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5G Danger


➡ The Edge of Wonder podcast discusses theories about secret space civilizations and the military industrial complex. They reference President Eisenhower’s warning about the military industrial complex’s influence and whistleblower claims of off-planet spaceships and intergalactic communication. The hosts also discuss their investigative research and remote viewing data, suggesting the possibility of colonies on Mars and beyond. The podcast ends with a live Q&A session and encourages listeners to follow them on various social media platforms.
➡ The text discusses the military industrial complex and its influence on technology and politics. It suggests that this entity is not just about warfare, but also about developing advanced technology, possibly including UFO anti-gravity tech. The text questions whether this technology is used for warfare or kept hidden, and how it influences politics and funding. It also raises questions about who truly controls this complex, as even presidents seem to lack full access to its secrets.
➡ The discussion revolves around the military-industrial complex and its potential involvement with advanced technology and extraterrestrial life. The speakers suggest that high-ranking military officials and corporations may have access to this technology, which could be more interesting to them than earthly matters. They also mention the possibility of faster-than-light communication in Antarctica and the existence of off-planet fleets. The conversation ends with speculation about hidden civilizations underwater or underground.
➡ The text discusses the possibility of advanced technology being withheld due to potential misuse. It suggests that this technology could solve many of Earth’s problems, including climate change. However, it’s speculated that this technology might be seen as a security threat if it falls into the wrong hands. The text also mentions the disappearance of $2 trillion from the Pentagon’s budget, hinting at a possible secret space program.
➡ A man named McKinnon was arrested for hacking into multiple systems, including military ones, and was threatened with a 70-year prison sentence by the U.S. government. However, his extradition was fought off in Britain, and he was not sentenced due to concerns about the exposure of sensitive information he discovered. The discussion also touched on a mysterious spreadsheet about non-terrestrial officers and the possibility of a phased disclosure of confidential information related to space and aliens by the military industrial complex. The hosts also promoted their metaphysical coffee and their content on Rise TV, which covers a wide range of topics including the paranormal, ancient civilizations, and esoteric subjects.
➡ The text discusses the idea of disclosing information about unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and non-human intelligences. It suggests that this disclosure might be driven by the increasing difficulty of hiding such information due to the rise of private space travel and more cameras in space. The text also speculates that this could be a strategy to gradually prepare humanity for the reality of extraterrestrial life and advanced technologies. The discussion ends with a promotion for a Q&A session on Rise TV.


Edge of wonder. Hey, everybody. Did the military industrial complex develop breakaway civilizations in outer space? In his farewell address, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned against unwarranted influence by the military industrial complex. When whistleblower Gary McKinnon hacked NASA, he found records of an off planet fleet of spaceships. Whistleblower and former Raytheon Polar services contractor Eric Hecker saw what looked like intergalactic communication capabilities in Antarctica. Journalists have even uncovered millions of dollars in black budgets. But nobody knows where the money has disappeared to in this edge of wonder live show. With me, Rob counts. I’m bringing on a special guest, my co host on our show, metaphysical John Vivanko.

He’ll share his remote viewing data and I’ll share my investigative research. That’ll have you wondering, does Mars already have a colony? And could other places even further beyond be developed as well? At the end of the show, don’t miss the live Q and a only on rise tv. And as always, we’ll see you out on the edge. Are you listening to the Edge of Wonder podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcast, or anywhere else? You know, that five star rating review really helps us reach more people. And remember, you’ve got to, like, follow, subscribe on Rumble, Ganjing World, Twitter, Instagram, telegram, and Facebook.

John, how you doing? Good. This is going to be fun. I think we’re here. We are here together. Yeah. As you can see, we’re in. We’re in John’s studio here out here in Washington state. And unfortunately, Ben couldn’t be with us today because category five or six hurricane. Yeah, they created a whole new category for this hurricane. Or May is going to hit Florida pretty soon, and he’s preparing for all of that. And hopefully he gets out of dodge. Seriously. What do you think, John? Yeah, so, so Ben is literally, like, he’s down there. Yeah. Like the cause, Fort Meyer, where he’s at, is just below Tampa a few hours.

So he’s definitely going to get nailed, huh? So I guess we just have to see how it goes. I mean, hopefully this thing’s not going to develop, but, you know, I don’t know. Yeah, not looking good. It’s weird. It’s like you can’t tell whether or not what’s going on is, like, psyoppy or whether there’s like, really some serious danger going on. So, I mean, who knows? I mean, I’ve been looking at the windy map. Yeah. And I don’t know. I’m not sure. I’ve got to research where they get the data from. But currently at, like, the top wind speeds around 60 miles an hour, I think.

But, you know, that’s the only data source I’ve been looking at, so I don’t know. Yeah, yeah. I had someone talking about watching the NOAA stuff and that there were planes flying in there. As soon as the planes got out of that hurricane, they got exponentially. Like, the winds got exponentially stronger. So it’s like it. Is that true? Is it not? It’s really hard to tell right now. It’s kind of weird. It is weird. But today we’re going to be talking about one of actually our favorite subjects, John and I. And every time we start talking about it, we get all tripped out because it’s something really.

It’s something really hard to understand and figure out, basically, how the power structures on this planet are really set up. And this all actually comes down to the military industrial complex, which was originally mentioned by Dwight D. Eisenhower, strangely, in his farewell address after his eight year term in the White House. He came on, basically, to talk to everyone and talked about. It was about a 16 minutes farewell address, and I think it was about eight minutes. And he starts talking, or maybe nine minutes, and he starts talking about this entity called the military industrial complex.

