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5G Danger


➡ Ben Shasteen is hosting a show where he’ll discuss various topics including a spooky satellite image of a storm, the Star of Jacob prophecy, his personal experience with a hurricane in Florida, a jellyfish UFO sighting, and a weekly Mandela effect about an emoji. He’ll also share some weird news stories and answer live questions. He encourages listeners to rate and review the podcast and subscribe to their channels. He also plans to present factual information about weather modification to help listeners explain it to others.
➡ The text discusses a collective memory of a non-existent seahorse emoji, a new coffee product, a gruesome murder case, and a biblical prophecy related to an asteroid. It also touches on the concept of the Mandela effect, the belief that shared false memories are a glimpse into parallel worlds, and ends with a reflection on current events being a battle between good and evil.
➡ A resident of Florida shares their experience of witnessing an unprecedented hurricane that quickly escalated from a tropical storm to a category five hurricane. The hurricane, named Milton, formed unusually in the Gulf and hit Florida directly, causing widespread evacuation. The resident also mentions the strange occurrence of two hurricanes hitting Florida within a week, which has never happened before. They also discuss the damage caused by 50 tornadoes that occurred prior to the hurricane, and the speculation around the hurricane’s unusual behavior and its potential impact on attitudes towards living in Florida.
➡ A man with multiple tumors flatlined for ten minutes and was in a coma for three months, with doctors predicting he would be brain-dead if he ever woke up. Despite this, he miraculously recovered, leading to discussions about the power of faith, prayer, and miracles. The story also explores the idea of life contracts, suggesting that we may agree to certain life events before we are born. The narrative concludes with a reflection on the value of material possessions and the importance of personal items.
➡ The text discusses the idea that life is a series of tests, much like a video game, where you have to work hard to achieve rewards. It mentions that even those born with everything, like Buddha, may find something missing and seek a different path. The text also suggests that we may have made vows with God to be present in this world during challenging times, and that a significant awakening may occur during a particularly dark period. Lastly, it mentions a hypothetical hurricane named Milton, which was written about in April 2024 and was supposed to hit Florida in October of the same year, causing a stir when the article was taken down.
➡ The text discusses various instances of weather manipulation, starting from a 1966 report about Russia’s potential control over weather during the Cold War, to a 1967 article about scientists working on weather control. It also mentions a 1915 case where a farmer claimed he could make it rain, which resulted in disastrous flooding. The text questions whether modern weather phenomena, like unusual hurricane patterns, could be the result of attempts to control the weather.
➡ The text discusses weather modification operations, specifically cloud seeding, which involves releasing particles into clouds to influence their growth and development. These operations, which have been conducted in places like Texas and China, are used to combat droughts and other weather-related issues. However, the text also mentions ethical concerns and potential misuse of this technology, such as its use in warfare, as seen in Operation Popeye during the Vietnam War. Despite these concerns, the author suggests that prayer and faith can help counteract any negative effects.
➡ The speaker discusses the impact of hurricanes in Florida and North Carolina, emphasizing the importance of faith and hope during these challenging times. They also mention the power of prayer and meditation in overcoming adversity. The speaker encourages listeners to let go of control and trust in a higher power. They conclude by promoting their upcoming content on Rise TV and their metaphysical coffee product.


Hey, everyone. I have a very important show lined up for you guys today, so you don’t want to miss it. We’ll start off with a spooky satellite image of the storm that showed what looked like an evil, demonic face. Did the power of prayer change Hurricane Milton? And what’s the Star of David or, sorry, star of Jacob prophecy everyone’s talking about? Well, join me on this Friday Night Live with me again, Ben Shasteen, as I talk about my own experience being here in Florida and what I personally witnessed with the hurricane, along with some very interesting information that I’m going to present to you guys.

Also on tonight’s show will be. There will be a discussion about the jellyfish UFO because new photos emerged of this thing that was captured on camera. Also, I’ll have a weekly Mandela effect, or Bendela effect, as we like to call them, about a certain emoji. Did it exist, or are we all losing our minds? And of course, we have a live Q and A in the top ten weirder news of the week segment here. Hilarious and intriguing stories like news of transparent mice after eating Doritos, cookie monster being busted for speeding, Loch Ness monster in Bigfoot, and expensive art that looks like trash got thrown out with the trash.

And as always, I’ll see you out on the edge. That story is insane, you guys. All right, anyway, well, if you’re listening to our edge of Wonder podcast on Spotify, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or elsewhere, please leave us a five star rating and review to help us reach more people. Also, to remember to hit like follow, subscribe on Rumble, Guanjing World x, Instagram, Facebook, wherever you’re watching us, and leave a comment, too. But if you’re watching us on Rumble, we. We appreciate all of our rumble viewers, and please subscribe to our channels. We can continue to grow that.

So how is everyone doing? So Rob is with John Vivanco. They’re filming some stuff, I think, related to Bigfoot, actually. And I’m gonna be going to Ohio soon to meet up with Rob as well to film some things. So I’ll keep you guys updated on that. But that’s why Rob’s not gonna be joining me, because they were trying to. But there’s there just been, like, nonstop filming things because they don’t have a whole lot of time there. So. Anyway. But I hope everyone is doing well. Tonight’s going to be a very important show, you guys. I have a lot of things lined up now, you know, because a lot of people are talking about this, like, weather modification stuff and there’s conspiracy things around it, but there’s actual factual things around it, too.

And tonight, I want to present more factual things because, you know, when you’re talking with, like, loved ones and your friendly or family and friends, this comes up a lot. You know, it’s like you kind of. Sometimes you feel like you kind of sound crazy, even though, you know, you’re not, because it’s like, well, no, this. But, you know, and then they’re like, well, okay. And then you reference something, and they’re like, yeah, okay, whatever. You know, that that’s kind of crazy talk. So I thought maybe I’ll present hard information or hard facts in this show that you can’t argue with about because they’ve been published in newspapers over the last century.

Seriously, this goes back. Weather modification stuff that I found goes back to 1915 is the earliest accounts that I’ve found. So this has been going on for a long time, you know, so we’ll get into that a little bit later. But I just wanted to present that now because I do have some really cool information that you guys won’t want to miss for your loved ones you’re trying to explain it to. So you don’t sound like the crazy conspiracy theory. But anyway. All right, let’s start out with this jellyfish UFO before we dive into everything. And by the way, there were so many people that reached out to me.

So many fans have reached out to me during the whole Florida thing, but we’ll get into that. And I just want to thank you all for all your prayers and everything else, but, yeah, okay, so, before we get into that, this is. This jellyfish UFO that came out. Came out a couple months ago. Jeremy Corbell, I think, was the one that kind of released this. And this was not seen with any other camera, only on an infrared camera did this show up, and then they realized they got this on camera. Well, yesterday, more detailed photos emerged of what.

What, like, purportedly, is this jellyfish UFO looking thing? I mean, it looks like something from the Terminator or Star wars here. I mean, I don’t even know how to describe this thing and what it’s really doing or why it’s doing this. It looks like some kind of surveillance thing, I think looks like some kind of giant spider. I have no idea. And it’s hard to say whether these are real. I mean, the source, I think it was from Jeremy Corbel. He said that, you know, I think. I think that’s where these more high res photos came out from.

