The Strange Blue Appearing in Hawaii…

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• The presenter communicates significant observations about the color blue appearing mysteriously in various scenarios. These include its presence in a viral video from Hawaii, its association with President Joe Biden, its survival amid destruction in a Simpsons episode, and its connection to the celebrity Oprah Winfrey’s home. He suggests there’s a curious pattern about the color blue worth noting.

• The presenter also discusses the upcoming “super blue moon” on August 30, which he hypothesizes may be connected to specific events or incidents. He draws connections between this astronomical occurrence, current events, and the music industry, specifically referencing the artist 50 Cent. He mentions a color theme involving blue and red in various music videos and celebrity homes.• The podcast host talks about the symbolism behind the tarot card “The Hanged Man”, particularly in connection to other symbols and events like the potential collapse of the dollar, the BRICS nations meeting, and the two full moons. There are conjectures on Neptune (the blue planet), the significance of the color blue, and the relevance of these events to pop culture and current trends.

• The podcast host also explores the concepts of occult symbolism in music and entertainment. He posits theories around symbolism observed in various artists’ work like Kanye West, Rihanna, and Jay-Z, extending it to theories around popular events and trends.

• The podcast host suggests that many popular trends, even those seeming innocuous like viral challenges, might be connected to Masonic or Illuminati rituals. Alongside, he explores the significance of numbers in events, drawing connections between numerological patterns and events in Hawaii. He digs into the idea of resonating frequencies, particularly that of blue light.• The text often references the symbolic use of the color blue in various contexts, notably in spiritual and religious depictions, popular culture, and theories around the Illuminati. The color is associated with many gods and entities in various beliefs, including Hindu god Krishna and the Hopi term “blue star Kachina”, and also appears frequently in entertainment media from Avatar to Shakira’s music video.

• The writer emphasizes on the significance of these symbols, suggesting that colors like blue and purple could hold frequencies that lead to another dimension. This theory is also associated with “hans blue” and “hans purple”, with references indicating a connection to lucid dreaming and metaphysical transformations.

• The discussion makes multiple correlations between various events, symbols, and societal phenomena that involve the color blue, highlighting a perceived correlation. These range from social media platform Twitter changing its heart icon from red to blue, to events like Hurricane Katrina and product promotions like Kmart’s blue price special. The repeated spotting and documentation of these occurrences form the basis of a conspiracy theory narrative.• The text revolves around an undetermined topic regarding a translator, a police chief, an FBI agent, and observations about the state of Hawaii. The writer finds similarities between a story from Las Vegas and the situation in Hawaii, and is unsettled as they deem these stories “sus” (suspicious), especially with the prevalence of the color blue in both situations.

• The writer has adopted “Donut” as their own personal branding. This moniker came about due to a play on the word “dough”, which was a popular phrase used in 2012. They discuss wanting to connect and engage with their audience directly, possibly through live meetings and presentations.

• Lastly, they express unease about AI playing on people’s emotions for engagement and dwell on various conspiracy theories around the abundance of the color blue in different contexts, FEMA districts and Hunger Games symbolism.• The Central Club podcast and Wand video, both of which are publicly accessible, can also be watched raw and live on Patreon; a more condensed version of ‘the blue’ discussion with ANI Asaru and Tommy Truthful will also be on Patreon.
• There is an upcoming live stream scheduled for next Tuesday featuring Jacob Israel, Tommy Truthful, and Guy Tao, which may be hosted on either Patreon or Rumble. Instructions are given to subscribe for updates and continued support is appreciated.


Site: : full summary text presention: the-strange-blue-appearing-in-hawaii

Up. It’s doughnut. And you tuning in to all your illuminati news. Hopefully this is coming through okay. I’ve been having some issues setting this up on Facebook and YouTube and everywhere. A lot of strange things happening right now with the color blue. It’s popping up everywhere in Hawaii. We just dropped a viral video, everything blue and shout out to all y’all researchers out there. I’m learning so much from everybody and I think everyone can agree with that. So smash the like button and put a one in the comments if you can hear me. Okay?