And we’ve got a clip for it right here. Let’s watch that, and then we’ll get into. This is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development, yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources, and livelihood are all involved. So is the very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. Yeah. And what’s weird about this is he’s talking about this. If you watch the whole thing.

You’ve watched the whole thing, John. Right. Like, a few times. It’s almost like while he was president, he started to notice that there was another entity that seemed to be. Seemed to be conducting itself outside of the bounds of governmental influence within the United States. What do you think? Yeah, I think it was outside of the bounds on the public side and then privatizing in the corporate arena, high technology as one aspect in order to keep control of it in a private sector. And so a lot of this, what he’s talking about, I think, really has to do with this privatization of military type technology away from the public and to build it and grow it underneath the surface for, you know, for whatever reason they want.

But, you know, it was like, it was like this conversation came up between us on the metaphysical show. Because you’re like, what’s the military industrial complex? And it’s like, yeah, right. We just like, like throw that word around. It’s such a vague term. Like kind of like, oh, yeah, there’s a. What? That phenomena you saw was a portal. And the person just goes, yeah, oh, yeah. Okay. That explains it. When you don’t even know what it is. What is a portal? Right. What is a portal? Right. Yeah, I get it. So this is kind of the same thing.

So it’s kind of like us trying to figure out. And I, look, I haven’t remote viewed around a lot of this stuff on this whole military industrial, because for one thing, it’s a little bit dangerous. I was gonna say, this sounds like one of the more dangerous things that you could remote view. Like in the past had remote viewed the stealth, the f 117 stealth bomber before it was. It was, it was declassified, but we looked at a flight before it was declassified, which got us into trouble. Right. So this is an arena that is not good to really mess around in.

Yeah. And so for those of you at home who haven’t watched metaphysical and don’t know what remote viewing is, what are you doing? Why haven’t you watched metaphysical yet? Seriously? No, but remote viewing is actually. I’ll let John explain it because he’s here and he’s an expert in this. What is remote viewing? John? Go ahead. Remote viewing, it’s a, it’s, it’s a method of gaining information. Non local. Non local information. Anything that’s out of your five senses, that’s, that’s what non local is. And it’s. It’s a protocol and a methodology that was developed by the CIA.

I hate saying that word. Stanford Research Institute military complex during the 1970s, late sixties, into the 1970s and became an operational way of gaining intelligence through Fort Meade military remote viewers and then declassified in 1995 where the protocol and the methodology was sent out to the public. Right. And so when John says that he got in a little trouble for remote viewing, something, that means somebody was on to him and his team when they were remote viewing, this stealth stuff. And then probably there was a little knock at the door or something and. Well, yeah, so there’s warnings.

Warnings through people who are periphery that you work with. Because back at that period of time in the nineties, after it was declassified, there was very heavy interest in coming from intelligence sectors to anyone who was doing remote viewing. And because we created a think tank around it, making money with it. We were, you know, watched. We had. I’m sure you were very watched, right? Yeah. So, yeah. Anyway, for those of you at home, too, if you don’t know, John and I are together out here in Washington. You can see my hand coming to his screen over here somewhere, probably.

So, yeah, we’re here together, and we’re. We’re actually doing a little bit of exploring out here in southern Washington. So it’s. It’s actually pretty. Pretty fun out here, what we’re doing, and we’re trying to make some content for you guys, so keep an eye out for it. Definitely. Yeah. And I think, like, all right, so back to the military industrial complex stuff. What I think is so weird is even we’re talking about the 1950s, okay? It’s the end of Eisenhower’s term, Eisenhower. There’s already a lot of conspiracy theories around Dwight D. Eisenhower making some kind of deal with the gray aliens or something like that.

Now, is any of that true? We’re not sure. We think it is. But there’s also, like, the majestic twelve was all kind of developed around this time. And then we’ve got Dwight D. Eisenhower talking about the military industrial complex. And what’s so strange about this is as early as the 1950s, now we have a entity that is confusing, even for the president of the United States. He’s addressing his confusion almost around the fact that we have to be careful about this strange entity that has taken on a life of its own. And so even back then, we have this.

And the thing is, what’s so strange about this is now you get into, well, what are they doing in the military industrial complex? I mean, from my understanding, the military industrial complex isn’t just waging war and all of that stuff. We’re talking about the development of very advanced technology. Right. What do you think? Yeah, I think the whole thing really has to do with technology. I ponder if it’s also influence within political politics. I mean, you would assume that, but there are. It’s probably incredibly layered ultimately, where, okay, they need money to flow into it. They need money to flow into it.

So they would have to have a lot of influence going into the political world to pull from the taxpayers. But oftentimes, you wonder how much they even care about that influence. Right? Because these technologies don’t necessarily get used in war fighting, especially when you get to the UFO anti gravity type technology. Right. So it becomes a question, are winning wars important for them or just some kind of, like, brutal theater for the masses? You know what I’m saying, because, well, let’s say world War three went hot. Like super hot. Would they pull out the super high technology type UFO’s and use them publicly? Is it about winning? I mean, so here’s the questions that I have.

