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➡ The Vatican archives, spanning over 52 miles of shelves and 12 centuries of documents, are rumored to contain everything from UFO parts and evidence of aliens to a portrait of Jesus painted during his lifetime. There are also whispers about the Vatican knowing the truth about the Holy Grail, the location of the lost Ark of the Covenant, the Grand Grimoire (also known as the Devil’s Bible), and even information about Satan. However, these are all speculations and the actual contents of the Vatican vaults remain a mystery.
➡ This article discusses the theory that the Vatican is hiding evidence of alien existence to prevent people from questioning their faith. The author suggests that the Vatican might have numerous items related to UFOs and aliens, including photos and physical evidence. The article also mentions a UFO lobbyist who believes the Catholic Church is aware of alien life and has concealed evidence. Lastly, it discusses a celestial event in 1561 in Germany, which some believe was a war between alien races, and suggests the Vatican might have more information about this event.
➡ The text discusses a variety of topics, including the unlikely journey of an object from another star system, the importance of subscribing to their emails for updates and a free guide to alien races, and their exploration of potential locations for the Garden of Eden. They also mention their extensive research available on Rise TV, including theories about giants and the nephilim, and the possibility of hidden portraits of Jesus in the Vatican archives. They encourage viewers to subscribe to their Rumble channel and Rise TV for more content.
➡ In the 1800s, many artworks and documents were destroyed, including those in the Library of Alexandria, which some believe were moved to the Vatican. The Vatican is rumored to have a vast collection of books and artifacts, including fragments of St. Peter’s bones and a recorded conversation between Emperor Nero and St. Paul about Jesus. Ancient Rome was highly advanced, with self-healing concrete and extensive documentation, which could include information about Jesus’ life and descendants. The Vatican is also believed to hold other religious artifacts and documents, including the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, and the true cross that Jesus was crucified on.
➡ Metaphysical Coffee is a non-GMO, low acidity, gluten-free, and vegan-friendly coffee that’s available for $17.99, including shipping. The article also discusses a series on Rise TV called “Relics of Power,” which explores the artifacts Hitler sought during World War II for world domination. The series also delves into the Grand Grimoire, a medieval book believed to have immense powers and instructions for summoning demons. Lastly, it talks about the Philosopher’s Stone, a substance believed to turn metals into gold and grant immortality, which is also discussed in the Harry Potter series.
➡ The Vatican’s top exorcist, Father Gabriel Amorth, claimed that the devil was hiding within the Vatican. This belief was based on his own experiences and the recent scandals and corruption within the church. Some theories suggest that ancient books and relics within the Vatican could be used to control demons. There are also rumors about the Vatican having the largest pornography archive in history, but this remains unconfirmed.
➡ The speaker discusses the unusual muscular depictions of women in the Sistine Chapel, and mentions an upcoming speaking engagement at the Mind Nexus conference in Tucson, Arizona. They also mention a discount code for the event and notable attendees like Carrie Cassidy, known for her work on Project Camelot. The speaker encourages listeners to subscribe to their email and join them on Rise TV for a monthly fee, where they can participate in live Q&A sessions. They also promote their metaphysical coffee and a free guide on alien races available on Rise TV.


Edge of wonder. So what’s really in the secret Vatican archives? We know that there are over 52 miles of shelves with miles upon miles of books and over 35,000 volumes of catalogs and at least twelve centuries worth of documents. There’s a lot to go through. But what else is secretly hidden deep within the walls of the Vatican City? Yeah, there are whispers of everything from pieces of UFO spacecraft and evidence of aliens to a portrait of Jesus that was painted while he was alive, all the way to documentation of Jesus missing years. Some say that the Vatican knows the truth about the holy Grail, the whereabouts of the lost arc of the covenants, the grand Grimoire, or the devil’s Bible, and even information about Satan himself.

Satan? Well, last week we talked about the Vatican’s alleged secret time machine, the chronovisor, which reportedly saw and documented parts of Jesus’s crucifixion, et cetera. In this episode, we’re going to dive even deeper. Yeah, and at the end of the show, don’t miss the live Q and a, followed by a meditation slash prayer session only on Rise tv. So with that, we’ll see you guys out on the edge. And if you’re listening to our edge of Wonder podcasts on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or elsewhere, please leave us a five star rating and review. And also, remember to hit like follow, subscribe, and all that good stuff on Rumble, content World, Twitter, X, Instagram, telegram, Facebook, YouTube, wherever you’re watching us.

Also, I’ll just add for this episode, it’s important that those of you at home that may identify as Catholic do not shoot the messengers in the information that we’re about to talk about here. We don’t know what’s really down in the Vatican vaults. We’re just telling you what? What? Well, there are some factual things that the Vatican themselves have released. We’re not talking about those things. We’re talking about the, you know, large amount of speculation we’ll be doing on some rather, you know, crazier items that they may have. It is true. Yeah, I mean, I think it’s safe to say.

I mean, this is an attack on Christianity and whatsoever, in fact, it’s more of the opposite. You know, it’s like trying to preserve the things that really is truthfully in christian, you know, Christianity or what, what Jesus was kind of. Yeah. Aside from like, kind of the darker aspect of how. What the Vatican has become. I mean, you build a snake hall, you know, there you go right there. You know, I mean, I think that’s all evidence you need to say that maybe there’s. Well, one priest came forward saying that the Vatican secretly has Satan himself.

So we’ll get into the Vatican vaults. And I saw Satan himself. That. That is what someone claims. So we’ll get into this a little bit, but, yeah, that’s the Paul audience hall inside the. It’s the new Paul audience hall inside the Vatican. And that’s where the pope sits. For those of you guys that don’t know this, and I mean, clearly, it’s a. Clearly the Leviathan’s mouth. Yes, if I do say so. You know, and sitting in front of that crazy statue, we actually went into that in our Eden series, Garden of Eden series on Rise tv.

So if you haven’t seen it, we had this crate. We found things about that statue, too, that sits behind the pope that. No, that I couldn’t find anywhere. Yeah. So, yeah, after looking into that thing, we were just doing weird things with, like, mirroring the image, and it was just mind blowing what was coming out of it. It’s supposed to be Jesus rising after a nuclear explosion or after the apocalypse or something. After the apocalypse or whatever. Yeah. And wait a minute. Didn’t it fall and kill someone? Something fell and killed. Oh, you. Uh. I don’t.

