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➡ The show “Edge of Wonder” discusses the impact of Hurricane Helene on North Carolina, particularly the town of Spruce Pine, which is crucial for semiconductor chip mining. The hosts, Ben Chastene and Rob Counts, explore the strange coincidence of another Hurricane Helene in 1958 that hit on the same day and followed a similar path. They question whether this was due to weather modification or a natural disaster, and if the government was prepared for the devastation. The show also includes a live Q&A and meditation/prayer session, and the hosts encourage viewers to engage on various social media platforms.
➡ Animals often sense natural disasters before they happen, like fish dying before an earthquake. A town was built in a flood zone, despite warnings from native communities. When a rare flood occurred, the town was unprepared and suffered great damage. Residents are questioning why the area was declared safe from floods, and why they weren’t better prepared for the disaster.
➡ A pilot and his son were helping rescue people stranded due to a storm. Despite having experience in law enforcement, firefighting, and piloting, their rescue operation was halted by a fire chief, who threatened to arrest them if they continued. The pilot managed to rescue a woman but had to leave her husband behind due to the fire chief’s orders. The incident has sparked confusion and debate about the fire chief’s decision, with some suggesting it may have been due to ego or other unknown reasons.
➡ An ex-FBI official advises the public to prepare for potential crises by stocking up on food and supplies for three months, fostering good relationships with neighbors, and maintaining faith. He hints at possible future challenges without specifying what they might be. Meanwhile, concerns are growing over the impact of a disaster in Spruce Pine, North Carolina, a key location for the semiconductor industry due to its unique, high-purity quartz. The area’s recent hardships could potentially affect the global tech industry, emphasizing the importance of preparedness and resilience.
➡ The speaker discusses the strange coincidence of two hurricanes, both named Helene, hitting the same areas 66 years and six days apart. They also touch on the topic of weather modification, mentioning China’s use of it during the 2008 Olympics and their plans to expand the program. The speaker expresses concern about the potential global impact of such modifications. Lastly, they mention a gruesome murder case from the past, which they have researched in depth.
➡ The text discusses two main topics: the flooding in North Carolina due to drought and the ground’s inability to absorb water, and the controversial topic of chemtrails and weather manipulation. It suggests that the flooding could have been avoided if there had been more rain, and the ground was not made up of sediment. The text also explores the idea of chemtrails, with pilots and scientists claiming that they are real and potentially harmful. They suggest that the military industrial complex is responsible for weather manipulation and that this is a secretive operation. The text also mentions the possibility of using lasers to change the weather and questions why, if we have the technology to prevent hurricanes, it is not being used.
➡ The text discusses the process of patent registration, the importance of being prepared for unexpected events, and the potential for unknown occurrences. It also mentions the importance of helping those in need and the uncertainty of future events. The text ends with a promotion for a coffee product and a discussion about a series on mysterious occurrences at sea.


Edge of wonder. Hurricane Helene especially impacted North Carolina, where an estimated 600 people or more are still missing. The storm impacted the tiny town of spruce pine, which has been extremely important for mining related to the production of semiconductor chips as. Oh, yeah. As well. So, yeah. Pretty crazy. Yeah. I mean, all of it is. And then, bizarrely, in 1958, there was another hurricane Helene that hit on the same day, was the same size, and went along a similar path. That’s weird. Yeah, it’s super weird. We’re going to get into that, too. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

I mean, this is super strange. And was all of this due to some form of weather modification? I mean, we got to ask that. Was it just natural, a natural disaster? Did the government know it was going to be as bad as it was with towns completely flooded and destroyed? Yeah. Were they prepared? That’s the question. So tune into this edge of wonder live show with your host, me, Ben Chastene. And rob counts over here for a deeper look into the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. And at the end of the show, don’t miss the live Q and A, followed by a meditation slash prayer session only on Rise tv.

So, with that, we’ll see you guys out on the edge. And, hey, if you’re listening to our Edgerwonder podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or elsewhere, please leave us a five star rating and review. And also, remember, hit like follow, subscribe, comment below. All the good stuff on rumble, guanjing world, Twitter, Instagram, telegram, or x, you know, everything, all above Facebook, YouTube, whatever. How are you doing, Rob? Pretty good, Ben. How are you? Welcome back. You were in Arizona, right? Yeah, it was. It was a really, really good trip. And, yeah, I think the presentation I gave was.

You killed it with the Bendela effect. Sure did. That’s good. Yeah. Blew everyone’s mind, you know, if those people aren’t watching the show every week and you kind of jam all of that one presentation, I mean, it’s enough to kind of, like, send you for a huge loop, right? Yeah, yeah. And I think the still, the one that, that, there’s two, really. But the main one that really got everybody was when you ask people to sing the hi ho song from, you know, Snow White and the seven drawers, and everyone’s like, you know, it’s all. It’s off to work.

Oh, it’s off to work we go. Yeah. And then it’s nothing. It’s home from work we go. I know it’s not, though. I know it’s not true that one gets everybody, because it doesn’t even. You can’t even sing it. It’s like, wait a minute. No, that’s not right. Like, when you try to sing it and it’s like, watch the movie. That’s the way it is. Yeah. Yeah. That kind of blew everyone’s mind. Even people that never even heard of them in Del effect were like, wait, no, you’re, you’re, like, not serious about that. And then it’s like, yeah, there’s a few of those.

And for some reason, Disney really has a few whoppers in there. They do? Yeah. Right. Yeah. The Tinker bell was the other one that then. Okay, yeah, that’s one. And then the magic mirror on the wall. It’s also in Snow White, too. You know, the magic. I know. Mirror, mirror on the wall. Whatever. That’s not right. Definitely not. They even made a movie called Matt or mirror, mirror, you know, and it’s like, well, that’s not the way it is anymore. So how do you explain that? Yeah, how do you explain that? And not to mention, sorry, we’re getting a little off track here, but it’s always fun to talk about.

But not to mention, when you’re watching, like, the subtitles in other languages, it still says mirror, mirror. Right. Exactly. Spanish. It would. The direct, the translation is mirror, mirror and not magic mirror. So that’s also something. Yeah. Sometimes I was, I wish that I could wake up from a Mandela effect to a different, better version of this world that we live in right now. I mean, we’ve got hurricanes attacking North Carolina, 600 people missing, you know. Dude. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Speaking of, yeah. Jumping right into the hurricane aspect. This is really weird. Um, you know. Cause I was in Florida.