I was just out here in Lahaina. Where all this happened. So this story is just it’s captivated the whole world, but it’s very eerie for me. I even got a mug that I got out there that I’m drinking. So prayers to everybody out there. And also on top of all of that, when I was out there, it’s like a tourist town that’s totally obliterated. It’s not there anymore. And I was meeting people hanging out, and everybody has a phone, and I’m just like, why is there only such little footage of this happening? There’s not that much footage of it. It’s like it got taken out in an instance just automatically. Very freaky. Hello, New Zealand. What’s good? What’s good? Oh. Watching from Hawaii. Prayers out to Hawai. And yeah, we’re doing this. This is the midnight stream. We’re streaming very late, but we got important information to get out there immediately because it just seems very weird. Oh, look at this. I don’t know if this is me or not. It looks like it’s me. I did set up a star thing, so this does look maybe legit, but I didn’t write this. Facebook has been being really weird during the broadcast. You could support my page by sending stars. Yes, you can. So I’m not monetized on YouTube, but I’m monetized up there on Facebook for now. So, yeah, you could send stars. I guess that is me. So let’s get wicked smart. Everything blue. We showed how the blue was everywhere in the last video, but the blue keeps popping up. President the greatest. President sleepy Joe Biden, he got more votes than Obama, so he’s the greatest, wearing the blue, showing up to Maui wearing the blue. I mean, if this can’t get any weirder because we already broke down the blue car survived. The blue. House survived. The blue boat survived. And now this dude shows up with his husband wearing blue. Absolutely mind boggling. And that’s not it. In the show, the Simpsons there showed the town being obliterated by some light beam right here. And the only thing that survived was this blue. I mean, how strange. And look, they’re all circled around right in front of the blue, making that highlighted. I haven’t watched this episode. I know there’s a lot of fake stuff out there, but this light did destroy the town and I don’t know how I didn’t put this together. Tommy Truthful did this. He pointed this out and he was like, how did you not point this out? The Blue Lodge, right? You got a red and blue lodge. So, I mean, right there you got the blue as that color. Red and blue is what the house was when it stood up. Is this Blue’s Clues going on? Are we witnessing Blue’s Clues? Look, that blue and yellow symbolism that you see everywhere. Just more crazy symbols popping up. But this blue goes massively deep. We’ll be doing a private Patreon stream, which will eventually be on YouTube, but we’re just doing it over there with ANI Asaru at the Spiritual Shade Room. And Tommy covering the blue on Friday. Maybe we’ll do it on Rumble and then edit it to YouTube. But it’ll for sure be on Patreon. So make sure you go subscribe to us over there. We put out content there first. We put this blue video out there first. Then I edited it and then I’ll put it up on the YouTube so there’s more information and it supports this channel. So make sure you go do that today and share this video and give it a like because it’s late. So the more you share this video, this blues video, I mean, it’s going to get wild. The information will eventually hit the people when they wake up in the morning. So the Blues Clues, they’re wearing the blue. And remember that blue and red because it’s important for later on in the stream. So you got them wearing the blue, going to hawai Oprah Winfrey her home. It’s got the blue roof. I mean, you can’t make that up. Her home got the blue and red roof. Here’s. Her estate in Hawaii. The blue roof. The red roof. And if you remember, that was the color of the two homes that withstood the destruction. Pretty wild. Here. I’ll bring up the got two pages open, so I got big presentation introduce. All right, so so this is the red house that withstood the test of time. The owner’s name Dora. And this is Hurricane Dora. And you got the blue car. You’ll see a lot of blue stuff that existed. Here’s a blue thing right there. But you’ll see a lot of I mean, look, this is our blue gate. What the heck? Did that blue exist? The blue paint, that’s fine. It just burnt all around it. Except for right there. Weird whoops story just gets weirder and weirder with all the blue. This is from my podcast yesterday. Okay, so here’s that blue and red house, just like Oprah’s roof is the blue and red and all the blue that stayed. You could just watch my last video. It goes over all that goes into the light spectrum. I just wanted to show that blue and red before I continue. All right, now let me pull up my other screen. Thanks for being patient. Patience is a virtue. All right, so there’s that blue and red. Somebody says blue has anti laser properties. United nations is blue and their helmets are blue. And we got the Blue Beetle movie out right now. And this is how the similacra works. So back when the Blue Bird Twitter was being purchased by Elon, joe Biden got pooped on by a bird and they released the Birds Aren’t Real conspiracy on the 60 Minutes. So they hit you with all these different things in the simulacrum from movies to music. I am blue. Yeah, but whatever. I heard that’s back on the radio now showcasing this. And now the Blue Beetle is out beating Barbie. This is just how they do it. Blue Beetles out right now. And Elvis has the blue hawai with his blue suede shoes. Here’s the UN helmets. They’re all wearing blue. It is definitely a color for the elite. And there’s the Blue Hawaii. This is sort of important for this year because all the rituals are on the 36th parallel and Elvis is blue hawai. Elvis is the Memphis, Tennessee, his daughter passing away this year. There’s all this egg rituals happening connected to Memphis, Tennessee. So there’s the blue hawai. So Hawaii has always been associated with blue through the music industry. And the next blue moon will be approaching us on August 30. August 30 will have a blue moon. It’s the second moon, big moon, full moon, and it’s a super moon. A lot of these rituals happen the day before, the day of or the day after the big full moon. So look out for some sort of sacrifice or passing away. Somebody passing away. I’m looking into 50 Cent and G unit in that whole click, because everyone who is passing away is affiliated with the banking industry. And 50 Cent is all about money cents, young Buck bucks. Young Buck is in all this bankruptcy right now. Lloyd banks, the banking system banks, and even the G unit logo is the Google logo. So I’m looking into that as well. But we got this super blue moon happening August 30 when 50 will be performing in California at the Crypto Arena arena. And I’m talking about that blue and red. The blue is the hangman card. The blue and red and 50 Cent is the hangman. He’s always hanging upside down during the Super Bowl or the music videos. And here’s the blue and red right here with the home, just like Oprah’s home is the blue and red. So 50 Cent is connected to these rituals happening right now, I believe. And look, he’s wearing the blue and red, just like Lady Gaga with The Hunger Games was wearing the blue and red in the hangman tarot card. I learned this over on the Rumble.Sure, here is the reformatted text with natural paragraphs:

