➡ The text discusses a person’s confusion about a scene from the movie “Nightmare Before Christmas”. They remember a scene where Jack throws a snowball at two elves, but upon rewatching, the scene was missing. This led to a discussion about the Mandela Effect, a phenomenon where a group of people remember something differently than how it actually occurred. The person initially dismissed the Mandela Effect but reconsidered after their experience with the movie scene.
➡ A church reported a statue weeping olive oil, a substance similar to Chrism, a holy balm used in Christian rites. Experts couldn’t determine the oil’s source, leading some to suggest it was a hoax to attract more churchgoers. However, church officials denied this, citing camera footage. The phenomenon of weeping statues is common in the Catholic world, and while it can be faked, some believe it’s a genuine spiritual occurrence.
➡ The conversation revolves around a woman who dressed as a white lizard, possibly for attention or to troll Kanye West, and a former Pentagon official claiming a photo was of an alien mothership. However, the photo was later debunked as a reflection of an indoor chandelier light. The speakers discuss the possibility of misinformation being spread to discredit future claims, and joke about the official looking like the lead singer of Smash Mouth.
➡ The text is a conversation about a new coffee product called Metaphysical Coffee, which is reasonably priced, tastes good, and is made from 100% Arabica beans. The coffee is non-GMO, low acidity, gluten-free, and vegan friendly. The conversation also includes discussions about music, a TV show called Edge of Wonder, and a mysterious place called Ung’s Hat in New Jersey, which is rumored to be a gateway to another dimension.
➡ A man named Joseph Matheny wrote a book about a strange story involving a hat, a tree, and a group of people who conducted unusual experiments. According to the book, a group of scientists, poets, and musicians founded a church in the 1950s and later bought land in New Jersey where they conducted experiments on the human brain. They created a device that could supposedly send people to alternate dimensions. However, it’s unclear whether the book is based on fact or fiction.
➡ The text discusses various mysterious phenomena, including a psychic’s claim that a space portal will open under Area 51 in 2023, the discovery of ancient underground tunnels in Mexico believed to be an entrance to the underworld, and the strange history of Hoska Castle in the Czech Republic, which was built over a deep hole from which strange creatures were reported to emerge. The text also speculates on possible connections between these phenomena and unexplained disappearances, as well as the potential existence of a creature called Bat Squatch in lava tubes near Hoska Castle.
➡ The text discusses the concept of ‘Bat Squatch’, a creature reported to be seen flying out of caves across the country. It also explores the idea of a castle built with no windows, possibly to trap these creatures. The text further mentions a portal to hell and the possibility of different dimensions. Lastly, it promotes a platform called Rise TV and a product called Metaphysical Coffee, before introducing a public service announcement about the harmful effects of sugar and its manipulation by companies for profit.
Then in the top 10 fan favorite, top 10 weird news of the week, hear hilarious and intriguing stories such as encounters with zombie pigs, Russia slapping Google with a 20 decillion dollar fine. No, you didn’t hear that wrong. It’s. It’s a 20. Followed by 33 zeros is a number bigger than. Yeah. Than anyone’s ever heard before. Never heard of this number before. That would bankrupt all of the world. Right, right. Also in weird news tonight is a portal to hell, A banana, duct tape to a wall, part de. A town full of puppets. And that you’ll only hear on Rise tv.
And as always, we’ll see you out on the edge. You know, the other thing we forgot to put in there is that we’re also going to talk about portals found all around the world and mostly America. And what are you talking about we. In the first sentence I read it said, are alien motherships and interdimensional portals real? Well, yeah, but that. Okay, I guess that just. But it was more of like ahead a little bit more. We’re going to go a little bit more deeper into that. That’s what I want to say. So I always like talking about portals.
It’s a weird, weird subject. So. Sounds good. Certainly is. And by the way, if you’re listening to our Edge or Wonder podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or elsewhere, please leave us a five star rating and review. And also remember to hit like, follow, subscribe, all that good stuff wherever you’re watching us, especially on Rumble. Please subscribe to our Rumble channel. So, all right, wait, wait. So every couple of weeks we hear a little bit more about Noah’s Ark? Where is it now? Actually, they. It. It’s. It’s confirmed. It’s pretty much Mount Ararat. That’s. Yeah, that’s, that’s, you know, that.
That’s what the Turkish government has been claiming along with a lot of the research that’s been done every. A lot of people have said that’s the final resting place and it matches up with locations based on what the Bible says. Well, according to this map, this 33 or 33,000 year old, it’s more like a tablet. And I think later in the. If you scroll down, Lindsay, I think it shows the tablet and it was kept. That’s it right there. So it was kept at the British Museum. Researchers there. A lot of people have been trying to decipher this over the years.
And this dude who looks like that guy looks as old as the tablet. Oh my goodness. He’s been trying to decipher this tablet for 3,000 years. That poor man. It’s like a combination of Gandalf and this guy. That guy came through a portal from 3,000 years ago to tell us about this tablet. I had a feeling you’re going to say that anyway. Oh my goodness. But, but yeah, basically they, the, they figured out the location is Assyrian, which is equivalent to Ararat. So. And that, that, I mean it really does seem, according to what this tablet’s saying that it’s been now confirmed that, that the ship that we’re seeing is all right, but they’ve had to have found Noah’s Ark for a really long time.
So. Yeah, I mean we actually had a whole, we had a whole episode about it, I remember. But it’s like it’s still. To the, the mainstream public, they’re still kind of foggy on it. Like it wasn’t really found officially and all this stuff. Like, what gives? Why hide that from people? Yeah, I think the main thing is that one, you know, these researchers and scholars don’t like to prove that the. By, like do things that prove that Bible exists or the stories in the Bible are real. At least that’s the main thing. Also there was a lot of speculation that the Turkish government went along with it because it was bringing in all this tourism.
So they’re like, yeah, sure, you know, but I mean that’s, that’s according to what they’re saying now. Gosh, I can’t remember the guy’s name. Something White. White. Walter White. I can’t know. I can’t remember his name any. Well, no, no, no, no, no. But he was a. He was kind of like the, like the official Indian or unofficial Indiana Jones. Like the real, the real. Essentially the real Indiana Jones where he was looking for the lost ark. He was looking for the, the Noah’s. Noah’s Ark as well. And then he reportedly found a lot of it.
And so he was the one that stumbled upon Noah’s Ark based on the research that was done in the Bible. And, and there’s that photo in that article. And so on the mountain there does seem to be an outline of what looks like or could be like an old gigantic ship, you know. Sure. So that’s where he was saying that, you know, everything kind of matches up. That. Yeah, that, that image on the right where it does kind of match up, that it could be the ship, you know, and he was using references in the Bible.
Then the Turkish government came out saying they support this, this whole ideology that this could be the Noah’s Ark and everything else. But now it’s interesting because according to this tablet, it now proves that that’s Noah’s ark. So it’s kind of. Why not excavate it? Well, why not excavate this thing? That’s a good question. You know, I want to see, I want to see what was in Noah’s Ark. You know, I want to see what the rooms look like and all that. Like how much of it is still there and still together. Yeah, well, and that’s, that’s a.