I’m okay, really. You know, I mean, we were just kind of getting a tail end of where I was just a lot of wind to cancel all the flights. But, um, all the way up to, like, st. Pete Tampa area. They like, shut down the, um, sewage facility in St. Pete for like, two days. So people couldn’t even take a shower for two days. Couldn’t even flush your toilet. So, um, yeah, because I guess they were fear. They had a fear that it was going to flood and like, cause all this damage. So they were trying to alert people.

And if you didn’t, if you, like, flushed your toilet and you didn’t know, it would have, like, come right back up. So, yeah, so I was, I like, no people up there. And I’ve been trying to, like, contact. It seems like the people I know, like, weren’t affected, but there was a couple other people I know that I haven’t heard back from yet to see if they’re okay, but so totally crazy. And then all of a sudden, you know, the storm just like rips through, like a tornado through, um, you know, the south us and then hitting North Carolina.

So which, which we’re going to get into here. But, um, so, yeah, I mean, this, this is like the, no one really knows the official death toll because so many people are missing. There’s at least 600 people missing that I, that I’m seeing. And there was an article about it, too, you know, after it just completely, like, this headline is people missing. Dark dude. Yeah. And that’s, that’s just what people, that’s what they know. I, and it’s like, it’s pretty graphic, some of the stories that we’ve heard so far, you know, from this and what’s going on.

So, you know, I mean, it’s like, there’s a lot of, of course, you know, everybody’s kind of talking about it. And I think, like, the main thing is, number one, is like, okay, make sure people are getting the help that they need to. But that’s the, I think that’s the thing that kind of confuses me is like, why is like, what is going on? You know, like, you would think that the first reaction would be like, okay, you know, what do they need? We need to help them. Let’s send all the resources we can. I mean, granted, FEMA was there.

Biden did send, like, supplies, some food and some water and things like that. But still, I mean, I looked this in, looked into it to see like, you know, like how the funding is. Biden did sign something to a relief fund. No word on how much that funding is going to be, though, or how much people will receive. So that’s, that’s kind of the weird thing. The other aspect is this is like a major, there was only like one major road because it’s a pretty, you know, through the area of North Carolina. The transportation aspect is just like, destroyed.

So, you know, they’re having a hard time getting to the areas. Just like Katrina really. You know, I remember when happened, they were having a really hard time. Yeah. Like they have to use helicopters and whatnot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then, and then there’s like, dude, so we can show some of these, like, crazy videos. There’s, so this is, this video, this first one is really interesting because bears, I guess, started climbing trees. Like they get from the water. They know before it even hit. Like they knew that something was happening. So, like, play this video, Lindsey.

So this is, this is before the storm hits and people were noticing that bears were climbing high trees. So they got their information from someone or something. Something is sending out telepathic hits to these bears. Yeah. Or they just brought in, um, or, you know, or they have some kind of 6th sense to understand it. Yeah, I, um, again, this is before the hurricane hit. So I think if you ever see bears climbing trees, leave the area immediately. Right. Well, this is also what happened in, on 2004 in the typhoon that hit Thailand. I think there was a bunch of, I can’t remember what it was, sheep or something like that.

All of a sudden, they just started, like, running away from the water and going more in land. And some of the natives that were there that lived there for a long time were like, we should do the same thing. We don’t know why they’re doing this, but maybe we should follow them. And, like, the people that followed the animals were okay from the typhoon that hit, you know, and that was like a major, major, major disaster. A lot of people died. That’s the show we need to do next. Well, they said animals have some kind of, like, 6th sense when it comes to weather and rain.

It’s like pressure, you know, and, like, humans have it too there. It’s just a, we’re just not as in tune with it. No, but this is. Yeah, but no, no, no. A storm can come in, but when they’re climbing trees because they know there’s going to be a flood or they’re running away from the shore, that’s not a pressure from a storm thing. Something else is going on. In my opinion, that is true, especially with the typhoon because, like, worms can happen. Sure, yeah. When you start taking action before something, that’s a totally different ballgame. Yeah, that’s crazy.

Yeah, but I mean, you know, there’s the earthquake fish that, that’s out there, too. But I mean, animals seem to know these, excuse me. Animals seem to know a lot of things that happen, especially, I mean, what’d you say? What’s the earthquake fish for people at home? Yeah, earthquake fish. So, especially in asian cultures, if they just see a large amount of dead fish in the water, they know that there’s going to be an earthquake soon and because something happened underneath, like, you know, like some kind of earthquake underneath the water and then cause all these fish to, like, die.

So it’s something to look out for. And most Asians, and, like, this happened recently in California, there was like an or, like one and there’s a big fish called the oarfish. Really ugly looking, giant fish that, um, if you see these, because they’re very deep water fish on the surface, that means that there could be an earthquake soon and prepare. Oh, my goodness. Oh, yeah, we were talking about that, too. So, yeah, those things can get massive. There’s just sometimes people call them the sea creatures that come in there. But I. And then, of course, there’s a lot of, like, destruction video.

I mean, the destruction of this thing is just insane. Like, I just got made. A dude really seen anything like this in so long. And what’s weird, too, is, like, this is like, this is the mountainous area. It’s inland quite a bit, so. But you know what I found out, Ben, what’s doing some research on this area, and I found a few clips from some people who study, you know, topography and geology and stuff. Apparently, this land was not. It was not populated by the native communities before people moved in and they knew that it was a flood area.

Now, what’s strange about that is if you look on some of these websites related to county information and land, the land, actually, zoning changed in the land several years ago. And so it went from being a flood zone to not being a flood zone on paper. So people started buying land and moving into this land, thinking that it was not a flood zone and not remembering or taking any information in from the natives on this. They built all of these communities, and then, oh, there’s one of these, like, whatever, 50 year, 100 year floods that happens from time to time.

And the natives knew that, and that’s why they would not, you know, build on the land. And then all of us are sitting there with our fingers up our noses, being like, what’s going on? Like, something’s up for them to have changed the zoning in that area. And this was such a cute area. Did you see the area? It was like such a quaint, beautiful little town that was there, you’d never expect. And all of them were like, oh, we’re above sea level and we’re in the mountains. None of this is ever going to happen, right? Like, there’s.

