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➡ This text is about a discussion on various topics, including the existence of the Vatican’s secret time machine, the chronovisor, and a weekly segment on the Mandela effect focusing on Cheese Whiz. They also discuss a strange video of a ghostly figure, a Q&A segment, and a roundup of the week’s top reader news. The hosts also talk about a company that supposedly created an app to send sunlight, and they question the feasibility of this technology. They end with a discussion about a video of a pair of bodiless legs running down a street.
➡ The text discusses a conversation about a strange video, the confusion between Cheese Whiz and Easy Cheese, and a man who believes he’s found his doppelganger in a 115-year-old photo. The speakers express their confusion about a video and its editing, then discuss their memories of Cheese Whiz and Easy Cheese, noting that Cheese Whiz has only ever been in a jar, not a spray can. Lastly, they talk about a man who dresses in Victorian style and believes he’s found a photo of his look-alike from 1905, leading him to speculate about past lives.
➡ The text discusses a promotion for a wealth protection guide from Preserve Gold, which helps people understand how to use physical gold and silver to protect their retirement accounts. It also mentions a series on Rise TV about transhumanism, a concept that explores the merging of humans and technology. Additionally, it talks about a conference in Tucson, Arizona, where various topics related to space science and spirituality will be discussed. Lastly, it introduces the concept of the ‘chronovisor’, a device allegedly built by a priest and a scientist, which supposedly allows people to see into the past.
➡ The text discusses a machine called the Chronovisor, which is said to pick up sound and light waves from the past, allowing users to view historical events. The machine supposedly uses residual magnetic radiation to function, and there’s debate over whether it has been used to capture an image of Jesus. The text also mentions the Vatican’s secret archives, which hold centuries of documents, including those about the Knights Templar. The archives are only accessible to scholars over 75 years old.
➡ The text discusses the Vatican library’s entry process for scholars, the restrictions on items allowed inside, and the possibility of accessing the library’s resources. It also delves into the concept of the ‘chronovisor’, a device supposedly developed in the 1950s that could view any point in history. The text suggests that this technology could have been used to observe historical events like Jesus’s crucifixion and the performance of a lost Roman play. The potential misuse of the chronovisor for rewriting history or predicting the future is also discussed.
➡ The text discusses a photograph that is believed to depict Jesus and his disciples. The authenticity of the photo is questioned, with some suggesting it’s a staged image or a photo of a painting. The text also mentions two paintings that are similar to the photograph, leading to speculation that the paintings were created from the photograph. The discussion concludes with the belief that the photograph is real, but it’s uncertain if it truly depicts Jesus.
➡ The text discusses a comparison between a photograph and a painting, suggesting they might be related. The speaker points out differences in facial features and speculates that the photo could be an x-ray of the painting’s layers. They also discuss the possibility of the painting being based on the photograph. The conversation then shifts to the development of a mysterious technology, possibly related to time viewing, in the 1950s, suggesting it could have been based on existing technologies or even alien tech. The speaker concludes by saying that such technology might be simpler to build than we think.
➡ This text discusses the possibility of building quantum computers that operate outside the known laws of physics. It also introduces a new product, a medium-dark roast coffee from Guatemala, available for purchase online. The text ends with a teaser for an upcoming series exploring various theories about the location of the biblical Garden of Eden, including an unexpected suggestion that it might be in Jackson, Missouri.


Well, many have asked, and so are we. Is the chronovisor real? You know, the Vatican’s secret time machine that allegedly saw Jesus? Well, join us. Ben Chastene. That’s him. And rob counts. That’s me. On this Friday Night live, as we take you on a journey through time and see if there’s any truth to the mysterious chronovisor’s existence. Yeah. And for the weekly Mandela effect, aka Bendela effect, what do you remember about cheese whiz? Was it always in a jar or in a spray can? Hear what I found tonight, because this one is probably the weirdest one I’ve ever encountered.

I just. I just remember it being delicious. Ben. And we have something bizarre caught on camera. Was this ghostly person walking some other strange phenomena or just some video editing? Join the discussion about what we found. Yeah. And during our dig deep live Q and a segment. Ask us your questions directly then. And the fan favorite top ten reader news of the week. Hear hilarious and intriguing stories. Decide for yourself if one statue depicted baby Jesus or Phil Collins, because those two things are so similar, so weird. And a man found his past life after spotting his doppelganger, and a boy broke a 3500 year old vase.

And as always, we’ll see you out on the edge. And by the way, if you’re listening to our edge of Warner podcasts on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or elsewhere, please leave us a five five star rating and review. And also, remember, hit like follow, subscribe, and all that good stuff where, you know, rumble, telegram, ganjing World x, Instagram, Facebook. Yeah. Shout out to all of our rumble viewers. We’ve been getting a lot more over there, and I hope you guys are enjoying the show. Definitely. Leave us a comment and let us know what you think. Yes. And please subscribe to our Rumble channel if you haven’t already.

And of course, to our rise tv audience as well. You guys are our family. We love you guys. All right, well, first, we’ll kind of, like, start out with some weird things here. I don’t know if this is true or what, but supposedly this company created an app that you can use when you’re outside. Oh. To send yourself sunlight. Yes. Is this real? I don’t even know. Lindsey, can you play this video in that, too? I’m glad you brought this up. You can, like, play with the spot, but, uh, yeah, watch this. Bring it over to us here.

It’s not crazy. No way. I don’t know. It’s called reflect orb orbital. Orbital has a new service. I mean, obviously, that’s. That’s just, uh. I don’t even know. Okay, but. But Ben, the weird thing is, all right, if this is real, which I don’t know if it is, if it’s real, what they’re showing where it shows like a bunch of satellites all going in the same direction going, by the way, it’s like 40,000 mph. It’s faster than a bullet. How would that. How would you not seeing that thing shoot across the sky as it’s reflecting light down unless it was stationary.

Right. That’s. That’s the main thing. I just want to say there. That’s not. That. That is not a moving satellite that’s doing that. That is something entirely different. I completely agree. In my humble opinion. In my humble opinion. I’m reading about an article, talking about it. Um, yeah, basically, that was like a reenactment that wasn’t real. And. Yeah. Lindsey, can you. We’re looking at the website right now. Well, the website. Yeah, well, I was going to say the website won’t go into detail too much about it. You know, it’ll just. I mean, it will just say, this is like, this is what we’re working on here.

But it looks like there are quite a few articles about it. It’s real. It did test hot air balloons, mirrors on hot air balloons. But it hasn’t got any satellites in space. So there. There’s your answer, Rob, right there. So that video was just kind of like a fake video. Kind of like demonstrating what they’re trying to achieve. Whether that’s going to happen or not is like a whole other issue. I mean, they could do that right now. It’s just, I guess I think too many people would have too many questions about where the light’s actually coming from.

