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➡ The Bible, an ancient text, is meant to inspire and guide us, not to be used for modern political agendas. Despite attempts by the CIA to undermine Christianity with flat earth theories, we should focus on the Bible’s spiritual truths rather than literal interpretations. It’s important to study the Bible deeply, understanding its historical context and original language, and not be distracted by false narratives. The Bible’s eternal message has guided many people over centuries and will continue to do so.
Yet today, a dangerous narrative is being peddled. A narrative pushed by the CIA and their globalist cronies as part of a psyop designed to discredit Christians by twisting the meaning of God’s word. They want you to believe in a flat earth, because they know that if Christians truly understood the Bible in its proper context, they would see the divine wisdom woven into every verse. But before we dive into the details, let’s lay down the fundamentals. The Bible was not written by modern scientists for us today. It was penned thousands of years ago by ancient people using the language, idioms, and cultural expressions of their time.
It was written for us, a timeless guide to truth and spirituality, not as a technical manual on astrophysics. When you pick up the Bible, you must understand that its authors observed the world as they experienced it. They didn’t have modern telescopes or the scientific apparatus we have today. Instead, they described the natural world in plain, everyday language, capturing what they saw with their own eyes. As John Walton explains in The Lost World of Genesis 1, Genesis 1 employs the language of ancient Near Eastern cosmology, not to offer a scientific treatise, but to describe the ordered cosmos as it appears to human observers.
In simple terms, the Bible’s descriptions of the heavens, the waters, and the earth are meant to reveal God’s creative power and divine order, not to serve as a literal blueprint for modern science. This is a critical point. The Bible was written in an era when people explained their world through rich metaphor and symbolism. It was never intended to instruct us of modern physics. Instead, it conveys eternal truths about God’s character, his power, and his love for creation. Make no mistake, every word of the Bible is divinely inspired. Yet, its power lies in the way it communicates profound spiritual truths through language that was familiar to the people of ancient times.
When the biblical authors spoke of the firmament or the four corners of the earth, they were using idiomatic expressions that reflected their everyday experiences. These aren’t detailed scientific descriptions, but rather vivid metaphors designed to instill awe and reverence for the Creator. John Calvin once said, The sacred texts engage the heart and the mind in a dialogue that transcends the limitations of human knowledge. Calvin understood that the Bible speaks in figures, symbols, and parables, using language that resonates on a spiritual level. When we try to force these expressions into modern scientific categories, we strip them of their intended meaning.
The Bible is not a textbook on astrophysics. It’s a guide for the soul, intended to lead us into a deeper relationship with God. Let’s get into some specifics by looking at the original Hebrew language of the Bible. In Genesis 1 6-8, God commands, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters. The Hebrew term used here is rachia, which comes from the root raka, meaning, to spread out, or to hammer into thin plates. Picture a craftsman at his anvil, shaping metal into a thin, expansive sheet. This imagery was used by the ancient Hebrews to describe the observable sky, the vast expanse that separated the waters above from the waters below.
Now, some flat earth proponents argue that rachia implies a solid, unyielding dome, covering a flat earth. But scholars like Dr. Michael Heiser point out that this interpretation ignores the context. He states, The ancient Hebrews used rachia to describe the observable sky, an expanse that served as a boundary for the chaotic, primordial waters. It wasn’t meant to be a literal, physical structure supporting a flat earth model. The Expositor’s Bible commentary further explains that this passage is a theological narrative about God imposing order on chaos, not a technical description of the universe’s architecture. Another frequently misinterpreted phrase is the four corners of the earth, which appears in passages like Isaiah 11.12 and Revelation 7.1.
Let’s put it plainly, this expression is an idiom, a colorful way of saying everywhere or the entirety of the earth. Matthew Henry, the esteemed Bible commentator, once wrote, The expression four corners is not a literal, geographic description, but a poetic method of affirming that God’s dominion reaches every part of the world. The ancient authors used this familiar idiom to communicate the vast scope of God’s sovereignty and salvation, not to provide a scientific map with precise geographic coordinates. If you imagine someone from our day using a figure of speech like, from here to the ends of the earth, you know they’re not trying to describe the earth’s literal dimensions, they’re simply emphasizing totality.
