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➡ On the Friday Night Live show, the host discusses various topics including a viral Bigfoot video, near-death experiences, and changes in famous paintings. The host also shares personal experiences and encourages audience interaction through live chat. The show also features a segment on the top ten weirder news of the week, including stories about Mozart’s new single and a giant demonic doll. The host ends by debunking the viral Bigfoot video, revealing it was a promotional stunt for a vape store.
➡ The text discusses signs of Bigfoot’s presence, such as large tree trunks moved in ways humans couldn’t achieve, and grainy footage of a creature with unusually long arms. It also mentions a viral video that turned out to be a vape ad, causing skepticism. The text then shifts to the Mandela Effect, focusing on a famous painting of dogs playing poker. Many remember a dog wearing a green visor, but the original painting doesn’t feature this, leading to confusion and debate.
➡ The text discusses a man named Don Piper, a Baptist minister, who had a near-death experience after a severe car accident. He was pronounced dead at the scene, but after 90 minutes, a fellow pastor prayed for him and he came back to life. During his time ‘dead’, Piper claims he experienced heaven, surrounded by familiar faces of those who had passed before him. Despite undergoing 34 surgeries in 13 months, Piper survived and shared his story in a book called “90 Minutes in Heaven”.
➡ A man who survived a severe car accident shares his near-death experience, describing visions of heaven and a miraculous recovery. He now lives his life with a focus on heaven and helping others get there. The article also discusses a major earthquake in China in 1976, where many survivors reported personality changes and near-death experiences. The author emphasizes the importance of faith and the belief that those causing harm will face consequences, and shares a story of a singer who wrote a hit song about her own near-death experience.
➡ The speaker shares his experiences with near-death phenomena, including a personal story about his grandmother’s passing. He describes witnessing her soul rise into a light and feeling an overwhelming sense of joy and love. This experience profoundly changed his perspective on life, emphasizing the importance of the memories we leave behind. He also discusses his work on a TV platform, exploring stories of near-death experiences and the mysteries of life and death.
➡ The speaker shares a story about a near-death experience and emphasizes the importance of how we treat each other. They also discuss their role in bringing people closer to the divine and the struggle against darkness. The conversation then shifts to the topic of UFOs and the mysteries of the unknown. They mention a city-sized object spotted by the James Webb telescope, which sparked debates and theories about it being a spaceship. The speaker also mentions a Harvard scientist’s theory about an alien mothership in our solar system and a whistleblower’s claim about an upcoming significant event related to aliens and UFOs.
➡ A person named MacNeil, whose credentials are unknown, has made some wild predictions. He suggests that after a supposed 70-year truce ends in September, there will be a series of events including the destruction of Israel, a global conflict, and a staged alien invasion using advanced UFO technology. He also claims that the first step will be an alliance between the US and Afghanistan’s Taliban government. The speaker presents these claims as interesting but unverified, and encourages listeners to share their thoughts.


Well, a Bigfoot sighting, near death experiences, and a giant spaceship heading towards Earth. Well, all of this and more on tonight’s Friday Night Live. So did someone catch one of the best Bigfoot videos ever seen, or was it created just to get clicks and views, hear about my thoughts, what I think of it, and also what I found. It will be pretty shocking, to be honest, because, and also because our nation and the world seems to be on edge right now. It’s good to share stories of hope and messages of the divine with near death experiences.

So I’m actually going to share one of my personal experiences of what I witnessed when I saw my grandmother pass away in front of me and how it also changed my life. And for the weekly Mandela effect, aka Bandela effect, as we’re calling them, what do you remember about the famous paintings of the dogs playing poker? Is one of them wearing a green visor? Find out what’s been changed. So join me, Ben Chastene from Edge and wonder on this Friday night Live to dive into all of this and more. And during the dig Deep Live Q and a segment that we have, you can ask us your questions directly in our live chat.

And the fan favorite top ten weirder news of the week here, hilarious and intriguing stories such as Mozart’s new single that just dropped after 250 years, giant demonic doll scaring locals, and a son suing his mom after she threw out his comic collection. Hear all of this and more only on Rise TV. And as always, we’ll see you guys out on the edge. How are you doing, everyone? So Rob is actually with John Vivanko on a metaphysical journey, literally. He went to go visit him to shoot some things for a coming up episode that they’re working on, but he was trying to make it to the live show, but he wasn’t able to.

So while he’s there, they’re going to do a few things and probably go live, too, maybe on a Tuesday, have the two of them together. So we’ll see. But I hope you guys are all doing well. And by the way, if you’re listening to the Edge of Wonder podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or elsewhere, please leave us a five star rating and review to help us reach more people like yourselves. And also to remember to hit like follow, subscribe on Rumble Telegram, conjunct World x, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, wherever you’re watching us. By the way, special shout out to our rumble followers and also, of course, to our rise tv subscribers.

Wasn’t for you guys, wouldn’t be doing the show. So all right, well, I have Lindsay and I have Dom here with me. It’s kind of, you know. How are you guys doing? Great. Always a great day at Rise TV. It always is. Yeah. Especially when we go live, hanging out with all of our fans. It’s great. We’re gonna. I have a great show lined up for you guys. I have some, like, everything all over the spectrum from this Bigfoot thing to really pretty interesting UFO stories to, yeah. Incredible near death experiences that I found that I’ve never heard before.

And I thought this would be a perfect time to share, you know, my own experience as well after I saw my grandmother die. And, you know, especially right now with everything going on in the world, I think a lot of people are getting a little bit depressed and tired of hearing the news. And I was like, yeah, we should definitely do something positive for this show. So I thought this would be a great idea and a great time to do it. So. All right, let’s just jump into this with this. Okay. So I’m sure most of you guys out there now have seen this Bigfoot video going around.

I mean, it’s just going viral everywhere on every social media platform. This is the video. You can play the sound. Lindsey, this guy supposedly sees this creature thing, and he freaks out and starts running when it. When it moves. Play it again. Everyone has been commenting on this, all the media, you know, and everyone’s like, well, I mean, it seems real. It’s definitely not CGI or AI generated or anything else like that. Can you pause it when he turns? Dude, that’s a gorilla face. That’s Bigfoot. It is very, extremely realistic, but you play it a little bit more.

