Panda Cloning Do You Trust Chinese AI? Jungle Walrus Cryptid

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➡ In the Friday Night Live show, host Rob discusses various topics including China’s advancements in artificial intelligence and cloning, a mysterious jungle walrus cryptid, and a Q&A segment. The show also features a top ten weirder news of the week segment, and encourages listeners to leave a five-star rating and review. The host also shares some funny and interesting stories, including a children’s singer clarifying her song’s lyrics, a weather reporter rescuing a woman from a hurricane, and a study on how human emotions can influence DNA.
➡ The text discusses a mysterious creature known as the jungle walrus, which is said to exist in the African jungles despite walruses typically living in Arctic regions. Evidence includes a 1952 account of a native recognizing a walrus from a picture and a mid-1800s petroglyph depicting a walrus-like creature. The jungle walrus is described as being 15 to 18ft long with a massive head, large fangs, a wide back, and a long tail. The text ends with a discussion on whether this creature could be a prehistoric animal based on found fossils.
➡ The article discusses the rapid advancement of Chinese artificial intelligence (AI), with examples like AI-generated videos and music. It highlights concerns about the implications of such technology, especially in the hands of the Chinese government, which could potentially use it for misinformation or even warfare. The article also mentions Chinese tech giants like Baidu and Alibaba, who are developing AI tools and releasing them for public use, raising questions about their motives and potential risks. Lastly, it discusses the possibility of Chinese AI being integrated into electric vehicles, which could pose a national security threat.
➡ The discussion revolves around the potential risks of hacking and surveillance in modern technology, particularly in cars and home security systems. The speakers express concern about the possibility of foreign entities, specifically China, using technology to gain control over American user data and vehicles. They also discuss the potential for privacy breaches through devices like baby monitors and home security cameras. The conversation ends with a discussion about the political response to these threats, with both major U.S. political parties viewing China as a potential security issue.
➡ The White House is taking steps to close trade loopholes with China, particularly those that allow Chinese e-commerce companies to avoid taxes and duties on low-value products. This move could end the era of cheap Chinese goods in the U.S. as these companies have been exploiting the de minimis exemption, which applies to items worth $800 or less. The new rule would deny this exemption for packages from China that should be subject to tariffs, making goods more expensive. This comes amidst concerns about the increase in the number of de minimis shipments from China and the quality and safety of these goods.
➡ Rise TV offers a variety of unique content, including discussions on strange news, interviews, and explorations of mysterious phenomena. They recently discussed the Jersey Devil, a cryptid from New Jersey folklore, and the potential of panda cloning for conservation efforts. Rise TV is a platform free from corporate influence and censorship, supported by subscriptions rather than donations. They encourage viewers to subscribe and join their community for in-depth discussions and exclusive content.
➡ Rise TV offers a variety of content, including a monthly subscription for metaphysical coffee and a free alien races guide. They cover weird news, discuss topics like Mars discoveries, and even explore unusual theories, such as the psychic abilities of octopuses. For instance, they mention an octopus named Paul who accurately predicted soccer match outcomes in the 2010 FIFA World Cup. They also delve into mysteries of the deep sea and potential threats from oil companies.


Hey. Hey, everyone. Welcome to Friday Night Live. Panda cloning. Chinese artificial intelligence in a jungle walrus cryptid. Yeah, jungle walrus cryptid. All this and more on Friday Night Live. With me. Rob counts. As the CCP seeks to compete with american AI advancements, international worries grow about how the communist nation will use it. Do you trust chinese AI? I sure don’t. As recently as 1999, chinese scientists reported they were able to successfully clone pandas. So what other Frankenstein science are they willing to do? Today? During the metaphysical minute tonight, also hear about the mysterious jungle walrus cryptid that shouldn’t survive in that area, but locals swear they’ve seen it.

Sounds like the squawks behind this one. Then in the dig deep live Q and a segment, ask me your questions directly. In the rise tv live chat. Finally, in the fan favorite, top ten weirder news of the week, hear hilarious and intriguing stories like the newest, sexiest Halloween costume this year, an arbitrary, excuse me, an obituary that never should have existed, holograms, Mars discoveries, and something weird found in a coffin that wasn’t your great grandmother. And as always, we’ll see you out on the edge. And if you’re listening to the edge of Wonder podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or elsewhere, please leave us a five star rating and review to help us reach even more people.

And remember to, like, follow and subscribe, if you could, on Rumble Telegram, Ganjing World, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. How you doing? All? You’re probably wondering where Ben is right now. Yeah, Ben’s actually gone to an event. So he. He actually flew through a hurricane, landed. Must have landed in Germany, because for some reason, his Instagram is coming up in German when he was doing his Google search for Ben Chastein. What happened here, Lindsey? I forgot the name of his event, so I just googled Ben and the time period in the event, and then it asked me if I wanted to translate this into English.

I don’t know why it’s in German. I can’t fix it. Maybe next time. Maybe it’s because of all those space nazis that Ben’s been hunting recently. Well, anyway, yeah, he’s. He’s at this event here in Tucson, Arizona, and he plans to deliver a epic presentation on, you guessed it, the bandela effect, which only affects him somehow. Just kidding. Yeah. Should be good, though. I’m actually looking forward to watching that after he’s. After he’s given his presentation. It sounds really fun. Yeah. So we’ve got a lot of fun and weird stuff for you tonight. Actually, before we get into all of that, though, there’s some funny things that we found that we wanted to share with you all.

