➡ A woman in Texas reported a squirrel with rabies, leading to a massive response. This squirrel, named Peanut, was already a viral sensation, and the incident sparked even more attention online. The story also discusses the Mandela effect, using the example of Ed McMahon’s association with Publishers Clearinghouse, which many remember but apparently never happened. The text ends with a mention of CERN and its potential influence on these memory discrepancies.
➡ The writer shares a profound dream they had about a car accident and entering a realm of intense love and brightness. This dream felt more real than reality and left a lasting impact on them, inspiring them to act with kindness and compassion. They also mention watching a video about a near-death experience that resonated with them. Lastly, they promote their metaphysical coffee and discuss their interest in near-death experiences, UFOs, and the potential release of classified files.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the food and pharmaceutical industry, focusing on the use of synthetic emulsifiers and other harmful ingredients in food. These ingredients, which are often used to change the consistency of food, are linked to an increased risk of colon cancer. Despite studies showing these risks, such ingredients are still allowed in food by the FDA. The text also highlights the overuse of corn syrup in products due to government subsidies, and contrasts food regulations in America with stricter standards in Europe.
➡ The text discusses the harmful effects of a yellow dye, tartrazine, originally derived from coal tar and now from petroleum, found in many foods and drinks. This dye is linked to numerous health issues like tumors, asthma, and ADHD. Despite its known dangers, it’s still used in the US, even in foods considered healthy. The text argues for the removal of such harmful chemicals from food to improve public health.
➡ The text discusses a variety of topics, including the importance of transparency in government, the debate between socialism and less government oversight, and the need for unity and understanding among people with differing ideologies. The speakers also mention their online platform, Rise TV, and their cat, Sir William Wallace.
➡ The text discusses the suppression of free speech in China and the role of media in spreading misinformation. It also touches on the censorship of certain voices on social media platforms and the potential consequences of this, such as imprisonment. The text further delves into the topic of UFOs and the existence of aliens, with various opinions and theories being shared. Lastly, it mentions the potential for disclosure of classified information under a new administration.
➡ The text discusses the importance of having the right people in leadership positions to ask the right questions and seek information from the right sources. It mentions the support for transparency on the UAP topic from various individuals, including RFK and others in the Trump administration. The text also mentions Kamala’s promise to disclose UFO information if she won the presidency. Lastly, it promotes a live Q&A session and other content available on the Rise TV platform, including interviews, episodes on various topics, and subscription details.
Justice for Peanut. Seriously. Well, join us Ben Chastain and Rob Counts from Edge and Wonder on this Friday Night Live as we cover all of this and more. Yeah, during the Dig Deep Live Q and A segment, you can ask us your questions directly. And in the fan Favorite top 10 weird news of the week, hear hilarious and intriguing stories only on Rise tv. And as always, we’ll see you guys out on the Edge. And by the way, if you’re listening to our Edge of Wonder podcast, Spotify, Apple Podcast or elsewhere, please leave us a five star rating and review.
And also remember, hit like, follow, subscribe all the good stuff. Comment below wherever you’re watching us. What a week. What a week. Ben, seriously, what the heck. I don’t even know what to think after this week. Kind of felt like Christmas a little bit to be honest. Yeah, you know there’s a lot of. I, I think that the, the mainstream media is really, that’s really the thing in focus. They just really straight up. Well not just now but I mean they have been for really over decade, I mean really decades. But I just want to say like really the last 10 years they’ve really, I mean they’ve like straight up just made wrap up.
You know, I’m like wait a minute, this isn’t like where are they even getting this information? This information according to this inside sources, you know, and it’s like what I know and I remember you and I were both in the same media room back in 2014 and both of us were scratching our heads back then, but it wasn’t nearly as crazy as it was over the last 10 years. Yeah, I 100 agree. And you know, and I think that there’s, there’s definitely shocked people on both sides. You know, I mean in some aspects, any election, any election there usually is right yeah, yeah.
And I, I mean, I, I, I mean, you know, I, I, yeah. So, and, and, but the people that, you know, I guess you could say, you know, are feeling a little angry or upset about this, I, you know, to me, it doesn’t matter who the person is, whoever is, like, you know, leading this country or just out there in general. And if, you know, if they’re doing something you don’t like, I think it’s, it’s just, it’s not healthy for anybody to, like, wish death or, like, you know, horrible things to happen to that person, no matter who it is in our society.
I think that’s not good for your soul or your body. Like, your body is going to carry that weight and it doesn’t forget. That’s the thing you’ve got to remember. Like, it’s so much healthier for you to be able to, to have some system where you can let these things go. I mean, you know, of course, within reason, right. If your human rights are being violated directly, like, directly, then there’s usually something you need to do about that. But that’s not what we’re talking about here. Right, Right, Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there needs to be justice for, especially people that are.
And for Peanut. There needs to be justice for Peanut. That too. That too. You know, I mean, you know, I hate to say it, right? Like, that whole thing was actually terrible. Like, the whole thing was, like, actually terrible. But the entire time that it was going on, I was like, I, it was, I felt like I was reading, like, Sensei. Like, I felt like I was reading the Enquirer or something. And I was like, what is going on right now? Like, it was like the extreme before it started turning the other way. Do you know what I mean? I know.
And I, I think, of course, you know, there’s all these John Wick memes with, with Peanut and everything else, you know, that was going on. Well, I, I actually have some in here. They’re pretty funny. But, you know, and I think, I think the whole thing with that too, is, is it’s like, yeah, they’re there. It’s John Wick. When you heard about what happened to Peanut, and then there was another one that was like, you know, the entire Internet after they heard what happened to. Seen it, you know, shows like a very, like, who. It’s surreal, dude.
Who’d have believed it, right? Like, I think that, I think that had a really weird effect on election day. I really do. Like, I just feel like it was probably got, Even if it got like, look at this. Ridiculous. Even if it got, like 20% more people out or like 5% more people out, like, that’s crazy, right? I know, I know, I know. And it’s like, you know, it’s so weird too, because I. I mean, I. But. But it’s like, I. I think the point of this, because everyone’s like, well, okay, you know, they’re. They’re doing, like, horrible things to kids, but why is everyone up in arms about like.
No, but you’re. You’re exactly right, though, that. That’s what I thought was so comical about the whole thing. Right. But on a flip side of things, it’s like, if they’re doing. If they just raided somebody’s home over a squirrel, that’s like an. About how much money that cost, like, how many resources that was. Yeah, I know. Then it’s like, what’s going to stop them from going to your, like, raiding your home over, like, anything else at this point, you know? And. And that. That’s what I thought of. I’m like, if they’re doing this over a squirrel, like, is this gonna happen to any of us? You know, that.
