➡ The discussion revolves around the confusion about a scene from Tarzan, where some remember him swinging from a vine while others recall him emerging from water. This leads to a conversation about the Mandela effect, where a group of people remember something differently than how it actually occurred. They also discuss a bizarre news story about a woman who claimed Kanye West telepathically told her to steal a car. The conversation ends with a promotion for a gold and silver investment company and a trailer for an interview on Rise TV.
➡ Gary McKinnon, a systems administrator from Scotland, hacked into 97 U.S. military and NASA computers from 2001 to 2002. He was searching for evidence of UFOs and suppressed free energy technology. The U.S. government claimed he caused $800,000 in damages and tried to sentence him to 70 years in prison. However, after a long legal battle, the UK decided not to extradite him and he has since lived a relatively quiet life.
➡ A man named Gary, who was interested in UFOs, hacked into Pentagon and NASA computers and found information about a secret US military program in space. He discovered a spreadsheet titled “non-terrestrial officers” with names of officers and ships that were not ocean-going. He believes this indicates the existence of a space fleet. However, after his arrest, he faced a potential 70-year prison sentence and is currently unable to travel due to an active arrest warrant.
➡ In 1977, discussions about potential terrorists and space-based weapons were held, leading to the creation of the Strategic Defense Initiative in 1983. The speaker believes this was driven by a few individuals seeking profit and power, rather than for the benefit of humanity. The speaker also mentions the development of advanced weapon systems, funded through wars, to combat potential alien threats or other countries. The text ends with a promotion of their metaphysical coffee and a teaser for their upcoming content about the sugar industry’s influence on food products.
➡ A woman named Donna Hare, who worked as a photographic specialist at NASA, claimed that her job was to airbrush UFOs out of high-resolution images. This revelation inspired a man named Gary to hack into NASA’s files, where he found evidence supporting Hare’s claims. Additionally, an Israeli space official confirmed the existence of extraterrestrials and a Galactic Federation. Despite these claims, the identities of the people involved remain largely unverified.
➡ Optical and astronautical engineering are fields that deal with the use of light for energy and the design of spacecraft respectively. The article discusses the existence of a secret space program and the possibility of anti-gravity technology. It mentions a ship called the SSS Hill and Cotter, which is speculated to be a cigar-shaped craft. The article also suggests that the ocean is an ideal testing ground for such technologies due to its vast, unmonitored expanses.
➡ The text discusses various anti-gravity devices that have been developed, including different types of crafts like the TR 3B and the Aurora SR 33 A. It mentions that these crafts, some of which have been patented, are often seen in areas like Nevada and California. The text also talks about a military space plane developed by Lockheed Martin and a shark anti-gravity craft helicopter. The purpose of these crafts is to retrieve downed UFOs and search for potential extraterrestrial crafts.
During the, and also during the dig Deep Live Q and a segment we have, you can ask us your, your questions directly in our rise tv live chat. Yeah. And the fan favorite top ten weirder news of the week, here’s some radical and hilarious stories, such as Kanye west telepathically. Telepathically telling a woman to steal a car, surfing on the moon, the infamous Florida man striking again, and more. And as always, we’ll see you out on the edge telepathically having us do things. I don’t, I don’t think we can wait for weirder news. I think we’re gonna have to go over that one now, but I think we will, too.
I was like, that one was so insane that I was like, maybe just put this for your metaphysical minute. So, but before we get into all that, why don’t we kind of, we start, usually we kind of start off with some, like, weird or interesting things or strange things or whatever, but, um, I don’t know if you heard, but the bo bowing starliner spacecraft, the one that the, the Astro or the two people, they’re not really technically astronauts. They’re stuck up there, right? Or they’re completely stuck up there. They had to call. They had to call their, their boy Elon to help him out.
Well, yeah, Elon’s like, we can get them out. Um, or they could probably just use the space, the space force or secret space program, but they probably don’t want to reveal all the technology that they have there. But, um. But this is really crazy. Uh, this is really weird because. So they called down to the, um, mission control saying that they heard these weird, quote, sonar like noises on the craft. Now, Lindsay, you can kind of. Why don’t you, like, skip ahead, like, just halfway through, like, 40 seconds or something like that, and negative, Butch. We did not hear anything that.
What? Hair in the ocean. Actually, Butch, that one came through. It was kind of like a pulsing noise, almost like a sonar ping. I’ll do it one more time and watch. I’ll scratch your head to see if you care what’s going on. Here we go. Super weird. Wow. That’s just like. I don’t even know what to think of. Yep. Good recording. Thanks, Butch. We will pass on to the team and let you know what we find sounds like to make sure I’m on the same page. This is emanating from the speaker in starliner. You don’t notice anything else? Any other noises? Any other weird configs in there? They don’t really.
I was trying to find, like, what the. What they’re saying could cause those issues. They’re saying, I know exactly what it is. What is it? Space elves or they’re really underwater one. But, um. Yeah, anyway, I guess there it was. It’s coming from inside the spacecraft itself, but I don’t know. They never. Mission control never officially identified the sound at all. They’re like, that’s weird. We don’t know. Okay. We’ll still leave you up there for the next eight months or whatever. Have fun up there, you guys. That’s how you’re entertaining yourself now, huh? I mean, how are they getting supplies and everything? That’s, like, my biggest question that I don’t know.
I can’t find answers to these things. Yeah, they must have packed extra for stuff. And they’re eating space food up there, you know? Yeah, I guess. I don’t know. They must be getting pretty. Some cabin fever. Must be pretty hard to get through there, you know? Yeah. So maybe Netflix or. Netflix. Yeah, seriously, they’re streaming. They got a. They’ve got. They’ve got some kind of. Maybe they’re connected to Starlink. Yeah, or they’re probably watching just Star wars over and over again up there. Ah, they definitely kill themselves, especially new ones. They’re watching those over and over again.
No reason to live. Oh, man. Yeah. Anyway, weird stuff, that’s for sure. Also making them, making some rounds on Reddit. Is this supposedly, like, a UAP or potentially one of the triangle crafts, which is known as a tr three B, which we’re going to later in this episode, I guess. Look how much traffic is here. Everybody’s out filming this, dude. Exactly. So that’s what makes this so real. There’s multiple angles from it. There’s multiple people watching this. Where is this, Ben? I think. Is this in America? Looks like America. I don’t think it’s in America. I want to say it was in one of the south american countries, but I’m not 100% sure on that.
I did. I did. Ours look american. Maybe it is. Oh, the license plate looked american, too. This has got to be here. Canada. Yeah, maybe it is. Maybe it is here. Yeah, it sucks because I couldn’t find. I looked at it. I was trying to find. I mean, there’s other videos of it, but I couldn’t figure out where. Where it was located. But see, there’s also another one. So you were unable to track down exactly where this is. Right. Oh, can you go back and pause on that car? Because that car might actually reveal what state that’s in.
