Strange 20-Foot Creature Filmed More Cryptid Sightings

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➡ In a live show, hosts Ben Chastene and Rob Counts discuss strange creatures and monsters, including a 20-foot creature spotted on a Colorado mountain and a werewolf-like creature caught on camera in a Texas zoo. They also mention other cryptid sightings and explore the possibility of their existence. The show ends with a live Q&A and a meditation prayer. The hosts also encourage listeners to rate and review their podcast and engage with them on various social media platforms.
➡ A strange image was captured that appears to show a large, human-like figure, possibly an alien or cryptid, in the Colorado mountains. The figure’s anatomy seems eerily human, but its size suggests it could be around 20 feet tall. There have been other unusual sightings in the area, including Bigfoot and other cryptids. The image has sparked a lot of discussion and speculation, with hopes of capturing the same image again for further investigation.
➡ The text is about a group discussing their experiences with the paranormal, including ghosts and aliens. They share personal stories, such as strange occurrences in a house believed to be haunted and a mysterious video taken in the woods. They also talk about their interest in researching these phenomena and mention a local Bigfoot conference. They appreciate their supporters and consider using ghost hunting equipment in the future.
➡ The text talks about a secret facility in the Nevada desert, known as Project Asylum, where the government allegedly contains and studies creatures from urban legends, such as Bigfoot, Wendigos, and Mothman. The author describes seeing various creatures in containment cells, including a large humanoid creature with the ability to manipulate shadows. The author suggests that these creatures could potentially be weaponized, sparking a discussion about the implications of such actions.
➡ The speaker discusses the Dover demon, a creature that’s around 3 to 4 feet tall, and speculates that it might be the result of alien experiments with human DNA. They also mention the possibility of technology being used to contain such creatures, referencing scenes from X-Men and Deadpool. The speaker then talks about their personal experiences with similar beings in visions and dreams. They also mention a guide to alien races they’ve created, and a discussion about the Jersey Devil, a cryptid from New Jersey. They end by mentioning a mysterious creature spotted in Texas, known as the Wolf Man.
➡ A mysterious figure has been spotted, resembling ancient cave drawings found in the Amazon and rock art in Columbia. These drawings, believed to be 12,000 years old, depict strange creatures walking upright. The article also discusses the Beast of Gévaudan, a creature that terrorized France in the 1760s, killing 100 people. Lastly, it mentions the Ruger Lou, a creature seen in Louisiana, described as a large black dog or wolf that stands on its hind legs.
➡ A boy encounters a creature, believed to be a werewolf, while out at night. He manages to wound it and escape, but later starts behaving strangely and eventually takes his own life, leading to the belief that he was cursed. The story, told by a school teacher, is considered true and was even published by a reputable news organization. The article ends with an invitation to join a Q&A session and a promotion for a coffee product.



Edge of wonder. Hey, everybody. What? What? I said, hey, everybody. Oh, hey. Well, a 20 foot creature was captured on camera, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to bizarre beings. Tonight, you’ll hear the best crypts, cryptid sightings we could find. In one of the more shocking images that has emerged in recent times, two women on a hike were left completely stunned when they noticed a 20 foot tall creature climbing up the side of a Colorado mountain. And it wasn’t a squawk. What could this creature be? And have other people spotted it? That, I guess, too.

Yeah. You know. Yeah. And is there a link between the dog man, a werewolf creature that was caught on camera in a Texas zoo, and an ancient cave? Drawings that were found depicting the same looking creature? And if there’s time here, reports of the Dover demon and Jersey devil that have been spotted through the years. Yes. Join us. Me, Ben Chastene, and Rob counts as we on this edge of wonder live show as we look deeper into these strange cryptids and monsters to see if there’s any truth to their existence. And at the end of the show, don’t miss the live q and a followed by a meditation prayer onlyonrise tv, and we’ll see you out on the edge.

How you doing, Rob? Good, Ben. How are you? Good. And by the way, if you’re listening to our edge of Wonder podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcast, or elsewhere, please leave us a five star rating and review. And also to remember to hit, like, follow, subscribe, comment below, all that good stuff on wherever you’re watching us rumble, gunjing, World X, Instagram, telegram, Facebook, YouTube, wherever. Thank you, guys. You know, Rob, we’ve been doing the show, like, I don’t know after how long we’ve been doing this. So, like six, seven. Six years or something like this. Well, since 2018, so about six years, technically, at the end of 2017, so.

But, um, so, yeah, probably exactly around, like, six years now. It’s so crazy. You would think that not much would surprise us anymore, you know, like, after doing this for so long. But, you know, there’s always more and more things popping up that are just completely mind blowing all the time. That’s true. You know, and I think that’s one of the more shocking aspects about this. Or instead of, like, things getting, you know, someone will say something from a long time ago or something, instead of getting debunked, it’s almost like more things come out to actually prove that these things are real, you know? Or I’ll hear a story from somebody, and then, like, I here to hear another story from somebody else that, like, confirms both stories.

It’s just crazy. I found very few things that are considered conspiracy theories to be completely, like, there’s very few that there’s nothing to it. I know even the only one that I feel like is a complete psyop is flat earth. But if you think about, like, what the flat earthers are complaining about, oftentimes there is something there. Just not as far as, like, the earth is flat. The earth being flat. Yeah. No, because, like, 100% agree. No offense, if you’re one of those people. I’m not, you know, trying to do that. I’m just saying, you know.

Right. That’s my understanding of things. Yeah. Yeah, that’s. That’s exactly. I think that’s a good way of putting it for the most part. I mean, there’s. There’s, like, a couple things out there, you know, I guess it’s like, okay, you know, we kind of, like, debunk this or debunk that occasionally, but. But it’s like. It doesn’t mean that for mermaids is perfect example. Right. Because, like, when we went into it, we were like, oh, wow, there’s got to be so much stuff here. And then as I was looking at, like, oh, my gosh, all these photos are actually fake, you know? But it doesn’t mean that mermaids aren’t real.

It just means that a lot of the stuff that was coming out is not real. Well, you know, there’s personal stories that people have that are just kind of mind blowing. But what we mermaids researching that was particularly infuriating back then was very infuriating. Since then, I have found leads and evidence. Me too. It’s just not. It’s just surprising that there isn’t more, like, there’s all these UFO sightings every day. There’s unidentified flying objects in the sky, and they’re like races of underwater beings that we don’t know about, and no one can find evidence of it except people on the sea that have experiences with these things.