Did a podcast with Logan of Decode Your Reality because he knows a lot about this stuff. I don’t really know too much about the tarot cards. And he said the hangman is the twelfth card. So it’s connected to the omega. The omega comes after the trident. And that just goes perfectly with this dollar collapse with 50 cent and everything because the alpha George Washington and the omega, this ritual goes into the banking industry as today, August 22, the BRICS nations are meeting, probably right now, and that is to destroy the dollar being the world reserve currency. And we’re in the year 2023. And this is connected to Neptune as this hangman card, which represents 50 cent is the omega.

Now, these two full moons this month, the second one is on 38 called the blue moon. That’s what we were just talking about. And Neptune is a blue planet. Look at that. Neptune is the blue planet right here. It’s not a planet, it’s like an orb of water. We can see the blue dome that’s above us. Right here is the blue dome. You might see it’s called the blue dome of heaven because the ocean is above us and a lot of places paint a blue dome, the blue dome of heaven. And Neptune is the blue planet. Neptune and diamonds have been in the news yesterday and today. Apparently it rains diamonds on Neptune, so they say. I got that article right here. It’s raining diamonds on Neptune and diamond company. You got Tiffany diamond, Tiffany blue out in New York. Robin egg blue. Robin laid an egg. Going back to these egg rituals, interestingly, there is currently at play in astrology on August 22 that’s today we’re going to experience a transit Mars opposite Neptune. This is significant transit, though it may not seem that way on the surface, thanks to the obscuring energy of Neptune. Since Neptune is retrograde transit Mars and virgo opposite transit Neptune and PISCES will bring crazy foggy energy. So I just want to point that out. I’m not an expert in that stuff either, but I’m learning the symbol of Neptune is this trident and then after that’s, the omega. And Neptune is blue.

