➡ The text discusses several secretive and heavily guarded locations, including the Coca Cola vault in Atlanta, which may house the secret formula for the beverage, P.O. box 1142, a World War II military intelligence facility, the Trinity Test site where the atomic bomb was developed, Bohemian Grove, a private campground where powerful individuals meet, and the Granite Mountain Records Vault, a massive collection of genealogical records. These places are often surrounded by conspiracy theories due to their secretive nature.
➡ The text discusses a seed vault in Norway that stores seeds for a potential post-apocalyptic world. It also mentions a records vault in Salt Lake City, Utah, and asks which state has the most UFO sightings. The text then promotes a metaphysical coffee product and a subscription to Rise TV. Finally, it shares a personal UFO sighting story in Washington, D.C.
➡ The article discusses UFO sightings across different states in the U.S., with California having the most reported sightings over the last 29 years. However, when considering population size, Washington and Vermont have the highest number of sightings per million people. The article also talks about strange foods eaten in America, such as scrapple (a dish made from pork scraps) and tripe (stomach lining), and compares them to unusual foods from other countries like haggis from Scotland.
➡ The text discusses some of the strangest foods eaten in the United States, including tripe, head cheese, Creole turtle soup, chitlins, and cowboy caviar, also known as bull testicles. These foods, while unusual and potentially off-putting to some, are part of various regional cuisines and traditions. The text also mentions a show on Rise TV that explores miracles, divine inspiration, and near-death experiences, aiming to provide a positive perspective on life.
➡ The text discusses various cryptids (mysterious creatures) and strange places in the United States. It mentions the Oklahoma octopus, a creature believed to inhabit Oklahoma lakes, and the squonk, a creature from Pennsylvania known for its constant weeping. The text also talks about the Vevey mud mermaids in Indiana, which are described as lizard-like creatures with human features. Lastly, it discusses the Blythe Intaglios in California, large geoglyphs similar to Peru’s Nazca Lines, believed to have been created by the local Mojave people.
➡ In 1909, archaeologists reportedly found an ancient civilization, including mummies and Egyptian-style artifacts, deep within the Grand Canyon. The discovery, if confirmed by the translation of hieroglyph-engraved tablets, could solve mysteries about prehistoric North American peoples and their origins. However, many areas of the Grand Canyon are restricted, leading to speculation about what might be hidden there. The article also mentions various legends and mysteries associated with different locations across America.
And if you were thinking the strangest cryptids in America were the Republican or Democratic leadership, think again. There’s even weirder things out there. I’m Rob Counts and I’ll see you out on the Edge. So you’re probably wondering where Ben is tonight. Actually he’s probably partying hard on his own Instagram channel. I’m not really sure. But Ben actually had a really crazy week last week with traveling and I said, you know what, bro, let me handle the election night. I got a bunch of trivia and stuff and I’d love to hang out with you guys. So I gave him the night off.
I asked him to just chill and relax and recover from all of his traveling. And he might even though be going live on his own Instagram, I really don’t know. But I encouraged him to do so. So you probably check him out there later on. Well, we’ve got a lot of fun stuff for you guys tonight. We’re going to be doing some trivia and a lot of stuff about America that you probably didn’t know or that might be a review. And when we go over some of these lists, you guys are going to be rolling for sure.
Okay, so like just to start, just to start off here because it is election day, what are, I’m going to ask you, I’m going to let you guys actually respond in the chat here and then I’m going to reveal what the answers are. So what are the craziest write ins who people have voted for in elections? So, you know, for president you can vote for one of the candidates or there is other, this like, other section where you can write in who you want to be president. That’s how we do it here in America. So you can write anyone in.
And probably there’s a whole lot of write ins every year that you’d be surprised about. So tell me, who are the craziest write ins that people. That people have voted for over the last several elections? Let’s go. Let’s hear it. I kind of want to see what you guys think here. Lindsay, if I was to ask you this question about who the craziest write in was, what do you think it would be? I feel like an unusually high number of people always put Mickey Mouse and I’m not sure where that came from. I think they’re trying to be.
You’re actually insulting. You’re actually right. That’s actually the first thing that I was going to say is his. Mickey Mouse is one of the. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck seem to get up there from. From time to time. I guess people are so fed up with politics that Mickey Mouse is the better option. He does run a pretty successful company. Wow, look at this. Okay, we’ve got Trisha said Ronald McDonald. That’s a great one. Bigfoot wonder. Laura said Bigfoot et Jesus. Trisha said Harry Potter. Yeah. Loopy Ghost. She said Mickey Mouse. And J. Ness. L said Mickey Mouse too.
You guys are exactly right. Mickey Mouse is up there. Donald Duck is another. As we said, we’ve got Han Solo. Baby Yoda was put down. Darth Vader was put down. I guess Darth Vader is less evil than some of our politicians. That’s the better option somehow. Imagine walking your butt all the way down to the polling place and then you put Baby Yoda and you’re probably like giggling there while you write it. Yeah, right. The Hulk was put down. You know, somebody who’s aggro in the office. That’s pretty funny. Somebody put one time Flying Spaghetti Monster.
I don’t even know what that is, but that’s actually a thing. Somebody put that. That’s a. Isn’t there a church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? You know, is there? I’ve never heard of that. If there is. Yeah, it’s apostafarianism or something. It’s a parody. Wait, wait, they really call themselves Pastafarian? Yeah. Are these guys like comedians? Religious group? I think they’re actually trying to make fun of people who are religious. So it’s not cool. But it’s also funny because. Look at that. Okay, we’ve. Yeah. That is ridiculous. Not terrifying at all, actually. Okay, so we’ve also got Superman.
Kramer from Seinfeld was put down on a ballot. Kramer as the president. Yeah. He’d be like, imagine him walking into meetings every time. He’s like, oh, his hair’s Moving all over the place. Chuck Norris was put down. That’s great. Chuck Norris. That’s hilarious. Beyonce was put down. The entire Fresh Prince of Bel Air family was put down. Once. That was put down. Like the entire Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Last name again? The Banks. Right, the Banks. Yeah. Bigfoot. Bigfoot was put down. So whoever said Bigfoot out there, I think that was you Wonder Laura. Yeah, Bigfoot was put down.
Past presidents like Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, George Washington. Richard Nixon was put down on a ballot. Shrek. Kanye west was actually put down on a ballot. What a crazy country that would be. Didn’t he run? Yeah, I think he did. I think he did. In 2020 or 16. Yeah, somebody wrote him in. In 2012, there were 625 write in votes for presidential candidate Santa Claus. A man from Nevada. That’s strange. Real guy named Santa Claus. There’s a real guy named Santa Claus in Nevada and he was put down on the ballot. Okay, listen to this. Jesus was written in over seven and over 70 times in Wake County, North Carolina.