That’s like, whatever. You know, if you don’t agree with somebody, it’s like, oh, we’re gonna raid their home now and arrest this person. Yeah. Hey, guys, before you go further, can you tell us who is Peanut and what happened? If you don’t know what happened with Peanut, like, seriously, like, how is that a thing? Are you living under a rock? Yeah. Okay, so I can’t remember the guy’s name. So there’s a guy in New York who had saved a pet squirrel. He brought him into his home and, like, actually started an Instagram page with this little guy he saved named Peanut the squirrel.
He was in literally an, like, a viral sensation. I think they had something like 250,000 or more subs. Was it more than that? Oh, they had millions of views on this channel. Millions of views. But subs, I think it was like, it was a ridiculous amount of subs. And like, the squirrel was obviously just like a. Like a little sweet squirrel, right? Like, yeah, yeah. I mean, he rescued it. It was like his pet. I mean, he did everything with the squirrel. He would, like, you know, just show and they. And they filmed it and they up uploaded the videos, and people looked forward to speaking up the squirrel videos every day probably over the last four years.
It was like, a nice thing to watch during a dark time. And actually, Lindsay, I have a video of him explaining what happened if you’re there. Yeah, there’s the. Anyway, they barge into the guy’s home under, like, these bizarre laws that they seem to make up. They take the squirrel and they take another animal. By the way, this was New York. By the way, this is in New York. They pull this guy and this girl out of their home. Their fiance’s. Right. And they basically, like, threatened to deport her and would not even let him go to the bathroom in his own house.
And then they took the squirrel and another animal and executed both of them. It was a raccoon. Yeah, it was a raccoon and a squirrel. And they executed the little animals. Like, can you believe that? They raided his entire home. They went through his entire house, like, just breaking things, throwing things around just because he had a squirrel. That was, like, in their opinion, this was, like, unlawful to have in his house. And it’s like TMZ got on it. They found out about it, of course. Tmz, dude. Like, they just made it go in Rescue place as well.
This page was funding their animal rescue. Yeah. Oh, they took it down. Peanuts. A fame was funding the animal rescue. Oh. So that’s part of the. The issue people have. Oh, my gosh, dude. Like, the whole thing is totally ridiculous. There was a woman that was like, in Texas. I forget her name. And she’s the one that originally made the phone call saying he got rabies or something. Instead of set of them, like, just making a courtesy call and kind of following up, they like, launched in a whole entire, like, go after this freaking squirrel. Oh, yeah.
And it was like. And like, you know, drove. Joe Rogan was talking about it, too. Like, why Peanut? You know, the squirrel was just more than just an animal. So there’s so many. So many memes about this thing. It was so hilarious. Oh, my gosh. And I’m like, why did they do this just a few days before the election? I mean, it’s so strange, bro. Like, what did they think? What did I just. What did they. What was the conversations looking like leading up to this? Like, this. We’re talking about a. A viral squirrel that you’re about to execute.
And you think that that’s going to go. Like, the publicity for that is going to go well. Yeah. Or like, it’s not gonna go anywhere. Like, oh, yeah, we can do this. And then, you know, it’s done. It’s like, yeah, he’s already a viral sensation. You. You think? I mean, all it’s gonna take is the guy making a video, which he did, and it Went viral. I mean, people who had no idea who this. Like, I never heard of this thing prior to this. You know, I might have seen a couple videos. Not written. Just, you know, I didn’t really think too much about it.
But yeah, the Internet, after hearing what they did to the Peter the Squirrel. Anyway, that’s Peanut the squirrel story. Yeah. It’s insane. All right, you know what? Okay then why don’t we get into the Bandella effect now? Let’s do that. Yeah. Because you got some interesting stuff here. So this is interesting because, you know, I think one of the biggest Mandela effects that’s out there aside, like, everyone talks. Hey, in my opinion, the biggest. But this is the biggest for me and I think for a lot of people out there is Ed McMahon and for, you know, working.
Did he work for Publishing Clearinghouse? You know, now it’s been this whole thing. And the thing is, it’s like it’s everywhere because I. I mean, it’s everywhere in society. It’s. Everyone knows about it. You know, everyone talks about it. So it keeps coming up. And I keep finding more. Honestly, residual Guy wouldn’t have been famous if it wasn’t for Publishers Clearinghouse. Not like you have no idea who this person is. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Okay, wait, I can tell you that part. So he was. He was Johnny Carson’s left hand man. So this guy was. Was on the Johnny Carson show all the time.
He’s in the background, you know. Yes, sir Guy. You know that guy, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He was famous from that. Me. Yeah, but it’s like I knew that after the fact. Yeah, but. Right. Publishers Clearinghouse while I was growing up was where I saw Ed McMahon most because I couldn’t stay up late to see Johnny Carson. He was on at like 11. And that was like really late for me. When I was younger, I saw Ed McMahon’s shining face on the TV every day, giving people $100,000 checks for all kinds of crazy things, you know? Yeah, I mean that.
And that’s what I remember too. So I found two new clips, actually. The first one is. It’s from the Gilmore Girls on Netflix. And actually one of our fans was telling me about it. She was like, hey, there’s. They referenced this in the Gilmore Girls. And I was like, I have to show this on the show. So. So this is from. I. I forget what season is season six, episode 17. Who was at the door? Oh, it was Ed McMahon. He’s always showing up with these big cardboard checks. They are impossible to endorse by the way, I am never not sorry that I asked these questions.
So I’m guessing all this means that’s it. But it’s just, it’s just a simple fact that it’s like everywhere. Yeah. And he never did that. It’s all these remnants. Yeah, yeah. It’s so weird. And then there’s the, this one from the Golden Girls. Hello, this is Rosen Island. What? I’m one of the winners of the Publisher’s clearing house. Ed McMahon wants to see me right away. I see my Burt Reynolds ticket on the dresser before I go. That’s a classic scene. That’s why that, that’s why that show is funny, is like Sophia was hilarious, the old older lady.
That show is actually pretty funny. It was actually, every show there was, like, even as a little kid, it was funny. I know, it really was. It was such like a really cool, I don’t know. You know what’s weird is like those women in that show, like, if you go on and look at what age they were on the show, you’re like, if you look at 50 or 56 year olds now, they look a hundred years younger than the whip. I don’t know why, it’s like, why did, like, I was looking at some images last week of, you know, guys who were in different movies in their age, like in the Godfather, and it was like they were my age and they will, they were like, they looked like they were 60, bro.
I, I know, man. It’s weird, super weird. The, the, the dude that plays Rocky’s friend in the first Rocky movie, 35 Dude. He was like, I think he’s like in his, he was in his 30s, but he looked like he was like 50 at least. He was like, it was like he was, I’m like, this is crazy. Yeah, it’s really weird. He had like the hat on and the, the trench coat and like, he just looked super old. He was overweight. I mean. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, yeah, you know, I, I, it’s weird. I, I, I mean, obviously people are working out more, eating, trying to eat a little more healthier and stuff, but I don’t really know what the main difference is, why people looked so much older.