You know, it kind of looks similar and kind of looks a little bit different. So I, I don’t know. It’s hard to say with all this stuff. But anyway, this phone, this image, this video you’re seeing is a real vid video that was taken by the military in Afghanistan that was leaked to the pill, to the media, and to the public. Again, it was only on an infrared camera. And so in other words, this thing was cloaked. They couldn’t see it. It was at night. But with any other camera or your naked eye, you would not see this thing hovering over you.

So that’s what’s kind of weird. And so, yeah, and if you want more weirder news, stay tuned for the end of the show. We’ll have the top ten weird news of the week. But this is also actually, Lindsey, why don’t we hold off on this next one and let’s go to this flying man thing. This is also kind of crazy, this flying Mandeh, this local residence in, I’m not sure where this was, actually. It was taken by a man named Jeremy Garcia. And he said he was driving home from a fishing trip when he spotted an unusual object in the sky around 02:40 p.m.

he said it was about three to 400ft in the air. And it just looked like some dude hovering in the middle of the air. So it was taken on a parking lot. And look at that. That’s super weird looking. I don’t even know. Brad Meyer, parking lot on it was taken on September 28. I’m not sure where, though. Does seriously look like a flying mandeh, but I don’t know what to think. Lindsey, can you pull up something for me? I thought I had this link in here. There’s something else that somebody else saw in Philadelphia. Type in Philly, like UFO cloud.

I probably under like, x or something. I thought I originally had the link in here, but I’m not sure what. Something from 2015. Is this show like a cloud? Yeah, actually. Okay. It’s from 2015. No, I didn’t even, I didn’t realize it, but it was another weird looking cloud that somebody captured. And it’s on a video and it’s just moving by itself just across the sky. And he said there was weird lights in it. And you can see the video, the cloud, it’s kind of changing shape, too. So if the video is not in there, it’s somewhere we can, we can find it later for you guys.

Oh, there it is. Okay. Yeah. So he’s just like, chilling in a parking lot and then he’s like, what is this? Like, he’s freaking out in the video, and then he’s just filming it, and then all of a sudden, it’s just floating by itself, and he starts talking about how there’s colors in it, like iridescent colors, and then it starts changing shape and just kind of floating over. No idea what it is. But, you know, at this point, I don’t know. I mean, the technology that they have in today’s world, I mean, look at that thing, though.

It does not look like a cloud. That’s not. That’s not any other kind of cloud formation right there. So if any of you guys have any idea, let me know what you think that is. Very strange things. What do you think, Lindsey? I mean, I’ve seen so many weird clouds now that I’m not quite sure what’s a super weird cloud and what’s clearly a cloaked ship or a UFO or some plasma being up in the sky. I’ll believe anything at this point. I really. Well, the weird thing is how it’s, like, moving around, so, I don’t know.

It’s just so strange. But, yeah. Anyway, all right, why don’t we move on to the Mandela effect here? Okay. This one, I saw this, and it totally threw me for a loop, and I think it would. You guys, too. Question. Is there a seahorse emoji, and what color do you remember it being? And if you don’t believe me, it does not exist. It never did exist. There is no seahorse emoji. If you don’t believe me, you can go to your phone, whether you have an apple or Android, and you will not find it, because it never existed, ever.

Yet we all remember that now. Some people will remember it being more of, like, a purplish blue color, like this. I personally remember it being orange, and they show this in the video, and I’m like, dude, that is exactly. From the eyes to the way it was. Like, that’s exactly how I remember it, and it does not exist. So, yeah, some people say it’s purplish blue, and some people remember it being orange. So I think the one thing we can all agree on, most of us remember this thing. And to prove that it doesn’t exist, I did find this article because I was like, wait a minute.

What is going on here? Like, is this, like. And then, lo and behold, it’s not on the apple thing. There is no evidence this seahorse emoji was real. And it goes into the collective delusion now. They’re literally calling the Mandela effect collective delusion. And what does that even mean? Like, we’re all delusional because we all remember the same thing like everybody, but, um, yeah, so weird. Very, very strange to. So I don’t. Let me know what you guys think about that because that one to me is definitely a weird one because I do remember the seahorse emoji.

So strange. So strange. We also just got a donation from Audrey. Nicole, I’m going to get to your question, actually, when we talk about the hurricanes, we’ll bring that up because that is definitely something I want to kind of get into a little bit here. But before we continue on, want to try our coffee? Well, is your Folgers no longer the best part of waking up? Don’t feel like paying an arm and a leg for Starbucks? And does your dunkin coffee have a hole in it? Sounds like you need better coffee. Coffee that’s reasonably priced, tastes good, doesn’t make you crash, and maybe even makes your mornings a little bit more metaphysical.

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So if you hadn’t had a chance to try it, you can go to to get your own bag for. It’s for just $17.99. It comes with free shipping. That’s right, $17.99. Free shipping. Again, go to well, right now we’re going to show a trailer and we get back. We’ll get right into our topic with the hurricane and the biblical star of Jacob, who is the mad butcher of Kingsbury run. The Cleveland torso murders are some of the most gruesome killings that have ever taken place in America. Some believe it was worse than Jack the Ripper’s crimes.

On September 5, 1934, this small, forsaken neighborhood that probably would have faded away into oblivion, etched its name in history. And the weird part is, is that there were very suspicious circumstances revolving around the suspects, which adds even more mystery to these horrible crimes. Little did they know at the time that this would end up becoming the biggest investigation in the Cleveland Police department’s history. Because this is an edge of wonder Halloween special. And I promise we’ll try to make you laugh through this dark pocket. Hey, everyone. So once again, you can find that over on our Rise tv platform for just 1299 a month, you can support what we do.

We have over a thousand videos of nearly every topic you can possibly think of. We have live shows that we do just on Rise TV, and also we have our, all of our produced content that’s on rise as well. So if you haven’t come over, at least come over and check us out. And, uh, yeah, it’s been a really amazing journey. So I want to thank all of you guys for supporting everything that we’ve been doing over the years. It’s been really fantastic. But all right, why don’t we start off before I get into all the hurricane stuff and everything else.

We’ll just start off with this biblical star of Jacob prophecy that is going viral. So wrote mostly on tick tock, but a lot of people are talking about it right now. I guess people are predicting the second coming of Jesus for this biblical prophecy. Really. It’s about this asteroid called 2024 p. 25. It entered Earth orbit on September 29. And there’s a tick tock YouTube or TikTok star kind of, you know, channel. His name is his awesome. His name is Jacob as well. That’s kind of ironic in a really interesting way there. So he’s, he’s one of the first people to came out of the video about this.

There’s other people that have made videos, too, claiming that the, essentially this, this asteroid could be the star of Jacob prophecy that was coming true. He said that the star is one that the three wise men were coming to see. The messiah saw like that. Because there’s a lot of talk about this because supposedly the, the, the star that everyone was seeing was like moving across the sky a little bit. Like when you, when you look at the Bible and reference the Bible on that aspect. So there’s been a lot of talk all throughout history about what it was that they actually saw.