Another voter in the same county rode in giant Meteor. I guess they were tired of politics and they wanted everything to end. Somebody wrote in Vermin Supreme. So supreme is known for wearing a boot as a hat and carrying a comically large toothbrush and has said that if elected president of the United States, he’ll pass a law requiring people to brush their teeth. This guy said that? Yeah. This guy’s great. Look at that. Look at his, look at his photo. Like, people voted for this guy. Who wouldn’t want him for president? And he, he was, wasn’t he running under like the Libertarian Party? And they were getting really upset because.
Yeah, they were really mad because he’s making it a joke. So they’re like, yeah, you’re turning our party into a joke. Yeah. Really? It’s like bad enough being the Libertarian Party right now. This guy’s just making fun of everything. He’s been running for different stuff for like maybe 15 years at least. He. Okay, so listen to this. He’s campaigned on a platform of zombie apocalypse, apocalypse awareness and time travel research, and promised a free pony for every American. Like, why would that even help? Pick a free pony for every American. Dear Lord. If he has the ability to tell time travel and do time travel research, why didn’t he win? Okay.
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. It’s like I think he realized no matter what, in every timeline, he always loses. So he’s like, I’m just going to put a boot on my head and go for It. Yeah. All right, let’s. Let’s. Let’s go to the next question, the next trivia question here. Okay? What have been the most secret, forbidden or restricted places in all of America? And we’re not talking about Area 51, because, of course, that’s like, the top of the list. But I want to hear from you guys. What have been or is the most secret, forbidden or restricted places in all of America? Okay.
So come on, I want to hear. I want to hear what you guys think. Lindsay, if I was to ask you this question without knowledge of much, probably Area 51 would come up first. Where else do you think? Maybe Fort Knox? Maybe Fort Knox is high on that list. DC and the Bethesda area. That kind of area where there’s a lot of politicians. Yes. Potentially projects going on. Yeah. And if we’re talking about sort of like, not like, of course, the White House is totally restricted. Right. Like, you can’t get anywhere near close to there. I would leave those governmental entities out of this discussion.
We’re looking for more, I guess, esoteric, not. Well, maybe that’s not the right word, but. Well, what’s underneath Fort Knox? Yeah. What indeed? I don’t know. According to Nicolas Cage, probably the Constitution or something. In National Treasure 2, he goes to, like, Mount Rushmore, and there’s supposed to be some secret tunnels under there. And that’s real. There really are really tunnels and things there, but that part’s not a concern. Conspiracy theory. All right, I’m going to go through a list here and tell you guys some of these weirdest places and that you probably wouldn’t even have considered.
Now listen to this. The Coca Cola vault in Atlanta, Georgia, is extremely heavily guarded by security, and only a few people ever are allowed inside. So the Coca Cola vault in Atlanta, Georgia, is no joke. Serious thing. What is in there? I want to know. Is it like a tunnel to the Vatican? Like, I don’t. What. I don’t get it. It’s just Coke, you know? Look at this. This vault, though. Yeah, it’s pretty awesome. It’s got that, like, Coca Cola key secret. This is their website. Vault of the secret formula. Maybe that’s what it is. Maybe they’re hiding the secret formula in there.
It’s supposed to be in there, but it’s also got a bunch of conspiracy theories. I always go with the conspiracy theories, just as a general rule, because it makes life more exciting. All right, now here’s another one. P.O. box 1142. You guys ever heard of this? P.O. box 1142, it was a secret military intelligence facility operated During World War II under Operation Paperclip, which, as you know, Operation Paperclip is where prisoners of war were interrogated or German scientists were recruited, which we all know about. Rocket scientist and former Nazi Werner von Braun, who is behind so many things involved in, like, Manhattan Project, all kinds of different things.
Even. Even at some point, the Montauk Project. He was housed there at one point before he moved to Huntsville, Alabama, which, if you’ve been watching the metaphysical show, is like a hotbed for the anti gravity research of the future. Huntsville, Alabama, is like, where all the crazy engineers go to invent cool stuff. Yeah. And he headed up part of America’s rocket program there. So. Yeah, P.O. box 1142. Hadn’t heard of that before today. Can you believe that? All right, now check this out. Another very restricted place, probably pretty understandably so, is the Trinity Test site. This is, you know, Oppenheimer and the team that made the atomic bomb set it up in New Mexico.
The government created a secret town there for them to work in. And if you want more information on this, you can actually watch my episode of Hypexr on Oppenheimer’s atomic bomb. This is on Rise tv. This is a pretty tight episode, too, if you haven’t seen it yet. Yeah, that site was pretty secure. Nobody even knew they were building a city in New Mexico to build this secret bomb. Yeah. And they wanted to see what would happen to the city. And then I think there’s all this footage from that, too. Right. And I think some of that footage is fake.
I don’t even think that footage is real. I think it was miniatures. They were bombing in some of that footage. So I don’t know what’s going on. Mushroom cloud? You think that’s fake? No, not that. That’s. I think is real. There was some. Maybe I’m thinking of the wrong thing. But there’s, like, footage of, like, houses getting blown up. Like, blown up. And, like, how would the camera withstand a nuclear blast? And, you know, you’ve got these houses getting totally, like, ripped apart. I mean, if they can build a bomb to do this, can’t they make a nice camera? I.
Maybe. I don’t know. I don’t know either. Okay. Of course, the next one that we’ve got to talk about is Bohemian Grove, one of the most secretive places in America. Now, this is where America’s most powerful men and women would gather in PR in a private campground in California every year. First, they’d burn a wooden figure of a person. And then the rest of the events are up for speculation. Honestly, people have tried to sneak in there. People have gotten footage Alex Jones crashed their party in 1999 or 2000. But there are endless conspiracy theories about what’s actually gone on there.
Now, what’s known for sure is that certain important world events have been planned or discussed there, like the Manhattan Project planning meeting in 1942, which led to the atomic bomb. So there are significant stuff happening there. And a lot of these, you know, I don’t know, for lack of a better way to say it, creepy elites, these committee of 300 people or whatever it is, they’re all going there to, you know, practice debauchery, I guess, according to whistleblowers, anyway. It is weird that they’re lighting a big owl on fire. It’s very strange and it’s very ritualistic and it’s very, like, brotherhoodish and like, why do that? I mean, if you don’t want conspiracy theories being passed around that y’all are doing satanic practices behind closed doors, then don’t do stuff like that.