Red shift, blue shift red and blue states. Hawaii is a blue state. Blue is also the symbol for depression. I’ve got the blues, blue Monday. The next full moon is a blue moon, once in a blue moon. So this is a once in a blue moon thing that’s happening right now. That means it’s rare. And I’m just bringing up these articles because this is all the comments that you guys posted down below as well. So we are figuring out this together because it’s quite interesting and there’s a lot of connections to this. So even if something I say doesn’t add up, I’m sure somebody in the comment will be like, whoa, you missed that. Put that out there.

So here is Neptune and it rains diamonds on Neptune, the blue and even ICP, I’m doing an ICP decode. They’re known for the diamonds. It rains diamonds nightly in my Shangri la. So we’ll be doing that decode here as well. But the egg prank. OK, so check this out. Everything I’ve been talking about with these egg rituals. Rihanna, Robin laying the egg with ASOP, Rocky, all the egg stuff. We already did a lot of videos on that. The egg is trending right now on TikTok and all these trends that Oprah likes to do, she does these trends too, where they did the Baptize ritual with Bill Gates and George Bush and Oprah and Tom Hanks, they all baptized themselves in water at the same time, having society do it through these MEMATIC warfare trends. And now parents are cracking eggs on kids heads. That’s the new thing in the news. Shout out to my Patreon subscriber who showed me this. This is what’s popular right now, is cracking eggs on kids heads. And that goes right into the egg rituals happening all year with the Memphis Wright. The Memphis Wright logo is the egg. And if you’re new to this research, these viral trends that go viral are very Masonic. They did the Illuminati pyramid or the Masonic pyramid that Rihanna was performing on at the Super Bowl before she threw up the diamond in the sky. Oh, my goodness. I’m sure there’s a connection there too, which is the Rockefeller Illuminati hand symbol. So they do these rituals. There’s another one they did too that I already forgot in my head, but something here’s. G unit in Google. G unit is the Google loThe blue bloods, right? The blue bloods are like the Illuminati, the elite, the reptiles, the reptilians. They have the blue blood, the cold blooded blue bloods. They got to show the blue bloods.

And this is kind of weird, just wordplay. You got the blue, like the crypts and then the blood. So it’s like the blue bloods that’s kind of weird to the red and blue shift and the blue blue cipher. We’re talking about Lucifer’s blue. Well, in Colorado, you got the blue cipher and he blew another I don’t know. I’m going to stop there. This story just popped up out of the blue. That’s what all y’all were saying in the comments. That was so funny. But blue suffers blue, right?

Huge illuminati airport in Denver. I heard that the guy who created it, he died mysteriously. But here’s the first depiction of Satan. It’s this blue angel, right? So what does the Devil look like in history? Historical Satan? Well, this is like one of the first pictures of him. He’s blue. Look, he got the red and blue and the purple. There’s something up with this color scheme where you can leave this dimension and go into another dimension. Hans blue. A lot of religions show this color. And we’ll get into that as I’ve made multiple videos on this, on the purple and blue lights. They didn’t get many views, but go check those out.

And in The Matrix, we’re given a red or blue pill. And the blue pill is the bad pill that keeps you asleep. Sleepy Joe Biden. Look at that thumbnail. Sleepy Joe Biden. There’s a lot of stuff that’s weird. Like Twitter changed their heart from red to blue. There’s just so much out there. Trump tweeted this about the blue slip on August 21. Interesting enough, that’s the day that Hawaii was founded, august 21. Just weird connections everywhere.

Kmart got their blue price special. Blue suede shoes. Bunch of weird stuff. Bunch of strange stuff. And this goes into all the gods. Check out all these gods you got. Krishna is blue. Halle Krishna, krishna. Halle, halle, halle krishna, Krishna, Krishna, hare. You know that by Paul McCartney. Not Paul McCartney. George Harrison. Here’s the opaque brotherhood of dark lotus. I’m always looking into ICP, and they showed the soldiers. Where is the soldiers? What are they called? Terracotta. The terracotta soldiers are purple so they could transfer into another dimension. And we can’t recreate this code of purple because they get it from like some sort of animal or something, some sort of squid. And my friend ANI, who I’ll be podcasting with here on Friday, definitely on the patreon, but maybe we’ll do a rumble stream and then edit it for YouTube. He knows all about the frequencies of colors and lights and whatever. And he was showing me about the sits, have the blue on there. And I asked my rabbi about it because he was connecting it to the octopus and the octo. And I was like I asked the rabbi, I was like, Yo, octopus, what is this about? And he said that there’s like a war that happens in the heavens with two big fish pets, octopus or something. I’m not really sure. I wasn’t really listening. I need to listen more. I got a book actually on it. Oh, listen like a dog. So I do need to work on my listening skills.