First is a children’s singer had to come out and officially say that her song doesn’t promote the flat earth because people are misinterpreting her lyrics. You got to see this. Okay, people, let’s address the elephant in the room, or should I say dinosaur in the room? I am not a flat earthere lyrics to we are the dinosaurs are. We make the earth flat earth. Lowercase, like the ground, like dirt. The surface of the spherical planet Earth, as in, we are big, big animals that stomp on the ground and it flattens vegetation and soil. Okay, thanks. Glad we cleared that up.

So, I mean, if you think about it, this song that she has is, like, really popular, right? Like, how many millions of views has this gotten? This particular one has 33 million views. It came out eleven years ago. And this is the line she was talking about. Here you go. We are the dinosaurs one, two, marching. We are the dinosaurs we make the earth flat. We make the earth flat. So I guess it’s not a flat Earther song. Created eleven years ago, much to their dismay. It’s too bad they were so close to having. Comments are now full.

Full of great conspiracy theories, though I’m sure they are, because once you bring up the flat Earth, you’re just welcoming them in, even if you’re trying to avoid it all, you know? Oh, man, that’s rough. Rough for her. Yeah. So also, this is really interesting. A fox weather reporter had to rescue a woman from her car as water was rising in this hurricane. Check this out. So this hurricane, Hurricane Helen. He’s basically delivering news and watch what happens. You gonna play that? Hang on, there’s an ad. We’re waiting for the ad to end, you guys. We’re not gonna let you watch that.

But anyway, I think he was, like, awkwardly out there for a while, had called the police and everything, right? He’s waiting for the police to arrive. The. The water is filling up, this woman’s screaming, and he kind of is like, ah, screw it, and he has to go out and save this woman. Now. We’re about to watch a video of all that. You got to check this out. How many more seconds we got on that ad? Lindsay? 45. Rob, you there? Hello? Yeah, can you hear me? No, it’s still buffering. Give me a few minutes. Okay, that’s fine.

We’ll move on. So anyway, that happened. We’ll show you the video in a second. We’ve also. Can you play this instagram, Lindsey, or do you have to wait for that too? 1990s was a Russian. Check this out. And what they did was they took human DNA, pristine DNA that came from umbilical tissue, and they isolated that DNA, they put it in a suspension, and they had an individual hold that tube. What they found was when that individual was feeling negative feelings, anger, hate, jealousy, rage, fear that that DNA would actually contract, it tighten up like a little knot.

And in the presence of love, compassion, gratitude, appreciation, the DNA would actually relax, so much to the point that it began to unwind, as if it was going to replicate itself. For the DNA to express fully, it has to be relaxed. We’re at our best when we are in love and enjoy nurturing and compassion. This is the first time that human emotion was found to actually be able to influence what it was that was happening in the 19. That’s incredible. Um, who was this gentleman, Lindsey? Is this Joe Dispenza? That’s not Joe Dispenza. No. Who is this? Greg Braddon.

Is that him? Probably. Joe has a lot of cool content like that, but that’s not. Yeah, this is Greg Braddon. Greg Braddon. That’s really fascinating that they proved that. I wonder what interview was he doing in that? I’d like to watch the whole thing if I could. I’ll send you the clip. We’ll find it for another time. Yeah. All right, well, you got this weather report here. Check this out. And he joins us right now from one of the areas around Atlanta. Bob, tell us when we saw you last, there was a lady in that white car behind you, and we could hear her screaming, screaming her head off during your live shot.

And eventually you said, I’ve called 911, but the water was rising and you had to do something. So pick up the story, Steve. It was. I know that we’re swamped here with all the 911 calls because there’s so many high water rescues that we’ve already documented so far, and call 911 and five minutes, ten minutes. And you could hear her screaming, right? You could hear it during my live shot. Real loud. And that’s her car right there. Windshield wipers are still on. Windshield wipers around. I realize I’m with you guys. I’m on the air, but I can’t.

I can’t let it go. I dropped everything and I took my wallet out of my pants and I went in there, waded in about chest deep. That’s the type of guy Bob Van Dylan is. I’ve known Bob for probably 15 years, so don’t be humble, my friend. I was not surprised at all when you took off your gear and on live television said, I’ve got to go do something, Janice. You know how it is. And I was concerned at one that maybe there was a nice swift current, but the current really wasn’t that bad. But the water temperature I was afraid with, too.

The water temperature is probably about 80. So all those things were working pretty nicely now, that being said, the water came up to about my chest, and she was in there, and she was still strapped into her car, and the water is actually rising and getting up into the car itself. So she was about, you know, almost neck deep, submerged in her own car with her husband. What would have happened had you not gone in there? Would. I mean, she would have. It looks like it hasn’t gotten that much. Yeah, I, you know, I don’t know.

I told her, okay, undo your seatbelt. And she undid her seatbelt, and I said, let me have your phone, let me have your bags, and then put on my back. And then we walked in. So she. She looked pretty young, huh? Like she couldn’t have been over. I mean, it looked like she was like 17 or something. Or 18 young girl. But it would freak me out. Well, yeah, yeah. I mean, being stuck like that and not knowing what to do or, you know, and not knowing. Maybe she didn’t know how to swim or something either.

So, like, there’s that. And she was, like, freaked out. I mean, sitting in her car with her windshield wipers on. Yeah, that was a job. Windshield wipers were not going to help very much in a hurricane, but, you know, you had to try to do something. So switching them on, probably your only move, I guess. Yeah. Well, anyway, we’re about to get into the metaphysical minute. Check this out. All right, so you ever heard of a jungle walrus? It’s a cryptid that probably shouldn’t exist. Okay, so there are two main types of regular walruses, and they both live in the Arctic.

