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Could these beings be the same fallen angels that have been disguising themselves as friendly extraterrestrials or benevolent spirit guides, quietly shaping our destiny? Well, buckle up, because today we’re going to be exploring these ideas and hidden accounts that might forever change the way you see our world, and maybe even the people within it. Now, the Bible itself even talks about how angels can look like ordinary people. In Hebrews 13-2, it literally says, quote, be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unaware. Okay? If angels can blend in with ordinary humans, I mean, couldn’t fallen angels do the same thing? Right? Could prominent historical figures or influential people alive today secretly be fallen angels hiding in plain sight? I know it sounds crazy, but let’s just explore these ideas.
There are several ancient Jewish and Christian texts that talk about fallen angels. We know about the Book of Enoch, and we know all about the Book of Giants and the Book of Jubilees, and if you don’t know about those, I have a lot of videos on them, so go back to my channel, you’ll find them. Even most of the early Christian theologians that you can find from the 1st century and from the 2nd temple period all talk about these fallen angels who influenced humanity, who took wives, who created the Nephilim, who made hybrid beings.
This was not something that people made up in modern times. This was common knowledge back then. Most of the people who wrote the New Testament believed that. That’s why Peter and Jude basically quote from 1st Enoch directly. Now, I’m not saying Enoch is inspired, and I’m not saying that 2nd and 3rd Enoch are even worth reading, but 1st Enoch is definitely a historical text in my opinion. Now, it’s important for us to realize that angels described in the Bible aren’t always gentle. They’re not winged beings that are commonly depicted in modern culture, and in fact, biblical angels are powerful and often intimidating.
So, in Genesis 19, it tells us a fascinating story about two angels visiting the city of Sodom. We all know what happens there, but here’s the thing. The locals couldn’t distinguish them from regular men, so much so that they tried to assault them in a way that I can’t talk about here. They were just very good-looking men, they thought. There’s something about them that they were just drawn to, so they tried to assault them. These angels physically interacted with the environment. They ate, they drank, they spoke, and they even took Lot and his family by the hand to lead them out of danger.
And also, as we talked about before, passages like Hebrews 13 too emphasize the fact that their human appearance is indistinguishable from us. So, you might not even know that you’re talking to one when you talk to one, right? So, maybe you have talked to one and you don’t even know it. They look like ordinary humans, or they can look like ordinary humans. All of this suggests, one thing, that angels, and by extension, the fallen angels, could and probably do walk them on us unnoticed, influencing humanity in ways that we can barely even imagine.
Think about that for a second, okay? Now, it’s not just the Bible that talks about angels. Lots of traditions talk about divine beings. Basically, every culture worldwide has their version of angels. Islamic tradition echoes this theme. In the Qur’an, there’s an account of angels, harat and marat. They’re sent to test humanity. These angels were tempted, they committed sins, and were punished eternally, okay? It kind of echoes the Book of Enoch and all these other things that we’ve been talking about. So, it’s not just the Bible. It’s not just the ancient Jewish cultures.
It’s every single culture worldwide has these legends. And, you know, beyond the ancient texts, modern encounters continue to suggest that fallen angel activity through UFO phenomenon. Now, what’s really interesting is these sightings with the so-called Nordic alien beings. And these are often described, the Nordic aliens are often described as tall, human-like. They’re white. They have really pale skin and long blonde hair with blue eyes. And they’re exceptionally beautiful. These entities claim to belong to groups like the Galactic Federation of Light and the Ashtar Command, who claim to be professing peace and enlightenment, trying to help humanity evolve into the next step.
However, I would not believe them because they are deceiving us in the long run. Now, another encounter that is famous, that most people have heard about, is the Travis Walton encounter. Portrayed in the film Fire in the Sky, Travis Walton was abducted, right, through some events. He got abducted by classic gray aliens. But here’s the thing, guys. On that UFO, it wasn’t just the classic gray aliens. He also encountered the Nordic-like beings on that UFO. He described them as tall, blonde, authoritative and figure, and clearly in charge of the grays. And it raises some unsettling questions about the nature of these seemingly friendly extraterrestrials.
Could they actually be fallen angels disguising themselves as, let’s say, benevolent visitors? I believe the answer is yes. And there’s hundreds and hundreds of accounts of these Nordic aliens influencing people and making contact with people. Another mysterious case is the Valiant Thor encounter. Valiant Thor was an alleged visitor from Venus, basically, and we know it’s not from Venus, but if there’s some sort of dimensional portal there, who knows. He supposedly interacted with top US officials in the 1950s. There’s a book written about it. You can look it up. And it adds to the whole enigma of this whole thing.
Valiant Thor was described as a tall, charismatic, distinctly human-like alien, and he claimed to offer advanced knowledge and diplomatic assistance. Sound familiar? Yeah. This narrative parallels the ancient accounts of the angels that we’ve been talking about. And it parallels the accounts of angels interacting directly with humanity, leading many to speculate that, well, Valiant Thor and other Nordic-type aliens might just be fallen angels in disguise, right? Because what better way to lead humans astray than to pretend to be from a different planet, right? And that’s not it, guys. There’s numerous other sightings that involve tall whites, the Nordic entities.