We were doing that on the show previously. But that’s also a Mandela effect because everyone’s like oh yeah, there’s only, you know, there’s a whole song about two by two and you know, there’s all the paintings where it shows two animals but it never mentions two in the Bible. So that’s kind of weird. Yeah. Why that’s, yeah, that. Is it a Mandela effect or that’s what people assume? That’s what, you know, some people are claiming it’s a Mandela effect because everyone remembers two and it’s everywhere in our society. But then the Bible never specifically says to.
So I don’t know. Anyway. Well, speaking of Mandela effects, are we going to get into the Bendela effect? Yeah, we will. This is all about Nightmare Before Christmas. Wait one second. Lindsay, pull that back up. Why in these old images did Noah’s ark look like a friggin house that looks like a shed or like a big barn? Yeah, there are a lot of images that look like that. Some suspected that it was actually more oval shape or even round. Well, I think the, I think the ark and the ark. What is it called? The Arc Discovery or the ark experience? The Ark experience, yeah.
You were telling me that was supposed to be built to specs, right? Like this thing was supposedly according to all of the measurements and all that stuff. This is what, how it was supposed to. The ark encounter. That’s what it’s Called the Ark Encounter. Encounter. Like, this would look cool. This would make more sense than a house. Although it does look kind of like a house at the top. There’s a. There’s a big roof on the top there. I don’t know. Pretty cool. Can you imagine taking 133 years to build this thing? It says it took him 133 years or something like that in the Bible to build this.
It’s an old dude. Yeah. People lived a lot longer back then. And he lived. Isn’t he like 800 years old or something? Yeah, something like that. Yeah. His whole life was building an ark, being on the water and then finishing finally, and then, you know, getting drunk a lot because it was too traumatic. Poor guy. Well, it’s interesting because, well, we do get into this in that episode about. There’s other arcs that people were building, too, and other ships and other countries and other religion. Well, you could say religions now or like, India, you know, they have their whole story about the.
The famous scene where the. The man encounters a fish. It turns out it was like a. One of the. What I want to say, avatars for the deity Vishnu, who told him that a great flood was going to happen and to build an ark and also do the same thing, get animals on it and everything else. Wow. Yeah. It’s kind of interesting that, you know, there. There was a couple other ones, too. So it’s interesting because in. In our culture, some people are like, oh, well, these stories aren’t real, because they’re all the same stories just being passed down, but in other.
Other ways of looking at it is like, well, yeah, you know, you could imagine that. That, you know, each culture is trying to preserve its own race and its own culture. So. Yeah, you know, I mean, like, someone in India would probably, during that time, you know, very rarely would. Would travel, you know, super far away. So it’s like you just stay with your own group of people back then. So it kind of makes sense that there’s similar stories passed down throughout history, you know. So, anyway, that’s what I think. Anyway, let’s get on to this Bendela effect.
All right. Nightmare Before Christmas. I thought this one a good one to do since it’s like, right. Right after Halloween and right before Christmas. Not going to be able to help with this one. Yeah. You know, honestly, this is one that I don’t really know too much. I used to really like Nightmare Before Christmas when I was younger. I watched it a lot and. But, you know, I probably really haven’t sat down to watch it in at least 15 years maybe. When did it come out? 94. I just was never. I never watched this. It came out in 1993.
93. Okay. This movie. Yeah. I was young and my brother really liked it a lot. But this post kind of got my attention now again, I and I even asked my brother about this too, and he was like, dude. He’s like, I don’t really know either because he’s like, you know, I didn’t really watch it a whole lot more like recently. So anyway, I found this on Reddit. This guy wrote I I love Nightmare Before Christmas. I’ve re watched it dozens, if not hundreds of times growing up. So of course I was re watching the movie with my family for the spooky season.
I know the movie front to back and could and could probably recite it blindfolded, which is why I was confused that my old DVD didn’t have a scene in it anymore. During Jack’s what’s this song, it’s like the really iconic moment when he, you know, goes to the portal. There’s a moment where he scoops up a pile of snow, and after looming over Christmas town and looking at the sights for a moment, he loses his balance. He flings the snow, and it’s like, what happens at that moment is what I want to, like, ask people if anyone’s out there who is like, really into this.
The next scene that follows. Do you remember this or not? Well, he remembers in this scene, after he flings the snow, there are two elves that are playing a boy and a girl, and it hits and covers the boy elf in snow. And like he says in a kind of a cartoon fashion, and only his eyes are sticking out and the girl’s kind of like laughing at him. And then it cuts back to Jack trying to stabilize himself before he slides down the snow hill, which is what happens. And then he gets down there and then he continues the song.
He says, however, as we’re watching, Jack scoops up the snow and after looking at the sights, he flings it before slinging down the hill. No cut to the two elves or anything. He says it was so awkward that they set up. He’s like, it’s so awkward. They set up the snowball cut away, then deleted the punchline. So I asked my family, who were equally confused as I was, and he said, this is from 1979. 19. 1997. Yeah, 1997. And he said, it’s the same one I’ve always grown up with. You know, he said, there’s no way it was edited because I’ve own it for this long.
It’s just the dvd. It’s not the Blu Ray or anything. So he’s like, I don’t know. Am I going crazy? Is this one of those Mandela effects? And he’s kind of throwing that out there to ask people. And it was interesting because a lot of people were commenting saying that they remember this, and one person said, I remember that scene. That’s weird. My daughter loves that movie. I have to watch it with her and see if she notices. Someone else said, that’s so weird. I remember that scene, too. Other people mentioned they were like, I think this might have been from the trailer.
So this is what’s interesting. I found the trailer online and I watched the whole trailer, and it’s the original trailer, and there was two versions of it, actually. There was, like, the original one, and this is it here. So we can. We can see what happens, actually. You want to play it, Lindsay? So the. Right here. Oh, wait, I’m sorry. This is in the trailer. This is the actual scene. Okay, you can pause it. Okay, go ahead and pause it. So, like, right there, when he throws it, he’s saying he remembers that it actually hits these elves that are standing down there.
And it’s like, it kind of makes sense because he’s like, they set up the scene for it to happen, and then, like, nothing happens. It’s like, what’s the point of him picking up the snow and throwing it if, like, you know, nothing really happens? So I was like, yeah, it does make sense that that would happen. I just don’t really have, you know, remember it one way or the other. But he was so adamant about, like, this is how I remember it. And also I was like, well, okay, you know, this guy clearly remembers it this way.
So I just thought I’d put that out there to see. I thought it was interesting in the subreddit how he was saying how he used to always make fun of people who talked about the Mandela effect. But then after, like, he says it here. If you scroll up. Oh, yeah, I missed that part. Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. Okay, so it’s right here. I feel like a dunce for using subreddit because I always made fun of Mandela effect people for having crappy memory and being way too melodramatic. But I don’t have any other explanation. And having this actually happen to me is freaky as hell.