I think you know what I’m talking about, right? I know. The blue sepher, the blue horse thing in front of the Denver airport that fell and killed its creator. But I think you’re right about this, Rob. Wait. Maybe it was that. Maybe there’s too many crazy sculptures. There is. Yeah. I’m trying. Lindsey, could you look into that real quick? I think Rob is right, but he’s on. But I can’t really fully remember, but. Okay, well, um, if you haven’t seen. Yeah, go ahead. What’d you say? No, nothing. I was just gonna say something smart. Well, if you haven’t seen our episode that we did, our live show that we did last Friday, we really went pretty hard on this.

Mostly we focused around the corona. The corona visor, which is essentially a time traveling device. Or you could, like, Pierce, use this device to see through time. Yeah. And there was, like, images that came out through that. A very, very talented priest who was also a scientist, ended up creating this thing to provide evidence of Jesus’s existence. And crucifix. Crucifixion. Yep. And, you know, that was the goal. But, you know, this is something that wouldn’t widely be accepted that coming out, but they allegedly do have this technology where they can look into the past and. And see things and it’s not as complicated as they, everybody would like us to believe it is.

Exactly. So true. And again, you know, kind of recap real quick. So the Vatican does have a secret archive. You can, if you’re, like, a researcher, professor, you could ask for access to this. There’s actually a website that you can inquire about having permission to go down there, but it’s very strict about who can go down there. And for whatever reason, you have to be at least 75 years old. I think it’s in case you see anything you really don’t have many years before, you know, you die and you take it, the information with you, I’m guessing.

Yeah, exactly. And then also, if you do say something, you saw something, they can basically just say, well, he’s over 75. He’s crazy right now. Yes. That’s why. I guess you’re right. No other explanation there. Yeah, it’s so funny. But, but, yeah, the recap, it has literally no joke. 52 miles of shelving. If you lined up all the shelving together, it’s 52 miles in length at least. They also have another secret area that they had to build underneath that because they. They ran out of room. That’s supposedly where they hold the really secret stuff. Um, 1 mile of shelving would be.

Seems like a lot. What? I know you’re right. 1 mile seems like a lot. 52 of those miles is pretty impressive. I mean, that’s. And they’re all like, books. I mean, if you were in a car, that would almost take you an hour. If you’re driving roughly 60 miles an hour to get all the way through that, just driving down that with books just passing you at 60 miles an hour, can you, like, imagine you’re at one end and you’re like, oh, man, the book I need is at the very. Yeah, like, how do you get down there? I mean, granted, everything is like, you know, light layers.

So it’s like you need a. Yeah, you’d need a Vatican super train. But, I mean, I can’t imagine how big that warehouse actually is, you know? Yeah. And it’s not public what’s down there. So that’s. That’s all always crazy. We’ve heard all kinds of legends about stuff that’s down there, and I think we’re going to get into some of that today, right? Oh, yeah, we will. Yep. We will. Yeah. So what do you think, Ben? I mean, one of the things that I always heard was that there were books that were the size of people down there.

That’s one of the things too, that, so evidence of giants is definitely one of the things that supposedly is down there. Of course, evidence of aliens. A lot of different aspects of this, but we’ll kind of, why don’t we kind of go through some of these things and we’ll get to the giant one, too. Um, so why don’t, the first thing we talk about is aliens. Uh, this is, this is, this is like a big one. Uh, this was really fascinating. I found this article and there’s a documentary called Unsealed Alien file files. And they taught, they interview a priest in this documentary, and the priest, um, so.

Oh, I’m, I’m sorry, they don’t interview a priest. They interview this guy named Doctor Jose Funes. And he was interviewed and he said that there’s a priest who directs the Vatican Observatory, and doctor, this, Doctor Jose Funes said it would be possible that life could evolve the way we know it on earth and that the universe is huge. Then a voiceover says, Vatican officials have publicly acknowledged the likelihood of alien life. This dramatic reversal of Vatican policy demands an explanation. What does the, was the church know? Or what have they found that causes them to reverse a 2000 year old teaching? Then it also says evidence of alien life, we learn, is available in the Vatican secret archives.

But why would, why would evidence of aliens reverse the. I don’t understand why. I. Well, the teachings. The Vatican had a very strict stance that I think their whole thing was like aliens didn’t really exist, or they least never had any proof of aliens existing. But why even get involved in that conversation? Like, just because it was left out of the Bible doesn’t mean it’s not a thing. I think it’s because it’s so prominent in our culture right now, especially, you know, I think ever since, like, Roswell, the, it’s become a little bit more mainstream. And now it’s like everybody is talking about it, which is, you know, it’s in like, a lot of people look to the Vatican as, or like the pope, you know, a lot of Catholics as unfortunately, as like, the end all be all.

You know, whatever the Vatican says is like truth. And it’s like, well, that’s, that’s not God’s words, though. You know, it’s just a human speaking. Yeah, it’s like, it’s like. You do realize the Vatican is full of humans, right? Let me tell you about the history of humans. And they’re there, right? So it’s like a lie. Yeah. I mean, and that’s, that’s what they’re saying, you know, so, um. Yeah, so. So anyway, I I feel that this. This is because I think one of the reasons why they’re trying to hide it is the fact that they don’t want people to start questioning their religion or, you know, have anything contradicting.

I mean, I think this is their biggest fear, is that, oh, yeah, aliens are real. And then, like, you know, how does this relate to the Bible and religion as a whole and these kinds of things? And I think it’s easier for them just to say, like, well, we haven’t seen any evidence. That’s it. You know, so, I mean, I would bet there’s, like, countless items underneath the Vatican that. That are all related to UFO’s and actual proof of aliens, from, like, probably photos to physical evidence. And, um. But why select evidence of aliens, Ben? Why would the Vatican collect evidence of aliens if they want to keep it all secret? Well, that’s, like, why are they collecting all of these things? Right.