Yeah, 30,000 miles an hour satellites. Or however fast. Actually, Lindsey, can you look up for me how fast a satellite orbits in Earth? Allegedly. I say allegedly because who knows about anything that’s going on up there right now? Really? Like they could tell us anything and we’d just be like, oh, okay. You know, you said how many satellites are up there, right? No, no, not how many satellites. How fast does one of the satellites orbit once it gets into Earth? You can. You can see the international space station when it goes across. I know, I know.

I heard it was faster than a bullet. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s moving like, very fast. Like maybe even like 17,000 this point. Remember for sure, there are quite a few different numbers here. Anywhere between, like, 7000 and like 12,000, 17,000 miles an hour. Yeah. Let’s say, ben, you’re down here, you’re at Sedona, it’s nighttime, and you’re like, I want to order light for the night. So you. Yeah, you pay for it. You plug it in, and you see a beam of light coming down, and it’s stationary and it’s not moving. Wouldn’t you then be start to question what, where the heck that light was coming from and what was going on, really? You know, I would for sure, yeah.

Yeah. I don’t think this is going to happen. I don’t think these guys are going to realize their dream. It’s, it would, it would prove it. Which caused more questions than it would anything, you know? I definitely agree with that. No, I mean, think about it. It’s got it, like, I don’t know why this isn’t a question on more people’s minds, but it’s like, well, I think a lot of these, whenever, like, an a government sends you, like, you see photos that they took from a satellite, right? How hard would it be to take those photos if the satellite is traveling 17,000 miles an hour? Right.

Well, I mean, I guess they’re using, well, the other aspect is like, you need super powerful lights to shine on you. Like, this doesn’t make a lot of sense. Well, that could be a big, that could be a big mirror. Yeah, well, that’s true. Reflecting the sunlight. That part I get. Yeah. I mean, like, how many people, like, if you have 100,000 people using this app all at the same time, again, that would reveal what you have. So you have a hundred thousand satellites up there? Is that. Yeah, you know what I mean? It doesn’t make.

How come you’re able to hit anywhere on the planet anytime I request it? Yeah, I have a feeling it may not. I mean, a lot of these startup companies, too, are looking for, um, funding. You know, it’s like, here’s my idea. Yeah. And they want funding for it. So, you know, um, I think we should just start talking about cheese whiz. Seriously, we’re going to show that the thing with no legs or no body. You guys got to see this video. This is an older video. It’s like a video from like a year ago or something, or maybe more.

But like, when I saw this, I thought it was so funny, actually, this girl is like, is filming her bunny with one of these long eared bunny rabbits and watch what happens. Yeah, this is a bunny rabbit, a long one with cool and shared on social media in 2021, this resident and their son are filming their rabbit. Suddenly, something strange runs past in the background. Looking closer, there appears to be a pair of legs running down the street. No upper body attached to them. The bodiless legs run past the wall and disappear into the darkness. Is this just an optical illusion? An elaborate prank? Or something more ghostly? What’s funny is, like, the rabbit gets really scared by whatever that is.

It jumps over to the side and then. No, I’m trying to see the shadows a little bit more on this thing. I look pretty close, and there’s no shadow from what’s above the pants reflecting on the house at all. There’s none. The only thing I can think of. Oh, no. I. I mean, unless it’s, like, edited, right? That’s the only other thing I can think of. But it’s like, why would someone edit this crappy video? You know? You would have to really. I don’t know. It’s so random. It’s so, like, so weird. I don’t know. Um.

I mean, of course, there’s those, like, green screen suits that you can get. I mean, I even have one of those. You know, you can just, like, use that to run through it. Sure. But there’s a lot of things that happen in that video where it’s like, the rabbit. The rabbit, like, it gets genuinely scared. You know, it runs over to the side, and then all of a sudden, you see the jinky, like, running. The kid comes over too, and kind of, like, watches it. You know, if it was. I mean, that’s. The whole thing is just really strange.

I have no idea. I know, but the fact that there’s not the shadow that’s against the wall, you know? But. Although, again, you could kind of edit that through. Yeah, but think about how hard that is, dude. That’s like movie cinematic level editing to get that out of there, you know? Well, now especially. Yeah. I mean, now it’s a little. Maybe a little slightly easier, but yeah. So I don’t know. That’s just super weird. I don’t know what to think about that. Me either. I really hope it’s real. Yeah, I know. Me too. That’s the thing about these things, is, like, we want this crazy, weird stuff to be real, you know? But, um.

Well, it’s just like, usually it’s like some weird creature or something, and it’s just like. No, just a pair of pants running by. If you wear tacky pants running down the road. That’s what’s so odd about it. Yeah. You know if it was, like, normal pants ever. Yeah. I mean, if it was just like. Like weird gray legs walking and, you know, and it’s just. That’s what. That’s why this is so strange. It’s like. It’s like a pair of pants just, like, running down the street. Yeah. Yeah. The name of that cryptid would be khaki. The elusive ecuadorian khaki.

Actually, that guy had it wrong. That wasn’t shot in Columbia. It was shut and shot in Ecuador. Oh, really? Yeah, I tracked it down. I was really interested in that video last night. That’s so funny. Yeah. But, hey, we’re gonna get into the bandela effect now. Yeah. Dude, this is, uh. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Let’s do this one. This one is weird. That’s all I can say about it. Um, and at first, I thought, oh, wait a minute. I think I debunked this. But then it actually, that’s where it got weirder. So, cheese whiz. What do you remember about cheese whiz? I mean, there was, like, canned cheese.

I remember. Canned cheese was, I think, but mostly the cheese was. That was in the glass jar. Maybe you, like, mix it up, microwave it, or whatever. Okay, so you remember the grass. Okay, so I remember the aerosol, like, spray thing. You know, you. That’s easy cheese. That was easy cheese. Difference. So weird, because both my parents were confused about this, too. I never even knew what easy. Like, if you have to ask me right now, what’s easy cheese? I would no idea what it was. Oh, I was obsessed with easy cheese when I was in high school.

I only know cheese whiz, and I just remember it being in, like, the. The aerosol can. Right? So, dude, the highlight of my high school career was partying, getting drunk, and squirting easy cheese into my mouth. That was the guy that I was in high school. It was pretty sad. Well, this is what’s weird. You’re right. That cheese whiz only comes in a glass jar. And it’s never been any other format other than this glass. Char Mashable had this article, and it says, but fans will assure you cheese whiz is not served in any spray can.