Now you get it, dude. It’s like, I understand Ed McMahon as soon as one of Them hits you, it’s like your world just gets flipped upside down. That’s weird, man. Yeah. Yeah, there I was. So I was looking into who coined the term. Not Mandela Effect, but who coined the term. What is it? What do they call it? The false memory. But it’s like collective false. Collective something. Collective false memory. Media companies, probably. It was a guy that created it that started an organization because his daughter started accusing him of sexual assault. And yes, it’s real.
It’s a. It’s a massive rabbit hole when you start looking up who’s using these terms, the false memory or. It’s like the cl. There’s a. There’s one called collective something, and I can’t think of the name of it right now. Anyway, this guy started this organization saying that Melod Mandela Effect’s not real. It’s this collective false memory thing or whatever. And he was part of this organization. And when you started looking into the organization that he was. He founded, his daughter accused him of sexual abuse, and he said it was a false memory that she had.
And so he started this whole organization to prove that his daughter was, like, just having a false memory, and he never actually did anything to her. Weird stuff, man. We. It was. It’s a massive rabbit hole. I started seeing some things on it, and I was like, wow, this is crazy. But anyway. But on a. On a light, positive note. Yeah. I mean, it’s like as soon as one of these. Like, my brother has a friend, too, that doesn’t believe in the model effect. But again, the one that hit him was the. The High Ho song where it’s home from work we go, and not off to work we go.
You’re gonna. Yeah, you’re gonna find one in there that hits you. It’s like your world just gets flipped upside down. All right, so now. Now does he believe it? Because. Yeah, he does. He does not. I mean, he’s. He’s still skeptical on a lot of them, but that one, that. That made him open his mind a little bit to say, like, okay, maybe there is something to this. Maybe. Right. Some of these can be real, you know, like what. What’s causing it, though, which is another rabbit hole. So. All right, we have our CERN episode. I know.
That’s what I was saying, actually. I was like, watch our episodes. All right, well, we’ve got metaphysical minute. Let’s get into this. Okay. A weeping Virgin Mary statue had its tears tested, revealing an unlikely substance. So back in 2018, a church in New Mexico claimed that their statue of Virgin Mary was weeping liquid from its eyes. It all started when the parishioners of the Roman. Excuse me, Catholic diocese, excuse me, of Las Cruces reportedly witnessed the statue crying tears during a noon mass. The event brought a huge number of people to the church looking for conversion, confession, and just to see it happen.
The weeping allegedly occurred several times, according to Judy Ronquillo, or Ronquillo, the business manager of the local church, who talked to the Washington Post in 2018. Experts analyzed the substance and concluded it was olive oil mixed with perfume, similar in composition to Chrism, the holy anointing balm often used in Christian rites such as baptism. However, church authorities reportedly could not establish where the oil was coming from. To explain the case, some skeptics suggested the church had set up the situation as a hoax to bring more people into the church. The diocese officials denied this, claiming cameras in the church showed it wasn’t an orchestrated stunt.
Now, while weeping olive oil might seem like a peculiar event, weeping statues have been a common occurrence in the Catholic world for the last seven decades. Creating a fake weeping statue is relatively easy. Sometimes it happens naturally through condensation. But typically, even the most innovative approaches are not too complicated. So, I mean, it could have been set up. Maybe it wasn’t. What do you think, Ben? Oh, Bro’s mic is not working right now. I’ll tell you what I think while he’s waiting. It is easy to set those up. I’m thinking that maybe this is. This is.
Could be a hoax. But the thing is, is that I totally believe statues are capable of crying. I totally believe that that phenomena is 100% a thing. Whether it happened here. Mm, I’m not really sure. Yeah. What do you think, Lindsay? I think so, too. It’s really easy to fake anything now because we have technology and the fact that they could study its composition, even if it were real originally, let’s say somehow some divine being made the statue really cry as soon as they went to prove it and tell the whole world about it. Well, if divine beings made it happen in the first place, then they could easily turn it into olive oil and perfume, too, right? True, true.
And it’s weird, though, that it ma. Well, it’s weird, and it’s not weird that it matched the. Like, the bomb that they were talking about that they use, because maybe that’s just. That was, like, a readily available liquid that they used to set that up. But at the same time, it’s, like, interesting that it was. Why go through the trouble of getting it tested if you knew it was fake. Do you know what I mean? That doesn’t really add up. I think most faith based tests, if you want to call them that for people though, require faith.
So there’s going to not be a conclusive answer that, that science can confirm if it really is spiritual. That is true. That is true. Well, hey, I’m going to go ahead and tell you guys a little bit about some Rise TV stuff. Then we’re going to have a trailer and hopefully Ben’s got his audio back up and running by the time we get back. Hey, there he is. What’s up, Ben? Hey. Yeah, actually before we go, what did you think about this? The weeping tears? Yeah. Do you think that it’s real or not? You know, Well, I, I know that they were saying that this one, they weren’t really sure if it was real and that there were some, you know, things, but I mean, you could find this in a lot of different places around the world and, you know, there’s just no explanation for it.
And I think that these things really do happen, whether this case or not, you know, is real. But I, but I mean, to me, I think that these things are real and it’s very likely that this, this is real. Yeah, I, I think the phenomena is definitely a thing, but I’m not sure if this particular event was 100 legit. It’s hard to say. It is. Yeah. Yeah. But anyway, you guys, if at home, we’ve got a bunch of stuff out right now on our platform Rise TV that we want to tell you about. All right now from my metaphysical show, there are episodes about frequencies and levitation and energy and naturopathic medicine and it’s all about suppressed technology.
This stuff’s really super interesting if you haven’t seen those. From Ben’s Weirdest news in History, there’s an episode about a man who built a nuclear reactor, mystery airship of 1897, and an Antarctica UFO. From Edge of Wonder Live, we have an episode about weaponized frequencies targeting the mind and voice to skull technology that was super interesting. You could see all of this stuff by subscribing to Rise TV. For just $12.99 a month. You can support our work and we’re able to give you something back in return. Which is about a thousand episodes on every kind of mystery that you’d love.
Near death experiences, ancient civilizations, weird news organizations, crazy conspiracy theories that you’ve probably thought about but haven’t gotten a chance to research. We’ve done that work for you. So yeah, you can, you can get all of that just by subscribing for $12.99 a month. If you can’t swing a subscription now or you want to check out our content before subscribing, you can get a free episode by going to Rise TV Video. Give us our email and you’ll get to watch an episode about divine inspiration and winter miracles for free. So check out this trailer all about it right now and we’ll be back in a jiffy.
Looks like Lindsey is looking for a heart patient. Another dimension and rap sensation Kid Cudi combine and I’m racing story. An unseen helping hand alerts a woman right before a dangerous near death experience. Unexplainable winter survival stories see more than one woman frozen solid and then return from the edge of the grave. An eating disorder recovery, a near death experience, and an impossible sign from heaven. Change a skeptic’s heart. Heart miracles, amazing supernatural events, astonishing brushes with death. They were said to be just stories, but these real life experiences prove there’s more to this world than meets the eye.