Just don’t. Why would you do that? Like, it’s weird, right? That is weird. It is weird. And as you could see in some of those photos, there was like, Richard Nixon was there and Ronald Reagan was there. Not. That doesn’t mean that if you’re there, you did anything weird. In fact, some of those people have spoken out about how weird Bohemian Grove was and that they don’t like it. Yeah, I think Reagan was on tape saying. I’m sure Reagan was. Reagan was a pretty straight shooter. Yeah, was one of them. But weird stuff happens there for sure.
Okay, here we go. This is pretty interesting. I hadn’t really heard about this before. It’s called Granite Mountain Records Vault. So the Granite Mountain Records Vault. This is the world’s largest collection of genealogical records. And it’s housed in a secret vault located in the mountains near Salt Lake City, Utah. Now, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which we all know as the Mormons, built the Granite Mountain records vault in 1965 to preserve and protect records of importance to the church, including its vast collection of family history microfilms. So for whatever reason, this was important enough for them to put behind a totally nuked proof like vault, which, I mean, they would have had to have been convinced that nuclear war or some type of catastrophe was coming and that this is the.
This is where they were going to spend their money. All of that money coming into that church to keep record of all of this stuff, what else is under there? Why would you need that many micro film? I feel like. Okay, my theory on this. Well, actually, I should. Ladies first. What’s your theory on this, Lindsay? Do you have one or you want me to shoot? You go first. I’m thinking. Okay. I think what it is is that if. If there was going to be a catastrophe, right. And we were starting from zero, Think about all of the people that.
Or like, think about how many times the world has gone through catastrophes. Men have gone into caves and they start drawing, like, glyphs on the walls and stuff to remember what happened as a history. And then they eventually, years and years later, they come out and basically start over. Right. So generationally, you’re losing every bit of knowledge that you had from the previous civilization until you come out and start anew. And then this would allow anyone finding this to potentially jumpstart civilization again. If there was some type of insane catastrophe. It’s true. Everybody writes down lists of things that we’ve been find in Egypt, but all over the place.
All over the place. Which is strange. I think it has to be that. What else would it be? But the. The bigger question is, is that a front for something else? Which I’m more likely to believe that it is, because publicly being like, oh, yeah, it’s microfilm and genealogical information, but like, you built. Yeah. There’s like, probably endless amounts of like, gold and all kinds of other stuff in there for the leaders of that church to start over if anything happens. Probably. There’s tons of food. There could be all kinds of things. We don’t know. I don’t even know how big the vaults are and how much did it cost to make them.
That is. Think about how expensive all of that is and the engineers that you’d have to get involved in order to do that. Like, we’re talking about, like, if you tried to. Yeah. Hundreds of millions, at least billions, maybe like this. This. I don’t know when it was 65. So probably we’re looking at millions and millions. But now if you tried to build that, I believe. I think it would probably be like a billion bucks. Unless you’re building on top of something that already exists. Okay, now you’re getting into the fun part, which is like the speculation part.
Tunnels and cave systems and what else is there? Yeah, I don’t know. Vatican gets a whole lot of flack for their archive, but it’s not the only one on the planet, for sure. Yeah. And then there’s that, like, also out of the United States. There’s some type. There’s some place and I think Norway or Finland or one of those Nordic countries that’s like the seed vault, which has the seeds for like every single thing to start over if they needed. What is it called? Which is in. What is this, this Norway where. It’s Fallbard. Yeah. Norwegian.
Yep. That looks photoshopped. Possible. I don’t think so. What is it? I don’t know. They’re. They’re Norwegian, dude. They just do weird art and all their stuff. Look at that. Tell that it’s art. I’m inclined to not call it art. Looks like the entryway for the IKEA from hell. Imagine getting lost in that. Yeah, yeah, right. They’ve got some like, furniture in there that’s called like Fars Bald or whatever. My cabinets. Yeah. And they like have all of these like planters in there that you have to build using IKEA directions. It drives you crazy. You start throwing things at the wall.
Yeah. Our future humankind is doomed if they have to use those illustrations. So wait, did we say what this seed vault is? Yeah, yeah. I mean, basically it’s, it’s a. I think it’s a vault for a potential, you know, post apocalyptic world where people have to start over and they need seeds to start growing plants again. Like, let’s say there was a flood or something. I don’t know. I mean, is it only seeds? Is it also DNA? Is it also. From what I understand, it’s just seeds. I mean, you’d have to pull that, you know that Wikipedia, the most trusted of sources, the link up, they’ll tell us.
Yep. World’s crop. Crop diversity. Yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s. Anyway, it’s pretty interesting, that thing at Vault. Very cold place. Very, very cold. Yeah. And all the seeds will stay fresh for sure. Well, it looked like. So was that last vault. Where was that one? The Granite Mountain records vault. That’s in Salt Lake City, Utah. It’s Salt Lake? Yeah. That’s in the mountains. Yeah, it’s the home of the, the Church of Latter Day Saints or whatever. That’s where their, most of their community is. Yeah. Okay. All right, we’re gonna, we’re moving on now to another question before we do, we’re gonna, we’re gonna ask the question, what state has the most UFO sightings? All right, so we’re gonna do a trailer right now and when we get back, we’re actually going to answer that question.
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So I need a coffee that’s bold, strong, that tastes like success to help me start my day. Thank you so much for the coffee and all the content to watch. I homeschool. So this is our crypto history class. That’s awesome. She’s using Edge of Wonder to teach the kids. All right. And anyway, we’re so happy to hear this great feedback like that on the coffee. So now we’re offering new individual bags for just $17.99 and we’ve got you covered with free shipping too. Just click the link in the description or go to metaphysicalcoffee.com to get your 12 ounce bag of metaphysical coffee.
That’s metaphysicalcoffee.com all right, well watch this trailer and when we get back, we’re going to answer the question. What states have the most UFO sightings in the entire country? Is it a rolling stone in the sky? Is it a hunka hunka burning metal? It’s definitely not a blackbird singing in the dead of night. It’s a ufo. And chances are your favorite rock star has seen it. A rock artist just crazy. Or is there a reason why so many have claimed to see UFOs? From your standard believers to abductees, from lifelong stargazers to superstars turned investigators, UFO encounters seem to follow around these celebrities.
Is your favorite rock star on the list? Find out as Edge of Wonder presents UFO Close Encounters Celebrity Edition Episode 1 Rockstar Mind Control. A vast secret history. A lost ancient civilization. An empire they tried to erase. Tartaria’s hidden past is just as fictional as Atlantis. Or is it? Humanoid giants, magical creatures that shouldn’t exist. Dog men, centaurs, magicians and evil spirit. Why did the Soviet communists remove all traces of Tartaria from their books? Why was it so important to wipe Tartaria off the face of the Earth? Take a glimpse into the truth of the past you were never supposed to know.