Like, yes. That’s just crazy, you know? Yeah. And that’s. That’s when you talk to, like, fishermen and stuff. That’s where it gets interesting. Although there was that video of that siren, the fisher. Oh, I wanted to show that a while ago, and I completely forgot. Maybe. Yeah, that guy just. There’s something that rubs me a little bit wrong. Well, they’re just. Dude, they’re like, they’re on a ship at night, and then, you know, I saw it, and then I watched a bunch of his other stuff, and, you know, I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like somebody has an authentic video at the beginning, and it goes.

And they’re like, oh, I can get more views if I keep talking about this. And then they keep going. And a lot of that isn’t necessarily. And you’re not sure. Yeah. And it’s a shame, you know? Yeah. Yeah, it’s so true. All right, well, why don’t we. I just thought we would just jump right into this thing, if you. For those of you that haven’t seen it. But, I mean, I was just going to say, like, I feel exactly the same as you. It’s like, we’ve been doing this for a long time, but I kind of feel like the longer I do it, the deeper the rabbit hole goes.

And I’m still surprised every week with something new which you think would not happen, but it’s like, yeah, I really am. So. Me, too. I’m with you. But there’s so. I mean, gosh, we have so much history, and a lot of that history has been kind of buried. So it’s like, as you slowly uncover certain things, it’s like, oh, wow. You know, like articles from a long time ago talking about all these things. And, you know, we’ll actually kind of get into some of these. I found an insane story about the rugaroo or the werewolf, you know, and.

Yeah, dog man, rougarou, werewolf, whatever. Werewolf. And. Yeah, these things. So, yeah, we’ll get into all that, but, yeah, so I have not heard about this 20 foot being. Being sighted. So what’s up with this? You gotta see this thing. So. Okay, here’s Lindsey. Don’t pull it up yet. So here’s the story. There are these two women that were hiking on a Colorado mountain, Jesse and Camilla. Camilla. And they were just descending on the. On the part of the Rockies, and they just were like, oh, here’s a really beautiful landscape. And they just decided to take a photo.

They didn’t think anything of it. They didn’t even notice anything while they were there. They didn’t notice anything. It wasn’t until they got home and they were showing their family the photos of what they, you know, their trip in. In the hike and everything. And they were looking at on the tv, and her dad was like, what’s that over there? And they zoomed in. This is what they saw when they zoomed in. So there’s the original photo, you know, and you can go to that next image what? Yeah, dude, it’s like a golem or something. It looks like a giant golem.

They said her father figured out that it had to be at least 20ft. This is what her dad said. What the hell? That thing is at least 20ft. We should we call the rangers? That’s what he said. And because they’re. They were like that. Well, 1st. 1st she was like, well, maybe it was a rock. And then they looked into it deeper and they’re like, that’s definitely not a rock. And, you know, she said they were so far away they literally didn’t notice anything at all. This is a, this is a. This is a mountain trolleye.

Yeah, that’s another thing I thought and pop, potentially a mountain troll. Um, she said, I was shocked to the bone when we were looking at the photo and looks like it’s lifting itself up to that. It looks like it’s climbing up. Yeah. One of them is a graphic designer and the other one was a behavior analyst. I mean, that’s what she does. And, um, they explained that while they were sharing the photographs. Yeah, this just came up. They posted on Facebook. They posted on Facebook in a Colorado hiking form and they were just like, you know, we actually don’t know what this is.

We’re just wondering what I like, you know, asking everyone what is going on now. You know, to be fair, one thing you could say is like, she is a graphic designer. Meaning like, she does know pretty well. Like, she could have photoshopped this is what. You could have photoshopped this. But I mean, you know, it is. No matter what, though, it is really, really crazy. I mean, it doesn’t look like she did. I mean, her friend was the one that was posted, posting it. It said, you know, it could be a rock. We’re not really sure.

It has all the features of a human. We are open into interpretations. It was so far away it couldn’t really do anything. But it does look like some kind of like alien thing or something like that. But they did say the anatomy is so human, like it’s freaky. So they’d have to go back at the same time of day, take a photo with the same lighting and then see if it was exactly like that. Like if it was a rock or not. Yeah, I mean, that does not look like a rock. I mean, look at that.

Hey, I know. You know, I’m just saying. Yeah. The only thing that makes it kind of weird is like, doesn’t look like you can see the head very well, but it looks like it’s just. Yeah, it looks like it’s just like, lifting it up. Itself up. Yeah. Like one of those blank blemmy’s or whatever. Right. But I mean, this is probably one of the more crazier photos I’ve seen in a long time. Like, something like this, you know, um. Does look like Gumby cat kiss said it looks like. Yeah. See? Looks like one of these things from behind.

Handsome. Yeah, I’m just kind of, um. Can you zoom in slow? That was really. She says, I hope. I hope someone goes back and can also capture the same thing to see if, like, what we had was, you know, like, to see if they just want to keep going slow like that. That’s helpful. Yeah. The thing is, you can see, I mean, that’s going. Keep going photo. You know, that to a different image. I mean, the thing is, it’s so small in that. Yeah. I mean, this is like the zoomed in image. Right. And so it’s just so interesting because.

Because obviously you can see, like, a little dot in the main. In the main image, you know, and that’s. That’s what makes it so interesting is that you could, like, the more. I mean, obviously you can’t do it on this, but with the main image, you can zoom in and zoom in and then see it. So super. It’s super crazy. It really is. Yeah. I mean, I was, you know, there’s been a lot of reports of people seeing these, like, giant. Not something like. Looks kind of weird and lanky like that. Looks like almost something from a tool video or something like that.

But it does look like a creepy mountain troll tool video creature does. But, yeah, I mean, I think that thing would be massive, though. That’s crazy if it literally is 20ft. I mean, I would mean, like, we would come up to. It’s like knees or something almost, you know, so weird to think about. So I don’t know. What do you think, Rob? Well, okay. Have there been other sightings of this thing on the mountain? There’s been a. There in that area. There’s been a lot of unusual sightings. Everything from Bigfoot to, like, strange other cryptids and all kinds of things like that.