Want to feel hope and Christmas cheer? Join Edge of Wonder for Christmas miracles and near death experiences. What if I told you that not only have we been visited by extraterrestrials, but that our own military has in their possession crafts along with alien bodies hidden from the public? Well, join me, Ben, on the second part of this Edge of Wonder episode with my special guest, Michael Schrat, who is a private pilot and aviation historian and has been investigated investigating UFO encounters for over 28 years. Lab coat technicians talking about bodies recovered and one was still alive.
And when I heard this from Charlotte, I said, I got it. I got it. Wow. I got it. Now I know that this guy was telling the truth. I got it. In our last episode, we went into detail about how the US secretly has alien craft and documented testimonials on firsthand accounts of not only seeing crafts, but alien bodies as well. In this episode, Michael will be presenting the most mind blowing account he has, which includes multiple witnesses. You won’t believe what he has. So, without further ado, let me introduce Michael Schratz. Well, I’ve got some bad news for you.
I don’t think we shared the right trailer there, but you get the idea. That stuff’s all on Rise tv. And we’ve got a free miracle episode if you go to Rise TV video. And yeah, again, we’ve got like on Rise TV that you can enjoy by subscribing to our platform. And a whole lot of work went into this. And yeah, this series Alone has six episodes. All kinds of crazy miracles that you’ve never considered. True crime Christmas. That’s pretty fun. Real life Santa Claus stories, supernatural Christmas Christmas miracles and near death experiences. Those were really interesting, for sure.
All on Rise TV right now. Very cool. But you know, we’ve got some reptilian Kim Kardashian things to talk about. What’s going on here? Albino alligator costume. This was her? This was her? Yes, this was her costume. And I. I have to admit, it was kind of a. A strange choice. She’s. She’s dressing up like her overlords, I guess. What the hell? Like, this is so specific, though. I mean, she. Okay, granted, she did hire like a Hollywood person and there. There’s like a whole video of her getting into this costume and it’s like so insane.
No, no, no, no, no, no. Why would you choose this? I don’t know. He’s painting your boobs. What’s going on here? This is weird. No, why would you choose this? I don’t know. I mean, out of anything that she could potentially go as. Yeah, but why would you choose this unless you’ve seen it? Come on. I don’t know, man. It’s weird. I think that’s a legit question to ask. Why would you use that unless. You see, I. I’m not trying. By all means. I’m not trying to say she’s like, reptilian or. No, no. You know what I’m trying to say you were fanning the conspiracy fire, Ben.
That’s. That’s just. You’re like. She’s like, how can I fan this conspiracy fire? I’ll just dress up like a reptilian overlord that’s specifically white. Like, I mean that. Because that. That’s like the whole thing. That’s the tippity. Yeah. Of the. Of the conspiracy theory is that some white lizard is like. Yeah. I don’t know, man. I just thought it was really, really okay. And it’s not like it’s from a movie. Like, she’s like, oh, I’m such and such character from this movie. She was just like. She woke up and she was like, I think we’ll hire a Hollywood makeup artist to make me an albino lizard person.
I know. It’s like so weird. I don’t know, man. I don’t know. That was. Everyone was everybody. Everybody from all perspectives are talking about. Even my brother was like, did you see this? I was like, I don’t even know what to think about it. Lindsay is just like, that’s the whole point. It’s just marketing. I don’t think so. I think there’s some. This is weird. It’s weird, but she’s surrounded by Hollywood professional body artists. No, you don’t just. Lindsay, you don’t just wake up and decide to be a white albino Reptilian. There are tons of stars coming out now capitalizing on people’s interest in conspiracy theories.
Of course it’s on purpose. Yeah, but this is not the one. You want to fan them. Why not? I don’t know. I mean, it does get your attention. What’s something I could do? You know what? Maybe she did it to troll Kanye west. That maybe. I mean, that was her husband. He’s always talking about Reptilians. Maybe he brought that up to her and started calling her that. And he’s. She’s like, you know what? I’m gonna dress like this for Halloween. Think about it. That would totally screw with him. He’s probably like in his bunker somewhere in fetal position, shaking maybe.
It’s like. That’s the only. That’s okay. That’s the only theory I’ve got. That’s my best theory right now. And freaking weird anyway. But I just thought it was really hilarious and. Yeah, pretty funny, though. All right, well. All right, well. Yeah, anyway. Okay, why don’t we go into the Pentagon? UFO stuff now? Speaking of Reptilians here, so. Or just aliens in general? So anyway, yeah, Louise, Elizabeth. Yeah, he came out and said during. He was at a conference and he said that this, you know, and he’s a former Pentagon official, and he said that this photo was, in fact a pick of a alien mothership that he said was a huge floating mini city.
He said, there’s a whole lot more here, folk. This is. This is his quote. He said, there’s a whole lot more here, folks. We’re having pilot. Military pilots and civilian pilots in Eastern Europe and the Middle east report what unimaginably seems impossible. I just want to give you a small taste of what’s going on behind the scenes. So. And he. He said that this basically, this is like the. Like the US Government is deliberate and has. Is doing in a deliberate alien cover up that he says was exposing at the. At the whole presentation that he was given.
However, John Greenwald, who runs the Black Vault website, he did some. And you know, he comes out with a lot of stuff, very credible things. He’ll kind of break down things like we do too, on certain aspects. So he said he reversed image search this and this is what he said. He said the higher resolution image of this apparent mother ship which looks at first glance to be piercing clouds, it says it appears to be a reflection of an indoor chandelier light. So he thinks it’s more of a lamp that’s being reflected in the glass. He said the placement of Romania’s coal fired air ad power stations indicates the image was not taken from the US Embassy as what it was originally said it was, but near where? Near like it was a river that was a few miles away.
So once this kind of got on there, it kind of went a little viral then and Lewis Luis responded to it and he. This is what he said. He said towards the end of the presentation. This is what he said on Twitter or X. Sorry. Towards the end of the presentation. I later was showed a photograph provided to me by a former colleague in the US government. Unfortunately, the photo that was provided to me was not suitable for AI analysis there. And given the limitations of the AI prototype, the photo, he said he thought the photo was properly vetted and he took it at face value.
And then he said, unfortunately some people found that it may not be the truth. So anyway, he just was kind of like putting that out there that like, you know, sometimes not everything is what it seems and he just trusted the person that gave it to him. But I have a crazier conspiracy theory. I. That’s what I was going to get into because it kind of. I kind of feel like there’s something deeper going on here. Probably going to yours first because mine’s really. Go, go ahead, go ahead. No, no, really, really. Well, I mean, what I’m kind of thinking is like, this is the perfect.