That. That’s the. I think it’s like. I mean, I think in this aspect, whoever has most of the knowledge of the past can control the future as well. And I think that they’re looking at this from, like, well, we’re trying to keep it safe. But then again, it’s like, well, now, who’s really behind all of this with the Vatican? You know, like, what group and what organizations? Are they really for the support of protecting humankind, or are they, like, trying to keep this knowledge to themselves to control humankind? Right. That’s, like, a big question about this.

There’s this guy named Steve Bassett, and he’s a UFO lobbyist in Washington, and he is. This whole article really talks about how he believes that the catholic church is not only aware of alien life, but has concealed and has evidence in their archives. So that’s. That’s what this article is about. And that’s what kind of. He, um. And he kind of goes into detail a little bit of this question, you know, but he’s kind of calling on the Vatican to say, like, you know, you should release all this information that you have, this photo. I think you and I talked about this.

Okay, but why would. Why would the Vatican release that information when our governments, who have even more evidence, have information? And I think, like, we know on a deeper level that, you know, kind of. It’s. Yeah, I mean, these things are working side by side together. Right, right, exactly. If it’s like, I don’t know which one comes first, if, like, you know, most of the governments are listening to the Vatican or vice versa. Or if there’s like somebody else on top of that. Yeah. Controlling things, you know, Lindsay, you can pull that photo up again. So this is an interesting photo.

I think this is from the seventies. And this photo, if I remember correctly, I didn’t really look into it today, but if I remember correctly, it was. Somebody was looking through an archives, a national archives, trying to find something related to some thing on that. The land in that area. And um. And then all of a sudden they noticed that photo and, and then it was, it was in an archived. And then it was released by the authorities. So this is, this, this is what makes this photo so compelling is the fact that it wasn’t like released by some like whistleblower or something.

It was actually found in an old archived and then it was released by the government. So 50 years after it was taken. Yeah. Wow, what a mistake. Yeah, it’s really interesting as a really interesting backstory. Black and white photo was taken by aerial photographer Sergio Loi Loaza, I guess, flying at 10,000ft above Costa Rica. Usually a specially mounted using, I guess it’s supposed to say a specially mounted camera. Yeah. Yes. People have rated as one of the best UFO photos ever taken and. Yeah, anyway, it’s fairly interesting. So the other aspect of event that supposedly that the Vatican has is the truth about the Nuremberg celestial phenomenon of 1561.

Oh, what’s this? Bentley? So for those of you guys that don’t remember this, so this happened in Germany. And in what was it, 1561, there was this massive celestial event that happened early morning in the skies. And Hans Glosser, he documented this strange thing and it was published in the local newspaper even, or in a book, I think, at the time. And people were in great fear of what they were seeing. And they described it as some kind of battle in the sky. And it was all happening in broad daylight in the early mornings. They described the event as crosses, tubes, wheels, multicolored objects and globes over the city, hundreds of them.

Objects would disappear in smoke, some even crashing into the ground. The smoke was visible for miles. Bro, that black mark looks like a Star Destroyer from Star wars. Yeah, that’s what everyone has been commenting about it. So, um, that, like that, that, that it was like some massive ship that came through. Now they described this as like a sun dog, like a. You know, whatever. Yeah, yeah, that, that’s. That’s like nowadays how scientists describe this. It’s like. Well, they were just seeing the sun dog thing and it’s like, what. What are you talking about that make.

Doesn’t even make sense. Like, why is there a star destroyer in this thing, right? So supposedly the Vatican has the truth about what actually took place that day and what was actually involved and more of the details about it. So a lot of ufologists believe that it was some kind of, like, celestial or Star wars that actually happened between different races at the time. And there was a literally like a war in the sky, and they were, like, blowing each other up and stuff. And, you know, back then, it was almost like they could get away with it a little bit more because, like, you know, cameras didn’t exist, and.

And people just assumed I. That it was more of like a. Some kind of like, sign from God, you know, which. Not saying that it wouldn’t be in today’s world either, but I mean, it’s like, you’re not thinking that this is like, aliens and UFO’s. You’re just immediately like, oh, this is a sign. This is like a bad omen. You know? And that’s what they took it as. As, like, this is an omen for mankind and specifically and for the Germans, like, something bad we’re doing. We’re doing something wrong. You know, God is giving us a sign here, and.

Because that’s that. I mean, that’s all they can describe it as, you know? Whereas now it’s like, it really looks like some kind of UFO battle took place, but the details of that have been, you know, it’s. There’s not much to go on about. It looks like a bunch of exploded traffic. Like, lights got sent into the air in that photo. Well, that was the one where, um, you know, the. The cylinder stuff. Like, supposedly they’re, like, operated by the reptilians. Yeah. Like the cigar shaped one. Yeah, the cigar shaped UFo’s. I honestly think that that star destroyer looking thing is part of some kind of, like, potential reptilian agenda, too, or something like that, too, you know? And that.

What is that? The wama. Wama? Oh, my woman. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Supposedly that. That’s actually a craft, too. I mean, we were talking about that thing. Like, even Bill Gates commented on that, which was kind of shocking to me, like, saying that it’s. It doesn’t seem likely. It’s just some. Something like that. Some doesn’t seem likely. It’s a. It was either Bill Gates or Stephen Hawking. I can’t remember now between the two of them, but, um, what the wama wa or uma. Uma or whatever it is, it’s. So they were described the fact that, well, the fact that it came so close to earth would be, like, nearly impossible.

They were saying. I mean, literally, it was like equivalent of trying to shoot an apple off the World Trade center building from. From the, um, from the Golden Brigade bridge. Literally. Wow. It’s like that. That’s. That’s how, like, impossible it is that this object from another star system happened to, like, travel right through and past. I think it went between, like, the Earth and the moon or something. And it’s like, there is no way that would happen unless somebody specifically guided it that way. So it’s crazy. Well, hey, we’re about to show a trailer right now.

Before we do, I want to encourage everyone out there to subscribe to our emails. You’re going to be sent a link to the free ultimate guide to alien races that yours truly drew himself. If current subscribers want a copy, you can also put your email in. Again with the double opt in, Stephen. Just go to rise tv alien races. That’s rise tv alien races. And you’ll see. So, yeah, if you could definitely subscribe to our emails, it’ll help us keep communication with you in case anything happens long term and you get some benefits from that. So, pretty awesome stuff.