They’re all communicating the same message of unity, enlightenment, and they’re all telling people the same message to abandon Christianity and follow their New Age philosophy. Why would they be saying that if they weren’t fallen angels or if they weren’t trying to lead humans astray? Because we know they fall under the authority of Jesus Christ. The thing is, guys, these encounters, they consistently portray these beings as charismatic, authoritative figures. They’re always tall, they’re always light-skinned, they always have blue eyes and blonde hair, and it really does match the description of angels and fallen angels.
Their true identity and intentions remain questionable, but I believe they are 100% evil, and these are the same beings that have been interacting with humanity since time immemorial. Are these beings genuine, extraterrestrial visitors? No, I don’t believe they are. I believe that they are employing sophisticated disguises and deception to subtly manipulate humanity, okay? Why do I believe that? Well, there’s a lot of reasons, but one of the reasons is all the secret files and declassified government reports. Government records occasionally hint at the awareness of supernatural phenomenon that is linked to the fallen angels and their activity.
So during the Cold War, the CIA had, you know, you’ve heard about MKUltra. Well, there’s another one, a lesser-known program called Operation Often. Okay, that was from 1969 to 1971. What Operation Often did was actively research demonology, psychic phenomenon, occult practices, and more. Additionally, the Defense Department’s Project Stargate had dedicated psychic espionage and dedicated psychic spies that included remote viewers that were encountering these non-human entities. And we know that all this stuff is 100% demonic, but why would the government be doing that? Right? Unless they knew they wanted to get some sort of power from them, like these angels, these fallen angels traditionally gave to people who were seeking it.
So it gets even more interesting when you start looking at declassified documents, such as 6751, which basically calls these beings, interdimensional beings, saying that you can contact these beings, these extraterrestrial beings through paranormal means. Okay, so basically through rituals, through satanic practices, you can contact these things. And furthermore, researcher Nick Redfern uncovered claims of a secret government group known as the Collins Elite, which we’ve talked about in length before on this channel. But the Collins Elite supposedly formed to investigate the UFO phenomenon, and they were Christians. And through their investigations, they’ve gathered information that to them proved without a shadow of a doubt that this was demonic in nature, and that these entities did fall under the authority of Jesus Christ.
And if they are fallen angels, and not extraterrestrials, that would be the case. Okay, so the group concluded that UFO sightings were not extraterrestrial. And here’s the thing, all these accounts suggest that the government at the highest levels know that these beings are not space aliens, okay, that they are fallen angel entities, and that they’re still walking among us today. That begs the question, could fallen angels really be living among us today? Could they be walking and talking and, you know, living in some house somewhere and driving around just like everyday people? Could they hold high offices in the government? Could they be CEOs and business leaders and other influential people? I don’t know.
But considering that angels can and do appear as human, it logically follows that fallen angels would blend seamlessly into society. Why? Because they want to control society and they want to enact their will on society. And they could easily do that because they’re supernaturally smart. I mean, we can only speculate. Historical records are filled with individuals whose profound impact on humanity seems almost supernatural, okay? And we can get into specific accounts of this in a different video. But the thing is, guys, this unsettling possibility does align with both ancient texts and modern accounts of, you know, these charismatic, beautiful, blonde, blue-eyed figures whose influence exceeds normal human capabilities.
We don’t have any concrete proof of this. We’re just speculating here. But when you take all the accounts together and you piece together all the dots, it does seem plausible. Look, guys, the absence of concrete proof regarding fallen angels could stem from a deliberate suppression by powerful institutions. It’s not out of the possibility. You know, there’s obviously allegations that persist that organizations such as the Smithsonian Institution have concealed archaeological evidence of giant human skeletons for over 100 years. Now, it’s funny because they apparently they debunked that because some news agency went to the Smithsonian and said, are you guys hiding skeletons? And they said, no, we are not hiding skeletons.
So that whole claim is debunked now because they didn’t admit it. Give me a break. That’s the dumbest thing. You don’t go to a serial killer and say, are you a serial killer? And he’s like, no, I’m not. Oh, well, it’s debunked. He’s not a serial killer. No, you have to follow the evidence in the same way that the Vatican is hiding secret information in their vaults below the earth. It fuels speculation about the hidden truths concerning the angels, the fallen angels, and demonic encounters throughout history. Because if anybody knows about this stuff, the Vatican does and is definitely in their vaults.
I mean, you just have to connect the dots to everybody because all the information is out there. You just have to read, connect dots, and compare with Scripture. What do you think about this? You know, I know you have some ideas. So go ahead and put your comments in the description. Make sure you hit that like button. And yeah, we’ll see you next time. God bless you all. [tr:trw].