You know, of course, with all of these things, kind of divided opinions about this. Now, side note here, this is a massive Mandela effect, because even in this article, they keep referencing the three wise men. Three wise men are never mentioned. The number three is never mentioned in the Bible. You can read the Bible inside and out and any version of it, you’re never going to see the three wise men. It just says the wise men from the Orhans. Weird. I know, because we all remember the number three, but that’s a side note, but kind of getting back on this.

So I guess the star of Jacob is mentioned in the Bible, specifically in numbers. It’s centered on Balak, the king of Moab, who calls upon Balaam, who is the son of a soothsayer. The king wants Balaam to curse the Hebrews attempting to cross into the plains of Moab, but instead, he decided to bless them as he saw that YHwh, the God of Israel, was traveling with them. So later the story goes that Yahweh then asked a non hebrew prophet to give the tribe a prophecy surrounding the Messiah’s birth, to which he said that a star would emerge from Jacob or Israel and would have royal properties as symbolized by the scepter.

And then. So that’s kind of like how the whole thing is. So in other words, this prophecy was that a great ideal ruler would be born with the ability to act as God, king, and immortal being Jesus. So in this case. So anyway, um, so there’s a lot of talk about this also related to the hurricane and what happened and all this, like, basically everything that’s going on right now in today’s world, um, which kind of leads into the power of prayer and everything that we’re kind of talking about right now with what’s happening in the world.

And, you know, like, ever since. I don’t know how to describe it, but ever since I was a little kid, I just, like, it made perfect sense in my mind, you know? I mean, years later, I was like, maybe I was this crazy kidde, maybe not, you know, but I was just so funny. I remember being eight years old, looking at my mom because I was, like, really fascinated by revelations, revelation, revelations. I always forget which one it is now. Revelation. And as a kid, like, I would read that a lot. And in my mind, I’m like, oh, this is the time.

This is the end times. And I remember my mom saying, like, well, how do you know? And I was like, because I’m here. Like, I wouldn’t be the end time. Like, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t in the end times. She’s like, what? In my mind, it made perfect sense. I’m like, yeah, because this is why we’re all here right now. And it’s like, I think so many of us feel this calling. There’s a reason why we’re all here. And I think it’s because this is the ultimate battle that’s being played out, good and evil.

And we can see it happening right before us now. We no longer have to look up old prophecies. Like, it’s all happening right now, you know, especially with all these crazy events, everything with the election, just, like, all of it, you know, like, just. Just everything. All of it. And it’s just, like, what is happening? Well, um, yeah, so being in Florida, this is something. I mean, I’ve talked to people who’ve been here their whole lives, you know, who are older, like. Like, older. They’re like, I grew up here. I lived here, you know, who are, like, 60 years old.

They’re saying to me they’ve never seen a hurricane like this in their entire life. Not anything this fast, not anything, like, formed like this. Very rarely does a. Does a hurricane just form in the gulf, like, in the. In the top part of it. And it just. Within hours, it went from a tropical storm to a category five. And that is, like, even. Even the news people reporting were like, we’ve never seen this. Like, this. This is unheard of, you know? And then this, like, weird, creepy image came out. So, Lindsey, can you bring this up? Now? When I first saw this, I was like, oh, no, no.

This isn’t right. This is from Hurricane Matthew because it was, like, the same thing. It was, like the skull looking thing. You can even see the teeth and stuff. And then I realized they’re actually two different. So the one on the left here that Lindsay is showing, that’s Hurricane Matthew in 2016. The one on the right there is hurricane Milton, which just happened. So this, you know, I mean, and, of course, like, this thing turned into a storm so fast. And, um, just. I mean, it’s hurricane. So not. Sorry. Not a storm, but a hurricane. Look at that thing.

That thing is so freaky looking. Oh, my gosh. I I mean, like, I don’t even know what to think about this. But, yeah, it was so weird, you know? And then, like, everyone started messaging me because I’m in, you know, I’m in. I’m in, like, fort Myers area, really? So, um, I mean, all. And I was like, whoa. And, like, honestly, no one really had much time to prepare. It’s not like, you know, I mean, typically, it’s kind of like, oh, okay. There’s, like, some kind of hurricane that formed, like, you know, and you kind of have, like, a week to kind of look at it, figure out what you want to do.

This is, like, so sudden. And, like, all of Florida was being evacuated because it was coming on straight. Straight into Florida. You know, it wasn’t, like, going up and then kind of curving in how they usually do this thing was like, come on. Full on hitting Florida. So, um, so it was a little bit weird. Uh, believe it or not, I didn’t lose power at my house. I was kind of a little bit surprised by that. Other people that I know, um, someone, someone that I did know, they were in, like, Tampa, Orlando area. They. They’re.

A tree fell on their house, actually, while they’re inside of it, they’re still having a hard time getting out. Nobody in that area that I know has power pretty much all through that. North of Sarasota and above even a lot of areas where I’m at is, like, pockets. But, yeah, believe it or not, I didn’t lose power. And everything was pretty. It was like, basically a tropical storm, maybe. I said they. I think they said it was a category one where we were, but, um. But, I mean, if this, this thing downgraded to a category three, the problem is we just had hurricane Helene, and, like, we.

We were okay where I was. But, like, Sarasota Tampa area got hit hard, and then this hurricane came through. This has never happened before. Like, occasionally you’ll get, like, storms, like, after a hurricane, like maybe a storm or something. Never two hurricanes in a row within, like, a week of each other. So everybody has been, everybody in Florida has been talking about this, especially what happened after North Korea or North Carolina. I’m sorry. So this is kind of, you know, so I started doing some research, and I made this kind of, this Facebook post, but there’s, there’s, you know, there was a, like, I’m not going to read all of this.

I’m going to get mostly. Can you go to the photos, Lindsey? So this is kind of interesting because I was watching the news. Well, this, this is kind of like tracking the storm before it formed, where they think it was going to go. It went a little bit more south than they predicted. They originally said it was going to hit Tampa head on a little bit north of Tampa. It came a little bit south and hit a little, slightly north of Sarasota. Right around Sarasota. Well, actually, that’s pretty close, actually, where it was. So that was a pretty good map.

I had a feeling that this was where it was going to go because their predictions for Hurricane Ian didn’t really change. So I don’t know what was going on, but this is the weird thing. And I was only able to capture a photo of it because I was trying to record it before it went away. Can you go to the next image, Lindsey? But there’s a. So this is. I actually took this photo. There was a report. This is when the hur. This wasn’t really even a hurricane yet. It was just kind of a tropical storm turning into a slight category one.

And they were talking about the hurricane hunters, because if you could actually take a plane into a hurricane and flies in the eye and the hurricane. But he was talking about how they were gathering data for Noah. Now, I can’t put my own opinion on here and what they were actually doing, but I swear to you guys, within hours of this report, it went from being barely a category one to a category five within hours, like 4 hours. I was so shocked. And I was glad that I took this image because it was like proof that I’m not going crazy that there.