But, like, the same 20 foot mountain troll, I couldn’t really specifically find anything, you know? And again, it’s not like I’m like, you know, spent a ton of time trying to see if I could find anything. I did try to look up stuff, just do a search for skinny, weird mountain troll tool video, but. But that’s also kind of because, yeah, I mean, it’s. Well, yeah, I mean, we could look up mountain trolley, but, you know, now, like, everything comes up related to this, you know, giant. Where was this? Colorado mountains. I mean, you can try to put that in and see, but.

Yeah. Origin of Colorado’s famous troll and where to find its siblings. What the heck is that? It’s just some statue that someone made of. Yeah, yeah. See, this is the problem. Like, it’s always, like, the wording you have to use because, you know, now you get this. You can’t really use the word troll now. So then what do you type in? Like, giant cryptid thingy? No, actually, that’s what I would type in at this point would be, like, strange cryptid sighting, Colorado mountain or something like that, you know, but people did see a, like, that’s. That’s where a lot of Bigfoot sightings came up to giants.

What’s that third one from the, like, when you count over the third one there or the second one on the right? Yeah, I can’t see it very well. Is there anything going on in there? I just wanted to show you really quick. This is, like, the back part of that. They’re just saying, like, giant area. Yeah, yeah. They’re not saying, like, I just found a giant. Yeah, but that photo is crazy. It is. It really is. It definitely is one of the more interesting ones I have seen in a long time. But. But speaking of Bigfoot, in the Colorado mountains, I did find this, this photo, too.

There’s a series of photos that somebody took, and, um, this also looks like, you know, potentially Bigfoot here, too. That was, yeah, that’s weird. Yeah. Looks like a troll. It’s huge. Yeah, it kind of does look like a troll in some aspects. You’re right. You know, so this is also in the, um, again, this is also in, uh, Colorado mountains here. So, um. Wow, that looks like a really obese Bigfoot or like, a massively giant bigfoot. One or the other. Yeah, that’s cool. Where was that taken? That was also in the Colorado mountains. I’m not sure.

I mean, it actually, it said some, some, like, I I didn’t, wasn’t able to read exactly what it said there, but, um. But, like I said, it is. So there. I guess I was looking online there. There are a lot of, unfortunately, there wasn’t a lot of videos but, or photos, but there was a lot of stories of people seeing strange things up in the mountains up there. So, uh, once again, that’s, like, really cool and all right, so we’re going to show a trailer, you guys. And then when we get back, we have a bunch of videos that we want to show you, some video that a fan sent us, too.

That’s pretty cool. And then, Rob, you have your YouTube short that we’re going to show, too. And then when we get. Then we’ll get into the werewolf and dog man conversation. That sounds fun. Hey, everyone. Ben from measure wonder and I’m in the Florida Everglades. And what are the Florida Everglades known for, aside from alligators? Skunk ape. Yes. So Skunk ape is a little bit different than Bigfoot. I guess you could say they’re cousins of each other. Skunk ape is a little bit smaller than Bigfoot. And I’m here to interview David Chile. And he has been researching for over 30 years Skunk ape.

And he has his own skunk ape experiences ever since he was a little kid all the way up to now. And he’s got photos along with even video that we’ll get into later in this episode. So David Chile has his own skunk ape research center here in Florida where you can visit and actually get private tours of the everglades. And you could even stay here on his little ranch that has considered to be an authority on the everglades. When you’re the authority on something, you really don’t want to do anything that takes away from your credibility.

So taking that step in 1997 and going public was, it was a huge deal. And it’s something that anybody should consider whether they own the grocery store in a small town or whatever, because it can make you or break it. So without further ado, let me introduce you to skunk ape researcher and experiencer, David Chile. I like that footage of the hand kind of coming around the tree. That is pretty cool. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. Ben, tell us a little bit about that. Yes. You guys can find that over on our rise tv platform. He’s got some amazing stories.

He’s also got some actual, what I say, evidence of skunk ape from everything from footprints, I think, to hair samples and a few other things, too. So it’s all, it’s all here at his facility in Florida. And so I went there and interviewed him. And, yeah, he’s a pretty cool guy. I actually met up with him a couple times now. So he’s pretty cool. That’s awesome. Yeah. And he has a, he has some. So he had a skunk ape experience when he was like ten years old, and then he became obsessed with it, trying to figure out what it was that he saw.

And for literally 40 years of his life, it’s all he’s been, like, doing. So, you know, it’s pretty amazing when someone’s, like, dedicated this much time. It’s like, how can this just be a hoax if you’re, you know, if you’re literally, like, putting your whole life into this for so long? So, I mean, clearly it changed him. I think that’s what happens when a lot of us have these kind of paranormal experiences. It does change us in a lot of ways. And we just want to understand what’s going on and see the truth for ourselves. So.

So, yeah, so if you haven’t joined us already, you can join us for 1299 a month, you guys, and come over and what we do and support our work. So, yeah, and we talk a lot about a lot more things than just mountain trolls. I mean, there’s all kinds of videos and rise tv that you’ll, you’ll find pretty interesting, all kinds of research that we’ve done and. Yeah, yeah. Thanks for watching. And for those of you that are supporting us right now, we couldn’t do this without you. So thank you very much. Yeah, seriously. Yeah. We deeply appreciate all of you guys.

So. All right, why don’t we show this cool video that you, you have, Rob? Yeah, I’m. I’ve got a little update on this, kind of. So why don’t we watch this? And is it not playing the craziest paranormal video I think I’ve ever seen in my life? And it happened right back here in these woods. I’m at a horse stable right now, as you can see. And the other day, I was walking over here, see a guy who worked in the land. He works in the horse stable. Anytime I see a guy working the land, I always get curious.

Ask them questions. I’ll ask, you know, have you ever seen anything interesting out here? And oftentimes they’ll say like, oh, yeah, you know, I’ve seen some coyotes. And so finally, you know, as the conversation is warming up, I say, hey, you know, have you ever seen anything out here you can’t explain? The moment I said that, his eyes lit up. He was like, it’s really weird you asked me that question. He’s like, just last week, my buddy took the craziest video back in these woods. Check it out and let me know what you guys think I just came across.

