CIA Disclosure Coming? Dolphin Spies Warp Drive Tech Cover-Ups Revealed

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➡ The Edge of Wonder discusses various intriguing topics, including NASA’s exploration of warp drive technology for faster-than-light travel, Dr. John C. Lilly’s experiments on mind-body separation, and the CIA’s alleged attempts to weaponize it. The show also delves into Lilly’s tests on dolphin communication, hinting at the CIA’s use of dolphins as spies. The hosts speculate on the potential disclosure of government secrets and the existence of advanced technology, and they invite viewers to join their live show for further discussion.
➡ The text discusses the power and potential of neutrinos, particles that are denser and more powerful than those in an atom bomb. It also mentions ongoing research in Antarctica and China, suggesting that these studies could lead to advancements in time travel and warp drive technology. The speaker also reflects on the evolution of technology, such as GPS, and speculates that the military may have access to advanced technology long before it becomes publicly available.
➡ The text discusses a series of videos on Rise TV about the Nazis’ search for powerful relics, particularly the Spear of Destiny, which they believed could ensure their rule. The conversation then shifts to the hosts’ differing opinions on various topics, including the Mandela effect and the quality of certain movies. They also discuss the possibility of hosting a debate on the controversial topic of flat earth theory.
➡ The text discusses the CIA’s past experiments with dolphins, particularly Project Oxygas, which aimed to train dolphins to attach explosives to enemy ships. However, the project was abandoned due to difficulties in controlling the dolphins. The text also delves into the work of Dr. John C. Lilly, a neurophysiologist who believed in the possibility of communicating with dolphins and conducted extensive research on the subject. His work, which was partially funded by NASA, also involved the development of a sensory deprivation tank that induced out-of-body experiences.
➡ The text discusses the potential of Wi-Fi routers to create 3D images of homes and the possibility of them being used for surveillance. It also explores the monopolization of Wi-Fi services and the difficulty of starting a new Wi-Fi company. The text further delves into the intelligence of dolphins, their ability to mimic human speech, and ongoing research to understand their communication methods.
➡ Dr. Herzing is developing a device to communicate with dolphins using their own language. Some believe dolphins are not only intelligent but can also time travel and astral project. The late John C. Lilly, who was known for his work with dolphins and consciousness exploration, believed in the existence of other dimensions and alien life forms. His research, which involved the use of isolation tanks and substances like ketamine, sparked interest from the CIA for potential applications in psychic warfare.
➡ The text discusses the exploration of inner consciousness and the limitations of language in describing these experiences. It also mentions the benefits of sensory deprivation tanks for health and out-of-body experiences. The conversation shifts to pet health and the importance of emergency kits. Lastly, it promotes a subscription to Rise TV for more in-depth discussions and a coffee subscription for fans.


Edge of Wonder is CIA disclosure coming from dolphin communication and LSD to real warp drive technology. Seems cover ups are finally being revealed. For one, NASA has a team dedicated to the Star Trek warp drive technology where a spaceship would fly faster than the speed of light. But does this technology already exist? We’ll be talking about it tonight. Yeah. And we’ll also ask about Dr. John C. Lilly. You ever heard of him? He created a chamber that no sound, light, sense of time, or even gravity could penetrate, leading to the separation of the mind from the body.

Of course, as soon as the CIA found out about his experiments, they allegedly next tried to do the only thing the CIA does. Weaponize it, of course. And possibly most interesting of all, Lilly’s experiments also tested physical and psychic communication with dolphins. Yes, even dolphins, which then led to the CIA using them as spies. In the futures. Yeah. Now with mass changes happening in the government, will we see a huge disclosure of secrets on all fronts? And will classified files get opened? Join us, Ben Chastain and Rob Counts on this Edge of Wonder live to hear all about it at the end of the show.

Don’t miss the live Q and A followed by a meditation prayer only on Rise tv. And as always, we’ll see you guys out on the edge. All right. How are you doing, Rob? Good, Ben, how are you? Pretty good. And by the way, if you’re listening to our Edge of Wonder podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcast or elsewhere, please leave us a five star rating and review. And also remember, hit like, follow, subscribe all the good stuff wherever you are watching us, whether it’s Rumble, Ganjing, World X Instagram, Telegram, Facebook, we would appreciate that. Yeah. All right, well, we can just.

So, yeah, so this is, this is really weird. This just came out last couple days that NASA wants to build warp drive technology. Now this is something that, you know, Einstein, I mean, this goes all the way back to Einstein, right? Like Einstein’s kind of talking about this where Einstein predicted like a warp drive or some kind of like he predicted a worm. It was like wormhole, Einstein, Rosenbridge stuff, which is, which is basically like generating a wormhole, going through the wormhole and then arriving on the other side of the wormhole. Right? Yeah, well, Einstein did and he, well, he mentioned a lot of different aspects because.

Yeah, that, that’s definitely the main one that he was talking about, where you could like bend space and time, where you could essentially go from one point to another point in a split second practically. And the other one was kind of creating this warp. He obviously didn’t call it a warp drive, but some kind of. But essentially this bubble, that something could travel within that bubble and potentially travel faster than light. But it’s kind of weird because now NASA’s actually been exploring this idea. Why wouldn’t you. Yeah, I know, I mean, which, you know, they’re looking to create this bubble, but.

And they said they’re trying to do it without the need of like exotic or negative energy such as like dark matter or whatever, you know, but, you know, right now. But they, they actually literally have scientists working on this, which is like. But kind of asking the question, have they already been doing this for quite a long time? Or, you know, is this how like UFOs would travel? And there’s definitely blueprints out there for specific CR. Like even, even the TR3B, the triangular shape craft, which seems to have this. It, like it almost generates its own gravitational field, which is why these crafts can move like in crazy, you know, just like 3,000 miles and turn at a 90 degree angle.

And it’s like it would kill anybody that was in there normally. But if it has its own gravitational field around this or this like essentially a bubble, then you would just be like sitting there in your own, in your own space. Your own, yeah, your own entire gravitational field. Like your own dimension, almost. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like your own space time. And so like. Yeah, Lindsay’s bringing up this. I mean, you’d need that in order to go through a wormhole from my understanding. Because wouldn’t a wormhole like kind of stretch and, or destroy your body with the force of it or whatever if you enter a black hole? That is a very strong possibility.