It’s served in a glass jar. Confirms craft foods. That’s what I remember, though. Yeah. So. And the other one is from Nabisco with. Called easy cheese, which I don’t remember this at all. Well, here’s the weird thing I found. So, Lindsey, click on this, um, this Amazon link. This is super weird, because I found different photos of the cheez whiz in the aerosol. But, I mean, they tried to do like, because they were competitors. They would each make products to compete with one another. Right? It’s never been in this format ever. I don’t think that’s true.

No, no. That’s what, that’s what, this is the stuff I used to squirt in my mouth. That’s what it even said in this article. And check this out. Lindsey, go back to the other r1 quick. And by the way, that’s. No, no, no. Go back to the Amazon link. Scroll down. So there’s one rating. And by the way, that it says, product no longer available. And it says, I really love this can cheese whiz. And this is from 2017, but it’s not, you know, it doesn’t show the can. It shows the, the spray thing. So what’s weird is that other sites also, like Walmart, other sites listed or had listed the cheese whiz in this format, but.

Well, that’s weird. So out of stock, right? They’re either the website doesn’t exist, not even on the wayback machine, or they’re all either not just out of stock, but just, like, unavailable. But it’s like, I guaranteed if you ordered this from here and it was in stock, you would get the canned cheese whiz. Because according to craft, they never made it in that format ever. In the history of their company. It’s only been in a jar. And easy cheese had a patent for it, I guess, which is why. How do you patent ice? Hilarious. But anyway, this is why it’s so weird, because I thought I made a mistake.

I was like, oh, okay. You know, maybe it wasn’t in that format, but then when I saw online, there’s actual photo and there’s different photos, it’s not the same one. There’s, like, a pretzel cheese with spray thing. There’s another one, but they don’t exist. So I don’t know. I mean, you know, I’m kind of, like, not even sure about this. But for anyone out there, if you, if you, if anyone has any evidence of an actual cheese whiz in a spray bottle or can, like, order one and get. Or you can get it this way, let me know.

Comment below. You can also email us at bendelaeffect at gmail. I love how this show is trying to uncover the mysteries of the universe via Gia. Cheese whiz. Yeah. Isn’t that. Don’t. I thought. I also thought that Paul Polly Shore referenced it in, like, one of his movies or something. It was easy cheese, though, wasn’t it? I see. I did something like that, but it was like, I don’t think he was squirting it. I think he just liked cheese whiz, right? Yeah, maybe. I don’t remember. But anyway. But I guess now it’s all easy cheese, and I just don’t remember the easy cheese thing.

I don’t know. I’m curious what you guys remember out there, though. But. All right, why don’t we. Well, let’s get into your metaphysical minute. This one’s pretty cool, Rob. Let’s do it. All right. So if the. If the cheez whiz didn’t throw you for a loop, this definitely will. Time traveler questions past life after spotting his doppelganger in 115 year old photo. So a man who lives his life pretending to be a victorian reckons he’s had a past life after discovering a photograph of his doppelganger from 1905. So this guy’s name is Michael Coropus. Something like that.

Wow, look at how close that is. That’s the actual wow. It’s insane. Uh, so he was left baffled by the image his friends found on Instagram that shows a man who could be Michael’s twin. Despite the photo being taken 115 years prior, the professional artist says he now understands why he feels compelled to dress like a victorian man and shun 21st century technology. It looks just like him, dude. It does. The keen artist, who is known for his love of the victorian ever era, says he was left feeling spooked when he’s. When a pal spotted the image online and forwarded to him.

Michael, from Stockport, Greater Manchester, has since shared a photo of himself. Gosh, that’s so close. I mean, like, honestly, I would have if you just would. What do you think of these two photos? I’m like, oh, okay. The guy’s dressed in, like, you know, more of an older style outfit. Like, I literally would have thought it’s the same person. The ears are clearly different, but. And the smile is a little different and the eyes a little bigger on the black and white guy, but so close. Yeah, but I mean, his, like, his facial features are almost exactly the same.

Yeah, he said I was gobsmacked. You can tell he’s british because he used the word gobsmacked when I realized it wasn’t me. We have the same hair, face shape, nose, and dress sense. When I reverse image searched it online, I knew it wasn’t fake, and it was, in fact, taken 115 years ago. I’ve always been obsessed with a 19th century era, and I’ve dedicated my wardrobe and lifestyle to it. And now maybe that’s because of my past life. A lot of people have called me a time traveler online, but I don’t know what to think. It has to be one of the most bizarre things I’ve seen.

It really does look just like me. Yeah, it does. Yeah. So he said, I don’t know anything about the man in the photo taken in 1905, but by the looks of his fashion, he was either from the UK or the US. Now I’m certain I had a trot round this world in olden times. Trot? More evidence he’s british. What is trot? Yeah, he had a trot, you know? Guess so. Yeah. All right. Funny stuff. So what’s the deal? We’re gonna. We’re gonna get into a trailer right now and then go start going into the chronovisor, aren’t we? Yeah.

We have a. We have a promotion, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. So for you guys at home, everyone right now knows we’re in volatile times. With digital currencies on the rise, $35 trillion of national debt and inflation at a 40 year high. If you can believe that, financial experts are saying that everyone should be preparing for the future. Of course, you’d be stupid not to. Right? Well, physical gold and silver can help by protecting your retirement accounts like iras and 401, preserve gold is giving away a no cost, no obligation wealth protection guide that contains 25 plus pages of detailed information and insights on how to put physical gold and silver into your retirement account.

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And transhumanism and how technology is kind of infiltrating our society was one of the big things that we wanted to dig into just recently with that big series that we did. And all of these series are on Rise TV. And you can get access to rise tv and learn more about this stuff just by subscribing for $12.99. This has, like, I think, five separate episodes, and they’re killer episodes. There are four. Excuse me? There are four episodes. These are killer episodes that go through the entire history of transhumanism leading up to today. And what could possibly be done by bringing in the singularity and all of that stuff? Also, it goes into, right here, the eugenics and ethics, and it’s a really, really big deep dive on trans humanism that actually ends up touching almost every single part of our society.

And you wouldn’t believe how much it pervades everything that’s going on right now. So definitely think about subscribing to rise tv. It’s just $12.99 a month. You’ll have access to this series and a thousand other videos that we’ve done that have just as well, research. And. And, man, it’s a. It’s a good time on there. So if you’ve got. If you. If you’d like to, please think about subscribing and, yeah, this is an awesome episode or awesome series that Ben. Ben actually helped a whole lot in putting together, so. So did Lindsey. So. Well, actually, really, all three of us.