That’s. Again, go to rise tv alien races. That’s rise tv alien races. Download your PDF of our alien guide, basically, and give us your email. All right. And we’ll watch a trailer, and when we get back, we’ll be talking about more craziness at the Vatican archives. Have you heard of fantastic floods wiping out humanity? How about different creation stories and different cultures and religions? Then there are gods, different beings, corruption, and the downfall of man. And fantastic tales that make up creation stories across cultures, like the most famous one, the Garden of Eden. But the biggest question everyone has is, where was the Garden of Eden? And when we went looking for the answer, we came across places that were everything from reasonable to the wildest and most out of this world.

Places that people have proposed. You’re gonna love number one. So join us on this edge of wonder series as we travel across the Americas, the deserts of Africa, the places you’d seriously never expect, and so much more. Let’s start out with a place you would never think the garden would be in a million years. Jackson, Missouri. Wait, what? Why? You’re gonna find out why. I think there’s as much of a chance of the Garden of Eden being in Jackson, Missouri, as we have of the Vatican telling us the truth about what’s in their archives. It’s probably true.

Yeah, we had a few episodes here, a couple episodes Garden of Eden, and it’s just a couple of many, many videos we have on Rise TV. You’ll never get bored on Rise TV. If you can subscribe to support our work, we’d really appreciate it. It’s loads of fun. We’ve done tons and tons of research, tracked down all kinds of information, and I dare say no one else really has because honestly, most of the time people are pretty lazy researchers. That doesn’t mean we have everything. There’s a lot of good people with good stuff out there. But rise tv has you covered.

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But we’ve got tons and like a thousand videos on here, so definitely check that out if you’re interested. Yeah, we do so many. And with all the censorship and everything else, you know, you guys really help us keep the lights on for sure, with everything. So, yeah, definitely appreciate all of you. And if you’re watching us on rumble, we really appreciate our rumble fans as well. Please remember to subscribe to our Rumble channel. Yeah. Thank you guys watching us over there. Yeah. And of course, our rise tv followers too. We deeply appreciate that. All right, um, more of the giants.

Giants, yeah, giants, yeah, I mean, that’s, that’s the big thing. Proof of giants. Uh, supposedly there’s everything from like bones to artifacts to weapons to, um, even giant books. I’ve heard, uh, officially, I guess you could say officially, there’s nothing there, but there are articles, and I found a few articles talking about it. Now, unfortunately, a lot of the photos that are out there have been photoshopped or faked, but that doesn’t mean that the story is not real. And what’s crazy is that Rob and I have talked about this a lot too, about the giants. Prior to 1930s.

So many newspapers were reporting that, um, you know, they were finding giant bones everywhere. Like everywhere. And Lincoln talked about it in the. Oh, yeah, yeah. And then they were getting sent to, um, you know, the Smithsonian, and then it’s like, oh, or they were stepping in, or they were stepping in. Yeah, right. One or the other. So, so supposedly under the Vatican there, there’s the proof of the nephilim, which doesn’t make sense to me because that’s something that you would think that the Vatican would. Hang on a sec, hang on a sec. There’s a lot of confusion that people have about the nephilim and the giants.

My understanding is giants are not the nephilim. The nephilim are. Are beings that were created by these fallen angels having babies with humans. And they created the champions of old. These are like the, you know, Hercules and Achilles and Perseus and all those guys. And probably many more than that. Right. But that’s where those guys, those were normal sized humans. Those were not. And you could call them nephilim. Sure. That’s nephilim. This is different than giants. Like, giants are simply massive amounts of giant human beings that we’re running around that there’s little record of. Hmm. Yeah.

Then some of the, some of the nephilim could have been giants, but that’s still different. I mean, we’re, you know. Anyway, I digress. So evidence of giants in the Vatican, allegedly. Right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s definitely one of the main things that, you know, and that’s my question is like, why wouldn’t the Vatican want that information out, you know? I mean, it would prove that what’s in the Bible is Isdev. You know, at least some of it is real. So why wouldn’t the Vatican hide it? Unless they’re like getting direction from. Yeah. Something above them saying, you can’t tell people about this cuz it would throw Darwin’s theory of evolution in a loop and throw everything out.

Yeah, it really. Everything out. It really would. Yeah. In that aspect it really would. Which they don’t want at all, which is, you know, even. Even. I mean, we’ve dived into this a lot about the whole history of dinosaurs and how like basically almost. It’s hard. Almost everything we think we know about dinosaurs has been kind of fabricated in so many ways in society. And we have videos talking about that. We have some live shows on rumble talking about it, as well as some produced shows that we have too. Uh, in this specific episode of dragons, we really get into that where, um.

Yeah, and how prior to the word dinosaurs, dinosaurs were called dragons. There you go. Yeah, there’s this one dinosaur I was at, um. I can’t remember what it’s called off top my head, but I was at, um, some, like, museum somewhere. Man, I can’t remember what was. It was a couple years back, and they had displays of, like, different kinds of flying dinosaurs and whatnot. Like the pterodactyl and things, but specifically where, if you would see it, it would. I’m like, dude, this is just a dinosaur. Flying dragon. Literally is a flying dragon. Like, the tail is exactly like how you would think of a dragon tail.

And the wings. This just a dragon. This is crazy. It’s like, don’t. Doesn’t anyone see that this is a dragon? Like, how they’re depicting, it’s crazy. So, okay, some of the more other interesting things is supposedly there is at least one portrait of Jesus. If it wasn’t created when he was alive, it was created at least right after his death, possibly in the late second century. And so I guess they even said that there could be multiple portraits of Jesus in the Vatican archives, people who saw him, who actually saw him in real life and drew it from that, or.

Well, the thing is, you know, um. You know how excellent the sculptures were in. In ancient Greece. That’s. That’s what I was thinking. They’re incredible, right? No way. If their sculptures were that incredible, that their paintings weren’t just as good. That’s what I was thinking. If that’s the case, then that all of those techniques moved over to Rome, it’s very possible that someone was like, hey, Jesus, sit down. And painted them. Could have done that. I started thinking about that, too. It would make sense. And, you know, unfortunately, during the Paris revolution or the. The french revolution, I mean, in the 18 hundreds, a lot of the artwork was destroyed.