It’s okay. We can find it later. It’s a little further. Right? Stop. Bummer. That’s definitely a us plate, though. Or canadian. Lindsey, if you go up on this Twitter post or x post, there’s another one, too. Go up. Oh, look at that. Yeah, this was. Okay, so now this one was in Nevada. I don’t know. Well, human made, definitely. The way the lights were. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Definitely. 100%. This is probably just doing a test flight at one of the secret bases in Nevada or something like that. Yeah, but why do it and risk getting filmed? Like, um.
Is it a mistake when they get filmed? Is it not? Are they doing it on purpose just to kind of, like, screw people? Thinks they think too much about it, to be honest. It’s just like, okay, we’re gonna do this test flight at this time, you know, and somebody just happens to be out there. Not with stealth equivalent, like, not with equipment that should be classified. They tend to not do that. They’ll be in a place. There’s no people to do that, you know? Well, that’s what I mean. Like, they probably did. And maybe, you know, whoever caught this video potentially got lucky.
Yeah, or got lucky. One or the other. So, yeah, super interesting. We’re gonna get a little bit more into that later on the show, though, so. All right. Yeah. All right. Well, hey, you guys, if you’re hanging out watching the show right now, I wanted to encourage you to subscribe to our emails. You’ll be sent a free ultimate guide to the alien races if you subscribe. And if you’re a current subscriber and you want a copy, you can also put your email in. Again with the double opt in step. Just go to rise tv alien races.
And, you know, I drew all these, actually, believe it or not, we put a lot of effort into this and kind of tracking down exactly how all of these things looked and then getting the information out there for you guys. Yeah. Anyway, pretty cool alien guide. And you can get that just by giving us your email so that, you know, we don’t lose touch with you guys in case anything goes down. You never know. We lost YouTube before and lost about 500,000 emails, which was not fun. So, you know, we’re constantly trying to rebuild over here.
Yeah, that was the one. Which one mistake we made was not getting everyone’s email. And we’re on. Well, impossible to do, actually. We created rise in order to try to mitigate some of that, like, back in 2019. But then, you know, edge of wonder tv was only able to collect so many people, you know? Yeah. All right, why don’t we move on to the Bendel effect or Mandela effect? Bendel effect. Let’s do that, Ben. So I have to admit, it’s been a long time since I saw this movie, but. But there was other people that noticed this was, like, a really big Mandela effect.
So in the Tarzan movie, the 1999 animated Disney version of it, there’s a whole sequence where he’s going from being a kid, and then he kind of morphs into being. This is the cartoon. The cartoon movie. Yes. I am very unfamiliar with this. Not. Yeah, that. I kind of had a feeling you probably wouldn’t. I mean, it’s been a long time since this is Lindsay’s bag. She would probably know that stuff better than I do. Yeah. So the question is, when he changes, um, is he emerging from water? So is he, like, he emerges out from water and then changes in the air? When he ages, you mean? Yeah, when he ages from a kidney to becoming, like, an adult, or is he swinging from a vine, and then he’s, like, reaching over, and then it’s like he’s.
He’s changing as he’s, like, swinging. Chime in. What’s he doing? What do you. What do you remember, Lindsey? Well, I know the answer because I looked it up earlier. But it’s funny because when I heard the Mandela effect about swinging from a vine, I did picture that. But then when I went and watched the clip of what it is now, I also remember that. Interesting. See, I specifically remember him swinging from a vine. And I saw this post where this guy said he was watching this and from a child to adult, and then he’s like, I remember him swinging through the vines, and now he’s like, I watched it today, and he, like, emerges from the water, and this is the scene right here, actually.
So this is him as a kid, and he’s jumping and he falls. It’s just weird because I don’t remember. I have this vivid memory of him swinging from these vines and then, like, changing. And again, I haven’t seen the movie in a long time, but, I mean, probably since I was like, am I really young? Or whatever? But I just clearly have this in my mind. And then the guy just asked his wife without saying anything, like, what do you remember how Tarzan changes? And she’s like, oh, he swings from a vine. And then he said the same thing and it’s like, wow.
No, it’s. It’s like from the water. So I don’t know. This one’s weird for me. And a lot of other. There was other people that were commenting. Some people remembered the water, some people remembered the divine, like I said. So I don’t. I don’t know. I just. It’s strange, I think, because I. They kind of do the same thing for Simba and. And, but Simba’s walking and then he’s, like, walking and then he changes as they’re walking. So that’s why it was like, I remember they did this because I was like, oh, yeah, they did the same thing with, with, with Lion King, and now it’s this one.
But anyway, kind of weird. Like I said, I I wouldn’t. I didn’t know if you would remember this one, but me, it was just. I just once, I once I was in college starting in 1990. 819. 99. It was 1999. Really? That was it. I was pretty much. I have this, like, basically like four, six year, maybe even seven year lull and watching movies. I definitely got out to see Lord of the Rings, but other than that, it was. Wait a minute. That came out in 99? Yeah, that’s also weird. Ben’s like, that’s also a Benzella.
Because, like, I remember that in 2007. No, I was thinking, like. Like, I. If you would have asked me, I would have said like 96 or 97 or something. Not 99. But then again, I don’t know. Maybe the movie, the Tarzan movie I’m thinking about came out in 99 or something. But. Or, I mean, early on, Tarzan movie, like the full live action movie was like mid two thousands, maybe late. Really? Tarzan, the movie, the guy. No, there was a live action Tarzan movie where what’s her name, the chick who played Barbie. She was the love interest in.
She was Jane in that Tarzan movie. Can’t remember when that came out. That might even be 2012. That’s it. It’s 2016 then. 2016. Yeah, that’s the one. Oh, that one. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Okay. That’s. I don’t know if I ever saw that movie, actually. Actually, I have a hard time with movies where humans are emulating apes or, like. Like Planet of the Apes. I have a hard time with that one. This one I had a hard time watching. It’s just like. I don’t know. Well, there. There was a really. Okay, there was Tarzan and the Lost City in 1998.
It was a box office bomb. That makes sense. That’s the one I was actually thinking of and. Yeah. Anyway, strange. All right, well, let’s move on to the metaphysical minute now. What do you think, Ben? Yeah, let’s do that. All right. Kentucky woman claims Kanye west telepathically told her to steal car with child inside. So a Kentucky woman has been arrested in Evansville after allegedly attempting to steal multiple vehicles, claiming she was instructed to do so through telepathic communication with ye. Is that how you say it? Yeah. Formerly known as Kanye west. Yeah, I guess. The woman identified.
I’m white, so I don’t know. The woman identified as 28 year old Ricky Smith. She was observed trying to open car doors in a parking lot. According to a witness, Smith entered an unlocked vehicle and refused to leave when confronted. The situation escalated when Smith allegedly attempted to enter another vehicle as the owner walked into a store. The owner, who was taking her child to day care, intervened and forcibly removed Smith from the car. She later informed police that her child was in the backseat during the incident and pressed charges. Smith told authorities she traveled from Louisville to Evansville after her car broke down, hitchhiking the rest of the way.