Nothing’s going to happen. Boom. You know, the hurricane hits, and they get their crazy flood once in a century and the everything’s wiped out. Couple it, couple of minutes, really. And the large scheme of things isn’t that crazy. It is totally crazy. And that’s what, like, you know, and that’s why most of the residents are complaining that, you know, when the news media are interviewing them or what they’re saying is, like, we. They just felt like they weren’t prepared enough, you know, and they. They just didn’t understand. Like, is. Is, like, generally, did the government just not realize it was going to be this bad? Like, what exactly happened? You know? Like, how did the zoning go from it being a flood zone to magically.

It’s not a flood zone anymore? Yeah, that’s the other. It’s hard to say. And then in Florida, I almost feel like it’s. It’s the other way, you know, where it’s, like, over where I’m at, you know, they, like, shut down the airport and, like, closed everything down. And then it’s like, okay, anything on the gulf, everybody knows, is extremely volatile. Right? So, like, that is true. I can kind of see them being like, hey, let’s take extra precautions and shut the sewer down for a few days. Although, good lord. People not being able to use the bathroom, like, that’s.

Yes. They had to bring in, like, I guess, like, 200 different porta potties in the area for people to use it, you know, and it’s. Which got blown over or taken away by the hurricane, by the way. I mean, you know, these are not great plans. I mean, what were people doing pooing in their backyard? You know? That’s the only answer. Oh, man. Yeah, I know that. That’s the only thing I can think of, too. So, um. Yeah, and I mean, it. It’s. I don’t even know. And I mean, the other aspect. So, I mean, Elon actually launched Starlink all over that area of North Carolina, too, so at least people have Internet, because that’s the other aspect.

People don’t have power. There’s no water. There’s like. They don’t really. I mean, it’s like, literally, they’re. They’re out of everything. So Elon at least put. He said 30. At least 30 different starlink satellites have been launched in that area to give people access to free. Why is our current world being propped up by billionaires and not by people that are supposed to, like, actually take care of these things? Did you see that, Ben? I sent you just before the show a video of two airline pilots that were going to get arrested for trying to help people in that area.

Yeah. So actually, let’s play that video. Lindsay, the man blocked from rescue here. That’s. That’s what Rob’s talking about. This is crazy. Like, I don’t. You can’t even do good. Like, what’s going on? Yeah, this guy gotta see this. It’s kind of reminding me of, and I hate to say this, and I don’t want to sound like conspiratorial whatsoever, but it reminds me of the aftermath of what happened in fires in Hawaii. You know, everyone who tried to help what, you know, all these different aspects, everyone was getting shut down. You know, people were losing their homes.

They were building makeshift tents in certain areas. And they’re like, you know, the police went in and said, you have to take all this down. And people are like, we have no place to go. Like, people are trying to help and they’re getting arrested for trying to help people. And it’s like, what’s going on? Why? So this kind of reminds me of that in a weird way. So, Lindsey. Yeah? Let’s play this real quick. Remarkable stories of survival are now being shared days after Helene wreaked havoc in North Carolina. But one Pageland man’s efforts to help are now the source of controversy.

He flew his own chopper on his own dime to help stranded victims. But that man says he abandoned his rescue missions after a fire official threatened to have him thrown in jail. Well, that man now wants answers and turned to Queen City news chief investigator Jody Barr to help figure out what went wrong here. This is the original post that I was reading when I decided to go up and help. It’s a long post, but she’s saying that her kids and family and animals are trapped. No way out, no supplies, and the only way in or out is accessible by helicopter.

Limited self service and no water since Friday morning. I thought, I have a helicopter and maybe I can help. Jordan Sidham piled food and water into its helicopter Saturday and headed up toward Banner elk, the only way through a mountain gap in Lake lure. This is the mountain valley that you would have to fly to to get to Black Mountain where we were escorting people out. This is a mountain range and this is a mountain range. The only place to fly through with bad visibility, low cloud coverage is Lake Luer. The cries for help from people stranded without food, water or electricity hit social media soon after the flooding last Friday.

My parents are stuck there. Address is Vayner Elk. They are in the first condo. If you receive this, please give me a call back. Thank you. Siddim’s phone started lighting up on Saturday with people begging for help. I could hear the desperation in her voice. This is multiple phone calls I’ve received like this, voicemails, text messages, and you could hear people desperate for help. Sitim and his son rescued four. Keep going. Keep playing. A little bit more. Yeah, play four. People on Saturday and spent the night in a nearby pilot’s lounge, then decided to fly again Sunday morning.

I spoke with my son, which is my co pilot. I said, hey, do you want to go back out and try to help today? And his. His response was, there’s so many messages, I don’t think. We can’t not go help Sid. Him and his son were headed up to Black Mountain. Right. Flight tracking shows no flight restrictions in place Saturday or Sunday morning when Siddham flew through the lake lure gap. But that was all about to change. The sitims spotted an older couple waiting for help, then landed in what’s left of their driveway. Hey, I want you to let me get in.

You step out and go out, help her in, put her bag in the back, get her strapped in. I’m gonna take her down. Come back. I’ll take him. I’ll come back, and then I’ll get you, okay? I originally left my son, co pilot, on the side of the mountain. It was. It was kind of unstable, so I didn’t want to put more weight in the helicopter to lift back off. So I left my son with the other victim. And I was just going to take one person down at the time. And you could hear me in the video talking through with the victims and with my son.

What we’re going to do. Three minutes away, Siddham spotted a group of rescuers just down the river. He landed and found someone in charge. Told him my background, experience, law enforcement, firefighting, uh, pilot. He immediately started helping with coordination. He. He gave me radio frequencies to coordinate with them on, set up a landing area for me to come back with the other victim. And in the middle of the whole conversation, and then blocking the road off, I was greeted by the, uh. At that time, I didn’t know, but lake lure fire chief or assistant chief, maybe, and he shut down the whole operation.

So at that point, there was. The conversation wasn’t going any further. That’s crazy. Why would he shut down the whole. I mean, I guess from one perspective, it’s like a safety concern, but from another perspective, I mean, like, this is, like, why? I don’t understand. Yeah, it’s very confusing. Like, what’s going on? I wonder, like, did. Okay, actually, can you pull that back up, Lindsey? I just want to watch, like, another 30 seconds or something and see if he explains what’s going on. Because, like, why would they try to stop this? This guy has experience rescuing people.