Yeah. So in the ice covered northern waters of Canada, Greenland, Norway, and Russia, or in the wide range between Russia and Alaska. That’s where the majority of them are. The weird thing is, a walrus cryptid has been seen, get this, in the jungles of Africa. So here’s an account from a 1952 book. A pygmy who lived in the forest of the Democratic Republic of the Congo met with John, a hunter who is a big game hunter. So I guess his name was, you know, pretty appropriate. Anyway, when hunter showed the native a picture of a walrus.

The man thought he recognized it as the savage. Listen to this. The savage nocturnal beast that lived in the deepest parts of the forest. So Hunter thought the man was just trying to please him and that the jungle walrus couldn’t possibly exist, of course, because, like, what are you going to think of that? Right, okay, so Brackfontein Ridge, South Africa. I may have mispronounced that. There’s a petroglyph from probably the mid 18 hundreds showing a walrus. Now, the petroglyph was copied into the books in the mid 18 hundreds, which I’m going to show you right, right here.

And, yeah, I mean, there’s some interesting animals on here, like this weird long stringy thing at the top, or like snake like thing, and then those two little arms below it where it looks like he’s doing snake push ups. That’s weird. Uh, that the only thing that looks normal here is that animal right underneath it. But then, you know, there’s the telltale guy doing sit ups right underneath him. He’s crunching hard. There you go, that’s him. Uh, guy to the left is kind of weird. And then there’s this. Look at that, this walrus thing right over there.

Now was that in the beach in the forest? I don’t know, but it’s kind of weird. Like I’m, I’m thinking this is a land animal according to what they’re showing here. I mean, look how long the tail is too. It’s sitting on a deer. Look at that. Yeah, that’s really weird. Well, look at this. Guy above him stepped on a deer’s head. That looks like a, like a porcupine or something does. It’s like a massive porcupine. Huge. And humans are tiny in comparison to these beasts. Yeah. Geez. All right, so basically the only difference between a normal walrus and this one is that it had that long tail that I just, we just pointed out.

The other animals around it could potentially also be cryptids, we’re not really sure. So there are various jungle walruses given different names by the native african people, but they could be other kinds of cryptids because they’re usually described as more cat like, not walrus like. All right, now, in the 1959 book description, this is what they’re claiming. 15 to 18ft long with a massive head shaped like that of an otter. Two large fangs as thick as walrus teeth descending from the upper jaw, its back as wide as a male hippo, yet scaled distinctly like an armadillo.

And I could also, and I could see also why my lumbwa native helpers had spoken of a leopard’s body. For the light reflected on the skyd scales in that cat’s colors. Idly, it switched a broad tail. That’s a re. This is a really weird description. Now, normal walruses, just for comparison, can weigh over a ton and a half or 1500 kilograms. So how massive were these jungle walruses? We might have to do a whole episode on this because there’s a lot more to talk about. Like maybe they migrated into the water and became more peace loving.

Like, they’re like the dogs of the sea walruses. They’re really sweet seals, actually, no, seals are more like dogs. But that pygmy was saying this was some sort of nocturnal beast, right? Yeah, jungle beast. Like a terrifying. What exactly did he say? What was his quote? He said, savage nocturnal beast. Yeah, it sounds like. Recognize it as the savage nocturnal beast that lived in the deepest parts of the forest. That sounds terrifying. So mainstream science jungle. What’s that? If I saw that in the jungle. Yeah, you’d run. Imagine if that thing was, like, flipping towards you in the.

Or, like, fluttering towards you in the jungle. I wonder if it’s fast. Like, you know, it doesn’t have legs. Like, it must be easy to get away from. It must be partially water sort of creature because it’s in the jungle and there is water there. Yeah, maybe it comes out of the lake or something, you know, or like one of the, like, streams or something. But it sounds like jungle walruses were said to be like a water leopard, a water lionde. This is a water walrus thing. Water demon. So mainstream science has recently tried to explain the drawing as people guessing what a.

What is this word dick Noidan looked like after they found fossils with tusks. But those don’t look like the same thing to me. What do you guys think? Check this out. Cyanodont. Let me dice. Yeah, there’s no photo, right? Well, not of the real thing because it’s prehistoric. Right? That doesn’t look anything like a seal, bro. That is not a. That does not look like a seal at all. Looks like a hippo. Looks like a hippo. Maybe that is it. But the. The teeth are not long on this thing, you know? I don’t think that’s the same thing.

No. Pretty interesting animal, though. Can you imagine what it would be like to just, like, go back to that time when all of these animals were roaming the earth just to, like, see what they looked like, you know, must have been fascinating from afar. Is that an option? Yeah, you’d have to view it on the chronovisor. I don’t have to have that flapping toward me. Yeah, no, that’s. That’s a. That’s a nightmare. That’s a nightmare right there. Well, you guys, everyone knows we’re in volatile times right now. With digital currencies on the rise. There’s $35 trillion of national debt, and inflation is at a 40 year high.

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Some say that he was also the world’s first vampire, Dracula. But is it all just a batting tale, or are the movies talking about something real? Find out in part one of Edge of Wonders Halloween series, Vlad the Impaler and Dracula. You know, one of my favorite digs that we’ve done since we’ve been here doing Edge of wonder, was our dig on Vlad the Impaler. And all of the craziness revolved around that, how that royal family was involved with all kinds of secret societies. Honestly, it was one of those stories where after you dig and you look at everything, you’re pretty much convinced that Bram Stoker’s Dracula was a documentary or was a nonfiction account of something that happened.

And if you haven’t seen this, it’s a banger. You should totally check that out. And all you have to do is subscribe to rise tv. You’ll get access to our, all of our video, like our whole video platform, which has almost a thousand videos. You will not be bored on Rise tv, and you’ll get to support our work, which helps us keep the lights on and keep doing this important work. Honestly, it might sound kind of cheesy, but we feel like this, like everything we’re doing is actually incredibly important for humanity because somebody needs to be documenting this stuff as humanity moves forward and actually getting the true story and true history out of what’s really gone on with us.