She claimed that ye communicated with her telepathically, instructing her to steal vehicle. Smith was subsequently arrested and taken to the Vanderburg county jail. Further investigation revealed that she had crashed her car on Highway 64 before abandoning it. Maybe the crash was so bad that something broke through and she had telepathic communication with easy. I love some of these comments, though. Yeah, the comments are usually the best part of something like this, aren’t they? What did they say? Someone said, I believe her, actually. Yes. This was on x. Look at. He looks. No, no, he looks guilty.
There. He did it. Look at him. He, like, shows that photo on purpose. Someone else said, finally found someone crazier than Kanye. Poor Kanye. Who knows what that guy. That’s insane, though. So weird. Well, it’s not just Kanye who’s in volatile times. Everyone knows we’re also in volatile times. With digital currencies on the rise. There’s 35 trillion, actually, dollars of national debt now, which is crazy and inflation is at a 40 year high. Financial experts are saying that everyone should be preparing for the future. Well, what are you doing? Well, physical gold and silver can help by protecting your retirement accounts like iras and 401 ks, preserve gold is giving away a no cost, no obligation wealth protection guide that contains 25 plus pages of detailed information and insights on how to put physical gold and silver into your retirement account.
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Just text wonder to 50505. Receive this exclusive offer. That’s wonder. Wonder to 50505 to claim this exclusive offer from preserve Gold today. And we’ll see you after this trailer I didn’t want to go public without evidence because I knew no one would believe me. The entire incident happened about five to six minutes in total, and my mom shouts really loud, oh, my God. What is that? What is that? At no point did the two men in black or the air force gentlemen as my mother or her friends. What did they see? They looked human, but they did weird things.
The men in black, they said, you will report it as a helicopter crash, or we will take your son away. The men in black play the narrative and the media outlets skew it back out. This was 1991 project Mockingbird in full effect. Can you not love a guy named Robert Earl White? It’s just a perfect name for this whole thing. I mean, and dude has a crazy story if you haven’t seen that interview. That was a pretty awesome interview we did with him on Rise TV. I think it was two episodes, right? Because there’s three. It was three because it was so involved.
There was so much crazy stuff that happened. You should totally check that out. This is exclusive content on Rise TV that you can get by subscribing to Rise TV and supporting our work, which you know you want to do because, you know, if you do, you actually help us keep the lights on, and that helps us a lot of, and we give you a whole lot back. There’s about 1000 videos on Rise TV. All this research that we’ve done over the last five or six years that we’ve been doing this and yeah, it’s great stuff on there.
So definitely think about supporting our work. We love you guys. And those of you onrise tv that have been helping us out all these years, we could not be doing this without you. We love you guys. Thank you so much. Yeah, seriously. Yeah. You guys are the lifeline. You’re our life force. Yeah, I mean, we would still be doing it, but, you know, it’d be a lot. I won’t say the word. It’d be a lot crappier. Yeah, yeah. Be a lot harder too. So. Thank you, guys. Yeah. All right. Should we get into. We should probably get into to Mister Gary McKinnon.
Yeah, I would say so too. So I thought of this like name Operation cosmic hack, the greatest cyber hack of all time. Because literally it’s rated as the. The biggest cyber attack in history. But when you hear what he did, it’s so freaking hilarious how easy it seemed. Am I right? Like. Yeah, I know it’s true. Can you go through it? Like, what happened? Bentley. Yeah. So basically. Okay, so, um, he was just obsessed with UFO’s. And you know, I remember when like an alien himself. No offense, Gary. Well, right, to be fair. Yeah, it’s just a bad angle.
Um, I remember when all this was happening and like in real time in 2001, because my friends were all hackers. And so when we heard that some dude hacked into NASA, I mean, it was like he was like the ultimate hero for hackers during. Seriously, he was like, yeah, this guy had like blew anything anonymous did out of the water. Yeah, yeah, cuz I mean it. And like, unfortunately, he’s like, I don’t really have like a big, you know what I want to say. Like, I forget how he worded it, but he word it in this really funny way.
Like he doesn’t have this big, unfortunately, this massive like deep story of how it happened. You know, it’s like he just was trying passwords until one of them worked. That’s basically how most hacking happens. Really? Yeah. And back then everything was dial up modem still pretty much, you know, and so that that’s what was going on. So he’s known by his online handle solo, and he was a systems administrator from Scotland who just decided one day he woke up and he was like, yeah, he’s like, break into NASA. Yeah. He’s like, yeah. So from February of 2001 to March 2002, almost a full year he hacked into 97 United States military and NASA computers and.
No. Right, no, did this. And he took all the information methodically. Right? Yeah. Seriously? Um, yeah, I mean, it was just a. He, he actually was like, yeah, it’s kind of embarrassing. I was just basically, he created a script to search for blank passwords and then that’s essentially how he got a password. And it just tried one and it worked. Um, he wasn’t trying to disrupt anything. He wasn’t trying like purposely to go in and like blow up the system or anything. He was just strictly looking for evidence of UFO’s and free energy, like evidence of suppressing free energy technology and anti gravity craft.
That’s what he was specifically going in to look for. Which, I mean, why wouldn’t you go into that? It’s like, let’s look for the cool stuff. Right? Exactly. They claimed, now this is like the us government saying this, that he caused $800,000 worth of damage, which is total b’s. I mean, how do you calculate that and damages? I guess like they said, he said, they claimed he like deleted files and things like that. And he’s like, you know, I kind of. If I did, I did it on accident. He’s like, I wasn’t purposely trying to go in.
I think he said he was just trying to cover up his tracks, which he didn’t do a very good job of at the time. So what I mean was he put in jail for this? What happened? Well, he was faced. They tried to give him 70 years in prison for this. And I think mostly it’s just because something like this has never been done. And I think they were trying to set a precedent for people in the future that are like, yeah, if you want to, you know, hack the government, this is the price you’re going to pay to.
So there was a long, drawn out legal battle. He was, he was in Scotland, the US was trying to get him extradited. There was this long battle with the UK. Finally in 20, 1210 years afterwards, they decided not to extradite him. He found out that he has Asperger’s syndrome and I, which is basically like autism. So it’s a little more than that. It can. It can get a little bit more colorful than that. Yeah, well, it’s true, but I mean, keeping it, you know, within like kind of a basic element of it. So, yeah, I mean, his, his case just, it was.
Got worldwide attention for a long time. He also became the poster boy for legal reform because this was so big. And at that point, everybody was involved. Celebrities, politicians, all these different people started, like, supporting him and what he did. So then it kind of put extra pressure on him in for as long. Right. Or whatever. Yeah, yeah. And of course, like, you know, when it. When it’s dealing with the military industrial complex and it’s just this one lone kid that, like, went up against it. It’s. Well, and that was those. In those years, there was still clarity when it came to the man.