I mean, even when you get back to Libya and Gaddafi, when the United States was trying to pull Gaddafi out of power, the V 117 bomber, the stealth bomber, was fully operational, but it was behind a wall of classification and they didn’t pull it out in order to fight that. Instead they used, like, the f 111, which is an older model of that, non stealth. They didn’t want to out that technology to the world. Right, right. And if that. If that. Literally, when. What year was this? I mean, this was 20 years ago ish. Something like that.

If you’re. If you’re releasing technology, because what happens after that? People, other countries begin to reverse engineer it and not long after, they start to have their own stealth technology. So once you release that technology, the other countries start going after it and they start developing it. As we see today, Russia’s got it, China’s got it, others have it. So you have to wonder, now we’re 20 years away from that. What is the technology now that is completely under that layer of classification or privatization, because that’s another layer, too. You’ve got classification in the military and you got privatization, like through Boeing and what, whatnot.

Right. They’ve got access to these types of technologies. And you’ve got to wonder, like, where is the technology right now compared to what they, like, let slip out? Stealth 20 ish years ago. Right. I mean, when you get to the world of politics and, you know, most people assume. Well, the president would know everything. Most people would assume Congress and Senate. They know everything because they’re in control of everything. That’s not how it is. Yeah, they don’t. Not at all. In fact, I mean, when you get to, like, Bill Clinton, he’s like, I’ll find out about those UFO’s.

And they basically told him to f, off. They told other presidents to f. Off. Yeah, it’s none of your business. Stay out of it. Yeah, stay in your own lane. And they can’t even have access to the. To the technology because it’s not public. It’s private. It’s all private. Right. And that’s part of the whole military and industrial complex, is to privatize it and then use it for whatever purpose they want to use it for. So when it just occurred to me while you were talking, you know, if you go back even to the 14 hundreds.

The 15 hundreds. I mean, a lot of what even Leonardo da Vinci was getting, you know, paid for was to come up with plans for different weapons of war. Like, he would work really hard in his notebooks on these different weapons and stuff. And so all of the technology that we enjoy now has almost without exception, revolved around creating technologies to advance yourself so that you’re unconquerable. Right, right. And so if you look at it from that perspective, all, like, keeping wars going would be of high interest to this supposed military industrial complex because it would keep the technology and the money flowing into them in order to protect the company.

In that. In that speech that Dwight D. Eisenhower gave, he was talking about how there were some, like, weird facts in there, actually, about how, well, actually, even now, there’s, like, a lot of information about how much taxpayers pay. But back then, they were utilizing more than, I think certain whole departments within the country were. Were taking within a year. Like, they were using it all. And it was like they. They were like so much money was pouring into it. And he was like, well, where’s this money going? He started kind of, like, thinking about it because he was using his brain.

Right. But, like, right now, there was this interesting article that came out from the nation. I saw. I think this was a 2023 article, and it was called something like, the military industrial complex is alive and well. Right? This was more recently. Right. And there’s one interesting paragraph that I pulled out in here, and it was this year’s spending just for that company’s overpriced, underperformed f 35. It’s referring to Lockheed Martin. So this year, spending just for that company’s overpriced, underperforming f 35 combat aircraft equals the full budget of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

And as a new report from the National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies revealed recently, the average taxpayer spends $1,000, $87 per year on weapons contractors, compared to $270 for k twelve education and just $6 for renewable energy. I mean, they won’t stop talking about climate change, right? And when I say they, I mean, like, you know, at the, like the. Whatever the powers that be, the administration, the globalists, like, all of them, they’re talking about this all the time. But where the money is really going, if you look at this, actually is to weapons of war and stuff like that.

Right? I. You know, yeah, it’s kind of like. It’s kind of like the medical industry. I mean, it pays them to keep people sick, right? Oh, man, that’s such a unfortunate and good. Yeah. Way to look at, like a good analogy. Right. You know, too, it’s like, what do we got right now? We’ve got the UAP Disclosure act. You know, that thing that, that, that the Democrats have been trying to push through. Yeah. Even as, even in 2016, I think John Podesta was on ancient aliens trying to push this thing or whatever. Right. So you’ve got that going on.

And I think it was, Senator Schumer has really been pushing it, but he also introduced an amendment to it. And the amendment was to basically take control of the non human technology. So in the amendment, it was to take over any patents, take over any privatized stuff that came from non human intelligence, which, which, which is kind of. Okay, so look, what’s more scary, like, them having control over it or this vague military industrial complex having control over it? Like, at least we know sort of that they haven’t, like, completely destroyed us. I don’t know. I don’t know what’s happening.

But then if you, if you think if they get hold of it because they take control of all of that, what would they do with it? Right. Yeah, it’s a good question. It is a good question. And it’s weird, too. It’s weird that they’re going to literally, like, commandeer all of that technology if that act passes. But I don’t think it, I don’t think it did. I think it already went up for vote. Yeah. And I think even, even more than that. Right. If presidents of the United States are being told to essentially, you know, like, go away.

Right. You know, they’re not going to give them any information on this. You start, all of these new questions start opening up, like, what actually is the power structure of the military industrial complex? If they can tell a president, the, you know, executive of the entire country to f, off essentially. Right. And not look into this, then who’s in control of them? Is it like, is there a certain general that’s at the very top? Is it someone else? Is it the CIA? Like, who is it, like, what is the power structure here, honestly? I mean, yeah, that’s an interesting question, but I think it’s, it’s going to be a huge mix.