You know, what’s so funny to me is, like, to me, it’s very obvious that that’s some kind of, like, specter or ghost, right? But so many people that I talk to think that that’s an alien, that it’s like an actual gray alien or something who’s phasing in and out using technology. I cannot get consensus on what this thing is. Ben, you’re muted right now. There you go. Am I still muted? That’s weird. No, you’re good. That’s where we both got muted. I muted myself and forgot to. Okay. I don’t know what that was my fault. Um, yeah, yeah.

No, no. I mean, um, that would, I could. I could see that, you know, being some kind of, like, alien or specter. And honestly, I’ve had some weird things kind of recently even happen in my own house. Really? Yeah. Um, it was. It was really weird. I was just, like, a couple days ago, I was taking a shower. I was putting, like, I just putting soap on my head, and I had my eyes closed, and I opened my eyes, and I noticed my light was off in my bat in my shower. So I was like, oh, the.

The power must have went out, you know, so. Because it kind of has been flickering on and off a little bit. So I got out of the shower and looked at the rest of my bathroom and noticed the other lights were on. And I was like, well, that’s weird. Maybe the ball burned out. And I was like, but it’s a new bulb. And I look at the light switch, and it’s turned off, so I had to flick it back on. I’m like, all right, that’s kind of weird. And my mom had some weird things happen to her, too.

She kept putting, like, a bookmark in a book, but then it kept, it was like, it kept being moved. Like, every time she would pick up the book, it was, like, in a different. It was, like, somewhere else. It was just Lindsay talking about it, and I’m like, I don’t know. And the previous homeowner, he did tell me after I got the house, he’s like, by the way, I think your house is haunted. So it’s like, okay, you know, I never really thought too much about it, but then some weird things, you know, that that’s just kind of the guy who was there before you.

The guy? Yeah. He said, I think your house is haunted. Yeah. He’s like, I think the house is haunted. Just let you know. I was like, ah, thanks, you know, but nothing, like, nothing freaky has happened. I mean, I sometimes get weird things where I’m, like, half asleep and half awake where I’ll hear, you know, my, my, my name being called. And this like, weird, demonic voice. But that’s, like, happens to me every once in a while, no matter where I am, so it’s not really related to the house necessarily. But, um. But, yeah, and then I had a.

One of my friends was here one time, and she just. She was, like, kind of freaking out, and she described this being. That would look kind of ro. It was like she. She described it as, like, a robotic. What’s. What’s those. What’s those creatures with one eye? Cyclops. Like, a robotic cyclops is what she refer to it as. I was like, what? You know, and I didn’t really think too much about it, and then, I don’t know, I. And I. So I’ve been kind of trying to research the area because I don’t necessarily think it’s my house.

I feel like it’s something maybe in the area and not necessarily just the house. So I’ve been trying to find if there’s any kind of history. Thing is. Yeah, but if it’s a. It could be. It could have been an ancient war or something. That’s the problem. Like, these things could be really old, you know? So I don’t know. It’s pretty interesting. And then one time I was outside, and I was washing something, and then I turned around, and then my friend’s van, the door was just wide open, and I was like, I know that door was not open because I looked at the van to make sure that it was okay before I sprayed the water.

That could be explained away by the floridian crackheads that roam the streets. Florida, man. That’s it right there. Riding the gator. Right. Smoking meth at the same time. Yeah. Going around opening people’s vans. You know, they’re crazy. He’s Florida, man. Yeah, seriously. So I don’t know. There. There’s a lot of. Yes. Anyway, I I have some, like, ghost hunting equipment stuff. I just didn’t really want to use it in the house, but I’m kind of thinking about it now. I’m like, okay. You know, but, like, I honestly, I don’t feel anything bad. It’s not like I might.

Man, this is, like, a really freaky vibe. It’s not like anything crazy has happened, you know? It’s just like, I feel like it’s more like something there is like, hey, I’m here. You know, I’m just letting you know, and almost, like, kind of playful or something. So I don’t see it, but, yeah, yeah. You know, that, um. That area that. That’s like, right by my house where I, that. Mm hmm. That image was captured. I found, I was kind of perusing Google maps. Oh, yeah. Week. And I was looking at the area because it’s not an enormous amount of woods back there.

Like, you’d think something like that would exist in, like, a really large patch of woods that was like miles and miles. This isn’t that much, like, not as much as you’d think. Right. But I did find a trail back there, and it never popped up for me before on Google Maps, like, where to go to get to this trail. So I’m going to have to go back there and walk through it and see what kind of feels I get and stuff like that. And then I was talking to a local guy around here who grew up in this area, and he was telling me about areas like, where people have seen stuff like Bigfoot and, and different things in, in this area.

And I didn’t even know this, but there’s like, a really big, was talking to someone the other day. There’s a really Big Bigfoot conference right around here somewhere. Oh, yeah, there is. Yeah. My brother was even telling me about it, too. He’s like, there’s a Bigfoot conference in Ohio. And I was like, I’m gonna, like, check it out. Yeah, yeah. I was like, the entire time I was in Ohio, I didn’t even know that was there. But I don’t think it’s, like, huge, you know, but, but, yeah, there is one there, and I think they have it every year, so, yeah, I interested interesting to check out.

So. Well, um, yeah, it’s pretty cool. Well, um, so speaking of Bigfoot, this is, this is a fan sent us to, sent us this. Lindsey, can you play this, this clip? Guess we’re going to need to hear the sound, too. And to have snuck inside one of the most secretive facilities. This facility isn’t about UFO’s or advanced aircraft. It’s about something much darker. Creature containment. Creature containment? Like cryptids? Are we talking Bigfoot and chupacabra? Not just Bigfoot. Imagine every urban legend you’ve ever heard. Wendigos, skinwalkers, Mothman, they’re real. And the government is holding them in this facility.

And it’s not just that they’re experimenting on them, studying them, trying to weaponize them. Hold up. You’re telling me that, that these cryptids, these creatures of legend, actually exist and that they’re locked up in some desert compound? Yes, and many others that you’ve never heard of and probably never will. It’s a little known facility deep in the Nevada desert, not far from S IV. Commonly known as area 51. But it’s not on any map. It’s called project asylum. I can’t disclose how I managed to get inside. I will say a journalist friend tipped me off. Once I was inside, what I saw was horrifying.