Yeah, I know. It’s true. Yeah. Both sides were against the man, you know? But see, because he was in the UK and he did this against the US, technically, he didn’t break any laws in the UK. And this is where it got really complicated. And so he was never really put on trial in the UK. So. I don’t put that on your resume, though. You like, yeah, you got to get another job. And you’re like, I’m the dude that broke into NASA. Yeah. I mean, and I think now he’s been helping with different aspects of security systems and things like that.
It definitely led to market yourself, right? Yeah. Like, hey, I broke into NASA. How about I help you make sure that this doesn’t happen to you? Make sure your password isn’t poop or password. One, two, three. Which is. I’m wondering. Our chat was like, the password was poop, man. Yeah, I mean, since all of this, he’s kind of lived a relatively quiet life. He has been speaking out of recently. In fact, the BBC did a whole documentary just recently, all about his life. He really became, like, this iconic hacker for the whole culture of, like, you know, hackers and everything else.
And so how they caught him was, he said he just wasn’t very smart. One, he left traces of. He was using his own ip address. You know, I guess back then you didn’t really have, like, VPN’s. Usually you go to a library if you’re doing something like this, you know, to see where you’re coming from. Moreover, he also used his girlfriend’s email for a trial version of the software, which also isn’t the best idea. And he threw her under the bus, man. Yeah. And not to mention that this was right after 911, so everything is like.
Like, magnified in the sense of security and cyber awareness. Clearly, they. They did a whole lot of work in the government to protect our government institutes from hacking. He was like, I’ll try this word today. The other aspect about the whole thing is that because people are like, well, isn’t there any screenshots? Or did he. Did he upload any images. This was all during modems, right? So, so you, this is still dial up. So even like a, um, like he said he, because these images that NASA had were massive, like 250 megabytes. And if you remember back in the day, you’re trying to download one song.
Download, forget it, man. Yeah. One song would take like an hour to download, let alone a photo that’s 250 megabytes. So he said it was a big photo. Even, even now, like, it have to be a Photoshop file or a very, very large photo with a lot of information to be 250. These were massive photos that were taken with satellites. These were satellite photos then for better giant because you can zoom into them and everything and see it. And so what he said was that he started seeing, um, he said he started, this is what he, this he.
So there was a thing on Reddit like am a, which means, like, ask me anything. And it was confirmed, him and everything. The, like, Reddit community confirmed it was him. He proved it was him. And so he said that he saw folded folders on those computers that were called raw and processed or cleaned or filtered. And then what he realized was that he was looking at before and after photos from NASA. They were photoshopping them. Yeah, well, at the time, Photoshop wasn’t really, I mean, it was there, but it was more like airbrushing out, you know, like manually, like using your hand, you know, like, so it would take these real images.
Oh, sure. And then digitalize them and everything. But Photoshop was definitely the, I guess it was, it was the program of choice back then, too. Yeah, he said, he said, he said 250 might, 50 megabyte image was taking five minutes per megabyte to download on a modem. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Like, it’s like trying to download literally like a GigAbyte file. I mean, yeah, you’re, yeah, using your Phone line, dude. Yeah. Yeah, using your Phone line, man. Somebody then had the bright idea, oh, maybe we should use cable. No kidding. Yeah. So then when he was, like, when he realized it was taking so long, he was trying to take like a screenshot, which, which is like, really rare even back then, but he was trying to do this.
And like, right when, when he said, right when the image was loading, because, you know, it was like, it would, like, take the load. It was like loading as soon as it came up and he saw the ship, he got taken down. So, yeah, it’s kind of crazy, but, but he said he saw a bunch of different images. Now, to be fair, I mean, okay, we kind of said, this guy. Okay, this guy’s probably not allowed in the US, is he? No, he’s not. Still, I was going to say it’d be really great to have him at a conference someday or to.
Or to, like, zoom him in and let him talk to people. That’d be cool. Yeah. He said he did see a tubular metal, white craft that had domes around its center and at both ends. So imagine like a. Like a. Yeah, a tube. A white tube. Domes at both end. Yeah, like domes on both ends. So it’s like, you know, they could potentially pilot this thing at either end. And he said it had no rivets or seams. It looked futuristic. And. And he said that was his eureka. Momentous. That’s when he was, like Ben. He said he was still waiting for this image to come.
And then. And then, like he said right when it, like, he was seeing it on his computer and it was like, almost done loading. And that’s when he was. He got disconnected. And he said he missed his chance to even grab a single image. He also found names that said non terrestrial officers, which we’ll get into because I found that list of some of them. And along with ship names and the ships all had us s on them. USS space. So, like, secret space. Yeah, yeah. Like us secret, um. Potentially, like, secret space. Something. Yeah, yeah, that’s.
That’s what it. That’s what it seems like. Um. So. And then. And, you know, us s. Or was it uss? It was four s’s. You. You. Yeah. USS stands for, like, ships. So, like. Yeah. And so this is an extra s. Yeah. And. And he said. And I was able to kind of confirm one of the names. I looked up all the ship names. Mandy. One of two things. Everything’s getting scrubbed online and old websites are getting taken down. You know, there’s so many old websites that people are referencing that were no longer there. Even, like, some of them didn’t even work on the wayback machine anymore.
Some of them did. And that’s where I found a couple things. And I only really found one that was mentioned in that. But like I said, we’ll kind of get into it. And there was a really cool video. So, Lindsey, can you show this video of his Gary and his own words here? I think this is part of the new documentary that came out. It’s really cool to hear this. We’ll just play for like a minute or so. I was obsessed with UFO’s. I was dying to find out the information. The Internet was a real enabler for finding out information by going to places you shouldn’t be in because they were so open.
There were a lot of text files. Add lists of places, installations, military bases, air force bases, navy sites, NASA sites. So there was a lot to go through. But I did find a gold mine of information. According to McKinnon, he unearthed a secret us military program that existed entirely in space. I found the spreadsheet was actually titled in the column, non terrestrial officers as well as officers names. It had ship names. None of these were ocean going ships. It was astounding. They’re not Navy. They’re not. Those are real. Those are the real names. So to me, I was thinking there must be an off planet space force or space fleet at least.
After McKinnon’s arrest, he was told the us government intended to sentence him to 70 years in prison. At the time I thought, six months community, we can play it a little bit more. Ok, I gotta hear this part. Service was all you do for computer misuse act. We fought extradition for ten years and we actually won the case. But unfortunately, today, the arrest warrant is still live and I’m still on the Interpol red list, so I can’t travel. Could it be that Gary McKinnon’s account of what he saw when he hacked into computers at the Pentagon and NASA is genuine is the.
Okay, you can stop it here. They basically try. Astronaut theorists say yes, and essentially, yeah. And so this is interesting because this, this. Ask me anything on Reddit. One of the questions that came through was he was asked, do you think aliens hang around nuclear bases because we have technology that we shouldn’t have. It’s like to, like he said to the aliens, it must kind of seem like apes with nuclear warheads or something like that. And he does say, that’s exactly what I think. We should not have these toys because we are not big boys yet.