But, yeah, it was good. It was a really. It’s such a phenomenal series. Almost too much going on. Yeah, really. It’s crazy. Like, you wouldn’t believe it. It’s like, it’s one of those series, you know, sometimes will research something, and then as you’re researching, you’re just like, it’s like, such a huge piece of the pie. You don’t even realize, you know? Yeah. And actually, because of that series, we were invited on Steve Bannon, believe it or not. That’s right. Specifically talking about transhumanism and, you know, kind of the dangers of it leading. Leading our society and how that could affect humanity in a lot of negative ways.

So, yeah, it’s kind of funny that we were doing that, so. All right, well, also, guys, I just want to let everyone know that I’ll be speaking at the mind Nexus live conference in Tucson, Arizona, as well. Their mission is to merge space science and spirituality, creating transformative experiences. And so there’s a whole group of us that will be there. Kerry Cassidy will be there, John D’Souza and doctor Rima Librau. And I’ll be talking about timelines and flux, which kind of goes along a lot with what we’re talking about today and the impact of CERN and our perception of reality, of Mandela effects and everything else.

So you get a $50 discount if you use B. Chastine, basically my name. Wait, go back to that, Lindsey. It’s going to be September 27 to the 29th and again in Tucson, Arizona. Okay. So here. Yeah, you use the code, be chastene, and you go to mind nexus to be able to see Ben live. I love it. It’s cool. Yeah. So I’m excited to. I’m gonna. I’m gonna try to get tickets just so I can see your talk. I’m excited for this. Well, if you come, then, like, yeah, we do together. You got a lot going on.

So in Arizona. Oh, that’s cool. Oh, it’s in there. Whereabouts in Arizona? Pine? Tucson, Arizona. Oh, Tucson. I love Tucson. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s kind of like, right between Phoenix and I want to say Sedona. Anyway, it’s really. It’s really something like not Sedona, but it’s close to Phoenix. Anyway, it’s not that far, so. All right, dude, this is super exciting. I can’t wait to see that. So if you’re in the area or you would like to go, come join us. It’ll be a great. It’ll be a great conference. Very cool. Yeah. All right. Chronovisor. One of my favorite topics right here, the chronovisor.

I have a whole theory on how they develop the chronovisor now. You do? Yeah. Now? Yes. You know, a while to get there. I swear we did some kind of episode on this, and I looked far and wide and either, like, it’s like it must have been some live show, and we don’t have the dot the doc for it anymore. Because I was like. I was like, I think we. But I couldn’t figure out a lot. I know you did something on metaphysical. But. But, yeah. Anyway, coronavirus got some weird history, that’s for sure. So it all started with this guy who’s.

Well, this was like these different two priests. Earn Reddy is the main guy. Pellegrino and Reddy. And that’s him right there. So, Ben, we talked about this. I think this kind of. Usually this comes up when you’re talking about project looking glass. So it was project looking glass that we ended up talking about. The chronovisor. You’re right, actually, it was that episode where we did. We did bring it up. So this. This is super weird. So he. He’s actually a pretty prestigious father. It’s not like some random priest that’s just talking about this. Like, he was full fledged, like, very high up within.

Yeah. He was also a extremely brilliant scientist, and he allegedly helped build this thing a lot. And he claims that there was a. The Enrico Fermi, which is this guy right here, and he. The Fermi paradox is created after him and the ferry. That paradox refers to, like, the apparent contradiction between the high likelihood of the extra extraterrestrials existed compared to the lack of evidence for its existence. Right, but, I mean, you could say lack of evidence or the head, the evidence is just hid probably underneath the Vatican, actually. Well, the unfortunate thing about this is there is an enormous amount of evidence of extraterrestrial life.

It’s just that our sciences don’t acknowledge it, even though it’s right in front of their face. There’s video, there’s. There’s humans accounts, like, personal accounts of these things. There’s all kinds of evidence. They won’t acknowledge any of it. And then you’ve got this, like, strange kind of paradox, which isn’t actually based in reality. It’s just. It’s just there for science. Yeah, exactly. So how this all kind of got started was that there was another father, um, and his name was Francis Brune, I think his name was. So anyway, they were both taking a boat ride, and they were just discussing different aspects of the Bible, interpreting the Bible in different ways.

And Reddy, just very nonchalantly, was just like, oh, well, I can tell you exactly what happened because we have a device that you could look into the past to see how it actually happened. And his, like, whole world was completely blown after this. So, according to anready, the device had several antennas, three of which were made of mysterious metals that picked up sound and light waves across their entire respective spectrums. So this was an actual article printed in Italy, talking about this chrono visor machine that’s already on the right there and how it was made. And they got, like I said, they got Fermi to help out, along with Warner von Braun and a couple other people.

And looking a little bit deeper into this, it looks like. So they use something called residual magnetic radiation. Of course, Werner von Braun is involved. Yes, I know. When is that guy not involved with something crazy? Yeah. So the idea is that light. So this is one of the things that, um, Ernetti claims or said that this was a real photo of Jesus. On the right, or. I’m sorry, on the left. On the left, yeah. On the right is a. Is a painting, supposedly, kind of. That was from that photo. This, honestly, compared to the other ones, I’m not really convinced on this.

Some people think that this is a. That this. There’s a statue that’s very similar to the one on the left, and that’s actually what it’s from. But on the other flip side of it is the statue based off the photo. So that’s the other question. And, of course, that’s the shroud of turn right there, too. But so the idea is that, and I think this is something that Tesla talks about, and honestly, you can find this in a lot of buddhist thought, too, is that everything that we do has energy and, like, has a message behind it, so, like, it just doesn’t fade away.

That if you could essentially have some kind of device or remote viewing, for example, or like a super normal ability, which you don’t even need a device for, in this case, you could actually go back into the past, picking up on those light rays, if you understood how it works. And you could literally see images or like a video, like you’re watching a movie play. Out of any event, anything that happened in the past doesn’t matter what time period it is, because it all still exists. I think in another way of explaining this, it’s kind of like we have all these multiple dimensions that exist simultaneously at the same time.

And, like, the Mandela effect is kind of proving this now, especially with quantum computers. And by the way, Ernetti was talking about, like, quantum physics, too, towards the end of his life. Like, he was going on about very detailed stuff, very scientific things about. About this. So, from this perspective, it’s almost like, I believe another way of putting it, without using all the heavy jargon, is essentially, this machine is able to pierce through these other dimensions where time space is different and can actually look into the past. It’s almost like you’re opening a window to a past event from another dimension, and you’re watching what’s happening in that reality.