Then you got the hans purple and hans blue, right? This is just the color, this blue, blue and purple that has some frequency to it that people can leave society. And you even got the Phoenicians have their color purple and blue as well. It says they’re coming from these seashells. So I’m going to bring on the experts to break this down for us. But I’m just letting y’all know that there’s a connection to all this that goes super deep. And the Vrill aliens as well. Maria Orcic, her eyes are blue. And here’s avril Levine. Avril Levine with the blue eyes. The blue eyes go deep into this symbolism as well. Here’s Maria Orsick with the blue eyes, part of the Vrill communicating with the aliens, Lam and all that.

And then here’s Shakira. Right. They show Shakira. And trust me, I know my whenever Shakira, I know my Shakira. And that ain’t Shakira’s eyes, shout out to Shakira. But this is what they depict her eyes as in her alien music video, as her eyes are brown, dark brown eyes. But in this alien music video, she has the blue eyes. So it definitely goes into something there. Avatar is blue. All these different characters. The gin are blue. Aladdin is a gin. And there’s that blue and yellow color. There’s the gin. And make sure to share this video for the people out at the bar drinking gin right now so when they get home, we could show them what’s going on. And there’s a blue kachina as well. And this is interesting. The blue star Kachina in Hopi mythology is a kachina that will signify the coming of the beginning of the new world by appearing in the form of a blue star. The blue star Kachina is said to be the 9th and final sign before the day of purification. Now, 50 Cent was shot nine times. I’m connecting a lot of these rituals to 50 Cent. He going to probably go through a ritual, someone close to him or around him on this blue moon the day before or the day after. Or somebody in the banking industry. Well, because it’s all about banking because of the dollar collapse, described as an apocalypse or a world engulfing cataclysm that will lead to the destruction of the world. Blue kachina. And then Amun is blue as well. So you got a lot of blue all over with the god stuff.

And look, we just crashed through the thousand, so make sure you give us a, like, blue oatProject blue Beam. Yes. There’s just so much stuff. The firmament is blue. You’re my boy. Blue. Yeah, it’s getting crazy. Look, I figured out how to organize. Look at that. I could put these in different sections. But you got a Code Blue at the hospital as well, just like you got a Code Red Mountain Dew and we broke that down, how it’s priming people’s subconscious. Hypnotic priming. And just like they were talking about the last hurricane, saying it was going to be catastrophic, catastrophic, catastrophic. Over and over again. That was hypnotic repetition, putting everybody underneath the spell.