And, and I think, um, you know, and that, that’s the, that’s like the understanding of why a lot of, you know, it’s, there’s a lot of videos of these like orb things flying over bases. There’s one that’s read specifically and it goes over a base and deactivates all these, like, um, anywhere there’s a nuclear power plant too. You see activity. Yeah, exactly. They could be taking energy or just observing and overseeing who knows what’s going on. Yeah, yeah, right. And he does. So there’s another, um, there was another question too, that came through. Um, yeah. Uh, it said, oh, it was talking about Doctor Carol, um, Rosin, who was she was working with Warner Bron Braun when he was alive.
And because they asked him, like, his understanding about some of this stuff. And he said, basically his understanding is the same as Doctor Carol Rosen. What she said now, okay, to be clear, he hasn’t really, like, came out and said, like, yes, you know, 100%, like, aliens are real. But through all the information. And he did say for sure, he said he does believe that the technology that the government has didn’t come from us. He specifically mentioned alien craft. And because he heard, because on the webs, when he was on the sites, that’s where he came up with the term reverse engineered technology.
And at the time, I don’t think he really understood what he was seeing back in, like, you know, 2001. But he said this was taken from captured or destroyed aircraft. And, and he assumed, he assumes that the, that there was multiple different instances, not just one, such as Roswell, that there was other ones, which, which now we know is to be true based on, like, what? So many testimonials that came forward from the military through Stephen, Doctor Greer and everything else. Doctor Stephen Greer. I mean, you know, so it’s just so fascinating. But then he talks about building eight, which we’ll get into in a minute.
But we can show, we can show this because supposedly now it’s confirmed. This Doctor Carol Rosen did work for Warner von Braun. And supposedly this is what he told her on her on his deathbed, related to, like, aliens. Yeah. Is she showing this? Are you, are you pulling up the one with the, with the Doctor Carol Rosen? Yeah. This one? Yeah. Okay. It’s against what he called aliens. Extraterrestrials. That would be the final card. And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving his speeches for him, he would bring up that last card and remember, Carol, the last card is the alien card.
We’re going to have to build space based weapons against aliens. And all of it, he said, is a lie. A lie. He didn’t mention a timeline, but he said that it was going to be speeding up faster than anybody could possibly imagine, that the effort to put weapons in space was not only based on a lie, but would accelerate past the point of people even understanding it until it was already up there and too late. In 1977, I was at a meeting in Fairchild industries in a conference room called the War Room. And in that room were a lot of charts on the walls with enemies, identified enemies, names that people had never heard of, names like Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi.
But we were talking then about terrorists, the potential terrorists. No one had ever talked about this before, but this was the next stage after the Russians, against whom we were going to build space based weapons, these terrorists. This is 1977, and they were talking about creating a war in the Gulf region when there was $25 billion in the space based weapons program that yet had not been identified. It wasn’t called the Strategic Defense Initiative, at least until 1983. This weapons system then had obviously been going on for some time that I didn’t know anything about. So I stood up in this meeting in 1970, and it said, I’d like to know why we’re talking about space based weapons against these enemies.
I’d like to know more about this. Would somebody tell me what this is about? Nobody answered. They went on with this meeting as though I hadn’t said anything. I have concluded that it’s based on a few people making a lot of money and gaining power. It’s about ego. It’s not about our essence and who we really are on the planet and loving each other and being at peace and cooperating, using technologies to solve problems and heal people in the planet. It isn’t about that. It’s about a few people who really are playing an old, dangerous, costly game for their own pocketbooks and power struggle.
I mean, how can you argue with that? That’s just sounds part of the course, pretty much. Crazy. Yeah. What meeting was that again, that she was at where she was talking about it? So she. She was, like, Warner von Braun’s assistant. And so this was like a. This, like, high level meeting with all these, like, big military based people. So. And this has been, you know, and actually, I think even. I think even Gary, when I was researching all this today, Philip Corso, his book, the day after tomorrow came up in all this research, too. And I can’t remember if it was Gary that said something specific or what, but basically, that whole book is everything in the aftermath of what followed after Roswell.
And he says the same thing in the book. In fact, the last chapter is called Star wars. And it’s. And he said that part of the problem was that when they were finding all these crafts and all this technology, we had no way to fight against this potential, like, literally alien threat. Now it’s a threat. Yeah. Yeah. You know, because they were there. They were like. They were deactivating weapon systems. We had no way to fight against them. So they literally had to make up wars or, like. Like, whatever it was so they could use that money and funnel it through the weapons, future weapons system, basically.
What she’s talking about. To develop more powerful space weapons to potentially to potentially to use against either an actual legit alien threat or like a different, you know, country. So it’s really hiding the money using the war and then throwing all the money at it. But you’re using that money actually for something else. Yeah, it’s kind of like we need to build weapons. Well, instead of building, like, tanks and, you know, crafts or, I mean, jets or something, you know, they’re actually putting it into building, like, futuristic weapon systems. So now supposedly, like, the weapon system is so far advanced, like, it would just be like, mind blowing if we really knew the truth there.
And it was all stemmed from the original crafts that were crashing here for whatever reason. But, but I guess the Roswell one, it was like something about a, it was just a random lightning bolt that hit the craft in a certain way. And that’s, that’s how it fell. So it wasn’t like someone shot it down in the sky. It was like literally legit lightning just kind of hit it and short circuited or something. So. So, um, yeah, anyway, and, and, um, McKinnon kind of talks about some of this stuff, too, so it’s kind of interesting. But why don’t we, we’re going to, um, have another trailer.
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So definitely check that out. Try a sip of our metaphysical coffee. We’ll be right back after this trailer. Is it a rolling stone in the sky? Is it a hunk, a hunk of burning metal? It’s definitely not a blackbird singing in the dead of night. It’s a UFO. And chances are your favorite rock star has seen it. A rock artist? Just crazy. Or is there a reason why so many have claimed to see UFO’s? From your standard believers to abductees, from lifelong stargazers to superstars turned investigators, encounters seem to follow around these celebrities. Is your favorite rock star on the list? Find out as edge of wonder presents UFO close Encounters Celebrity Edition episode one Rockstar mind control attention, attention.
Have you ever heard of the rivalry between Coke and Pepsi? What have we told you? That Cola wars were just a big scam? Ever heard about a certain us president helping popularize Pepsi in the USSR? Or how the Soviet Union paid the Pepsi company in warships? Why are candy and cola makers like Nestle Coke and Pepsi sponsoring health studies? Why do internal emails at Coca Cola look like they’ve tried to influence the World Health Organization? Have you ever wondered why the obesity epidemic is getting worse even though we know sugar is bad for us? Well, edge of wonder isn’t a health show.
No, it is not. And we already know we should be healthier. But what we found about the marketing manipulation behind our food products that you were never supposed to know. Don’t drink the Kool Aid about the sugar industry, people, pun intended. Ben and I are about to shock you by how little choice you really have and what you eat. There’s been a deliberate push for sugar on the world’s citizens, and Rob and I are here to expose it. Today, we’ll uncover the smoking gun sugar marketing that just may reveal how our behavior has been conditioned for generations.