So did Genghis Khan’s ancestors and the Tartarians really discover America? Was Tartaria a global civilization? Forgotten maps, the journals of Marco Polo. Ancient structures. Evidence of advanced technology. Edge of Wonder brings you Tartaria. We need some more Marco Polo explorations. Damn it. That was an awesome. Actually, that was an awesome series with four episodes. There’s four episodes there all about Marco Polo’s travels and everything that he found along the way, which I’m very likely to believe was way more true than our historians are comfortable with. And I think he only. I think on his deathbed he even said that he only talked about several things.
Like there were. There was tons of things he didn’t talk about because they were so crazy. No one would believe it. So, yeah, if you’re interested in this type of exploration slash adventure content where you get to find out about ancient history that they’re not telling us about anymore, Rise TV is a great place to come and subscribe and learn more about all of that stuff. We’ve done all of the research for you over several years and yeah, we’ve got the lowdown on a lot of stuff. We know more than we even tell you we know.
I mean, it’s crazy. Anyway, yeah, if you can subscribe, that’d be great. It’s just 12.99amonth and yeah, a thousand videos on that platform. All right, so back to our question. What is the state that has the most UFO sightings of any other state in America? I’m going to let you discuss amongst yourselves in the chat and then. Well, actually right now what I’m going to do is tell you what the least are. So the lowest states that have sightings are Delaware, only 423. And South Dakota, which is no surprise. South. Actually South Dakota. You’d think North Dakota would have less than South Dakota.
Interesting. South Dakota is way more populated than North Dakota. What gives? Maybe Canada’s proximity? No, but north. Yeah, but North Dakota is closer to Canada. There’s Less people. There’s like, maybe more UFO sightings. Because there are. I think there are a lot of sightings in Alaska. That’s my guess is that’s true up there. Okay, that’s true. Maybe there’s a lot in Canada, a lot in North Dakota. Maybe. Maybe. Okay. So, yeah, some of the strange things about UFOs is they’re much more likely to be seen in Western states. Although I don’t know if that’s exactly true because it’s so congested and populated in the east.
And I think it’s harder to see stuff like people see UFOs in New York City. The first UFO I ever saw was in Washington, DC. No word of a lie. Right? I looked up, I saw it, and I was like, no one would even believe this if I told them I disappeared. And I was just like, who am I going to tell this story? New York, were you generally, I was in Washington, D.C. when I saw that. Sorry, Washington, D.C. actually, this UFO was flying over the Pentagon. What? Yeah, I was looking over in the direction of the Pentagon into Arlington from the National Cathedral area, because that’s where I used to live, and it was right over the Pentagon.
Was it at night? No, it was the middle of the day. I just happened to look up and I was like, what year was that? That was probably 2010. Probably 2010. Just casually saw a UFO, you know, walking around. Well, what are you gonna do? Like, you just see something and you’re like. It literally was moving around and then it just blew. Blipped out of existence. Like it totally disappeared. And I was like, who can I even tell this to? You know, this is before I was doing edge of wonder stuff, and I was just like, okay.
I just went on with my day. There was like, nothing to really do regular day. All right, so you’re gonna tell us what the most. Yeah, so we’ve got some. We’ve got some interesting guesses here. We’ve got, you know, Washington or Florida. Some people said these are educated guesses. Lady Chris said, guaranteed you will see UFO lights from the SETI ranch was in Southern Washington. That’s actually true. So Washington State definitely has a lot of sightings. Right. And now we’re going on reported sightings. All right, so check this out. The number one actually in the 29 in the last 29 years is California.
16,000. There have been 16,000 sightings reported. Florida is next with 7,000. Washington also has 7,000. So they’re about equal. So you’re right there. Florida and Washington. And now Washington. If you take into consideration its population. Washington, actually, Washington Vermont had the highest number of reported UFO sightings in proportion to their population, almost 1,000 sightings per million people. So according to population, you could make the argument that Washington state and Vermont have the most. And Vermont is in. Is a. That’s like the recluse state of the Northeast. That’s also next to Canada where there have been lots of sightings.
True, true. Yeah. But you know, it’s right next to Maine and you don’t hear as many. I mean, you think Maine would have a lot. Look at where the state over. Because New Hampshire is right here. Yep. Yeah, okay. Actually a huge difference. Look, New Hampshire’s got 12,000. Sorry, 1200. Vermont’s got 600. That’s like double the amount of sightings in New Hampshire. Yeah, yeah, that’s true. Very weird. Okay, so states surrounding Nevada, the home of Area 51, reported high numbers. Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, 700 per million. New England had very high sightings. Considering the small populations, that’s 900 per million.
Now, adjusted for its large population, Texas has the state with the fewest sightings, 215 per million. Which actually, if you think about it, is kind of weird because its neighboring state, New Mexico, had one of the highest 801 per million. So what’s going on in Texas? I think they’re too busy, you know, riding bulls and stuff and cleaning. Cleaning their really lifted trucks with massive wheels making excellent barbecue. And they probably are drinking a lot and not really looking up into the sky, but having more fun and screwing around with shooting stuff on old wooden fences and whatnot.
But are you in Texas and you’ve seen a ufo? We want to hear about it. Comment. For sure, for sure. Okay, this next one is probably one of my favorite lists that we have on here tonight. Get your thinking caps on here. All right, some countries. All right, listen to this. Some countries eat dogs. It’s true. Or puppies, they eat guinea pigs. Or they eat, you know, organs like haggis. What are the strangest American foods that we eat here in the States? All right, answer, answer in the chat. And then I’m going to reveal the strangest that we eat in a couple of minutes.
All right, what’s that weird cheese that when you worked at Whole Foods, you said it would come and it was super nasty and people would eat it. Oh, that’s from Spain, though, that cheese. And it’s called Cabrale. Oh, no, there’s a couple of them. One is called Stinking Bishop from France. Stinking cheese. It’s literally called stinking bishop, and it is probably one of the nastiest, ooziest, just fermenting. It smells like sewage, and it tastes probably just like sewage. And you have to have a taste for it. Yeah, Stinking bishop. Taste for sewage. I don’t know. Like, some people, like, really.
Now this. This picture made this look really good. When this starts to age a little bit and it starts oozing out, it looks like really kind of, like, sloppy and kind of nasty. But this will. This will singe the. The nose hairs. Like, if you want to get rid of your nose hairs, you cut this, let it age, put it out for a couple of hours, and then cut into it and. And just smell it. And Stinking bishop. Yeah, that’ll do the trick. Of course. I had to. I tried everything. Yeah. I mean, you know, after you start eating stinky cheeses and you start getting accustomed to them, you’re just like, eh, it’s.