This is exactly what happens. You have certain people in the communities and it could be various different communities, not necessarily ufology community. I mean you could have whatever, you know, even, even with this happens a lot in politics and certain events that will take place. A photo comes out, everyone’s like, oh yeah, blah, blah, blah. And then like later it’s like, oh yeah, it was fake. And it’s like it seems to be almost like a controlled opposition thing, putting this stuff out there. So later discredit future things that come forward. It’s like, oh well that was fake.
So that’s probably fake too. And you know, and I don’t know if he was like doing this on purpose or not. I’m not trying to blame him for it, but the person who gave it to him, that’s where the, the questions come in. You know, it’s like, oh, well, he’s putting things out there. We’ll just feed them this, say it’s real and then he puts it out there and lo and behold, it’s like, oh, it’s not real. So now anything else? Yeah. And so it’s like if he comes out, I feel like all kinds of people have been taken for that ride, you know, David Wilcock, Linda Moulton, Howe.
Like, there’s people that come forward that do this stuff sometimes. Help them make loose credibility, you know? Yeah, yeah. And again, not saying that those people are. No, no, no. It’s just really. It’s hard to always be 100 on any of this information from whistleblowers. Anyone can. That can happen to anyone, you know? Right. So what’s. What, what. What was your theory? What do you think? Pull up that picture of Louis Luis Elizondo again. The one, the original one that you pulled up. Ben, who does this look like to you? The Mothership. Or. Or. No, no.
Of. Of. Of him. It’s not up. I can’t see it. Yeah, this. Who’s this look like to you, Ben? I’m not. I mean, I’m not sure. I think it’s the lead singer of Smash Mouth and he faked his own death and turned himself into Luis Elizondo and is now doing what he really loves. That’s my conspiracy theory. This is. This is. This is. This is Steve Harwell. I told you. Yeah, man. You’re. Faked his own death and now he’s Luis Elizondo. Does kind of look like him. It really does look like him. That’s so funny, dude.
He wants Tory not the sharpest tool. That’s so funny. Oh, you just created same guy, new conspiracy right there. Like in some of the photos. He has that same like stripe beard too. Yes. Hilarious. Yeah. I just took this into a way different conspiracy theory that’s totally different direction where I thought you were going to go with this. No, I think. I think I agree exactly with what you said. I think, look, it’s hard to trust this guy to begin with. And look, I’m not criticizing you, Luis, if you’re watching this, but you know, his background is very three letter agency, so all the stuff that he comes out with, I’m always just like, okay, you know, like I just kind of.
If we were having a conference, I wouldn’t. He wouldn’t be at the top of list of guys I’d invite. Let’s put it’s, you know, dude, if you’re doing psychological operations and that’s Your job, like, whatever. I’m not criticizing you, but I’m not. I don’t want to be a part of it. Yeah. I mean, when you look at who the mainstream media interviews, it’s always the Same people, right? Yes. 182 guy, whatever his name is. Steve Harwell over here. Luis Elizondo and Nick Pope. And a couple. Nick Pope, who is just like, bro, like, could you. He says the same thing every episode of Ancient Aliens, you know? Yeah, yeah.
In fact, I was looking at something just earlier, and I was like, oh, what’s this? And then I started looking into it. I was like, this is kind of cool. And it was like, oh, we interviewed Nick Pope. And I’m like, well, okay. It’s just the same thing over and over again. Anyway. All right, I’m gonna have freaking All Star stuck in my head forever, dude. Probably everyone. Who else who’s watching? I’m kind of sorry, but I’m kind of not. Well. I have something that can help you if that’s the case. Is your Folgers no longer the best part of waking up? Don’t feel like paying an arm and a leg for your Starbucks? Does your Dunkin Coffee have a hole in it? Sounds like you need better coffee.
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So there it is right there. So if you haven’t had a chance to try it, go to metaphysical coffee.com again, metaphysical coffee.com to get your own bag. It’s just $17.99 and comes with free shipping. So check out this trailer and we will be right back. Miracles, Divine inspiration, Near death experiences. Naysayers claim there’s no proof of something more than what we see. What if they were wrong? Signs from above. Angel sightings, Historical meetings. And undeniable messages. Perhaps the great beyond is a lot closer than you think. So join Edge of Wonder for inspiring accounts of divine inspiration.
Winter Miracles and near death experiences. Okay, finally, we’ve delivered the correct trailer of the free episode that you receive. If you want that free episode of stuff that you can find on Rise tv. That’s our Winter Miracle episode right there. Yep. So where can they get that again? Rise tv. Rise TV video. It’s right on screen right now. Oh, yeah, there it is. Just go there. Give us your email address. Even if you’re a subscriber, whatever, or you have been subscribed or whatever. Yeah, you really do. If you’re a subscriber, you already have access to this, so don’t listen to me right now.
I’m tired. Clearly. Anyway, we’ve got a thousand videos in Rise TV that you can get access to with that subscription, so. Very true, very true. And don’t worry, you know, we don’t have any. We don’t have any videos on the conspiracy theory about Luis Elizondo being Steve Harwell yet. But we’ve got some plans in the works, and Ben is going to perform All Stars Live on that episode for everybody. I could press. Someone asked me a while ago, or not too long. I meant not too long ago, if I could play that song. And I was like, what? Why? Yeah, like, if I was a musician, I’d be like, there’s just some things you don’t ask a man.
Yeah, it’s like. Like, can you play Nickelback? No. Yeah, right. I’m not playing Photograph, Steve. Yeah, all of smash mouth stuff and Nickelback is off the table if I’m going to parties. You know what? I can’t do Creed either. I was gonna say, you know. You know, I have to. Adm. The. The one about the. The. There’s. There’s one Creed song, actually, that’s really kind of fun to play on guitar. I have to admit, even though I’m not crazy about it, it is fun to play. Well, he’s got the easiest voice to do. Like, I could totally do.
He does actually. Don’t want to do it. It’s so. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s easy to play. Or it’s like, it just. It’s, like, easy to sing. And it’s one of those things where if you’re around people, like, everybody can sing. He’s like, let me just steal Eddie Vedder’s voice and make it super annoying. It’s kind of true. It’s kind of a combination of, like, Eddie Vedder and Scott Snappers. Oh, yeah. From Alice. Well. And Allison Chase. Like, yeah. Pilots. Alison Chains. Eddie Vedder. Kind of all mixed in one. It’s kind of crazy, but. All right, getting back to more important stuff.
So speaking of, like, you know, officials. I’m sorry, what in this episode has been important yet, like, that’s so questionable? I guess so. No. I don’t know. I think it depends on what you’re interested in. Wow, that is quite a dome. Look at that. Is this guy an alien? What’s going on here? Maybe so. He’s Colonel Carl Nell. He’s a former army direct director, and he was working with the Unidentified and Anomalous Phenomenon Task Force, or the uaptf, which is again, one of these, like, kind of Pentagon associated things. That’s why it’s kind of like, you know, I’m not really sure, but this is what he said.