So join us as we dive into the truth about the big food agenda that’s been building and building, and not just in your arteries. You won’t believe what we found. Yes. Yeah. Well, you guys, you can find that those series over on our rise tv platform. Yeah. We had two episodes on this, right, Ben? I think so. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And when it kind of leads into our oil, um, or like, plastic and oil industrial complex, too, that we did. So it’s all kind of wrapped up into one, really. So you could say there’s like four or five episodes that are kind of similar theme.
So a whole lot went into kind of looking into that. I mean, I think a lot of people know that, like, sugar has been forced down our throats. But when you actually go through the history of how all of that played out, it’s pretty interesting. Definitely worth checking out. All that is on our rise tv platform that you can get access to by subscribing and supporting our work for just $12.99 a month, if, you know, if you’d like to do that. Yeah. Ben, what’s up next? So. Well, okay, so kind of continuing on this whole thing.
What? This is kind of interesting because it’s kind of coming around full circle. What. Excuse me. What got Gary to kind of be so interested in this in the first place was actually, believe it or not, it was Stephen Greer’s first DC hearing in 2001. Really? Yeah, yeah. And there was a specifically. And Lindsey, can you. You can show this little clip right here. There’s a woman named Donna Hare, and she was NASA’s photographic specialist. And she worked in building number eight. Building, yeah. Of the Johnson space Center. And she said that her lab that she worked for specifically was there to airbrush.
Her actual quote is airbrush. Airbrushing out UFO’s from high res images. So we can just play a little bit of this. Lindsey. Thank you, Carl. Good morning, everyone. My name is Donna Hare, and I worked at Filco Ford Aerospace for, from 1967 to 1981. During that time, I was a design illustrator draftsman. I did the launch slides and landing slides and also projecting plotting boards, lunar maps for NASA. We were a contractor, but most of the time I worked on site. Excuse me. In building eight, I had the opportunity to do extra work during downtime, which was between missions.
And I walked into a photo lab, which was the NASA lab, across the hallway. I had a secret clearance, which is not that high, but I was able to go into restricted areas, which this was at the time I was talking to one of the techs in there. And he drew my attention to a photograph that, a NASA photograph. It had a dot on it. And I said, what is that? Well, he drew my attention to it and I said, is that a dot on the emulsion? And he said, and he’s smiling and he has his hands crossed.
And he said, round dots on the emulsion don’t leave round shadows on the ground. And this was an aerial photograph of the earth, I’m assuming the earth because it had pine trees on it. And the shadows of the craft, or whatever it was, were in the same angle as the trees and by its very nature, UFO. And I wanted to clarify that to gentleman that was talking to me means unidentified. So I did not know what this was, but I realized at this point that it’s very secret, that it was kept secret, because I asked him, what are you going to do with this piece of information? And he said, we always airbrush these out before we sell them to the public.
So they’re pesky little creatures appearing on this photograph they wanted to get rid of. After that, I decided I would ask questions to other people that work there. And I found that I had to ask them away from the site and not on site. A guard told me that he was asked to burn some photographs and not to look at him. And there was a guard, another guard guarding him who was in green fatigues watching him burn the photographs. And he said he was too tempted. He looked at one and it was a picture of a UFO.
And he was very descriptive. I can go into that later with anyone. He immediately was hit in the head and he had a big gash in his forehead. He was knocked out and he’s terrified, so he would have to be protected. Another incident, I knew someone in quarantine with the Apollo astronauts. He told me that the Apollo astronaut saw craft on the moon when we landed, and that is what he told me. And he also was afraid. He said that the astronauts are told to keep this quiet. They’re not allowed to talk about it. So I do want to let you know that I worked out there for a number of years, and this, I ran into this.
So it’s not something everyone knows that works out there. For a long time, my boss didn’t know about it. Some people that sat right next to me didn’t know about it. It’s very strange because I don’t know how they can do it, but they can let some people know about it and then others not. I’m willing to testify. We can stop it here, Lindsey. So, yeah, and so, yeah, and. And that’s act. That’s specifically what he hacked. When she. When he heard her talking about building a, he’s like, I wonder. I can do this. And so they actually confirmed each other’s story because that’s when Gary came forward and said, I was able to hack into, like, the.
The actual website that was, like, the building eight stuff. And that’s where he was finding the files that said raw and processed, meaning the processed ones were after they were airbrushed out, after they were photoshopped out. So, in, building eight does exist. In fact, I even found. There’s a Facebook post that officially from NASA, and they were talking specifically about their building eight, which is this right here. So where is this? This is the Johnson Space Center. Johnson Space center. And it’s. There’s a lab inside of this building eight. So I don’t know why it’s specifically called building eight, but, I mean, it’s just kind of interesting, because, I mean, they.
You. They say building eight right there in the post. And this is the official NASA’s Johnson Space center. So it’s just kind of cool. It’s just like, you know, I mean, when you start, like, hearing all these stories and you can kind of verify them and you can. You can see them, and it’s like, wow, okay. These are all cool. You know, it’s like, I think that’s why Gary was so excited, too, because he’s like, wow, this confirms her story. And then from her point of view, it’s like, wow, this actually confirms my. You know, I don’t sound like a lunatic talking about this stuff anymore.
You know, this kid, actually, and found this, you know, so. So kind of like, some of the last things I want to kind of get into, too, is this spreadsheet where it’s the non terrestrial officers. Now, it’s kind of like. It’s kind of, you know, it’s fun to say, like, all these are alien beings or something like that, you know? But he. He does kind of make a distinction. Like, he’s not trying to claim that these are, like, aliens, off world aliens or anything else, but. But he does go into the fact that this. This could be, like, a galactic federation.
And the Israeli. There’s the israeli guy who’s in charge of, like, what would be NASA, the NASA’s iraqi program. He did come out and specifically state that extraterrestrials are real and the galactic federation is real. This is. This is, like, the chief israeli space. Yeah, yeah. I forget what their. What their space program is called, but, I mean, it would essentially be like, the head of NASA coming out right now saying that not only aliens are real, but we’ve been secretly working with them, and we have different packs with them, and there’s a. There’s, like, a galactic federation that we have been working with and various other countries I’ve been working with.
And that’s what this guy said. Um, and. And that’s what Lindsay just pulled up. And that they. They. He told Trump about it, too. So it’s kind of interesting, because I think this is why Trump gets asked about aliens so much. And Trump did say that if he was elected, he would release more information on aliens and Epstein. So we’ll see what happens. But, um. But one of. So. So that’s what’s so fascinating. And so there’s. There’s craft or there were ships that was tied, like we said at the beginning, the USS ships, and that there was personnel as well.
Now, Lindsey, if you want to, you can pull up one of these. Doesn’t really matter which one you want to pull up here or pull up this website. Yeah, this is actually, like, galactic federation something. I don’t know. I’m not really sure. Oh, yeah. Okay, there we go. You. You have them both now together. Okay, cool. You found them both. So I did a lot of digging. I looked up every single one of these names independently. Now, here’s what’s. Here’s what’s which names the people both. I did everything. Okay. I went through all of them. The people I could not really find, which almost, to me, seems like they’ve been scrubbed because they’re listed on, like, kind of, like, I don’t know, sites.