Yes. And again, he asked me to leave, and I said, hey, I have no problem getting out of your area. If that’s what you want us to do, we’ll leave. No issue. At that point, I asked him, you know, what was the reason I had to leave them there? And he said, again, you’re interfering with my operation. I just need you to get out of the area. I said, sir, I don’t know where you were trained at, but I know how my training is, and I’m not going to leave personnel behind. I’m going back to get my copilot.

He said, if you turn around and go back up the mountain, you’re going to be arrested. I said, well, sir, I’m going back to get my copilot. I don’t know what to tell you. And he said, I’m letting you know. And at that point, he waved for two law enforcement officers to come over and told me that again, if I go back up the mountain, I would be arrested. He flew the three minute trip back, picked up his son, and left the woman’s husband behind. Sure, he was. Holy crap. Geez. So he’s now without her, but I’m sure he’s at least relieved that his wife got out of there.

Honestly, if you’re a man, you’re kind of, what the heck, man? I don’t know that fire chief, though. Like, if this is, like, a. And, yeah, that’s an ego thing. Like, I mean, it could be multiple things going on. Ego could be like. But why would you never. You would never reject help for people who needed help if you were, like, a rational human. So something’s up. This is so freaking weird, man. That is just, like. Like, what? You’re gonna arrest this guy for helping? I mean, that’s just so awkward. I. And, like, this is what I mean.

Like, I hate to be any kind of conspiratorial whatsoever. You know, a storm just happened, but then it’s like, all these weird things. But you know what? It’s really good that there was a news piece on this. I agree 100%, because it’s like, this is actually, the job of news is to report stuff like this to keep people in check. Like, local news should be doing that kind of work, and it’s. Media has changed, obviously, over the last several years, but, like, that’s. That’s actual worthwhile reporting right there. That’s so weird. I mean, I’m so glad.

And that. That report was, like, seven minutes long, too. I mean, they really did a very thorough report on that. Well, and, I mean, you know, that fire chief, whoever he was, like, you’re probably gonna get a lot of people who know about this now and who are messaging you or. Yeah, something, you know, and that’s, honestly, that’s fair. How many people are dying on his watch because he’s rejecting help like this? That’s, you know, that’s what’s so crazy. It’s hard, it’s hard to, hard to think about, you know, mean, I don’t know what’s going on, you know, like, does he have reasons for that? I really don’t know what the reasons could possibly be, you know, but I know.

Not that that’s the thing. It’s like, you know, maybe there’s some kind of reason behind it, but the fact that he wouldn’t even tell the guy what those reasons are, you know, that’s what makes it a little bit hard to like, you know, then it’s like, well, then it’s up to us to kind of fill in those blanks. Like what’s going on? He’s not saying directly what’s happening. So. Yeah. Is it an ego thing? Is something else deeper happening? You know, and it’s like, it’s really hard to say at this point, so. Well, hey, you guys, we’re going to watch a trailer in a minute.

We’ve got a lot more show for you all, but we wanted to let you know that there’s a free, we’ve got a free video for you all when you sign up for our emails here. So if you go to rise tv Halloween, you can get a free video from Rise TV. Just enter your email address and you’ll get a link to watch our Halloween episode. And this Halloween episode is scary. Hauntings, vanishings, and a message and a tombstone, which you should totally check out now. We create, we created our whole streaming platform instead of, you know, something like Patreon so that we could give back to you guys content in return for your support.

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So sit back, grab a friend, and huddle up by the campfire, because these stories will chill you to the bone in this episode of Edge of Wonder. Join us as we get spookier and peer into the paranormal world. Our world is full of mysteries, unexplained phenomena, metaphysical encounters, and, of course, divine miracles that can’t be explained. And they might just leave you frozen in fear. Like our first mystery on the list, the haunted Elsa dollar. Now, if you’re into witches, vampires, werewolves, ghost ships, anything like that, we’ve got tons and tons of Halloween videos on Rise TV.

All you have to do is subscribe to our work. It’s just $12.99 a month, a couple of coffees a month, and you get access to about a thousand videos, and you become a part of our community, which is pretty awesome. They’re all on rise tv right now, tearing it up in the chat. We love these people. We also have live Q and A’s all the time on Rise TV and do a lot of fun things just for our subscribers over here. So definitely, if you’re interested in all of this awesome Halloween content, please think about subscribing to rise tv.

You’ll get access to all of it, and you’ll be able to help us keep the lights on over here for sure. Yeah. We deeply appreciate all your guys’s support. And actually, we got a $20 donation, too, from Miss Boda on Rumble. Hey, thanks. So, thank you. From. Yeah, pretty awesome. Um, you know, before we get into, um, spruce pine and all the minerals and quartz and everything else, I found this video. This is kind of interesting because there’s a guy from. I think he was. I don’t know if he’s still part of the FBI, but he basically is warning the public to stock up, like, have three months of food, and, you know, he’s encouraging people to vote and even, like, all kinds of food supplies, even, I think, weapons, too.

Not him. But in a minute, this. They’re. I don’t know. They’re having. I don’t even know what they’re having a hearing on, to be honest. And. But then this. This FBI with whistleblower kind of comes out, and he’s going to talk here in a minute, this guy. Lindsay, you can play a little bit of this if you want sound for the United States of America, and I’ll give you my professional opinion. I was an intel professional for our country for many years, and I would give recommendations, and I’d also look at indications and warnings. So I would offer this to the american people as my warning to them.

This is a warning to the american people, I say, I personally have no confidence that the FBI will rein in its own conduct. I’ve been persecuted along with Garrett, Steve, and to be honest, I’m not even sure the context of this. It is my opinion that the bureau used reprisal and fear to control the workforce. It has been a seemingly effective tactic. I personally believe that there are no current effective checks and balances against them conducting lawless action with any type of correction in a legitimate time frame. I welcome the work of the IG, but I think any type of lawless action.

There’s no legitimate time frame to rank. Lindsey, can you fast forward a little bit to over classify information to each other’s mutual aid? In times of hardship and during the Great Depression, people stocked up a pantry. So I think that’s a good practice, especially in our economic times. And make sure you have three to four months of food. As a person of faith, I’d say pray the rosary, go to the first Friday devotions. That’s for everybody. All my brothers and sisters of all faiths. And I know I’m Catholic and read the Gospel of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ and living.

