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➡ Josh Peck emphasizes the importance of unity and love among Christians. He criticizes the divisive behavior seen in online arguments and urges Christians to focus on Jesus’s teachings of unity and service to others. Peck also warns against blaming evil spirits for our actions, reminding us that we have the power to resist temptation and act responsibly. He advises that the best way to address disagreements, especially on theology, is through love and understanding, not hostility.
➡ Josh Peck, who runs the website and has a presence on various social media platforms, believes that while negative forces may be causing division, it’s our duty to resist contributing to it. He expresses strong religious sentiments, frequently praising Jesus.


There’s always been spirits behind this whole thing. You know, I mean, there are demons, there’s fallen angels that… It’s kind of like poking the bear, you know? There’s already this problem, and then these spirits will come and make it worse, you know? They’re not more powerful than us if we’re in Jesus. I mean, Jesus is infinitely more powerful than these things are. And if you prove all the stereotypes wrong, because each one of those groups has a stereotype about everybody else, that basically everybody’s a jerk, and they’re the only ones that’s not.

So if you can prove that stereotype wrong, and just kind of be an awesome friend, even if you guys disagree on theology or whatever. This is Josh Peck, and you are watching End Times Productions. My agenda is… Can we all just get along? Can we all just get along? We as Christians have given in to our carnal desires to put the self above everybody else, which is not Christianity. Jesus Christ never taught that. He came as the ultimate servant to serve everybody. I mean, think about that. The Lord and creator of the universe came to serve us.

I mean, it’s amazing. Yet we don’t really do that for each other, especially when we’re given the opportunity to throw somebody under the bus anonymously. And YouTube comments, you know, Facebook comments, Twitter, all of this stuff. Here, look at the comments. Look at all the comments, it’s all right there! And it’s really this carnal desire to be the best, to show yourself as better than everybody else, as smarter than everybody else. That has led to a fracturing of Christianity. We’re not bringing in any new converts. We’re actually losing people because of this. Every year at a faster and faster rate, we’re losing more and more Christians.

I mean, it seems like we’re losing more Christians than we’re bringing in because we’re too focused on having these online fights. And really what it is, it’s not only the internet, it’s in a lot of areas, but it’s not following what Jesus taught about unification, and it’s making excuses for our bad behavior. I’ve heard a lot of excuses. Well, Jesus said that he came with a sword and all that. But that’s another example of somebody cherry picking a verse and not taking the time to understand the full context. Because Jesus spoke about unification all the time.

Love one another, even pray for your enemies, all of this stuff. That sword verse is about believers and non-believers. And it’s not a sword meant to, you know, hate these people. It’s just a clear division. There is believers and there are non-believers. One will be with Jesus in eternity, the other won’t. So let’s bring as many as we can, you know, into our side and make that our focus. Bring people into eternity, you know, teach them about Jesus. And, you know, we do that through love and all that stuff. I love you guys. I love you guys.

And I love you guys. I love you guys. But we’ve forgotten that. I mean, we want to fall into these other desires. The one prayer that Jesus had to the Father was about unification. And Jesus prayed to the Father. This was right before he was going to be crucified. He prayed to the Father. Let them be unified. And I’m paraphrasing here, but basically, let them be unified together the way you and I are unified. I mean, can you imagine the unity of the Trinity? I can’t imagine that level of unity. But that’s what that was Jesus’s prayer for us, that we would be that unified.

We have not been doing it. You know, in the first century, I think we’re doing pretty good with the unification stuff. But every every century after it’s just been declining and declining and declining. You’re a Christian. Don’t you know your commandments? I mean, a Christian don’t go around a village cutting off heads and shit. And Christians want to just fight on YouTube comments. Bash each other and make up these really flimsy excuses. You’re being mean. And the comments are scathing, puts it mildly. Thing is, we’re all going to have to stand before Jesus. Every single one of us is going to have to give account of everything that we say and type and write.

