➡ A man’s pet squirrel was taken away by park services, sparking concerns about freedom of speech and government overreach. There’s also a debate about the color of the Pillsbury Doughboy’s scarf, with some remembering it as blue, while it’s actually white. Lastly, a video demonstrates how our brains interpret signals based on expectations, suggesting that we perceive our own version of reality.
➡ The text discusses an auditory illusion where people hear different words from the same sound, similar to the famous “Yanni or Laurel” debate. It also introduces a new coffee product, metaphysical coffee, which is reasonably priced, tastes good, and is made from 100% Arabica beans. The text then shifts to discussing a series of videos about World War II and Hitler’s quest for power, and ends with a discussion about UFOs, their existence, and the secrecy surrounding them.
➡ Mr. Lynch, along with others, discusses the reality of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) and their impact on global military installations. He suggests that the U.S. and other countries possess UAP technologies and are engaged in a secretive arms race. He criticizes the excessive secrecy surrounding UAP programs and calls for transparency, a national UAP strategy, and protection for whistleblowers. He also mentions the existence of a culture of suppression and intimidation within the government related to UAPs.
➡ The text discusses a conversation about unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) and their capabilities, which far exceed those of known human technology. The discussion includes speculation about the nature of these UAPs, with some suggesting they could be interdimensional beings or advanced technology. The text also mentions a classified video of a white orb UAP, which has not been released to the public. Lastly, it includes an advertisement for a pet emergency kit and a subscription service for a video platform.
➡ Congressman Matt Gates claims to have seen unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP) images from an Air Force base, but couldn’t share them as they’re classified. He’s a strong advocate for revealing the truth about UFOs and is set to become the next Attorney General. Meanwhile, Nick Pope, a well-known figure in the UFO community, believes that Trump will disclose the truth about UAPs. Lastly, the U.S. is pushing for the RISE Initiative, aiming to advance research in cutting-edge scientific fields like quantum computing and consciousness studies.
➡ The text discusses a proposed initiative called Rise, which would be part of the President’s executive office and the Office of Science and Technology Policy. Its purpose would be to improve communication between different agencies, such as the CIA and FBI, to prevent wasteful spending and foster partnerships with various institutions. The initiative could lead to breakthroughs in various fields and provide new tools for national security and economic advantages. The text also mentions the potential impact of revealing the existence of aliens on religions and draws parallels to the 1960s space race.
This is so weird. Well, join us on our Rise version of this. Me, Ben Chastain, and Mr. Rob counts over there from our show Edge and Wonder on this Friday night Live as we cover all of this, plus a weekly Mandela effect about the Pillsbury Doughboy and the Metaphysical Minute segment during the Dig Deep Live Q and A. Ask us your questions directly and finally, enjoy the fan Favorite top 10 weirder news of the week. And with that, we’ll see you out on the Edge. That was pretty good impression. Yes. Yeah. You know, I do a pretty good impression of the Pillsbury Doughboy.
I do a pretty good impression of Elton John singing Benny and the jets, too. That falsetto, you know, that’s like one of my least favorite songs by. Really? That’s a good song. Come on. I think it’s also because I hate. I don’t like to be called Benny. Only very few. That’s what it is, dude. Like, can call me Benny. And I’m like, okay. Yeah, I can see that, though. Like. Like, people that you’re close with will call you Benny. Like, actually, like, there’s only a few people that can call me things other than Rob. Because there are a few nicknames for Rob, right? So, like, yeah, if you, like, grew up with me as a kid and you call me another nickname, I’ll, like, respond to it.
But anyone else, no way. You know? Yeah. Yeah. Although a lot of my friends have, like, just all kinds of. I’ve. Growing up, I’ve just always had all these, like, cool nicknames, you know, and whatnot. Like. Like Darth. No, no, not like that. You know, like when I was working. Ben Skywalker. No, when I was working at Whole Foods, for some reason, people would call me Chastizzle. I would have called you that or. Yeah, anyway, that totally would have called you that in college. That would have been your name, probably. Yeah, I have all the kinds of funny nicknames.
Benji and Ben Stir. I don’t know. All kinds of funny things. Anyway, so. Yeah, so we have the for those of you. Well, I guess it technically hasn’t started yet, but we. The. The Mike Tyson and John. What is it? Jake Paul. Jake Paul. I was saying John Paul, but yeah, Jake Paul. We have. No, no, he’s not a Pope. This is a, this is a social media guy. Right, I know that, yeah. Jake Paul. So Rob and I were talking prior to going live and you were saying that you could like Google Earth, like. Oh, yeah.
So I was trying to explain this to Ben. So basically there is a fight. Mike Tyson versus Jake Paul. And you know, everybody’s really excited about this because we’ve got the king of boxing fighting kind of like, you know, a younger social media guy that’s actually been pretty successful in the ring. He hasn’t. He’s not a, he’s not a joke. Right. But it’s Mike Tyson. So the whole thing is like people think that Mike Tyson’s been paid off to go down. If you do a search on Google right now for who won the Jake Paul versus Mike Tyson fight, it actually comes up already that Paul Paul, the YouTuber.
The YouTuber turned boxer, won the highly anticipated 10 round fight by unanimous decision. Unanimous decision by knocking him down two times in the sixth round. Where did this even come from? This is. What’s USA Today? Look, USA Today. That is. Well, I mean. Oh my gosh. What? Josh Peter. I never trust anyone who has two first names as their name. It’s just a rule I have. Like, if your name is Michael, like Michael Benjamin, I don’t trust you. Josh Peter, what the heck is this? Yeah, I mean, this is. The thing is like, you know, the thing is though is Mike doesn’t seem like the type of guy who would take money to go down.
He doesn’t need money. Well, I mean, dude, if you’re like, well, sure, he doesn’t need money. No, but no, wait, but wait. But if you’ve listened to him talk over the last few years, like I have because I like watch a lot of Mike Nice. And stuff. He, if he was to accept a fight and get into the ring, his ego, it’s like an ego thing, but not in the way that. Okay. Like he’s too, he’s too proud in a way of like, he would go in and just be like, I’m going to murder him. That’s it.
Like he wouldn’t. He’s not going to blow something, I don’t think. All right, I’m reading this a little bit more carefully and it’s referencing Paul’s fight against Nate Diaz. Last year and it’s saying. And that one, he won ten. A ten round fight. Well, the thing was. Yeah, okay, so that was boxing though, right? Nick Diaz is a street fighter. He’s not a boxer. So yeah, so this, this is. Yeah, so that, that’s, that’s what it’s saying. And for some reason it’s pulling up like when you type in the Mike Tyson one. And I think it’s because.