Yeah. And that’s all I have to say. Thank you for the time. He’s basically saying, without really directly saying it, something could be happening. He’s encouraging people to vote, but he’s just. I think it’s a good thing not to freak out about anything, but to be prepared in something like this, especially like what happened in North Carolina. We never know where any kind of disaster might strike, whether it be like a hurricane, earthquake, or tornado or whatever, but it might not be a natural disaster. It could be an economic disaster. It could be. I mean, he talked about.

He talked about the Great Depression. Yes, exactly. Yeah. Literally said that. So is it a. Is it an economic thing? Is it more like, you know, an election thing? I mean, but if he’s saying that, and he’s, like, saying, this was my job, was to look for all of the warnings, and this is what I think everyone should do. He’s, like, saying a lot without saying too much. Directly. Yeah. Saying yes. Yeah, that’s exactly it. You know, it’s kind of like. It’s. You can kind of get the idea that this guy knows something that he can’t directly say, and it’s just the only way he can say it is like, well, just.

Just be prepared. That’s the best thing we can do. And have your faith, you know, whatever that faith is, just hold true to that and, you know, help each other in a time when, if the time ever comes, you know. And I think that’s like the. And he actually does say, like, make friends with your neighbors, like, make four friends with your neighbors around you, you know, or know, like, if you will need help if they need help or whatever. And, you know, I was just like, this is really good advice. Like, it really is, you know, just because it’s like, if nothing happens, that’s great, you know, then it’s like you have.

You have food and then you can just slowly start eating your food and replenish as you go along, you know? Exactly. Yeah, it’s like, it can’t hurt no matter how you do it, you know? Yeah, yeah. But I mean. Yeah. So anyway, getting with these. So in spruce pine, it’s the other area of North Carolina near Asheville, and many people are concerned about what’s going to happen with the tech industry. I didn’t even know this. I had no idea how important spruce pine was in the semiconductor industry. So this article starts out, the semiconductors are the brains of every computer chip enabled device.

Solar panels to, you know, our computers to basically any, like, our cell phones, like, all of it needs semiconductors. And I had no idea that. So it. Yeah, so one part of this article says, according to an annual report for annual report from Tech Net, a market research firm, quartz equipment is about $2.12 billion industry and growing. Then it says what’s unfolding in spruce pine isn’t just a local emergency. Like many climate disasters. It’s an economic cost that could ripple around the world. And the reason why is just because, I guess, the quartz crystal, that’s. That they’re mining there.

This certain kind of quartz is like, extremely pure. That’s very hard to find in other areas of the world. So there’s been, and not to mention lithium, that’s also in that similar area of Asheville. So you have high purity quartz, you have lithium and a few other, like, mineral mines in that area. And there’s. There’s all kinds of rumors floating around, you know, that people were trying to buy these mines over time and, you know, people didn’t want to sell it because it’s. There’s so much money involved, you know, so it’s just, it’s. It’s weird that that’s the place that got hit one of the hardest.

And also, they’re not getting as much aid which is why it’s like, I hate to do this, but it’s like, I mean, is there something connected? It’s, it’s, you know, is there a lot of money going on? Like, I don’t know. I don’t want to think that way. I want to just feel like this. This can’t be related. But, you know, it’s just, you know, with our world today, you never know what is going on. So anyway, that’s just, it’s just really weird that, um. And, and like, you know, most America, I don’t think, really had any idea until this stuff started really coming out about really what spruce pine was.

Yeah. Then. And how, you know, there, there’s like the roads that are being blocked now. So. So I guess there is a, there is a. There’s kind of like a single major road because especially through the mountains, it’s really hard to navigate through the mountains. Right. There’s really only like one or two roads occasionally in most mountain towns. I mean, I know I got stuck in Colorado on the mountains after a boulder collapsed. We were, we were stuck for like at least 6 hours. Like everybody was just out of the car. You know, people are just having picnics on the side of the road and stuff because you couldn’t do anything thing.

So it’s like, you know, so if something like that was destroyed, I mean, it would just cripple the entire town. That’s why they have to only fly helicopters. And some people even had mules. This one guy had like twelve mules that he was getting supplies into because you couldn’t take a car. So it’s so weird. But I guess there’s two minds that are this. I mean, I don’t even know how to pronounce this, but there’s a. The quartz that are required for a certain kind of device. There’s only like, they make them for the silicon wafers.

And there’s really only one road that connects between the two to transport back and forth. So that’s, that’s one of the reasons why people are kind of freaking out about this. So, um. Yeah, and there’s an. It says parity really does matter to you’re. And it’s. This is, this is a quote. He says you’re talking about a process to create the silicon wafers that later become silicon chips where one single atom being in the wrong place could derail production. Companies have been pursuing artificial substitutes, but so far, those alternatives can’t satisfy the world’s demand for this.

Pure quartz. According to an annual report from techset market research firm. Quartz equipment is a 2.12 billion industry and growing. What’s unfolding in spruce pine isn’t just a local emergency. Like many climate disasters, it has economic costs that could ripple around the world. Right. Yeah, that’s exactly what I was, like, talking about, how this is really. Sounds like our computers are going to go back to, like, 20 years ago or something. Maybe. Maybe deeply. Yeah, there’s a very interesting thread about this, too, that I was looking at, and this guy kind of really kind of breaking everything down.

We. Not to really get into this, but. But he was just saying, like, why it’s difficult to just replace any, you know, any kind of quartz crystal and everything else, because it’s. The purity is so high that. That’s. That’s why this is, like, a big deal. And, um. Yeah, it’s. Yeah, it’s just pretty. It’s just pretty weird that all this is happening right at this moment, right at this time, right. Right there at this town. And, um, you know, all these people are missing. Everything’s going so. It’s just so weird, you know? That’s why I don’t know if this has anything to do with some kind of economic thing, if this was just, like, a random event that happened, that we live in a world where coincidences don’t really happen.

I know. Not very often these days. Not the same way that they did in the past. In the past, a natural disaster was really a natural disaster, and anything behind it was probably more of a divine thing. Now, you don’t know if it’s humans doing stuff or if it is just coincidence and it’s an arrangement by something higher, you know? Yeah, I know. I know. And that’s. That’s. Well, and then, like, you know, there was a. The hurricane Helene in 1958, which is weird because it also devastated the Carolinas. Now, the path was a little bit different, but it still hit the same.