It’s. It’s rank. It’s not something I would get myself. Like, I would. I would. But there were people that would come in. Like, there was this, like, one just like, this is, like one Asian guy that would come in and he’d be like, I’d like them thinking bit. And he had this, like, lisp, and he would say that, and I’d just be like, whatever, dude. Here, he, like, wanted to try it. He was constantly getting it. He was really into cheese. What do you pair it with? You eat it like on a cheese plate. Fruit. And you put it on these things called crostinis.
Yeah. And little toast that would come with maggots on them. No, no, no. So there was another cheese that I used to always see that was a blue cheese from Spain that was called Cabrales. And Cabrales was the most potent, nastiest blue cheese ever. And every once in a while, you’d cut into the cabrales and there’d be worms. Craw out of the kabbalah. Little tiny worms crawling out of it. It was disgusting, but hilarious also. And when it was fresh, like when it was really fresh and you try some, it was like, you know, the smell of bile, like, when someone throws up.
It was like that. That they made into edible form. Yeah, it was a blue cheese. It was fantastic. Sounds so good. Yeah. I hope I explained that well. And you guys aren’t throwing up. All right, ready? Weirdest things we eat in America. This is going to be great. All right, we’re going to have to pull up definitions of These as we go. All right, so I’m going to go slow here. And we’re going to go. I’m going to go down this list. These are in no particular order, although I did try to put the funniest at the end.
So hold on. Actually, put this one at the bottom. Right above that. Yeah, Put that second to last. Yeah. Okay. All right, so the first is scrapple. Have you guys heard of scrapple? All right, we’re going to pull up a definition of what scrapple is. Well, there are more than one. Yeah, it’s. It’s pretty interesting how they make scrapple. Yeah, it already looks disgusting right there. And this is before they fry it softly gray. All right, what is it exactly? So scrapple, also known by the Pennsylvania Dutch name pan, has pan tenderloin, is a traditional mush of fried pork scraps and trimmings combined with cornmeal and wheat flour often.
But so scrapple, I think they’re. It’s not showing how disgusting this is. There’s a lot of, like, internal stuff that you’d be surprised that they’re kind of fusing into, like, a loaf. And scrapple is pretty disgusting. Yeah. Can you find, like, a better definition of this where it’s. It tells, like, what’s. Like. Do a search for what’s in scrapple so we can explain this to people. What is scrapple? And these are American foods, by the way, you guys. These are foods that we eat out here in America. As its name suggests, scrapple is made from scraps.
But don’t let that dissuade you. It’s American pate. I feel like you’re a little bit overselling this. Yeah, very much so. It’s. It’s basically all the parts of a hog is what it seems to be. When we say all the parts of a hog, we’re talking about internal stuff. Scraps of pork, meat trimmings, cornmeal, spices. Of course. Yeah, they spicing it up. But it’s also like. Like, they put intestines and stuff in there. Like, scrap it all together. Right. It can taste like liverwurst or French country pate, depending on the mix of ingredients. So have you had scrapple, Anybody out there? Is it good? You’re gonna sell it anyway.
Some people get disgusted by this, but it really is country pate, and it tastes like that, too. It’s very tinny. You know, you gotta fry it up, and then you can put it on something. Yeah. See, Irish lions like, scrapples. Good. But that’s because in your country I think you eat haggis, don’t you? Or you’re in Ireland, so. But probably you’re eating stuff like that over there too, right? Or is. Or is haggis just like only Scotland? It’s just Scotland. Right. But haggis is the gold standard in disgusting foods, for sure. All right, another. Oh, God, look at it.
A savory pudding containing sheep’s pluck, heart, liver, and lungs, minced with onion and other things. Yeah. And it’s cooked while encased in an animal’s stomach. Look at how delicious that looks, that nice green color. I mean, whoever put that. That. Whoever took that photo just deserves a, like, just a pat on the back or someone to throw up on them. I can’t tell which one of the suggestions on Google is legal or not. Is hag is legal. That’s hilarious. All right, so tripe is another thing that we eat in the United States that is basically the stomach lining.
And actually a lot of different countries eat this, and it looks like that. It’s very textured like this. And a lot of people put this stuff in soups. They. I don’t know, actually in American cuisine. But you can say how disgusting that looks. And depending on the type of tripe you get, it can go from anywhere being kind of just tasteless and weird texture to being very flavorful and disgusting. Like, it tastes like the worst breath, you know, you’ve ever smelled someone’s breath where their teeth are rotting. That’s how some tripe tastes. Oh, boy. Do you know what I’m saying? Yes, unfortunately.
Yeah. So tripe is pretty disgusting now. The next one is pretty hilarious. It’s called head cheese. What the heck is head cheese? So what they do for head cheese is they take the head and, like, the hooves of a pig, and they kind of render it down into this meatloaf thing. It’s not actually cheese. It’s this, like, rendered down meat with all of this. Actually, it’s probably very good for you because of the collagen that’s in this. But if you think about where it’s coming from and then how it tastes. There you go. Head cheese right there.
That just looks delicious. It’s like. See how it’s like. It’s basically like, gelatinous meat in there. I feel like the names are throwing me off a lot more than the actual product. I agree with that. Cheese, tripe, scrapple. I just want you to know this is. These are the grossest American foods. So hopefully we can rival some of these other countries with what they eat. All right, now, next. Creole. Now that’s Creole, as you all know, or down. Down south in Louisiana, Creole turtle soup. That’s right. They eat turtle soup down there. Doesn’t look bad. How do you get a turtle out of his shell? I think you just start cooking it and then everything happens from there.
Like a lobster. Yeah, I think you just start boiling it. Yeah. I don’t know. I’m guessing I didn’t look any of this up. Oh, boy. Latia said I have eaten all three of those. Not that tasty. The ones that we’ve covered before. Now this actually looks. Because, you know, the Cajun and the Creole are so, so good at cooking. This actually looks pretty delicious. But I can’t. I would never bring myself to eat a turtle, so. Can’t say I’m going to do lizard soup. What? It’s like eating lizards. Yeah. Or eating alligator. Like, I’ll eat. I’ll eat like land roaming animals.