Not to mention whatever was in the library of Alexandria was destroyed, too. You know, we have no idea what was in. Yeah, they tell us it was destroyed, but I’m pretty sure all of those books were moved over to Rome. Into the Vatican. Yeah, well, I mean, it would make sense that the Vatican has 52 miles of books that we know about. Well, and this idea that, like, this, what, twelve centuries or whatever? Come on, dude. It’s way more than that. Yeah, I fully agree. I mean. I mean, it would go all the way back, probably prior to the founding of Peter becoming, like, the first pope I would even imagine, you know, um, it’s just.

Yeah, pretty amazing. Yeah. So, anyway, um, speaking of St. Peter, I mean, that’s the other thing. They. They did unveil these bones. So this. This is actually a, um, one of the truths that came forward. There was fragments of bones, um, supposedly belonging to St. Peter. St. Peter, wow. Yeah. There was the first pope, wasn’t he? Yeah, yeah, he was. And, um, well, he’s counted as the first pope. Right. So there was nine pieces of bones, uh, inside, like, a jewel box kind of thing that they found. And so they. I think it was 2000, it was 2013, that they brought him out for the first time to show the public.

Like, some people doubted it. Like, well, where’s the proof? You know, that’s actually Peter’s bones. But, you know, it’s like, I’m sure the Vatican has some proof of all this stuff. Yeah, but speaking of Jesus, there’s. There’s way more things. Like, a lot of the stuff seems to be related to Jesus. There’s supposedly a recorded conversation between Emperor Nero of Rome and St. Paul, and they’re talking specifically about Jesus and the existence of Jesus. This is recorded? Yeah, like, in a document form. You know, like, was Paul trying to, like, was he, you know, trying to explain to him who Jesus was? And Nero was just like, that’s my understanding about it.

Yes. That he was telling. Explaining to Nero, like, who Jesus was. This is kind of what I mean, like, I mean, think about it. There’s very little documentation of Jesus back then, but there couldn’t have been. I mean, there must have been tons of it because Rome was so extremely advanced. You know, like, they. They were writing. They were sending stuff all the time. They had parchment. Of course they did. You know, these dudes were like, I think if. We would be probably pretty shocked if we were to walk into ancient Rome and see how advanced they were.

Yeah, I would completely agree with tv. Yeah, yeah. Remember, we. We were. We were talking. We found this article where that. Where they just recently came out. They were talking about concrete in Rome and how it was self healing concrete. So, like, if. If it got damaged, there was some. Some kind of chemical process within the concrete itself that would come together and slowly, over time, it would actually heal itself of any kind of holes or anything. This is the article right here. Yeah. They talk about the colosseum, specifically, the coliseum. Yeah. And I started thinking about this.

It’s so funny because it came out right after the hurricane, hurricane ian here in Florida, because, you know, so many things got destroyed. And I was thinking, like, how in the world is the coliseum still there actually after 2000 years, and yet things that are just 20 years old is just completely washed away, you know, or it’s like, crumbling apart or streets or crow, total. I mean, you know, after, like, one winter, the streets all have holes in them. Like, how is this even possible that the coliseum is still there and this is what they found? There was something in the concrete that they used that was self healing properties.

Was that lime or something? Wasn’t it? Yeah, I’m not even sure. Organic material, I think, from the ocean that regrows itself. And I think a lot of it stems from this planned obsolescence where they’re, like, you know, specifically making things, like, in a cheaper quality. So they do fail over time. Oh, go back. Seawater mixed with volcanic ash and lime. Wow. Lime has amazing properties. Seawater that filters into the concrete causes the growth of interlocking minerals that constantly and continually strengthen its cohesiveness. Seawater. Who would have thought? Yeah, well, the Romans thought it, that’s for sure.

Hmm. Very interesting. Imbuing roman concrete with its long term durability and ingenious self healing properties. Yeah, that’s pretty smart. That’s wicked smart. Yeah, it is. Why don’t we do it today? I mean. Oh, well, you know. Yeah, yeah. All those same reasons. Well, not. And, like, the other aspect of Jesus is the bloodline of Jesus because, you know, Jesus had. He had family, he had a brother. And supposedly there’s a whole biological descendants of Jesus. And all of this is kept in the archives because they don’t want people to. They don’t want this to get out, you know, if it came out that, you know, who’s really descended.

I mean, of course, this is. I mean, this gets into a massive conversation about, you know, the holy blood, holy grail book and the bloodlines of Christ and all this stuff, you know, and so that. That kind of goes into a very big discussion, but. And then. And, you know, there. And then there’s that controversy about what is the Holy Grail? Is it really a cup, a chalice? Or is it. Is it like the holy Grail? Is it more of like a actual protecting of the descendants of the bloodline? So, you know, and then that’s kind of.

That’s another whole. Like I said, that’s another whole conversation revolved around this. Yeah. But, um. But other artifacts, supposedly that. That’s hidden under the Vatican. Um, and, yeah, then that’s what the da Vinci code is all about. Um, is the ark of the covenant or. Not necessarily the ark itself, but where documentation of where the ark was hidden. Uh, that’s. That’s what’s supposedly there. Uh, there’s some priests that came forward saying that they saw some information on this the holy grail itself, whether it is the bloodline or the actual cup, the true cross. So the. The cross that Jesus was actually on when he was crucified, supposedly that’s part, least part of it, is in the Vatican.

So those are more of, like, you know, obviously save that. What’d you say? I just. Just kind of wondering, like, who thought to save that? Because, you know, think about it. At the time when that stuff is going on, I don’t seriously doubt someone’s going to be like, guys, let’s go save what we can of the cross, the thing that killed Jesus. It’s possible that when. When Jesus, you know, um, rose from the, like, came back, that he was, like, instructing his followers to do something like that, you know? Okay. Preserve that. I mean, like, they have the shroud.