I did hear about a plane that flew. Now, I, you know, again, I can’t say if this plane did anything or nothing, what it was really connected to, but even they on the news were a little bit dumbfounded. Like, that’s kind of weird. And not to mention what really did the most damage, though, in most of Florida, there was 50 tornadoes that were all around Florida prior to the hurricane hitting. And that’s really what caused more damage than the actual hurricane, at least, like, you know, south of Sarasota and everything. So this. It’s. It’s super, super weird, all of this.

Like, nobody here has ever experienced anything like this before. And, I mean, everybody is talking, whether they believe in conspiracy theories or not or whatever. It’s like, what is going on? And not to mention that this was called Hurricane Milton. Well, there was a book that was published called, you know, Paradise Lost by John Milton. Or more of a book. It’s more of a poem called Paradise Lost. And it’s like, just super weird. And there was even an article from USS USA Today bringing it up in the headline. And it was like, opinion like Paradise Lost.

Will Hurricane Milton change attitudes about living in Florida? And this is. This is the. This is the actual paradise law. I forget when it was written, but maybe like the 18 hundreds. But yeah, it’s just so strange because they’re literally saying, well, hurricane Milton changed attitudes about living in Florida. And this whole article gets into this because they’re saying, you know, it’s predicting more hurricanes are going to happen. And it’s like, this is so, so weird, you know, is this. Why are they. Are they really, you know, something happening here? Well, I’m going to get into some you know, and then, like, with the power of prayer, because I, you know, so many people are praying that, and it changed.

And even, even on the, on all the weather things that I was listening to, they were shocked about it because it started forming into a crescent shape. And a hurricane’s never done that before, at least not like this. They, they said that this hurricane, they’ve never seen anything like this. And like, hundred years. It’s just, there’s, there’s nothing to categorize it, there’s nothing to even compare it to. And especially after another major hurricane just came through, it’s super, super strange. But I do think that the power of prayer is so important and, you know, kind of a really important story that I don’t really talk about too much today because it’s so long, but I’m going to shorten the story.

My best friend Chris, growing up, he, he’s a really long story with him, but make a short version of the story. He, he had cancer. Well, he started having issues. Him and I actually made a cd album together or a music album together. We were trying to make music together, and he got really sick right after we got, we finished the album. In fact, the last day we were in the studio, he started getting sick. And what ended up happening was he had a fluid in his lungs, and so when they drained the fluid, they didn’t realize that there was this black mass that was in his body, and it went over his heart and stopped his heart.

Now, I don’t know. This is us, the beta sun. That’s what we are called. Yeah. I don’t know. I didn’t want to know how long he was. He was, like, flatlined for. I found out later it was roughly about ten minutes. And then his heartbeat started again, and he was in a coma for three months. Didn’t move. Just in a coma for three months in the hospital. And the doctors were basically trying to tell us, like, look, even if he comes back, he’s going to be brain dead. You know, he’s just, it’s like, it’s impossible for him to recover from this, let alone the fact that he had, like, four different tumors going on in his body all at the same time.

So, um, I wasn’t really sure. After two days, I started dreaming about him every single, almost every night. And then it just kind of went to once a week. And these dreams, he kept telling me he wanted to wake up. And I remember at one point, and I think Rob even came there one time, too, because Rob doom too. We, um, I think there was about 50 of us in the hospital at one point, and we were all praying, meditating everything we possibly could for him. And, you know, they just let us do our thing, you know? But he.

But, like, I was determined, and I was telling his brother, too, I’m like, dude, he wants to wake up. So, you know, and in my mind, like, there’s no doubt that he’s not going to wake up now. Like, I know he is. Whatever the. Whatever they. I don’t. I’d never even wanted to listen. Every time the doctor would come in, I didn’t want to hear it because I didn’t want to get any notions about anything. So literally three months later, his mom is holding his hand, and she starts feeling him squeezing her hand. And then a few days later, his eyes are open and he’s kind of looking at us.

And by, like a week and a half, he’s sitting up talking to us, like, eating food. So I remember the. The lung doctor came in, and he’s like, you guys don’t understand what you’re doing to the neurologists. Like, everything that they’ve ever learned just got tossed out the window with this because, like, this should not be happening like this. You don’t understand how impossible this is. And I was like, no, I do, but you guys don’t understand the power of miracles and prayer and faith. So it’s like, whatever your knowledge is, is just human knowledge that this is the power of, you know, like, the faith, the grain of a mustard seed, could move mountains.

Like, this is. This is my understanding of what Jesus is talking about. Like, moving mountains, what seems impossible. Just with a little bit of faith, the impossible can be done, you know, because you don’t have that notion of, like, oh, this is impossible. We can’t do it. And instead, it was, like, replaced in my mind with, this is going to happen because this needs to happen. And I feel that that was like the same kind of, you know, with what was happening with Florida. And I could feel it. You know, it was just like, I just felt this, like, energy shift after.

Because it happened so fast. I mean, literally, it was like, what, Friday was just a tropical storm, and then all of a sudden it was like a category five, and then it was like, whoa. Like, this is no time to prepare. And, like, what, what do we do? And then everyone’s trying to evacuate at once, and it was just a nightmare. And so I was like, okay, well, if I end up leaving, I’ll just leave the day of, because then there’ll be a lot less traffic and everything else, but then it’s like everyone’s rushing to get gas.

People were stuck on the road because they ran out of gas, because they were on the road for so long, like, waiting and traffic and all this stuff. So it was just a. You know, it’s just. It’s hard because Florida is so narrow and so, like, you know, and then you go on the other side of Florida, and you’re still going to get hit by the hurricanes, so. But, um. Yeah, you know, so. But I think, like, Lindsey. Okay, what were you saying? You were gonna. You’re. You’re typing something in the. In the. Yeah, I think we’ve had some people ask about, well, how come sometimes prayer doesn’t work when I just really want my loved one to heal? Like, I’m just praying for healing.

What’s the difference between that and, like, praying to eliminate things that aren’t supposed to happen? This is. This is, like, a very complex question, and I have an answer for it from my understanding. I don’t know if a lot of people want it to, how they want to interpret this or how they want to accept this, but I saw it with Chris, and what I can tell you guys is that, you know, I believe that before we come down here, we make various different vows, different contracts, or, like, you know, x, y, z is going to happen.

Like, let’s just say you’re destined to do something amazing or something good. You know, you’re coming here, you want to do something good, you want to help people, you want to do something positive, but it’s kind of like, okay, great, you’re going to do that. But in order for that to happen, XYZ has to happen. And maybe that XYz isn’t something positive. And, like, with Chris, it was like, this entity saying that, like, he signed a contract before he came here. This is supposed to happen. Like, he’s supposed to die. That’s literally what I was like.

I felt I was getting. When I was, like, praying and meditating. And I wasn’t the only one who got this, either. Without even, like, saying anything. There was a couple other people. We came together, and I was like, dude, I just had this crazy thing happen to me. And they were like, I just saw the same thing. And I started to realize that there are these contracts that are made prior to us coming into this reality, into this world. And this is the complicated part, because maybe somebody is supposed to have a heart attack, something’s supposed to happen to somebody, and it’s like, well, they signed this contract before.