But when it’s reptilians, I just draw the line. Frogs, Reptilians. I won’t do it. Won’t do it. Me too. Draw the line there. He’s going to make anything taste good. It’s Creole cooking. That’s kind of the thing, though, is their spice and seasonings are so strong that anything’s just going to taste probably pretty delicious. But it is weird. Okay, so that’s why it made it on this topic. Sixth list or whatever it is. All right, the next one. Chitlins. Yes, chitlins, which is the small or large intestine and sphincter of a pig. Delicious. Look at that.
Why just eat some chitlins? Why do they have to eat the sphincter? I mean, you know, in the past, you just ate everything and muscle is a muscle. So after they clean it, they have to clean it really well because this is where all the poo is, guys. All the poo is in these large intestines or whatever. And so they’re, you know, they clean those out and then they’re like, well, we’re not gonna throw this away. Let’s just eat it. Because it’s a part of the pig and there’s some nutritional value, I guess. Even though it’s pretty disgusting, I just throw it out.
What’s that sauce on top? That sauce makes me want to throw up more than anything right here. It’s like the contrast between the sauce and the rest of it. Can you please remove this photo from our episode right now? Somebody who’s a pretty spiritual. All right, like eating the sphincter might not bring you such great juju. Yeah, it’s like, let’s eat the part that, like, basically all the karma in the body goes through. All right, and last but not least, and my favorite, a little something called cowboy caviar. And it’s also known as swinging beef. And if you’re wondering what that is, you guessed it.
These are big old bull testicles. Yes, they eat those in the South. And actually what’s weird about this is they’re also called. Sorry, there are other names for this. Yeah, Rocky Mountain oysters or mountain oysters. Meatballs or Prairie oysters. Yes, these are other really fun names for cowboy caviar or swinging beef. So the testicles, the theory is here that the. All of the testosterone is in these testicles. And when you eat them, because they see, they deep fry them in the south, that you. Your testosterone goes up. And actually, this is not really a myth. This is actually a thing.
So this could be why those. Those boys down there in the south have a little bit more testosterone. Maybe. I don’t know. I’m trying. I’m trying my best to guess here, right? I’m trying to find pictures that I want to show that just looks like fried chicken and yet it’s not. And yet it’s anything but. It’s actually swinging beef, as they call it. Oh, yeah. What is that? You’re kidding me. That’s them before they get fried, apparently. Oh, my gosh. You gotta take that off. That’s lewd. We can’t have that on the show. Just organs, you know? Yeah, okay, sure.
Just organs. You know, the testicles. All right, well, anyway, yeah, those are the weirdest things we eat in the United States. I bet you guys didn’t know that. What do you think about. What do you think about that list? And is there something that we missed that you think we eat here? That’s even stranger in America? Because that was the best I could find for sure. Okay, now next we are going to go into what are the weirdest cryptids in the United States? What you’ve all been waiting for. Drumroll, please. But before we do, we’re going to hit another trailer.
And when we come back, we are actually going to get into that. So before we do, out right now on Rise tv, we’ve got a bunch of really cool stuff. My show, Metaphysical, has an episode called Frequencies and Levitation. And this is all about suppressed technology. Plus an exclusive episode about energy and suppressed naturopathic medicine. That’s only on Rise TV because it Got too crazy. We would get censored if this was put out on YouTube or anywhere else. Now Ben’s show, the weirdest news in history has man builds nuclear reactor, mystery airship of 1897, and Antarctic UFO.
This is a great episode. Edge of Wonder has a huge amount of Christmas episodes on miracles, near death experiences, and dumb Christmas criminals. And if you can’t swing a subscription now or just want to check us out first, we’re actually giving away a free episode. All you have to do is enter your email address@rise TV video and you’ll get to watch our episode on divine inspiration and winter miracles. That’s Rise TV video for a free episode. Now let’s watch this trailer and we’ll be right back. Miracles, divine inspiration, near death experiences. Naysayers claim there’s no proof of something more than what we see.
What if they were wrong? Signs from above, angel sightings, historical meetings, and undeniable messages. Perhaps the great beyond is a lot closer than you think. So join Edge of Wonder for inspiring accounts of divine inspiration, winter miracles, and near death experiences. I love this. While I was looking at the comments while we were on trailer and Emmy Chu said, I’m literally sitting at a drive through waiting for my food, listening to this, laughing my ass off. Sorry. Hope we didn’t ruin your dinner. Yeah, great way to. Great appetizer for that food. Yeah. Chances are you’re not eating head cheese with chitlins.
So you’re good. Yeah. Imagine putting all of these together in a sandwich and having to eat them all at once. That’d be a really fun dare. Like, if I could. If I could dare Ben to do anything, I would put all of these together and fry it up on some bread and be like, you have to take three bites of this or one bite at least. So to recap that scrapple, tripe, head cheese, creole, turtle soup on the side, chitlins, cowboy caviar all at once. Yeah. Like, if I could put that onto a sandwich. Like, let’s say we.
We had a dare and he lost. That would be my. That would be his punishment for losing the dare. All right, we’re gonna ask Ben what your punishment would be, because I feel like you’re pretty good on eating weird food. So we’ll have to think about what I would if I had to eat that. I’d try not to eat the turtle soup, but everything else. I think I would probably. I would. I would at least take a bite and try to swallow it down and. Yeah. All right. Well, anyway, all of that Stuff is out on Rise tv.
Those miracles, Miracle episodes. We’ve got all kinds of hopeful content on Rise TV too, that we’ve done throughout the years. Near death experiences, miracles. We hit things from a different angle, I think, than. And people are usually often pretty surprised at how actually positive life can be. So if you can support our work, it’s just 12.99. And you can get access to those episodes and a thousand other videos. Over a thousand now. Yeah. All right. All right, so our question was, before the break, what are the weirdest cryptids in the United States? And some of these you guys have never heard of? I haven’t even heard of them, but I found every area in the United States has really weird, like, depending on where you look.
I started looking into Ohio just because I was curious, because of the. The Serpent Mound. And, you know, they have a lot of local cryptids up there. It’s not just like the Loveland Frog, but they have like the Ohio stick man. What is that? I don’t know really. It’s like it’s described differently. But this is Serpent Mound right here, which is way more mysterious than anyone even is comfortable with admitting. Yeah, Ohio is a very strange place in general. Has lots and lots of weird stuff there. All right, well, anyway, number one here, not necessarily. These are not necessarily in any order, but there is something called the Oklahoma octopus, believe it or not.
Now, the website animalplanet.com states, according to legend and rumor, this freshwater fresh eating demon measures the size of a horse and resembles an octopus with long tentacles and leathery reddish brown skin. All right, now, although no physical evidence exists in the case of the Oklahoma octopus, many point to the high mortality rate and large number of unexplained drownings in the Oklahoma lakes as a clear sign of this thing’s presence. The Oklahoma octopus was featured as an episode on a television program called Lost Tapes on Animal Planet in 2009. The program was reportedly inspired by the possibility that these hidden creatures inhabit three Oklahoma lakes, 10 killer oolaga and Thunderbird, where it attacks and kills unsuspecting swimmers.