Yeah, but that’s a story that, that, you know, we don’t get. But I like the. I like the theory. Yeah. I mean, I. I’m just, you know, that that’s more of just like a thought. I don’t have any solid evidence on that, but. But it would make sense, you know, I mean. I mean, like, after some major event like that, that you’re going back and you’re like, you know, maybe we should just. Or, um, you know, or maybe somebody knew where it was, where it was buried or something, you know, and it’s like, oh, okay, we can.

We can come back. You know, we can take this so well. Okay, now, some of the weirder stuff that’s supposedly in the Vatican, the grand Grimoire. So I don’t know if you guys ever heard of this book, but it’s actually been. Maybe we should watch another trailer. And then when we get back, we should unveil all of the information on the Grim War. What do you think? Yeah. Or the Gospel of Satan. Okay. Yeah. Which is allegedly, we have to say allegedly in the Vatican. We haven’t been there, but, you know, the book exists. The book.

Where it is is the question. Where it is is the question. We’ll be getting into that after the trailer. But before we hit the trailer, have you been looking for a way to support our content and you want something in return that’s really going to help your day? Well, we’ve got metaphysical coffee now, so if you stay up all night researching like we do, or you’ve just got a lot on your own plate, we’ve got something for you. Our team is very picky when it comes to coffee, and we found single source beans from Guatemala with a really nice, deep, rich flavor that impressed us all.

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But what if details were lost in the aftermath of the manic effort to create a third Reich? Or what if they were left out of the history books on purpose? What if the Nazis were searching for something else? Particular artifacts Hitler had researched feverishly in his darkest days, objects so extraordinary he believed they held the answer to world domination, objects that had the power to change the course of history itself. These were the relics of power. And that has to be one of the longest series we’ve got on rise tv. That is the relics of power series, where we go into ridonculous detail about all of the different relics that Hitler and others have been, were after around and during World War two to gain all the ultimate control over the world.

And it does not disappoint. So definitely check that out. If you subscribe to Rise tv, you’ll have access to all of that for just $12.99 a month. And. Yeah, Ben, let’s talk about this. Yeah. Yeah. You want to read a little bit about this and tell everyone you’re talking about the, which part here? The. The Grimoire. Yes, yes, the Grimoire. So the grand Grimoire, sometimes referred to as the Red Dragon or the Gospel of Satan, is a medieval grimoire believed to possess immense powers according to legend, it was written by an apocryphal figure by the name of Honorius of thebes.

Did I pronounce that right? I think I did. Honorius of Thebes, who is claimed to have been possessed by Satan himself. The Grand Grimoire is said to be one of the most potent occult books in existence and contains instructions for the summoning of demons. Okay, now, so just to kind of, like, go over this real quick. So it’s believed to possess immense powers. It was written by this guy, Honorius of Thebes in the 16th century, who was claimed to have been possessed by Satan himself, rumored to have been found in Solomon’s tomb, which then you’d speculate this is how Solomon was controlling all of the demons.

Yeah. Right. Yeah, it would make sense with that. Right. Supposedly kept in the Vatican secret archives, it’s said to have instructions on how to summon Lucifer himself. There’s a section called true method of making packs, which is about making a deal with the devil, which all pretty much is stuff that we’ve heard about from. To this day. I mean, we’ve had multiple shows on this. Right. That’s so true. And, um. No, it’s. Yeah, no, Lindsey’s. Lindsay was asking me if this is the same as the Codex Gigas. You know, I thought it was the same thing, but it is not.

So these are two a little different. That was done by a monk who was kind of stuck in his jail. Yeah. And, um. And he. Yeah, supposedly he wrote that book in, like, one night or something. He made a deal with his jailers. I guess it was the bishop or whatever. And it was. He was like, if you can write the entire. This entire book in a day or whatever, and so in one night, he tried to write all of it. Yeah, something like that. Yeah. And, um, the codex gigas is. Has the first depiction of Lucifer in.

In, like, a drawing form. And let me tell you, after you see this photo of Lucifer, you will never be afraid of him again. Yeah. It is a little bit kind of cartoonish, I guess you could say. Um. But, uh. But yeah, it depicts him. Yeah. Pattern diaper on. It’s the first time that he was depicted with, like, a kind of like a goat like figure in this case. That is a massive book, that. It’s huge. That’s the other factor about it. And. Yeah, so. But this is a different book from. From the book that we’re talking about, the Grimoire.

Now, this book, the. The Codex Gigas, is actually in a. I think it’s in Paris. It might. Or somewhere in France. It’s in a museum. You can actually see that book in person. It’s not like a. It’s not like, hidden or anything. Not like this other book. This other book, the grand. But, however, I think there was a page missing from it. The page that would. It has some kind of spell from the Codex giddicks. Codex Gigas is missing now. But with this other book, this is where, like, supposedly it has immense power. It had, like, there was this article from 1910 talking about this book, and I still don’t really understand this article that came out.

Lindsey, can you. Are you able to pull up this article? You can show what this thing looks like? Because a lot of it’s written in, like, I think, Arabic. Um, they have, like, drawings and stuff on this article from 1910 in the Plain Dealer. And this is in Cleveland, Ohio. So it goes into detail about this book. Uh, the, um. The grand Gimwar and, uh, Grimoire. That’s weird. Yeah, it’s real. Like, I don’t really fully understand what, like, you know, all these different aspects of this. But what it does say about the book that it has the mysteries of Solomon and the complete mastery of powers of the internal.

How to find hidden treasure, how to win the lottery every time. Control of the philosopher’s stone, along with practical benefits promised to those who own and use this work of magic. I said internal. It’s the infernal. So basically, hours of the infernal. Yes. Wow. Yes. That’s what’s super weird about it. So. And the philosopher’s stone is another thing that supposedly the Vatican has, or at least has documentation about, details about what is the philosopher’s stone and who was trying to find it. Like Nicholas Flamel and some of these other guys. Nicholas. That. That’s just in Harry Potter.

That was just me. No. What are you talking about, dude? Nick. No, no. She took that from real life. No, no. Yeah, but the name Nicholas female is part of Harry Potter. But the real. But that is the story. No, no, no, wait. There is a real Nicholas flamel, and he was supposedly immortal, and he had created the philosopher’s stone, and that’s how he achieved it. She took that and put it in her movie. Oh, yeah. Dang. Real dude did a whole episode on it. Yeah. Not a fake guy at all. Very interesting. And actually, his.