That, and I think that’s, like, more of a simplistic way of explaining how this works without getting into, like, you know, the deep science part of it. Well, I mean, what do you think, Rob? Have you heard anything else based on, like, your research and what you were doing? Because I know you’ve kind of looked into this, too. Well, I mean, first of all, what’s we have to. I think that what a lot of people would say is, like, well, if there’s no camera where this thing is, how is it. How is it coming through a television? Right? But for people who’ve had, like, celestial eye visions or third eye visions, you don’t need a camera to get those visions.

It just kind of, like, happens. It’s sort of like when you’re dreaming, like, where are those images and everything taking place? They’re happening in. In other dimensions, essentially. And your pineal gland is in your brain is translating all of that for you. And then you wake up and you remember whatever it was. I think this tech is more about keying into a sort of, or, like, mirroring that ability. It’s just instead of it playing in your head or you’re seeing it, it’s actually playing through a screen and translating that somehow. Yeah, well, I think another perspective is if you go back 100 years or let’s just say 200 years, because I guess there’s, like, video now in the 18 hundreds.

I don’t. I don’t know if that existed or not. Right. Okay, let’s go back to the 17 or 16 hundreds, and you describe to somebody, oh, in the future, you’ll be able to, like, have someone do something in front of you, and you could record it using a tiny little thing that you’re going to be holding, and then you can rewatch that multiple times. You know, I mean, that’s just going to sound like something so far futuristic that you’re. It’s just even going to be hard to fathom and believe in something true. Right. So, um, so I think, like, this is kind of the same premise where it almost feels like, oh, this is, like, far fetched.

You know, you’re talking about some device that can see something. So I guess it was described, um, Ernetti described, or, I’m sorry, burn described it with this, like, cathode that they would use. And there was this device that they would hook up, like a screen, and then it would show these images. I don’t. I don’t know if they were, like, fully in color or how it really worked, but supposedly they took some stills of these things, and that’s some of the stuff that we’re seeing, that being one of them. And this is. This is actually a whole document that I found, a whole study talking about residual magnetic fields.

That’s crazy. And so, again, you know, this sounds all like science fiction, but in reality, they are studying all these different things. Now, granted, they’re not talking about using it for, like, essentially time travel or anything else like that, but this shows that they are detecting certain anomalies within this, like, spacetime things, dimensional shift almost kind of aspect. But they’re using it in a very scientific. Explaining it in a very, like, you know, linear way without going too far to make sure it fits in with the realm of physics, because anything that goes outside of that, that’s when you start having issues.

Right? So, okay, let’s backtrack a little bit with this. About what? Because everyone talks about the secret Vatican vault. You know, what’s underneath the Vatican? And is it conversation? Yeah. Right. So I will go back. I want to get back to the chronovisor, but first I want to show that this is not just a conspiracy, that this is real. So. And these are real photos that you’re seeing. So did you know that the Vatican has 52 miles of shelving space that are full? In fact, they were so full, they had to build a second, like, underground space to hold all the material that they have there.

But I mean, of course, because if they were, if they got all of the books from the out, like the library of Alexandria. Yeah. They, of course, you know, like, relive all your favorite moments of America’s number one show. Your family deserves to lose everything. There is no morality here. There is keep the kingdom, or there is lose the kingdom. And don’t miss the epic return. Oh, that’s me. Premiering November 10 at just over 100 acres. Eight vatican cities could fit inside New York’s Central Park. I don’t know. It’s the smallest country. Behind its walls are history’s most closely guarded.

Then I think it’s from your. This actual website that you’re on. Secret archives. You’re. It’s the actual website you’re on? Yeah. See? Do you see that video that was playing because you were zoomed in? That was me. Oh, maybe it was you. It was Lindsay. Okay, sorry, guys. I can’t hear it at all. I was like. I thought it was me for a second, and I was like, that’s weird. I usually don’t have any tabs open, you know? Yeah, no, the ones I had open, that’s why I was like, I don’t think this is me, because, like, I haven’t done anything with my computer, so.

Okay. Anyway, sorry, guys. This is what happens when we’re live, you know? Okay. Going back to this. Okay, anyway, there are 30. So there’s known 35,000 volumes of catalogs of all kinds of books, documents, everything. Twelve centuries worth of documents. They. One of the documents they had was specifically about the Knights Templar. It was extremely secret document. The minutes of the trials against the Knights Templar, back in, like, the 13 hundreds. So they have the original document for that. The archives indexes are not public and only accessible to scholars once they are 75 years old. I have no idea why.

Why is 75 specifically? No idea. Um, but they are definitely part of a fortress of the Vatican, and they have an official website that you can request access to this. Now, my. From what I gathered with this, there’s, like, layers to this. There’s the one that’s, like. That’s known. The 52 miles of shelving, and it seems like there’s another secret one that’s underneath that. Right. But you can actually. Lindsey, can you click on this website here? So you can actually. If you’re distinguished and qualified scholars from institutions of higher education pursuing scientific research, you can apply for an entry card into the Vatican.

Whatever this is. Vatican library or whatever. Select scholars need an introductory letter from some kind of recognized institution or person. They need to provide personal data, your name and address, and all that stuff. This is what’s weird. Only pencil, paper, computer, laptops are permitted. No ink, no pins, no digital cameras are allowed. I mean, the digital camera part I can understand, but ink pens like that’s so specific. I guess they just don’t want you to writing any. Yeah, because if ink got on one of the pages, you can’t get it off. Only five requested articles can be taken at a time.

So, anyway, I didn’t even know. I didn’t even know that you could potentially request. Request access to get inside this thing. So, um, there’s also certain aspects from pope, um. What is that? Pope the 8th, so. Or pope the 12th? Okay. Yeah, no, yeah. Pope the 8th. I don’t know. Anyway, there. So they do have some things that are known there. After we get done talking about the coronavirus. Or coronavirus. It’s like a cross between the coronavirus and the coronavirus. It’s a tv that gives you the coronavirus. Yeah, the chronovisor. After we get done talking about that, we’ll get into some of the things that the Vatican reportedly has, and I found some links of that too, so that’d be kind of a cool discussion, but.

So, yeah, so before we jump into the real history of the chrono, the coronavirus, and the photos that supposedly depict Jesus, we’re going to show another trailer and we get back. We’ll get right into this. Is it a rolling stone in the sky? Is it a hunk? A hunk of burning metal? It’s definitely not a blackbird singing in the dead of night. It’s a UFO. And chances are your favorite rock star has seen it. A rock artist. Just crazy. Or is there a reason why so many have claimed to see UFO’s? From your standard believers to abductees, from lifelong stargazers to superstars turned investigators, UFO encounters seem to follow around these celebrities.