Yeah, but, but yeah, you can see how everyone now is like the conspiracy theories are out there now. Because that’s popping up on Google. Yeah, like, why would that even pop up? I know, it’s weird, you know, like that’s weird. So something is like going on there. But yeah, now that I’m reading this article, I. It’s like the last line of the article says that, but then I, I realize it’s. It’s. It’s first it starts out with talking about the Mike Tyson fight and then it’s like, oh, yeah. But again, yeah. Anyway, so that’s just. Oh man, my ear is like ringing like crazy right now.
What do you think that is? I have no idea. Like, it’s so strong right now. That’s crazy. That’s what it is. Ben, Your hair is gonna get bitten off by Mike Tyson tonight. Ben. Oh my God. Like I couldn’t even like hear out of it. It was just like so loud all of a sudden. I was trying to ignore it and I was like, okay, I can’t ignore it. This is too loud. I can’t even like, I can’t even concentrate right now. Okay, it went up. That’s really weird though. That’s so weird. And then you pull that up, Lindsay.
Like right? We did not plan that, you guys. It looked like it, but that was not planned. Okay, it’s gone now. But then that’s so weird. Well, another more kind of sad news, peanut. The squirrel is dead. Is dead again. Well, how can I get more sad? Still dead. But they tested him for rabies and he came up negative. You know, and that was the whole reason why they killed him. Yeah, there was no point in killing a squirrel that didn’t have. I mean, if it had rabies, like it would have been a crazy friggin squirrel.
It would have been like biting crap and going nuts, dude. I mean he had it as a freaking pet for like seven years. I mean it was like everywhere with it. Of the squirrels out there that are wild. Yeah. This squirrel would have been like a thousand percent less likely to have rabies than a normal squirrel. Out there on a tree and you’re not going and killing those? No, no, yeah, that. I mean, it’s a freaking squirrel. They’re everywhere. And it was like literally his pet. And it’s so weird. And it. I was, I was doing some research on this too.
It was. It would be also pretty much impossible to release it in the wild because male squirrels are very, like, violent towards each other. And so. Yeah, it really wouldn’t be able to defend for itself, you know, at that point. But, man, it’s just so freaking sad what happened, you know? Yeah. But can you tell anybody who hasn’t heard this news about Peanut? Well, if you’ve been living under a rock. Yeah. If you haven’t heard this news about Peanut, what’s wrong with you? First of all? Go ahead, Ben, you can tell him. Well, basically, this guy had this pet squirrel that I think came into his house, or he found it anyway, when it was real little and he raised it for like a few years.
And then he started making these tick tock and Instagram videos with the squirrel, and the squirrel became like, like, almost like a member of the family. Instagram famous. Yeah. He would wake up in the morning and the squirrel would, like, go, you know, jump right on his shoulder. He would make breakfast and the squirrel would stay on his shoulder. Squirrel was always with him. They were doing everything together. It became part of the family. And then all of a sudden it was like, FBI came in or. No, it wasn’t the FBI. It was like the park services or whatever.
Yeah. Anyway, they came in with guns blazing and, you know, he couldn’t even use the bathroom. He, he. And then they like. Yeah, they’re trying to like, deport his, his, his fiance. Yeah. Then they try to deport his fiance, which is like New York. They don’t try to deport anyone. You know, it’s really weird. I mean, the whole thing is an agenda and like, the whole thing is like, if they could do this to a squirrel, then what’s going to stop them in the future? To doing this to anything, you know, like, oh, we don’t like what you’re saying.
We’re going to invade your home now, you know. Okay, that’s a little bit of a jump there, but it is it. Yeah. Well, I mean. Well, I mean, a lot different than a human that. That is actually taking place in UK right now, though. Yeah, but we’re not in the uk. Yes, they’re not euthanizing people or putting them in jail for saying stuff on social media, but at the Same time. It’s like they have a history of putting people in jail for speaking their mind. Like, literally, that’s how the United States formed is like, we can talk.
You all can’t, actually. Well, yeah, and that’s always been like, the biggest thing is, like, our freedom of speech. Because without that, then. Well, yeah, it’s like, look at the amendments in order. Freedom of speech 1, rights to gun, who. It’s like, if you don’t let me speak, I have a gun to back it up. Right. That’s literally what it’s saying, you know, it’s so true. So true. But anyway, that’s what. Just free. It’s just a. Like the whole thing anyway, just blew up out of proportion at a. You know, on social media, John Wick style.
And. Yeah, not a good idea to do that in this day and age, especially a few days before the election. Probably also not a good idea. So I don’t know who orchestrated that, but. And then on top of it, it’s like, how much taxpayers dollars went into that. Exactly. I know. It was like. It was like a couple million at least. It’s crazy. It’s crazy. And think about how much time they wasted, like, organizing that. It’s actually ridiculous. Like, how many. How many employees were involved with that? How long did they have to research all this and then go up there and spend, like half the day in this guy’s home? It’s just the whole thing is insane.
Yeah. Can’t even comprehend it. So. All right. Pillberry Doughboy. Pillsbury Doughboy. Yeah. Pillsbury Doughboy. Yeah. Let’s get into this. Mandela effect. The scarf. What color was the pill? Pillsbury Doughboy. Wow. That’s actually hard. I’m remembering blue or red. That’s interesting. There was a couple people that remembered it as red, but it’s blue, right? It is pure white. Well, okay, wait, wait. Lindsay, don’t show this one yet. No, that. No, no, no. Hold on, hold on, hold on. That. That’s not. Oh, dang it. She can’t. She can’t show the photo because I’m part of this Facebook group and anyway.
Okay, okay. Go back to that website. Yeah. Or go to the parade image. Go to the parade image. There you go. It’s white. No. Yes. It’s pure white. This is the weird thing. If you look at any advertising, any of the commercials from any time period, no matter what year they are, it’s white. Okay, wait a minute, wait a minute. Can you please do me a favor, Lindsay, and pull up a picture of The Stay Puff Marshmallow Man. Yeah, I was actually thinking that too. This because maybe remembering it because of him. The Steve Puff Marshmallow man was kind of modeled after the Bill, the.
