The Most Powerful Secret Society You Never Heard Of

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➡ The text discusses the belief that there is a dark, evil element within the Vatican, possibly linked to Luciferian satanic worship. It suggests that this influence has shaped the radical left and can be traced back to historical events like the Counter Reformation. The text also mentions various influential figures, such as Bill and Melinda Gates and Joe Biden, who have connections to the Jesuit education system. Finally, it introduces Chris Pinto, a Christian filmmaker who believes in the importance of understanding Bible prophecy and history to defend the gospel and the truth of the Bible.
➡ The text discusses the historical role of the Jesuit order, suggesting they manipulated events and adopted various religions to gain political power worldwide. It also explores the idea of ecumenism, the unity of different religions, and its potential link to the biblical ‘mark of the beast’. The text further delves into the origins of secret societies, suggesting they stem from ancient Israel’s idol worship, and draws parallels between these societies and modern groups like the Bohemian Grove. Lastly, it discusses the deceptive tactics used to justify actions like child sacrifices, and the imitation of God by Satan.
➡ In the 14th century, the Bible was forbidden by Rome and the Inquisition, but John Wycliffe translated it into Middle English, despite it being illegal. This led to a backlash and persecution, but Wycliffe believed people had the right to read God’s word. His work laid the groundwork for the Protestant Reformation, which saw many turning away from Rome towards Protestant Christianity. However, the Pope commissioned Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuit order, to launch the Counter Reformation to overturn the Protestant Reformation and return to the dark age. This Counter Reformation has continued to this day, impacting American history and the development of socialism and communism.
➡ The text discusses the controversial role of the Jesuit order, a Catholic religious group, in world history. It suggests that the Jesuits, who have been expelled from many countries due to their deceptive and violent methods, have influenced major events like the French Revolution and the Nazi movement. The text also implies that the Jesuits have been involved in espionage and have mixed pagan practices with Catholicism, which has led to their expulsion from many Catholic countries. The author theorizes that the Illuminati movement, which promotes secular humanism and militant atheism, was a tool used by the Jesuits for revenge against their fellow Catholics.
➡ The text discusses the influence of the Jesuit order and its connection to social justice, suggesting that it has played a significant role in shaping global events. It highlights the preservation of the Jesuit order in Russia by Catherine the Great and suggests a possible link to modern events. The text also delves into the historic rivalry between the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches, using the example of the Croatian Ustashi during World War II. Lastly, it discusses the concept of social justice, tracing its origins to a Jesuit priest and its connection to Catholic social teaching.
➡ Pope Leo XIII introduced a document called Rerum Novarum, which is seen as the foundation of Catholic social teaching and is compared to Marxist ideas. There are claims that the Vatican and Jesuit priests were involved in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, with evidence presented by General Thomas Maly Harris, who was part of the investigation. The Vatican was also the only world power to officially recognize the Southern Confederacy during the Civil War. There are theories that European powers, including Pope Pius IX and Napoleon III, plotted to invade Mexico and use it as a base to help the Confederacy and break up the Union.
➡ The book discusses the American Civil War and its connection to events in Mexico. It suggests that when a plan to invade Mexico with the French army failed, a new plan was formed to take control of America through mass immigration. The author believes this plan continues today, with evidence pointing to the Catholic Church’s involvement. The ultimate goal, according to the author, is to gain control and destroy the United States, replacing its ideals of freedom and self-determination with a totalitarian government.
➡ The text discusses theories about the influence of the Jesuit order and the Vatican in major world events, including World Wars I and II, and the current political climate. It suggests that key figures like Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler, and even modern figures like Dr. Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden have connections to the Jesuits. The text also mentions theories about the Jesuits’ role in the formation of the European Union and the potential for a third world war. It ends by discussing the possible influence of the Jesuits in the formation of the CIA and their alleged involvement in smuggling Nazi war criminals after World War II.
➡ The text discusses concerns about potential global conflicts and the role of political powers in shaping these events. It suggests that some people believe these conflicts are part of a larger plan, and questions the logic behind provoking countries like Russia. The text also discusses the influence of Jesuit principles on modern social justice movements and policies, and the role of President Trump in opposing these ideas. Lastly, it promotes a documentary and radio podcasts available on certain websites, and emphasizes the importance of Christian faith.


There’s a very, very dark and evil element at work in Rome, at the Vatican. It goes back hundreds of years, but you can find it even in modern times. Yes, I think there’s strong evidence that there is Luciferian satanic worship that goes on. They are behind the radical left. They designed the radical left, all of the policies, the ideas, etc. You can find the elements of it going back several hundred years in the Counter Reformation history. The plan for three world wars, you know, that is usually traced to Albert Pike. And we talk about Bill and Melinda Gates.

Bill and Melinda Gates. Melinda Gates has a Jesuit in her family. They both give their foundation, rather gives millions of dollars a year to the Jesuit education programs here in, in the United States. Then we could talk about Joe Biden. Joe Biden was educated by Jesuits at Fordham. Otto Hentz was Bill Clinton’s Jesuit mentor at Georgetown University. Yes, the Jesuits were blamed, and the Vatican was blamed generally for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, usaid, which is heavily connected to the deep state, the Jesuit order and this whole idea of social justice. Some people think that event 201 may have an association with, with the Jesuit order.

The Jesuits, once you get into the 19th century, they pick up all of those principles of the Illuminati movement and they weave them into social justice, socialism and communism. That becomes the inner core. And that’s where he founded what is called the Bavarian Illuminati. He says, and we, we’ve often said at the agency of the CIA that the Jesuits form the most advanced and sophisticated intelligence service in the world. Lucifer says, I will be like the most high. This is Satan imitating the things of God. If, if there is this one world government that emerges under Antichrist in, in the way that people are predicting, because exactly how it’s going to happen, we have to wait and see.