But yeah, they say it just, it destroys everything right as it’s taking it in. But the problem is like, we don’t really know, you know, and then like you have. Well, somebody at CERN knows, Ben. That’s what I was going to say. CERN knows. I mean, that’s probably what they’re doing, you know, I mean, they literally saying they’re creating these microscopic black holes to see what would happen if they put microscopic. Yeah, microscopic. You know, and if atom is microscopic too, and look at the amount of, you know, explosive power it has. Right? And that’s, that’s what.

So essentially they’re creating these microscopic black holes and they’re sending molecules through these microscopic black holes to see what would happen. So theoretically, on a massive scale, if you say not just a molecule, but like a spaceship through a black hole, what would happen? Now the problem is they’re not really telling us their results. They’re saying they’re doing these experiments. I mean, they’re saying it directly on their website, like literally, but yet they’re not really telling us what they’re finding. And that’s the part where it’s like, wait, what is really going on? Well, I mean, Ben, how do you let everyone know that? You let, you know, millions of real illegal aliens to this earth into.

Onto the planet. Right? I know. How do you do that? Yeah, we’re the international ice. We let all the illegal aliens to this planet in. That’s so funny. Yeah, there we go. Lighter than navigator right there. Well, the interesting thing is that there was a. So we’ve kind of talked about this before, but I think that this is so relevant because there’s so much experimentation in who knows what kind of technology exists. This is one of the things I am excited about for the future, is that I do believe that there’s going to be a lot more things that are disclosed in the near future.

Kind of on the top of everyone’s list is Epstein files whose names is on there. Everyone wants these things out. But I think from another perspective too, it’s kind of like what, what technology is already does. Are they already using that we don’t know about? You know, and that gets way deeper. It’s like, I don’t care so much about the conversation whether like aliens are real or not, or if they’re here. It’s kind of more now shift. It’s shifting over to what is this technology that we’re seeing in the skies? Like we, Everyone knows now that there’s something up there.

The Pentagon even admit it themselves, that they, they, they don’t even know what’s up there. And there are these like UAPs that are flying over military bases and are like, we have no idea what this is. So it’s like, now what you know, what else is out there? Well, so kind of going back to cern, there was the scientists that they were doing this OPERA experiment. And this is. It’s so opera, it stands for something. I can’t even remember what it stands for. But they were doing tests with neutrinos and they got a neutrino that appeared to travel faster than the speed of light.

And they published a real paper on this. What is this? Lindsey? I sorry. With emulsion tracking apparatus. Say that five. Say that one time. Fast project with emulsion tracking apparatus. But why? What’s weird is they use the R in tracking in order to make the word opera. It’s like the racking apparatus should be. Yeah. Or op. And they were like, let’s just use the R, it’s cooler. Yeah. Seriously. Well, you know, the scientists that published this paper was fired by CERN and they said that it was a mistake, some kind of like equipment malfunction and that was it, end of story.

But you know, it, it seems that on a deeper level and within the, behind closed doors in the scientific community, this is a real thing and they’ve been experimenting with this and I think neutrinos are the key factor here, you know, and we, we interviewed Eric Hecker, the whistleblower who was, came out of Antarctica. And one of the things that we discussed on the interview was these so called secret experiments that the military or the government or whoever is doing with neutrinos. And I find this very, very fascinating because with neutrino and, and you know, when you, when you watch Star Trek or any of these science fiction films or movies and when they start talking in like very technical jargon and they’re starting to talk about like bending time, space or like a temporal space distortion, that, that comes up a lot.

It’s always, it deals with neutrinos and what they’re finding with. So everything we understand about the more microscopic particles get is like backwards from how physics are, how physics is. So like neutrinos are way, like we talked about this before, but they’re way more powerful and denser and I mean like a neutrino bomb compared to an atom bomb would be like a grenade compared to a nuclear missile. Yeah. Seriously, neutrino bombs are so much more explosive. Were you talking about neutron bombs right now or new? Like if somebody actually did blow up a neutrino like created a neutron.

Yeah. Essentially the neutron bomb is dealing with neutrinos, you know, but there’s, but there’s all this study happening in Antarctica with neutrinos and so it’s like what are they trying to build? You know, is it portals all kinds of things. You know, there’s other scientists that, that I think it came out of China recently where they had a neutrino. It was like it traveled in time. It was like in two places at once because they were like studying this neutrino. And so I don’t remember all the neutrino is on a next level down from a neutron.

And the neutron bombs were like the most explosive that we’ve ever blown up on planet Earth from what I understand. So a neutrino bomb would be like the Earth would be gone yeah, which is why they can’t even. They can’t even make a neutrino bomb. I mean, like, that would know it. Essentially. You’re almost like. I mean, it’s like antimatter. Right. And so all these things kind of play into time travel, into, like, you know, all the scientific study on warp drive, like, all these aspects. So this. This. You know, to me, I just feel like they’ve already been doing this.

It’s like every time something comes out in our world for, like, civilian use, I just feel like the military has probably been using it for decades, and it’s like, well, we found something better, so now we can just give this out publicly. You know, like, when GPS came out, I was like. I was so blown away by gps. Like, that. That just changed. I don’t know how to describe. I mean, it’s so. You know, now it’s like. We don’t even, you know, circa 2009. Tom. Tom. Ben. That. It was like. It was like, early 2000s or something like that, you know, and then they had.

What was the other. The other company was called, like, Gem, Gimlin, or. Yes. Yeah. I was just gonna think, like, Garmin or something like that. Garmin. That was it. It still exists. They. They, like, make watches or something now, and. But yeah, it was like. It was so weird because I just remember thinking, like, this is insane. Like, this is connecting to a satellite, and it can track my movements and just like, what is. What else is out there that we just don’t know about, you know? And this is, like, again, in the early 2000s, and I’ve just always been in.