You know, unconventional sites. Not news sites or anything, you know? And a lot of it seems to be scrubbed. There was one guy I actually found, and also the other aspect is some of them have, like, general names, and it’s like, man, it’s kind of hard. But I found this captain George Richard III, who was an optical engineer, and because it was so specific, Pacific, I found this guy, and he has a ton of patents, a whole bunch of them. What? Yes. Wow. Yeah. They don’t seem anything, like, super crazy, but. But, I mean, there’s a whole.
Whole massive list in here. And I was like, what the heck is optical engineering anyway, you know? And optical engineering is a field of engineering encompassing the physical phenomena and technologies associated with the generation, transmission, manipulation, detection, and utilization of light. So, in other words, it’s like you’re essentially trying to utilize light to create energy. To create energy. Yeah. That’s. Which would make sense if they were working or, you know, on these craft, so. And another one was astronomical engineers, which is another term I’ve never heard. What is it? Astronomical engineer. Astronomical. Nautical. Astronautical. Nautical engineer, yeah.
Astronautical engineers work with the science and technology of designing spacecraft and satellites. They specifically handle propulsion systems. Yeah. So a couple of these guys on the list were astronautical engineers, and a couple of them were these, like, optical engineers. And then there was a few other space sciences and all kinds of interesting things like that. And I was like, whoa, this is so cool. But unfortunately, I couldn’t really find much. But I did find information on one of the so called ships, the SSS hill and cotter. Oh, wait. What’d you find, Lindsey? What did you just highlight? Oh, that’s what.
That’s what I. That’s what I just. I just read that basically. Yeah. Manufacturer of spacecraft. The. Yeah, so, I mean, you know, you put. You start. So then you start thinking, okay, if you’re putting all these guys together, that doesn’t look like they’re creating, you know, Navy ships. No, for the Navy. Right. Like, this is specifically dealing with, like, space stuff. So us space Command is already in existence here. So I think we’re literally seeing like that. Gary literally stumbled upon evidence of the secret space program. And that’s when the term solar warden first car started being used to this whole thing.
And one of these ships, the only one that I could find, which I don’t know if I’m saying this right, the hill and cotter. H I l l e n k o e t t e r. It’s. It was one of the ships listed. It was the only one that I could really find some information on. And this. This is the. This is the guy that it’s based on. And, man, he is. His. His. Like, he’s just got so much history, I couldn’t even. I couldn’t even get into everything. But this is what it’s. He’s. It’s based on him.
And supposedly, this was the cigar shaped craft, you know, when he was describing with the two glass ends, or that’s what this ship might have been. Now, this photo says that this is the, um. And it’s like an observation balloon. And this is from the National Geographic. This is like a, you know, some secret photo or anything. This is supposedly on the HMS canon. However, what this cigar shaped thing does look like this. And some people have speculated that it’s not just an observation balloon that this might have actually been the craft. And they launched it from this.
From. From the. From the ship itself. Didn’t look that big, though. You know, that didn’t look that big. Yeah. And, Lindsey, can you click on these rendered images of here and see if she can find it? Yeah, yeah. Click on that. The reported copyright on them. I’ll just click on the website. Yeah, just pull it up. Procedure. Yeah, I mean, you. You could just pull up the website, I was saying. But anyway, so, um, these are all renderings. The. I mean, this isn’t like real photos, but these supposedly, this is saying what this hill and cotter looks like.
And, um, so again, you know, it’s like, this cigar shaped cylinder craft. And, um. And so that looks for, like, observation. They’re having these bubbles, like, those are windows, certainly. Right. Yeah. And it’s hard. And it’s hard to say whether, like, this is, um, you know, aliens or us. Like, what what Gary did confirm, though, like, he fully believes that whether this is us or aliens, the technology actually came from aliens. And he does state that, and he does believe that. So this is, you know, this is all super fascinating. And then, like, talking. And then also, like, he was talking about anti gravity craft.
And the black vault had this amazing article that they got some of these photos that were of various different crafts. And. Lindsey, can you pull this up too? So these were all submitted to the person who runs the black vault. And he confirmed that these were sent to him by military personnel. Now, some of these were published in a magazine. But one thing he noted was that these were not the photos of the magazine itself. That he was sent the actual image of the. Of the actual photos. So he said whoever sent the images into the magazine also sent him to him.
And he was able to confirm certain people that were named who were on these ships, who saw these craft. And he confirmed that. And all throughout that article, he talks about it, that they were. Most of them were taken in 1971. They’re board a Navy submarine. The location was between Iceland and the Atlantic Ocean. And. Yeah, it’s so crazy. And in one instance, he said the submarine came upon the object by accident as they were in the region on a routine military joint and scientific expedition. Wow. Look at that. That’s crazy, that one. Yeah. So there was this admiral that was supposedly there, and then he.
That’s where. And then other people were named. And he, like, looked at the roster sheet and the personnel and confirmed that this person was actually on board that ship during that time. Like, all of this could be very real. I mean the best place to experiment with all of this stuff would be the ocean. Because in the ocean you’d have to make sure that it was completely airtight. And if it’s working in the ocean, it’s going to work in space. And then there’s hundreds and hundreds and thousands of miles of open area where no one’s going to bother you or look into what you’re doing.
That’s exactly it. You can be in the middle of nowhere and in the ocean, you know, no one has any idea what you’re doing. No one’s going to. You’d know when another boat was around and whether or not you can do the test and you’re good. Exactly. And like you said. And that, and they, and that’s not even like hypothetical. They literally will test their, all their like spaceships in there. You know, I mean like NASA, official NASA ships and stuff. They will put them underwater to see if, you know, if anything, if any leaks or anything happens.
And if it stays underwater then it’s like, yeah, okay, we’ll work in space because we don’t want to have any leaks, you know. So um, yeah, so it’s so crazy. And there’s a massive list of like anti gravity crafts but we may have to save that for another time because we’re running out of time. So we could actually do that for a, another day. I was like compiling all this stuff I did. I didn’t know how far. Why don’t we go through a light fast version of it because it was in the email and then we’ll move on.
How about that? That sounds good. Yeah. We can talk a little bit about this. Um, yeah, so, so there’s like now there could be way more. But you know, within the last decade there was about reported twelve different kinds of anti gravity. Good old DARPA. Yep. Death ray and anti gravity. So what makes this so fascinating is that there was a announcement from this physicist, Doctor Brown, or I’m sorry, Doctor John Brandenburg. And they were doing a scientific experiments with essentially with levitation using electromagnetic fields and gravity modification. And their team concluded that they were able to do this.