So it was create. It was taken. It was posted by this guy named Eman 580. I started going because, you know, whenever these. Whenever people catch these videos, the first thing, and if it’s the original source, the first thing thing I like to do is check out their YouTube channel, check out their, you know, social media to see what kind of things they post it. Post about how viral the things get that they post, you know, all these different aspects because it does kind of play into it. You know, like, it’s hard. Like when there’s a channel that’s already talking about these things and it’s like, oh, I got this on tape, you know, and it’s like, it almost.

Sometimes I’m like, well, they already have some viral content. Are they really just doing this or not? Well, this guy, he didn’t. He has a, you know, his. He has like a 12,000 followers on, on TikTok. You know, he doesn’t. His biggest videos got a few thousand likes and everything else. The media is even commenting on this. I mean, this thing went viral everywhere. Everyone’s like, you know, most media is like, this seems to be legit. They’re, you know, referencing people commenting on the video. What he says, you know, he said it was real. He’s like, I think I really caught a f.

Ing Bigfoot on camera. And, you know, he’s just, and this happened in parallel forest in Lawton. I think it’s Lawton, Oklahoma. And he wrote, he’s never been so scared in his life. Well, I started doing some more digging, and I found this. Munzie, can you pull up this Facebook post? There’s the dude right there on the left, and there’s the guy in the Bigfoot costume. The whole thing was for to promote their Bigfoot vape store. And I don’t think they realized how viral it would go, so they finally had to come out and say, okay, sorry, everyone.

We actually created this as a camp ad campaign to promote Halloween for, from our shop. And so the whole thing is actually not real. And a lot of people, including some of the media, are taking it to be the truth. So, you know, that’s the thing about it’s hard when we’re doing the show and we’re doing these things because, like, we all want this to be true. And most of us, like, myself included. I mean, I even have Bigfoot crossing thing, you know, I know 100% that Bigfoot is real. I’ve had my own experiences now, and I understand, like, even how to look for Bigfoot.

So it’s like, when these things come out, it’s like we, we want so, so much for it to be true. But then it’s like, oh, man. Okay, let me look into this a little bit more. You know, and it’s almost too good to be true. Something’s too good to be true. Fortunately, it probably is in the community. It’s just, it’s a sad thing because, you know, then some people don’t realize it’s not real. So, anyway, sorry, guys, hate to bust the bubble on that one because I was really hoping to look into this and be like, oh, I hope this is so true.

I looks legit when you’re looking at it. And from everything I know from how people describe Bigfoot, you know, but, yeah, so, and I actually have myself, I interviewed this guy named David Sheila, who is a skunk ape expert in Florida. Here he had an experience about 40 years ago or so when he was, he was like a little boy, and he saw a skunk ape. And he’s been obsessed with trying to find the truth of what he saw. And so for the next 30 years, he has gathered evidence, video footprints. He has seen it more like, personally.

Since then, he does tours around Florida with people. He’s been featured on numerous documentaries, including History Channel and Discovery Channel, all about, like, Bigfoot shows and everything else. So he’s just, he was just such, so fascinating to talk to and hearing his stories. And, you know, one, one thing that we discussed is, like, how to find Bigfoot. And what I realized is that Bigfoot likes to, they like to build structures, and I think it’s to say that, you know, kind of a way of what I want to say, like, when we, you know, like, say, marking their territory is what I’m trying to say.

So, like, lots of times, you’ll find, like, giant stones, like, think of, like, really big boulders that you can’t lift that are on top of each other. And you might just be walking in, like, a, you know, a forest or something, and you see this and you’re just, wow, it’s really weird, you know, and you don’t really think too much about it, and you keep walking. It’s a pretty good sign that there are bigfoot in that area. Or you may see a giant tree trunk that wasn’t, that didn’t fall over on another tree. It’s like somebody picked it up and moved it and rested it on another tree.

And sometimes you’ll see a couple of these giant tree trunks just kind of, like, resting on trees or possibly, like, being made in some kind of almost like a fort like thing or something. And it’s too big for a human to pick up. And it didn’t fall over. It’s another sign. So if you see anything like that in a forest that you’re walking, it’s a pretty good sign that there potentially could be bigfoot around. I’ve definitely, I saw so many of this, so many of these things in Mount Shasta. Like, there was a single tree that was in the middle of, like, this one area that we were going through, climbing up the area.

And then when we walked into this, there was this big field, big open field, and there was a single tree, and there was these, a couple gigantic tree trunks that were kind of just resting on this tree. And I was, like, telling everybody, I’m like, this is a pretty good sign that they’re like, I was like, if we. If we really scoured the area and really paid close attention, we’ll probably find Bigfoot tracks in the area if we really looked closely. So. But at that point, like, I don’t know, we already. There were so many stories of people seeing Bigfoot in the area that it was like, okay, you know, now I did.

I do want to show this before we kind of move on. This potentially could be real footage that was caught. The one thing that you’ll notice is. And then, like, you know, most of the footage that’s real, unfortunately, are pretty grainy, you know, blurry images. But notice the arms. The. The arm lengthen on this creature when it grabs the branch or the tree trunk. Like, look how long those arms are. And, you know, this could be a guy in a suit again, but the aspect is not. And this guy’s turning the camera because he’s trying to get his buddy to be like, look at.

Look at this thing. Are you seeing the same thing I’m seeing? But what makes this so real is. Is the length of the arms. They are not a normal length for a human, if you see that. And it’s definitely not an ape or anything, because we don’t really have giant apes like this in North America. So, anyway, I just wanted to show one thing, at least that was pretty legit. Yeah. With these things, though, you know, it’s always hard to say. So I’m curious to hear your thoughts on this. So I. Anyway, yeah, so, I don’t know.