It’s so funny. I used to. Yeah, I had one of these, and it got stolen out of my car. Now, like, you wouldn’t even. I mean, they’re so stolen. Yeah. Yeah. That’s like a badge of honor, kind of, isn’t it? 2010, my Garmin got stolen out of my driving. What were you driving? 2010, my Garmin got stolen out of my Honda Fit. That’s such a 2010 sentence to say. It was like, 2008 or something like that. Right? That’s hilarious. Lindsay was saying her. Her parents still hide their Garmin, so it doesn’t get stolen. Their 2006 Garmin.

Yeah, I was just. You know, I normally. I would, like, put it in my glove box, and, like, I accidentally left my car unlocked, and it just was gone. Luckily. Come on, man. I know. Seriously. It’s just that one day. Anyway, granted, we may not see this for a few years. This warp drive technology. But the fact that they’re going through the process of creating this publicly again is kind of like maybe they’ve already been doing this. Sorry, we’ve been talking a lot about Garmins going through the process of creating what publicly? You know, like the warp.

Like this warp drive technology, you know, and all this stuff. So kind of thought you were talking about putting garments back up on, you know, I mean, do they still make these? I. I can’t. I mean, they’re all on your phones now. I can’t even imagine. Like I said, I think they make watches or something where it’s like a smartwatch from Garmin. But I could be wrong. Oh, they could have some government contracts where they’re making more serious stuff. But I’m not sure everyone has government contracts at this point. It seems like. Yeah, and speaking of.

Well, kind of like government aspect. Michael Sala, I don’t know if you guys heard this, but Michael Salah, he was nominated. He was nominated. I don’t really understand exactly what that means. I think I can explain it to you. Okay. Yeah. But I’ve been nominated to be an advisor for the incoming Trump administration on innovative technology. The public can vote for me, vote on nominations. So he has a link where you can, I guess, vote so. But he’s. He was just talking about how he wants to, you know, if he got this position, he would definitely disclose and tell everybody what he learns about, you know, exotic propulsion, which is what we’re talking about with Wardrive technology, space program secrets, ET ancient technologies, all kinds of things.

So it is extremely doubtful that he would get in this. Yeah, I’m kind of wondering. Yeah, I think. I mean, even if he was, I mean, it just means that somebody out there said, oh, hey, this guy Michael Salah might be good for this position. You know, it’s not. Anyone, anyone, anyone can nominate anyone else. So, I mean, it’s so true. It’s cool that it happened, but, you know, it wasn’t like, you know, Kosh Patel or somebody like that whispered in Trump’s ear like, hey, you should, you know, you should hire this guy over here. Yeah, no, it’s just, you know, there’s like.

It was like Ben went on there and he was like, Michael Salah for this position. Michael Salah, by the way, is like one of our favorite exopolitics guys out there. He basically researches, you know, technology and UFO craft and different things that a lot of other journalists would shy away from. Used to work at American University back in the day. And yeah, great guy. You know, we haven’t seen him on the show in a while, but you know, I’ve been following what he’s been doing. Yeah, I mean, again, you know, with everybody, you’re not going to agree with every single thing that people.

That’s not true though, because I agree with every single thing that I say. Well, with what you say. Oh, that would make sense. I don’t even agree with everything you say. Even most of the time I do, but. Oh, come on, Ben, you agree with everything I say. I still. Well, your favorite, actually. What’s our biggest thing that we disagree on? Actually, you know what, wait till after the trailer for that one. I gotta think about that. Yeah, I gotta think about that. I mean, there’s definitely movies that we don’t agree with, but. Yeah, that’s for sure.

I definitely don’t agree with some of some of the movies you like. That is true. That could be one of them. But for everybody at home, have you guys been looking for a way to support our content and want something in return that’s really going to help your day? Well, now we have metaphysical coffee. So if you stay up all night researching like we do or you just have a lot on your own plane, we have something for you. Our team is really picky when it comes to our coffee. So we found single source beans from Guatemala with a deep, rich flavor that honestly impressed us all.

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Objects so extraordinary he believed they held the answer to world domination. Objects that had the power to change the course of history itself. These were the relics of power. Of all the relics the Nazis sought to find, there was one valued above the rest. One that would secure the destiny of their rule and guarantee it for a thousand years to come. One with a history that began in antiquity. The most mysterious of all the relics. The Spear of Destiny. All right, well, you guys can find that over on our Rise TV platform along with all of our almost nearly a thousand videos over there.

And you can also get a free episode if you’re not subscribed to Rise TV by typing in Rise TV video. And you will get one of our free episodes, I think on. Oh, yeah, there it is. Uplifting stories of divine intervention and winter miracles. So, yep, all we need is your email. You’ll get a link emailed to you where you can, you can watch the free episode. So check it out if you haven’t. And we also have our Ring of Power series. Yeah, these are really awesome series that we did. So, yeah, there’s nine episodes to our Ring of Power.

What? Relics. That’s what I meant. Relics of Power series. Well, yeah, Relics of Power is an Amazon show that. What? Yeah, but we do have a Ring of Power episode. Ours was first. You’re right. Ours was like years ahead of Amazon even. Even throwing down a billion dollars for. Wait a minute, we already have a Rings. Ring of Power series. So, yeah, the. These episodes are great. They basically, if you like the Indiana Jones films, you’ll love these because it goes into all kinds of like, real, real legends about some of these artifacts or relics that have actually changed history in really interesting ways.

And it proves that there’s more to artifacts or relics than meets the eye than people actually think. Some of these can. Some of these things can hold the power that they can hold. So, yeah, very interesting. Definitely check those out. Just on Rise tv exclusively there. And yeah, Ben, did you think about it during the break? Like, what’s the thing that we’ve disagreed on the most throughout our history? Yeah, I think, I think 70 of your Mandela effects aren’t A thing. Oh, yeah. Well, there. There’s a. There’s 30, though. You’re spot on do. Yeah, but I mean, it’s.

That’s the way the Mandela effects are like the. Yeah, like the Batman one, you know, like, for me, it’s like. No, but that’s the thing is. It’s like. That’s the thing that gets me about the Mandela effect is like, any. Any reply to the Mandela effect is like, well, that’s just what I remember. Yeah, I mean, well, it is. I mean, my timeline, not yours. Well, I mean, it’s like. Because for me, it. To me, that’s one of the strongest ones, because when I see the Batman logo on Bat Suit itself, I’m like, dude, this. No, no, but Batman aside, I’m just talking about the Mandela effect.