Like, okay, for instance. But somebody’s got to make the final call on something somewhere, right? Right. Somebody has to. And who would that be? Like, when I think that some of this stuff is looked at by that complex, when you look at the politicians, politicians will come and go there. They don’t stay in power forever, but those in that, in the position inside of the military industrial complex, they will stay forever. Like, so, for instance, there’s no time limit for a general. Right? There’s no term limits for a general, for instance. But, you know, we’re mixing military in with it.

But when you step fully outside of that into corporations, there’s also another thing going on. That’s when you get TRW or Boeing or Lockheed Martin, Raytheon. Right. So that’s even another layer of this thing. And I think a lot of this technology is completely locked behind their walls. But you have access with. With generals coming into the military, they’re still a part of it. Right. Like when we looked at. Do you remember when we looked at the. One of the alien videos? Oh, is this the Antarctica one? No, the one that, one of the alien videos where they were.

They were trying to get some medical care. Oh, it’s like they’re the alien interview. The alien interview. Yeah, that’s right. That’s right. That’s right. That’ll come out in a few months. Yeah. Okay. It’ll come out in a few months. This is a little bit of a spoiler. That’s. Okay. Okay, so. So when we looked at that, we had a very, very high ranking military general involved in that. Yeah. We won’t reveal who we think it was, but we won’t reveal. But this would have been somebody that would have been joint chiefs of staff level. Right, right.

So. So, you know, maybe those are the people who are embedded or running aspects of it or liaison with. With that stuff. Yeah. And, you know, we did an episode. Um, actually, you know what? Before we get onto this, um, why don’t we do a trailer right now? And then when we get back, we’re going to keep going with this conversation because you can actually never end. We could talk about this probably for days. Uh, but, yeah, why don’t we go ahead and watch a trailer? But before we do, I just wanted to actually show you guys this necklace that John is wearing.

John’s partner, Heather, makes these. Right? These are actual meteorite, isn’t it? This is actually. This is organite. It’s organite. So it’s organite. So she makes these organites, and this is meteorite within there. But what’s actually really cool about it is that it has a charge to it. So if you take a DC volt meter and put it near it, this thing is putting off crazy energy. Awesome. Like, you can actually feel this, too. So, yeah, Heather. Heather makes these and if you know Heather, yeah, you. She would be seen on chronicles of the psychic spy on rise tv doing remote viewing and stuff like that.

So she’s a very adept remote viewer. And I don’t know, she’s actually selling these on Etsy at formed and forged. Formed and forged on Etsy. Yeah. Okay. Check it out. And she’s got a whole bunch of other stuff on there. Really beautiful stuff. Yeah. Actually, I’ll show you guys this one too. That one is very, uh. It’s for, uh. It’s female. Yeah, females. That’s why I’m not wearing this like John’s wearing it. But yeah, it’s really beautiful. Like, you can’t see it, but it’s like. It’s really amazing. Super beautiful. Yeah, check it out. Formed and forged on Etsy.

Yeah. All right, well, we’ll, um, we’ll watch this trailer, and then when we come back, we’re gonna keep going with this conversation. Is it a rolling stone in the sky? Is it a hunk huka hunka burning metal? Its definitely not a blackbird singing in the dead of night. Its a UFO. And chances are your favorite rock star has seen it. Are rock artists just crazy, or is there a reason why so many have claimed to see UFO’s? From your standard believers to abductees, from lifelong stargazers to superstars turned investigators, UFO encounters seem to follow around these celebrities.

Is your favorite rock star on the list? Find out as edge of wonder presents UFO Close Encounters Celebrity Edition Episode one, rockstar Mind Control. All right, y’all, if you give us your email, you guys will get a free episode on Rise TV just by putting your email here. And you could go to rise tv. Halloween. Give us your email. Even if you’re already a part of Rise TV, you can double confirm your email here and you’ll get that free episode. Or if you have been a member before. And also, I think we’re. Yeah, rise. Obviously, if you’re already here, you guys get it for free.

But if you’ve been arise tv and you’re on rumble and you want to have access to that, just give us your email. All right, so, yeah, back to the military industrial complex here. Okay, now, one of the interesting things about this whole thing when we start getting into the technology and the power structures is this idea of why does the military industrial complex kind of seem so? The fact that they can just tell presidents to kind of go away and all of this stuff, it almost feels like there’s this air of not even caring very much about what’s going on around here.

They’re so far ahead of everything already that it almost seems like there’s this disinterest. Almost. And we were trying to work this out the other day when John and I were having another show that we were doing, and this kind of came up, and it’s like, why would they be disinterested? Well, it seems like they are. I’m not for sure if they are of. I think there are layers of interest and non interest. Right. Yeah, but. But, like, you know, if you can tell a president to go away and to screw off, then you can probably.

You’ve got a lot going on that, you know, no one knows about. I mean, we’ve got Eric Hecker over here saying that there is faster than light communication going on in Antarctica. Right? And if there’s faster than light communication going on in Antarctica, well, now you’re bringing in Gary McKinnon and the fact that he found that there were off planet fleets out there in outer space. Right? I mean, if that’s true, what’s going on in this little planet earth when your mind is on extra planetary discoveries? You wouldn’t really be as interested in the stuff that was going on here on planet Earth.

I mean, would you? No, you wouldn’t. And I don’t know what most people think about this out there, but I do know that alien. And alien tech is of the highest classification, if not completely privatized, so that there will be no access to it and that the people who work in these types of projects would be way more interested in that funnel and moving in that direction than being stuck on the planet. Right. And that gets into that whole breakaway civilization idea as well, which is something. It’s something that. That may or may not exist. There seems to be evidence towards this type of thing, like, actually existing in general.