Right now, the code blue at the hospital means the adult is going through respiratory arrest. Isn’t that breathing? Cardiac and respiratory arrest. I believe respiratory is breathing as we’re going into the Ember months. Oh, and here’s the Russian blue. That’s the Chan. That’s the Chan cat. Oh, yeah. Chan Cat, Russia. There’s Chan Russian new chanting their Blue moon beer right now. Here’s the truth. Mafia website. Tommy Truthful posted my video on the Truth Mafia website, but he did a video as well, where he went into the Blue Lodge. Look at that Time magazine Mad predictive program. And there’s the Blue Lodge. Check this video out. This is where me and Juan go over the purple lights. It’s edited really well. It’s very good. It’s a very good video. There’s fires happening in Canada, fires happening all over the place. Now, I don’t know if this is real or not. I saw this and it could be real, but the hotel is still there. Everything around the hotel burnt, but not the hotel. And also, somebody saying this is the governor’s house. Now, I can’t verify this. I don’t know if it’s true or not. I’ve been looking or whatnot, but they’re saying this is the governor’s house, which still exists. That’s kind of weird. If that’s true, that’s messed up. But I’m not sure. I’m not sure. It’s just something I saw. Here’s The green lasers. Astronomers believe the green light seen over Hawaii were lasers from a Chinese satellite. I mean, so weird. This whole story is weird. Bluetooth blue ray DVDs. This is the Island Boys, right? Jeffrey Epstein. Island boys. And they’re wearing the black and white. I’m just looking at it. Looks like symbolism. Oh, and this is the purple light one that I go into mind control and purple lights. How Optogenetics uses this shows you scientifically how it works. Back to the future. Had the Mountain Dew got the Blue Oyster Cult? Yeah, so that’s wild. Let me go to the comment section. Should I keep going? Should I show some more stuff? Or is it getting late? The sky is blue and all the leaves are green my heart is warm as a baked potato.I think you know precisely what I mean when I say it’s a schwadoinkle day when I say it’s a dinkle doinkley day yes, cannibal the musical good work. Good work. Shout out to South Africa. Encore. Okay, I’ll keep going. Salute to the chat room. Oh, did you see the translator in Maui press conference doing the devil horns and all? Seeing eye with her hand? Are you serious? Let me look that up. Google Maui Press. Translator okay, I think I found it. Is this the drones you’re looking for? Is this what you’re talking about? This lady? Okay, let me try to find the video. YouTube Maui press conference. Okay, I found the video. I don’t know. I just think it’s weird that the police chief is the same one at and if you want to see a scary image because I’m from Vegas, too, so that story, just like this story hits home for me. But once the FBI took over the Vegas event, they were standing over the chief, and it was super scary. The guy looked like men in black. Alien was it was this right here, this video. He was crying, and I know he was sad. Like, right here. This is a good image. He was super sad, and I felt that I was super sad. And then the FBI came in. This guy look how creepy this is. Like, he just comes in, man, that looks like me. That’s crazy. It doesn’t now that I made it bigger. But, yeah, he was super sad. And this FBI guy came in, was like, we’re taking over this investigation. And then years later, they said, oh, there’s no motive. They didn’t find anything. I mean, such a sus story. Here’s another image of that. I mean, this was freaky. This freaked me out. It’s 320 in Ohio, and you’re still at work. Shout out to Ohio, Jen. Vancouver, Canada. Shout out. Yeah, this is cool. Going live at midnight over here. Hello, Australia. Is Donut Jewish? Yes. Big Island, Hawaii, here. Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew, mountain Dew Yeah, I’ll bring up the next article. Slide. What up, Norway? What does donut mean? I love it when you spell my name right. Thank you. Dough. Like, what up, Doe? That’s what people say. And I was working at Costco. I was super broke. I had this little crappy phone, and whenever I get a cool idea, I just put it in my phone, and I was like, It’d be cool to write Donut. Like what up, Dough? That was, like, a big thing in 2012. Dough. They even had that one rap song called Dough or something. But dough could be money. Dough could mean so many different things. And then I was like, It’d be cool to write Donut. And so I did that, put in my phone. And then I was making music videos, and this guy I was working for said that it’s all about branding, Alex. Like, Pepsi is a brand. And so I was like, okay, I’m going to brand myself Donut. That’s what it means. Shout out to Arkansas. There’s this dope movie called Arkansas. You should check that movie out. It’s really good. Green Bay, Wisconsin. I want to do go somewhere and do, like, a presentation. Live, like a live meetup. I don’t know where. I was thinking of doing it in Arizona, because I live in Arizona, so it makes sense. But maybe I’ll do, like, a vote thing and see where most people would. Like to go see. I think that’d be cool. I think that’ll be cool. I don’t know. It’s weird. It’s weird. I don’t know. It’s weird. It’s cool. It’s weird. I’m just here to meet new people, do cool things. All right, let me bring up enough of my positivity. Let’s get back