I’m not really. I even like this comic and I’m like, dude, this is not right. Like, I. I actually got this. No, but. But it is, though, because I actually used to draw it like that. Yeah, you. It’s like seventh grade. You. You’re like, hey, this. This is the way it was. And I’m like, that’s not the way. No, no, but there were more than one. And that’s the whole thing is there were like. There were two at the time. One that was a little bit simpler than that and one that was like that. And they were.

Yeah, no, in the Batsuit. On the Batsuit itself. This is it. You know, But. But when you’re watching the movie, the logo at the beginning of the night 89 is not this one in the movie at the beginning. It’s. It’s. But. But, you know, so I. I mean, to me, when I saw this, because the first time I saw this, I was like, dude, that’s. That’s not the right logo on Batman. Like, I know for a fact, because I have it everywhere. And then it’s like, you know, like, for. For example, you know, then like, why would they make it for this? And it’s totally different.

You know, this is what I remember on the bat. Yeah, but I think they actually legitimately had more than one bat design. Well, not. But not in the movie. In the movie. It’s only that in both movies, you know, that. I don’t know. But I don’t. I’m not necessarily saying I disagree with that one. I know. It’s just others that. That have come up, I’ve been like, this one. You know what I think the Mandela effect needs is in order to be considered a Mandela effect, there has to Be some sort of, like, rules that we follow in order to, like.

Like, there has to be a certain amount of remnants that prove that that thing is real. Do you agree with that? In some. Like, Ed McMahon. Like, Ed McMahon. So many remnants. Right. It’s insane. It’s totally insane. How much is out there with Ed McMahon? Like, I can’t even, like, get over it. I mean. And I was actually talking to somebody the other day about it, and it’s like, they couldn’t wrap their head around it. Like, what do you mean, it doesn’t exist? Like, it does exist. I mean, he did that. I’m like, no, he didn’t do it.

And they just couldn’t understand it. They’re. They’re. They’re like. Like what? Like, they just deleted the videos. And I’m like, it’s like, nobody. No, that’s the thing. Nobody knows. Right. Like, I’m positive the Mandela effect exists, and I really like talking about it every week. I just don’t always think that everything. Everything is a Mandela effect. Yeah, I understand that. Yeah. But what. Is there other things that we’ve disagreed with? Wait, I have the perfect thing. What? You know what’s amazing to me is somebody spent time on that. Somebody actually spent time on that. I kind of feel bad.

Yeah. I’m trying to think if there’s this. We definitely disagree on movies from time to time. Like, no one’s gonna tell me that Matrix two and three were good or Matrix four was good. No one’s gonna. Matrix three. I. I loved Matrix three, which is weird. No one liked it. I just. Because it was terrible. Like, I said it was. So. But, like, movies will disagree on a lot. But I’m trying to think of, like, other things that, like, are there. Are there certain conspiracy theories that we totally disagree on? I don’t really think so. Like, we’re both on the same page about the flat earth.

Like, honestly, if one of us believed in flat earth and the other didn’t, I think our show would explode. I. I honestly, you know, I wouldn’t be able to have a show with you if you really. I saw John de Souza recently, you know, and he’s, like a huge flat Earther now. And he was like, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. You remember he was on our show, and. And he. He was taught. He. We got in a flat earth conversation, and then, like, I. I was like, john, I’m sorry. I can’t let this fly. And then, like, remember that? You know, I was, like, kind of debating on him, and you were Kind of like in the middle, like, more moderating the.

He’s a guest. I was trying to be nice. Yeah, yeah. And I was like, I’m sorry, I just can’t with flat earth, man. You know? And it was like, it was like a friendly debate. You know, we weren’t, like, at each other’s throats or anything, but I was like, thinking, I’m like, this would actually be cool to have on the show, like, maybe like, John and I debating flat earth, you know? So I, I, There’s a. There’s this other guy I know who’s a huge flat Earther. And I was like, I, I told him, too. I was like, dude, we should have a debate.

And he doesn’t really want to, though, so. Yeah, that’s how, you know, they don’t know what they’re talking about right there. Dude, I won’t even come on that night, just. Or you know what? I’ll be the referee. I’ll wear a stripe. That’s what I mean. You be the referee. Yeah. And I just want to listen. Right. I got a timer in my hand. You have a one minute to reply. Is there an ice wall? You have one minute to reply. I mean, I can kind of understand, like, in some aspects, maybe in Antarctica there would be, like, something that looks like.

But I don’t think it’s an ice wall that goes around the world, bro. There is legitimately zero evidence of an ice wall. Yeah. Not around the world. A total fantasy. That’s so weird. Okay, anyway, we got way off topic here, but it was good. Yeah. We’ll come back to this conversation about what Ben and I disag sometime because it’s kind of funny to talk about. Yeah, we can even talk. We could talk about maybe Friday, too. We can think more about it. That might be good, but. Okay, why don’t we get into dolphins and LSD and, And psychic communication with dolphins using lsd.

That’s not. Sounds good. That’s what this. So John C. Lily, he was kind of working on some of this, but things took a very dramatic turn. But we’ll kind of come back to that. But. Oh, yeah, that was our exposing the flat Earth aspect. And honestly. Okay, I know there’s, like, you know, there definitely is. I know. Surprisingly, I actually know quite a few flat Earthers, and I know some of our fans are flat Earthers. So, look, you know, we’re not really trying to, like, criticize you. I think that one, the, the first one, we. I really went into an open mind.

The second one we were getting criticized so harshly by flat Earthers that that’s what kind of tainted me. So I don’t. I think it’s good for people to look into that. I just. I just looked into it too, and I don’t agree, you know, but however, I started thinking about this and I’m like, maybe on some alternate timeline reality the Earth really is flat and like, it’s a Mandela effect. Is that what you’re telling? No, I’m not saying it’s a Mandela effect. I don’t mean that. I just mean in some other reality, the world is actually flat, you know, and maybe we all live on like as like two dimensional space or something.