Although, although, like, the other aspect is I do feel like time is increasing, so therefore maybe that has something to do with it. You know, somebody on the chat said drugs and alcoholism. Well, that too. They were all smoking, like chain smoking. Yeah, that is true. People smoked a lot more back then. They drank a lot more. That, that is true. You know, that will definitely affect your health. I can’t believe. So sorry. Lindsay just posted in the chat, you’re a pal and a confidant. And like, that was the. The lyrics from Go from the Golden Girls.
And like, I remember being so confused. I was like, mom, why did they use the word confidant in a song? Like, it’s like the. It’s just like an impossible word to use in a song. And they somehow they managed to do it. Like, who’d ever used that word in a song? Confidant. Seriously, how close they are. Showing how old they are. Yeah, they’re so old they use the word confidant in the song. Okay, thank you, Lindsay. It’s stuck in my head now. Great. That’s so funny. Oh, man, I would have wore my Golden Girl shirt if I knew we were gonna have this conversation tonight.
Yeah. Anyways, that’s it. Like, those two remnants are totally insane. Ben. Good find. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Really, really weird. You know, and like I said, I keep liking. I like to show the stuff of. About Ed McMahon because I. I think it’s the. It’s the biggest one out there. Honestly, anyone who grew up 80s or 90s, anyone. That is the silver bullet on the Mandela effect being a thing. Because those commercials, it was every friggin commercial Ed McMahon was giving someone a check. Seriously, every commercial. Well, that was the big thing for the Super Bowl.
It was, it was the halftime Super Bowl. You would have Ed McMahon going out and they would talk about it on the super bowl and bring up his name and I just disappear from history. Dude, it’s weird, man. And everyone’s like, well, you should be able, you know, there’s video. There’s like no videos. You’re not going to find a single video. You, you can find videos of people going and from the, you know, 90s and whatnot. But it’s. There’s not going to be Ed McMahon and Ed McMahon himself was talking about it. That’s the weirdest part.
You know, it was like. It was like he was talking about before there even was a Mandela effect, which then kind of makes me think back to like CERN and everything that they’re doing over there. So. All right, all right. Time to get into the metaphysical minute. Then we’ll do a trailer. Sounds good. By the way, there are a zillion Mandela effect episodes on Rise and On. On the Metaphysical channel too. We’ve got a zillion episodes. There’s a whole lot effect. Yeah. If you want to check those out. All right, so this is, I guess a Reddit thread here from Lewis309.
You got to check this out. I’ve been writing down my thoughts for a little while now. Things seem to be observed and learned. I noticed being progressively more aware and connected with my subconscious since it happened. It was a dream. Dream was filled with a bunch of what I could only call confusing prophetic imagery of a car wreck. I died and I entered a realm of indescribable brightness that was radiating ineffable love. Not overwhelming, but too intense to sustain it without crying due to the beauty of it. Despite it being the brightest thing I’ve ever seen, it didn’t hurt my eyes.
I felt that I was finally home. Also, being raised Catholic, I couldn’t believe that I was deserving such unconditional love given how imperfect I was. The tears came from that too. Now anyone can dream this type of thing, but what made this different was that was this was far more real than real life itself. And the emotions, the joy and sense of forgiveness were so off the charts. I legitimately think normal human physiology cannot experience those levels of feelings, as in the synapses and what not. Excuse me, as in the synapses and whatnot. And the brain physically can’t produce that level of sensation.
While there, I couldn’t tell you if I was there for an instant or for an eternity. Time didn’t seem to exist. I woke up from that dream and it felt like I was literally levitating. Since since then, that dream has become a core piece of who I am, in the sense that I always try to act with compassion and kindness. It instilled in me a sense of truth, that being good to others is so fundamental to, I guess, my own existence that it’s like breathing. The reward is almost inconsequential to fulfilling that truth because it’s. It is just how it is meant to be.
I’m probably explaining this poorly, but it’s difficult to put these things into words that are easily understood. On a side note, I’ve recently watched the near death experience of Penny Whitbrot on Anthony Cheney YouTube channel at the Mark 5805 when she reads the message that God had given her. I burst into tears as I felt the energy that I experienced was directly contacting me again. Afterwards, I was free from my bad habits and desires for an entire week. I know that it was a little gift from God, but to remind me that I’m not alone. Nobody is.
Ever. I think that’s a great message and probably everyone Needs to take that one home. I definitely agree. Definitely agree. Wow. Yeah. Well, guys, quickly, we want to tell you about our awesome metaphysical coffee that we have. So is your Folgers no longer the best part of waking up? Don’t feel like paying an arm and a leg for your Starbucks? Does your Duncan Goff coffee have a hole in it? Sounds like you need better coffee. Coffee that’s reasonably priced, tastes good, and maybe even makes your mornings a little bit more metaphysical. If all that sounds like you, you’re in luck because now we’re selling our own metaphysical coffee.
Our 100% Arabica beans are roasted to a perfect medium dark roast with a slight caramelization of the beans. We small batch roast them within days of when they’re packed. Make sure we can ship it to you quickly. And this coffee is non gmo, low acidity, medium body, medium richness, gluten free and vegan friendly. We got great feedback that you guys really appreciate our single source beans from Guatemala and that the flavor is rich and deep. So if you haven’t had a chance to try it, you can go to metaphysicalcoffee.com to get your own bag. It’s just 17.99 and it comes with free shipping coffee.
Good enough to snort, Ben. That’s what it is. Oh, man. Well, once again, 17.99 and. And it comes with free free shipping. Right. Metaphysical coffee dot com. That’s pretty awesome. Yep. All right, all right, we’re gonna show a trailer and then we’ll get into our normal news stuff. A tunnel, a bright light and out of body experience. We’re told death is the end. But what about people who came back from the brink? All around the world, people report near death experiences. Strange phenomena, divine beings, miraculous stories of the impossible back from certain death and decades of scientific research into it all.
What’s so big that it could be the breakthrough of an age? How our consciousness, the brain and the soul intertwined twine. Perhaps the great beyond is closer than we think. It’s time to get into the undisputable patterns. Capturing the attention of scientists, doctors, atheists, priests, moms and pops. This is bigger than we ever could have imagined. Near Death Experiences Part 1Amazing Stories of the Afterlife. All right. I mean, we’ve got tons of near death experience episodes on Rise TV and you can subscribe to Rise TV for just $12.99 a month and get all of that positive energy, all of that positive content from us.
That episode actually was or the series that those are in. We have a lot of near death experiences, particularly from well known people, like celebrities and stuff who have shared their near death experiences and they’re really fascinating. That along with stories that we just told right before the trailer, all kinds of stuff that will prove to you that there is something to this world after death. So if you’re like us and you love that type of content, please think about supporting our work. It’s only $12.99 a month, as we said, and you can help us keep the lights on.