You know, not like a literally contract, but you. But I’m kind of, like, using that as an example. Right. And the object is, it’s like, it’s hard to do. Like, I think it took us three months to really try to stay. Like, it doesn’t matter what anyone signed, what anyone agreed to, whatever it was coming to this life. Like, this is not goddesse arrangement. God would never arrange something like this. Now we all have karma, too, and sin and everything else, and that kind of adds more things on top of it as well, you know? But maybe the thing about it is, though, we never really truly understand what God’s will is.

So, like, using this more as, like, a hypothetical situation, like, making more of a joke here. Not really a joke, but Batman. Right? It’s like, if Bruce Wayne. If his parents never died, he would never, would have come. Bruce Wayne. So I’m using this as an example because sometimes bad things happen because it’s like, it puts us in a certain direction, and we don’t understand why that’s happening at that moment, why somebody’s house got destroyed, why, you know, why this person’s house got destroyed, why this person’s house didn’t get touched. I mean, that happened with a tornado.

It was like, this one guy in Fort Myers. His whole home got destroyed, but the homes around it were totally fine. And it’s like, why did. Why was he selected, not other people? And that’s what I mean. Like, this is all very complicated, but it’s. But it’s also like a test, you know, how. How attached are we to our own things to our own stuff in our house? House to, you know. And, like, for me, it was kind of like, okay, you know, like, whatever I’m supposed to have, I’ll just have. But it’s kind of also, you know, it’s like, well, I have a lot of personal things that, you know, are, like, aren’t worth anything in reality, but, like, old photos, for example, you know, or personal.

Just personal things or a ton of, like, hard drives that have all our edge of wonder stuff. Like, all these things where I’m like, this stuff is important to me because it’s like, I need to kind of preserve these things, but it’s not, like, worth anything, you know, out there in the world. But it’s like, you know, it’s like, this is the kind of stuff that I was a little bit worried about. So I did put that kind of stuff in, like, bags and put it up on top of the shelf, just in case anything were to happen, you know, but, like, material things can all be replaced.

And I think that through this, you know, it’s like, you know, good people are constantly going to be tested because I think it’s, it’s a test for all of us to see where we are with our faith, you know? And if you look through all throughout history, all the great monks and saints and all, like, the people that were doing wonderful things all throughout history, all of them had a very rough period of time. For a while. Nobody had it easy because it was like, you know, every step there is a test to see if you can make it through.

And if you can, then it’s like, it’s like, you know, playing a video game in some aspects. You know, it’s like you can’t just turn on a video game when you first start and say, okay, I want to. I want to have everything now. You know, I want the, the best, you know, whatever it is, the best castle, and I’m going to have all the horse or whatever, you know, whatever game you’re playing, it’s like you have to play it for a long time to build up to all that stuff. And then it’s like you, you get the rewards for doing what, what you’re doing in the game.

And it’s like, you know, in some aspects, it’s like a mimic of real life. We can’t just like, start out the game with, like, having everything. And some people have that, you know, some people do have that. They’ve come into this life. They’re, you know, they’re kind of given everything on a silver platter, but then they’re, you know, then some aspect, it’s like they’re missing something. And that’s what happened with Buddha, saki mini. You know, he was born to in royalty, and he walked away from all of it because he’s like, none of this is making me happy.

I don’t understand. And so he decided to, like, become a monk. Well, he actually started what being monk is really, and, you know, especially for Buddhism and everything else. So, you know, I mean, I know it’s a really long winded answer, but I think it’s a very, very complex question where it’s not just like a straight yes and no or why this, why that? But I do believe in these contracts and I have seen them multiple times. But at the, on the flip side of things, I believe that we also made specific vows with God. Like, hey, I’m going to come here during this time, even though I think most of us didn’t really need to be here, it’s kind of like you’re done.

You can, you know, you go to your paradise. You can go to your place that you need to be, but, you know, if God asks you directly, hey, you know, are you. Would you come down to help out in this. In, like, the most dire time of all of human history? It’s like, yeah, we want to be a part of this. So, I mean, I think that’s why there’s so many people in this world, too, from my understanding. You know, it’s like, because everyone wants to be here during this time because it’s so. It’s like, this is it.

This is what history has accumulated for, you know, culminating in this moment, and what. What is everyone going to choose? And so I do think that there’s going to be a massive, massive awakening that will happen. You know, however the second coming will, whether it’s this, like, grand christ consciousness or actually more of, like a figure stepping forward, I think, you know, it will happen. It kind of needs to happen at the darkest time. Like, it can’t happen yet until seriously, things get to the point where it’s like there’s. There’s almost like, no hope. And then all of a sudden, I think that’s when things are going to happen, unfortunately.

But, um. All right. I’m so sorry, you guys. I kind of went off on this tangent. That was a very, that was a very loaded question. And it’s interesting. I was just having a conversation with a couple people recently, and we were talking about this, and there’s a lot more people that have this understanding about these contracts, and some people remember it. It’s really interesting. This last event that I went to in Arizona, there were some people that I interacted with. This guy who’s 23 years old. He sounded like he was, like, 100. He was so wise.

I was totally blown away. But, you know, we were talking about this, and he has a very similar understanding, so. All right. Okay. Let’s show another trailer. But before we do, if you like the show and everything that we’re talking about right now, and I have even got into the factual things related to the hurricane yet. Sorry, again, kind of went off on the tangent. But anyway, if you want to know what we’re doing on our platform, rise tv, you can now get a free Halloween episode. So come over and check us out. All you have to do is go to rise tv.

Halloween. If you want one of our free Halloween episodes, that was only found on Rise TV. It’s not public anywhere else. All you have to do is just give us your email and we will send you a link to the free video. If you’ve already subscribed to Rise TV, you already have access to that episode. The rest of the Halloween episodes that we’ve done, like the torso murders that we showed earlier and episode about ghost ships. And also we interviewed a sailor who saw a sea monster, no joke, off of San Francisco. It’s pretty crazy. But for this free episode on Scary hauntings, vanishings, and a message in a tombstone, just go to rise tv Halloween, and you’ll be able to start there.

So we’ll show this trailer, and we get back, I’ll start presenting some of the hard evidence about the controlling weather reports in history. And yes, these are real headlines that have been reported in newspapers. From a haunted doll that won’t go away to the mysterious disappearance of a college student from the infamous Stanley Hotel, to a message in a tombstone. There’s plenty to keep you up at night. So sit back, grab a friend, and huddle up by the campfire, because these stories will chill you to the bone in this episode of Edge of Wonder. Join us as we get Spookier and peer into the paranormal world.