You know, these. These ad campaigns that some people do, I understand, you know, but I think when things go viral, and I’m glad they came out and was like, oh, yeah, okay, it’s just a vape thing, but it would almost be better if they did it in the video, but then again, probably wouldn’t go as viral as it did. I mean, it was, like, viral everywhere. It was trending as, like, number one on the. On x for most of the day, and I was like, holy cow. You know, and that’s why I was like, I need to look into this a little bit deeper, see what’s going on.

So. All right, why don’t we get into the mandela effect here? The mandela effect. I want to see what you guys think of this. Thanks, lindsey. What. What do you think by that, you, bigfoot video? Lindsay? What. What do you guys think, you and dom? I mean, I feel like a fool if I’m wrong, but it looks like a bigfoot. It looks like creature. The way it moves, for sure. Its arms are too long. But could it be a guy in a suit? Yeah, pretty much every bit of footage could be. But it looks. I know, I know, but it’s the arm length.

It would be very, very hard to. I mean, that thing was, like, almost as big as his body, so it’d be very, very hard to, like, you know, mimic that in the costume. So. And that’s the one thing you notice when you see costumes of people in Bigfoot. The arm lengths are just kind of normal human rights. But anyway, yeah, I was burned by the vape store Bigfoot, so. Not sure anymore. Me too. I was like, man, I want more than anyone. I was hoping that, you know, it’d be real, but. Sorry. All right. Looks more like a gorilla, though.

I know the other one kind of does, too, so it’s hard to say. All right, why don’t we jump? Okay, so now, getting into this Mandela effect here, do you guys remember the, uh, you know, the famous painting of the dogs playing poker? I think it’s called a friend in need is the actual name of the painting. I can’t even remember who it’s by. Does one of the dogs in the painting have a green visor on, you know, like, one of those green poker visors and stuff? Do you guys remember? Yes. 100% yes. The dealer, he’s dealing them.

He’s wearing the visor. That’s what I remember, too. That is exactly what I remember. Lindsey, you pull up this original photo here. Original painting. Here’s the original painting. He is no longer wearing a. Is a visor. It’s very strange, because I clearly remember this, and I’m not alone in this, because I found other paintings that are kind of, like, you know, kind of putting a parody on that one. And the dog, like, one of these dogs has a green visor. Now, this is not the green visor I remember. The one I remember is, like, clear, you know, like, the.

Like, the plastic ones, you know, that you can see through data. And Star Trek, whenever they shows them playing poker in next generation, data is always wearing the same visor. So here’s. Now, this is what’s crazy. They did a parody of this with, you know, some of the characters from different cartoon shows. And the alien there. I can’t remember his name. Dang it. I can’t. Is it Bob? I can’t remember. Anyway, the alien there, he has the green visor on, so why would they put the green visor on him? And, you know, they’re clearly mimicking the same painting, so that’s kind of weird.

To me, his name is Roger the alien. Right, Roger. Okay. Yeah, I guess it could be short for Bob, too. For. No, I guess. Yeah. So there’s data with this visor on as well. There’s another one, too, that I’ve found. So this is a. This is a puzzle that you could. You. You could get, you know, and again, it’s. You know, it’s kind of mimicking the other one, but then again, it has a dog with a green visor on, so, you know, it’s kind of like, why would they put that on there if it wasn’t on the original one? And that’s kind of what they’re going for.

And this is a post on Reddit that I found where this guy is actually talking about it. And, you know, he’s like, you know, he’s just basically saying, like, I remember that there was this green visor, and now it’s not there, and he was trying to find references of it, and a lot of people were commenting on this post all saying the same thing. Like, yet the dog definitely had a green visor. Now, there was some debate on which one had it. Some people said. The one on the. On the far, um. Left there. Um, the one that you.

I’m sorry, the one above him. Yes. Some people said it was him, and then other people said it was the bulldog. The one on the bottom left or. Yeah, other one. This guy in the front. That guy. Yeah. Well, I don’t know. One of those. Anyway, had it, you know, but it wouldn’t. I think. I think you’re right. Maybe it was the white bulldog there. I think that was it. Yeah, I think you were right. I think it’s the one on the. Right there. But anyway, definitely one of them had it. And I clearly remember this as a kid, because I used to think this is the funniest thing.

And my grandmother used to wear one of those visors whenever they. Because they would always play cards, and she would always have one of those green visors on. And I remember, like, being at their house, and I would think about this painting all the time, a kid, because to me, it was like, oh, that’s so funny. You know, it really is a thing I did. I thought it was just on the painting. So the fact that it’s not there. And my grandmother used to wear the green visor. It just really. It’s just a very strange thing for me, where I actually, when I first saw this, I was like, oh, this isn’t the original one, because the.

The green visor isn’t there. So then I started looking it up and lo and behold, it’s just not there anymore. Or I guess it was never there in our timeline. But these Mandela effects are very strange. This one’s, this one’s interesting. I guess there is some versions with cigars. Yes. As well. That is true, actually. Yeah, now, I mean, there’s a lot of parodies of this and that’s what people said. Oh, I think you guys are remembering the parodies like we just shown. But it’s like, well, yeah, but this is the classic one that everyone remembers, you know, hat tip.

If it isn’t hat tipping, the original. Why would you put in cigars and a visor if it wasn’t referencing that? Yeah, that’s exactly it. It’s very strange. Very, very strange indeed. Yeah. And again, it’s like, why? Yeah, why would they, you know, why would someone create this one with the white dog that’s on the bottom right there? You know, similar, similar dog, like, having the, the visor on there. It’s just, it’s, and it’s like you wouldn’t even have a visor when you’re playing pool anyway, you know? So it’s just funny. Most people don’t anyway, it’s always like the poker thing.

So I don’t know that that was that kind of. Yeah, I mean, with the cigars, I’m kind of on the fence of that one. If you told me, I probably would have been like, well, I don’t know. I kind of, I remember them smoking or somebody smoking. I don’t know if it was cigarettes or cigar. I just remember that. But specifically the green visor because it just stood out in the photo so clearly, because it was the only, like, this bright green thing, you know? So anyway, very strange things. All right, well, we’re, we’re going to show one of our trailers to our rise tv platform.