You can join our awesome community and you can get access to a thousand videos of well researched episodes that we’ve been doing for the last four years, five years, six years. Yeah. Good lord. Long time. Yeah. Well, we started 2018. That’s right. Seven years, right? I don’t know. I don’t know. Yeah, a lot. Yeah. Well, anyway, let’s get to it, Ben. Yeah, let’s get to it. So. Well. Oh man. There, there’s like. Yeah, there’s a lot going on right now in this week. Yeah. What is, but what is this? What do the changes mean for UFO disclosure? That’s the question.
Yeah, that is the big, I mean that’s, that’s one of the bigger questions. You know, there’s, there’s a lot of things that looks like, you know, that’s probably going to be released, including the Epstein files. So I’m pretty, I’m really. That’s probably the top thing that I’m most curious about, you know, but aside from that, the UFO stuff, because. Yeah, I mean Trump did say if he gets in there he’s going to start releasing certain things. So you know, I kind of was compiling various different people talking about this more recently and even within the last week.
So this was so a while ago, I don’t know, maybe a couple months ago. This is Lex Fr Freedman. Yeah, he’s a, he has a really popular YouTube channel and he’s, he’s really good at not being, he’s very unbiased. You know, he likes to just have all kinds of people on his show and just, you know, interview them and talk to them and, and he doesn’t really make a dis. Like any kind of distinguish, distinguish between like, you know, this person is like on this side or this person’s on this side. He just kind of interviews everybody and talks to him kind of similar, like what Joe Rogan does, but not maybe Joe Rogan’s a little bit more on the other side of things.
But anyway, so he interviewed Trump and this is what Trump was saying on It. Oh, you want to go to footage of UFOs. The, the Pentagon has released a few videos and there’s been anecdotal reports from fighter pilots. So a lot of people want to know, will you help push the Pentagon to release more footage which a lot of people claim is available? Oh, yeah, sure, I’ll do that. I would do that. I’d love to do that. I have to do that. But they also are pushing me on Kennedy and I did release a lot, but I had people come to me and beg me not to do it, but I’ll be doing that very early on.
Yeah, no, but I would do that. A lot of people are very interested in footage of UFOs. Okay. You know, it’s. What’s interesting is that he crump explained that it was Mike Pompeo who asked him not to release all the files on the jfk and I guess because there are still people alive that it would, you know, affect. So, so they, they released like something. I think Trump is not listening to people that he doesn’t directly trust anymore. Not anymore. He own mind completely. Yeah, well, especially now that, that Robert Kennedy joined forces with Trump. He did say that he’s going to release all the files on jfk.
He’s going to release everything. So, I mean, Trump was a personal friend of the family. Yeah, well, and also I think that was, you know, I, I’m really, I’m actually kind of excited for Robert Kennedy. Me too. Dude. That guy is like a, like the perfect dude to have in there to like, to wreck shop on the, on the health industry. Like, you’re literally. You’re gonna go up against Kennedy. No, you’re not. Like, you’re just not. And the media is not talking about Kennedy at all. And it’s like, dude, this is amazing. Like, to me, this is actually a really big part.
That’s why I really wanted to get into some of the food stuff because right now that’s the major thing he’s going to go against is the food and pharmaceutical industry. And this is huge. This is massive. He really wants to ban all kinds of ingredients in our foods, which we’re going to get into. Like, I’ve gotten a hold of yellow dye number five and. Yeah, yeah, whatever. Red number 33 or whatever. Yeah, blue one. Red. Red five or red 40 or whatever the heck it is. You know, all this other stuff too. And, and you know, other countries.
I, I actually found a list of like, what’s banned in certain countries and what’s approved over here. And yeah, it’s weird to see this. So of course it is. Like, why. Why can Italians eat carbs all day long? And they don’t get fat and Americans do, and they’re like, massive. It’s not the mashed potatoes, people. It’s the. It’s the ingredients. Like, there’s something going on, you know, and a big part of it is the emulsifiers, which most people don’t even understand what that is. And tell us what it is, then, the number one cause of colon cancer.
Well, I don’t want to say the number one cause, but it’s a major factor. So these emulsifiers, what they do, basically, they add them in food to make the consistency of food change. And. But, you know, they used to be more natural, organic in nature. Now all of them are pretty much synthetic. Like, we can use eggs. Yeah, exactly. Right, yes. You know, there. There’s things that you can use that’s natural, but to save money and to be more cost efficient and everything else and bring it out on a mainstream, they’re. They’re using it all synthetic.
Almost all of it is. And our bodies don’t know how to handle this stuff. So it’s increased the risk of developing cancer, colon cancer, specifically. And they’ve done multiple studies in lab rats and mice, and this is. This is the results that they’re getting. But it’s like the FDA still allows it in our food. So, you know, this is a. This was a. This is a big thing. And I guess we can just kind of, since we’re already talking about this, we might as well just kind of get into this. We can kind of come back to everything else.
But, you know, there’s. It’s interesting because even the nih, which is like, you know, the organization that Fauci was a part of or heading for long time before he stepped down, they had a whole entire study with this. Specifically, food additives promote inflammation, colon cancer in mice. Like, they. They are the ones that did the study. So I think Lindsay’s. Yeah, she’s pulling it up. And so this. You know, and it’s like, oh, well, okay. But yet we’re still adding this stuff to our foods. Like, you know, and it’s. There’s so much. Why would you ever put that.
Like, what’s. What’s so deranged about this is there’s pretty much no reason to put all of these ingredients in, like, in food and to process the food, unless you were trying to kill people. Like, unless you’re trying to actually hurt people. Because There are other ways to do this that are equally as inexpensive. No, it’s true. And a lot of it comes down to government subsidized subsidies and whatnot to this because it, for like corn is a perfect example. I was going to get into like corn syrup. So prior, really I guess you could say, you know, somewhere around this, I guess it was kind of the 70s and 80s, like corn syrup became a lot more common.
Prior to that, it was really just sugar, cane sugar and sugar. So what happened was that there was so much corn being produced in America that the government began to like, subsidize this and meaning, like, hey, if any corporation out there wants to start using corn, we will basically pay you to use corn because we. America’s producing too much of it. So these corporations and really once like Coca Cola and stuff got involved and switched over from cane sugar to corn syrup, that changed the whole industry. And now it is so hard to find a product in the store that doesn’t have some kind of corn syrup in it.
You know, whether high fructose corn syrup or even, even like healthy stings will still have that. Anything that’s a sugar has sugar in it. They’re trying to use corn syrup instead. And it’s actually a very intricate process and it’s, it’s, it’s time consuming and also, and also cost a lot because you have to take. Yeah, there’s all these machines that break the corn down. Then you have to, you know, then it heats it up and then it turns into this liquid. Then they have to add fructose core to it, you know, and all this stuff and it’s like, wait a minute, why are we doing all this? You know, excess of corn.