It’s anything that we communicate. We’re going to have to give an account of that. And what people should think about before they hit the enter key and send a comment. Would Jesus approve of this? Can I justify this to the ultimate Lord and creator of the universe? And how does this fit in with his unity plan? Am I am I contributing to unity between Christians or am I fracturing us even further? What would Jesus say? There’s a lot of groups that seems to breed this kind of stuff. So when you look at, say, the Hebrew roots movement or the flat earth movement or like the anti-Israel, anti-Zionist stuff, anti-Jewish stuff, it seems like that these groups themselves are breeding this behavior.

But it’s actually a human nature thing. You can find it in any group. So it’s not, I mean, believe me, they are absolutely breeding this stuff, but it’s not just them. It’s not just the group. It’s not just the wrong theology that’s doing it. That’s more of an excuse. So if somebody has a friend or family member that falls into one of these groups, the best way to get through to them is to focus on the unity and love stuff. Because that is a blade that will cut through any bad theology. WWJD at this point, what would Jesus do? Once you have a true, proper understanding of real love towards your creator, Jesus will cure all of that theology and everything.

He can handle that. But we as Christians, we as human beings, really, we tend to think that it’s our responsibility to convince or force somebody else to think differently. And then we get real mad when they don’t. How dare you? And we notice time and time again, it actually ends up pushing them further into the bad theology because now they feel they’re being persecuted. So what they’re believing in must be real, you know, and that’s that adds to so much fracturing in the church. But really, if we set that stuff aside, and if this happens with a friend or loved one, they start getting into this stuff.

I mean, sure, you know, talk about the theology, talk about all that stuff, but above all else, talk about it through love. You know, let them explain why they believe what they believe. And then they, you know, if they’re being polite, they’ll give you an opportunity to explain why you believe differently. And if you present that in love, they’ll listen to you. If they know they don’t have to be defensive, you don’t think they’re stupid. You don’t think, you know, all these bad things about them. And if you prove all the stereotypes wrong, because each one of those groups has a stereotype about everybody else that basically everybody’s a jerk, and they’re the only, you know, they’re the only ones that’s not.

So if you can prove that stereotype wrong and just kind of be an awesome friend, even if you guys disagree on theology or whatever, that is the best way to bring them back in because they’ll listen to you. They’re not defensive. They don’t feel persecuted. They don’t have as much of a reason to be in that group in the first place. So that would be my advice. I’ve noticed ever since I’ve started that, I’ve had more success getting through to people than, you know, years ago when I would do what everybody else does and just get really mad and frustrated and try to show them that I’m smarter than him.

Guess what? I’m smarter. I’m smarter than you. Because I’m smart. I’m smarter than you are. There’s always been spirits behind this whole thing. I mean, there are demons, there’s fallen angels, that it’s kind of like poking the bear. You know, there’s already this problem and then these spirits will come and make it worse, you know. I wouldn’t say that the problem is 100 percent, you know, the evil spirit’s fault in that. In that we can’t blame the devil every time we do something wrong. Now, you could say, yeah, but all of this stuff started in the garden and that, you know, Satan deceived mankind.

Okay, sure. Then, yeah, it’s Satan’s fault. But that doesn’t mean that we can continue in it and then constantly just blame the demons and blame the fallen angels. Yes, they are doing evil things, but we’re also aware of that. So it’s our responsibility to react appropriately when these demonic attacks come. Nobody can take personal responsibility for anything anymore. I think what we learned here is something about personal responsibility. So, it’s a story about personal responsibility. You know, it’s not an excuse for us to succumb to them. They’re not more powerful than us if we’re in Jesus.

I mean, Jesus is infinitely more powerful than these things are. And Jesus has promised us his authority. So we have the authority to not play their games, not fall for the deception or the temptation to get into these arguments and contribute to the ever-growing division. It’s still our responsibility to not do that. So, absolutely, evil spirits are spurring this on, but we don’t have to keep letting them do that. Oh, my God! Praise Jesus! Praise Jesus and praise you! Oh, praise Jesus! I’m Josh Peck. If you want more information, you can check out

That is my website. We host a number of original programming. I am also on basically every social media outlet. So you can find me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Thank you so much for watching. [tr:trw].


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