➡ This text discusses the idea that certain influential figures, like Washington and Trump, may have been protected by divine intervention, allowing them to survive against the odds and change the world. It questions whether these events are part of a larger plan, possibly orchestrated by spiritual forces, either good or evil. The author encourages readers to question reality and the unfolding of history, and to consider their own role in this grand design. The text ends with a blessing for the readers.
It’s not just a Hollywood set. It’s a real house. It’s in Seaside, Florida. And guess who grew up there? You’re not going to believe this, guys. Congressman Matt Gaetz. That’s right. Congressman Matt Gaetz’s family owns that house, the very house that symbolizes control and manipulation and surveillance. What are the odds of that? Think about it. It’s pretty strange if you ask me. Now, just let that sink in for a minute. The Truman Show wasn’t just a movie. It was a warning. It showed us how easy it is for powerful, unseen entities to construct an entire reality and make someone believe it’s real.
Sound familiar? Look around, folks. Everywhere you turn, reality is shaped by narratives crafted by governments, corporations, and media empires. What’s happening on your phone, on your TV, and even in your own community? It’s all curated, folks. Algorithms decide what you see, hear, and believe. And the Gaetz family hone, the Truman House, is a symbol of manipulation, a place where fiction and reality blur into one. But here’s the kicker, you know. Is it really just a coincidence, though? Because some people might just say it’s a coincidence. But how many coincidences form a pattern? I don’t think it’s a coincidence that one of the most talked about politicians in America grew up in that house.
Or maybe it’s part of a larger pattern, a hidden story being written behind the scenes. Folks, this isn’t just trivia. It’s a glimpse into the machinery of control. And if the Truman Show is a mirror to our reality, then we’re all living in a world where somebody somewhere is pulling the strings. And I want you to ask yourself, who is it that’s pulling the strings? Now, if you thought that was strange, buckle up. Because what I’m about to say next is another piece of the puzzle that’s going to make you question our reality.
And it’s a little bit stranger than you can imagine. Now, let’s talk about a book, an obscure book from the 1890s, that ties directly to our modern world. The book is called The Last President. It’s written by Ingersoll Lockwood. It’s part of a series, including another book called, you’re not going to believe this, guys, Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey. Now, these are works of fiction, or so we’re told. But the parallels between these books and the life of Donald Trump are too strange to ignore. You see, in Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey, the protagonist is a boy named Baron Trump.
Yes, spelled exactly like Donald Trump’s youngest son. This is a fictional Baron Trump, who is guided by a mentor named Don, and embarks on a, you know, it’s just too strange. It’s too strange, guys. He embarks on a journey to uncover hidden truths, navigating a world that feels eerily prophetic. Now, there’s this book called The Last President, published in 1896. This book describes political chaos, rides in New York, and a leader who rises amidst a deeply divided nation. Sound familiar? Well, it should, because these aren’t just vague similarities, everyone. The imagery, the tone, and the events described in these books resonate with what we’ve seen in modern times.
Not just resonate, they parallel it. What are the odds of this, everybody? Now, let me be clear. I’m not saying Donald Trump and his family somehow time-traveled into this book, but it does raise some strange questions, if you ask me. Did Anger Soul Lockwood tap into something larger? Some hidden truth about history? Or even fate? Or are these coincidences just a part of a deeper manipulated narrative designed to make you believe in destiny? Now, I want you to ask yourself, is it destiny? Or is there somebody or something pulling the strings of our reality? You’re here because you know something.
What you know, you can’t explain, but you feel it. You felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I’m talking about? Matrix, do you want to know what it is? The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room, you can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television.
You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. What truth that you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch, a prison for your eyes. Now, let’s not forget how these stories align with larger myths. We talked about the Truman Show and the idea that we live in a controlled reality. And what if these books are another form of control, another form of predictive programming, a blueprint, if you will, that might be embedded in our consciousness, or there’s a group of people who are literally writing these things out and letting it play out in real time.
I don’t know. The coincidences just seem too strange to ignore. This isn’t just about a book or a coincidence, folks. This is about the intersection of history, myth, and manipulation. And how do these connections even exist? Who is the one shaping them? And why do they seem to echo loudly in their time? All right, now we turn to the edge of the unexplainable. And let’s talk about the recent assassination attempts on Donald Trump. There’s some strange and almost biblical undertones that surround them. Now, before you freak out and yell at me, hear me out, all right? Hear what I have to say.