Rows of containment cells, each holding a different creature. Some of them looked like they’d been there for years, maybe even decades. All types of sizes. Some looked fragile and frail. Others were dangerous and monstrous. All right, describe it to me. What did you see in there? What kind of creatures? This one. It was a huge humanoid, about 7ft tall with pale, almost translucent skin. It didn’t have any eyes, just these dark pits where eyes should be. The scientists called it subject r 32. It had this strange ability to manipulate shadows, almost like it could blend into them.

They had it in this high security cell with light beams constantly shining on it. They said if it got into the shadows, it could escape. You claim to have what? That is crazy. I’ve heard of beings like this. There are literal, literally stories of these kinds of straight up demon. Yeah, yeah. Like, you. You could look so fan for us. Sent us that. I didn’t. I didn’t realize. I knew Stephen Greer was on Joe Rogan. I didn’t know that that’s even, like. That was what they talked about, though. One of the things they talked about, I should say.

That’s insane. I mean. I mean, I’ve heard of this before. Stephen Greer said he. According to that, he said he was actually. He actually went there. That’s right. I know. A journalist friend. Let’s. Mind blowing. How did. Yeah. I don’t know. Like, that’s hard to believe, though, that just two regular dudes managed to get in because something like that would be even more secretive than even area 51. Yeah. He said, you know, he couldn’t really. He couldn’t. He couldn’t disclose how he. I was able to get in, you know, so that’s kind of interesting. But I mean, yeah, that’s pretty.

I mean, yeah, that, to me is very weird because there are stories about these things strange. Like, I remember when we first started edge of wander, a fan sent us, and I can’t remember all the details about it, but it was describing something like this, where this figure thing would, like, move within the shadows. Like it could manipulate almost a shadow, like, if it had density to it, but if you shined a light on it or something, it’s like it, like, almost would, like, disappear. So I don’t know. If this is like a similar thing, but it’s insane when you.

He was saying something. I have to watch that again. But he was saying something about if Lindsey. Let’s play it again. Let’s watch it one more time. It could. Yeah. Yeah. That was almost too mind blowing not to play again because I didn’t watch the full thing when he sent this to us. Our fan did. Because I was like, you know what? I want to save my reaction for live on the show because I haven’t. I’ve only saw, like, the first 10 seconds of this, and I knew what was the gist of it, but I didn’t understand that much.

So let’s play it one more time. This is inside one of the most secretive facilities. This facility isn’t about UFO’s or advanced aircraft. It’s about something much darker. Creature containment. Creature containment? Like cryptids? Are we talking Bigfoot and Chupacabra? Not just Bigfoot. Imagine every urban legend you’ve ever heard. Wendigos, skinwalkers, Mothman. They’re real, and the government is holding them in this facility. And it’s not just that. They’re experimenting on them, studying them, trying to weaponize them. Hold up. You’re telling me that. That these cryptids, these creatures of legend, actually exist and that they’re locked up in some desert compound? Yes, and many others that you’ve never heard of and probably never will.

It’s a little known facility deep in the Nevada desert, not far from s four, commonly known as area 51. But it’s not on any map. It’s called project Asylum. I can’t disclose how I managed to get inside. I will say a journalist friend tipped me off. Once I was inside, what I saw was horrifying. Rows of containment cells, each holding a different creature. Some of them looked like they’d been there for years, maybe even decades. All types of sizes. Some looked fragile and frail. Others were dangerous and monstrous. All right, describe it to me. What did you see in there? What kind of creatures? This one.

It was a humanoid, about 7ft tall with pale, almost translucent skin. It didn’t have any eyes, just these dark pits where eyes should be. The scientists called it subject 32 reals. It had this strange ability to manipulate shadows, almost like it could blend into them. They had it in this high security cell with light beams constantly shining on it. They said if it got into the shadows, it could escape. You claim to have snow man. Did he say subject r 32? Subject r 32? Sounds like something straight out of a comic book. Dude. Dude, it does.

That’s what I’m saying. Like, it really, really does. Wow. That’s terrifying. That is so terrifying. He was like, yes. Some of these you’ll never heard, you’ll never hear of. And you may not even, like, we may not even want to hear from. But the weaponizing, the weaponization of it, that’s what’s crazy. It makes me wonder, like, how, like, this technology, like, how what are they gonna, I mean, man, can you imagine that? Like, you can, like, hide in the shadows. Like, you’re, you’re almost, like, cloaked. But that’s the way he described that thing. I swear. It’s similar things that I’ve, like.

But wait. Like, visions and meditation dreams. Wait a what? This is real? Yeah, this facility is real. Think about how long it would have taken to capture all of these. And, like, who did it? Who did it? And the other, well, the other aspect is, are some of these things able to get out and that’s what’s causing issues in our world, right? Like, for example, Mothman. Like, why was it all of a sudden? I mean, granted, there are reports of 1909. You know, I bring this up this year, up a lot when you go back into new old newspapers in the year 1909, there are so many reports of people seeing all kinds of weird things.

Everything from, from Mothman to the Jersey devil, tons of Bigfoot sightings to strange cryptids to dinosaurs to all, all in the year 1909. I don’t know what it is about the year 1909, but all these things started happening around that. So I’m wondering if, I mean, this is going to sound totally ludicrous in some aspects, but if there’s, like, some kind of time travel involved where it’s, like, there’s some point in time where everything’s happening in 1909 or if that people are just more paying attention to more things or if these things are starting to come out or if they figured out how to start coming into our world somehow, you know? And so it makes me, and then, like, we don’t hear, like, especially Mothman.

Mothman is reported 1909 in the Bronx by police officers. Then we don’t really hear much of anything about Mothman until essentially the bridge, Virginia. In the bridge. So, um, it makes me wonder, like, yeah, did it happen to escape from some kind of secret facility that was going on back then, you know, in that area, maybe Ohio or West Virginia? Well, no, no, dude. The what? And then, like, it was the sixties, right? And then the mothman was seen right before Chernobyl melted down the black bird of Chernobyl. That’s. Everyone was talking about that two weeks before the red eyes, the entire thing right before the meltdown.

Yeah, yeah. So that’s, that makes me wonder about that, too. But that thing, the way that Greer describes that thing with just dark, sunken eyes and nothing else, I mean, that is essentially also how people describe the. The. One of the things that was on our list, that man, the. The Dover demon. The Dover big, but that. That’s very similar. Doesn’t have a mouth, doesn’t have an eye, or doesn’t have mouth, doesn’t have a nose. It just has big black eyes. And it’s, like, similar, really lanky, the moves and, I mean, honestly, it’s all similar, except it’s smaller version of what the, what the girls saw in the mountains.