What was it? Oh, it was actually in. Anything could be possible in another dimension. Well, I know in another dimension people are like animated cartoons or something like that could happen. So it’s not a thing here. True. Well, what is it? Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? There’s one part where they’re going through these weird dimensions and then at one part they all turn into paper drawings or something like that. And it’s like, okay, maybe there’s a dimension that’s flat, that everything is just flat. But it’s funny. Anyway. All right, well, anyway, dolphins. Dolphins, yeah. CIA, dolphins, lsd, all this good stuff.

So, Rob, do you want to. You can. I’ll tell you what, you can read a little bit of this first. So let’s first talk about like so kind of backtrack that we’re going to get into this guy, Dr. John C. Lilly. But his work contributed to eventually, like, how the CIA were using dolphins, his experiments, his research, all of it. So can you before you show this one. Well, this, this is kind of. That plays into it, Lindsey, but there’s one from Popular Mechanics here, and the headline is, the CIA once used. Wanted. Once wanted to use dolphins to sink enemy ships.

I think they probably did. Honestly. They brought you three. They still do. Come on. They probably do. All right. Well, anyway, this limited hangout of an article says back in 2019, the CIA released a trove of previously secret files that detailed various undercover experiments, including the strange dolphin endeavor coined Project Oxygas. The agency introduced Oxygas in the early 1960s, right around the time Flipper hit the big screen to train bottlenose dolphins to attach explosive devices to enemy ships. The plan was for these dolphins to sneak to enemy harbors, attach explosive devices to ships, and then swim back to their handlers.

Tasks envisioned for dolphins, not just sinking ships, but also harbor reconnaissance, electronic intelligence Gathering and deploying various sensors, including those for weapons of mass destruction detection. Yeah, mass destruction detection detection, yes. Challenges to this were the project hit some rough waves. Dolphins, being wild animals, proved to be a bit too individualistic for reliable military operations. They developed a fondness for their trainers, potentially ignoring new handlers in the field. The outcome, despite some initial enthusiasm, the CIA ultimately realized that controlling dolphins for such precise tasks was like trying to herd cats underwater. Not true. Funding dried UP by the 1970s and the project was abandoned because, well, dolphins are more interested in fish than in espionage.

No, false. Still using. That’s kind of what I think too. I think that, you know, a lot of these projects, they scrap publicly, but then they just hire some other, you know, private sector company to continue on everything and then therefore they don’t have to document as much. It’s like, oh, this other company took over, so we don’t really know what happened after that. Yeah, we had a couple of shows on metaphysical that were all about this project oxyblast and dolphins and using them and stuff. And it got wild, man. I mean this, all the history of this whole thing is like super interesting.

You know, dolphins are way more advanced and orcas even more so. It’s even crazier. Like the contact that they made with orcas in Canada. It was in, it was in. What do you call it? What is that westernmost city in Canada because of the V. Vancouver. There it is. Oh, I was like that area. But yeah, ok. Vancouver. Yeah, that’s. Yeah. Well, so getting to this John C. Riley guy, he was a neuro. Psychiat. Psychological. Psychological psychologist. Psychologist, yes. Neuropsych. No, it’s neurophysiologist. Oh, physiologist. Neurophysiologist. Okay. So he was convinced that we could learn to communicate with dolphins.

And so he did massive amount of experiments for, for over a decade with this. We’re actually gonna, I’m gonna show some videos and some audio stuff that they were able to do. And it was partially funded by NASA actually. So this is, this is where things get really, really crazy and weird because he also developed this like chamber pod tank thing that it was cut off. There was no sound. It was complete darkness, like 100% darkness. There was, there’s no sense of time and no gravity actually. And because it was, it was like in water. So you would, the point is that you would lay in this thing for after a few hours your body would naturally, your mind and body would naturally start to separate.

Like it would just naturally happen. It like Induced it like really, really intensely. And so he started having like these massive out of body of experiences. And he started me meeting different beings and you know, understanding different aspects of the soul, different aspects of, you know, multi dimensions. And this is all back in the early 60s, late 50s that he started doing this research. So this is where things really get interesting because at the same time simultaneously they were doing all this study with dolphins and they were trying to, so he called it Dolphines, the language of dolphins.

So the point of the whole thing was that if we ever encounter an encounter some kind of higher intelligence or ET life or anything else, we’re going to have to figure out a way to communicate. You know, I think, I mean he seemed to already achieve that through these pods that he was doing. Well, that’s when the CIA started finding out what was going on. And they were like, instead of shutting him down, they’re like, hey, can we weaponize this? How can we use this? You know, so this is where things like really get interesting. So let’s see.

And actually so there’s a website called and so his work, he basically had to stop his work after about almost two decades of research because of lack of funding. Well, has now kind of taken over his research and got a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle in there. It definitely looks like it. That’s my, that was my original, that was so funny because that was, I, what was my first thinking? I was like, dude, it’s just like a teenage Raphael. You can see his belt, you can see his bandana around his eyes. So believe it or not, this is what dolphins see when they use sonar on a man.

Like if there’s, if there’s a person swimming, they come back and say like okay, this is, they’ve kind of figured out like using technology what they can actually work without the sonar. There are, their eyes do work, but the sonar can like pierce through anything. And it is, it’s pretty phenomenal. I, I really why they love humans. We all look like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to them. It is really funny. That was my, that was, I was like dude, what the heck am I looking at? Some kind of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle? Seriously. Looks like like Raphael’s like sigh is like, you know, still hooked onto his belt.

Even so because I, I, it’s so funny. I thought the same thing. But they, they did this with a multi step process that records and I isolates dolphin echolocation and you know, they combined all these images and whatnot and tested this. Well, it’s really weird because they still, dolphins are such a mystery because they still don’t really understand even. It’s almost like dolphins just naturally developed how to do this. And it literally is like a supernormal ability. I mean, can you think about it? You’re just like sending out a sound wave. Like it would be like you making a noise and then it’s coming back and you’re seeing like exactly the image of whatever that is, you know, and it can even like go through walls.