into what people want. Is the negativity that’s that show on Black Mirror exposed that a little bit. People like negative stuff. So they made the shows in Black mirror negative because it got more engagement. And the AI algorithm knows this. So this is why when you’re on Facebook or YouTube or whatever, people you don’t want to see are going to pop up because they’re trying to pimp you emotionally. The AI, emotionally pimping people. AI emotionally pimping people. That’s what they’re doing. So the blue homes, right? We’re going over the blue, everything blue. And Joe Biden just recently visited Hawaii after all this blue stuff’s exposed, after the theory of the lasers. I mean, picture this. The theory of the lasers was viral. Mainstream media pushing it, talking about it. And then after they did that, he came out on his tweet and said he’s laser focused. I mean, that is crazy. And now the blue thing is a huge thing. And then he shows up wearing crazy. That’s wild. That’s like Britney Spears stuff right there. The blue and red. All the blue still standing. The blue and red right there. Here’s the blue umbrellas. Ella’s under the blue umbrellas. Ella’s A. The blue boat still exists. The blue car in the news. And this is what the news showed. They could have showed anything, but they highlight the blue and everything. Look, the blue car just standing right out there. Maui News. And then all the people that survived and cleaning up the mess are wearing blue. The blue restroom. ABC News. They show the guy in the blue. They show the girl in the blue. They show the construction worker wearing blue. They show this guy walking holding something blue. Oh, my goodness. Everyone is wearing blue. The blue home. That’s what they’d be showing. CNN mainstream news NPR Sugar Cane Train. They’re showing the blue. They want everybody out of Lahaina. Already. So when I was out there, they said that everyone’s moving to Vegas because no one can afford it or they go to another island, but it’s hard to do that as well. And super sus. This whole story is just like the Las Vegas story. It’s super sus. And all the politicians wearing the blue suit. The blue makes you trust. The blue is, I trust you. I trust you. We are wearing blue, the red and blue. So you got the red and blue lodges, the red and blue. CNN, Republican versus Democrat. And they even switch it up for you to give you a little flavor. So the Republican channel is blue like a Democrat. And then CNN’s Red. Like, it’s just crazy. The whole toroidial Donut field is the blue and red like a magnet? I mean, how do they work the red and blue NASA, the red and blue Hawaiian flag. And then you got all these different characters, like the Smurfs all blue Avatar Blue cartoons. There’s something up with that symbolism. You got prod bluebird. I don’t know, I’m kind of repeating what I’ve already talked about. But you got Project bluebird. That’s the mind control operation. I mean, it goes on and on. I feel like I might be repeating myself. But the blue mask, that should say enough. And then we’re coming up on this Project Blue Beam with the lasers making holograms. What else can I show? I guess I could talk about FEMA in District Nine as the new Hunger Games movie is about to come out. And Hunger Games, that will be coming out when young Dolph was assassinated the day before the three two two date. They got the blue in them, right? But Hawai is in FEMA, region nine. I’m in FEMA region nine as well. Right here. California just had that Baja blast. Hawaii just had Hurricane Dora all happening in Region Nine right here, and that is these places, which is District Nine, too. They made that movie about the aliens in District Nine. Here’s the Hunger Games map, because the beginning of Biden wearing the blue, the beginning of his reign of the greatest presidency of all time took place and they were wearing the red and blue Hunger Games attire. Crazy. It’s crazy stuff. It’s crazy. Well, anyway, I don’t want to make this just too long winded. Make sure you smash the like button. Share this video out so people can see it when they wake up. And also, if you’d like to support us, go over to the Patreon. We got shows booked over on the Patreon, and a lot of it will be edited and put onto YouTube. Let me tell you about the schedule that we got this week. We got a schedule. Yes. Game professional with a schedule. The schedule is tomorrow I’ll be doing a private patreon with Juan in the Sky, Nick, who Juan says is a legend. So that’s going to be tight. I’m doing a podcast tomorrow as well with.Somebody, I think in Europe, the Central Club podcast, which should be public, and the Wand video, that will be public eventually, but you can watch it raw and live on Patreon. And then on Friday, ANI Asaru, Tommy Truthful and myself will be going over the blue, which will be even more condensed. And we’ll probably do that on the Patreon in the Rumble as well, just because it’s going to be crazy content, not for the public. Have to edit it so we can keep the channel up.

And then on Tuesday next week, we’re going to have Jacob Israel, Tommy Truthful and Guy Tao all together on a stream. It’s probably going to be on the Patreon too. Or the rumble, I’m not sure. So go. Subscribe to all of it. I appreciate everybody. I’ll keep you updated. Much love and God bless.

  • Unnamed -

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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