Why? So that we can all open our minds more to this stuff. Because there’s been a lot that’s been hidden. And rise tv has been untying knots for as long as we’ve been around. And we could use your help. So if you can definitely think about subscribing and anyway, on with our show. Yeah. So, all right, I want you guys to engage here and let me know what you think. Do you guys. I already know what you’re going to say, but do you guys trust chinese AI? The chinese AI situation is pretty crazy. Yeah. So about a week ago, the youtuber, I’m sure you guys have heard of him, pewdiepie.

Now, I think he calls himself Pewdiepie pie. Come on. You just want to say Pewdiepie right way. It’s spelled. He shared a video called the chinese AI situation is crazy now. All right, he tested AI video programs made by the Chinese. So he’s testing these programs. The AI can take your photo and make it into videos. So it actually takes a snapshot of your photo, and then it creates an entire narrative around the photo and creates, look it like a story around your photo. This is what the AI is doing. I mean, I don’t even know if this guy has that tattoo, but it gave him one.

And what the heck was that thing he was holding? Was it like a jellyfish sandwich? I think he had it. He uploaded his photo and then he had. He asked it to do these things like make me sexy, make me eat a fish, extend the video by 5 seconds. Now he’s writing and breaks his neck. He’s going to smile and it’s going to crack. Ouch. Look at that. Look at his nose. He looks like a Smurf. He looked like an emo smurf. Jumps into a pool. Interesting. That’s. I mean, that’s pretty fast if you think about how fast it’s doing that.

Like, I don’t know if we’re. If we’re watching a real time. Thank you. I think we are. If the engine is working that fast, that’s incredibly fast. That’s pretty good. As ridiculous as it looks. Yeah. I mean, obviously, there’s a lot of accuracy that the AI could improve on, but the fact that it renders it that fast is, like, scary incredible. Okay, so he was saying, basically, and you saw that there, you can add prompts to make the video do whatever you want. He also tested out AI generated music. He said, I’m asking, oh, wait, did he say this? Oh, yeah.

So he’s asking, what are the implications of AI getting this good, especially in the hands of the CCP leadership? I mean, really, they could fake anything, right? So this is where it kind of gets interesting here. Well, actually, before we get into that, you got to see Friggin will smith eating pasta. This is ridiculous. Did you guys see this yet? One sec, but, yeah, like, that AI is getting, like, really, really advanced, you know? So, yeah, we like this week, actually, as I was, like, on Instagram, you know, throughout the day, sometimes I’ll get on, I’ll just look for interesting stuff or interesting leads or just funny stuff, and all of a sudden, a yemenite, um, clip of Will Smith pops up, and I’m like, huh? And it’s him eating pasta.

It’s the most disturbing, ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. Like, what is going on here? Is this it? This is from 2023? Yeah, this is 2023. There’s another one. These are 2024. Look at the way he’s eating. Are these real? No, these are AI. Dude, that looks just like him. I know. Wow. Did he respond? Like a vacuum cleaner. There was others, too. Like, I saw one where he was, like, eating, like, it was, like, tomato sauce with the pasta, and it was, like, just streaming out of his mouth, and it was doing all of this bizarre stuff, but it was getting, like, a lot more realistic.

You know, it’s just still completely out of control, like, what the AI does. I wonder if this. I wonder why will smith eating pasta, though, is the thing. Everybody goes to, like, look at that. Must have trended once, and then. Yeah, like a fur coat of, like, meatballs. Wow, these are funny. These are great. Weird, man. That’s so weird. Okay, well, in August of 2024, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace wrote how Beijing’s AI safety concerns are higher on the priority list, but they remain tied up in geopolitical competition and technical advancement. Now, if you’re confused what that means, we’ll get into it in a sec.

But despite. Listen to this. Despite the growing salience of safety concerns, China’s leaders remain just as, if not more, worried about falling further behind the United States and advanced AI. When discussing AI policy, scholars and policy advisors often invoke a long standing CCP turn of phrase. Quote, falling to development is the greatest threat to security. Failing to develop. Failing to develop, my badlandhouse. Failing to develop is the greatest threat to security. So failing to develop their AI could be the greatest threat to their security. So this ensures that catching up in AI capabilities remains a top CCP priority.

But the shifting attitudes toward frontier AI risks means that work on safety will likely rise in tandem. I mean, come on, really? Will it? No, it won’t. Why? Because they’re in an AI cold war right now. That’s what’s going on. If the Chinese don’t develop AI, they’re falling behind the United States. And everyone is using this potentially as a weapon to invade other countries and pull data and all kinds of things. So if the Chinese don’t keep developing this AI, they’re going to fall behind the United States and behind this, like, this quiet war that is going on of technology, which, I mean, all of the technology that we have, without exception, wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for war, if it wasn’t for governments trying to protect themselves.

And so whatever we’re seeing here is, of course, behind whatever is actually being developed. So we can probably guess that, yeah, that AI is a lot more advanced than we think. But it’s, I mean, all this stuff is, is going 100 miles a day, you know, and it’s kind of funny. It’s like, I mean, they’re not going to stop. Like, even if there were rules about stopping AI, they’re not going to stop because they need to protect themselves. This is what they want. So what exactly are they up to with AI? China wants to challenge the US in AI, of course.