And I, I’m assuming it’s the same conference that Luis went to, but he said, quote, non human intelligence exists. Non human intelligence has been interacting with humans on this planet. And this interaction is ongoing and is not new. There is zero doubt. There is zero doubt. This is absolutely true. I know this personally. So that’s what he’s. Again, how do we still have. How are we as a human race denying that these things exist when we have so many people like this coming out saying that it doesn’t? I guess because you don’t have the President of the United States on camera saying, we have proof of aliens.
And here it is, you know, and maybe that’s why. Maybe that’s what? I don’t know. We’ve had presidents of the United States basically say they’ve talked to men who believe. Like, you know. Yeah, yeah. No, it’s true. In fact, you know, I mean, I mean, it was something that, you know, Hillary Clinton was talking about before the 2016 election. Also, Trump is. He’s been talking about it a lot lately. Lately, because it keeps coming up in conversations. Oh, yeah, he was on Rogan. Rogan was asking about it, you know. Yeah, I mean, I don’t think Kamala’s said anything about UFOs or anything as far as I know.
But, you know, Trump, Trump has been asked a lot and he finally was like, yeah, I’m going to release it, you know, once if I’m in office, we’ll, we’ll, you know, I’ll release what we have on it. So I’m like, that’d be cool. We’ll see what happens. So actually believe him. I do, too. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he, he, he doesn’t say that he believes in aliens, but he, I think he’s on more on the impression. He’s like, I juked up many solid people. Many solid people. These people told me they saw things they could not explain.
Yeah, he kept saying, like. Like, good looking, like Tom Cruise or something like that. These guys. When I tell you these guys were solid, they were good looking. Good looking, like Tom Cruise. Good looking, solid people, like, better looking. UFOs are real. They’re not weirdos. They’re not your average alien believer. Yeah, I think that’s what he was trying to. The point that he was. That was the point he was trying to make. You know, these guys are just like some crazy guys talking about aliens. You know, if you watch that show Edge of Wonder, not like those guys at all.
That’s hilarious. All right, why don’t we kind of get portals? Portals? Because this is this. So there are some things that I found that I never heard about, and I was curious to see if you knew about this. And since I’ve been kind of talking a lot. Rob, you can kind of get into this one. It’s called Ung’s Hat. On G is the first one that I want to talk about. And some people are saying, is this like a ghost town or a gateway to another dimension? And there’s an insane, weird backstory. Where is this Penny Piney ghost town in.
In New Jersey? This is. This is in. Oh, really? Okay. Yeah. And. Okay, so I’ll. I’ll tell a little bit about it, and then you can get into more of, like, the portal aspect. But it’s because it’s kind of a weird backstory because no one really officially knows why it’s called Ung’s Hat. O N G. Again, there was a legend. Supposedly there was some, like, guy who lived there who was kind of, like, flashy, and his name happened to be Un. And so he was one of the earlier settlers in the area when people started coming in, I guess.
And he was, like, obsessed with, like, dancing and he would. He was. He was known for being famous, to be able to woo the ladies with his fancy dance moves and suave attire and. And he had a silk hat that he always wore. So. So apparently something happened and he got called like a player in that day and age. And one of the ladies grabbed his hat and, you know, end up stomping on it and threw it and it. And it was, like, in a tree. And he was really drunk and he was really upset, whatever.
And so then he would. Then he was angry. Oh, no. And then he threw it because he was just frustrated. She was Hitting. She was, like, smashing his hat. So he threw it in the tree, and it got stuck there. No one could get it down. And that’s why it’s called Ung’s Hat. Well, Ong, probably you shouldn’t have been playing the ladies, you know? Yeah, it’s so funny. And they said it basically would have like, just faded away into a Bolivian of history until this guy named Joseph Matheny. Math Matheny wrote a book titled Ung’s Hat the Beginning.
And this is where things get weird. But there’s a lot of. There’s a lot of debate on whether or not his book is full of fiction, whether it’s fact, whether it’s fact mixed with fiction. It’s kind of hard to say. But if you want to give a little bit of the backstory now of the portal and the history behind that and what’s in this book. Okay. So according to Matheny, the Moorish Orthodox Church of America was founded in the 1950s by former members of the Moorish Science Temple, who were primarily white jazz musicians and poets. One key member, Wally Fard, returned to New Jersey in 1978.
He used his savings to buy 200 acres in the Pine Barrens, where he found the Moorish Science Ashram with a mix of runways, anarchists, and a lesbian couple. This is just the background, right? Okay. Now, Fard’s newsletter drew fringe followers, including Frank and Althea Dobbs, twin scientists with unconventional ideas about the mind. Previously dismissed from Princeton for their theory of cognitive chaos. They set up a lab in the ashram to explore how humans could tap into the unused brain capab capacities for extraordinary abilities like stopping aging or curing diseases. So this idea that we only use 20% of our brain, and if they could open up to a hundred, they could do crazy things.
Their work led to the founding of the Institute of Chaos Studies. Their research culminated in the creation of a bizarre device called the Gate. This was one of a. This was one of a series of devices the scientists referred to as the Egg. They hooked people up to computers and charted their brain waves. By experimenting with sex, drugs, and other mind wave manipulators, the scientists learned how to control the chaos they found within the mind. This device, after several iterations, was capable of sending a person to an alternate dimension and back. The fourth version of the egg was tested on a Runway, who vanished and then returned, claiming to have visited another dimension, marking the first successful operation of the Gate.
Sounds like a bizarre New Jersey version of the Montauk project. Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, too. Yeah. Yeah. So, like, these runaways there, I guess there was a whole bunch of, like, younger boys that were. That he. This guy found or, like, you know, came across, and so they kind of joined this, like, weird cult that he had. And that’s kind of the part of it. So. So again, you know, this is all written in this guy’s book, and it’s hard to say whether this was, like, rooted in some kind of factual thing. And they’ve asked.
They’ve asked the author directly, and he would kind of laugh about it and kind of lead to the idea that what he’s saying is true, but it’s, like, wrapped up in a fictional story or something like that, so no one really knows for sure, but. But it’s weird, to say the least. And his book is a little obscured, too. It’s not like a common book that everybody would know about. So it’s kind of like, you know, what’s really going on. And then, like you said, you mentioned Montauk. So it’s kind of like, you know, this is all happening around the same time as Montauk, so it wouldn’t, like, in the 70s, so this wouldn’t phase me at all if this was real, because this is all around the same time and doing the same experiments, more or less, you know.
So the other one I found really fascinating is in Peru, what’s translated as the Gate of the Gods or. Oh, yeah, Arama Muru. This is a Rama muru. Yeah, yeah. You want to read about this one, too? Yeah, sure. Peru is an ancient site that is said to be a gateway to another world called Puerta de Hayu Marka, or Gate of the Gods. It appears to be a doorway leading to nowhere that has been carved into a sheer stone wall for mysterious purposes that have been lost to time. More than just an unusual tourist attraction and a source of fascination for archaeologists, locals believe that the doorway once served as a portal to other dimensions, and legend agrees.