His real story is way more interesting than Harry Potter. Nonsense. Yeah. Okay. You know, it’s weird, because I thought it was true at first when I was looking into the philosopher’s stone, and then I saw this, like, page about Nicholas femel, and I was like, oh, yeah, no, no, wait, wait. That’s just like a fan page. Right? So that’s so funny, because then. No, no, real dude. Real dude. Yeah. Well, um, I tell it. Why don’t we. We’ll skip this. We’ll skip. We’ll go back to this one and we’ll do the philosopher’s stone right now, because.

Yeah, that, that’s exactly what, what supposedly, or at least information on what it was. Some say that it wasn’t actually a stone, more of substance that can turn ordinary metals into silver or gold. So it wasn’t like you held in your hands, but that’s a. That the stone was kind of like. Or whatever this was. Whatever this material was was more like an elixir to life with the power to cure any illness, renew properties of youth, even grant immortality. And what’s weird is that this is actually a real. This represents, in real life, this was an ancient symbol that the alchemists used to represent the philosopher’s stone.

And again, she kind of used this image in Harry Potter for the, um. For this, which, like, the. Related to the, um. What are the. It was the wand, this. The philosopher’s stone and the, um, deathly hollows. That’s what I’m trying to say. The what, the death? Yeah, the cloak of invisibility. The philosopher’s stone and the wand and. Yeah, these are the. The. The deathly kalos or something. Yeah. Which, I mean, again, and I mean, obviously, this is a lot of science back into the Illuminati and the masons and everything else, you know, which is exactly what, like, all of this kind of supposedly represents and why the illuminati was so obsessed with what is the philosopher’s stone, because, you know, again, granting immortality, being able to control almost anything, and.

But back then, there was all these alchemists that were supposedly whatever the substance was that they were working with, trying to convert things into gold, and it was like a tincture or a powder substance that they called so. And many alchemists were on a quest to try to find it. And supposedly, this is like, a lot of their laboratories were based on this and everything else. So, um. But, yeah, so let’s go back to the devil himself, which, uh, this is what’s crazy. So a chief exorcist says, devil is in the Vatican, and this was an article, no joke, from the Telegraph.

And it said, the Vatican. Yeah, she’s going to pull it up. The Vatican’s most senior exorcist father Gabriel Amorth had conducted thousands of exorcisms before his untimely death. He had supposedly spoken to the devil himself at one point within his career. Although the circumstances of this encounter is unknown, Amaranth claimed that Satan himself, this is in this article, that Satan himself was hiding somewhere within the Vatican. The scandals and corruption within the church in recent times are all attributed to the devil himself, according to the father. So, so he talked to the devil and he thinks that the devil is in the Vatican? Yeah, that’s, that’s.

Did he talk to the devil in the Vatican somewhere? Is it like, are we, are we to believe that the devil is one of the people at the Vatican? Yeah. What? I’m, I know, I. And it’s, it’s hard to say for sure. Um, what, like specifically that? Is it like, you know, did they invite him or whatever? You know, some people believe that that book, the grand gim war head, like has something to do with having, having him there. Like if the book is there, then the devil is there. But also great. I mean, looking at what’s going on recently within the Vatican and them building that Paul audience hall and the sin and the serpent aspect, it’s like whether he’s there physically or just.

Why wouldn’t they just light that book on fire and destroy it? Well, I mean, at the same time, if, if it can, if it can be used to control demons, you know, I mean, then someone who knows what they’re doing, like Solomon, you know, I mean, well, and that’s honestly what Alistair Crowley was trying to do. He was trying to summon in demons where he can in enclose them and control and like, you know, enslave them and use them. So, um, you know, this is another whole theory that anybody that is like has access to these books and these ancient relics could potentially do and use to like, you know, I mean, and I mean, this, I mean what we’re talking about now like goes all the way back to like CERN and all these different aspects.

You know, it’s, it’s like bringing in these old ones using like whether it’s quantum computers, whether it’s like old demonology books, whatever. You know, it seems like there are people without, with not having good intentions that are trying to specifically do these things. Why? I mean that’s, that’s like a whole question in itself. Right. Um, but yeah, I mean, the other aspect of it, there’s also, um, and I mean, we were talking about the Illuminati and everything and supposedly, I mean, that’s like, yeah, and this is it. This is also in Dan’s brown book, although they were, like, using illuminati, like, the secret, like, you know, small little society that’s operating outside of things.

But it’s not really, like, playing like, they don’t have any major big power, you know, in the book. But it’s like, you know, realistically, that’s probably, that’s probably what’s really overseeing the Vatican archives, you know, and, like, who’s a part of that is, like, other question. And we, of course, have so many articles or episodes diving into all of that and what this really is. But, um. But there, I found, it’s funny, I found this article, and it’s now been deleted on the website, this, this other website that just doesn’t exist anymore. But I found it on archives, and it was talking about this.

And it specifically, it actually asked the Vi, the Vatican to respond to the inquiry. Really? They’re like, so far, the Vatican has not responded. I’m like, yeah, I don’t think they probably will. Right. But we can neither confirm nor deny the existence of Satan’s Bible. But I mean, essentially, you know, like, why would they want to, you know, why would anyone want to use this? You know? I mean, ultimately, it just comes down to control, right? Population control. And that, that’s, I think that’s the roots of why. And it, well, I mean, whether it’s like, whatever purpose, I mean, that’s why according to the.

I mean, even, even stating the Vatican themselves, they’re like, you know, some of the stuff they just didn’t want out because they didn’t want, you know, for it to get in the wrong hands. Mean, that’s why they felt like it was safe and probably like, hundreds of years ago. Like, yeah, that would be a safe place to have it when things were more upright and righteous. But why wouldn’t you burn it? It doesn’t make any sense. Burn it. Unless they’re, like, somebody there is experimenting with controlling demons. I I mean, it looks like that to me in some aspects.