The Pillberry Doughboy, which he has a red scarf. Right. But it’s very different. Now here’s the weird thing, Rob. Lindsay, can you pull back up the website? Their designer also remembers it blue because look at this. So on the. Even on their website is blue. Right? So you can say, oh, yeah, we’ll see. We all remember it blue. Scroll down, Lindsay. Every single thing that they show on this website is a white scarf. Everything else, all the marketing, all the photos on the products, everything is white. The only thing that’s blue is on this website. And I guarantee you it was the designer who was like, oh, yeah, of course he has a blue scarf, which is why he probably made the black gown blue.
But it looks weird white. Yeah, I know. It doesn’t even seem. It’s like you can’t even. The scarf is like not noticeable. But on every single product image that I could find, it’s white. The only time that it’s blue is on this website. And it’s only from that, that that image. And I swear, I bet the designer was just like, oh, yeah, of course it’s blue. You know? Now these are some like, these like, remnants that I found, but I don’t think that these are official Pillsbury. Some. Somebody painted those in like a ceramics class. Yeah.
So I found that people remember the blue scarf. And I found lots of conversations on Twitter and Facebook where everyone’s just like, dude, it. Of course it’s. It’s blue. Like, it looks weird. Like you said white. It’s just like, it’s strange. It doesn’t fit. And his eyes are blue. And I just specifically remember like the blue scarf matching his eyes. But. And I thought, okay, maybe they changed the marketing. Maybe it was like this in the eight in the 60s or 70s or 80s, right? Sure. Always been white. I went back and found like advertising from the 70s and it’s still white.
And I’m like, this is weird. And I was like, even their designer remembered it blue. That’s weird. That’s weird. Yeah, it’s very strange. This one has to be. This one has to be a Mandela effect, because it doesn’t even. Design wise, it doesn’t even make sense. That it doesn’t make sense. Yeah, it’s like, why would you like that? That’s no, like, think about it. Like any, any rational human wouldn’t be Like, I’m going to make the scarf white, too. Now, you’d make it blue to have it pop, right? Yeah, yeah. I mean, yeah, exactly. And especially matching the eyes.
It’s weird. It’s very strange. Anyway, I thought that was a very strange one. And to me, it kind of like. Yeah, I. I mean, maybe they just wanted the eyes. Maybe it’s a bakery thing, though. I don’t know. Is this a bakery thing? It’s always white. Like I said, every kind of marketing thing you can find, it’s white. The only thing I found that was blue, that was on the. I was on that website. And I guarantee you it was just like, the designer was like, oh, yeah, we’ll make this a blue scarf. And you gotta stop pulling photos up.
I’m starting to get hungry for, like, biscuits. Look at that. That’s. That’s. Oh, man, he looks psychotic there. Like he’s about to murder those biscuits. Well, he does look like kind of like the. The Stay Puff Marshmallow man there. So weird, man. So weird. They need to bring his family back. Heck, strange stuff. All right, we got. It’s pretty short metaphysical minute here, right? Yeah, let’s do it. Although I have a feeling this is probably going to lead into, like, a longer conversation, but. Okay, well, so the. So can we trust what we hear with our own ears? And then let’s.
Let’s check this YouTube video out. All right, I’m gonna play a recording of people chanting that is embarrassing four times. After the fourth time, write down what you hear. Interesting. Almost everyone here heard, that is embarrassing. Okay, listen again and watch the screen. And when I cue you, write down what you hear. It’s freaky, isn’t it? You heard the same thing every single time. Our eyes and ears take in electrical signals which our brains interpret based on our expectations. We don’t see reality, we see our reality. Well, that was that. That new show that’s on. That guy plays, like, a psychologist or something like that.
Yeah, yeah, but that was cool. Interesting. Very interesting. Because, I mean, I think that, you know, this is, like, something that the mainstream media will even use too, you know, repeat things over and over again, whether we’re like, you know, how we hear certain things. But I. But the Bart Simpson bouncing one blew me away because I’m like, oh, my gosh, that’s exactly what I hear now. I. Only now when I hear it, I hear Bart Simpson pouncing. Right, Right. But I think it was at, like, some kind of soccer game or something in, like, the UK or Something.
But man, that was. It’s just weird, you know, it’s. It’s. It’s just strange, like when you start thinking about our words and what we hear and, you know, it’s amazing that we’re really able to understand each other so well. Yeah, I think, I think it can be much more confusing. Like if there was no words on screen and you were just listening to that, I think people might come up with a few variations of what they were hearing. Right? Yeah, exactly. Text was up there. That actually worked. Yeah, the text changes things definitely. There was, there was other experiments too, and I can’t.
There was a really famous one. Something about, ah, your brain. I can’t remember. We had it on the show like a couple years ago and I remember like thinking like, this is. This is really weird because I can hear it in both ways. Same thing with this, you know. Oh, it was like Yanni and something else. Yeah, I can’t. Laurel. Oh, yeah, that was. That was one of them. Yeah, that was one of them. Super weird. And it was like two totally different pronounced words that are totally different pronounced. They’re differently. Yeah. Johnny or Laurel. Laurel.
And it’s like. And like once you start hearing one, you can’t hear the other. And then sounds like Laurel. Right now. Yeah. Now think Yani. Laurel. Yummy. For some reason I. All I can hear is Laurel right now too. Me too. And wait, Lindsay said all she can hear is Yanni. Yummy. Yummy. Weird. Do it one more time. Do it one more time. She. She closed it down. Okay. Anyway. Yummy. Laurel. That’s weird. I can’t hear Laurel. I mean, I can’t hear Yanni. You’re Yanni. I can’t. I’m like really trying. Me too. Weird. I remember listening to that enough where I started hearing Yanni and then I couldn’t hear Laurel anymore.
Yeah, I know. I remember that too, because we had it on the show a while back and we were talking about it and then it was like. And then all of a sudden I was like, wait a minute, now I can’t hear it the other way around. It’s so weird. And it’s like these are two words that are just sound totally different. How is this even possible? You know? Anyway, there’s a whole massive psychological aspect to that. Yeah, well, for those of you at home, is your Folgers no longer the best part of waking up? Don’t feel like paying an arm and a leg for Starbucks? Does your Dunkin Coffee have a hole in it? Sounds like you need better coffee.
