast? Sharks.
This just came out as well. Today, boat hits massive 23 foot shark. This came out a couple days ago. What? Sharks everywhere. A shark bite in Iowa and an aquarium. What are the sharks and the sharks communicating? They’re probably angry because they’re having withdrawals from all the coke. And even on the Drudge report, they were showing sharks thriving in warming waters. And that’s what the movie was about. The movie under Paris was about sharks living in the scene where the ceremony is going to be at because of climate. It was really funny watching that movie because it was such propaganda for, like, it was like a climate thing.
And then all the climate people were getting eaten by sharks. So it was hilarious. But I pet goat. They have the shark. That’s something very, uh, noteworthy to take down. And the dragon. We’re in the year of the dragon. And there’s the shark and the house on fire. So this movie under Paris, you can see the Eiffel Tower right there, the 37 bridges. I pointed out in the beginning, the bridge I’m looking out for in its 128 year, but it shows all the bridges collapsing and a big flood happening. So I thought that was interesting, that that movie under Paris just was released.
It’s about sharks, came out last month, and it’s showing the bridge collapse in Paris during some sort of Olympic event made by this guy Xaviere, who also made the movie sell. He helped make the movie sell. We’ve covered this a lot. It’s about the towers controlling people through electric frequencies, turning them into zombies. And then there’s the movie as above, so below. That was a great film, too, that took place in Paris. So it’s very interesting stuff. The scene river is named after a goddess, Aquana, a gallo roman deity. The opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics will take place, and it was named after a gallo roman deity.
Right here. These are things I’m looking into. And even there was a sequana Harris, something I got to look into even more. Just because you got Kamala Harris and Saquona, I mean, there’s got to be a connection there. The scene river, the romantic lifeblood of Paris, set to reopen for swimming after a hundred years, but it’s cursed. Cleanup is a lesson for future Olympics. And that’s what the whole movie is about, is about these swimmers in here, and then they get eaten by sharks. So there’s a lot of history to where the Olympics are going down.
We just see the 128 code everywhere. Death Valley hit a new record at 128 degrees. There was an earthquake as well in Texas today, so make sure to stay prepared. I like to give a shout out to my sponsor, USA survival. Be prepared in any emergency. Get your food storage, get your bug out bags. Got those links down below. Anyway, it’s doughnuthen going to keep all y’all posted. We got over a thousand people up in here. Make sure to smash that like button. Thank you. Share this video out and we will keep you updated on the ritual.
The ceremony ritual when it happens in about an hour or so. Much love and God bless.