The same cities. That’s what’s weird about it. And it was exactly 66 years ago and six days on the dot from when hurricane. Come on. Yeah. Helene hit in 2024. Come on. No, back then, too. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Flood back then, too. Um. Yeah. You’re telling me this was 66 years and six days since that? Come on, dude. Isn’t that super weird? No, it’s not weird. It’s. Yeah. Around, like, September 27 or something like that. Yeah. And it was of 1958. Yeah. It’s just so weird. It had winds of 150 miles an hour. Also category four.

Shame. Is this one category four? And it’s just. And there was even this one article that said, history repeats. Hurricane Helene’s name used in 1958 shows striking similarities and. Wait a minute. Wait. You said this happened in 1958. It’s not 66 years ago. If it was 1958. Yeah, it is 1958. Yeah. 66 years. 2024. Okay. Yeah, it’s 66 years, but 50. Look. No, it’s not. Yeah, it’s. It. Yeah, it is. Okay. All right. 66 years. Yeah. Yeah. That’s crazy. You’re right. Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. They’re both. They’re both reached a category four. Now, this one didn’t make direct landfall in 1958, so it’s not like the path.

You know, it’s not like it came up in the gulf and everything. Actually, I think it was on the. The other side of the US, but it hit the same areas because. Because the. The current one, you know, curved so much, and then this one came in. So it’s like, when you look at the path and destruction, they’re kind of similar. But the. The 1958 one just kind of, like, came through around the coast, and it didn’t actually, like, you know, slam into the US, but it still did a lot of damage. And, you know, it’s so weird.

And. And so the other aspect of all this, I don’t. Did you have any. Do you want to. I don’t have. It’s just ridiculous. I’m trying to find a reason that not to be true. It’s so ridiculous. I mean, there was another hurricane Helene in 2006, and it was a little different, you know, but it’s just so freaking weird that this. It’s just mind blowing. It really is like, what is going on? This is so strange. Oh, we have another. We have another trailer that we need to play, don’t we, Ben? Yeah. Well, we can get into that, and then we will present you guys with some of the weather modification information that we found, too.

So why don’t we show this trailer and we get back? We’ll continue our conversation here. Who is the mad butcher of Kingsbury run? The Cleveland torso murders are some of the most gruesome killings that have ever taken place in America. Some believe it was worse than Jack the Ripper’s crimes. On September 5, 1934, this small, forsaken neighborhood that probably would have faded away into oblivion, etched its name in history. And the weird part is, is that there were very suspicious circumstances revolving around the suspects, which adds even more mystery to these horrible crimes. Little did they know at the time this would end up becoming the biggest investigation in the Cleveland Police departments history, because this is an edge of wonder Halloween special, and I promise, well, try to make you laugh through this dark pocket.

Oh, my gosh. Talking about crazy stuff, Cleveland or so murders. Yeah. Some of the more deranged and crazy stuff Ben and I have researched since we started this have been serial killers and, like, strange things with their, you know, with the data and the investigations around them, which make them appear to be more than just a mad person doing crazy things. And anyway, those torso murders were crazy. That was a dig we did on the mad butcher of Kingsbury Pun or whatever run, I meant. Yeah, Kingsbury run. That’s right. Yeah. Anyway, it was such an in depth episode, and I never.

I lived in Ohio for, whatever, 20 years, and I never even heard of it before. So it was the first time I ever heard. Heard of it. And. And, like, same thing with my brother, although my brother had a book about it. He had like a. It’s kind of like a graphic novel. And he’s like, he was the one that told me about it. He’s like, dude, did you ever hear this? And I was like, no. So it really isn’t that well known. And that’s why we. And then there’s information that we found that wasn’t enough.

Other areas that are other sources that I was, when I was researching it and everything else. So we. We definitely had. I feel like we’ve uncovered. We uncovered a lot of information in that episode that you’re not going to find anywhere. Yes, it’s really good. Well, you can get all of that on rise tv if you subscribe to our work. Just $12.99 a month and. Yeah, anyway, Ben, back to this crazy story. And, you know, again, I’m not trying to say that this storm was result of weather modification or anything else. It’s just when you start lining up everything, it just gets kind of weird.

But I mean, you know, weather modification is a real thing. And there are many people in many places, many organizations, many airline pilots, all kinds of people, even CNN, talking about China has been very big about boasting about how they used weather modification to stop the rain during year Olympics. Um, this is a video I found of some pilots. Now, it is, um. It’s a little bit sped up, which is why the voice sounds kind of funny, but, um. A little bit. But these pilots are talking about the difference between contrails and chem trails, right? Yeah, that’s the Olympics thing.

Oh, yeah. Lindsey’s pulling that up first. Yeah. So the chinese government credited weather modification to assure assuring, assuring good weather. For the 2008 Olympics, rockets were used to induce rain by cloud seeding other areas and attempt to keep the rain away from Beijing. And they actually achieved that. That was true. And also, just recently, actually, if we’re talking about China, we can show this first. So China just recently announced that they drastically want to expand an experimental weather modification program to cover an area of 5.5 million km², or about 2.1 million sq. Mi. So all of China.

Yeah. Jeez, it’s, it’s 1.5 times the size of India. Why would we trust China to do anything at all? Well, I mean, it’s like, whether it’s. I think the point of this is that, you know, this is why weather modification is real. China loves to boast about how successful their weather modification actually. Yeah, but if you did, like, okay, let’s say that wipes out a desert. We do not know why that desert is a desert. We don’t know why it was set up as a desert. We don’t know why the world has been set up the way that it is.

When you start changing that weather, it could change everything in the entire world and screw up all kinds of things. Well, look at Dubai, right? They were trying to make it rain in Dubai, and then all of a sudden it just, you know, nonstop rain for cats and dogs, 48 hours or whatever, and then it just started flooding everything because they’re not built for rain. So, you know, I mean, and that’s the same thing with when we have, like, hurricanes, you know, in places that don’t typically get hurricanes, that’s why there’s a lot more damage. Well, and what you said just now is one of the reasons why North Carolina floods so bad is because it’s been a really rough summer.