Our world is full of mysteries, unexplained phenomena, metaphysical encounters, and of course, divine miracles that can’t be explained, and they might just leave you frozen in fear, like our first mystery on the the haunted Elsa dollar. All right, you guys, once again, you can find that over on our rise tv platform. And. Yeah. All right. Oh, man. You guys are asking questions that I’m like, oh, I want to get to this. And I wanted to get to that. So before I start jumping into everything, something else that happened related to Hurricane Milton. So a lot of people were sharing a site called hypothetical

and on this site was a story about a hypothetical hurricane named Hurricane Milton, which formed in the Gulf and came up and hit Florida as a category five. And it mentioned that it hits in October of 2024, specifically the week of October 15, which would be this week. It was written in April. Lindsey, this is on my Facebook page. If you wanted to. I have images of this, if you want to pull this up. This is kind of that Facebook link that I sent you. What’s kind of interesting about this is that it is. It is true.

It was written in April of 2024. And it was. It’s a. Yeah, this is it right here. All about Hurricane Milton. And if you go to one of the I think the next page, it actually lists. Yeah, that’s the detailed information. Information I don’t even understand, really. It’s a fandom page, which means that, like, people write about stories, about fictional stuff, and they write about fictional storms. Why somebody. Why they did this is kind of weird. However, they took it down. Now, when you go to the page, it does mention that there was an article there, but they took it down due to, like, spreading of misinformation or whatever it is.

What’s weird is that when I went to the wayback machine,, that day, this was earlier in the week to go pull it up. was under a dos attack, which means, like, it’s. My gosh, it just slipped my mind with that. What that stands for, but it’s a yes. Service of denial, basically. What. Yeah, what it basically means is that bunch of servers, it’s like they were just overloading it and it shut down the site. And I took this screenshot to show that was down. And I was trying specifically to put in this link to pull up the old article, and it was like, oh, my gosh.

So this is all happening in the same time. And I’m like, dude, I’m really, really not trying to be, like, conspiratorial whatsoever, but I’m like, this is so weird how everything is lining up for this. Like, why isn’t anything working? So, um, that’s the story of. About that issue. And, um, this. This hurricane, this fandom hurricane site, I’m still weirded out that it even exists, but, um, it was very strange. So it really was real. But like I said, it was just this fandom site, this hypothetical hurricane thing. Don’t really know. I didn’t really look too much about into the site itself.

I just was like, this is too weird. So, all right, denial of service. I said, yeah, yeah. DoS stands for denial of service. I think I said the other way around. Service of denial. That sounds like what happens when you’re depressed or something. Okay. Yeah. Directed denial of services, if you really want to get specific. Yeah. DDOS. But anyway. Okay. Yeah, very strange stuff. So, okay, let’s get into some more of the, um, you know, more of these weather reports. Controlling weather reports. Now, these are all articles that I started pulling up and looking into. And some of these are just straight up strange and weird.

This first one is from 1966, and this is when, you know, the US was in the cold war with Russia. And the headline reads, report Russia near controlling weather. And I want to read part of this article, it says the. The first omen of trouble. Excuse me. Sorry. Whoa. Sorry about that. Says, the first omen of trouble is an intelligence report from the us officials in Moscow that soviet scientists may be nearing human control of weather and thus develop the ultimate weapon. It goes on to say, doctor Walter R. Reports, the director of National center for Atmospheric Research predicted that man would be able to achieve major control over the weather in this century.

Now he goes on to say, now again, this is the national director for atmospheric research. I don’t know if this is what Noah stemmed from later, but I guess. I guess this. It’s still in existence. I mean, it’s kind of like, basically, kind of like harp today, but it’s still there. Probably just turned into harp. But it goes on to say, the director said, basically we need a giant computer, or now what would be known as a supercomputer or a quantum computer. But he was saying, large enough to duplicate the mechanisms of weather. And now they have that.

They definitely have that with supercomputers. They definitely have that with quantum computers. So again, that was from 1966. And it just goes on from there. Here’s an article from 1967 saying modern scientists work at controlling weather. Lindsey’s going to pull this up in a second. This was written by AP. And so you can find all of these on they are not, you know, I mean, they just have like a billion articles of everything you can possibly think of. But, yeah, this is, this is from, again, 1967. AP made an editor’s note about the potential dangers, as well as the benefits, and even raised international questions about potentially controlling the weather.

It also says, quote, the National Science Foundation Commission said limited success has been achieved in several weather modification techniques, including dispelling cold fog on the ground by seeding it with dry ice or silver iodide crystals. It actually says this. They were able to dispel fog around airports. And then it says, for rainmakers, there is support for the view that precipitation from some types of clouds can be increased by the order of 10% by seeding them. It’s also in this report, again, it’s from 1967. I would think we came a long way since 1960s for technology. So just, you know, I’m not trying to put my own opinions on here.

I’m just stating the obvious here. It also mentions in that same article about the soviet weather modification. And it said that the Soviets were, were by far the world’s leader in weather modification. And it uses that terminology, weather modification and Soviets. It also mentioned that researchers successfully controlled lightning. So in other words, they were able to control where lightning stroke struck. They, again, I said, broke up fogs around airports and increased a storm’s precipitation. They also dropped particles of silver iodide into a the wall of a hurricane. 1960s, they were already doing this. That’s all I need to say.

And if that’s not shocking enough, how about we go back to 1915 where a farmer said he can make it rain. Sounds like it’s like a windows, like, you know, selling snake oil, things like, oh, make it rain. Well, apparently he was good at what he did in 1915. Lindsey, can you show this? If you had a bunch of chemicals and you built a tower, could you make it rain? No. That’s the subject of tonight’s weird weather. In the early 19 hundreds there was a gentleman who said he could make it rain. Charles M. Hatfield. Well, he said for $50 he could deliver.

Well, Los Angeles farmers said, we need rain. Will you make it rain? He did, and they were so happy they paid him $100. Well, there was a lake in the area, Lake Hemet. He said for $4,000 he could deliver four inches of rain. So he made this tower and he mixed up some chemicals. Guess what? Eleven inches of rain fell and it rose 22ft. Operators say it was the best bargain they’d ever had. There was another area that needed it. San Diego city contracted him to fill Lake Marina in one year. If he did it, $10,000.

If not, he didn’t get a penny. January 1, he put his towers up and started sending his chemicals away. January 5, it began to rain. January 10, heavy rain came, kept going. And by January 15 it had been a downpour for nearly five days. Okay, so the rain did come and apparently it was Hatfield that was doing it. But look what happened after that. On the 19th, marina reservoir filled the 26th. Record breaking rains were still falling. And the next day, dams were rupturing huge amounts of water pouring out of the mountains. Heading into San Diego, 20 people lost their lives.

35 inches of rain fell that month. Well, you can imagine there were lawsuits in the millions. The city council says, nope, we’re not going to pay. Hatfield said, I’ll settle for 4000. Counsel said no, it went to the California Supreme Court. They ruled that. You can pause it now, Lindsey. That’s the case. The consequences of making something like this happen, like right there, 1915. 1915. Like this is unbelievable. Like they were doing this. This guy figured this out. Just this farmer figured this out in 1915. But then the problem was it was like a domino effect and he couldn’t stop making it rain.