Yeah. And the government was paying for it. That’s it. So, so, you know, and, and the thing is, it’s like we’re just now starting to, I think, really see the effects of all this stuff. And yes, cancer rate in America is a lot higher, you know, than if you look at other countries per capita, you know, like, like if you take the average of everything. So kind of going back to this, I was looking at foods in America versus foods in Europe. And I know, you know, they, they say this with Australia too. And I, the difference with Australia is that they, they do allow a very small amount of some ingredient that doesn’t have to be listed if it’s like below a certain amount out.
Europe is not like this Europe. You do have to list everything. And when I started looking into this, I was actually really shocked by what is banned in Europe? You have any kind of like the rapid growth hormone, the rbh, rbgh, which they give to like chickens and pork sometimes to make them grow faster. All of that’s bands. Certain vegetable oils are all bands, brominated vegetable oils, kind of like hydrogenated in that aspect too. And all these different food coloring agents, you know, red number 40, yellow 6, yellow 5, blue 1, like all of these. And if they have it in Europe, they are forced to put a warning label on it that says, let me see.
I had an example of one of these in here. I’m trying to find it right now. It says that it could cause problems in kids. That’s one of the main things that like, like, like attention, like, you know, attention deficit disorder or. Point is they have like warnings and stuff and it’s actually more normal over there. Whereas here it’s pretty much the wild west with friggin health. Yeah. And actually, let me think here. I want to show this quick, Lindsay, can you. At the very top of our doc here, I’m just gonna put your name on here, Lindsay.
Yeah, there you go. Can we show a little bit of this? This is, this is Robert Kennedy really going after the food industry. And, and it’s like, I have to admit, you guys like, whatever your viewpoints are, this is pretty freaking amazing to see somebody that’s now going to be in this position who’s going to be in charge of our food, the food industry and government talking about this. Yeah, it’s unheard of. Holy cow. Okay, play a little bit. Most Americans innocently put into their bodies these days, and most alarmingly, into the bodies of their children.
And it’s no coincidence that Americans die earlier than Canadians or Germans or Italians or Japanese or Koreans or Australia or most any other comparable country. And it wasn’t always that way. Until the early 1990s, our life expectancy was the same or better than other developed countries. Then suddenly, more and more Americans began suffering from chronic diseases from obesity, cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and all kinds of autoimmune diseases. Our maternal mortality rate soared to the highest of any developed country on earth. Same with infant mortality. Like the frog in the slowly boiling water, we didn’t really notice.
As we got sicker and sicker, we’ve grown now to accept chronic disease conditions as normal. But now, in 2024, we’re finally waking up to this cataclysm and we’re asking ourselves, how in the world did this happen? A big part of it is our diet. Restaurants that serve contaminated food are fined or shut down. But when it’s the government that approves the poison snark food, a few people get very, very rich and the toxins end up in every supermarket aisle. Let me show you what I mean. Doritos, Cheez, its Cap’n Crunch, Gummy Bears. Everyone knows that these are junk foods.
So maybe you wouldn’t be too surprised to see that the ingredients include a lot of poisons, including a harmful yellow dye called tatrazine or yellow dye number five. What you may not know is that this dye was originally made out of the sludge that’s left over when you turn coal into coke for blast furnaces. It’s called coal tar. And I’ve actually sued many big industries or legacy contamination of coal tar all around the country because it’s so toxic, it is so harmful to the environment and human. Wow. A century ago it was just an obnoxious industrial byproduct that everybody was trying to figure out ways to get rid of.
One of the ways that they did that was by paving roads. But then a British chemistry figured out that the coal tar could be used to derive fabric dye. And if fabric die, why not food? Oh my God. And using it to cover up the discoloration of low quality foods that they wanted to pass off on unsuspecting customers. They didn’t know back then that this yellow dye, tartrazine causes tumors, asthma, developmental delays, neurological damage, add, adhd, hormone disruption, gene damage, anxiety, depression, intestinal injuries. Well we know it now. We’ve known this for decades. That’s why tartrazine is heavily restricted in other countries.
In some countries, foods with tartrazine have a warning label that it may cause ADHD in children. Today it’s made from petroleum, not coal tar. Either way, it’s crazy to add this to your kids favorite foods. It doesn’t even change the flavor. This yellow dye isn’t just in junk food. It’s in the foods that we consider healthy. It’s in everyday kids snacks like popcorn, Mac and cheese, fruit snacks. It’s in sports drinks like Gatorade and so called vitamin water. It’s even added to chicken broth, to corn, to pickles, to mustard and to yogurt. And so of course our kids get sick and we lovingly feed them chewable vitamins which have surprise Arthur zine.
And so the cycle continues until the coughs and asthma kick in, at which point you go to pick up some cough syrup and yeah, you guessed it, parthizine. I’ve been picking on Target today. But that’s just one of at least 100 chemical poisons that our health agencies allow into our children’s food. I can make a video just like this to talk about Red 40, BHA, BHD, potassium bromate, chemical after chemical, and on and on and on. If just one of them can cause all of these problems, imagine what they’re doing in combination. That has never been studied.
If we took all of these chemicals out, our nation would get healthier immediately. We’d have fewer sick days, we’d have better focus, we’d have less anxiety. Our kids would learn more easily. How can you argue with this? No, seriously, we’d have fewer tumors and longer lives. It’s not all dark. Over the past 16 years, the government has banned eight chemical additives that cause cancer, genetic damage, asthma, many of the other health conditions, as tartrazine does. And you know what’s interesting? All eight of those crucial steps forward in our kids health were taken under President Trump. But the Democrats, who claim to be all about health care, have stood by watching other countries ban these poisons and make our kids sick, asthmatic, hyperactive, and depressed.
They left them on every supermarket shelf in America. They even used your tax money to put them in your kids school lunch. So their big food and their big ag donors probably gave them all that golden handshake and the big money hug. And their big pharma donors probably called them up and thanked them also because. Because now they’re going to make billions selling Adderall, Prozac, and rescue inhalers. Enough is enough. President Trump and I are going to stop the mass poisoning of American children. Together, we’re going to make America healthy again. It’s like, yeah, I mean, you know, for me.
Yeah, I’m such a huge health freak. You know, in fact, like, you know, my mom will buy things and I’m like, I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna eat this. You know, she’ll buy things for me sometimes. Like hot Cheetos. Like hot Cheetos, Yeah. That’s definitely one of those things. You know, every once in a while it’s like, okay, you know, I’ll kind of eat something. But I, I’m really, I’m. I’ve. I really try to stay away from, like, Like, I stop eating ketchup completely. Like, I, I’ll only eat it if it’s like, organic. Like, even if I go, I eat organic ketchup.