You know, there’s that morons ring. Well, there’s that video. The pope just, like, disappearing. Remember? He just, like, shows up and just like, that was really weird out of that window, you know, and every, and then, like, the media is like, oh, it was just a glitch or something. And it’s like, no, that was not a glitch. Like, he literally just disappears in the window he popped on. Yeah, he was like, it was like a hologram or something. Well, that. And that’s what some people were saying, too, potentially. Like a hologram. So. Yeah, so that. That’s, like, a lot.

I mean, of course, there’s, like, so many other things, but that’s. That’s one. And there. There was a. There was a link on Twitter. We won’t. We don’t have to go into any of this, really, but there was, like, 16 notable things that are actually inside the Vatican now. Ever. Actually, Lindsay, this is the last thing. Can you just click on this for this. This x link? And it’s at the end here, what we have. And it’s interesting because there’s a video. The video is only, like, a minute long. And fast forward to, like, right where it shows that globe.

I think it’s, like, 50 seconds into it. Lindsey, Rob, I want to show you this. Yeah, so, this is some of the stuff the Vatican did open up certain aspects where, you know, people can see it. And there’s these. There’s all these book covers. This guy designed all these book covers to protect all these books that are down there. And they are. They’re actually down there talking about it. And, like, one of the Vatican guys comes out. So play this and pause it. When you feel uni and culture dialoguing with. Pause it for the infant. Oh, go back.

That. Can you make that big? Can you make it bigger or, like, zoom in? Look. Look at the bottom of that globe. There’s a centaur on it. Yeah. I’m not quite sure what this means, but there’s other weird creatures, too. Are. These are constellations, aren’t they? That could be. That could be what they are. But then it’s like, why are they. Why are they around the globe? I don’t know. It’s a little bit confusing, but it could be constellations. I just. It doesn’t really go into detail what it actually is. Yeah. Yeah, but it is kind of.

It’s just kind of weird that this is, like, inside the Vatican. You know? It’s probably very old, but it could be. Look, here it is. Yep. This is so weird. Hello, everyone. It’s me, the pope. Hi. Just waving. Okay. Goodbye. Just disappears. It doesn’t. Yeah. And I think that we, like, broke down on the show, and we showed this, like, why? It wasn’t like. Because they’re like, oh, it’s just a camera glitch or something. Like, a couple frames missing or something. Yeah, and it’s like, no, that was not a camera glitch. And the audio is all there anyways.

It’s just crazy stuff. So. Well, yeah, fun things. Definitely. All exciting. Well, the last thing, we don’t have to get into this too much, but supposedly the Vatican has the largest pornography archive in history. What? Are you serious? Yes. Why? I don’t know. I mean, they said it’s everything that goes back, you know, hundreds and hundreds of years, maybe because it was very, like, taboo back in the day, you know? But, um, it. It’s not just an Internet rumor that, I mean, what they’re. They’re like. Well, whether we have the largest is questionable, but there are a lot of things down there, supposedly even like a book that Michelangelo made that was a lot of, like, nudity and things like that.

That’s also down there. That’s not public. So they said it has 1.5 million. Those ladies looked anything like the ladies in the Sistine Chapel. Those were some manly women. Yeah, manly women. Same. Yeah. So. Well, guys, thanks for hanging out with us. By the way, I’m going to be speaking at the mind Nexus live conference and Tucson, Arizona. Oh, wait. What’s this? What’s this? This is one of Michelangelo’s man ladies. Oh, man ladies. This is one of the prophets. Like the. This one is the prophet of something or other. It’s like Miss Arnold Schwarzenegger. Exactly. He was.

He was like, I know how I’m going to paint my women. That’s crazy stuff. I’m going to find the buffest guy off the road. Yeah. People have excellent muscles. Yes. I guess there’s, like, all this, uh, various paintings that they said there was down there and all kinds of stuff. So weird. And more like. And also modern stuff, too, which doesn’t make any sense. Like modern, um, pornography stuff. Like, why would the Vatican have that? You know? It’s really weird. Yeah. Super weird. All of it’s weird. I don’t know. Vatican’s weird, but. All right. Anyway, yeah, you guys, so before we jump off here, I’m going to be speaking at the mine nexus conference in Tucson, Arizona.

Go there and have a mind nexus yourself. Yes. September 27 to the 29th. There’s a dollar 50 discount code. If you put in, be Chastene my name, you know, just be Chastene. And, um. Yeah, it’s gonna be really cool. Carrie Cassidy. She’s the one who had, um, project. Yeah, it was. You’re talking about the. Just keep talking. I’ll find. Yeah. Yeah. Well, anyway, so she’s going to be there. John D’Souza is going to be there. Doctor Remo lam. She was. She was. Her husband was in charge of Project Stargate, where they were recruiting a lot of the military psychic soldiers.

So she’s going to be talking a lot about that project looking glass. Project looking glass. That’s it. Yes. That Carrie Cassidy was one of the first people to really expose that and talk about that. That’s cool. You got to sit down and talk to her and be like, what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever come across? Yeah. And as far as I know, um, she’ll come on the show if we want her to. That’s awesome. I totally want her to come on the show. I have so many questions for her. Cool. Yeah, I think she’d be really happy to come on.

What was the name of her show again? It was, um, Camelot. Project Camelot. That’s what I was trying to think earlier. I was like, project looking Glass is what she was talking about. But her show is called Project Camelot. That’s right. Yeah. So. And, um, yes. Anyway, great. You guys forget to subscribe to our email too. Yes. Yeah. And we’re about to leave Rumble, Facebook, gonjing World, Twitter, Telegram, and everywhere else we’re streaming and head over to rise tv and you can join us on Rise TV for just $12.99 a month and support our work. You’ll get to ask us your questions during the live Q and A.

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Thanks everyone. Monsters of the seas were long thought to be myths, but some magic hunters sought power for themselves, believing that old legends held secret truths. Did the famous occultist Alistair Crowley make his home on Loch Ness, which later became famous for its elusive creature? Why are there so many paranormal sightings in the area? What other creatures of the deep have been spotted in Scotland that are largely ignored or considered local folk tales? The human mind enjoys impressive visions of unearthly creatures. Now then, the sea is precisely their best medium, the only setting suitable for the breeding and growing of such giants, next to which such land animals as elephants, ourhinoceroses are mere dwarves.

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