And so I think a lot of it has to do with. Well, okay, so, for instance, when remote viewing become declassified, there were. There’s one method. That was one methodology. There had been other methodologies that were created, and some of these methodologies would use technical means to really enhance this, the non local field that you can feel and get information on, so much so that a remote viewer doesn’t need to do it blind or not knowing what it is. They’re remote viewing because their conscious mind won’t get in the way in some of these processes, and they’ll just know and feel and experience.

And a lot of these programs went towards, like, full on alien stuff, like telepathy, telepathic interactions, spying on them. So you’re saying. So you’re saying a lot of these remote viewing taskings were revolved around aliens? Yeah. Yes, yes, yes. Absolutely. Absolutely. Right. That’s one of the most important things. That is one of the most important things to this very deep layer of government, I guess, call it. But. But that basically confirms what we’re saying then. Right. In a peripheral way. Right, right. So that’s what they would be doing, in my estimation. Like, why would you care so much about winning a war on Earth? What does it matter so much? This is.

This is something else going on for the people in order to, you know, like what we were talking about earlier, keep. Keep the money flowing. Right. Wars on Earth. Keep money flowing in the direction of that. That area, that complex, and that allows them to extend their reach out further into space, perhaps new technologies, new beings to interact with. And that would become way more interesting, right. That would become way more interesting than the mundane goings on. On Earth. Yeah. I mean, Star wars is way more interesting than Harry Potter. Right, exactly. But I mean, also think about.

Yeah, we. We think of space, but what about underground? Like, what about breakaway civilizations under. I mean, who’d want to live underground but. Or under the water, right? I mean, we have. We have on this planet a full hidden zone when you get away from the coast big time, and you have technology that can move underwater, like, you know, UFO type technology can. I mean, think what you can set up underwater. Right. And the world down there, you can explore, too. Yeah. Just about anything. And I mean. And what’s interesting, too, that that kind of comes up is if they have been developing all of this technology, it’s sort of like the Gaddafi and the stealth bomber example you gave earlier, where it’s like, okay, who.

All of this stuff that they have created is so everybody says this 100 years more advanced, probably 200 years more advanced than whatever. Whatever we’re dealing with now, if that’s the case, and they have all of this technology, they have anti gravity. They have, like, zero point energy, right? Why, like, we could resolve all of the problems on earth with those technologies right now. Why are we not, like, why not do that? Unless, I mean, if we’re talking about how all of this is actually set up, is it? I can see them thinking, this is all technology.

If we put this technology in people’s hands, you’re giving them the keys to a lot more destructive power. And so potentially, they view this as a national security threat. Right. Or a global national. Or a global security threat where, if this technology gets into the wrong hands. Now we’re talking about like planet busting or something like that. I can understand that part. But when you’re talking about all of these people pushing climate change and all of that stuff, and the answers to those problems are right next door at the military industrial complex, I have a hard time understanding why some of this stuff is not being rolled out.

Right. Like, I mean, what do you think about that? Basically, I think that what they’re saying is just not true. That’s really what it comes down to. Right. Ultimately, I just. It’s just not true. It’s not meaning. It’s meaning it’s not a problem that. You mean they have the technology. It’s not a problem. No, no. Meaning that. That what you’re told as to what a problem is is not the truth. Oh, that’s how I perceive it to be. Because otherwise, look, if this planet is going to be destroyed, completely, utterly destroyed because of human behavior, no, no, that’s not going to happen.

That doesn’t check out, right? It doesn’t check out like. And they have the technology, let’s say they have the technology to just like change us from carbon. And I’m not talking like electric cars, I’m talking about more on the free energy, Tesla style side. If there’s technology there, you know, even, even cars like hydro, the hydro cars, the 1980s. Oh, yeah, all that kind of stuff. People have been inventing this stuff. Even cars that get like 80 miles per gallon, 100 miles per gallon. I remember that stuff, like, like in the 1980s, like advertisements for that.

Then all of a sudden it’s gone. Like it was never even there. Anyway. I think that, that this stuff just gets suppressed over and over and over again when people bring it out, bring it forward, these alternative technology methods that would, that would basically get rid of a carbon issue because the car. There is no carbon issue. At least not. It’s not at a point where it is collapsing things. Yeah, right. Sure. But if you live on the planet and you have access to free energy and whatnot, and it is collapsing things, of course you’re going to have to change it.

You have to, you have, you have a choice, right? At least from my perspective. Because, look, this is the only earth that we have. Maybe they’ve got other earths, but this is the only earth we have. Why destroy it? Yeah. So now we’re talking about like agendas on top of agendas and agendas and they’re all kind of this weird circulation thing that’s going on, right? All revolved around a power structure that we don’t quite understand that’s. That’s operating in the shadows. This is where the term deep state even came from, I think, because it’s like, how does all of this stuff work and function? Right? And, you know, getting back to these private contractors that work with.

With the military, and now you start talking about the military industrial complex and all the money that’s being poured into that and how a lot of this stuff is of the highest classification. We don’t know who’s making the calls on that stuff, but we do know that. What was it, like, one or two weeks after, who was the guy, the secretary of state or whoever at the time who was talking about the 2 trillion million dollars missing a. Right before 911? That was Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld, right. It was Rumsfeld. And so it was about $2 trillion or something like that.