You know, it’s like the Dover demon is only like a few, like, few feet, I think, 4ft or some three to 4ft. But they’re all described in a very similar way. So, I mean, you know, one, it makes me wonder if other alien things are doing some kind of weird genetic experiments with human DNA mixed in with, like, other potential alien things. And, you know, these things are either escaping or let loose or, you know, have some kind of super normal powers where they, you know, it’s like if you’re holding something that, like a Bigfoot that has potential super normal powers, they got to have something that would restrain those powers somehow, you know? So it’s like, there must think about the amount of technology that you need to counter each one of those special abilities.

Like. Yeah. Do you know what I’m saying? Like, you don’t know enough about this creature to be able to capture it and then have a technology that can keep it contained. I know, it’s crazy. And then at the other aspect, too, I mean, there’s that, there’s, there’s a scene in the X Men comics where they use some kind of device. It’s that check thing. Yeah. And it was dead. Deadpool, too. They had this in. Yeah, Deadpool, yeah, exactly. So it makes me wonder that something like that is real. I mean, I know this sounds like, you know, on the surface, this just could just be like, well, this totally sounds like insane science fiction, but at the same time, it’s like, I think a lot of the ideas in science fiction may, it may not.

It may be the other way around. You know, like, like we think, oh, well, this is, we just read this comic book or watch this movie, and that’s probably where we’re getting is from. Whereas, like, in reality, it could be the other way around, where this stuff already exists. And then they’re just using fiction and movies and whatnot to act to, you know, tell us. So then when we talk about it, it’s like, oh, well, you know, that that’s in that movie or whatever. But I mean, honestly, I think the Captain America on Winter Soldier does such an amazing job of really portraying, like, what is really happening on the level of technology that they have.

Everything from, from mkultra to, you know, controlling, being able to download, essentially, your mind into computers and all kinds of things, you know, so super soldiers, all of it. Pretty incredible, really. That. That is just mind blowing, though. I. That. That thing that he described. I don’t know how to describe it. I just feel like I’ve encountered that kind of being before. And the shadow thing, the Shadow 32. And it was, it was really scary. That’s the only thing I can wait. Did. Okay, you tell me details about this later. That’s great. Okay. Yeah, I mean, it’s not like I physically encountered it, but like I said, more of, like, almost like a vision and meditation and dreams where I’ve seen this thing that’s very, very similar and very eerie.

And it doesn’t have good intentions whatsoever. No, not if that’s its power, bro. Yeah, that’s so true. Yeah, it’s so weird. It lives in the shadows, doesn’t like the light. So insane. We’ve got, we’ve got more to cover here. Let’s keep going here. Well, I think we have to. We’re going to show another trailer, you guys, and then we’re going to get into our werewolf and dog man conversation. But before we do, um, be sure to subscribe to our email list if you do. When you sign up, uh, you’ll get our free ultimate guide to alien races that Rob actually drew all by hand.

So you get our, it’s not, it’s a PDF that you will receive from us. So. And if our current subscribers want to copy, you can just put your email again and just opt out of the, you know, of receiving anything. But, yeah, go to rise dot tv slash alien races. We’ll sign up for our email and you, you can get our free alien racist guide. So. All right, why don’t we show this trailer and then we’ll come back, talk about dog man and the werewolf. What has hooves, a goat’s head, bat wings, and a forked tail? It’s the Jersey devil, the mysterious cryptid that haunts the forests and skies of New Jersey.

But this beast has a story beyond legend. Locals actually claim to be descendants of the original Jersey devil. What unexplainable things have happened that would convince anyone this creature is lurking in the shadows? Ben Franklin and Teddy Roosevelt, part of the story. What kind of devilish winged lizard beings are really hiding out in the cosmos? Are all claims of the Jersey devil just a hoax? It’s time to crack open the edge files and pull out one of our most classified cases yet. As we ask, is this flying fiend real? Find out all about it in tales of the cryptids.

Episode two, the Jersey Devil. Only on edge of Wonder tv. Man, the Jersey Devil is another one of those heavy, heavy topics, like when you. When you start really looking into that thing and. And the more you find out about it, the weirder, just the weirder it gets. It turns your perception of reality upside down, honestly. And there’s a lot of these cryptids do that. If you start really looking into it, you start talking to people who are having these encounters. I feel like it can turn things upside down real quick. Yeah, I agree. Also, Jersey Devil is another 119.

Oh, nine or so many, in fact, they’ve even supposedly found a carcass. Hunter supposedly killed the Jersey Devil. It’s one of the things I have in this. This. This episode we get to it. Isn’t that thing still at large? Like. Well, yeah, I don’t. It didn’t have wings. What they found. What they basically found all these articles. So there’s multiple different articles. What happened in 19, like, prior to 1909? Because this goes all the way back to the Leeds family. You know, it was called the Leeds Devil for a long time. All throughout the 18 hundreds, people were reporting seeing this thing.

And then in the early 19 hundreds, it was like they didn’t see it for a while. And all sudden there was a new wave of sightings with the Jersey devil. And it was called. It had multiple names. Leeds Devil, the. The something. The. The something hoofs. I can’t remember. They changed the name of it anyway. And then they changed the name again to Jersey Devil. And then supposedly. Yeah, this hunter supposedly killed it, which said it had kangaroo like feet, like a cat like body and like. Like, almost like a. Like is the least terrifying encrypted you could ever imagine, according to this, like, photo or this drawing.

Yeah. And basically this is what they found, minus the wings, which makes me kind of wonder, like. Okay. And it said it was only 2ft, so I don’t think it was the. Sounds like a mutant horse. Yeah, it sounds some kind of, like, weird creature thing, you know? And, like, who knows? Back then, too, I mean, there could have been all kinds of weird things going on and whatever, so I don’t think that. Anyway, I I’m pretty convinced that it wasn’t the Jersey devil that was killed. Not. Not to mention the fact that more and more sightings continued on after that, too, you know? And, like, again, there may just be one of these things.