It’s crazy. So, I mean, for all practical purposes, it’s like a very powerful super normal ability that we still haven’t even been able to tap into. Yeah, it’s like we can only grasp or like guess at what actually happens when they send the sonar back and it comes out. We don’t know how accurate it is. You know, they, they, they may think it’s that kind of fuzzy, but it actually could be extremely accurate. I mean, look what WI fi does in your house. You can get a whole 3D picture of what’s going on with information from a WI fi.

No, it’s, it’s very true actually. So, yeah, it’s pretty amazing. So this is, I’m gonna, there’s this really interesting documentary that I was watching and we’re gonna show some clips of this. But they were WI fi router used to produce 3D images of humans. Wait, what? Yeah, this is, oh, you know, this, we’ve talked about this in the show before, bro. WiFi routers are like the basically intelligence agencies have been using WiFi routers to spy on us and our homes. Because like the WI fi actually gives you a complete 3D rendering of your home. And then everything that’s going on at your home live right now, the signal’s being sent out and it can be seen somewhere, you know.

Wow. Yeah, so that, so if you had a way, if you had another device. Oh, they, they don’t need another device. I’m sure that the routers themselves that are sending the signal out have chips in it that we are not aware of that are doing stuff that, you know, I’m sure. Stuff. Yeah, that’s why they, they like force you to put it in your home. And you can only choose between like two servers or two providers. I mean, you know, like, depending on what area. And like my area, it’s like you have like, you know, crappy or worse.

I do have fiber optics. Yeah, but, but it’s like still, you know, honestly, I, I, I’m I, I don’t understand why we’re paying so much for WI Fi. You know, I understand that they’re like. But because again, it’s like, well, you know, it’s, it’s all being monopolized and I, to me it’s like, this should be way cheaper than what we’re paying. And. And it’s because of that, you know, any. You can’t even like, you can’t create a WI fi company right now. You’re not going to be like, hey, I’m going to create a WI fi company and compete against Verizon or, you know, Comcast or something like, it’s just not going to happen.

There’s no way. So anyway, some of them, yeah, it’s one of these control like one of these industries that’s like completely controlled by. Exactly. And then like you said, who knows what the heck is really going on in our homes, you know, with these WiFi 5G routers. I mean. Oh my gosh, I can’t even like, I have a. I have an EMF reader thing and when I put it next to the box, it just goes insane. I don’t even know. All right, why don’t we show. We’re gonna show another trailer, but before we do, we want to tell you guys about our amazing metaphysical coffee that we have.

Have you been looking for a way to. I already, I already read that out, bro. Oh, you did? Yeah, last time. See, this is, this is where Ben and I disagree. I listen to Ben, but Ben never listens to me. Sorry, it’s too much in my mind right now. That’s right. I do remember, do your own promotion without reading that about why you like our metaphysical coffee. Well, it is very metaphor, very metaphysical. Very interesting. I’m sold already. It really is good. So it’s funny. All right, well, normally we do it the second time, so. But okay, let’s just show our trailer and we’ll get back right back.

Sure. 150 years in the making. The ultimate evil specter. Lies, hatred and struggle. Traditions destroyed. The deep states. Cult communism. So guys, yeah, that’s our series on the. On the communism series. You can actually find. You can. You can watch that on Rumble, but we do have it on Rise TV too. So we thought that would be a good one to put publicly. And again, want free content? Go to Rise TV video. Give us your email and you’ll get one of our free episodes. Kind of a holiday episode that we have so all about. I think it was like near death experiences and whatnot.

So, yeah. Miracles, right? All that kind of stuff. Yeah. All right, so kind of continuing on this. This. This is interesting. This came out in 2010, so this is a little bit older, so it makes me wonder where they are now. But they, they. This was in Mexico, actually. It’s so funny. I’ve. I’ve been to this area where these dolphins are, but they. They taught a dolphin how to use an iPad. Really? Yep, they did. Dolphin named Merlin became one of his first species to join the growing number of enthusiasts. I guess you could say that.

Usually not that impressive, is it? I mean, all he’s doing is looking at a screen and then just tapping it with his nose. Yeah. I mean, and I’m sure, like, you know, even little babies can do that. Yeah. And especially if you’re getting a reward as fish. It’s just like, oh, if I’m touching this, you know that I can get a fish, but. Want to hear a dolphin trying to speak English? Yes. Can you do that? Can you show. Yeah. Lindsay, can you play this video? Potential for intelligence. He became interested in how they communicated with each other.

It was well known that dolphin about John C. Lilly. Here they appeared able to convey complex ideas to one another. He had found that when a dolphin was incapable of swimming to the surface due to an injury, it could emit a distress call to others who would then hoist it to the top so it could take a breath of air. He sought out those with extensive experience with the creatures, such as whalers and sea captains, who told stories of cetaceans coordinating to three threaten to capsize their hunting ships, and communities of killer whales within 50 miles of one another, who would avoid the gaze of a harpoon, as if they could recognize it by description alone.

To Lily, these weren’t just anecdotes, but evidence for a hypothesis that these creatures had likely developed a complex language, one perhaps even as nuanced as human language. But even more exciting were Lilly’s accounts of bottlenose dolphins mimicking human speech spoken not in the water, but in the air, something they rarely do in the wild. Although their pronunciation wasn’t nearly as good as the mimicry of birds. And often Lily would have to record it and slow it down before it began to resemble the vague approximation of speech. Bottlenose dolphins appear to recognize the rhythm and inflections of a complete sentence.

I am a good boy. Sounds like me when I wake up in the morning. Lily began to wonder if we had mistaken engineering or reluctance to dominate environment the way human. That’s pretty funny. And, well, this, this. So this documentary is about 45 minutes long. It gets really interesting because they do talk about all elements. Now there’s so much more that Dr. Lily was working on. Like this documentary mostly focuses more on the dolphin aspect, but he started using his. So how LSD started coming in, he started taking it in small doses and then he would get in his pods and he found himself being able to communicate with the dolls directly.

Yeah, yeah, Telepathically. And you start. So what’s crazy? So then like all this stuff starts coming out and. Let’s see. I’m trying to think. There’s like so much more to play. Lindsay. Yeah, play, play this link. So this is, this is interesting because this is more about them teaching dolphins to speak. And then Joan of Ocean. Who. Which. Who we met. Yeah, when we met. When we went to Hawaii. Yeah. Jonos. Yeah. has discovered a way to catalog their vocabulary, not with Lily’s method of graphing sound waves, but with cross sections of their underwater acoustic bubbles.

