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Spread the Truth

5G Danger


➡ This text discusses ten signs that indicate God’s influence in your life: a newfound interest in the Bible, feeling guilty about past wrongs, wanting to be more like Jesus, caring more about others, showing the fruits of the Spirit (like love, joy, peace, and patience), feeling compassion for those who don’t know God, handling stress better, experiencing a deeper connection during worship, sensing God’s guidance more clearly, and finding joy in God regardless of circumstances. These signs suggest that God is helping you grow and become a better person.
➡ If you notice certain signs in your daily life, it could mean that you’re being guided towards something greater than you can imagine. This growth and guidance is a significant part of your journey.


Alright y’all, let’s get real for a second. Sometimes life gets hectic, and we’re left wondering, is God really working in my life? The thing is, God leaves some clear signs when he’s up to something big in your life. And here are the ten signs that the Lord is working on you, even if you don’t see it right away. Number one, you’re hungry for the Bible. Let’s kick off with this. If you suddenly feel like the Bible is low-key fire, and just the most amazing thing in the world, that’s a sign that God is working in your heart.

What used to feel like a chore, you know, reading the Bible, now feels like you need to dive into it. And you find yourself actually wanting to read it, and you can’t get enough. It’s like your lifeline. You know, David said it best. He goes, oh how I love your law. It’s my meditation all day long. That’s in Psalm 119 97. When God’s working on you, his word doesn’t just sit on the shelf. It becomes something you crave. It’s your food. That’s a sure sign he’s pulling closer to you. Number two, you feel conviction about sin.

This one hits hard. When you start feeling guilty about the stuff you used to brush off, that’s God showing you what needs to change. Feeling conviction about the sin you’ve committed, and thinking about it, and feeling regret for it, that just shows that the Lord’s with you, and that you haven’t been given over to a reprobate mind. It’s like a spiritual wake up call. You start realizing that things that you used to think were no big deal, are actually holding you back. John 16 8 says that the Holy Spirit’s job is to call us out on our sin.

But here’s the thing guys, God doesn’t do it to make you feel bad. He does it to help you grow, to sanctify you, and to get rid of the junk in your life that’s keeping you stuck. Number three, you want to be more like Jesus. If you’re noticing that you genuinely want to be better, like you want to live in a way that reflects the Lord Jesus Christ, that’s God working. You start wanting to drop bad habits and pick up things that make you more like Him. It’s not about being perfect, it’s not about being sinless, but what it’s about is wanting to be closer to Him and grow in holiness.

Remember, the Bible says, in 1 Peter 1 16, it says, Be holy because I am holy. If you’re feeling that push to step up and be more like the Lord, that’s a sign. It’s a sign that God has His hands on your life. He’s shaping you. Number four, caring more about others. When God’s working in you, your me first mindset starts to shift. You begin to care more about others and other people and you want to help them out. It’s not just about you anymore. You’re thinking, how can I make somebody else’s day better? That’s major growth right there, guys.

Jesus said, people will know you’re my disciples if you love each other. So if you’re noticing more love and less drama in your relationships, God’s showing you how to love like He does. Number five, the fruits of the Spirit are popping up. When God’s at work, the fruits of the Spirit start to show up in your life. Things like love, joy, peace, and patience. You’ll start to see Him more often and you’ll start to notice them. Maybe you’re not flipping out as quickly, you’re more calm, or you’re more patient with a friend or a family member who happens to get on your nerves.

That’s God working on you, for real. Galatians 5 22 through 23 lays it out. If you’re seeing more of those good vibes like kindness or self-control, you’re starting to love people and understand them and you’re very convicted of the sin. So you pray for your enemies. That’s a sign that God is working behind the scenes. Number six, you’re feeling compassion for people who don’t know God. This is a big one, guys. We’re not supposed to just forget about everybody. We’re supposed to bring people to Him. That’s our ultimate mission. Our ultimate mission, according to Jesus, is to make disciples of the whole world.