Similar to what just happened and what we saw in Dubai. I mean, Dubai has been boasting for years that they have this. You know, it’s so dry there that they’re like, oh, we can make it rain. And then all of a sudden, it just started pouring down rain for, like, three days straight, and it couldn’t stop it from raining. So, you know, there’s consequences to this. This is literally 100 years ago. Some farmer over 100 years ago figured out a way to make it rain. So, come on, seriously. I just feel. I mean, like, what? You just feel like we’re all stupid? Like, this is like, you know, it’s like.

Because I. Yeah, I mean, everyone was asking me about this hurricane, and I’m like, dude, I mean, this is like planes. They were talking. I mean, like, I just showed they were talking about. That was only one plane that flew in there. There was. There was multiple planes that were flying in there. They’re all like, oh, they’re out there collecting data. Like what? Data? Like what? I mean, how long? They’ve been collecting data for 100 years. They can’t change the course of a hurricane. Or can they change the course of a hurricane? And what are they really doing there? You know? Are they trying to help the people or harm the people? I’m just asking questions.

I don’t have answers. We all want answers. I feel like I can talk about this because I’m in Florida. So it’s like, hey, you know, I’m affected by this. And, you know, it’s like you would have maybe a really horrible hurricane once every 20 years in the same area, you know, I mean, granted, Florida gets hit a lot by hurricanes. You know, it’s not really an unusual thing. What is unusual for a category five to hit in the same place in Florida? Florida, let alone like a 20 year span, not to mention just in a couple of weeks.

That’s totally unheard of. Never happened before in the history of Florida. Maybe like once, but not category five, not like this. And they don’t form like this either. So. Yeah, and then, I mean, there’s articles talking about how, oh, yeah, we may be able to, like, manipulate the weather, and I change, you know, or break up hurricanes or whatever, or could this just be like, you know, the effects of trying to control the weather over time? So here’s one from 2001 to kind of get a little bit more into these. This is, so this was a notice that they put out in the state of Texas in 2001, telling everyone that they are literally going to conduct weather modification operations in the state of Texas.

And that’s what this notice is. And it’s just basically telling people what to expect and what’s happening and all this stuff. And I’m like, wait, what the heck? You know? And I mean, they’ve been kind of saying that, you know, this could be why there’s certain droughts. I mean, here it says we’re going to guide aircraft to initiate the release of cloud seeding particles at the, at the cloud base and into cloud tops to affect the growth and development of cumuliform clouds. So anyway, and then it talks about, again, silver iodide crystals, seeding materials into selected clouds to perform seeding operations.

And they’re telling, I mean, this is the government telling people like, hey, we’re going to do this. This is what we’re doing. And I’m like, what? This just, you just want to pretend this, none of this doesn’t exist. Here’s something from 2009. This is really fascinating. The headline is governments turning to cloud seeding. And it literally shows a cloud seed device, and it explains the process of how it works. It does bring up the ethical question about cloud seeding and making it rain and everything else in this article, but it does mention that this is not like, you know, hypothetical that these devices work, or at least they are using these devices.

Ethics, whatever. Yeah, I know. Seriously. And again, I’m not trying to spread any kind of like, you know, conspiracy or whatever I’m using there. I’m using the media to explain what the media has been saying. So this is not me saying this. This is the media saying this. There also, there was another article talking about cloud seeding used to fight droughts. And that has been a thing for a while. China has been boasting about how they are great with, with their cloud seeding devices and everything else, you know, so you can just kind of pull up some of these reports.

I don’t have to get into every single one. I just want to show some of these headlines. But yes, China is seeding clouds to replenish the shrinking Yang Zits river. And I mean, they’ve been, China’s been doing clouds. I mean, they’ve literally been boasting about this for decades now. Cloud seeding used to fight droughts. This was also in 1998. So this was in the state of Texas. This is why they put out that notice in Texas saying like, hey, we’re trying to do this to affect these droughts, just letting people know what to expect. This is what’s in it.

This is what we’re doing. This is the process. Here’s a headline, just straight up weather modification from 1981, also talking about how we will be able to control the weather in the future. And they’re. They’re already basically doing it, and they are doing a lot of tests. And silver iodide is also mentioned in this one. So I think these two are the same. Then we got, like, Operation Popeye. Operation Popeye is a real thing. It was us government made weather as an instrument of war, and it is 100% true. This article states Pell, the chairman of the now defunct subcommittee for Oceans and International Environment, and his colleagues were about to learn the true extent of a secret five year cloud seeding operation meant to lengthen the monsoon season in Vietnam.

This is why we were at war, Vietnam. Destabilize the enemy and allow the United States to win the war. Then it says, though it cycled through several names in its history, which always happens with every CIA operation, Operation Popeye stuck its stated objective to ensure Americans won. The Vietnam war was never realized. But the revelation that the us government played God with weather altering warfare changed history. The Nixon administration distracted, denied, and, it seemed, outright lied to Congress. But enterprising reports published damning stories about rain being used as a weapon. And the Pentagon papers dripped classified details like artificial rain.

Eventually, the federal government would declassify its Popeye documents. In international laws aimed at preventing similar projects would be on the books, but the public would more or less forget it ever happened. And that’s exactly what happened. But then it says, given the rise of geoengineering projects, both municipal and governments and private companies, some experts believe Popeye is new, newly relevant, and it sure is, because the government can say, we’re not doing these, which is, which may actually be true, but it’s like, could they be outsourced to a different company? Take your pick. You know, once it’s outsourced to a different company, it’s like, well, then it’s private source, private sector.

It’s sourced privately. They don’t have to state on record, even. Even on a confidential report, what that company is doing. They can say, oh, they’re designing weather balloon. Literally. That’s what they could say. They’re. They’re doing some tests with leather balloon, you know, and then they can do whatever they want, and no one would ever know because you can’t. You wouldn’t be able to look into it at that point because it’s. It’s a private sector, and there’s all you know, this. These are the loopholes that they, they go around. This is why they can come out publicly and state, no, there’s nothing going on.

Because, you know, it’s like, yeah, I mean, the same thing with UFO’s and everything else. Reverse engineering of all this stuff. So, um, the last thing I want to show, I found this, this article as well. It says, and this is published in 1976, and it says, is the US raging weather war. Now, this is like two pages. It’s kind of weird. It’s not side by side, they’re like up and down. So it was a little bit strange. But it goes to say, although rain making experiments in the US go back 80 years, weather warfare began to be taken seriously during World War Two.

Directly after the war, to the infinite disgust of Texas cattle farmers. The disgust of Texas cattle farmers, the air force managed to repeatedly produce drought conditions in the southwest. As private weather making corporations began to spring up, the government showed increasing interest. Cold war generals, of course, insisted that the US should stay ahead of the Russians in the field as a result. The CIA first used weather warfare over Hu in 1963. And according to disclosures before Senator Pell’s subcommittee in 1974, the Pentagon spent 21 million flying over 2600 rain making sorties over Indochina between 1967 and 1972.

They succeeded in increasing rainfall as much as 30% in some areas. And this is what this newspaper states, it says, softening roads, causing landslides, washing out river crossings, and generally worsening poor traffic conditions. So. Sounds great. Yeah, sounds great, right? So, I mean, again, I’m not trying to say that. I’m not trying to point fingers at anybody or say who’s doing what or anything. All I’m trying to do is present evidence to show that this stuff has been going on for over 100 years. It’s pretty easy to do. I mean, I think I. A kid could do this in a science project in his backyard.