The same is true for the biblical phrase, four corners. It’s about expressing the idea that God’s influence is limitless, far beyond any confines of physical geography. Now, let’s examine Isaiah 40.22, where it says, He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth. The Hebrew word here is chug, often translated as circle or vault. Some have twisted this term to suggest a flat, disc-like earth, but that’s a misunderstanding of its deeper meaning. Scholarly works like the New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology in Exegesis explain that chug connotes wholeness, completeness, and unity.
This image is meant to evoke the perfection and totality of God’s creation, a rounded harmonious cosmos that reflects divine order. Church Fathers, notably Augustine of Hippo, reinforced this symbolic interpretation when he famously declared, The Scriptures are a guide to the soul, not a manual of scientific particulars. Augustine understood that these biblical images were designed to inspire awe and devotion, not to serve as blueprints for modern scientific inquiry. Thus, the circle of the earth is not a call for us to measure planetary dimensions, but a poetic expression of God’s comprehensive rule over all of creation.
Let’s drive this point home in the simplest terms possible. The Bible wasn’t written by modern people for modern people. It was written thousands of years ago by individuals whose worldview was shaped by their direct, unmediated experience of nature. They did not have the benefit of modern science. Instead, they used the language of their time, rich in metaphor and symbolism, to communicate eternal truths about God and creation. This means that when we read the Bible today, we need to interpret it within the context of its era. The expressions like firmament, four corners, and circle are not technical descriptions, but figurative language.
They are meant to evoke the mystery, order, and majesty of the universe as orchestrated by a divine creator. The Bible’s message is timeless, speaking to the heart and soul of every generation, including ours. It guides us in our spiritual journey and calls us to who recognize the power and wisdom of God not to serve as a literal scientific treatise. At its core, the Bible is a message of divine order, hope, and redemption. It teaches us that God is the ultimate architect of the cosmos, bringing order to chaos and imbuing creation with purpose. The metaphors of the firmament, the four corners, and the circle of the earth are all part of this grand narrative.
They point to a universe that is dynamic, awe-inspiring, and under the control of a loving creator, not a flat, lifeless plane awaiting debunking by modern conspiracy theorists. My fellow truth seekers, the evidence is clear. The Bible, in its original language and context, does not teach that the earth is flat. Every term, from Rahia to Chug, is steeped in metaphor and designed to convey the majestic order of God’s creation. The idea of a flat earth is nothing more than a modern distortion, a CIA psy-op crafted by globalist elites to discredit Christians and distract us from the timeless truths of Scripture.
This psy-op is a deliberate attempt to pit believers against a misinterpreted version of their own holy text, making them appear ignorant and out of touch. But the truth cannot be hidden. When we examine the Bible with respect for its historical and cultural context, when we break down the original Hebrew terms and listen to the insights of scholars like John Walton, Michael Heizer, John Calvin, and Matthew Henry, we see that the Bible’s language is rich with symbolism, designed to elevate our understanding of the divine. It is time to reject these manufactured controversies and focus on what truly matters, the profound life-changing message of God’s Word.
The Bible is our guide. It speaks to us across the ages, calling us to a deeper faith, a greater understanding of divine order, and an unshakable trust in the Creator of all things. The flat earth narrative is a smokescreen, a distraction from the eternal truths that have the power to transform our lives. Stand up and question the false narratives that are being fed to you by those who would use ancient texts to advance their modern agendas. Understand that the Bible was written by ancient people for all of us, a living document meant to inspire, guide, and uplift us.
It is not a tool for discrediting our faith, but a source of strength and wisdom that has endured for millennia. In the face of the CIA’s attempts to discredit Christianity by promoting flat earth theories, we must hold fast to the true meaning of Scripture. Let us embrace the rich metaphorical language of the Bible, recognizing that its power lies not in literal scientific descriptions, but in its profound spiritual truths. Every passage, every word, and every image in the Bible testifies to the infinite creativity and love of our God, a God who brought order out of chaos and who continues to sustain us today.
As I sign off today, I urge you to look beyond the surface. Don’t let the CIA’s disinformation campaigns in the flat earth narrative distract you from the true message of the Bible. Instead, dive deep into the ancient wisdom of Scripture, learn about the historical context, study the original Hebrew terms, and listen to the insights of those who have dedicated their lives to understanding God’s Word. The flat earth narrative is nothing but a modern, politically motivated distortion designed to discredit true believers. Let us reject these lies and focus on the eternal message of Scripture, a message that has inspired and guided millions throughout the ages and will continue to do so for generations to come.