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again, that’s to get your twelve ounce bag of metaphysical coffee. If you’ve ever wondered what a non gmo coffee bean would taste like in an interdimensional time machine when Atlanteans walk the earth or just by the shores of Loch Ness, well, it takes tastes a lot like this, right? So try a sip of our metaphysical coffee and enjoy this trailer while you do. Hey everyone. Ben from edge of wonder and I’m in the Florida Everglades. And what are the Florida Everglades known for aside from alligators? Skunk ape. Yes. So skunk ape is a little bit different than bigfoot.

I guess you could say they’re cousins of each other. Skunk ape is a little bit smaller than Bigfoot. And I’m here to interview David Chile and he has been researching for over 30 years, skunk ape. And he has his own skunk ape experiences ever since he was a little kid all the way up to now. And he’s got photos along with even video that we’ll get into later in this episode. So David Chile has his own skunk ape research center here in Florida where you can visit and actually get private tours of the Everglades. And you can even stay here on his little ranch that he has considered to be an authority on the Everglades.

When you’re the authority on something, you really don’t want to do anything that takes away from your credibility. So taking that step in 1997 and going public was a huge deal. And it’s something that anybody should consider whether they own the grocery store in a small town or whatever, because it can make you break it. So without further ado, let me introduce you to skunk ape researcher and experiencer, David Chile. Hey guys. So you can find that over on our rise tv platform along with like a thousand other videos that Rob and I have done from just about every topic you can potentially think of.

So we have all of our full version of our live shows over there, as well as all of our produced content. Again, hundreds and hundreds of videos about. About any topic you can possibly think of from. And also from interviews, too, that we have done over the years, and including some documentaries that we made, too. So we have a little bit of everything over there. So come over and join us once again for $12.99 a month and support what we do. You know, we definitely appreciate every single one of you, because without you guys, seriously, there would be no us whatsoever.

So we. We deeply appreciate all of our fans and all of our supporters throughout the years. Um, it’s been an amazing journey. It really has been. So. All right, why don’t we, um, get on with the show? Lindsey, you. Let’s just jump right into the near death experiences, and then we’ll come back to the, uh. I’ll come back to the UFO stuff later, you guys, after we. After we talk about this, I thought this would be a good time to talk about this. So, you know, because of everything going on, um, in the world and whatnot, and, you know, especially after the hurricane and hearing everything that was going on, like, I was just thinking, you know, we kind of talked a little bit about, you know, some of the stuff related to the hurricane, but why not, like, talk about some more positive things? Because, honestly, that’s what the world needs right now more than anything else.

You know, a lot of people kind of, especially people I’ve talked to in the last week. Everyone just feels kind of like, I don’t know what to do. And, you know, kind of down from everything. So I was like, well, yeah, what can I. You know, I started thinking about the show, and I was like, yeah, let’s talk about some near death experiences, because this stuff is really good and very important, you know? So the first one I want to talk about is this guy named Don Piper. He was a. He’s actually a baptist minister that had an incredible near death experience, and he wrote a book about it called 90 minutes in heaven, and shares how an angel helped save him from a devastating car crash.

So Don Piper was in a brutal car crash. He collided head on with a semi truck and was instantly pronounced dead because they found his body completely mangled underneath the car. And he was there for almost 90 minutes because everyone just assumed his dude was dead, you know? I mean, they arrived on the scene, it was like his body was just totally destroyed. Wasn’t moving. Yeah, he’s dead, you know, no one could live through that. So 90 minutes went by until another pastor that he knew heard about the accident and decided to go on the scene, and he went to his body and started praying for him.

Well, simultaneously, he also called, I guess, the church group that they’re part of and asked everyone to start praying. And it’s pretty much rated as one of the most miraculous cases of what happened to this guy and his near death experience. So during those 90 minutes that he laid there, he pretty much lived like a lifetime in heaven. He said he was surrounded by all these familiar faces of people who had gone before me, and they were breathtakingly beautiful. He went on to say, the only thing I can conclude is that the people who are sent to receive us are the people who helped us get to heaven.

He said, they all looked perfect. They didn’t look complete in the sense that they. That we are in bodily form. It was a spiritual thing. I did recognize all these people for who they were, and they were quite breathtaking in their appearance. Almost glowing, but very recognizable. So, amazingly, this guy came back to life after 90 minutes of being this way and recorded his story. And he was. I mean, he went through 34 operations in 13 months and was just in so much pain. And they told him he would never walk again. So this is also how he described, like, what happened to him.

He said, I really did see golden streets. I really did hear the wings of angels all about me, just kind of hovering, ministering to all the folks that were gathered at the gates. I heard incredible, magnificent music that surpasses any that I have ever heard here on earth. All hallelujah songs, all the praise songs, glory to God songs. And there was no chaos. I could hear all of the myriad of songs, thousands of songs. And I could hear distinguished. I could distinguish each one of them with my heavenly ears. So he came. So before he came back to earth, he said he never had a chance to see, like, he said, he never felt like he actually saw God, but he saw all these things.

And so he says, obviously, it was an incredible miracle that I survived the accident. I was dismembered. My left arm was in the backseat of the car, like, he lost his arm. My right leg was crushed, impauled on the steering wheel. The foot of the car had crushed my head. So I was in such a hideous condition again. He was told he would never walk again. Yet now he’s in, like, perfect health, totally fine. He said, now this world is temporal. It’s passing. So I lived my life in a complete reverse fashion. To me, heaven was the most real experience of my entire existence, and I’m going to try to get as many people to go there as I possibly can before God calls me back.

So, once again, just, you know, it’s just. It’s just mind blowing, you know? I mean. I mean, you can’t describe this with science or anything else, especially these cases where people come back to life, and. And then it’s like, well, you’re. You’re. I mean, you were basically dead for 90 minutes. Your. Your body’s broken, just, like, your arm is in the backseat, like, what the heck? You know? And then he, like, lives through the whole thing. So, um, and not only that, he, like, becomes normal again and is able to walk and just, you know. And that was.