Missing. Totally missing because of the antiquated, like, accounting structure that they were using in the Pentagon, which seems pretty convenient. Right? I mean, of course, some of that could just be like, we’re talking about government workers here. So, like, everything is slower in the government if you work for the government. But $2 trillion, that’s quite a bit. Yeah. And now we’re missing $2 trillion. $2 trillion is a convenient amount to be poured into space or space exploration or space flight. And now we’ve got these companies like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon. What was the other one that you mentioned? Trw.

Trw, yeah. So they’re getting these huge contracts with the government, and they’re creating all of this stuff that’s obviously, like, they’re down in Antarctica. They’re shooting green lasers into the sky. There’s faster than light communication. Eric Hecker is calling that thing, simultaneously, the most powerful telescope on planet Earth, that it’s a direct energy weapon. Right. Like, there were earthquakes that were. This is Eric Hecker’s claims that there were earthquakes created from that thing. Right. And, you know, this is a huge conglomeration of different forces that are working together to create a massive entity that exists outside of governmental oversight.

That’s essentially what it is. Right. Right. I think we’ve got that clip of Rumsfeld. Why don’t we show that actually here, if you want to see that? We are, as they say, tangled in our anchor chain. Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because it’s stored on dozens of different technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible. We maintain 20% to 25% more base infrastructure than we need to support our forces, and an annual waste to taxpayers of some three to $4 billion.

Huh. That’s crazy. Yeah, that’s. That’s insane. 2.3 trillion. Right, right. You just give me 1 million of that and I can do a lot with it, you know, and they’re just. Wait. They’re like throwing it into space or into. Into weaponry. Yeah. I mean, it’s. It’s. There are a lot of these robberies. Slush, fun, nonsense things that go on in government. 2 trillion is a huge amount. Huge, huge, huge, huge amount. I mean, that is insane. That’s insane. I mean, there are a lot of government programs are created in order to pull in one of their friend contractors.

And whoever gets that government program going on the political side makes they get money back on it. And then also the whole military industrial complex works by. You do something for these people while you’re in office, and then later on, you get a position on their board. Right. And that’s where you make your real money. Or you run part of the company, and that’s where you make your real money. So, you know, they are. They’re like wound into it. Completely wound into it. But you’ve got $2 trillion that disappeared. Into what? Into what exactly? The secret space program and whatever else they’ve got going on the jump rooms to Mars.

Yeah. Right, right. What is it? I just hope that’s a thing, you know? Yeah, right. A lot of people talk about that. You know, it’s hard for on the remote viewing side to verify those claims. Well, there’s not a lot of specific information. You just don’t have good things to, like, latch on. Right. To task remote viewers on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so. So actually, we have the. I think there’s this ancient aliens clip with Gary McKinnon where he’s talking about finding the non terrestrial officer file in the NASA server. We should check that out, actually, if we can pull that up.

Lindsey, she’s getting it up for you guys right now. Check this out. I was obsessed with UFO’s. I was dying to find out the information. The Internet was a real enabler, finding out information by going to places you shouldn’t be in because they were so open. There were a lot of text files that had lists of places, installations, military bases, air force bases, tv sites, NASA sites. So there was a lot to go through. But I did find a gold mine of information. According to McKinnon, he unearthed a secret us military program that existed entirely in space.

I found the spreadsheet was actually titled in the column, non terrestrial officers as well as non terrestrial names. None of these were motion going ships. It was astounding. They’re not navy, they’re not in the army, and not even air force. So to me, I was thinking there must be an off planet space force or space fleet at least. After McKinnon’s arrest, he was told the us government intended to sentence him to 70 years in prison. At the time, I thought six months community service was all you’d do for a computer misuse act. In Britain, we fought extradition for ten years and we actually won the case.

Man, that is rough. That’s rough of 70 years. And he thought he was going to do six weeks of community service or six months of community service or something. Right, so, all right, the spreadsheet. But actually, don’t you know that the crown pulled him off of it? And there were a lot of people in even the us government who did not want to do this to him because it would be too much exposure. It would be even more exposure on him finding something that makes a lot of sense. Right? Because, I mean, he was hacking. I think he hacked like, 70 different computers, 70 different systems or something.

And a lot of that was military, like, DoD stuff as well. And they did not want revealing of what this guy found to be super public, so they kind of pulled back. Yeah, because. Yeah. Easier to get less publicity on that than to talk about it more. That’s interesting. So, yeah, okay. But there’s a spreadsheet that’s talking about non terrestrial officers now, right? Non terrestrial officers, yeah. That’s crazy. Well, hey, you guys, why don’t we watch a trailer right now and we’re going to come back and we’re going to keep talking about military industrial complex. We’ll get a little bit more into this Gary McKinnon stuff.

And before we do, we’re not looking at Rob. Oh, yeah, sorry. Sometimes I forget to change the camera angle to me, and John’s over there twiddling his thumbs. Yeah. Before we do, I’m gonna read this, give us a talk about our metaphysical coffee. So we wanted to give a shout out to one of our fans, Deya Neera. I think that’s how you pronounce her name. She told us, quote, your metaphysical coffee is amazing. I need my energy without the anxiety feeling and crashes. Some overpriced coffees and energy drinks gave me. So I need a coffee that’s bold.