According to the ancient Incas, there was a device said to look like a golden disc that could be used by a priest to activate the doorway. This gateway was believed to be a direct link to the gods and was thought that not only could priests go through, but whatever lay on the other side could as well. The legend says that this disc was found after it had fallen from the sky, and that at least one priest, upon opening the portal, went through it to never return. Interestingly, archaeologists studying the gate have indeed found a depression in the solid stone that seems to be for the purpose of inserting a disc shaped object.
What? Crazy. Yeah. We actually did an episode on this in Metaphysical and John remote viewed this and then what. What his team found, because you know, they’re. They’re remote viewing this blind. They don’t know what they’re looking at. They’re just giving data on what they’re seeing. Is that people indeed were using this portal for. For. Yeah, for. For interdimensional travel of some sort that. I mean, it makes sense because I mean, there’s all kinds of things all around the world that if that’s what they were trying to do, whether they achieve that or not, you know, but there’s just so many things that we just don’t understand and going like kind of going back to the Mandela effect.
I mean, to me that’s what really kind of started. There it is right there. This is interesting. Really opened me up in a lot of ways when it’s like, okay, you know, clearly things are changing, so you know, maybe this stuff is real. So we did this. Portals, underworld. Man, that. That was such a rough. Worst audio we’ve ever. Yeah. In an episode. Yeah. Anyway, crazy stuff. All right, next one. This guy. So this one is a little bit different. It’s not like an actual portal, but this guy named Daniel Neems. I have to admit some of these images are a little disturbing, but.
So he’s a Columbia based scientist. This guy named Daniel Neems. This. Okay, cool, you got it translated. Okay. He had an intense interest in science from his childhood and this would culminate his focus in trying to breach the wall between dimensions. So he said that he achieved this at one point in time. And so he, he really dedicated his life to build technology that he could at least be able to capture images more like with a camera on the other side. So he embarked on a quest to develop technology for this. And his eventual invention would be called Energy vision.
That’s what he called it. A mysterious device that can apparently use specializes lens and sunlight, purportedly enabling him to photograph phenomena that originate from realms beyond our customary perception. So Lindsay, if you scroll down in the, in the article, you’ll start seeing some of these images that he captured. And like I said, some of them are a little disturbing. The results, the. So I was reading this article, it says the results of his alleged multi dimensional photography seems to show a merit. Merit of m. Mysterious humanoid figures and blurred fantastical landscapes. And some from nightmares as well.
A little bit of everything. Like that one in particular. I have no idea what that is, but that’s something I want to be. No, that’s not cool either. Yeah, I was gonna say, I get, I don’t get a great. These all look like freaking HP Lovecraft beings in other dimensions. I know. He says, well, if this is, if these dimensions do exist in our real image images, and if these images are real, then it’s probably best to hope that no one opens a portal to let them in. It says. But you know, again, because they’re saying like, you know, this is stuff like Nightmare Fuel is what it said, you know, but one aspect is, it’s like, yeah, you know, and, and if you talk to people who have done, you know, ayahuasca and stuff, this is some of the things that a lot of people say that they see.
They’re like these kind of weird looking things, you know, that’s why I was like, I don’t want to see some crazy demonic thing. That’s why I have no intention of doing that. But, but at the same time that doesn’t. I mean, some of these things that, you know, it could just be coming through this way, through the photography, you know, it’s like maybe there’s something else that’s over there. And then because of the way he’s developed these, this photography, it’s just kind of looking like that. But either way, very interesting. And I think it’s. I think it’s super relevant how they’re all symmetrical because then it shows like something serious is going on there anyway.
But I would like to know more about the technical aspects of how he developed this. So I’m going to look more into this and see if there’s anything, you know, like how. How did you. Can anyone do this? Is it just like any camera set up a certain lighting or whatever? Or is it like some kind of crazy science experiment? Experiment. So yeah, that’s really interesting. Yeah, it really is. Yeah. Next. Living Nostradamus psychic claims space portal will open under Area 51 in 2023. Yeah. Oh, no, just. Is this a meme? Sorry. This is a filter, isn’t it? I might be.
I don’t know this is the real either psychic Athos Salome. That looks like his name is Athos. Okay. He’s been dubbed. The Living Nostradamus claims that not only is there a portal being built under Area 51, but that it was opened last year by all the surgery he’s had on his face. Not only that, but Elon Musk apparently already knows about it and is working on his own version of the technology. At a place called Area 59. Athens said this quote, there’s a tunnel below ground level in Area 51 leading to a three dimensional portal which is due to open in 2000.
This portal would be able to transport people between space time dimensions. There is a tunnel that leads to another place. And this access is what everyone wants to play God or gods. It may seem an impossible reality, but it is used and worked through the occult sciences in the same way this happens in Antarctica, as if these were all connected. What is hidden there is so powerful that recently billionaire Elon Musk even revealed in an interview that his company, SpaceX, not only has a secret area of an advanced technology which has become known as Area 59, but according to the businessman, develops much more robust projects and prototypes.
I mean, that’s, you know, granted, I don’t know much about this guy, you know, aside from the way he looks and everything, but I, you know, it’s kind of interesting. But the thing is, I guess we don’t, we wouldn’t really know if this happened. It’s not like, you know, somebody’s going to come out and say, oh, by the way, a poor portal opened up under Area 51. We’re gonna research it and study it. Right. So anyway. All right, well, the next two I thought were kind of interesting, we’ll kind of get into this and kind of.
One of them was an entrance to the underworld and another one was a reportedly portal to hell. So do you want to, you want to do this one, Rob? Sure, yeah. The ruins of an ancient city in southern Mexico have yielded evidence of long lost underground tunnels known as the palace of the Dead. No, excuse me, excuse me. Known as the Place of the Dead, the city of Mitla, built by ancient Zapotec civilization, was said to be situated atop a labyrinth of underground tunnels and caverns known as the entrance to the underworld. The precise location of these tunnels would go on to be lost to time when the city was razed by the Spanish in the 16th century and the new structures were built atop its ruins.
For years, archaeologists attempted to find these mysterious subterranean tunnels, but to no avail. Now, though, thanks to the advent of electrical resid. Resist. Resistivity. Excuse me, tomography. ERT researchers believe that they may have finally located evidence of the Zapotec’s enigmatic backdoor to hell. What’s particularly exciting is that these halls may also contain the burial chambers of ancient Zap Tech kings and other prominent figures of Zap Tech society. I just really like that their whole culture was called the Zapotec Like I’ve never heard if you’re a technological. This is like you know, a 1920 movie that, you know, the Zapotecs built it, you know, that just sounds cool.
Whether the treasures they. Whether the treasures they were likely buried with are still there, however, remains to be seen. So if they had crazy treasures, yeah, that’d be interesting. And I’m sure tomography could find that stuff pretty easily. I agree. And you know, the other thing too, with all these like so called portals and everything else, this is something I haven’t really looked into either to see if there’s a connection between like missing people or people vanishing and somewhere there’s. And where some of these portals exist. So I think that’s like something else that we could kind of look into as well.