Some people are just like, oh, it’s like one Mothman. Well, I’m sure there’s, like, a race of Mothman. You know? It’s just a matter of, like, I don’t know if they’re necessarily all here, you know, but where do they come from? So, yeah, it’s. You mean the moth people? The moth people, yeah. Maybe like, taking a moth and a man and an owl. Well, anyway, that was. That was long winded description there. But if you guys are interested in. In the Jersey devil, we actually have a couple of episodes on it, at least on rise tv, and you can get access to that by subscribing to our platform.

We’ve got all kinds of cryptid series that we’ve done over time. You should definitely check those out. Yeah, actually, we went into top hauntings. You’ll never sleep again on metaphysical. And it was pretty freaking interesting. Superstition, mountains, mysterious staircases, ghosts. The Jersey devil. Yeah, it’s a lot of fun. Yeah, it really is. All right. Okay, so this is kind of. We’ve actually had this on the show before, but, you know, there’s something I didn’t notice that I want to come. I want to show on this, so. Okay, so there’s this. They called it the wolf man in Texas.

This mystery creature spotted. Yeah, I remember this. It was, like, on the outside of the zoo on the fence. And this thing was caught. No one knows how. No one has any idea. They kept saying, well, maybe it was a man in a suit, but. Or like, a hat. But that was confirmed. It wasn’t the case. This was captured by legit security cameras. The city officials said the image is real, and they’re baffled by its mysterious appearance. They’re asking the public to see if they can help out. They’re like, is it a person with a hat who’s walking right up? Well, doesn’t seem to be the case.

That doesn’t look like a hat. No, it doesn’t at all. Pretty freaking. It is. We also recently had on the show about how on the Amazon, they found all these ancient cave drawings, and they weren’t able to go there. They were just found within the last month. But look at this thing on letter f. And I didn’t even, like, put two together when we were, like, talking about this. I was just like, oh, yeah, it kind of looks like something like dog man or something, but that thing looks exactly like what is walking upright behind the fence.

So this is rock art, that, in the region of, like, kind of like Columbia, and it was off limits to researchers due to the political instability there. So no one could get to this area for a very, very long time. And finally they did, and when they did, they found all this. These, like, weird cryptid drawings that no one knows what they were. They were like, well, maybe there was some supernatural. They called them, like, supernatural figures, they said. But they did use the term human hybridization creatures because they’re all walking upright. These were. I mean, look how close that image on the left f looks to this thing.

I know. That’s what I’m saying. That’s funny. So, like, could these things be, like, you know, like, traveling back in time and forward in time? You know, it was confirmed that the. These were dated back to 10,000 BC, which is a long time ago, 12,000 years old. These. These rock car. These drawings were so. I mean, who knows what they were seeing there? But, um, I just thought this is, like, a super relevant thing, because they. They do look very, very similar. So, um. Yeah, and then do you want to. So this is something else. Have you ever heard of this? I don’t even know how to pronounce this french and place.

Lindsey, can you help me out with this? The beast of Guava. Don Guavadan. I don’t know. Anyway. Oh, that’s a. I’m guessing so it terrorized France between 1764 and I 1767. And this is. They also describe this thing in a very similar way. So, okay, that’s. It’s a place. It’s a place in France. They described it as, like, being wolf like, but not a wolf. So. And they said it actually had red fur, which is kind of ironic, because the, you know, the pigments were red and the painting, all of that, just because probably it’s the only color they could use at that time.

They described it with, like, a. Basically, that’s like an old way of looking at it, but they said it had a black stripe. No one could draw scary things in the past. I know. Seriously, like, you just made the beast of Gavadon look like a. Like, they give it eyes that. That are, like, you know, happy. They said it was, like, large, like a horse. He’s like, I’m gonna shoot this thing. That is the least threatening dude on the left. So shooting something. This thing is responsible for killing 100 people during this time, and there’s evidence to support that.

There was over three. So 300 attacks with 100 people dying. Victims, they said, were often attacked at the throat. Some of them were even decapitated, which is unusual for normal animal attacks. You know, mostly animal attacks were just like. You know, they usually just go for the stomach or just try to bite you, you know, because you’re too tall. It’s not gonna, like, jump and just. But all of the attacks were common this way. All of them. They, like, bit at the neck to kill the person instantly. Sounds like a vampire. Yes. The story became an international sensation.

There were news reports everywhere. It was extensively covered in the media. There was numerous hunting efforts, you know, and then even King Louis XV had to get involved, sending his own hunters, his own, like, you know, royal hunters, to try to go after this thing. There was a guy named. Well, Francois. He. This guy named Francois. He supposedly killed a very large wolf, which they initially thought could be the beast. However, it wasn’t because they kept. Things kept going on. So, Lindsay, there’s a link here if you want to show this. Well, I guess you were showing a little bit of it, but yeah, after several failed attempts.

Okay. This guy named Jean, I guess, Gene, or John Castell. He killed another large wolf like animal in 1767, and they said when they opened up the creature, they found human remains. But, um. But. But. But no one really knows for sure. They also described it as being, like, kind of this animal human hybrid thing, too, that escaped some kind of exotic zoo at the time. And they were like, blend. They were like. Somebody was so not threatening. Who drew this? I don’t know. What is. Hundreds. They probably don’t want to make it too scary. You know, it’s like, we can’t make it because we don’t want to scare little children.

Threatening. Yeah. Anyway, that thing is. That thing is hilarious looking now, but that does give a pretty good analogy of what it is. Except the eyes, they make this thing look too happy, you know? So funny. So funny. So, um. And then we got the rugalo, too, which is a. So get this. There’s two articles published by the AP back in 19. Well, this was 1985, but the story, dude, this story is an insane story. It’s one of the. More. This is from Louisiana, right? The Ruger. Yes. This is. Yes. Yeah. My brother saw this thing the Ruger Lou, he was driving with his wife at the time, and they saw this thing at night, and he said he was just driving, and all of a sudden they see this creature, and it’s like eating something on the side of the road.

And he was like, dude, look at that thing. It’s like a giant black dog or a wolfenk. And then he said it just stood up on its hind legs and just stared at them. And then, you know, it’s like their. The eyes was, like, glowing, and because of the headlights, I guess, but he said it was just, like, really super bright. And then all of a sudden, it just took off on its hiding legs. What color were its eyes? Amber, he said. I think he said either yellow or red. I can’t remember most of the sightings of the.