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So, okay, let’s get back with the coronavirus. Sorry, I keep want to say coronavirus. Okay, yes. Okay, so this is what’s so fascinating, is that the story is that Ernetti, Father Ernetti, back in the fifties, heard a recording with some different priests that were doing these chantings, and there was a his own father who was dead at this point. He heard, and this was like a very old recording. He heard his father’s voice in the background on it, and that’s what got him thinking about all this. And at first he thought, I, um, you know, maybe this was like, um, his father almost like as a ghost or something, you know, or as there was a spirit coming to him and relaying a message.

But his father was just having, like some kind of normal conversation, almost like, with somebody in the background. And that’s what got him thinking about all of this. So, you know, this was his father a time traveler or something like that, you know, that that’s a kind of what kind of came up. And so he started researching into all of this, and supposedly that’s the spark that got him to start looking into what is essentially what became then of the coronavirus. So that’s kind of like an interesting backstory. And there’s a few things, supposedly, that he used it for, that you could find evidence for.

So, um, Quintus Innes was a writer and poet who lived during the Roman Republic times, um, I’m not sure when. It was a long time ago anyway. Yeah, yeah, it was, uh. I think it was before. Might have been before Christ. I think it was like 150 BC. What does it say to 239 BC? Okay, so he, um, he wrote this famous play, but there’s only a handful of sentences that remain from the play. Everything else kind of got lost in history. Supposedly Ernetti used the chronovisor to watch the entire performance, and given that he knew Latin, was able to transcribe the entire rest of the performance of the play in real time.

And supposedly this, this exists in real life. I’ve looked for this document. I spent a long time trying to find it, and I can’t find it. There’s other people that report that it exists, but right now I’m having a hard time finding it. So if it did exist, it’s either, like, pulled everywhere or I. It’s like, hidden somewhere, because just told, like, oh, this is just fake. It’s just, you know, somebody made this up, you know, for the story or whatever. But. But that’s what. That’s one of the really super, super interesting stories. So they also said they used it to see Sodom and Gomorrah.

They used it to see not just Jesus’s crucifixion, but also his life days before it and. And including last Supper. So all of this is very like. Yeah, but that can’t be all they used it for. They had to. I’m sure they used it for like, thousands of things. Who knows what that tech has developed into? Now, the pope’s probably got, like, a changer in his bedroom, and it’s a projection on his wall. They gonna watch anything in history? If they. If they were. If they claim they built this in 1950, that’s like a thousand years for technology right there.

Yeah. You know, like, even though 80 years went by, I mean, think about how far we. We have, how far we’ve come with technology, you know, with quantum computer. I mean, essentially, we don’t even know. This is what quantum computers could actually be doing, you know, on. On a deeper level that we don’t know about. You know, Orlando, let me rephrase that. Or are able to do that. We don’t know. You know, we’re told that quantum computers are doing, like, XYZ, but we have no idea what organizations, what military. They’re, you know, who’s using what. So I guarantee you this is the issue.

They claimed that one of the reasons why it was one of the most secret things that the Vatican had was just because they were so fearful that it would get into the wrong hands. So, like, if somebody used this for nefarious purposes, they could look into. I mean, can you imagine that? Looking into any point in history and seeing what was going on or even now, you could, like, essentially doesn’t sound that dangerous, unless the chronovisor can. Also, if time is a. If time doesn’t exist the way that we humans think it does, they could potentially look into the future using this thing.

That’s what I’m. That’s. That’s one of the things that I couldn’t really find for sure. Or it was discussed, but it’s quite possible. Um, but the other aspect is that if someone. Let’s just say, like, one of the things that could happen is that somebody could use this to start rewriting history over what happened or, like, use that for their knowledge to take over a country, to take over people. I mean, essentially, that’s already happening in today’s world anyway. So it’s like somebody has already been using this for nefarious purposes. And early christians hit a whole lot of things about what really happened.

So it’s like. And what Jesus really said and all of this stuff. So it’s like, if people found that and they released it, it could potentially cause problems for them. Right. Yeah. Someone wrote a comment saying the Vatican is the wrong hands. Right. Kind of agree with that, too. Yeah. So, um. No, that. That’s exactly it. So, um. Yeah. Oh, yeah. The. The, um. Yeah, the the. Let’s see. Okay. Well, okay. Yeah, here’s. Here’s a photo anyway, that came out supposedly of Christ’s final, final time with the. So there. And there’s a. There’s a better photo, though, I think the one underneath it.

Lindsey. Or. Let me see. I’ll find a better foot. There’s no. No, no, no. Nevermind. There’s a colored one that I had. I thought I had this one. Yeah, that’s it right there. Yep. That’s the colored one. What do you think of this photo, Rob? Or image or painting? Whatever you want to say. I mean, it like. It’s hard to say because, you know, this looks almost like one of those kind of treatments from the day with the type of technology we had in cameras. You know, like there were. There was like a style of photo called, like a daguerreotype.

And this looks a lot like it. So, you know, I don’t think that. I don’t think that this, like the style looks. Matches that day, that age. Right. But the problem is that this could be some. It could be some staged thing. But then it doesn’t look like it. It looks like they’re outside. And the photo looks pretty interesting, you know? Well, let me look. Yeah, let me explet me explain what everyone thinks. What everyone believes that this is. They believe that it is a photo of a painting. Lindsey. Yeah. Now, this is the weird thing.

No, this is. No, this is not the. That was a real photo. They could have restaged this paint like this painting. That was real. The photo was more real than this. Yeah. Lindsey, click on the. Click on the image below this one. To me, it looks like somebody saw the chronovisor image and painted this from it. This one here. So there’s two paintings. This is what’s weird about this. Let’s see. Can you. Are you able to pull up this other one? Yeah, this is it. This is. This is the other one. Now, wait. This is the one that.

That everyone is claiming it, but this is like, if you zoom in. Can you zoom in to Jesus here? No, this. It’s totally different. It is different. Completely different. The photograph is a hundred times more realistic than this. What I don’t understand is why is there two paintings of the same thing? Because people got the chronovisor picture and painted a picture of it. That’s what they’re. That’s what they’re suggesting. Even though these came out in the 19 hundreds, these paintings that would show. Because that that’s the other argument. Well, if the corona visor didn’t come out until the 1950s, then how.

How would these paintings come out before that? You know, the paintings come out before that? They did. But they’re pretty crappy paintings. But this is the aspect of time travel, right? They could have easily gone back in the past and have someone. I mean, I know this sounds totally ludicrous in some aspects, but if this is real, and he really did hear his father’s voice in that recording, even though his father was dead at that time, then it’s like, that’s what got him thinking about what is. Sorry. What is this painting depicting? Jesus? Oh, yeah. Okay, so this is, um.