Yeah. Even if I get a burger or something, I just won’t even eat ketchup. I’LL actually get it with like avocado or something on it, you know, if it’s not organic. And I’ve really tried to change a lot of my eating habits because, yeah, it’s, it’s like, you know, the thing is they can put this stuff in the foods because they’re like, well, you’re only consuming a very, very, very small amount. But he mentions in this video, well, what happens. No, there’s, there’s no study that’s been done to show what happens if you add all these ingredients at once to food.
Then on top of that, if you’re eating that every single day and then think about, think about all the people that are eating all this stuff and then they’re eating fast food a few times a week too, like McDonald’s or Burger King or whatever, which is like, that’s the next level down from those junk foods. Yeah. Now I want to say something. He mentioned turning coal into coke and I didn’t even understand. I was like, did I say that right? Yeah, Coke is another word for fuel. It’s actually, it’s raw coke. I had no idea. I literally didn’t know this.
It’s a gray hard coal based fuel with high carbon content. It’s made by heating coal or petroleum in the absence of air. Coke is an important industrial product used mainly in iron and ore smelting. So like, why are they using this in certain foods or why are they putting that in our bodies? Yeah, they’re trying to get rid of these poisons by hiding them in food. Like, that’s madness. That’s kind of it. It’s like, hey, we have all this byproduct stuff. Well, let’s change the color. Let’s just put it in the food. What? It’s crazy. What the heck, dude? It’s so nuts.
All right, well, we’re about to watch a trailer, but before we do, you know, we were on the subject of Peanut the squirrel. So we’ve got a little something we wanted to share. If you have a pet, and in this case a dog, you know, we’ve all been there. Your pup goes from full of energy to sick and miserable in an instant. And at the worst times, then you’re calling vets in the middle of the night or on the weekends trying to find a clinic that’s going to take you in. It’s a terrible way to manage your dog’s health, not to mention your stress level.
And on your monthly budget, especially right now with all this inflation, it’s pretty crazy. That’s why people are getting the pet emergency kit by pawsitive. Yeah, I said that right. Positive P A W S I T I V E. It contains critical medications and supplies that can not only keep you out of the veterinarian office, but may also actually save your pet’s life. Their kits contain critical medications like activated charcoal, siftic powder, and more. And it might save your dog’s life. Head over to positive.com and use code studio to get 15% off your pet emergency kit.
That’s use the Code studio to get 15% off your pet emergency kit. So, yeah, definitely check this out. Especially if you are a dog lover. I know a lot of our fans are dog lovers. You’re going to need that emergency kit on hand. So definitely check this out and actually let us know how it is too. I personally don’t have pets myself or a dog, but if I had a dog, this is. This is definitely what I get. A lot of my family members have them. And you need that emergency kit around, so. All right, check this trailer out and we’ll be right back.
Attention, attention. Have you ever heard of the rivalry between Coke and Pepsi? What have we told you that cola wars were just a big scam? Ever heard about a certain US President helping popularize PEP in the ussr? Or are the Soviet Union paid the Pepsi company in warships? Why are candy and cola makers like Nestle, Coke and Pepsi sponsoring health studies? Why do internal emails at Coca Cola look like they’ve tried to influence the World Health Organization? Have you ever wondered why the obesity epidemic is getting worse even though we know sugar is bad for us? Well, Edge of Wonder isn’t a health show.
No, it is not. And we already know we should be healthier. But what we found about the marketing manipulation behind our food products that you were never supposed to know. Don’t drink the Kool aid. About the sugar industry, people. Pun intended. Ben and I are about to shock you by how little choice you really have in what you eat. There’s been a deliberate push for sugar on the world’s citizens, and Rob and I are here to expose it. Today, we’ll uncover the smoking gun sugar marketing that just may reveal how our behavior has been conditioned for generations.
So join us as we dive into the truth about the big food agenda that’s been building and building and not just in your arteries. You won’t believe what we found. Ah, there’s a cat. What’s that cat’s name? Sir William Wallace. That’s right, Sir William. Here’s the mascot for the paw Thing. Yes, this is. This is actually my cat, so. Dude, he’s such a. He’s not a cat. What does that mean? It looks like a cat. Yeah, I mean, no, I mean, he doesn’t act like a cat, that’s for sure. Oh, that’s funny. He just. Yeah, he’s just.
He’s so different. I don’t even. I don’t even. He’s just. Yeah, he just. He doesn’t even meow like a cat. Like, he can’t. He doesn’t say meow. He’s just like, yeah, yeah. He just wanted. He’s like, yeah, he just wants something. Yeah. I’m like, okay. Yeah, yeah, give it to me. Yeah, yeah. Like, what do you want? Well, hey, you guys, that big Food Agenda trailer that we just looked at, we have a couple episodes in that series and if you want to learn more about what you know RFK Jr. Was talking about, these episodes actually deliver a bit on that whole thing.
So definitely check those out along with the other thousand videos that we’ve got on Rise tv. So you can access all of that just by subscribing at 1299amonth. We could definitely use the help if you’d like. And if you’d like to join and you can join our awesome subscriber base in our community and get access to all of that good stuff. So, yeah, that was pretty awesome what RFK was saying. And I think RFK has been in the discussion on UFOs as well. Ben, is that true? I don’t know if he has been on UFOs. Yeah.
Yes. There’s a. We’ve got a whole. We’ve got a, like tweet from him or something here where he talks about it for a second. Maybe he does RFK on UFOs. There it is. Oh, yeah, that’s right. He does. Lindsay’s pulling it up. Yeah, it’s a tweet. That’s what I said. Yeah. Tweet. Yes. Rob, can you read that? Sorry. Yeah. He said, speculation about what our government may be covering up is rife outside of the mainstream of our political culture. Trust it. If government is at. Trust in government is at an all time low. The way to restore that trust is through honesty and transparency.
That is my promise. And that is what will resolve any questions about 9, 11 UAPs and other contentious topics. I am personally agnostic on those issues. My issue is transparency. So, yeah, just like along with Trump and other guys on Trump’s team, you know, all they want really is to. Is for the government to start being a little bit more transparent with everyone. Which has not happened. No. In century. Yeah. Yeah. And that’s what I think it’s really cool. You know, he’s not trying to say, like, I’m for. I don’t. I believe in this or I believe in that.
It’s just like. Yeah, we just need transparency with everything, like the whole thing, you know, And I. I just like, I. I mean, you know, I think a big part of it kind of going back to everything because, you know, I. I have friends on both sides, like, literally, like really good friends, you know, that. That are on both sides of the spectrum of all of this. And I. I think that really. What. Like, there’s a lot of people that are really upset, but I think what it kind of hits on is that people. People like to be.