There wasn’t a lot of rain this summer. There was a drought in a lot of places. And if what happens is the ground rejects soaking water in when too much of it comes at once, and then it ends up flooding, and you have the kind of problem that you have in North Carolina. If there had been more rain this summer, like it, there should have been a lot of that water would have soaked into the ground, and it never would have been an issue. Also, a lot of, a lot of the North Carolina surface is like, it’s sediment, it’s like rock.

So it’s different than if it’s just dirt and you’re soaking it in. Like, it’ll fill. It’ll fill up and kind of come up in a different way. So that whole area is definitely a flood zone. Yeah, like people building on that land. And we’re told it wasn’t. Were deceived. 100%. 100%. All right, Lindsey, can you show this? This pilot’s talking about difference between the contrails and chemtrails. The contrails, not the chemicals. The contrails occur because cold air, -30 it takes a high altitude, around 30,000ft. Plus there’s a carbon dioxide water vapor in that exhaust that turns to ice crystals.

And that’s what you see. The white stream behind it. Those white crystals of ice warm up, dissolve, and the smoke goes away. And it never lasts more than a minute. What we’re seeing now. And I first could not believe it, and I started looking at the skies, and these are not normal. They’re not natural. There’s something going on. I don’t know who it is or why they’re doing it. All I can testify is it’s not natural and it’s not normal. It’s got to be some outside influence doing that. Thank you. I’m here to give you testimony that chemtrails, they’re not contrails are indeed real.

They’re spraying almost every day. I watch the clouds and watch the spraying program going on. I want to tell you that we’re in very great danger from the pollution that’s coming down over us. And we’ve been led astray by the military industrial complex. And they’re responsible for the clouds creation and weather manipulation programs. They’re dark operations. That’s why they’re not out in the media. I look around and I see people have sought and look up and see that many times I’ve spoken about chemtrails, and I get this blank look on my face. What do you think? These are all doctors as a pilot.

But before I fly, I look up and so, boy, they’re really out there working. When you look up at the sun and you see a white haze that is aluminum floating in the air right now, and it’s, wow, craziness, you know? Yeah, we got to find that whole thing. Yeah, I know, I know. We really do. Because it’s like each one of those, each person talking is just kind of mind blowing. And again, you know, they’re not just like random people talking about it from what they’re seeing in the sky. They’re, again, scientists, pilots, people that worked on this, you know, and, you know, I mean, and of course that kind of gets into the conversation of harp and you know, high powered, high frequency transmitter for the study of the ionosphere, because harp is doing all these experiments in Alaska secretly, probably in Antarctica as well, and in Florida.

So, you know, this is just, you know, you can’t really, like, you can only, you know, based on what they’re saying. It’s like, oh, yeah, well, of course, like, you know, this isn’t going to affect the environment in the world and everything. But it’s like, again, we don’t know the. What the effects are by changing the weather, by humans changing the weather. You know, we just haven’t. We just don’t know. It’s sort of like these scientists who think that they can genetically, genetically modify an organism and you think that it’s not going to have more complicated effects.

Right, exactly. There’s a reason why things grew this way or were set up this way. When you start changing those things, is it the same thing at all? I mean, exactly. Yeah. And then I don’t know what you’re screwing with. Yeah. And then this guy, I always forget how to pronounce his name, but he had a. He was talking about using lasers. And this is also on a mainstream, like one of the mainstream media channels and that he was being entered CB’s. I mean, lasers really, to change the weather? That’s right. Well, as Mark Twain once famously said, everyone complains about the weather, but no one ever does anything about it.

Well, instead of doing a rain dance, we physicists are firing trillion watt lasers into the sky to actually precipitate rain clouds and actually bring down lightning bolts. This is potentially a game changer, but this is experimental. It’s experimental. However, in the laboratory so far, it works. When you have water vapor and you have dust particles or ice crystals, you can precipitate rain. It condenses around the seeds. These seeds can also be created by laser. Dude, people have been saying this stuff since the 1950s, and they’ve been made fun of for like 70 years now. This guy comes out onto CB’s and says the same exact thing, and everyone’s like, oh, what a breakthrough.

That’s the end. And the thing is, this. This video is kind of older, too. It’s like two years ago or two or three years ago. So that’s like everybody’s been. Dude, this is why. And everybody made fun of harp for the longest time. And it’s because the. The frequencies that you’re pumping into the ionosphere are no different than laser. When you’re talking about wattage, the wattage actually can change a lot of that stuff, the electromagnetics. And you can do all kinds of things with that. This is not right. It’s just so frustrating. No, I mean, because when you look at what weather modification, it is real.

You know, it’s like terminology. If you say geoengineering now, all of a sudden, that that’s kind of a conspiracy theory word. But if you say weather modification. Yeah, there’s like, you know, an entry in the Botanica encyclopedia about it. Britannica. It’s like, Britannica encyclopedia. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, it’s like, yeah, this is like, it’s not like a, you know, crazy conspiracy kind of thing. It’s like all here. Um, but, okay, wait a minute. Well, anyway, and, um, but you know, it’s interesting because it’s also been used in military use. And in 1977, they did this to try to make weather more hostile against forces, you know, when the military was in action.

So, you know, there’s, there’s ways to do it. And then this is kind of the last thing I want to show. Um, it again, ABC News had this whole thing. Um, their headline was Bill Gates, the hurricane tamer. So, so in 2008, um, Bill Gates and twelve others, uh, went in to created, like, a patent for potential hurricane prevention. They were using fleets of vessels to mix warm water from surface of the ocean with colder water from the coolest surface to try to prevent the hurricanes. And, yeah, okay, on the surface, this is great. This is like wonderful stuff, trying to present, prevent hurricanes.

But then could the opposite be done? If they’re showing it how to prevent it, could they also create them? I mean, you. Yeah, I mean, that is what you’re. And then why aren’t they stopping them if they have a patent, and then they’ve been doing this, like, well, I don’t know. Anyway, you know, these are just questions that we don’t really have the answers for. And again, I’m not trying to accuse anybody of doing anything. It’s just kind of interesting when this stuff comes out saying that, oh, we can stop this, we can stop that. And it’s like, well, then why aren’t you stopping this? You know, you’ve been working on this for a long time, and it’s, you know, so it’s just, there’s a lot of questions that we have, and believe it or not, when, in a sense of weather modification, there are hundreds of patents that date back all the way back to the 18 hundreds on weather modification.