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That’s try sip. We’ll see after this trailer from a haunted doll that won’t go away, to the mysterious disappearance of a college student from the infamous Stanley hotel to a message in a tombstone. There’s plenty to keep you up at night. So sit back, grab a friend and huddle up by the campfire because these stories will chill you to the bone in this episode of Edge of Wonder. Join us as we get spookier and peer into the paranormal world. Our world is full of mysteries, unexplained phenomena, metaphysical encounters, and of course, divine miracles that can’t be explained and they might just leave you frozen in fear.

Like our first mystery on the list, the haunted Elsa dollar. Well, here for a treat if you like Halloween content because rise tv has tons of Halloween content. So if you’re there and you’re watching this and you want to support our work, you can subscribe to Rise TV. It’s just $12.99 a month. It’s like two coffees per month. That’s all it takes. And you’ll get access to a thousand videos that we’ve, that we’ve produced over time. There’s a thousand videos on Rise tv. It’s crazy. And all kinds of series on all kinds of things that you might be interested in, you know, like ancient civilization, esoteric and occult kind of stuff.

We’ve got stuff on the Jersey devil. We’ve got stuff on anything Halloween related that you might like. Vampires. I’ve done so many digs on vampires. So strange. We’ve got chronicles of a psychic spy with John. We’ve got series on transhumanism. Anything that you’d be interested in, probably. We’ve done it there. We’ve saved you all the time in the research. So definitely check that out. And it’s pretty inexpensive to get going. And you can join our rise tv community, who’s on chat right now, having a great time over there. So, yeah. Thank you very much. And back to the military industrial complex.

So one thing that we found that was kind of interesting here is this clip that explains these levels of disclosure that the military industrial complex was thinking about taking in order to disclose more of the, I think, space faring alien secretive confidential info. And actually, Lindsey, if you could pull that up, that’s this philosopher, Jason Giorgiani, breaking down the five stages of disclosure. We don’t have to watch this whole thing, but we’re going to watch a little bit of this as he’s talking through the five levels of disclosure. Go ahead. And I had been, well, you know, let’s say, apprised of information relating to how they intended to roll out this phased soft disclosure, you know, in a series of about five stages, going from offering limited data regarding UFO’s, or uaps, as they like to call them now.

That’s where we are now. Images of structures in various parts of the solar system taken with state of the art telescopes that are being deployed to then, in a subsequent phase, archaeological excavations on earth of structures similar to ones that are photographed, let’s say, on the moons of Jupiter or, and the idea was that they were going to start very far from the Earth. Right. To sort of put the public at ease and then slowly disclose the fact that these structures are also on Mars. And by the way, they are also on the moon, right on top of us.

And then the focus would come to similar structures, in other words, megalithic engineering, high precision megalithic engineering on Earth. Then archaeological excavation would take place. Anthropological studies would be done, and slowly, over the course of, like, three, four phases, they would get to the disclosure that this phenomenon has been with us through all of human history and that there is a genetic connection between the beings behind UFO’s or Uaps and the human race. Okay, that’s chilling. Yeah. So you can see from there that we’re probably in phase one of that, but that there seems to be some kind of, like, what do you think of this, John? Well, he said, also one of the things would be evidenced with.

Through the telescopes. And if you heard just recently, Linda Moulton Howe claims, she’s made a claim that some sources with the James Webb telescope that she’s got have told her that they found six exoplanets habitable, from our perspective, with artificial light on the surface of the planet. I mean, you know, who knows? Meaning, like, it’s like when you’re at bird’s eye view and you see lights on. On the planet. Is that what you mean? Yeah, actually, they would use different types of instrumentation in order to perceive that. But they perceived. Yeah. There’s infrastructure on some of these planets that they’re looking at.

So if this goes beyond how, out into the broader world, you start seeing scientists talking about it, news articles, then we know that we’re onto something here with this guy, because that would be part of that plan. But you got to ask yourself, who is the one that is in control of the disclosure and why? It’s definitely not the government, because the government doesn’t know jack about this stuff. They’re trying to find information on it. That’s why they want to do the UAP Disclosure act. That’s why they want to, like, deprivatize the technology and put it under their umbrella.

Right. That’s why presidents have been rebuffed when they ask about it. So somebody else is behind this disclosure process. This is not your politicians behind it. So who is it? And why? Why, why what’s coming? Why do they need to disclose? Why is this happening? That’s my perspective, at least. Like. Like, why do they need to disclose? Yeah. What would be the purpose of disclosing? So just to speculate a little bit. Well, okay, so think about these guys. They’re. They’re in. They’re. They’re tied in to non human intelligences in general. They interact with them. Right. So you would kind of hazard to guess.

Make a hazard guess here that this is coming from the non human intelligence. Like. Like, you need to begin the process of disclosure. Right? Oh, you know, sure. Yeah. Interesting. I thought maybe it was a little bit more mundane than that. I was thinking perhaps you’ve got guys like Elon Musk and. Oh, yeah, and who’s it. Who’s the guy who runs Amazon? Bezos. Bezos. Jeff Bezos. And also skinwalker ranch. Oh, what’s his. Bigelow. Bigelow. Bigelow. Yeah. Right. So we’ve got Bigelow, too. And these guys are all dipping into privatizing space travel. So now you’ve got guys that have, like, there’s more and more cameras in outer space.