Because I know some of you guys love Trump and some of you guys hate Trump. And just relax for a second, because let’s talk about the facts. On July 13, 2024, during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, Donald Trump was shot in the ear by a 20-year-old man wielding an AR-15. Eight rounds were fired and a bystander was tragically killed and two others were critically injured. It’s a terrible, terrible thing, everybody. So please don’t make light of it. And yet Trump emerged with just a superficial wound to his ear. So here’s the thing, guys.
If you watch the video, Trump was talking, he moved his head like this. And the second that he moved his head, less than a second, microsecond, as soon as he moved his head, the bullet came and hit his ear. If he didn’t move his head when he did, the back of his skull would have exploded. Millimeters in the wrong direction, folks. It would have been a different story. It would have been much, much different. Our world would be a different place. As we know, he got elected president again. Now, it doesn’t stop there, though.
Two months later, another attempt on Trump’s life occurred. This time it was at his golf club in Palm Beach, Florida. The suspect was apprehended before he could carry out his plan, thank God. No shots were fired and nobody was hurt. But the attempt was chillingly clear. Now, let’s pause for a second. These events aren’t just footnotes in a political career. They’re not just the news headlines. They’re not just random things that have happened. They’re moments where history could have taken a dark and irreversible turn. Think about it. Trump survived twice. Was it luck? Was it a testament to modern security? Or was it something greater? Now, let me take you back in time to another figure who defied death against all odds.
And this is George Washington. Yes, the Freemason George Washington. Say what you will about him, but some strange things happened during the French and Indian War. Washington rode into battle, bullets whizzing past him, and two horses were shot out from under him. When the smoke cleared, his coat had four bullet holes through it. Think about it. Four bullet holes through his coat, but he wasn’t shot once. I mean, what do you call that? Is that divine intervention? Is that destiny? Is that fate? Witnesses called it divine protection. A sign that he was destined to lead.
And in fact, Washington believed that too. And other people like George Patton also believed the same thing. They believed they were put on this earth for one reason, and nothing was going to stop that from happening. And here’s the thing, guys. This is where things get biblical, folks. You see, scripture tells us over and over again that God’s hand is upon certain people. People who will fulfill his will. It says, no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper. And Psalm 91 says, a thousand shall fall by your side, and ten thousand by your right hand, but it shall not come to thee.
These verses aren’t just words, they’re promises. Promises that resonate when we look at the survival of figures like Washington, and now Trump, and Patton, and there’s a lot more that I’m not talking about here. Are these men chosen by the Lord? Are they shielded by divine intervention? Or is it something else? Is it some other kind of shielding? An evil shielding, maybe, perhaps? I don’t know. What’s your opinion on this? Did the Lord save these people so that they may go and change the world? I’m curious to hear what you have to say about this, so just put it in the comments section.
Even though these people survived when they probably shouldn’t have, the attempts kept coming. People kept trying to silence them. Why? Because powerful forces didn’t want them to fulfill their roles. We’ve seen throughout history leaders who challenged the status quo, who refused to bow down to the shadowy elites, often find themselves in the crosshairs. This isn’t new, folks. It always happens. It always has happened, and it always will happen. But here’s the thing that gets even more mysterious. The timing of these attempts is too precise to ignore. Trump’s influence was growing again. His rallies were drawing massive crowds, and this was at a time when most normal people believed that Trump was going to prison.
But he didn’t go to prison. He was saved, and guess what? Now he’s going to rewrite history. So he survived this assassination attempt in order to rewrite history. Think about that. What does that mean? Here’s another question I want to ask you guys. If these events are part of some larger narrative, who’s writing the script? Is it the Lord himself? Honestly, is he shaping the history for his ultimate purpose, or is it forces of darkness? Is it the fallen angels? Is it the demonic realm who are literally using people to manipulate reality and, you know, stack the deck in their favor? You know, the Bible warns us of this struggle.
Ephesians 6, 12 says, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places. Folks, we’re not just watching a political story unfold. No, it’s far greater than that. We’re witnessing a battle. It’s a spiritual war where history, destiny, and divine will collide at one point. The Bible tells us that is the end times when the Lord returns. It’s a collision between the good and the evil. And the assassination attempts on Donald Trump, the manipulation of reality, the Gates House, everything that we talked about in this video, the 1890s book about Barron Trump, these make us question the fabric of our reality, because we really don’t know what’s going on.
No matter how much we think we know, we don’t know anything. All we can do is take the hints and ask the Lord for guidance. So I’ll leave you with this, guys. What is real? Is history unfolding as it should? Or is it being orchestrated? Who decides which figures rise and fall? And most importantly, what role do you and I play in this grand design? And I want to thank you all for watching this video. And until next time, God bless you all. [tr:trw].