In fact, if you put microphones all around me, you find that when I speak, it comes out literally like a bubble, this giant bubble that moves forward. So we have discovered a way to take those outgoing sounds, slice across them and take a picture of them that represents the sound that that animal is using to label whether it’s a fish or a ball or danger or whatever it is. And that’s how we’re beginning to build the lexicon. He has a list of questions he’s prepared to ask the creatures once he’s able, such as if they believe, believe in God or an afterlife, and whether they have some way of preserving their knowledge like an oral tradition or mnemonic device.

Dr. Denise Herzing of the Wild Dolphin Project has been non invasively researching spotted dolphins in the Bahamas since 1985. Using a wearable underwater translator she calls a chat box. Dr. Herzing and her team are attempting to teach wild dolphins their own dolphinic words for objects like rope and scarf. So the way it works is we’re in the water, I can push a sound. For example, this is a whistle for scarf. This headset just said scarf in English. So I know that’s the sound I played. Now, if the dolphins decide to mimic this whistle, they’ll mimic it.

The computer will recognize it in pretty close to real time. And I’ll hear the word scarf in my head. Sip. Others, however, have decided to follow the thread of Lily’s telepathic connection with dolphins. Joan Ocean, who met Lily in the late 70s continues his work in extrasensory perception, believing that not only are dolphins as intelligent as humans, but they are capable of time travel and interdimensional astral projection. Well, the dolphins are not really linear thinkers as we are. They are multi dimensional and that means that they can be here in physical form in the oceans of the world and the rivers, but they also have another part of their mind that’s connected to the greater universal mind, to higher consciousness.

In 2001, John C. Lilly’s ashes were scattered to the sea. He died of. Oh yeah, you can stop it here. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, so, yeah, it’s, it’s so, it’s so crazy. And so, you know, his re. I think what happened was once he started, he became like a. Also addicted to lsd. Not lsd, but how. Okay, ketamine. He became kind of addicted to ketamine. You know, he was really experimenting with it and I think that’s when things really started taking a major turn for, you know, kind of the end of his research at that point. And these beings that he was connecting with and these beings, he was calling them Echo, which stands for.

Do you remember that Nintendo game, Echo the Dolphin? So I was going to get to that Earth coincidence control office and he mentioned that these were some kind of like benevolent alien ish kind of group that control a lot of like earthly matters. And he mentioned that there was different densities within like these, these level of dimensions that you could go to. And in one dimension it’s like, it’s like you’re paying off karma. It’s like everything is like this karmic aspect. And then he starts, he gets really in depth with like. And this all came out again in like the 70s and early 80s where he’s like talking about all these things.

Well, the creator of Echo the Dolphin was like a big fan of lilies and that’s why he made, he called it Echo the Dolphin. Wow. I had no idea. I literally had no idea. And that was one of my favorite games actually. Most people are like, yeah, I don’t, I don’t know why. I just really connected with it. I think I always love dolphins. I, I just really enjoyed it. But he also, he mentioned that there was a negative alien life force which he called the Solid State Intelligence. And he said that it was spawned by a mechanical solar system and they’re sound like AI.

Exactly. And you know, he’s talking about this before AI really was coming about, you know, especially in the 60s. Like he’s doing all these experiments in the 60s and 70s. And so he says their aim was to ravage the earth and destroy mankind. He said it’s not unlike the much documented cinematic battles between us fleshy creatures and advanced, you know. Well, this is like them translating it as AI, but this is again, before the word AI was really being used about these. Yeah, these conversations were going on, though, robots and stuff, and 100, you know, and I think even in, like, the 20s and 30s, they were all over that, you know.

Right. Well. And this is where George Lucas and, you know, everything just kind of spawned off from here with these things. So it’s. It’s really weird. It’s really interesting to say the least. And so with these isolation tanks that he. He created, he. He. He was talking about how they would induce the. The theta state. So you. You. You were able to access more of your deeper consciousness level. And then from there, that’s when this, like, separation would start happening. And so he did this a lot. I mean, he would use it for hours and just be in these tanks, you know, with like, like nothing.

And so that’s. That’s why, going back to all of this, that’s why the CIA started getting involved, because he started publishing his work. And then I think this kind of leads into the Monroe Institute as well. You know, that we’re doing very similar things with the binaural beats, and CIA got involved in that as, you know, same thing. So I think anything that’s teaching this stuff, you know, because then, of course, it’s like, wow, can we use, like, psychic warfare? Can we have people leave their bodies and, like, attack certain things or do certain things or find out state secrets, you know, like almost like a ghost.

Just go into, like, whatever it is, right, And Russia and hear the state, you know, secrets of the state and what they’re planning or what they’re doing, you know, and it’s like. I mean, essentially, it’s like one of the greatest powers that anyone could harness in this case, because you can just spy on anybody and anything without any use of technology. Yeah, it’s. Yeah, it seems. It seems very dangerous. Yeah, but it does, you know, and if you’re using it for that purpose. Yes. You know, he was trying to really find out more the understanding of, like, the secrets of the universe, especially during this time.

And it really sound like he really, like, when you listen to him speak. I was. There was. There was a really good video, but the problem was the audio was really crappy. And it took him a while to kind of, like, try to, like, he Just uses this terminology to him that’s like, you know, just us talking and you have to be like, wait, okay, what is all these terms he’s. He’s using? You know, and he coined a lot of terms that I didn’t even. No, and I, I’m trying to think of the, the one that, that he said and I was like, wow, I had no idea that that that term terminology kind of came from him.

But it had to do with these like, you know, other multi dimensional spaces and all these things that he was experiencing and the whole astro projection and all of it and stuff. So this guy was way more influential than you’d think upon first glance, right? Yeah, yeah. Actually, the last thing we can show here is this Joe Rogan video. He’s talking about it. Just recently, this was on Joe Rogan. And then. Yeah, it was kind of a cool thing here. Lindsay’s pulling it up. The combination of the two things is what’s really phenomenal because what Lily, he.