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So if you haven’t had a chance to try it, you can go to metaphysicalcoffee.com to get your own bag or gift it to your friends and family for Christmas. It’s just $17.99 and comes with free shipping. That’s metaphysicalcoffee.com all right, let’s watch this trailer and when we get back we’ll be getting into all this. These UFO hearings, pretty interesting. War, conquest, death. Most World War II historians will highlight the politics of the time, but gloss over the truth behind Hitler’s quest for power. The blood spattered trail the Nazis smeared across the globe cannot be forgotten even today.
But what if details were lost in the aftermath of the manic effort to create a Third Reich? Or what if they were left out of the history books on purpose? What if the Nazis were searching for something else? Particular artifacts Hitler had researched feverishly in his darkest days. Objects so extraordinary he believed they held the answer to world domination. Objects that had the power to change the course of history itself. These were the relics of power. That is a bizarre. Just kidding. Yeah, that actually was our Relics of Power series that we did. It’s about a nine episode series on Rise tv.
If you’re interested in all that Indiana Jones stuff, definitely go check that out. Those are some of our best episodes, I think. Super interesting. Yeah. And then we’ve got a whole platform of thousand videos where we’ve done research for you on all kinds of cool stuff like this that you’ll never lose, you’ll never. You’ll never run out of stuff to watch on here. So if you can, if you would like to please think about supporting our work. It’s only 1299amonth and for that you get so much in return. It’s not just a normal Patreon or something like that.
You get huge treasure trove of videos yeah. And actually we’ve got some. So back to the show here, though. We’ve got some pretty interesting new news on some people actually admitting that UFOs are real for the first time. I mean, not for the first time, but kind of. Yeah. In Congress they’re like taking it more seriously, right? Yeah. I mean, you know, I think anything that, that when it goes into the congressional stuff in Congress, it’s kind of, It’s a pretty eye rolly. Yeah, it kind of is. In most cases. This is less eye rolly, I have to say.
This is a little bit less. Yeah. And Lindsay, there’s going to be some specific parts I want to show with this. But you know, this woman who was kind of the. She was the chairman of this whole thing. I forget her name. It says it there anyway. Mace, I think. Ms. Mace. Yeah, yeah, she, she brought up some really big questions in the very beginning. You know, it’s, it’s more like, okay, we know something is going on. So the question becomes, how are they funded? Who is funding them? What is the purpose? Why are they there? And really why isn’t the public being told about this? What are the, why are they hiding it so much and referring to they as the Pentagon? So.
Well, and the main thing that they’re saying is that these things are in the ocean. Right. And that. Well, that was also part of it. Not just the, that’s not really the main thing, but that’s also part of it. You know, they’re, they’re in our skies, they’re in our oceans. Excuse me. And it’s like, you know, what is really going on? Well, I want to show some clips here, but one of the key aspects, someone brought this up and I, and I don’t remember their name, but they said they were Talking about Area 51 at one point during this whole thing.
And the reason why I kind of want to explain it is because I looked it up and they said, oh yeah, we, we already know that secret military helicopters were being used in the raid, the bin Laden raid that came from Area 51. And I was like, wait, what? So I looked this up and it’s 100% true that they, that because one of them crashed and it got revealed that this was at the time that it was a secret stealth craft that wasn’t released publicly that later came out, was designed and flown at Area 51. And that was, that came out as truth.
So they brought this up. Yeah, yeah, no, no, AP, NPR didn’t mention this because this is back in 2011. It wasn’t until years later where they were like, oh, well, this actually came out in Area 51. One of the Congress members there and said that directly. He said, yeah, we know now that this helicopter that crashed, that was the stealth technology came out of Area 51 1. So I thought that was really interesting. She also says this kind of at the beginning, this. Ms. Mace, can you play this? I thought this is. This is, you know, this is part.
You know, there was that new retrieval program that came out, Immaculate Constellation or whatever. And so, yeah, I remember that. So they’re kind of talking about this and I. I just think what she says here is hilarious. The congressional record, this 12 page document that Michael Shellenberger brought today that describes the Immaculate Constellation government program. So we will do that now. Every member up here has a copy of it. The first section talks about the unacknowledged special access program called Immaculate Constellation. And the second section about USG Imagery Intelligence. And Representative Luna just told me, if I say Immaculate Constellation, I’ll be on some list, maybe a FISA warrant.
So come at me, bro. I guess, but come at me, bro. Yeah, and then she’s like. She says it like four more times. Then she’s like, I. It’s in the document. What do you want me to say? Like I gotta keep saying, right? It’s so funny. She’s like, are you guys trying to get me in trouble or what? You know? So anyway, she just keeps talking about it. So this next one is now I. They had these multiple camera angles and for some reason they’re not showing it on the person who’s speaking, but the person who’s speaking is Mr.
Lynch, and he’s at the table with Luis, Alessandro and some of the other people. And he’s speaking right now. Luis Elizondo, that guy? Yeah, yeah. Leadership on this important matter. Let me be clear. UAP are real advanced technologies, not made by our government or any other government, are monitoring sensitive military installations around the globe. Furthermore, the US is in possession of UAP technologies, as are some of our adversaries. I believe we are in the midst of a multi decade secretive arms race. One funded by misallocated taxpayer dollars and hidden from our elected representatives and oversight bodies.
For many years, I was entrusted with protecting some of our nation’s most sensitive programs. Can you pause it for a second? In my last position, I managed. Why? Why is this camera on this guy? Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. He’s. It’s. I don’t know. I. There. There is A camera angle. I found that. That’s on him, But I’m like, it’s already kind of too late, so we’ll just keep going. Weird. Okay. It is very strange. Special Access Program on behalf of the White House and the National Security Council. As such, I appreciate the need to protect certain sensitive intelligence and military information.
I consider my oath to protect secrets as sacred, and I will always put the safety of the American people first. With that said, I also understand the consequences of excessive secrecy and stovepiping. Nowhere was this more apparent than in the aftermath of 9 11, which many of us remember all too well. I believe that America’s greatness depends on three elements. A, a watchful Congress. Be a responsive executive branch and see an informed public. Over the last decade and a half, I learned that certain UAP programs were and are operating without any of these elements. Although much of my government work on the UAP subject still remains classified, excessive secrecy has led to grave misdeeds against loyal civil servants, military personnel, and the public, all to hide the fact that we are not alone in the cosmos.