This is Jesus with, uh, John behind him. Yeah. And then it’s, um. Joseph. Dude, I can’t remember his name. His, uh. Yes. Okay. Yeah. So he’s the one that Jesus. He was. He was part of the Sanhedin, and he was the one that. Jesus was trying to get him to follow him, but he just. He was afraid to leave. But he fully believed in Jesus, and it’s all stated in the Bible and everything. And I don’t know if it really says what happened to him, but he was supposed to, like, he was destined to follow Jesus, and he just couldn’t let go.

But. But, yeah, out of all of them, he. Out of all the ones that were, like, the jewish priests and everything, he was the one that fully believed in him. Now, this, again, going back to this image. This is what’s really crazy. I found a webs. So I was looking this up. When was the first published image of this? On the webs, online. On the Internet. It looks like it was from 2008. And it was first published in the website that. Arabic. Arabic. I’m sorry. Sorry. Yeah, I have a slight cold right now. Yeah. Arabic website that doesn’t exist anymore.

In fact, all of the early websites that I saw that had it not. None of them really exist anymore. I just happened. I had to use the wayback machine, and I found this website that really dived into this really hard. And looking at it from all different angles and their conclusion. So, Lindsey, can you scroll down a little bit? Because he’s kind of comparing the way that Jesus’s face is specifically in his head. So scroll down a little bit more. So he’s looking at Joseph. Right there. Right there. That one right there. Totally different. He says that these.

These are similar. But the one on the left, the top left there is clearly a photo of a human being, while the one on the right is clearly an oil painting done by an artist. Correct. And I would 100% agree with that. Yeah. And he also notices that his. The one on the right, the painting, he’s looking more down. Yeah. Whereas. Whereas the one on the left. Go back a little bit more. He’s, like. He’s reflecting. Look at the shoulder. Like, there’s all kinds of things going on there that are not happening in the painting. Yeah.

And the other one was John, too. Now, what’s weird is that entirely different. The lighting, when you analyze the background and you analyze, like, okay, the wheats. There’s, like, four wheat strands and everything else. But the conclusion that this guy comes to is that whoever drew this, whoever painted this, painted it from the photograph. Correct. And that’s. That’s his understanding of it. No, 100%. This guy painted it. He was looking at the photograph that was given to him by the Vatican or whatever, and his job was to paint it, to make it, to show people what happened, you know, in the photograph.

Mm hmm. Yeah. Because he says, the head of the face. Now, what’s weird this is. This is. Adds a whole other wrench in this whole thing is that this group, this, like, christian group, published a music cd with this painting, which is a totally different painting. But it’s the same thing. But. But that’s what we saw earlier. Right. And he noticed the liner notes. He said, the liner notes says this, quote. The COVID art for this foundation’s recording is from a print in the Anvil house art collection. The work portrays the disciples following Jesus Christ through a wheat field.

But it’s. It’s weird because it says it’s from a print. I mean, I guess that could mean I, um. That it’s like a painting. But why is there. Again, why is there two paintings of the same thing? It’s almost, like, adds more confusion on purpose to everything. So I don’t know. My. My understanding, after really looking at this is that that photograph is real. The question is, is it depicting actually Jesus? You know? Or did someone make this? Now everyone’s kind of asking, like, how would they took this photo? I guess when they were looking through this thing, they were able to capture some photos of it during that time.

And like I said, if they have access to some kind of. If they have a way to. That. This is. Sorry, I’m. This is another thing. Like, I don’t know. The photograph is way more real, and the lighting is more honest in the. In the photographs. Again, the top one is the photograph. The bottom two are the. Look at the light on the top of Jesus’s head in the photograph and compare it to the light in the paintings. There’s no way that these. That that photograph came from these paintings. These paintings are way less realistic looking.

His head is definitely. It’s like his. It’s almost like his eyes are closed in the middle one, and he’s looking too far down. Yeah. In the other one, it’s like he’s just. He’s just not. In the other one. Yeah. In the top one, he’s looking over at Joseph, I guess. Yeah. That’s insane. So that’s the. Okay, that was sold. That was one of the. Okay, so this. This. Yeah, that. That’s it right there. That’s the. That’s a painting. That’s a reproduction of the painting, not the photo. Right. Okay, so that’s a reproductive. So somebody repainted the original.

From the original painting, supposedly. You know, I mean, this guy, um, Raphael, whatever his name is. Whale or whatever. Wally. Johan. Raphael. Wheel. Wheel. Yeah. Now, okay, there’s a couple more photos. Okay, this is. This is the other one. The one on the bottom is the painting. And then the one on the far left is from the photo. And then the other two are the one on the right and the bottom are. Boss. Both from those different paintings. Right. Okay. What other photos? But it’s weird, because he looks similar to the one on the bottom, but the one on the bottom is.

The other paint is a different painting. So that’s why it also doesn’t like. Facial structure is entirely different. Look at. Compare the guy’s jaw on the bottom to the dude’s jaw on the top left. Totally different. Totally different. Completely different. Super weird. Definitely weird. Okay, so, yeah, so there’s a couple other photos here we saw. Okay, so, Lindsay, it’s the one that I sent you the. The image of on your phone. This is another one, supposedly, that was through. Now, this one, I really don’t know much about this. The painting, because there is a painting of this.

And honestly, it’s definitely not a photograph of a painting. Even though there are extreme similarities. The ears are different. Like, there’s so many different aspects. We’re going to bring up the painting in here in a minute. But this is Peter and John, who are. I think they’re running to see after. After Jesus. When they heard that Jesus rose from the dead. I think. I think that’s them running to see. To see what’s going on. But anyway, Lindsey, can you pull up the other image? It’s one below it. Yeah. I mean, they didn’t look like they were running.

Really? It looked like they had ran. And then they came to a stop and they were watching it. Right. Yeah, that could be too. No one runs like this, even if you’re holy. Yeah. Now this is the painting. Yeah. This looks like a good painting of that. Yeah, that’s what I think too, dude. There. I mean, it’s definitely not a photograph of the painting. If you see the photo, can we compare these two side to side here? If anyone says it is, it’s very close. It’s extremely close. But Peter’s nose. Peter on the right there is extremely different than the actual.

Than the painting. And his eyes are totally different. And he’s got this line underneath his eye. And, like, what’s in the photo? He doesn’t have that in the painting. And his eyes are just totally different. And his eyebrows are even different. And if you look at John, who’s next to him, his ear is totally different too. His ear on the painting, his earlobe kind of, like, hangs out. And on the photograph, you know what it’s attached to his side. This one, though, it’s very possible that what you’re looking at is one of those. I don’t know if you want to call them x rays, but if you took an x ray of the.