Of the dog man or the wolf. Wolf man or whatever, of like, a amber bright. Yeah, I think that was right. I think. I think it said. He said it did. Oh. Oh, no, no, no, no. I’m sorry. It wasn’t the headlights that was reflecting on the eyes. The eyes were. Yeah, the eyes were just. Eyes were. That’s a common. That’s a common thing he said in it, the, um, the reflect. Yeah. Anyway, it was, like, bouncing back at them. So, yeah, he said it was totally crazy. And. And then they were just both dumbfounded. Like, what did we just see? And then the people in the town were like, oh, yeah, you definitely saw this.

Well, here’s a really. So this story was told by a professor at Nicholas University. I’m not really sure where this is. Somewhere in the area. And she said one of her students, one of her students uncle told her the story, and they claimed to be 100% true. That the student said he didn’t want to use his name, though, because, you know. Well, he didn’t really say why, but he’s like, he just didn’t want to have his real name used to the story. So the story is that there was a man who owned a local convenience shop.

And in this town, and this is like, you know, we’re talking. I don’t know exactly what timeframe we’re talking here, but at least in 1950 ish, you know, and so, um, maybe sixties, but they just. Yeah, probably fifties. They described this man, this, this shop owner is extremely smart, really intelligent. He goes to church, you know, never missed a day at church kind of guy and everything else. Well, one night, this woman was. Her child was sick, and so she asked her oldest son to go pick up some medical grease. I guess they were going to rub it on the children or the child.

So the son goes out, and the shop is already closed. So he actually goes to the shopkeeper’s home. I mean, you can kind of do this back in 1950, you know, just show up at someone’s home, go, hey, you’re closed. Can I need this? You know? So anyway, so his wife was like, oh, he’s not here, but we’ll bring the medicine if we have it, you know? So the boy goes home, and then the guy ends up going over to their house and gives them the medicine. And he’s like, you know, you don’t have to worry about paying me.

Well. They’re like, well, you know, our. The father was going to get home pretty soon. He was fishing and whatnot. And he’s like, don’t worry about it. Well, right when he left, the father end up coming home. So the son goes out to try to find the man to give him the money. So at this point, there’s no street lights, only the moon. And he. And the sun said he felt a little bit scared, and he had a knife with them because they were. They were opening up and cutting fish and stuff like that. So he just happened to have a knife with him.

So he pulls the knife out because he’s feeling kind of scared. And he said, all of a sudden, he felt something heavy lean on his shoulder. And he turned around and saw a massive white dog standing completely on its hind legs. White with white dog with red eyes. What? Or with a red tongue and glowing red eyes that was staring at him. And it started growling, and it swiped its paw at the boy. The boy said he was so scared, he couldn’t even scream. But because he had the knife, he ended up slashing the beast in the arm with the knife and just took off running.

So he goes home, tells his parents what happened. His parents don’t believe him. But then I guess they found drops of blood on his shirt, and for some reason, they believed him after that. And his father said, you ran into the rugaloo? And he said, don’t go out at night anymore. So the boy’s father also said that the person who was the rougaloo would have a freshen bandage around his arm. So it’s a werewolf. In this case, yes. So the next. So this is like an honest to God story. The next morning, the boy went to the shop to give the own, the owner the money, and he had a long sleeve shirt on, and there was another man in the shop, and they were talking about it.

Because it was the summer. So the man was, like, joking around, like, why do you have a long sleeve shirt on in the summer? You know? So he pulls the sleeves up. He has a bandage around his left arm, and the. The kid, like, just freezes in fright, because he’s like, why? Like, that’s exactly where I slashed the arm, right? So at this point, the boy runs home. Then, just, like, not too long after that, the shopkeeper’s body was found, and he killed himself. He hung himself by killing himself. So they also noticed that he had a fresh cut on his left arm.

Well, three weeks later, this is kind of a crazy part of the story. Three weeks later, the kid was noticing he kept going out at night and. You mean. You mean this kid who this father told not to go out at night? Kept going out at night. He kept going out at night and. And would start running around at night. And he also killed himself. And he. Because he said he believed the curse was on him and he was turning into a werewolf at night. What? Yeah, this. That’s wild. And that’s where, like, he. The blood that was on him wasn’t his blood.

It was from. It was the. The rougarou, the rugaloo’s blood. And I guess I don’t know if it bit him when it’s. When it, like, reached out for him or he felt something on his shoulder. I don’t know if it bit him or what, but that’s the story. And so he was found hung and in the forest, and he also killed himself, though. Crazy story. But, I mean, the school teacher that told the story was, like, this is an honest, true story that at least that she heard from her student, who wasn’t just making the story up, you know? So.

And it was crazy that the AP published this. Like, can you imagine the AP publishing the story now? So. Yeah, so I don’t know, but that’s supposedly, you know, where, like, yeah, if one of these things bites you, supposedly, you know, that’s the story. I mean, I don’t know. I don’t know anyone who’s ever, you know, turned into our werewolves, so I don’t know for sure, but, yeah. Pretty insane story, though, really, is. It was one of the more crazier stories that I found published in, like, a, you know, by a respectable news organization. You know, I think that’s what makes that story so weird.

But anyway, I hate to end it on, like, such a bad note there, but I. But, you know, this stuff never ends. I want to get deeper into what what Doctor Greer experienced and this, this, whatever this like subject r 32 is. So maybe on a future episode we’ll present to you guys what we can find on that. I’ll start researching that a little bit more and see if there’s any information about this, any store, excuse me, any stories that have been published in history about these things. You know, if it’s out there, I guarantee it, I’ll find it.

So let’s see. We’ll see what happens on that. So, pretty insane. Yeah, crazy. Are we going to head over to rise tv in a sec? Yeah, we’ll go ahead and head over there. Oh, there’s been a insane show and probably a lot of you guys are going to have questions. So if you do think about coming over to rise tv and supporting our work and you can be a part of that Q and A. We have Q and A’s after every episode and. Yeah, and we’ve also, before we head over, if you’ve been looking for a way to support our content and you want something in return that’s really going to help your day, we’ve got metaphysical coffee now.

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Some say that he was also the world’s first vampire, Dracula. But is it all just a batting tale, or are the movies talking about something real? Find out. In part one of Edge of Wonders Halloween series, Vlad the Impaler and Dracula. Get your questions ready, because it’s time for our live Q and a session exclusively on Rise TV.


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