A small cadre within our own government involved in the UAP topic has created a culture of suppression and intimidation that I’ve personally been victim to, along with many of my former colleagues. This includes unwarranted criminal investigations, harassment, and efforts to destroy one’s credibility. Lindsay, you pause it real quick to learn that the. Hold on one second. Actually, I found the actual video. Sorry, I was thinking that. Hold on one second. Let me pull this up real quick. Yeah. You found a video with the right camera angle? Is that what you’re saying? Yeah. Okay. All right, here we go.
Actually, I think. Where do we start? The video? Oh, I’m gonna pull it up. Right. Right. So she knows where to play it. Okay. Government involved in the UAP topic has created a culture of suppression and intimidation that I’ve personally been victim to, along with many of my former colleagues. This includes unwarranted criminal investigations, harassment, and efforts to destroy one’s credibility. Most Americans would be shocked to learn that the Pentagon’s very own Public Affairs Office openly employs a professional Psychological Operations Officer as the singular point of contact for any UAP related inquiries from citizens. Of course, this is unacceptable.
Many of my former colleagues and I have provided classified testimony to both the Department of Defense and the intelligence community Inspector General. And many of us have subsequently been targeted by this cabal with threats to our careers, our. Our security clearances, and even our lives. This is not hyperbole, but a genuine fact. And this is wrong. To fix these problems, I propose three principal actions. First, Congress and the President should create a single point of contact responsible for a whole of government approach to the UAP issue. Currently, the White House, CIA, NASA, the Pentagon, Department of Energy and others play a role, but no one seems to be in charge, leading to unchecked power and corruption.
Second, we need a national UAP strategy that will promote transparency and help restore the American public’s trust at a time when the public’s trust is at an all time low. This strategy should include a whole of government approach, including the academic and scientific communities, the private sector and our international partners and allies. Third, Congress should create a protected environment so whistleblowers desperate to do the right thing can come forward without fear. As it currently stands, these whistleblowers suffer because of stigma, a code of silence, and concerns about retaliation. These whistleblowers should be encouraged to come forward in ways that protect them against any forms of retaliation.
Policies and procedures should ensure that protection. And for those who refuse to cooperate, it is up to the members of this committee and the other lawmakers to wield their subpoena power against hostile witnesses and prevent additional government funding to those UAP efforts that remain hidden from congressional oversight. Yeah, I think we need to prevent anyone who ever worked for or in the CIA. We should not allow them to do, have anything to do with UFOs. This is the only way that we can. I agree. Ensure that there’s some potential truth that’s coming out there. Yeah, and by the way, I said it was Mr.
Lynch, but actually that was Alessandro. You know, I, I didn’t see the original video and they, they mentioned because it looked like lint, because it focused on him the whole time, like. Yeah, yeah, that’s why I went. And then I, I didn’t realize and I was like, wait a minute, you’re, you, yeah, this guy’s not speaking. Hold on. So I, I, I, you know, I don’t know why they did that anyway, so I messed, I kind of messed up based on what they were doing there. But okay, we pulled up the right one, but so at one point, one of them, one of them during the hearing, because they, they get asked, you know, what is the, what does the Pentagon think about these things? What do they call these things? And the one speaker was like, the Pentagon reports that the UFOs are unexplained natural phenomena.
Drones, foreign government weapon programs, possibly balloons, CGI hoaxes or birds, or. I just want to stick my middle finger up at those people. Seriously, when they when he said birds, you could see the Congress members all kind of like lean over and like laughing like birds. Seriously? Yeah. That’s your best lie? Oh my gosh. Yeah, it’s. It’s. It’s freaking nuts. Yeah. How do you explain then seeing those for the last like 200 years plus 200 plus years? You can’t. Those are not military crap. I mean. Yeah, well, that’s, that’s what this whole thing is about. You know, we’re going to get more deeper into explaining what this all kind of means and the future of all of this.
But I. You know, and I think there’s going to be a lot more laws in place, so. Yeah. What? We’re. Birds aren’t real. Fake birds. And then there’s this thing that came out that China was literally using like, you know, they were like stuffing dead birds, like taking birds that already died and then actually converting them into that. You. I wouldn’t put anything past China. No. So funny. So funny. All right, we’re gonna show another trailer and then when we get back we’ll get. We’ll. We’ll show more of this, These videos and. Let’s see. Oh, well, okay.
Actually, we still have a few more minutes. Okay, why don’t we go into the. This Anna Luna. So she’s asking, she asks them point blank, are you aware of any UFO hotspots? And this is. This is pretty interesting. Lindsey, are you going to pull this up for us? Who’s getting it? Thank you. Okay, Luna, for five minutes of questioning. Mr. Elizondo, to your knowledge, can you name the country and around timeframe that the first back engineered UAP program started? Ma’am, unfortunately I would not be able to have that conversation in public. Can anyone on the panel name that? I cannot.
None of you. This next question is for Mr. Gallaudet. To your knowledge, have any USOS ever outpaced our submarines? Yes, ma’am. At what magnitude? I don’t have the exact speed, but again, a witness came to me, a credible summer former submarine officer who observed it on sonar data. And this was in the 80s in the North Atlantic during a storm. And it outpaced his submarine by orders of magnitude. Are you aware of any hotspots that currently exist off our shores in North America? Not with sufficiently credible data, ma’am. Okay, we’ve heard reports of there potentially being hotspots, maybe enter and or entry and exit points.
Have you heard of any of that? Like getting California? My colleague here, Mr. Elizondo, discuss some USO activity that he’s observed in certain DoD databases. Mr. Elizondo, in regards to these aircraft being piloted by whatever they might be, non human biologics, are you. Would you agree that it’s likely that they are being piloted by some mind body connection? Ma’am, I think it is safe to presume here that they are being intelligently controlled because they. Some cases seem to anticipate our maneuvers, and in other cases they seem to. You know, I came across an email where the word stalked was used in a.
In a very secure email between Navy officers discussing their ships being pursued by a UAP in our previous. What? Keep playing it. It gets really interesting. Testified to say that some of these were interdimensional beings. Can you speak on that at all? Ma’am, I’m not qualified, certainly as a scientist or otherwise, to speculate points of origin. I looked at everything from a scientific perspective. So if you look at, for example, instantaneous acceleration, which was one of the observables of the program that I belong to, AATIP, the human body can withstand about 9G forces for a short period of time before you suffer negative biological consequences, blackouts and ultimately redouts and even death.