Here’s what the chinese giants are doing with the tech. All right, now check this out. Baidu, one of China’s biggest Internet companies, made Ernie bot a chatbot to rival OpenAI’s chat GPT. Baidu says it has 3 million users already. Alibaba launched Quen, which has several versions that can carry out different tasks. For example, one model is focused on creating content or solving math problems. Another can understand audio inputs and give text outputs. Some of these are open source, in fact. Okay, so China’s Alibaba. Now check this article out. China’s Alibaba launches over 100 new open source AI models, releases text to video generational tool.

So Alibaba put out the code for over 100 AI models for anyone, for free. So you got to ask why? By open sourcing the models, Alibaba hopes more users will use its AI. Of course. And, yeah, I mean, I definitely don’t trust chinese AI. Like, no. So, a text to video tool allows you to input a prompt, and the AI will create a video based on it, which is what we just saw with PewDiePie. Right. Opendoo. This is similar to OpenAI Sora, if you’re familiar with that. Now, I think that’s basically what we were seeing with this pewdiebuy experiment.

Now, quen 2.5 is used for all sorts of sectors, from automobiles to gaming and science research. Now, speaking of automobiles, the US warns it could ban connected chinese electric vehicles. Vehicles? Yeah, I mean, chinese software and hardware could be in or connected to electric vehicles all over America. I mean, think about it. That’s where most of this stuff is being developed anyway, right? So, obviously, this is a serious national security concern, because if the software can be accessed remotely, which, you know, that they’re. That’s what they’re up to, that’s what the CCP would do. Back doors into all that stuff.

That would actually put the CCP in control of our electric cars at any given time. So here’s some questions to actually discuss, and I want to know what you guys think. Just definitely let me know in the comments here. Could they make cars stop working? Probably, yes. Could they build weaponry or d. Or denotation devices into the tech? I mean, based off of what we were seeing with Hezbollah, probably, yes. Could they remotely control the cars, causing them to crash block roads or go to certain. Or go to a certain location? Yeah, that could be a directive.

All right. Now, if they tracked users location information, recorded conversations inside the car and more, what could they do with the information? I mean, there’s no. There’s kind of no limit. I mean, that’s blackmail stuff right there. Fuel for it. Right? Okay. What could AI do with the control of an american car or with access to american user data? These are all questions I’m asking. Lindsay, what do you think about this? Well, could they make cars stop working? Yeah, I think so. Because if you just build that into the car from the beginning, you could. You can make a remote control car.

You could make. It’s built with explosives inside it. You could make it drive where you wanted it to, potentially. I don’t think these are very difficult. We can put a rover on Mars. You think they can’t make a car that can get packed and do what they want it to do? I think. I think it’s pretty clear why both sides of the political aisle think this is a national security issue. Well, you know what it reminds me of is it was either last week or the week before, we were talking about how Apple found that the iPhone had an extra chip that was inserted into it by the chinese.

I mean, it was a microscopic chip. Right? So they could do this with any of the electric automobiles. And who do we have driving electric automobiles? Honestly, a lot of them are early adopters. Right. And the early adopters are people, a lot of times, that have more wealth. So these are wealthy people or upper middle class to upper class people who are driving around in Teslas because they have the dough to put down on those cars. And if the Chinese found a way to hack their way in with some chip that you don’t even know is there or that Tesla or any of these automobile companies have not noticed.

We don’t know what those chips are capable of or what they could do or what they could potentially detonate or lead to or just take over. We don’t know. And, I mean, the chinese have a really, really big hacker army. There’s ways to figure this stuff out. Hacking is not. Don’t think it’s that hard now with Elon Musk and Tesla, they’re pretty good about finding a lot of that stuff. And if they. If they did, they would probably figure out how to turn it off or something. But I don’t think. I think that when we’re talking about.

When we’re talking about surveillance material, recording and or video, those things are open. If you know how to hack into where that data is going, you could access anyone’s car to see that data there. I’ve heard there are servers that hackers can go on where they can just go and hack and go into anyone’s home and see what’s going on in their home through one of those ring video cameras that they have. That’s pretty creepy. Anyone can access that information. It’s all on the Internet somewhere. It’s all being uploaded somewhere. Or is one with the cloud, right? Like, here’s.

Here’s an article right here. Can your baby monitor be hacked? The answer is yes, because they can. It’s like, not even. I don’t even think it’s that hard. You know, I have some friends who install systems for homes, and they showed me how easy. It was on the backend to. They didn’t do it, but they showed me where all of it was, and they were like, if I clicked on any of these, you’d see into people’s homes. And I was like, what? It was crazy. So you’re just trusting that the people who have access to this information are going to be responsible with it? Well, exactly.

It’s like, hopefully those people have lives and they’re, like, working and they’re honest people. But can you count on everyone being an honest person? I don’t think so. I mean, I think you have to understand, like, what you’re doing when you put a video camera in your house. You know, there’s probably ways that even if that video camera is not hooked up into the Internet, that there’s technology that can still access that stuff, right? I mean, who’s to say there isn’t? Yeah, it’s pretty good. There were a bunch of celebrity, like, nude photos that were leaked something like 2014, where their private photos were put on, like, four chan or somewhere, and they used the cloud people leaked it because they hacked these people’s private phones.

Right. Like, into people’s. Right into people’s iclouds account accounts or whatever. Yeah. I mean, if they knew what their email address was, and then they just kept trying passwords until they broke in, they could have access to their photos, and then it’s pretty much all over after that. Right. That was like. That was like when. When a bunch of people like Jennifer Lawrence were affected by that and stuff. I think it’s terrible. Yeah, it sucks. I mean, people’s privacy should remain private. I don’t want to know what people are doing, honestly, I don’t. It’s like, it’s a cesspool out there right now, you know, look at all this stuff coming out with, like, you know, diddy.