I mean, some kid literally built a nuclear reactor in his garage. So someone can do that. I think it’s pretty easy to do this too. It’s really not that complicated. And we have fog machines, right? I mean, what would happen if you just have a gigantic fog machine that you’re just like spewing out essentially a cloud in the skyd? I mean, that’s basically what’s happening, right? And it’s like, how is that going to affect the weather? Well, yeah, of course, if you have more clouds in the sky, more precipitation in the air and everything else, I mean, yeah, you can probably make it rain pretty easily, and then it seems like you just add silver iodide and there you have it.

So, I mean, it doesn’t really seem that difficult if a farmer 1915 can figure it out. I think anyone could figure. It’s just that, you know, you have to put some resources, some money and some time into it. But, um, yeah, I mean, seriously, it’s just super weird. So again, I mean, you know, controlling a hurricane is a little bit different. And I’m not trying to relate the two together, but I’m just saying we don’t know where our technology really went after all this time. I mean, there was definitely articles saying like, oh yeah, in the future, we should be able to control hurricanes or make them dissipate so they won’t hit us as much.

And I’m like, well then why is the opposite true? Why, why are we having more hurricanes instead of less? You know? So anyway, these are my thoughts today. But, you know, but on a positive note, once again, you know, I think that. How do we counteract this? Well, prayer and faith, you know, whatever’s happening, whether this is by nefarious forces, both spiritual or natural forces at work here, you know, I think the power of prayer is so effective. And I saw that there was that image. I don’t know, Lindsay, if you. I meant to find this, but it looked like hands that were like kind of over Florida.

And it was like praying for Florida and it was just such a powerful image. And, you know, I really went from kind of being worried to like, okay, I think everything’s going to be okay now, unfortunately, like I said, like, there was one guy that got hit by Hurricane Helene really bad. Oh, that’s not even the one I’m thinking of, but that one’s cool, too. The one. The one I’m. Man, I’ll have to find it later. But there was, yeah, I mean, there was a few stories where people got hit by Helene and then all their stuff was in front of their house to waiting to be picked up.

And then Hurricane Milton just took that, all that stuff and just like destroyed these homes because they all like, got. Just went everywhere. And that, that’s the thing that is really hard. So again, you know, this doesn’t really happen like this in Florida. So I think, you know, I don’t know what’s going to happen in the next couple weeks. But, um, you know, and then, of course, North Carolina, too. Like, oh, my gosh, I’ve heard so many stories about North Carolina, North Carolina marshals even that are on the ground witnessing things for themselves, you know, saying that, I mean, one of my friends was talking to them and they’re like, our efforts have been, you know, they’re literally shutting down our efforts and they don’t know why.

No one knows why. And there’s video of it and everything else. So, you know, we just got to pray for everybody right now. Like I said, you know, we’re kind of in this battle of good and evil, and, you know, in the end, the evil, the evil will collapse. You know, it’s just what’s going to happen? And there’s no way that the, you know, they’re going to make it through. It’s just that, you know, they’re going to lash out, the process of dying, and then it’s like, well, if I’m going to go out, I’m going to take everything with me out at the same time, you know, so, yeah, so just don’t give up.

I think that’s the main message for everybody is like, don’t lose your faith. Don’t give up. You know, have, keep your hope alive. Have faith, because that is, is the one thing that can overpower everything. And that’s why there’s such an attack on all religions right now, especially Christianity. You know, they are, they are really trying to attack everything related to religion right now because that is the one thing that can actually stop them. And they don’t, you know, they don’t want people to realize how powerful faith is. And you can, you can look, you know, there’s been, we’ve presented this on the show so many times.

There’s studies out there about meditations. They had a whole city meditate in one area in early two thousands, and, like, crime just went down. You know, it was like all this stuff went down. And I think that, you know, through the power of prayer, through meditation, all these different aspects of our lives, it really changes a lot of things. I think the other thing, too, is just letting go, and it’s so hard, you know, especially when you’re seeing a family member go through something. I think that’s another aspect of it. It’s kind of like, it’s almost, it’s almost like this, this paradox way of thinking.

It’s like if you let go of control, you actually gain control. It’s so weird. But I mean, you know, sometimes things happen and it’s kind of like, okay, can I just let everything go? And it’s kind of like letting God take a over. Like, okay, I’m trying to control this whole situation. And, you know, I always tell people, well, if you’re driving in a car on this, like, insane mountain, who would you rather? And you’re driving with, like, let’s just say you’re in the car with Jesus, like, well, would you rather have Jesus drive or would you rather drive? It’s like, you may drive off the cliff.

I don’t know if that’s a good idea. So I, you know, and I think that’s how we are in life in a lot of ways. It’s like once we kind of let go and let God take over, then things are a lot more smooth. So. All right, everyone, let’s see. So we’re going to jump over to rise tv now. We’re going to leave Rumble, Facebook, ganjing World, Twitter, and everywhere else and head over to rise tv. So some of our episodes that are out now that you can find on Rise tv and also on Rumble two, we have our latest episode, the military industrial complex and breakaway civilizations from metaphysical.

This is from, well, from, well, edge of wonder. I’m sorry. John Vivanco was a special guest with Rob. I was dealing with the hurricane, so that’s why I couldn’t get on. I was like, sorry, guys, I can’t be on it on Tuesday. And also, I didn’t have the show in Wednesday either. I have a weirdest news in history. That’s we do on rise tv. And I wasn’t a. I didn’t do it last Wednesday just because of the same thing, the storm. I mean, it was hitting Wednesday. So we have flying humanoid, World War Two pilot saw a 50 foot snake and a near death experience.

Um, yeah, the 50 foot snake is pretty amazing, actually. This real pilot saw it also the hunt for King Arthur, Camelot, Castles, Knights and Templar and the Excalibur. This was edge of wander alive that Rob and I did. And then strange anomalies of the Maya history from metaphysical. And of course, we have so much more on our site. So once again, for just $12.99 a month, you can support what we do during the live chat or the. We have a live chat and you get to ask us your questions directly in the live chat that we have only on Rise TV.

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And also remember to hit, like subscribe, you know, wherever you’re watching us and. All right, we’re going to show the trailer and then I’ll see you guys over on rise tv. Thanks so much, you guys. The Bermuda triangle is one of the most mysterious and paranormal places in the world. Ships, planes, and people disappear there, never to be seen again. Are the parents. Are paranormal aspects of these disappearances really just a myth? Are the tales of boats vanishing off the face of the earth telling us something strange is going on? Why are some missing boats showing up later, completely intact, but the entire crew disappeared without a trace? Most compelling of all, phantom ships are still being spotted at sea as mysterious ghost ships.

And that’s the truly bizarre, mysterious, and fascinating research we did for you today. So strap on your goulashes and hold on tight to the edge. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. I guess President Trump.

5G Danger

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