That was him in that photo, so, pretty amazing. And. And I think, like, I wanted to share this because we’ve kind of brought this up on the show long time ago, but I think it’s important. In the Tangshan earthquake in 1976, this happened in. Was it Taiwan or China? I always get kind of confused. I think. I think that’s Lindsey. I can’t remember. It was a Taiwan. It was in China. Yeah. I couldn’t remember if this is in Taiwan or China. So, this was a major earthquake. What you’re seeing here is the before and after. So that that was on the bottom there.

That was like, you know, after the. Or, I’m sorry, after the earthquake hit. Just hit. And that’s, like, today, you know, how they rebuilt it and everything, and it’s showing the difference. So, this was a major, major earthquake, one of the biggest earthquakes in modern day China at this time in 1978. And there’s a massive survey that was done. That organization went and started interviewing people who are part of this earthquake. And 58% of the people that they interviewed said they had a change in personality after the earthquake. 2% became unrealistically optimistic. Like, they just became such changed, positive people, maybe because they lived through the disaster or had a near death experience.

32% became irateable, and 23% became more docile. And they surveyed, out of, like, 40% of the people that they surveyed, which was a lot of people, 40% reported having a near death experience. They reported, like. And actually, the survey was literally done and published on this kind of, like, a journal website that publishes these studies. So, and they release their findings, and they go through kind of, like, all these different people that had these experiences, but it shows that a lot of people had these near death experiences that went through this earthquake. And a lot of people, most people reported feeling very peaceful.

They reported feeling, um, just like a sense of, like, this seeing a light. They talked about how they didn’t feel any pain. There wasn’t any suffering. There was no scared. Like, they were no longer in fear or scared or anything. And then it was like, you know, they came back. So I think, you know, again, kind of explaining these things are important because of everything that’s happening in our world right now. And it’s just kind of important, I think, to take a step back and realize, you know, like, God is in control of everything. Like, no matter what happens, you know, I truly believe that why these things happen is another story.

You know, a lot of times it comes down to having our free will and our choices, and there’s all kinds of things involved and nefarious forces. I mean, we’re literally in a battlefield between the ultimate battle of good and evil, you know, and we’re kind of in the middle of it. And, you know, the light is just there. We have to. We have to, like, willfully want to go to the light and choose that side, whereas, like, the evil side and the darkness, you know, it’s. It’s just trying to lure us into that darkness, you know, so it can gather its own forces and keep us in the dark, literally, and rule over us and essentially kind of destroy us, destroy our connection that we have to the divine.

So. And I think when these things happen in the world, it’s so hard not to want to get upset and angry and frustrated, which is, I think we all kind of go through that at some point in the phase of when these disasters happen, with the earthquake and everything else. And, um, you know, and I think it’s just kind of important to kind of take a step back because I was getting. It was kind of like, you know, seeing the reaction to certain things. I’m like, how they’re reacting to this? I’m like, what the heck is going on here? You know, it kind of even.

I didn’t even realize it. I was just assuming, like, oh, yeah, everything should be fine. And then, you know, like, getting help and everything else. Now seeing what’s going on, I’m like, okay, this is so weird, you know, but it’s, again, like, all we can do is really have faith in God. And, you know, I know it’s hard to do in a lot of times, but, you know, when. But when you think about the people that have lost their lives through this thing, it’s like reality. I just sense a feeling of peace and calmness, you know, and it’s like there’s no anger where they’re, where they are, and now they’re seeing everything very clearly, too.

So, you know, at the end of all this, the people who, if somebody is responsible for deaths in any situation, they’re going to have to eventually face that reality, whether in this life, next life, or whatever it is, you know, at the end of all this, they’re going to face every single person that they ever hurt, and we’re all going to have to face that at some point, you know? And so that’s what I believe, and I know that’s why, you know, I’m not as worried, because in the end of this, they’re gonna, they’re gonna suffer.

You know, the ones, if, if there’s anybody intentionally harming others on purpose for their own gain, yeah, it’s gonna be a pretty bad situation for them. But, okay, on a more positive thing, here’s. I had no idea. Somebody that I know sent me this, and this is the soul to soul singer had a near death experience, and I had no idea. Can you play this? I’m not hearing the volume. Oh, okay. There we go. That’s just a brief version of it. I nearly died and literally came back to life. And I was mad because I, where I’d gone in to between, that was so wonderful.

It was so wonderful. But I basically didn’t pass over at that point. And so I wrote about being back to life, and I was mad. I was like, why do you want me here? However do you want me? What do you need from me? You know, I was talking to my creator, but it sounds like a party song on the record because of the way we put it together. No one would know it came from pain and suffering on my part. But I guess, I guess the creator wanted me to go through something like that so that I could tell the story in a way that people could enjoy it and keep it around forever.

And, you know, that’s how back to life came about. So that that whole song, back to life, is all about her near death experience. And I never knew that. I never knew that. And I, you know, I remember, like, listening to the song in the early nineties and, like, growing up and everything, and I never really thought too much about it. You know, I just, like, this is a cool song. Kind of makes you think about things. But, um. But she said the, the, but part of the lyrics in the song that says how, however do you want me, um, she was questioning, like, her purpose when she came back to life.

It was like, you know, like, what is my purpose here now? Like, what do you want me to do? Like, however, whatever you want me to do, I’ll do that. And that’s that. That’s, like, the whole point of that song was about her near death experience, and it became, like, a crazy viral, you know, hit at the time and on the top billboard charts and everything else, so pretty cool. Never really quite realized that before. So, anyway, why don’t we, Lindsay, why don’t we show one more trailer for our rise tv platform, and then we come back.

I can, and I’ll share my personal story with my grandmother that I witnessed, you guys. And then we’ll get into some other things, too. So what’s really on the other side? What’s the meaning of life? Are angels and demons real? Well, what if there were people who actually knew the answers? From George Foreman to Ozzy and Sharon to people you’ve never even heard about? Near death experiencers are everywhere, but some of their stories come right from the depths of hell and the highest planes of heaven. How do millions of people suddenly go from lives of anger, hate, or debauchery to see seeing miracles and bringing joy to the world? You won’t find these mind blowing stories in any textbooks.