It’s almost as scary as this, that episode in Alaska we did where there was those cryptids in there that would like, take children down under their water and bring them to their lair. Yeah, you know, I wasn’t sure if this one was real because really, an octopus in Oklahoma in fresh water. But in that article that we just had up, somebody found an octopus, a little octopus. A couple found it washed up. So if a little one can exist, potentially a Big one could too. Yeah. And the description of this thing is really weird. A freshwater, flesh eating, like size of a horse resembles an octopus.
Might not even be an octopus with long tentacles and leathery reddish brown skin. This sounds like the. The sea monster in Lord of the Rings. That thing that comes out and tries to get Frodo before he goes into Moria. And that series is based on real stuff for sure. Lore. Anyway. Yeah. Lord of the Rings is realer than people know, I think. All right, next. This actually is kind of shocking me because is this a Mandela effect? I really don’t know. The squonk is actually from Pennsylvania. The squonk is. I thought it was a British. So did I.
We both had the same feeling this morning that the squank is somewhere in the uk. So when we looked it up, we were surprised that it was only now in Pennsylvania. Okay. I don’t know what the deal is there. I think we’re gonna have to look into this more. But this, the squonk apparently is from Pennsylvania. The squonk is of a very retiring disposition, generally traveling about at twilight or dusk because of its misfitting skin, which is covered with warts and moles. It’s always unhappy. Hunters who are good at tracking are able to follow a squonk by its tear stained trail.
For the animal weeps constantly when cornered and escaped seems impossible. Or when surprised and frightened and may even dissolve itself in tears. Dissolve itself in tears? Like, come on. Yeah, we got this squankalisa here, which is pretty funny. Whitney Yadan did this. She did great. It’s hilarious. Can you hold it a little closer? They can see the face. Yeah. Can you see it? Oh. Oh. It improved the original. It probably did. Yeah. All right. The first account of the squank was in a 1910 book. The Squonk migrated from deserts to swamps to finally settle in Pennsylvania.
The squonk made it into science. I don’t know what that means. Chemical squonks are substances that cannot be isolated without dissolving in their own tears. Interesting. So that actually they used the term to describe something in actual science. Steely Dan and Genesis both have songs mentioning the squonk, which also is pretty interesting. All right, now, if you’re like me, you thought mermaids were only seen out on the sea, but no. There is something called the Vevey mud mermaids in Indiana. Now this is a very strange cryptid report in the United states. Here in 1894, on the sandbar in the Ohio river near Vevey, Indiana, reside two Nondescript creatures, horrible in appearance and habitat.
They are amphibious. What? Oh, inhabit. Excuse me. They are amphibious in nature and resemble in appearance huge lizards with human features. When partly submerged in the yellow waters of the Ohio, they are strangely like human beings. From indications they appear to be carnivorous. Among the snags are to be found wagon loads of muscle, shells, fish bones and other debris of animals. The fisherman who saw the strange hands protruding from the stream had never heard of a mermaid. And his description was such as to cause the belief in the minds of the better educated. After all, the old myth might be true to some degree.
Now, These things are 5ft in length, 150 pounds. Yellowish back of hind legs, taper to a point. Not a tail though. Webbed hands with claws on the ends, straggling coarse hair on the back and one third way around the body. These are very like. This description is so detailed. It’s as if they were writing the description while looking at something. Multiple people saw it. Multiple people saw, sketched it. Somebody even. Where’s the sketch, dude? Sketch isn’t there, but it says, oh, this person who was in charge of a traveling art exhibit came, saw it and sketched it.
I kind of left that out of my summary here because if he’s a traveling art exhibit, it’s possible he would fake that. Yeah, but other people have claim to see it with this very specific description. Very interesting. All right, there’s more though. So this stuff, this thing has thick skin like elephant hide. The head has no hair, looks human. Like pointed sharp ears that stand up like a dog. There is no intelligence in the face, which in contour is like that of an idiot. That was their description. Moves without much effort in the water, doesn’t cause a lot of commotion in the water.
When frightened, it sinks like a stone instead of diving like a duck. Very timid and will flee from humans. No intelligence in the face. That’s really funny. You know, I’ve noticed in these very old newspapers they kind of describe things with whether it’s idiotic looking or not. And I think they’re trying to determine if the thing has kind of like a high level of thinking. Yeah, but they’ll just call anything an idiot. Yeah, yeah, it’s like no intelligence in the face. Highly moronical. That’s funny. What would they write about? Adjuvander. Yeah, right. Highly moronical would definitely be in there.
Okay, those are the weirdest cryptids in the United States. What do you guys think of that? All right, now, last but certainly not least what are the weirdest places in the United States that you probably didn’t know about? All right, this is, I think, my favorite. They’re called the Blythe Intaglios. The Blythe Intaglios are America’s Nazca Lines. Did you guys know this? Much like their Peruvian cousins, the Blythe Intaglios are a set of geoglyphs depicting giant human figures edged into the California desert sometime between 450 and 2000 years ago. Although I’ll note they have no idea on the timing, and they’re often wrong on this could have been way longer ago.
The figures are so big, the largest is over 170ft long. That they escaped the notice of California settlers and remained undisturbed until the 1930s, when a pilot bound for Nevada spotted them from the air. Researchers believe the local Mojave people were the likely creators of the site. However, as with the Nazca Lines, they can’t explain how the Mojave would have seen them from their intended aerial view or what purpose they serve, because they were communicating with something in the sky, obviously. And I think this goes back way longer than whatever it said up here, 450 to 2,000 years ago.
So they’d have to have UFOs. How would they get up there? No, I think they were trying to communicate with something that was coming in from the sky. That’s why they created them. Yeah. So they were. They created something here to communicate with something that was coming down from. It’s like a beacon. Yes. Come here, please. And that’s what the Nasca lines are, too. Oh, right, That’s. Well, those are the theory. Astronaut theorists also say yes. Perhaps they blew up in UFOs to help plan out where to actually map out the structure. Yes. Ancient astronaut theorists say yes.