Comparison. Our best technology, the F16, which is one of this older platform, but one of our most highly maneuverable aircraft, manned aircraft made by General Dynamics, can perform about 17 or 18 G forces before you start having structural failure, meaning that the airframe begins to disintegrate while you’re flying. The vehicles we’re we’re talking about are performing in excess of 1000, 2000, 3000 jeeps. So are you, I guess. Would it be safe to infer that they’re living craft? You know, I’m not prepared at this point to state for the record, is something alive or not? Because even that definition is.
There was a time in science we thought that life required oxygen, and we now know that’s not true. There are anaerobic bacteria that thrive in oxygen environments that lack oxygen. And also same with photosynthesis. When I was in college, I was told every. Everything is derived from photosynthesis as a form of energy. In reality, that’s not true. There are things that live off of chemosynthesis. So we’re constantly having to reevaluate our understanding of what the definition of life is. I think it’s such amazing. Do any of you ever. You can pretty much pause it here. Yeah, pretty.
Pretty amazing. And he. I mean, he’s. They’re. They’re talking about like a normal plane, like a normal jet, as like, you know, three to five G forces. And here’s this UFO they’re mentioning 1,000 to 3,000. Well, well, if it was going the speeds they assume. If it was going the speed they assume. And it doesn’t take into account that the technology on those UAPs. Well, no. Right, yes. Not. There’s no G forces on those UAPs. Well, yeah, but I mean, they, you know, that they’re like, well, we, they can’t say what they don’t know. Right. So it’s like all we know is like we saw this craft that was going like traveling super fast, you know, maneuvering with us and all of a sudden it just like went to a 90 degree angle.
Like either like straight up or like turned, you know, going 3,000 miles an hour. Just turn and it’s like, you know, you’re going 3, 000 miles an hour and then all of a sudden you just, you just make a extreme sharp turn like that. It’s like. Yeah, that would, I mean, if an aircraft did that, it would totally rip apart the entire aircraft. It wouldn’t be able to handle it. Yeah, it’s not set up. It’s not engineered for that. No. So, you know, clearly that shows that something else is going on now. I mean, I think there’s a lot more that’s kind of, you know, not being said here because, you know, it’s Congress and they can only say what they can, what they know.
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Well, yes. All those great videos that we’re playing during our trailers you can find on Rise TV for just 12.99amonth. You can have access to all of them. We’ve got just so many videos over there that Ben and I have done over a long period of time. And if you’re interested in this subject. Yeah, we’ve done some pretty interesting stuff recently, like interview Eric Hecker, who worked down in Antarctica and was, you know, I mean, he’s in the know about exotic technology that they’re using to track these UFOs and stuff like that. It was a fascinating interview.
And honestly, I’ve seen a ton of interviews with Eric Hecker. I’ve watched almost all of them. And this one gets a lot more personal, I feel. So if you want to meet the guy who’s delivering a lot of that information, it’s a great interview to watch. That’s all. You can get access to that just by subscribing to RISE tv. Fantastic interview. And yeah, tons of UFO videos on there where we go through the history of UFOs all over and over again. We have a documentary on it, the Secret space Program and all kinds of things. So definitely check that out.
Celebrity UFO encounters, you name it. All right. Yeah. Well, we’re back. Here we are. Yeah. So the one last thing I just want to show at this hearing, they talk about secret footage of a white orb. Now, they don’t show the footage during the hearing, but they do mention this. So we’ll just play a little bit of this Explorer’s report ads. The sources of this intelligence are a blend of directed and incidental collection capacities, capabilities positioned in low Earth orbit, the upper atmosphere, as well as military and civilian aviation altitudes and marine time environments. The report to Congress details In detail various UAPs, including spheres, orbs, disks, saucers, ovals, triangles, boomerang, arrowhead and irregular organic.
The report describes various incidents found in the human intelligence databases. One involved orbs surrounding and forcing an F22 out of its patrol area. In another instant, the crew of a Navy aircraft carrier watched a small orange red sphere rapidly descend from a high altitude of 100 to 200 yards directly above the flight deck of the CVN, or aircraft carrier. And since my reporting on this immaculate constellation last month, another source came forward who told me that they saw a roughly 13 minute long high definition, full color video of a white orb UAP coming out of the ocean approximately 20 miles off the coast of Kuwait.
It was filmed from a helicopter. Then halfway through the video, the person said, the orb is joined by another orb that briefly comes into the frame from the left before rapidly moving again out of the frame. The person discovered the video on Sipper, the Secure Internet Protocol router network which the DoD uses to transmit classified information. A leading UAP researcher who utilized the Freedom of information. You can pretty much stop there. Yeah, that, that is the video I want to see. High definition clear video that was like 13 minutes long of, of this white orb that eventually another one comes over and I’m like, dang, like, why can’t we see this stuff in the public? You know, and, and that’s the kind of stuff that if, if it’s officially released on the channel, like on by, like a legit channel, you know, like if the Pentagon came out and said, okay, we have this video, we’re going to declassify it.
We have no, you know, we’re, we don’t know what it is, but we’ll declassify it then. You know, it’d be a game changer. It really would be. Because then it’s like, okay, you know, and I think they thought that was going to be a big game changer with the, with the UFO thing that came out with New York Times and it’s like, dude, come on, like that thing, like you’re, you’re telling me that like, you know, this VHS footage was. I mean, it’s like, I’m not denying the footage, but it’s like I’m denying the quality of it.
Like, come on, there’s got to be way better stuff that’s out there than this like VHS quality on some, you know, whatever it was, it was on the aircraft carrier or on, on the actual pilot that was getting the footage. But anyway, it’s just all like crazy now. Another, another Congressman that came out is Matt Gates and he’s claimed he’s seen UAP image that can’t be attached. Oh, he’s, he’s not only seen like UFO, like UAPs, but I think he mentioned. Well, he came from, he said that these images that he saw came from the Air Force base.
The crew took them, but they could not capture video. They only took some photos. He didn’t present them because they were still classified. But he’s also one of these really big advocators for disclosing the truth about UFOs and he’s now going to be the Attorney General of the country. So I think that. No, he, he is, I think he was, I don’t think he was just nominated. I think he. Yeah, no, he got, he got the position. Yeah, he’s, yeah, he’s, he’s going. Well, they’re not sworn in yet. Is. He’s not sworn in. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But he’s going to become the attorney. He’s already been, he’s been. He’s our next Attorney General. Yeah, I mean he’s already been. Not just nominated, but he’s like been chosen, like selected now, you know, once everything is sworn in. He just hasn’t been sworn in yet, obviously, you know, but, but I think that it’s. So this is kind of interesting actually. We can kind of like, I want to kind of skip through because I do want to spend some time on the Rise initiative now. But I do want to kind of go down a little bit since we’re kind of talking about this because Nick Pope came out, believe it or not, Nick Pope, he’s, he’s like very famous.