Let’s take a glimpse into the great beyond itself in near death experiences part three. Hollywood, heaven, and hell, only on edgeofwonder tv. All right, once again, you guys, you can find that over on our rise tv platform, Hollywood and hell. We did a whole near death experience thing. I’m just really big into these near death experiences because I’ve had so many of my own experiences related to these things that, you know, for me, it’s like, I know everything is very real. Heaven and all these things that I’ve talked about all throughout history. Divine beings, you know, angels.

But at the flip side of it, there are some demonic things, too that I’ve seen that are. That really scared me for quite a while. But, you know, it’s kind of like, can’t have one without the other, unfortunately. But here we are. But, yeah, there’s some really incredible stories that we had in these episodes that were designed really nicely, edited really nicely. And, you know, it’s just our team working on it. So, yeah, so I wanted to share this experience. I shared this, like, a long time ago, I realized, but I don’t think I’ve really ever talked about it much on the show.

Too much at all. Outside of, like, when we first started edge and wander. But one of my big experiences that changed my life was when my grandmother passed away. And at the time, this was like, I was, like, 23 or something, and I didn’t really know anybody who passed away in my life at this time and didn’t have, you know, I was always kind of wondering what would happen and how I would feel. And one day, my grandmother had a stroke, and she was in the hospital for, like, 16 hours, in a coma. And so we, this happened in Ohio, when I was living in Ohio at the time.

And so we went up and drove up to Cleveland. We’re in Columbus at the time. It’s like 2 hours away. And so we get there, and, you know, she’s in a coma, and we’re all just kind of, like, waiting around, not really sure, you know, what’s going to happen or how, you know, like, it was clearly pretty bad. Like, we pretty much knew she wasn’t going to make it. So it was just a matter of timing at this point. And I remember my uncle running down the hall saying, like, oh, your grandmother stopped breathing. So we all go in the room, and I don’t know, there’s, like, a handful of us from the family and everything.

And my grandfather was there, my uncles and my brother and my mom and dad and everything were all there. And my grandmother didn’t breathe for probably, like, a minute. And, you know, it was just weird because I just remember thinking to myself, like, she’s not dead yet. And my mom, I remember I looked at my mom, and I’m like, she’s not dead yet. And my mom’s like, what do you mean? I’m like, I don’t know. She hasn’t, she hasn’t left yet. And then at that moment, she just took this huge gasp of air, like, and then we all, like, jump back because she didn’t move for, like, at least, like a minute, minute and a half.

And at that moment, she never exhaled. It was like she took this huge gasp of air and never exhaled. And I, I just see this light just shining on her body, and it was so clear to me, and I’m like, you know, I’m starting to see this. And I’m, like, crying because it’s so beautiful. And I didn’t even really understand what I’m seeing at the time. And I just literally see her, like, soul just, like, rising into this light. And then it just kind of, like, faded away. And she used to call me Benji because growing up, I was always Benji.

B E n J I. So she was just like, I just heard her in my mind, and she’s just like, Benji. And I was like, grandma. And the first thing out of my mouth was, I’m not scared and I’m not sad. I’m not scared or sad. And she’s like, you’re not supposed to be. She said, you’re going to be helping the rest of the family. And with a lot of these near death experiences, people experience this joy that is so hard to describe, pure joy. If you could just take a blanket of love and just wrap it around you and all your worries and fears and doubts and just everything just magically just disappears.

And all its replacement is this, like, immense feeling of love and compassion. That’s the best way you can possibly describe it. And I was just like, why am I so happy? Like, I couldn’t stop crying because I felt this. Such a deep sense of happiness and joy inside of me. And she just said, I’m letting you feel what I’m experiencing right now. And she just says, don’t be sad. There’s no reason to be. And at that moment, I didn’t see my grandmother as my grandmother. I saw her as this, like, beautiful being very similar to what that.

What the. What the guy decided guy described Don where he said he saw his family, but they were all kind of, like, angelic, and it was very, very similar to my grandmother. And she just said, you know, I’m always with you. And then I just see this light kind of shining on everybody in the room. And I realized, like, how powerful she. She really was. She was such an amazing person in life and death, and it changed me 100%. I walked out of there thinking to myself, like, I remember as we were all leaving, like, wow, I’m such a.

I feel like I’m such a different person. Like, it’s just thinking about life in such a different way. It’s like, you know, all these petty little, small things that we’re. That we always worry about or stress over it and all these things about how we look, all the stuff, you know, it’s like, wow, this could all be over. And, boom, in a minute, in an instant, this could all be over, you know? And it’s like, then what’s left, you know? And I realized at that moment, like, all that, all that remains is how, you know, the memories that we leave with other people and are they happy memories or sad memories, painful memories, you know, that’s what people.

That’s the only thing, really, that we have that we’re gonna give, you know, to people when we leave here. I mean, granted, give people money and stuff, but you can’t take money with you when you die. You know, that money is like, whatever you had here is no more. Like, all we can take with us really is, you know, either the good memories or the positive, the negative memories of we left people. So, you know, um, yeah, so, so I’ve had a lot of these experiences, and, you know, I’m not. I won’t go into all of them here, but there was so many that I’ve had, and I started seeing myself, like, you know, throughout the years kind of on tv, and I didn’t really understand why.

And I was also like, you know, what does God want me to do? Like, everyone told me, like, oh, you’re going to be doing something important in the future. And I’m like, that’s great. Like, everyone keeps telling me this, but what am I supposed to. To be doing? So, you know, lo and behold, like, you know, however many years, it was 15 years later or whatever it is, and it’s like, okay, we started edge and wanderer. Now it’s kind of making sense now. So, you know, I just wanted to share that story with everybody because I.