And how are we going to do that? It’s not just about you and your personal growth. It’s about how you feel towards people who haven’t met Him yet, or maybe people who used to know Him but don’t anymore. You start thinking about your friends and your family and even random strangers who don’t know Jesus. The spark inside you says, I need to help them. I need to let them know the truth. I need to save their soul. This comes from the Lord, and He’s giving you His heart for the lost souls. If you’re starting to feel that nudge to share your faith, even if it feels awkward at first, it’s a sign that the Lord is shaping you.

So don’t fight it. Number seven, you can handle stress and struggles better than you used to be able to. Now, let’s be real, guys. Life can throw you some serious curveballs. However, if you’re noticing that you can handle these hard times with a little more peace and a lot less freaking out, well, that’s probably a sign that God’s giving you strength. When the Lord is working in you, He helps you see even the messiest situations are part of His plan for your growth. Remember, we’re forged in the fire, guys. James chapter one, verses two to three say, Consider it joy when you face trials.

I know that’s hard to do. But if these trials are to shape you and to make you stronger so that you may be an example to others, that’s a major sign that He’s working on you. If you’re starting to see challenges and opportunities to get you stronger and to trust the Lord more, and you’re seeing fruit from these things, and you look back in your life and you say, this was a terrible time, but looking back on it now, I see what happened. I see this chain of events that unfolded that brought me to this place.

You know that that’s the Lord working on you. Now, let’s hit number eight. Worship just hits different now. It feels different. Worship is no longer just a Sunday morning activity. It’s a lifestyle. Whether you’re at church, in the car, walking, in your house, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing. It feels real. You’re not just going through the motions. You’re actually trying to connect with the Lord on a deeper level. Psalm 34 says, I will bless the Lord at all times. And also remember, we’re told to pray without ceasing. And when you feel that shift where worship becomes something you want to do, not just something you should do or you feel like you need to do, that’s God working in your heart.

That’s the Lord. Now, let’s talk about number nine. You’re sensing the Lord’s guidance more clearly. You know that feeling. When you’re unsure about something and then suddenly you feel a deep sense of peace or clarity, you just know. That’s the Holy Spirit. It’s not always a booming voice, but most of the time it’s that gut feeling that you’re on the right track. God leads his people. And when he’s working in you, he’s going to help you make the right calls. You just have to trust him and you have to put all of your faith into him and release yourself to him and him the reins.

Tell him, Lord, I’m yours. Do with me what you will. The book of Romans 8 14 says, for all who are led by the spirit of God are the children of God. If you’re noticing that decisions are becoming clearer or maybe you feel at peace about something that you were conflicted about, well, you should praise the Lord because that’s him working in you. And last but not least, number 10, if you’re finding joy in God, no matter what, you know, I think it may be one of the biggest signs that the Lord is working in your life.

It’s joy. You know, we’re not called to just be upset and angry and look for something to just yell at and just constantly be criticizing everything and everyone you see. No, we’re supposed to have joy. We’re supposed to appreciate every breath we take because the Lord gave us that breath and he gave us this world. Yeah, sure. Things might not be perfect, but the Lord is always in control, right? So everything that you encounter is through his hand. And I’m not talking about just being happy because things are going great. You can have joy, unshakable joy that comes from knowing God is in control, even when your life is a dumpster fire.

There’s this underlying peace and joy that sticks with you. No matter what happens. Nehemiah 8 10 says, the joy of the Lord is your strength. And you know, if you got that unbreakable joy, even when things aren’t perfect or things are extremely rough, the Lord God is doing something in your life. So there it is, everybody. 10 ways that you can tell if God is working in your life. If any of these signs are showing up in your daily grind, it’s a major hint for you. He’s shaping you. He’s growing you. And he’s guiding you towards something bigger than you can ever imagine.

And I want to thank you all for watching this video. We’ll see you next time. God bless you all. [tr:trw].

5G Danger

Spread the Truth


aspiring to be like Jesus better stress management compassion for non-believers deeper connection during worship feeling guilty about past wrongs finding joy in God fruits of the Spirit in life increased care for others newfound interest in the Bible sensing God's guidance signs of divine guidance signs of God's influence in life spiritual growth signs

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