It’s harder and harder now to control. It’s not just NASA out there. You’ve got these guys traveling into space. There are people in those rockets. And now what are you doing? You’re having to tell all of those people not to say what they saw. You’re telling them not to talk about the craft they saw in outer space when they went out there. It’s a lot harder to cover that up if there’s a lot of activity in outer space. So what they could be doing is trying to get way ahead of that. I think they’ve known for a long time that if you release information about a potential.

About aliens or a potential alien threat, because not all of them are positive. I don’t care what certain people say. Now, you’ve got people all over the planet not freaking out about something that’s going on across an ocean. They’re freaking out about what’s going on in outer space. It could lead to certain specific meltdowns across the globe, which you want to avoid if you soft disclosure it over a long period of time. Right. I mean, look at every step of human advancement has always come with finding new things that they framed in very specific ways. Like, probably one of the silliest things that I’ve come across is the fact that for hundreds, for thousands of years, humans have been talking about dragons.

Modern scientists find dinosaurs buried in the earth, and they call them dinosaurs. And the dragon conversation isn’t even there, and yet there they are, staring you in the eye. There’s actual dragons there. They were in the remote past, or maybe not even the remote past, and everyone’s just like, well, it’s got a latin word, so you know it’s not a dragon. You know, and. No, actually, that is a dragon. Right. You know, and. But humans have accepted it, and they didn’t freak out about it or anything. Another reason is those dragons weren’t necessarily alive right now.

Like burning fire on villages, of course. Right. But in the not so distant past, these things are written in books that some. Maybe some of them did survive and they were doing some things right. So, I mean, it would make sense that they’re trying to soft disclose this to. Why? Because we’re turning into a space faring race. Yes, essentially, yeah, we’re turning into a space faring race. It’s getting harder and harder to hide this stuff, and then they want to be able to release and improve those technologies over time. This is an easier way to do that if everyone kind of slowly gets on the same page, I think.

Yeah. I mean, no, it’s. It’s a. It’s. It’s. It’s sort of a logical path of thought. But then if you look back to the history of covering up the UFO sightings and the absolute blatant social engineering, then it. Then how do you put factor that in? You could just keep social engineering people to laugh at it, because people will exist in a state of wanting to survive within society. Look at it. And it’s like. And also, you got to do you just, like. Like, you go back to, like, how many ground, like, researchers who wrote books and put information out there has already completely, like, busted open what it is, how much the military knows, how much the, you know, I guess you say government or whatever knows about it, and most people out there will still wait for that government to tell them whether it’s true.

I mean, for sure. I mean, look, as opposed to, like, doing research to actually understand research that would win in a court case that they are here, that they’ve been covering it up. So I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know. It’s hard to say. It’s hard to say. Yeah. It’s like, then why. Then why slow disclose it at all? Yeah. It’s. If you’ve been hiding it. So. And the other thing is, like, blatantly, they hide all kinds of things all the time. I mean, they were digging up giants in the late 18 hundreds, early 19 hundreds.

Those have all been swept under the rug. Why this? Why disclose or soft disclose this? There has to be some agenda. That is the biggest question, really. Why? Because this is not coming from the government. It’s coming from this military industrial complex or that structure. And they have connection to NHI. So what’s happening here? Something’s changing. Right? Something’s changing. And not that anybody should look to the government to reveal anything of, like, interest or, like, realness to them. They shouldn’t, because you can find this out yourself as opposed to having to listen to them. But they have an agenda behind it.

Right. And it could be the whole alien invasion idea. Right? I don’t know, but it definitely has to do with an engineering around non human intelligence. Yeah. Well, you guys, we have a. We. We did a show on black budgets on. Oh, thanks. We did a show on black budgets and on metaphysical. And it’s actually. It’s pretty funny. I think we called it black budgets and NASA secrets. You guys should definitely check that out because it runs down how all of this money and all the money that’s disappeared. And that’s on the metaphysical YouTube channel. You can easily go check that out.

And we’ve also found an article on NASA’s invisible twin, which is also, like a part of this whole thing that we go over in that. So you’re definitely going to want to check that out as well. Yeah. And we’re about to leave all of our platforms here on Rumble, Facebook, Ganjing World, Twitter, Telegram, and everywhere else we’re streaming and head over to rise tv. So you can actually join us on Rise tv for just $12.99 a month and you can support our work. You’ll get to ask your questions during the Live Q and A. John Vivanco is here.

Pretty. Gonna be pretty fun q and A today. And don’t forget that your support lets us do these deep dives and bring you the truth that the sensors don’t want you to hear. You can also get that bag of delicious, metaphysical coffee delivered to you every month if you want your mornings to be interstellar just by clicking the link in the description. It’s 100% Arabica coffee, gmo free, low acidity, medium body, medium richness, small batch, roasted, single origin, gluten free. It’s heathen, vegan friendly. I mean, come on, people, now check out this trailer and then come on over to rise tv and join us for that Q and A.

Who is the mad butcher of Kingsbury Run? The Cleveland torso murders are some of the most gruesome killings that have ever taken place in America. Some believe it was worse than Jack the Ripper’s crimes. On September 5, 1934, this small, forsaken neighborhood that probably would have faded away into oblivion etched its name in history. And the weird part is, is that there were very suspicious circumstances revolving around the suspects, which adds even more mystery to these horrible crimes. Little did they know at the time that this would end up becoming the biggest investigation in the Cleveland Police Department’s history.

This is an edge of Wonder Halloween special, and I promise we’ll try to make you laugh through this dark topic. Get your questions ready because it’s time for our live Q and a session exclusively on Rise TV.

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