It’s like, I just. Dude, crazy, right? Like, who knows what these people are doing? Got any good news, though, Rob? Um, well, China. No, not really. I mean, what is a. What is good news here? What do you think is good news? Do you think? What do you think, Lindsey? Well, I found one article that talks about demand in China is slowing down and that an increase in local rivalry is making their market kind of volatile. And electric vehicle makers from China have flooded into Europe. So the European Union seems like they’re going to be imposing high tariffs on China’s electric vehicles, but they’re still kind of working with China so that they can compromise, and China’s threatening to retaliate.

With their own trade, things like brandy, pork and dairy they export to the EU. So it might be good news we’ll have to see. But I think it’s kind of a good thing when China is prevented from expanding into every single market without control. Yeah, I agree with that. Yep. And I think any country that wants to protect themselves need to be very careful with on the China issue. You know, like, this is. They’re not friendlies, you know, like, we all know that. It’s. We don’t have to be naive, honestly. The fact that China is trading as much as they are with everyone in the entire world is, like, kind of terrifying because of how they treat their people.

You know, it’s. You cannot expect, you can’t expect them to not try to put chips into everything and infiltrate every accent, every, every possible part of our lives, you know, so surveillance on their own people, and they’re putting their own people into camps just for meditating and those kinds of things. Then what are they going to do when they reach the whole world? Right? And why are they surveilling everyone if not to take everything over like a Chinese? Communism is like ungoliant from Lotr, from Lord of the Rings. Ungoliant was this, like this, like, spider thing.

No one knew where it came from in, even in the lore of Lord of the Rings. And it would consume and grow. It would just consume things and it would grow and it would just, like, eat anything and everything. And as it kept growing and eating, it got more and more hungry until finally it had devoured, like, light, basically, the light and the moon itself of the time, kind of like that. There were these trees that it had. And then after that, it had disappeared. And it said that it got so hungry that it ate itself, which is what’s going to happen to communism, by the way, on the planet.

But the idea here is, and why I’m making that association is because there is no move for communism to make other tin to expand, because everything is always a threat to communism. Everything is always trying to destroy communism because it doesn’t even. Doesn’t even jive with, like, human thinking at all. This whole, I mean, just think about how many people have died because of communism. It’s ridiculous. So I think that we would be naive to think that they’re not trying to constantly break into all facets of our life. Now, China’s AI firms are pretty cleverly innovating around chip bans.

Chinese companies like, uh, ZTE corporation have also tried to buy american made components such as those from Qualcomm. But both political parties see this as a security issue. Like, these people can’t work together for obvious reasons. So Trump blocked their ability when he was in office, and he raised tariffs against chinese goods. China was a big market for semiconductor products from Qualcomm. Recently, the Biden administration planned for a very aggressive rules on data security with chinese electric vehicles. So, yeah, I mean, surprisingly, both parties are pretty much on the same page. That China is dangerous. Right? Yeah.

And the White House. The White House is also moving to close trade loopholes with China, which is pretty good. Cheap e commerce from China may be on its way out of. And there’s this, like, whole White House statement on this entire thing right here. So, fact sheet. Biden Harris administration announces new actions to protect american consumers, workers, and businesses by cracking down on diminimis shipments with unsafe, unfairly traded products. That’s basically like a way they got around heavy. I think it’s like taxation when they, when they send products to America, they were claiming it’s covered under de minimis shipments.

And I think that means, like, small, small items. I like the mini me is better. Yeah, we got this reel that covers it pretty well, too. You want to watch this? Yeah, check this out. Days of cheap prices from chinese e commerce companies is likely coming to an end. The White House is moving to close a trade loophole being used by chinese online marketplace places like Xi’an and Temu, which will possibly eliminate the ability of these companies to sell at their significantly reduced prices. Now, Xi’an and Temu and other chinese e commerce companies, they’ve been avoiding duties and taxes normally levied on chinese imports by selling and shipping to the United States low value products under the de minimis exemption, that applied to items that were worth $800 or less.

And it wasn’t just duty or taxes. This exemption, this loophole also allowed these packages to come in with less scrutiny than usual. And this became notably a major problem, as, according to the White House, the number of de minimis shipments exploded over the last ten years, from approximately 140 million a year to over 1 billion a year. And now the White House is looking to close this loophole. It’s proposing a new rule to deny the de minimis exemption on packages coming from China that would otherwise be subject to tariffs. One example is clothing. Approximately 70% of textile and apparel imports from China are actually subject to tariffs under section 301 of the 1974 Trade act.

However, chinese e commerce companies like Xi and Temu allegedly have been avoiding these tariffs by claiming de minimis and under these new rules, chinese text on apparel goods would no longer be eligible for that exemption. Now, with that, the days of cheap prices from China could be coming to an end. Yeah, that’s the thing, is, you know, you slap tariffs on that, and then all of these. These inexpensive goods now become way more expensive, which seems to be a trend anyway. With inflation, it’s like everybody’s getting bled out. Did you know, I was watching this clip the other day, Lindsey, that was showing that the reason why everybody says that there’s only 2.3% increase is because they’re only looking at a comparison between this year and 2023.

But if you actually do a comparison, uh, in. In inflation. So in, like, prices and, like, prices and inflation, basically. So the reason why they. They keep saying it’s like, 2.3%, it’s not that bad. And all this stuff, it’s. They’re comparing it to 2023, but if you. If you compare it to 2020, it’s a 20%, 20% increase. So the reason why, you know, it feels like no matter how much you make, you can’t make enough anymore. You know, it’s like we keep trying to, like, tighten our belts and not spend as much, but then you’re still somehow spending way more.