They. They like their comfort zone. You know, they’re living comfortably or, you know, or it’s like, for example, they’re used to having the government supply them with stuff, whether it’s healthcare, food, you know, food stamps, whatever it is, you know. And so I think that there’s a part of them that’s like. Feels that now that’s going to be threatened because, oh, I may lose this because of changes that may happen. And in the short term, it’s like, I think, yes, you know, that. That those kinds of things could take place in the short term, but I think in the long term, you know, and this is what I think that, you know, when you start thinking about from a business standpoint, it’s like, well, if you were paying less on taxes, and if, like, you know, inflation went down, prices went down, then it’s like, you know, in the long term, you can actually have a lot more money and save money.
So, you know, but. But it’s like, I think that it comes again, you know, and I’m not. I just. Yeah, again, it just comes back down to this comfort level. And I think that, you know, there’s. There’s some people on the right that have been really criticizing people on the left, and I think that’s really wrong as well. You know, it’s like, dude, seriously, you guys, you know, it’s. It’s like that’s just fueling the fire here with all this stuff, you know, and that’s what I. I just, you know, and I think that it’s giving, like, the other side, you know, I don’t want to keep saying sides here, but I mean, you know, it’s like people that support different idea.
I. Their. I own their own ideology here, you know, it’s giving that kind of, that kind of people more reason to be upset and to call the other, you know, those people names and whatnot. And so anyway, I just, I just think like, the true way here is really taking a step back and trying to find the unity in everything and, and trying to see the positive aspect, you know, no matter what you believe in, I think it’s. It, that’s. That’s the thing that needs to be done. It’s like, okay, what’s the positive side of this? And so anyway, that’s just kind of my two cents, I guess, about it.
Without going into too much detail. I don’t know if you want to say anything on that, Rob, but yeah, I mean, I think, I don’t look at this, the. I don’t look at this as like these guys versus these guys thing. Yeah, yeah, I’m sure. I think just because I think the issues come down to much deeper historical issues. And I think anyone out there has a mind and they have an ability to research these things, and if you do or you don’t, it’s kind of on you. But I can say that personally, I am of the mind that I am less excited about socialism in our, in our country.
I have not seen any country in my research that has ever done swimmingly well by adopting socialist ideology agendas or ideology. And when you have certain things that are, are obviously socialists that start taking things over, it ends up going to hell in a handbag really quickly. And so I think for the benefit of everyone, even if that is a short, short term that’s more painful, it’s still better long term. Because the, the thing is, is that what ends up happening is everybody wants things to be fair, but where do you draw the line with fairness? You know, if you, if you want everything to be fair, if you want everything to be equal, someone has to, you have to.
Something somewhere has to lose and oftentimes unintentionally because by another person benefiting someone somewhere is also losing. And so you run into this problem which is similar to like heavy taxation and stuff like that, which is honestly, that’s theft as far as I’m concerned. We’re talking about, we’re talking about really socialist agendas that are taking your money and that are then being allocated in areas that you may not be comfortable with morally. Right. Well, also not really well. And I think people in North Carolina that, that played out pretty, pretty obviously. You know, it was like, okay, the hurricane hit, this was really bad and the government’s like, oh, we’re gonna give you $750.
And then. Yeah. Which is a really, it’s like all. I don’t even want to get into that. Like, but it’s, you know, what a slap in the face. Yeah. And, and it’s like, you know, not again. I’m not trying to point any fingers at any individual, you know, I, I, this is, this is bigger than any individual that’s in office, no matter who it is. Yeah. We’re talking about issue here. We’re talking about issues involved. Right. There’s, like, you know, obviously something way deeper going on here, too, than just, you know, people sitting on a chair.
Yeah. But I, I think that kind of, going back to your point, it’s like, how does socialism and communism work? Well, it works by thinking that you need the government to support you. You need the government, which is, which is how to think the opposite of the intentions of the founding Fathers, actually. Exactly. Which is less government oversight. Because what they found was the more government oversight you have, the more a country leans towards totalitarianism, which is exactly what they were trying to get away from. I mean, you had people in Britain who couldn’t say what was on their mind without being imprisoned or worse.
And it’s happening in China right now. You criticize the government in China, you’re thrown in prison. And what type of government is that? It’s communist. It’s socialist, communist. And I mean, and I think that, you know, in some aspects, they want it. This, this. Again, the real culprit here is the media. The media has been lying to the people. They’ve been lying, not, not just like, misinformation, you know, they have been directly making stuff up, lying to people. Dude, they literally were responsible for getting Edge of Wonder censored on YouTube because we were more effective than they were at doing their job.
And if you watched election night, what was astounding to me was when the wind was completely out of their sails, the media sales, the defeat wasn’t that Trump won the defeat and their defeated attitude was, wow, people aren’t listening to us anymore. Yeah, that was. Never tried so hard to tell everyone something and then them go the opposite direction. That was the defeat for them, was that, yeah, it wasn’t just a, you know. Yeah, this was really the, a reflection of the mainstream media. And, you know, and the thing is, the mainstream media has been trying to silence a lot of what’s happening on social media because they’re like, this is all misinformation.
We need to change the policies of the Constitution to start going, like, get, like, making laws that people just can’t say whatever they want to say, even whatever it is, you know, and the media has really been. Been pushing this. And so, you know, to me, it’s like, yeah, if that would have happened, I mean, can you imagine? They probably would have shut down X or Twitter. Oh, we’re talking about some of these guys being put in prison, most likely. Yeah. Like the DOJ finding fault where there is none and putting some of these people in prison.
Like, to Elon’s point, he was all in, because if this didn’t. If this didn’t go the way that it did, him and a bunch of other people would probably be in jail not too soon after that decision. Yeah, definitely. 100. And I think. I think I. I now kind of think, like, maybe this is why Mark Zuckerberg went the route that he did too, you know, because, well, you had, you had Zuckerberg, you had Bezos, even Tim Cook, they were all in a. You know, all. All kind of like starting to change their tune a little bit because, you know, what can you do? Right? Exactly.
Yeah. So anyway, I, I mean, I’m not trying to get all political or anything. To me, this is just more of like, our own freedom, you know, I. I mean, can we. Yeah, I mean, that’s, you know, for us, it affected us personally because. Yeah, we lost our YouTube channel because. Sure. You know, they didn’t like what we had to say. Sorry. Sorry for telling everyone to do their own research. The most dangerous thing we said. And just asking questions. That’s it. You know, like, we just ask questions. And then it was like, no, you can’t do that.
Like, we can’t even ask questions. The media start asking questions, they’re just like, yeah. But anyway, I. I’m very, you know, I’m pretty hopeful. I want to get back to this UFO discussion here. Yeah. What did Elon tell Tucker? He. So let’s play this. Because Elon has mostly denied the existence of UFOs, which I think is strange. But he said, I think it’s strange too. But he did talk about that. Yes. Here, we’ll show this. When you say, what are the aliens? Where are the aliens? Like, why don’t we see them? A lot of people think we see aliens, but I’ve not seen any evidence of aliens.