There’s the. This process where if you. You can see the different layers of the oil painting through a special type of x ray or something like that, that they shoot at the painting. And that’s how you can see what Leonardo da Vinci was up to, you know, and you can see all the layers underneath it. Yeah. To me, it looks like the paint like this. To me, looks like this is a photograph taken from the painting. But what you’re looking at is one of those scans of it where you can see the under painting in there.

And the. The ear was underdeveloped, as you can see, in earlier stages. And then as it got closer to finalization. Not his ear, the other one. The guy on the left. Who is that? John, the younger guy. Yeah. Yeah. So if you compare that ear to this one, the other one, you know, in the. In the finalized painting. Keep scrolling over. Yeah, you can see that he finalized the ear here. Right. So interesting. This one could be a layered, you know, photograph of this painting, but it also could be that the guy painted this from this photograph.

So it’s hard to say. I couldn’t really. This one is way, way harder than the last one we were looking at. I agree. And this one, I don’t have a lot of information on. And once again, um, I was just like, even on a Google search, the image didn’t even really come up. It only found it on a platform called, or website called Ten Eye. T I n e y e. You can look. It’s like a reverse image search that you can do. And once again, it came up in like from 2008, so same time period as the other one.

So I, the other ones, I, the other ones were confirmed by burn, but this one, I don’t know if this one was in the original book or not. I just happened to see that this is another one that people were talking about. But either way, all of these are extremely compelling. But I can definitely. But I’m with you. That original photo of Jesus and John, that just seems like a real photograph to me. Are there any others that we have access to from the coronavirus or is it just these two and that one of Jesus, like a close up of his face? Those are the ones I know of.

There might be more. I checked, but, um. But yeah, and, like, some people are like, oh, maybe this is AI. AI didn’t exist in 2008. Like, you couldn’t create something like that in 2008, you know, Photoshop. But, but it was also confirmed that, well, Arnetti said that he saw these back in, even in the seventies. So, um, that, that’s like some confirmation right there. And again, this isn’t some crazy, you know, priest that is just talking about these things like, he was very well respected. So, you know, just, that’s pretty interesting. That’s interesting. Yeah. So I had a whole list of stuff of what’s, like, other things that are potentially in the Vatican, uh, underneath.

But we can actually save that for, for Tuesday because that’s like a whole show in itself. Oh, that’d be fun. Okay. There’s some really cool things in there, so why don’t we save that one for either next Tuesday? Yeah, what’s pretty interesting about this, I’ll just say, just to kind of wrap up the coronavirus. The coronavirus, the, sorry, just to wrap up the chronovisor conversation is how in the world were they developing this in the fifties? What’s interesting is that after Wernher von Braun came over, a lot of the nazi technology came over. The Soviets were developing stuff alongside the Americans.

They were trying to find an answer for this, and they were studying remote viewing and the human mind to see how they could figure out how to make technology that could do something very similar to the coronavirus. The weird thing is that the, the coronavirus came out so much earlier, like the fifties. That’s just very strange. So this guy was onto something. Well, before, I think, the different competing governments who were trying to figure out this technology were onto something. So there could have been technology that was left here that people in the Vatican had access to.

Let’s say project looking glass was a thing, and the Vatican had access to that technology. The project looking glass technology. They could have developed the coronavirus according to that technology. Right? So I don’t know. What do you think that this is, Ben? You mean the actual technology? What? Yeah. Like, how do you think they developed this thing? Well, that’s what I. That’s what I mean. I think there were already. I mean that for Fermi. He won a noble peace. Peace prize in 1939. He. He was the first person to develop nuclear reactors. And he did a few other things, too.

You know, those are the stuff that we just know about. Right. So clearly, I mean, he was a member of project. I did a bunch of stuff. Whoa. So this guy was very important for the military, for the government, everything, right? So I would imagine that they probably came to him and said, here’s everything. What do you need at your disposal to create any of this stuff? Right? So he probably had. He probably. I mean, Tesla already developed this stuff. It wasn’t like this came out of nowhere, right? I mean, they already had the Tesla files that we still don’t even have access to.

They still won’t release some of the stuff that Tesla. Yeah. So guarantee you that Tesla already figured out most of the stuff. It was just a matter. It’s like, oh, okay, Tesla’s already got the equation. We just kind of need to fill in the blanks here and there, and boom, we have it. Or it’s like he didn’t have the. It’s like he had the equation, but he didn’t have the ways to build this yet. Like, maybe something didn’t exist for him that he’s like, I needed XYZ, but it doesn’t exist yet. Well, now it exists. You know, 50 years later, we can now build this.

So that’s. I think that’s why I literally think they just left off with that. Everything they knew with the Nazis probably mixed in with some things of, like, alien technology that’s already there, and bam, you know, there it is. It’s like you’ve already created it. It’s. You know, and I really don’t think these things are as complicated as we think they are. Yeah. That’s the main thing. You know, they tell us that these things are overly complicated possible, because it’s almost like it’s probably very simple to build. I mean, think about it. If they built this in the 1950s, like, we would have access to all of that right now very easily.

You know, some kid could probably build this in the basement if they had a blueprint for. So it’s not that challenging. And I think the aspect is just understanding how it works and what you would need. But we’re also very limited to the scientific research that’s out there because we’re told, like, this isn’t true, that you have to stay within the confines of physics, where these guys were, like, operating outside of that, because they knew this stuff is real. And I think that’s. That’s the difference, you know, when you. When you understand that, it’s like, oh, well, now we can build quantum computers that compute in other dimensions that breaks the laws of physics because we already know that this is possible and it exists.

So, anyway, that’s kind of what I think about it in a long winded answer. Yeah, I like it. Well, you guys, we’re about to head over, actually, to rise tv, where you can jump in and join our live q and A. And then we’re going to do top ten weirder news of the week. But we’re kind of, you know, we’re just wondering if you’ve been looking for a way to support our content and you want something in return that’s really going to help your day. We’ve got metaphysical coffee now. So if you stay up all night researching for the show like we do, or you just have a lot on your own plate, we’ve got something that you might enjoy here.

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And fantastic tales that make up creation stories across cultures. Like the most famous one, the Garden of Eden. But the biggest question everyone has is where was the Garden of Eden? And when we went looking for the answer, we came across places that were everything from reasonable to the wildest and most out of this world. Places that people have proposed. You’re gonna love number one. So join us on this edge of wonder series as we travel across the Americas, the deserts of Africa, the places you’d seriously never expect and so much more. Let’s start out with a place you would never think the garden would be in a million years.

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