Yeah. Feel like it’s really important and to remind people that, you know, this life is really instantaneous, instantaneous, you know, it’s just a blink of an eye. Blink of an eye. It’s over, you know. And I had my weirdest news in history show that I do on Wednesdays on Rise TV that we’re now publishing on YouTube, on our rise to YouTube now, like, some of the older ones. But there was a story recently I was sharing also about a near death experience. And this guy saw his whole life, like, a video being played in front of him his entire life, you know, every moment from the time he was, like, first born until he was, like, 28 years old when he died, had this near death experience at 28.

And, you know, he’s just, like, coming back. Like, you experience everything in this video every way you touch somebody or harm somebody. Like, you experience it all over again, and you experience their feelings in the process, you know? So I think it’s. Really think these stories are very, very important because, you know, it’s important how we treat each other and stuff. So, anyway, I just want to share that with everybody. Um, I just thought it would be, you know, kind of a good time to share that, so. All right. Hope you. I swear to God, it’s honest, true story.

And I have so many of these stories, and sometimes I feel like I have so many that I’m like, man, I don’t even know if people are going to believe me because I have so many stories. But, you know, I also understand this is probably why God wanted me to do what I’m doing right now to help on, help people, bring people the truth and bring people closer to the divine into the light. And I feel like that’s the role that I’m meant to play in this world right now. So you’re doing it, Ben. Thank you, Lindsay.

I’m trying. It’s also kind of hard when you’re fighting against the. The darkness, too, you know, that don’t want. Doesn’t want the light out. So that’s a. That’s where it gets a little bit challenging. But. All right, why don’t we totally shift some gears here? You know, I was going to talk about that at the end, but I just want to make sure there was enough time. So I do want to talk a little bit about UFO’s and some aspects. I think all this stuff kind of goes together. You know, all these. The mysteries of the unknown, you know, all this.

These in the world that we live in. And I do think it’s important to talk about the good things, the bad things, the weird things, because, you know, it helps understand. It helps people understand that there’s so much more out there that we don’t know and that we can’t just limit ourselves to what we understand only in this world that science just wants us to believe in most cases. So, anyway, this is really fascinating. This is also something that went viral, too. Did the James Webb see a spaceship? Well, according to the James Webb telescope, they reported a city sized unknown object, presumably a spaceship.

Correct. Correcting its course towards Earth. Could this be another Oama Wama object or something else? What do you guys think? This was the post that went pretty viral talking about it, and it’s definitely brought up a lot of debate in the world of everything, of media and, you know, scientists and everyone in between. And there, um, what’s interesting is that snopes tried to debunk it, but it. They actually left it unfounded. Because the reason why is, it is true that the James Webb telescope did catch see some kind of object or thing in a distant galaxy far away, but they don’t know what it is.

Now, what they said it was is that they think it’s some kind of. The official explanation, I think, is that it was another galaxy that. So there was an article titled that’s weird. James Webb Space telescope by strange galaxy outshining its stars said in a pocket of the universe teeming with galaxies, the James Webb telescope has zeroed in on one of the blazing so brightly it outshines its stars. So this is the kind of, this is the thing that everyone’s kind of relating to this because it doesn’t make much sense that it is a galaxy if it’s brighter than the other stars.

So, I mean, it’s saying that they think it’s a galaxy. They’re not even really sure, and they try to give an example of what they think it could be. So there’s, there’s some, you know, I’m not trying to say it is a spaceship. I’m just trying to. I’m just, you know, looking at everything as a whole. To say, like, this is, this is pretty interesting if it is, because, you know, you can’t really deny it or confirm it. Of course, only the James Webb people can deny it or confirm it. And also, if it is true, they’re not going to come out and say, oh, yeah, we just caught a call.

We just caught a spaceship on our telescope. Like, they’re not going to say that. So. So the only thing we’re going to have from the mainstream is, of course, no. So it’s kind of interesting that Snopes is like, unfounded. Well, it’s like, okay, you know, it’s got, that’s kind of one thing in itself. Now, what is interesting, um, there isn’t, there’s multiple articles about this. So there’s a famous Harvard, Harvard scientist, Avi Loeb, who, who really talks a lot about aliens, fully believes in aliens. And he, along with the head of the Pentagon’s UFO office, has raised the idea that an alien mothership could be in the solar system, sending out tiny probes, dubbed dandelion scenes, to explore the planets within our solar system.

So they actually wrote a paper on this. And so the Pentagon, the director of the Pentagon’s all domain anomaly resolution office or arrow program, and a lot of people know what that is, which was established by 2020 or 2022. I think this is the one that mark from blink 182, I think he’s a part of that. I can’t think of his name last. I can’t fully. Is it Mark? Shoot, I know one of the guys is Mark. I can’t think of. That’s his name or not. But anyway, I think he’s a part of that. So this was combined with the Department of Defense to detect and study objects of interest.

And of course, Avi Loeb was very famous because he is one of the first people to announce the Wama Wama craft, or the object as not an object, but an actual craft, because the improbability of it, how the path that it went, it basically went between Earth and the moon. And it’s impossible that this interstellar object, I mean, once again, I use this analogy. It would be like trying to shoot a gun from, like, imagine standing on top of the World Trade center building, shooting a gun and aiming at an apple that’s on top of the Golden Gate Bridge.

That’s how unlikely this thing passing through from an interstellar space, that that’s how unlikely this thing could, could come in contact of Earth that close. I was reading about all the statistics of this, and, you know, they were like, this is mind blowing. Like, this breaks all odds that we have. And that’s why some of these scientists are like, it can’t be, it can’t just be a random object. It’s either something was sent here or it’s a spaceship. So, you know, I’m on the, I’m on. More on the. Yeah, it has to. I mean, I don’t want to say it’s directly a spaceship, but maybe a probe of some kind.