Everything has just gotten more expensive since 2020. It’s really crazy. And, like, yeah, so that’s, you know, it’s not good that we have to spend more, but then, at the same time, chinese goods are not good in general. I think a lot of that industry, you know. Yeah, it probably should come back. I was having a conversation with someone the other day about this, like, a deep, philosophical conversation about how we or America could, like, take care of itself, basically create all of the goods, all of the oil comes from our country, all of that stuff.

It’s one of the few countries that can actually completely take care of itself, could quarantine itself off from everyone else and still be able to have everything that the entire world has access to right now. Other countries only have, like, the ability to manufacture some of it. America has the ability to manufacture everything, whether it be agricultural oil. We have minerals, precious minerals. Like, probably a lot of people didn’t know this, but, like, most of the silicon in the world comes from America. So, you know, there’s. Yeah, America is a pretty interesting place. We could manufacture and do everything here in house, but, yes, it would affect things for several years, as all of that was getting redone, could be five or more years, you know, uncomfortable where everyone is, like, really, really tightening their belts.

But, you know, hey, we’ll see what happens with all of that. Okay? Yes. Lawmakers. Lawmakers. Activists seek to put China on a no travel list over arbitrary detention risks. So lawmakers and families of detained Americans in China. Yeah, detained Americans in China. They’re calling for the United States to raise its travel warning for the country to the highest level over fears of arbitrary arrests on chinese so soil. Arbitrary. Meaning there doesn’t. Doesn’t really make sense. No one really knows why these people are being put away. So nobody is safe in China? Nobody. Peter Humphrey, a former british journalist and fraud investigator who was locked up in China for nearly two years on charges of illegally gathering the personal information of chinese nationals, told a September 18 congressional hearing.

I mean, what was it like for this dude in prison? Seriously? Two years? That must have been awful. The hearing featured four Americans whose family members spent eight years or more in jail in communist China, a longstanding issue that has now garnered new attention with the release of David Lin, a China born naturalized american pastor who was kept in jail by the Chinese Communist Party for 18 years. For what? For being a Christian. Give me a break, dude. The State Department currently advises Americans to reconsider traveling to China, the level three warning, citing arbitrary enforcement of local laws that has resulted in individuals being barred from leaving China and people being detained on wrongful charges.

Now, Beijing has held more Americans as prisoners than any other nation in the world. More than 200 Americans in China are under detention, exit bans, or other forms of coercive measures. This is serious. How are we not hearing about this? The american public? I’ve not heard any news organizations really mention this. This is crazy. Like, imagine going to China. You’re just minding your own business, you’re doing something, and you just get put in jail almost. For almost no reason. And you can’t go back home for two years. For eight years, and they’re treating you like dirt.

In China, in a chinese prison. I can’t even imagine. Gosh, the trauma from that. I cannot imagine what that would be like. That’s so crazy. What do you think about that, Lindsey? Look at this sub headline. The family of one American says she was tricked into traveling to China for a cash prize that turned out to be a designer bag with illicit drugs in the lining. Why? They were trying to smuggle it into the US. Like, why? That’s weird, right? I don’t know where else to frame her for having drugs. No idea. Because these are arbitrary detentions.

So I think they’re trying to come up with strange reasons. To imprison certain people. Yeah, but. So it’s just saying one American. So what was this? What was she doing? Like, what was her work? And, like, was she close? Like, was she doing work on China in her normal work and they brought her over there to. To detain her for some reason. I would never go to China. Would you? I would never go to China. I’m on a list there for sure. I think we’re all on a list if we’re talking at all about their crimes because we care about the chinese people and they’re persecuting them.

Yeah. Yeah. That is so crazy, dude. All right, well, you guys, before we talk about panda cloning, which we’re going to get to in a second, I wanted to remind you that you can now get our free alien races guide, which I illustrated myself, actually, at rise tv forward slash alien races, by entering your email. If you already get our emails and want the guide, you can just enter your email again via the double opt in option. So again, if you’re already a subscriber, you can definitely use the double opt in to get the. The alien guide.

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What has who? A goat’s head, bat wings, and a forked tail. It’s the Jersey devil, the mysterious cryptid that haunts the forests and skies of New Jersey. But this beast has a story beyond legend. Locals actually claim to be descendants of the original Jersey devil. What unexplained, explainable things have happened that would convince anyone this creature is lurking in the shadows? Why were Ben Franklin and Teddy Roosevelt part of the story? What kind of devilish winged lizard beings are really hiding out in the cosmos? Are all claims of the Jersey devil just a hoax? Its time to crack open the edge files and pull out one of our most classified cases yet.

As we ask, is this flying fiend real? Find out all about it in tales of the cryptids, episode two the Jersey Devil. Only on edgeofwonder tv. And story of the Jersey devil is a bizarre one. Uh, yeah, we’ve covered tons and tons of cryptids over on rise tv, tried to understand, uh, more about these urban legends, whether there’s any truth to them. And why, why are there things out there that we can’t explain? Um, and why is no one talking about them, really? I mean, of course there’s a lot of people out there talking about them, but I mean, in mainstream, it’s really looked down on dimension, these things as if you’re crazy to talk about them.

And yet there’s sightings every day, all the time, strange phenomena. And I think we should get to the bottom of it. Yeah, so we do. We on Rise tv, we try to look into these things, find the root of the issue when all of this stuff started and we go through all of the information so you don’t have to look it up yourself. So it’s pretty convenient to have access to rise tv if you can support our work. Again, just $12.99 a month. And, and, or, you know, there’s a subscription tier now for to get a bag of metaphysical coffee.