If you guys don’t know who Nick Pope is, he’s kind of like the watch any episode of Asian Aliens and he’s on it. And he’s on it and he’s talking about a lot like a really big limited hangout. Yeah. And a lot of times, I mean the media, if the interview, if the media interviews anybody in the ufology community, community, it’s always Nick Pope because he’s, he’s the guy, he’s the highest paid actor. Well, anyway, he did come out and say that he believes Trump will release the truth on UAPs. He says that this could have a seismic effect when it comes to UFO disclosure.
Referring to Trump’s presidency, he said, for those in the UF UFO community who believe there’s a decades long conspiracy to cover up the truth about an alien presence, Trump in his second term offers the best ever hope for pushing back against the deep state and delivering disclosure. Trump or. That’s actually a pretty lucid thing that he said. I’m surprised I could. I was blown away. I had to like, literally double check to make sure he said that. And he did. So I don’t know. I don’t know what the heck is going on right now. But he’s just.
He’s very careful about what he says. Usually sound like even him. That does not sound like him. And so he is the. He was the Ministry of Defenses and for the UK and he was in the MI6 program. He worked for the office that. Yeah, the UFO office, basically. Yes. That. That’s. They were the ones tracking and. And all of that stuff. Yeah, we had him on our show and I was like, okay, you worked for, like, the secret MI6 retrieval UFO thing. What was the biggest thing you ever experienced? And he was just talking about a poster that was hanging on their wall.
So what did you actually do in this program? You know? But anyway, I was just kind of surprised that he said that. And then there was so Danny Sheehan, who’s another guy that’s on Ancient Aliens a lot. You know, it’s always the same kind of usual suspects that, hey, there it is. Usually I think that that image of that UFO is the one that he was talking about on his wall, but I think one on his wall was like higher resolution or something. The one on his wall was the legit image and it was the Calvine photo that got released like last year.
And believe it or not, that’s what’s on there. But when we did that, that photo wasn’t released yet. And there’s two different photos. There’s a rendering which is fake. And the real one. This is the real photo. It’s a little bit more grainy and it’s not as high. This isn’t as sharp, this one. Yeah, no, the one that’s very sharp. And unfortunately, Nick. Nick Poped. Nick Pope shared the CGI one, which got everyone confused because they’re like, oh, this isn’t real. This looks cgi. And it’s like, no, that one is cgi, you guys. The one right there is the real photo.
It’s a little bit more grainy, but it doesn’t have any rivets in the. In the. In the actual UFO itself. In the CGI one, it’s like you can see like lines, like, meaning, like. Oh, yeah, because it would make sense. They have to weld them together where on the actual craft, there’s no welding Just, it’s just, it’s like, how did they make this? You know? But according to Nick Pope, that. That image that was hanging up is even more high resolution than the one that we were seeing there. So anyway, that’s out of six years that he.
That’s what he said was the most interesting thing that he saw. And I’m like, okay, I guess that means you can’t talk about any of the things that you saw. But. All right, but yeah, Danny Sheehan said the same thing, roughly. He’s. But he’s saying that extraterrestrials are 2 billion years more advanced than humans, both in terms of technological. Technologically and physically, he said. And he’s. He’s made some recent stuff about potential locations. Yeah, he’s the dude with white hair hanging out in Hobbington. It sounds like it looks like it. Yeah. So, you know, but. But like, I kind of look at these guys as kind of like they’re the.
I don’t know, the political aspect of the UFO community. You know, like, again, if the media wants to report on UFOs, these are the guys that they go to. So I was kind of surprised that Nick. Nick Pope said that statement that he did, honestly, so. But yeah, okay. And the last thing we want to cover is this new RISE Initiative. Yeah, man. US Advocates Urge White House Support for Rise Initiative to keep us ahead in edge science. So weird. Yeah, it’s so weird. Yeah, so. Yeah, go ahead, Rob. Well, I was just gonna say, if you guys want kind of like a straightforward breakdown of the article regarding the Rise Initiative, the key points are basically this.
So what is Rise? RISE stands for Research and Innovation at the science. Yeah, Research and Innovation at the scientific edge. So ris. Right. And it’s an initiative proposed to advance US research and unconventional or cutting edge scientific fields. It doesn’t conduct research directly, but aims to facilitate and coordinate such efforts. It advocates the. That the initiative is supported by a coalition including a neuroscientist, a former high ranking official in the CIA and assistant Director for Cyber. For cyber. It just says cyber in the office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering. Okay. Now the purpose of this, I think that could also be like maybe like cybersecurity, like everything in the.
In the cyber. Cyber security, cybersecurity, cyber, like whatever it is, you know. Yeah. Well, now the purpose of this initiative is what’s interesting. The initiative seeks to ensure. Actually, no, sorry, that’s not even the most interesting part. The fields of interest are the most interesting part. But this is interesting. That they’re mentioning China here. The initiative seeks to ensure that the US maintains its technological and scientific edge in a world where competitors like China are making significant investments in similar areas and stealing everyone’s ip. Now, the fields of interest. This is where it gets super interesting.
Quantum computing. One, Consciousness studies. Two. Remote viewing. The practice of attempting to gather information about a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception. Telekinesis. The ability to influence physical systems or objects through mental processes. Time magnastic cryptography. A method of encryption where the security of the method message. Excuse me, is tied to specific times, potentially only readable at certain moments. This is like Dwarf Runes and Lord of the Ring. Yeah. No, no, it doesn’t use the word telekinesis. It explains it in a way more technical term. But it. Sure, it’s telekinesis. It’s remote influencing, basically. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
They call that R A, which is remote action. Yeah, no, this. This. But this is even more of a technical term. That was like, I don’t know. But anyway, it meant telekinesis. So it was like, well, that’s really interesting. But yeah, I mean, this is just mind blowing that. It’s called Rise. And they’re. They’re saying the word edge and I just can’t do this. I can’t even get over it. Maybe they’re just marketing for us. They’re like, nah, just go to Rise TV and learn all about that stuff. Whoa, that’s so weird. Yeah. What’s going on here? But, yeah, so the whole point of this.