6,000 satellites in orbit, and not once have we had to maneuver around an alien spacecraft, so. But on this Earth, the US Military has had to do a Lot of maneuvering around objects they can’t explain. Well, objects, one thing. But I mean, there’s always, there’s always a bunch of classified programs that are underway that of new aircraft and new missiles and things so that are classified even within the military. So it’s, you know, only, you know, the, if you have the top secret compartmented clearance, would, you know about this new program. So then, you know, some pilot sees something fast, moving fast and says, hey, I saw a ufo.
I’m like, yeah, that was actually a new reference program. But we can tell you that you can guarantee that the split second I see any evidence of aliens, I will immediately post that on the X platform and will probably be our number one host of all time. That’ll be your biggest day. Yeah, for sure. Maybe that’s what he’s gonna do. I know there’s only, there’s two things. Either one, he just is an alien. So that’s. Yeah, I was like, why am I listening to an alien? Cover up aliens. Just kidding. Yeah, just kidding. Elon, I love you.
Or two, he, you know, he did have a lot of secret government contracts because, you know, under Obama, they stopped using NASA and they went over with SpaceX and he was. And I don’t mean this isn’t a conspiracy. This, this is 100 true. Because if they wanted to get something done with NASA, it would take forever because it had to go through all this legislation because they’re a government organization. So Obama’s like, well, why don’t we just use SpaceX, which is a privately funded company and we can just bypass all this bureaucratic crap and just go straight to the source.
And so therefore, if a rocket fails, Elon can just be like, okay, let’s just make some changes and try again. Where if it’s NASA and it fails, they have to wait five years before they can even do anything again because then they have to go through this whole process of like, what went wrong? Because what if we send people up there and you know, there’s an explosion. I looked into this when to figure out like, what was going on. So I think he’s kind of coming from the standpoint of like, well, I’ve done this before, I know what’s out there.
Because he probably helped invent some of the stuff that’s out there that he can’t talk about. So to him it’s maybe like, well, yeah, you know, and he probably hears stories of aliens, but to him it’s probably like, yeah, it’s all the stuff that we’ve Been building, so. Or he’s an alien, so. Right, right, right. Well, look at this. There was an investigative journalist named Ross Colehart that was on the or. He was talking about the Trump Rogan interview and he said something pretty interesting here. We’ve got a. Yeah, this guy’s pretty interesting. If Donald Trump does become president, there’s a lot of speculation that he’s determined to get to the truth of this matter.
It’s significant that he’s initiated a public conversation about the UFO issue. And I can see as a former president, he’s very constrained by the briefing that he’s been given. He can’t talk about things like the Crash Retrieval Program. And I suspect if and when he does become president, we may see a very different President Trump making a very big decision, a big capital D for disclosure. But I do think privately, inside the Congress, there are now very senior senators and congressional representatives who are very seriously engaged with this subject. It’s no longer a stigmatized, taboo subject to be ignored.
And President Trump’s reactions and comments on Rogan clearly show that. Interesting. Yeah. And we’ve got retired Army Colonel Carl Neill mentioned here about unelected bureaucrats gatekeeping UFO information. This is pretty interesting, too. Human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new and it’s been ongoing. And there are unelected people in the government that are aware of that. And so, Carl, that is quite a bold statement. I’m wondering, and I’m curious, how confident are you that that is true? There’s zero doubt. There’s zero doubt. Non human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is zero doubt.
Yeah, that’s pretty interesting. And I mean, you know, I have zero doubt as well, but I kind of want to see this too. Elizondo. That guy and Trump Jr. This was. We gotta watch this too. Elizondo. What was his first name again? Elizondo. He’s so called. Former Pentagon official. Yeah, like, you know, but he’s. I’m more interested in what Trump Jr. Is going to say here, to be quite honest. He’s actually been. He. He said he even asked his father when he was president, you know, about all this stuff, and he said, I think his answer was his father still didn’t even really tell him.
So he’s actually been trying to push for the ufo. Like, UFO too. Yeah. Where would you think this program should go under a second Trump administration? Oh, my gosh, what a great question, man. You know, I’m usually prepared for a lot of questions. That’s when I’M not. Well, first of all, let me say I would never prepare. I would never propose to say I know what’s best for a president’s administration. The president’s job is one of those jobs that I can’t imagine the type of responsibility in anybody’s shoulders. I wouldn’t want it. And I think as long as you bring in the right people to work with you, that can put the right people in place to ask the right questions and go to the right organization where we know the information is, that’s a good start.
You know, rfk, for example, has been a big supporter of transparency on the UAP topic for a while now. And you’ve got other people, too, that have been, you know, very, very supportive, even behind the scenes. I won’t say their names publicly because they haven’t given me permission, but there’s a lot of people I think could do a lot of good with this topic in the, in the Trump administration. You know, there were people, I’ll give you an example, even this administration, Biden, John Podesta, would have been great. Unfortunately, he ran into some complications with some people on the National Security Council.
But John Podesta would have been a great guy to run this effort. It doesn’t have to be a political conservative or liberal. Way too calculated of an answer for me. Yeah, me too. Just kind of. Yeah, yeah. About that. I. But again, I think he’s, yeah, he’s just coming from it, from the standpoint of, like, you know, this aspect now, now, to be fair. And, and, you know, we’re just kind of talking about, well, just because, you know, Trump won and he’s gonna get in. And that’s what we’re talking about. Now, Kamala also said that if she won, she would disclose the UFO stuff, too.
However, the only thing I would say to that is that, I mean, technically, as the vice president, she could have pushed for that to already happen. So I, I, you know, and that’s why I’m like, yeah, what’s the. I guess, you know, is that just something you’re kind of holding on to as, like, a playing card? Like, well, okay, I’m vice president, but when I get president, then I’ll, you know, I’ll disclose all this stuff. But, you know, I, I don’t know. But, but she did say the same thing. But I think that, you know, obviously, Trump has been talking, and, but honestly, she only brought it up after Trump has been on these interviews talking about.
He mentioned that he talked to these pilots. Yeah. Calling him like better looking, very, very solid pilots. You’d be surprised at how solid they were. They were very solid. And he was like, yeah, you know, so he’s like, they’ve seen all these things and they have information about it. So, you know, I, I think again, that’s kind of where I’m just like, man, it would be great. And I think the transparency aspect would be massive. And I do think that people will kind of open up a little bit more if, if the government became more transparent, I think people would start asking a lot more questions.
And that’s what needs to happen. Well, for everybody watching right now, we’re about to have a pretty exciting live Q and A. And we have a bunch of stuff out right now on our Rise TV platform that we want to tell you about. From Edge of Wonder, we have an interview with whistleblower Eric Hecker, who revealed to us all kinds of fun things about himself and about the secret experiments in Antarctica. On this exclusive interview. You definitely got to check that out. On my metaphysical show, there are episodes about frequencies and levitation and energy and naturopathic medicine.
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