That blew my mind. The first one that I found was 1891, a method of producing rainfall. But, you know, we won’t go through every single one of these. But it’s like, these are definitely there and there’s different. You know, you can look on Google, Google has a whole patent thing, and you can see all these different ways of weather modification. Again, this is from, this one was started in the 18 hundreds, vehicles and systems for weather modification. And just because there’s a patent doesn’t mean that these things are, you know, working in our system or in our, in our world right now, or they have actually fully developed them.

You know, anyone can file a patent for anything. You know, it just means that they have some kind of blueprint that they have been working on it and whatnot, you know, but I just find it kind of fascinating that they’re trying to use anything from satellites to all kinds of stuff, you know? But what is interesting, though, is you really only file a patent when you know you’ve got something and you want to protect the idea. So that’s true. Yes. It’s not like it’s just some. Yes, it could be, but it’s not necessarily just some, like, crazy idea someone has and they, and they register it.

I mean, it takes a whole process to register the patent, to pay for the patent and all of that stuff. You don’t tend to really register a patent until, you know, you’ve got something that works and you want ownership over that idea and you want to protect that idea. It’s true. You know, and the other aspect, too is like, you know, I mean, we’ve heard different things with facilities potentially in the ocean, especially in the Gulf, but I mean, like, you know, you could have an organization like HAARP that just goes to, like, an oil rig and says, hey, by the way, we’re doing just these experiments with weather, trying to, like, monitor it and what, everything.

Do you mind if we just put these antennas on your rig? They’re like, sure, whatever, you know, and it’s like, what are they really doing? So, you know, there’s a lot of things, you know, so it’s. It doesn’t. I’m. What, I’m. The point I’m trying to make. It doesn’t have to be this elaborate system that’s, you know, it’s like, well, if there’s a facility out there, then, like, we would know about it. And it’s like, it could just be as easy as something like that, you know? Yeah. So you know that. And I think that’s. We just don’t really know.

And I don’t want to say that these things are happening or not happening. It’s just like, here’s information that we’re finding on this, you know, that’s just definitely is kind of strange. But, you know, it’s. It’s just a. It’s just a never ending thing, and there’s always new patents being designed. So it’s just, you know, again, once again, it’s just questions we’re kind of asking through this. So. Yeah. Anyway, so long story short, before we end this and head over to rise tv, I would just say once again, you know, there’s no harm in being prepared for anything.

You know, you never know when a disaster is going to strike or anything, you know, I mean, with, like, if we look at how things went four years ago around this time, there’s a big pandemic, right. Mm hmm. That could happen. Could happen. Or there could be, you know, a huge economic thing that happens. I mean, just today, you know, there were guys that are starting to protest at the. At the shore, you know, on the ports. There’s, like, a big protest going on. So it’s just, like, good to kind of, like, have a little bit of food.

I think that that FBI guy is right and you don’t have to freak out about it, but. But also, at the same time, it’s probably going to be better for you and your family if you have a little bit of a foundation for that stuff. And you want to be able to. You want to be able to do that, right? Yeah, exactly. And, I mean, one thing I do hope that, you know, again, this isn’t about politics or anything. I just hope that people in charge will just take more action to helping people in need, you know? I mean, that’s what you’re there for.

We have the election in, what, a month? So it’s like, I, you know, you would think that everybody would want to do as much as they can to try to. No. And then, you know, there’s all this stuff going on. Like, you know, people are. Yeah. Coming out and talking about something potentially happening in October and all that stuff. It’s just like. Yeah, it’s a little bit of backup. It’s just. It wouldn’t hurt to prepare. Yeah, exactly. We have no idea what’s going to happen. Hopefully nothing. That would be awesome. Then you have food. Yeah. Four years ago at this time, a month from now, we lost our YouTube channel.

And basically for edge wonder, all hell broke loose. I mean, thank goodness we’re still going, thanks to you guys. But it was a crazy, crazy time, right? All of that. So, anyway. All right. Yes. Yeah. It’s been great hanging out with you guys. Before we can skedaddle and go over to do our live q and A and our meditation prayer, we wanted to remind you that you can now get a free episode of our Halloween from our Halloween series on Rise TV by just entering your email at Rise TV Halloween. Now if you already get our emails and you want the guide, you can just enter your email again via the the double opt in option.

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And if you haven’t heard what’s out now on Rise TV, some of the latest content from our shows are parachuting beavers, a doctor’s near death experience in the Jersey devil. That’s got to be a Ben show. Yep. Weird history. The full cut of Diddy’s downfall, how the power of music can be weaponized from edge of Wonder live. That was last week. A director’s cut of Tesla made a death ray and the government stole it from metaphysical and so much more. You can watch all of those and about 1000 other videos by subscribing to Rise TV and supporting our work.

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Ships, planes and people disappear there never to be seen again? Are the paranormal aspects of these disappearances really just a myth? Are the tales of boats vanishing off the face of the earth telling us something strange is going on. Why are some missing boats showing up later, completely intact, but the entire crew disappeared without a trace? Most compelling of all, phantom ships are still being spotted at sea as mysterious ghost ships. And that’s the truly bizarre, mysterious and fascinating research we did for you today. So strap on your goulashes and hold on tight to the edge.

It’s going to be a bumpy ride. Mysterious phenomenon. And strange beings have been spotted on the sea for a millennia by sailors, fishermen, governments and militaries around the world. But just like the existence of a giant squid was proven to be true in modern times, after centuries of reports, we cant discount eyewitness accounts of other explain things in our waters. Today, on this edge of Wonder episode, we’re bringing you an interview with Jason Harding, a principal surveyor and former merchant marine who has inspected ships and sailed on oil tankers. Jason’s experiences on the water are fascinating and range from high pressure emergency preparedness to an encounter with something that we’d call a sea monster.

But we’ll let him tell that story because we’re not going to put words in his never anything like this. I sailed a solid ten years and I’ve seen a lot of marine wildlife. It stuck with me to this day. So without further ado, let’s bring on the man with the awesome Boston accent, Jason Harding. We’ll see you out on the edge. The Bermuda triangle is one of the most mysterious. Get your questions ready, because it’s time for our live q and a session exclusively on Rise tv.

5G Danger

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