This Rise initiative would be housed within the executive office of the President. So, like, if this gets approved, I guess, like, it would fall under Biden for temporarily until Trump takes over. And then it’s also related to the Office of Science and Technology Policy. Its role would be facilitating interagency relationships. Because I think that’s a really key factor that a lot of people don’t understand because all of these agencies don’t communicate with each other. You know, you have the D. The. The. What is it? The. The. Well, you have the CIA, the FBI, DI. What is it? Not the DIA, but the.
Yeah, well, the. In. Or. I can’t think of it right now. DIA is the Department of. Oh, it is DA. It’s Defense Intelligence Agency. Yeah. Anyway, DoD. You have all these. You have all these. None of them communicate with each other. They are all holding secrets within each other. And so this is kind of like, hey, we need somebody to communicate with all these agencies to kind of like figure out what each one is doing. And because you could be spending millions of dollars on taxpayers money that the CIA is doing and the FBI already figured out like, oh yeah, that didn’t work out.
And then it’s like, all this money’s going to waste. So this is why they’re like, we need to figure this out. Fostering private public partnerships, building connections with academic, non profit and even faith based institutions. And I think that’s a key factor too. Especially since like this is going to release the truth about aliens are real. It’s like, yeah, this could have an effect on certain religions. So you have to kind of look at that as well. So historical context, the initiative draws parallels to the 1960s space race, suggesting that with strong executive leadership, significant scientific advancements are possible.
I mean, I think overall Trump was trying to achieve this with Space Force. You know, you don’t really hear too much about it, but it was a very, I mean it was like, it was pretty groundbreaking having a brand new military department for the first time since like, I’m not even sure what year it was. So, you know, I think a lot of the stuff the Space Force has been working on, but so potential impact if implemented, RISE could lead breakthroughs to in various fields, offering new tools for national security, economic advantages and solving complex global challenges through initiative innovative research.
So that’s crazy, dude. Like, I still can’t get over this. Someone has to be watching us. And ah, it’s weird, right? I. I don’t know, I, like when I first heard about it, I, at first, you know, I’m just kind of like reading things and looking at things, like so many things at once where I’m just like, yeah, okay. You know, then it kind of hit me like, wow, they’re using the word edge in this thing. At first I just saw the word rise and I was like, well that’s kind of cool. They named it after us.
And I was like, well, there’s the word edge in it too. What the heck? Multiple times. Yeah, it’s like science edge, Scientific edge or Edge of Science. You could look at it in that way too. So it’s just so weird. In fact, we were going to start a YouTube channel back in the day when we were like still on YouTube, channel called Edge of Science. Like I remember I was kind of working on that originally, but then once we got pulled from YouTube, didn’t really happen. But it’s kind of funny, I’m just thinking, yeah, I think we covered everything that we wanted to cover here.
Yeah. That being the last thing because man, it’s just freaking crazy. I still can’t get over that. I know. But, you know, I mean, basically all these, like, what this congressional hearing, like, what really came forward was like, Since World War II govern, the government has been having secret programs retrieving it. Literally, alien spacecraft. You know, they’re not using the term. Maybe even before World War II. Yeah, yeah. Well, it’s specifically after World War II. You know, I mean, that. That’s what they can say for a fact. You know, whether that happened before, I think it was, like, maybe not as the.
The organization aspect wasn’t as clear. Well, I think also, like, clearly Hitler was dabbling in something because there were a bunch of Foo Fighters everyone was seeing, and then the Nazis were working on the Nazi bell. They were working on all kinds of stuff. So I think that at a certain point, that just became that natural move for them to make where they would start retrieving these things and then learning from them. Because the Nazis had done it. Right, right. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. There’s some cool episodes we’ve got over here. Hitler’s search for artifacts. That was the relics of power.
Those first two episodes really paint an interesting picture of what Hitler was doing in World War II. Yeah. Well, you guys, I hope you guys enjoyed this show. And we’re about to leave Rumble, Facebook, Ganjing, World Twitter and everywhere else we’re streaming and head over to Rise TV. So join us on Rise TV. It’s just $12.99 a month and you can support our work. You’ll get to ask us your questions during the live Q and A. And don’t forget that your support lets us do these deep dives and bring you the truth that the censors don’t want you to hear.
And if you don’t believe that, then why did we get banned on YouTube? And if you want to watch a free episode on winter miracles and uplifting stories of divine intervention, you can go to Rise TV Video. You can also get a bag of delicious metaphysical coffee every month if you want your mornings to be Interstellar. It’s 100% Arabica coffee, GMO free, low acidity, medium body, medium richness, small batch, roasted, single origin, gluten free and vegan friendly. Now y’all check out this trailer and then join us on Rise tv. We can’t wait to see you there and chat with you with our awesome Rise TV community.
Is it a rolling stone in the sky? Is it a hunka hunka burning metal? It’s definitely not a blackbird singing in the Dead of night. It’s a ufo. And chances are your favorite rock star has seen it. A rock artist just crazy. Or is there a reason why so many have claimed to see UFOs? From your standard believers to abductees, from lifelong stargazers to superstars turned investigators, UFO encounters seem to follow around these celebrities. Is your favorite rock star on the list? Find out as Edge of Wonder presents Close Encounters. Celebrity Edition Episode one Rockstar Mind Control.
Let’s see. Ah, interesting. Lots of interesting stuff here. Let’s just start somewhere. Ben, let’s start with Sasta, because she doesn’t often ask questions. She asked if or he she. I’m not sure, but I assume it’s a she. If they are doing this in public, what is going on in private? Look over here, not over there kind of thing. Yeah, yeah. I mean, yeah. That’s how this whole UFO disclosure stuff has been for as long as anyone can remember, you know. Yeah. And I think like, I mean, realistically, you know, I, I know they’re not really going to get too much done and I, I don’t even know if I trust like everybody who’s like, you know, at the hearing and saying things or whatever, what side they’re really on.
But I do think the positive aspect is it, it’s putting it all on the public awareness, you know, and, and you know, I don’t think there is much for like trying to prove that aliens are real or want the truth on UFOs. They, they are really more looking at it from the Pentagon perspective. Like the Pentagon is using your money to do secret things that they are.