Now, now this, this doesn’t prove in the report, it doesn’t prove that anti gravity craft exists. What the report does prove is that the physics are there and that they are studying this. So because it one, it could revolutionize our understanding of physics and especially this post on x. Like this guy really breaks it down and the possibilities for space travel and technology. He also says the most striking result reportedly showed 150 milligram weight loss and a coil suspended from a sensitive load cell, meaning that they were actually able to make something levitate. Now, I mean, we’re talking about, like, you know.
Yeah, like 150 milligrams isn’t much of a weight, you know? But when you’re talking about using this whole thing of the. It’s called Einstein wrote, made it, coined the term from it something field. Gosh, the name just. I just forgot the name of it. Anyway, they were doing all these experiments back in the 19 hundreds when Einstein was alive and everything, and I unified field theory. That’s it. And using electro magnetism and changing, literally, the gravity around it. And that’s, like, how you would get levitation. Right? So these scientists kind of came up with this. So kind of, like, getting into, like, the more scientific aspect of that, which is important, because then it kind of opens up more of a broader discussion of, like, well, okay, now, this kind of shows that they’re working on potential anti gravity a device, let’s say.
Well, now, we probably already had this, you know, for a very long time. And they’ve actually listed various different crafts that potentially has anti gravity craft. And, like, we showed a tr three b. You know, I mean, that’s one of the ones that everybody knows. The triangular craft that people are seeing a lot. We have the aurora SR 33 a, and I found out, like, a lot of these have a after them, and a stands for anti gravity. Hmm. Yeah, cool stuff. And there’s. There’s legit on patents for a lot of these, you know, and like I said, we don’t have, like, a lot of time to kind of go into all of this, but, like, the.
The aurora one. Lindsey, can you pull up a photo of this aurora? This is pretty cool. Most of these are kind of, like, triangular aspects to it, but, like, some of. Some people might have actually, you know, seen these things, especially if you’re in the Nevada area or out, like, kind of more out in the middle of California. Like, supposedly this is the aurora. And that first one is obviously a rendering. It’s not a real photo, but this one could be real. It’s hard to say, though. Then Lockheed Martin has the x 33 a, which is real.
That does look real. But, I mean, I don’t know. You know, it could be a real photo. Something superimposed on the real photo. It’s hard to say. You know, I don’t want to claim it’s real, but it has potential to be real. I’ll say that it looks. I mean, the. The shadows and everything in there pretty much work out. Looks generally looks real, you know? Right. Yeah. And once again, it’s on an aircraft carrier, probably in the middle of nowhere. Or they can, like, test these things, you know? So, um, yeah, then Lockheed Martin has this x 33, a military space plane.
I mean, this is, like, kind of. They kind of came out with this a while ago, more of, like a prototype, but then there’s also this x 22 a that’s more of, like, an actual disk. And, Lindsey, if you want to pull that up again, I think this. This photo is most. Well, actually, this might be real. It’s a rendering. This is a rendering. Okay. Most of these are rendering just to show what it. What they are. And there’s a tr three b and a tr three a. There’s the, like, the smaller or something. Well, I think one.
Yeah, one might. One might be smaller, like the tr three. Like, this is the. The pumpkin seed. So this is probably a little bit bigger. And supposedly, this is, like, super fast. And all of these have, like, what’s fascinating, they all have kind of, like, a military name after them, or, like, you know, who was, like, who knew about it? Who was working on it? The Lockheed Martin one is a Colonel Steve Wilson that was supposedly trained on these crafts and piloting them. So that was the pumpkin seed, the one that, like, this nicknamed the pumpkin seed.
And I guess it’s. It’s called that because it’s more of, like, an oval frame. And then we have the typical trip three b, you know, also called the manta ray. I think it’s called the tr three B, but here it’s also called the Astra. So, you know, and then. Yeah, that’s. That’s actually, there’s. This is the official blueprint for this anti gravity craft that you can find on the Google website, which looks exactly like the crap we’ve been seeing in the skies. Yeah. And this hard edges. This is a real photo. Um, from best of my knowledge, it is.
And. Yeah, and then I found this website talking about this shark anti gravity craft helicopter. So. And supposedly, there’s a real photo of this thing. The official name is XH 70 75 D. Shark anti gravity craft helicopter. Why do you need the copter part of it if it’s anti gravity? Well, I guess able or whatever. Yeah. I’m not 100% sure, but it’s not like, a normal helicopter where it’s, like, you know, this thing can, like, fly super fast. And go back to the website. Scroll down, Lindsay. There’s a bunch of photos in there and it even is talking about who, who built this.
There’s a company called Teledyne, Ryan Aeronautical Corporation of San Diego. Supposedly they built this. Is that it looks just pulling up another. There we go. I don’t know. They’re saying they think this is part of this, this helicopter craft, but I don’t know if they would be. I don’t know. And it’s hard to say with this stuff, but. But there, this. Colonel Steve Wilson reported that many of these helicopters were assigned to various missions and to retrieve down UFO crafts. Like, that’s actually the purpose of these specifically and to search for potential extraterrestrial craft. Yeah, that crashed.
So that’s crazy. I think we’ll probably have a whole episode on this anti crap, anti gravity. We really could really. That’s. I mean, it was like, there’s so much to talk about with these. And I just kind of like, you know, went through it pretty quickly. But, yeah, it’s pretty cool. And I think the other, the other difference with that helicopter would be like, imagine like seeing a helicopter making no sound in the sky. Yeah, that’d be weird. And that’s what this would do, you know, even with the, like, the potential propellers. But it would be very, very different from a normal helicopter.
So. Yeah. Well, for those of you watching right now, we’re about to go over to rise tv and yeah, we’re going to leave rumble, Facebook, godjing World, Twitter and everywhere else we’re streaming and head over to rise tv. But be sure to join us because we’re going to be going through the top ten weirder news of the week, which is everyone’s favorite. And we’re going to have a live q and A for you guys. You’re going to get to ask us your questions during that live q and A. And don’t forget that your sports lets us do these deep dives and bring you the truth that the censors don’t want you to hear.
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Welcome to Edge of Wonder, where the weird gets even weirder. You know, out of all the craziest theories out there, none is more fascinating than the idea that giant reptilian beings, serpent people, dracos, lizard people, or more formally, reptoids, could really exist. Yeah, this is one creature that a lot of us have a hard time grasping. Are there really shape shifting lizard beings controlling things behind the scenes or even controlling people? Well, if you said yes to that question, then congratulations. According to an article from the Wire, you’re one of the 12 million people who believe reptilians are not only real, but are even controlling politics.
And if you believe that, then you’re branded a paranoid, raging conspiracy theorist slash lunatic who is dangerous to society. Well, then that is what the would call you if they were secretly being controlled by reptilian aliens. Right? Of course, this poll was taken back in 2013, and a lot’s changed in ten years. Yeah, that 12 million people might have even doubled now. But whether or not you believe in the most extreme theories, the concept of strange reptoid beings ever existing is still a fascinating topic to dig into. So, is this all a giant hoax, or is there actually something, something to this reptilian agenda? Hey, guys.