He invented the sensory deprivation tank because he was trying to figure out a way to separate the mind from any of the physical input of the body. It works. It does work. Probably without lsd. Oh, it definitely does. Without lsd. Yeah, it’s. It’s one of them. To achieve a psychedelic state without any drugs. And also you can end it at any time. Just open the door. The door and it’s over. It’s not like the combination of the two things is what’s really phenomenal because what Lily, he, he invented the sensory deprivation tank because he was trying to figure out a way to separate.

Oh, yeah, okay, that was, that’s replaying it. And if you, if you kind of want to see, here’s a little bit what I was talking about too. Lindsay, can you click on this, this video here? Let’s see, it’s below the draw. Yeah, yeah, above, Right below, yeah, right above the provoking thing we can kind of play. I mean, this is a long video, but, you know, kind of get a sense of some of the things that he was talking about. The guy works with dolphins and wears raccoons on his head. I know, it’s like, David, I love this guy.

See, I don’t know exactly what would be good to start with your famous maxim about what is true in the province of the mind. Could, could you begin by in the province of the mind? What one believes to be true either is true or becomes true within certain limits. These limits are to be found experimentally and experientially when so found these limits turn out to be further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind, there are no limits. However, in the province of the body, there are definite limits not to be transcended. You’ve probably devoted your whole life and certainly many decades recently to pushing to see what.

What really were the limits. Going into new realities, taking on the belief systems of those realities, and then coming back to your basic working reality and challenging those beliefs, integrating those beliefs with your own. In your writings, you’ve explored almost every state of consciousness I could imagine. The various mystical levels of satori, communication with extraterrestrials, communication with other species. You’ve established probably a more significant mapping of inner space than almost any other modern person. And I think we all owe a great debt to you for that. I don’t get stuck with those. I’ve abandoned all of them.

It’s impossible because they’re infinities within. I think that’s the beauty of your work, is that you keep moving further and further, further and further. Out in the center of the cyclone, you described a state. In fact, you had a whole system, virtually a quantitative system for mapping states of consciousness. And you talked about one that I found most fascinating, which you call +3 mega satori. And in that state you describe going so far out of your body and even out of the physical universe to the point of being at the level of essence in which the physical universe is created.

Right. That almost seemed to me, in reading that book, like an ultimate state of consciousness. But I know you wrote about it some 15 years ago. How does it look to you now? Well, it’s one state beyond plus three. That’s plus one. But you’re not allowed to remember that once you go into it, you have union with God. That’s the true yoga. And so you’re non human. So there’s no way you can recount what happened. There’s no way of saying it because beyond language. Yes. All those states are beyond language. Language is a very poor instrument to express.

You’ve described in some of your. Hold on. Keep going. Just go a little bit further, Lindsay. Your other writings, language as being a film, a thin film that separates us from reality. Really, as much as we try to use language to describe what we mean, it really puts barriers up. Well, there’s one use of language that’s valid. That’s the injunctive use, telling you how to do things. The descriptive one is very poor. And William James said it, the other world is a separation from this one by the filmest of screens. And I found this screen is language, so you have to abandon it when you’re going to these other realities.

Okay, you can pause it here. That’s cool. Great. I mean, very interesting, but also the way that guy delivers. I can see myself putting that on before I go to sleep. Get me right to bed. I’m 30% more tired before, you know, we watch that. But it was fascinating at the same time. Yeah, it really, I. I actually watched most of his interview. It is very interesting. It really is. And like I said, he gets really in depth later on in the interview, talking about these, these other kind of states of being and which levels are what kind of thing and, you know, but it’s just, it’s just, you know, it’s just crazy how he’s just like super chill about it.

But he does it, you know, later on he does say that. Yeah, he, he thinks what happened is really, he’s. He got addicted too much to everything. And then they, they actually were warning him that, you know, this is not going to do well if you keep going this route. And he wasn’t really listening and he actually got into a bad accident, real life. And he was like, you know, that was them, like, telling me, like, you gotta stop. You know, we can’t do it this way. Very interesting. Yeah, yeah, it really was very. It’s very interesting, you know, now that he, like, understands that and stuff.

But I wish I could try these tanks. That’d be so cool. But. Well, yeah, you can, actually, you can. So, you know, our friend Nick owns that company named True Rest, right? So you can go to a float pod, which is a sensory deprivation tank, and you can float at Tru Rest. It’s not too expensive at all. I think it’s like $90 a float. But the benefits from this are incredible. I mean, we’re talking about this stuff, healing people from ptsd, healing people’s bodies, like, you name it. And actually Nick and I have had discussions where he and his wife actually have had out of body experiences from going in there.

Now, of course, if you’re going in there with that pursuit, that may not happen, but you know, that, that was a part of their experience with these, with these sensory deprivation tanks. And they are amazing for all kinds of health benefits. So I definitely recommend it. I’ve done it before and it’s incredible. Nick does it, he’ll do it a few times a week and he says it keeps him like really. It’ll calm them down, keep them really clear and. Very interesting. Yeah. Nick is also the co host for Hypexr that I do Hypexr with, if you guys are wondering.

So, yeah, awesome. Yeah, you can go actually. And next time you’re up and you’re around one of those, you should check it out. I think there are a few in Florida. You could definitely check those out. Yeah. Well, anyway, you know, we’re talking about animals here. Let’s talk about the domestic type for a minute. If you have a dog, I mean, we’ve all been there. Your pup goes from full of energy to sick and miserable in an instant. And at the worst times, then you’re calling vets in the middle of the night or on the weekends trying to find a clinic that’s going to take you in.

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That’s p a w s I t I v e dot com and use the Code Studio. And now we’re about to leave. Rumble, Facebook, Ganjing World, Twitter, Telegram and everywhere else we’re streaming and head over to Rise TV. So join us on Rise TV. For just just $12.99 a month, you can support our work. You’ll get to ask us your questions during the live Q and A. And don’t forget that your support lets us do these deep dives and bring you the truth that the sensors don’t want you to hear. You can also get a bag of delicious metaphysical coffee delivered to you every month.

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