So you can actually do that, can’t you, Lindsay? You can. I believe it’s $29.99 to get. It’s a bag of coffee every month, a rise tv subscription and chatting with all of us. Yeah, it’s a higher tier of subscription. So anyway, you guys, let’s get into panda cloning, all right? Yeah, what started us on this topic again? So scientists have just turned giant panda skin cells into stem cells. So giant panda skin cells into stem cells. Now there’s a new way to conserve pandas. You convert their skin cells into stem cells. Now, these, in theory, can then be turned into any cell type in the body, including reproductive cells for breeding.

Because, you know, pandas have such a hard time breeding. We’ve gone over that in our pandas aren’t real episode on metaphysical YouTube channel. After collecting the cells, the team bathed them in a chemical soup to help the cells grow and divide a few additional genes transform them into giant panda IPSC’s. Is there, like a way to say that without saying all of the letters? Probably not. Anyway, the clones were very beautiful. We were so excited, Liu told the scientist. Now, panda info. Pandas are mostly artificially inseminated now. They are really bad at having sex, actually, and there are very few pandas in the world anyway, so it’s just easier for them to take care of it in another way.

The claim is that they’re endangered, so tinkering with their genetics is a good thing. I would never say that that’s true, but this is what they think. But what else could panda cloning research be used for? Ever seen attack of the Clone Star wars? Right? Yes. Basically what they’ll do is they will clone Emperor Palpatine so many times that he just never goes away in the Star wars universe. Seriously. Well, anyway, this is being presented as a new thing for conservation effort efforts. But what if the history of panda cloning and cloning tech in general goes back a lot further? Yes.

June 20. June 22, 1999. The New York Times report. It says chinese scientists try to clone giant panda. So this was back as far as 1999. July 30, 1999. There was Dolly, too. So I guess they did it again. Or this was the second time they tried. And the 2002 report in people’s Daily, a CCP controlled newspaper, it says chinese scientists successfully cloned a panda. You can see that right here. And here’s a quote. Chinese scientists have successfully developed, developed an embryo of a giant panda using clone technology, which could be a critical and exciting breakthrough for serving and or, excuse me, for saving an endangered species.

The three core technologies are, firstly, introduce the cells of a dead female panda into the egg cells of a white rabbit then nurture the embryo. Finally clone, said the scientists. So they’re using rabbits for this, which is kind of weird. The former two technologies have been successfully developed. It said it’s hard to do, but chinese scientists are engaged in the research. Despite the difficulty, scientists believe it is possible and hope to solve the problem as soon as possible. Yeah, they’ve been knee deep in this for a while. You can see in 2010, China Daily report, also a CCP controlled newspaper.

Scientists on a mission to clone endangered pandas. There you go. See that? What is that thing? Oh, that is a panda. Underneath that panda, I was like, what is that? Yeah, it’s a baby. All right. In 2015, the independent report giant pandas at Edinburgh Zoo could be cloned and bid to save species. Conservation groups have warned that cloning is not a long term solution to ecological challenges and said cloned animals often suffer health problems growing up, one of the scientists on the panda team also helped to clone Dolly the sheep, who had been euthanized at the age of six because of health problems.

So these cloned beings are not lasting as long as a normally bred animal. I mean, if that’s not a sign, I don’t know what else is. Okay, so more articles over the years. Panda cloning faces last hurdles. A BBC article. Yeah. And then finally, um, researchers say, panda cloning worth the risk. Well, anyway, uh, the take home here is that cloning pursuits have been going on for a long time. And if they’re studying stem cells, pandas and cloning from at least 1999, then where are they at with the tech today? In 20, 24, 25 years later? Yeah.

Oh, man. Well, let’s see. They got probably pretty far, right? 25 years they’ve had to develop this cloning tech to be better. I mean, I think they’ve just not been telling, like, I don’t. I think a lot of this stuff, they only put articles out there to distract from what’s really going on. I think everything that we know about cloning is probably the tip of a massive, bigger iceberg. There’s so many reasons to study regenerating cells and. And people I’m talking about for military reasons, right? I mean, you could grow arms of soldiers that had lost their arms and reconnect them, or.

I mean, that sounds crazy, but seriously, you know, there’s so much stuff that you could do with that research. So I feel like anything that they’re telling us is just surface level, and there’s so much more going on. There has to be. Well, anyway, you guys, if you’re watching right now. Thanks for being with us. We’re about to leave rumble, Facebook, gunjing world, Twitter, and everywhere else we’re streaming and head over to rise tv. You’re going to get to ask us your questions during the live Q and A. And don’t forget that your support lets us do these deep dives and bring you the truth that the censors just don’t want you to hear.

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Now check out this trailer and then join us on Rise TV. You guys, thanks for being with us. What if I told you that octopuses are so smart, they may even have extra sensory abilities? That’s right. I’m talking about a psychic octopus. That sounds like a terrible b horror movie. What’s happening? It’s a huge split. It’s got glidereghouse. In 2010, during the FIFA World cup at South Africa, an octopus in Germany correctly predicted the outcomes for all seven of the german team’s soccer matches. But he also picked Spain to win the final against the Netherlands, the octopus, who was named Paul.

Who names an octopus Paul? This octopus, this Paul indicated his favored teams by choosing between food and glass cases containing flags of two opposing teams. You’ve heard about Cthulhu and the Kraken. You’ve wondered about superpowers in the occult. You’ve seen movies and tv shows reveal truths that that even they may not have realized is a cephalopod takeover on the horizon. Are eels interdimensional? Have reckless oil companies unleashed an evil on the world that they don’t want you to know about? Join Edge of wonder for a deep dive into the cryptids of the abyss.


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