All right. Explorations in the Grand Canyon. All right, so in 1909, the Arizona Gazette reported that Smithsonian archaeologists Jordan and Kincaid discovered an ancient civilization deep inside the vast Grand Canyon cavern, complete with mummies, Egyptian style artifacts, etc. Okay, now this is from an actual article from 1909, guys. Arizona Gazette. And I will note that many of these areas in the Grand Canyon are no fly zones, and you are not allowed to walk or travel over these areas. So what are they hiding? All right, now from the article. If their theories are borne out by the translation of the tablets engraved with hieroglyphs, the mystery of the prehistoric peoples of North America, their ancient arts, who they were and whence they came, will be solved.
Egypt and the Nile And Arizona and the Colorado will be linked by a historical chain running back to ages, which staggers the wild, wildest fancy of the fictionist. So they’re old, very old, and they’re engraved with hieroglyphics. These are going back thousands of years to the time of the Egyptians. Now. Now, under the direction of Professor, Professor S.A. jordan, the Smithsonian Institute is now proceeding the most thorough explorations, which will be continued until the last link in the chain is forged nearly a mile underground, almost 14, 180ft below the surface. The long passage has been delved into to find another mammoth chamber from which radiates scores of passageways like the spokes of a wheel.
Listen to this. Several hundred rooms have been discovered, reached by passageways running from the main passage, one of them having been explored for 854ft and another for 634ft. The recent finds include articles which have never been known as native to this country, and doubtless they had their origin in the Orient. War weapons, copper instruments, sharp edged and hardest steel indicate the high state of civilization reached by these strange people. So interested have the scientists become that preparations are being made to equip the camp for extensive studies, and the force will be increased to 30 or 40 persons.
Now, this article also mentions the shrine John talked about, John Vivanco, which we talked about in our episode, where he’s remote viewing this stuff. Now, everyone says this is a hoax, but again, explain to me then why certain areas of the Grand Canyon are complete, no fly zones, and you’re not allowed to travel into those areas to go look into those areas. Yeah, you’re telling me they’ve never excavated in the Grand Canyon. There’s nothing buried there. There are no remnants of ancient civilizations. Nobody’s ever lived there. And carved cool things. That’s what they’re telling us. That’s what they want us to believe.
I know. All right, well, the legends are that a Hopi God resides in the Grand Canyon. Cursed, bad luck, illness, artifacts and rocks, if you take them from home. So you basically get cursed or have bad luck or illness if you take any of the rocks from the Grand Canyon to your house. There’s unruly spirits there, there’s dinosaur bones there. Bigfoot hangs out there. And there are some, you know, some legends say that there’s a gateway to the afterlife or the underworld there. Pretty interesting. Yeah. A couple of interesting places in America that you might not have considered.
I think, I think those are two. I mean, there’s a lot of weird places in America, but Those are two of the most fascinating. I think when you think about the implications of those two, that’s kind of the problem with this show is you ask what’s the weirdest place in America? And you start finding out that everywhere is weird. It’s true. And every, every, every place has its own weirdness. Especially in America. The states are so different. You could like feel it when you cross over a state line. It’s really weird. All right, now, if you’re really interested in places like this that we’re kind of talking about right now, we have a lot of episodes with places in them that we’ve kind of researched to tell you about, like all of those mysteries.
One is Alaska. You can find this series on rise. Earth Portals, part one and part two were really fascinating. On metaphysical. We talk about the, like these, like Arama Muru and. And different places where it looks like ancient civilizations were using these areas potentially for portals. Inner Earth, which also is very. A very interesting subject. We had very, very smart mathematicians in the past that were among the smartest mathematicians who ever lived who believed that the Earth was inhabited by advanced races. And they actually had mathematics to back a lot of this stuff up, which is really interesting.
Another series that we did was the Bridgewater Triangle. So if you’re out in Massachusetts, this is right near where I grew up, actually. This whole area. And lots of people having strange experiences. Strange experiences in the woods. There’s a really, really large history of Native Americans in this area. And all of that is. Yeah. Orbs and serial killings. Creatures. Satanic ritual abuse out there too. Like lots of like. Not just, oh, Salem. Salem witch trial stuff. No, like in the woods. Crazy stuff. Crazy rituals that they found. All kinds of things. There’s a Lake Tahoe episode that we have where it goes into the strange creature that lives there.
Yes, that’s the octopus monster of Oklahoma. That’s what it should look like. Does it probably would actually. Yes. Yeah, maybe. Maybe they’re the same. Who knows? Who knows what’s living in these deep places of the Earth. Mystery spots, part one and part two. Those were really fun. So if you’re looking for some interesting research on what these places are really and what’s causing the strange anomalies in those areas. We’ve kind of done our research and John has remote viewed these things. Should definitely check out those conversations. Mount Shasta series. This is like a 10 or 12 episode.
1313. Good Lord. Mount Shasta probably has. There was so much stuff that it had to all be put into these different episodes and we kind of, we went through and I think in a couple of weeks and, and recorded all of these episodes and they were wild. Just super interesting. If you’re interested in any kind of thing you’re interested in, you will. I mean, this is the series for you. Any kind of weirdness that you’re interested in. Mount Shasta has at least one of those. Yeah. The Los Angeles episode where we kind of go over all of the.
Like this tunnel system that’s apparently underneath Los Angeles, John. Even remote views. Some of it. We have an Edge of Wonder reptilian series that goes through Ohio, sorry, Idaho, Missouri, South Carolina and actually even Ohio a little bit because of the Loveland frog. And then if you’re interested in more metaphysical anomalies, there is the Marfa lights in Texas where we kind of look at what’s happening there. Because these are very strange lights that appear in Texas that no one can explain to this day. No one is able to explain. These lights, they appear as sometimes red, white and blue, which is totally funny because it’s the Lone Star State.
And yeah, is your area that like at home and where you’re watching, is it weirder? Comment below with where we should look into next. Let us know. All right, now we’re going to actually head over to Rise tv. We’re going to leave Rumble, Facebook, Nanjing World, Twitter, Telegram, everywhere else and we’re streaming and then we’re going to head over to Rise TV. So join us there for just $12.99 a month and support our work. You’re going to get to ask us your questions during the live Q and A. Don’t forget that your support lets us do these deep dives and bring you the truth that these sensors don’t want you to hear here.
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Glowing slit eyes, webbed toes, scaly body. It’s the lizard Man. A hidden catacomb city underneath Los Angeles. Wild creatures of the woods, cattle mutilations, devilish appearances. And UFOs. You know, out of all the craziest theories out there, none is more fascinating than the idea that giant reptilian beings, serpent people, dracos, lizard people, could really exist. Buried newspaper reports, first hand witness, questionable drawings, and even photos that will make you question, is it real? So is this all a giant hoax? Or is there actually something to this reptilian agenda? Join Edge of Wonder for a series series on the real reptilian sightings in history.
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