You know, once again, I’m sure NASA or like, you know, secret space program launched their own things to study this thing and, and then probably came back and was like, oh, yeah, it’s just a comet, you know, some kind of asteroid thing. You know, I’m sure they did all their studies and probably found out that wasn’t the case, but I. Anyway, and then there was a whistleblower that says, huge alien announcement is months away. I honestly, when, when I hear these things, I’m a little bit kind of like, I don’t know. You know, a lot of people say a lot of things, and, you know, when everyone makes any kind of predictions, I’m a little bit more skeptical now, unless they’re like, you know, I’m the head of, you know, there was the head of the european space and, yes, space agency, kind of like similar to NASA, who did say that aliens are real, you know, but this, this is just this whistleblower.

His name is Charles McNeil. He said that there’s going to be significant events in human history set to occur in the coming months related to aliens and UFO’s. He says that he was a part of a top secret US air Force intelligence unit responsible for upholding a seven year truce between american government and an alien civilization, according to a MacNeil, who offers no proof of his credentials. Though this truce is due to expire at the end of September, he suggests that a series of planned events will follow, including the partial or total destruction of Israel, a brief global conflict, and a staged alien invasion using reverse engineered UFO technology.

He further claims that the initial steps in this grand plan will be in the announcement of an alliance between the US and Afghanistan’s Taliban government. I mean, this is some crazy claims here. If this is true, our world will definitely change. You know, whether that’s going to happen or not, I don’t know. It’s not. You know, I don’t want to just, like, throw these out altogether, but that’s why we’re presenting. I’m, you know, we like to present it here on the show, kind of like one of those things like, hey, we found this. We’re not trying to say it’s true.

It’s just kind of interesting. If something does happen, it’s something to look into, you know, to look back into and see what else this guy has said and who he is and everything else if nothing happens. And it’s kind of like, okay, you know, another one of the, like, false people kind of coming out saying things. But either way, I think the most. The interesting part was the fact that he said there was a 70 year truce between this. So we’ll see. We’ll see what happens. You know, I think with the world today and the state of things and everything going on, I’m not really shocked by anything anymore.

And I remember, like, doing the show like, five or even in 2018, you know, it’s like talking about these things and people are like, oh, why are you like. It’s kind of hard to understand and grasp and everything. And now it’s like a Yemenite totally different world. After everything that’s happened, especially through Covid, I think that was the biggest part of it. When Covid happened, there was a lot of changes that went through so that the whole world went through. Anyway, I don’t know. I’m curious to hear what you guys think. Comment below on everything I’m talking about.

You know, I’d really love to hear your thoughts on all of the above. Do you really think something’s going to happen? Do you really think a UFO is potentially on its way to earth, or is it already here? I mean, that’s the other whole aspect, too. I mean, if they hid behind the sun, we would never find it, ever. You know, our satellites are unable to because in space everything has to be a direct signal. So if something is hiding behind a planet or hiding behind the sun, we wouldn’t know. That’s why they were saying, like, if an asteroid comes around the sun, we would only have maybe like a two year warning ahead of time, you know, because, like, we can’t see beyond that, so.

Or we can’t see around it, I should say, you know, if it was like, in the. In the line of the sun. So, yeah, kind of weird, right? So anyway, let me know what you think. And, yeah, I mean, in some. I don’t know, we’ll see what happens in some aspects. Like everything. Like everything going on. The world. Yeah. Israel and all that stuff. I don’t know, it’s just so strange, so freaking weird. And that’s why I feel like, you know, praying for the world is important for everything that we do. So, um. Yep. You know, that’s all we can do right now, is just pray and keep our faith and, you know, just understand that everything’s under God control, under God’s control, even though, like, those nefarious forces that are trying to interfere, but at the end of the day, you know, they’re just kind of spinning their own wheels.

And I just feel like, you know, at the end of all this, they’re going to be the ones that are going to be apologizing to everybody, to the universe, essentially, so. All right, well, before we keep going, I wanted to remind you of how you can get a free episode from our Halloween series on Rise TV. So if you guys want to get one of our free episodes that’s not anywhere on social media, go to rise tv Halloween. Again. Rise TV Halloween. Give us your email. And you don’t even have to sign up for rise or anything.

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Once again, go to metaphysical,, where the bags are just $17.99 and that is also with free shipping and if you haven’t heard what’s on Rise TV right now. This week, once again, we had the flying humanoid World War Two pilot saw 50 foot snake. It was a crazy story and another near death experience that was on my show that I do called the weirdest news in history. Also, Rob and I did Hurricane Helene, devastations and North Carolina. Of course that was our edge of wonder live show on Tuesday. And we have a director’s cut of Tesla made a death ray and a government and the government stole it.

This is from metaphysical and we of course we have so much more thousand over 1000 videos on Rise TV. So come over once again and support what we do. And of course we didn’t want to really want to use Patreon or another donation system. We wanted to use our own method where everything’s 100% us and we wanted to give you guys something back in return which is content. So we made an entire video platform where we’re not beholden to any corporate entity or worried about censorship necessarily all, it gets kind of dicey with different platforms owning a lot of different aspects, but anyway, mostly uncensored.

And we really appreciate all of you who’ve subscribed over the years at Rise TV and of course to all of our social media channels too. And if you can swing it, subscribe right now. Remember, for our rumble channel, we really want to grow that as much as we can. And of course we have our YouTube, Ganjing, World X and Facebook. So thanks again everyone for being here. And I’m going to go over on Rise TV where we’re going to do our top ten weirder news of the week, which are some crazy stories. And right now we’ll show you a trailer on prophecies.

And then I’ll see you over to do a live Q and A with the questions that you guys have been asking on our live chat. So see you over there on Rise TV, everyone. John Nostradamus, Confucius, the Mayans, Aztec, and Hopi. What’s something that the divine, enlightened, and ancient all have in common? What did they see and predict during their time here on earth when they saw visions of the end of days? Were the pictures they were given simply glimpses of the future or warnings of impending doom? Well, since history does repeat itself, let’s take a look today and let’s find out what predictions, dreams and visions have come true, especially ones made eons ago.

And in these days, do we see moral lessons we all need to pay a little more attention to? Or will we just hastily shrug them off as a few more amazing coincidences. Don’t miss this exhilarating three part series on edge of wonder, prophecies and the end times.

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