And I just thought about it actually as we were like kind of going through this. The other. Okay, so the, the last one here is the Hosaka Castle. Hoska. Hosco. Casco. Yeah, this is, this is probably one of my favorite ones to talk about. Yeah, same. It is super weird. It was built up top a rocky cliff in the 13th century. They don’t really know who they think it’s from. The orders of the second of Bohemia. Yes. Sorry, I was just. What I was trying to say. The castle has baffled tons of people, scientists, geologists, everybody historians for years.
It was built nowhere and near anything of reference. It had no water source except for a way to collect like rain water. It was placed. There was no trade routes, it had no strategic value whatsoever. It was built with fake windows on top of everything else and without a kitchen. And when it was complete, not a single, but not a single soul lived there. Nobody ever lived in this castle. It’s super, super weird. So it’s like everyone is wondering why the heck would they build this in the middle of nowhere. And supposedly there was like some kind of.
The lore is that during O. What is it? Yeah. During his reign there was 12 in, in the 1200s there was some kind of deep hole that existed there. So deep that the bottom could not be seen. There was all kinds of weird reports of like half human demon beasts were said to be seen near and around where the hole was. Occasionally black wing creatures were like seen flying, flying like into the hole. So then they said construction began on a castle with thick stuff, with thick stone to cover up the hole. Now this, this is also where it gets kind of weird.
During construction it said that prisoners who had been condemned to death were offered a chance to be lowered into the hole and report what they saw in exchange for a pardon, one prisoner was, was. It was one prisoner. Okay. Yeah, he. It was basically like a deal. It was like because it was prisoners that were creating this castle that were making it. And they were like, hey, you wanna. They were like, you wanna, you wanna a lower sentence? Well, we’ll lower you down there and you can see what. You can tell us what you see and then we’ll give you less of a sentence.
Well, I guess because they all saw like this one guy go down there. Maybe it just freaked everybody out. But when the first man, when the, when I guess the only man was lowered down after he be. Well, when they started lowering him down, they heard his like this blood chilling scream. Yeah. So then they were a pull. They pulled him up and they said he had appeared to have aged 30 years and his hair was completely white and he was just full of wrinkles. Like he just like aged immediately. So then they were like. Yeah, after that no one else wanted to go down there supposedly.
And so that’s why they filled up this, this built this castle on top of this hole. So, you know, I have a new theory on what this is. What’s that? Well, do you want to know now or do you want me to tell you after? You know. You can tell me now. Yeah. Okay. So you know there’s this hole there, right. And it, it goes infinitely deep, I guess, and they saw a bunch of creatures flying out of this thing. I was doing research on volcanoes because there’s always a lot of activity around volcanoes. And indeed there is a volcano somewhat near, or a mountain somewhat near Hovska Castle.
And now mountains usually pop up. All mountains have like, they’re, they’re, they’re. They’ve become mountains because there’s pressure from underneath and it’s pushing all of that stuff up. Or they’re, they’re full on volcanoes. Even if they’re not. At one time they were a volcano. Okay, so that means there’s lava tubes underneath that, that mountain. That’s near Hoska Castle. And if there are lava tubes and the lava tubes connect up into that hill area where the Hoska Castle is. Let’s say that was a huge open lava tube. That could have been the first, the first evidence that we have of Bat Squatch.
Because Bat Squatch lives in those lava tubes. They’re seeing these winged creatures that live in these areas that are flying out of that thing. It could have been Bat Squatch. Now that’s not to say demons don’t exist. I don’t Know, or maybe they’re like one and the same, you know, I mean, that’s kind of how I look at the stuff. So what’s Bat Squatch? Is that like a. Like a Bigfoot with wings? Bat Squatches, basically. No, no, it’s not a Bigfoot with wings. Honestly. It’s just some. You know, it’s like, how did the Klickitat ape cat get its name? Like some dude named that, you know, like.
Yeah, basically Bat Squatch was named that because, like, there were. There were bipedal, five star meaning human, like beings with wings flying out of, like, different cave systems and cracks in these old cave systems. Out in Washington, there was evidence. There’s been a bunch of sightings in New York. There’s sightings all over the country, in fact, of these weird bat or these weird winged creatures that. That have been flying around. You know, I was watching. I was watching some stuff, and it’s like, they’re pretty compelling, like some of the. Some of the stories that people have of the sightings that they have.
Right. And one of my friends has even seen this thing in New York, in fact. So. And you know, New York is weird. New York has almost everything. But, you know, it is possible that this thing was an old lava tube with a bunch of wacky old world things living down, you know, in the inner earth, and they’re coming up through this vent. And Otakar was like, nope, we’re gonna cork that, you know. Yeah, very much. I mean, it would be kind of interesting to see if. I mean, I guess they wouldn’t be able to, like, destroy the castle.
But I mean, it would be kind of cool to see if they could at least, you know, dig underground and go through it to see if there it really is. Because if there really is a tunnel, then at least it would say, like, okay. You know, that kind of confirms the legends. Whether or not there’s like, you know, flying monsters coming out of it is one thing. But if they did find a tunnel, then it’s kind of like. It’s even way more intriguing at that point, which I. I mean, I wouldn’t doubt, really. You know, it’s like, why else.
Why would you spend all these resources building some castle that it’s in the middle of nowhere, that has no strategic value whatsoever? It’s like, yeah, that makes sense. You know, and that’s in that regard, maybe they thought. And if it didn’t have windows, it almost made sense, because if they, like, gotten through the castle at some point, then they’re still trapped inside of it because they still couldn’t escape. So it’s like maybe that was the. I mean, that. To me, that makes sense. It’s like, well, let’s build this thing with no windows. So if by some chance these things still get through, they’ll be trapped inside.
Right. Anyway, interesting theories. Definitely. Yeah. I mean, the portal to hell is pretty interesting too. I mean, if that’s true and that guy got dropped down there and hell is in like slightly a different dimension and he gets dropped down and I mean, I’ve heard of this before, you know, that’s pretty interesting too. I mean, I agree. Actually way scarier, way more terrifying. Yeah, I definitely agree. Well, you guys, we’re gonna leave Rumble, Facebook, Ganji World X, Everywhere else, head over to Rise TV. So for 12.99 you can support what we do on Rise TV. You get to ask us your questions in the live chat ever at the end of every single live show that we have.
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All right, you guys, we’re going to show a trailer for our Rise TV platform and then we’ll see you over on Rise tv. Ah, youth. A time of fun pranks and jokes. A time of hopscotch, ice cream floats, soda pop and double dates at the drive in. It’s a time for finding one’s place in the world. But in these troubled times, the innocence of youth has been capitalized on and manipulated for profit. This is a sugar and marketing manipulation PSA from Edge of Wonder. And it’s one you’ve never heard before. Did you know that sugar was unhealthy? Yes.
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