Probably has something to do with the mark of the beast promoted by the Jesuit order, promoted by Freemasons, promoted by Skull and Bone Society, prom generally by the people who believe the ancient mystery religions. Some people think that that means Trump is a Jesuit. I don’t necessarily agree with that assessment. This is Chris Pinto and you’re watching End Times Productions. I’m Chris Pinto. I’m an independent filmmaker, Christian filmmaker, and founder of a company called Adullam Films that we founded all the way back in 1999 to research Bible prophecy. Really the Bible history and world events. That’s what we do.

And we make documentaries. The name Adullum comes from the Old Testament. It’s the cave that David fled to when he was being persecuted by King Saul. And there all of the outcasts of Israel gather around him and he becomes their leader. And then they go out and they fight against the enemies of Israel. And we’ve always thought that was a beautiful picture of the Lord Jesus Christ who gathers the outcasts. And so we fight the good fight of faith. Through our work in film and video production, I usually tell people the Bible history and world events.

That’s what we cover. We usually have a. Well, we always have a biblical worldview. We are a Christian film company, and so we’re dedicated to defending the gospel and defending the fact that the Bible is the word of God. We believe the word of God is true. We believe God’s prophecies are coming to pass right before our eyes. We may not always agree as Christians on what prophecies have already been fulfilled, or those that are being fulfilled, or how world events are coming together that are foreshadowing prophecies that are going to be fulfilled in the future.

But nonetheless, we believe prophecy is true. And by showing the history of prophecy and the Bible and how it all fits together right up into modern times, not just things that happened in the past, but into modern times, we found it’s a very powerful way to convict people, that the Bible is the word of God. In Isaiah 46, God reveals that prophecy is the way that he shows that he is the one true God. And so he says, I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end. From the beginning and from ancient times, the things that are not yet done.

God says he has declared it and that he will also bring it to pass. So prophecy is that way that God separates himself from anything else that might be called God. And we think that’s very important. Because in modern times, what we’re dealing with is this ecumenical movement, this movement that. And we’ll probably get into it, that is promoted by the Jesuit order, promoted by Freemasons, promoted by Skull and Bone Society, promoted generally by the people who believe the ancient mystery religions. The idea that all religions are somehow one and the same, or that every religion will somehow or other lead to God.

And so the way that we show that that’s not true is to show that God is the only true God. As Jesus said, this is life eternal. That they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou has sent. That’s eternal life. So obviously, putting your faith in a false God is not going to lead to eternal life. It’s going to have the opposite effect. So that’s why we think it’s so important. And, you know, in the New Testament, Peter tells us that we have a more sure word of prophecy, that we would do well to give the earnest heed as unto a light shining in the darkness until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts.

Praise the Lord. So that’s why we think it’s important. And so that’s that prophecy, history, and showing people why it’s important and how things are happening around them even now, that are moving the direction of God’s great mystery unfolding upon the earth. There’s a radio interview with Malachi Martin where Malachi Martin talks about how he witnessed, apparently, at certain levels, he says, in the Vatican, people who openly worship Lucifer. He said, not just that they’re doing stuff that somebody could call Satanic or Luciferian, but that they are openly worshiping Lucifer, Satan, the devil, openly in the Vatican, at certain levels.

Now, he doesn’t say everybody’s doing it, but that there are those who are doing it there in the Vatican. You had. There’s a story that’s ongoing. Netflix, I think, did a series on it called something like Vatican Girl or something like that, but a story that I’ve covered on my radio program for years about a girl named Emanuela Orlandi who disappeared many years ago. Her family worked for the Vatican and she disappeared, and nobody knew what happened to her. They’d been looking. Her families looked for her for decades. And you had the Vatican exorcist, Gabriel Amorph, came out at one point and said that the girl had been kidnapped and used for Vatican sex parties and gave the impression that she had been killed in some kind of satanic ritual.

And that caused a lot of controversy, but it didn’t go anywhere. When Pope Francis came into power, members of Emmanuel Orlandi’s family showed up to talk to the Pope. And they asked Pope Francis if he could investigate and find out anything about the disappearance of their daughter, Sister Emmanuella. And he said to them, your daughter is in heaven. Your daughter’s in heaven. And they said, what? How do you know? In other words, basically saying that she was deceased. And they pressed the Pope about this. Wait a minute. How do you know she’s deceased? What do you know? What do you know? But apparently Pope Francis would not explain any further.

Now, anybody can go look these stories up. These things are real. These things really happened. There’s a very, very dark and evil element at work in Rome, at the Vatican. It goes back hundreds of years, but you can find it even in modern times. Yes, I think there’s strong evidence that there is Luciferian satanic worship that goes on inside the Vatican itself. I think Malachi Martin is probably the most reliable witness on that because he was a Jesuit for many years. And he was also part of the intelligence, specifically, according to him, part of the Jesuit’s intelligence arm.

I don’t fully understand how it works because they’re very secretive about it. But he did acknowledge that he was part of the intelligence network of the order. So if anybody would have that kind of information, it would be him. I mean, the play Macbeth, if you go back hundreds of years, Shakespeare’s Macbeth, there’s a book called Witches and Jesuits written by Gary Wills. Gary Wills is a Pulitzer Prize winning author. So for people who think this is some kind of anti Catholic conspiracy theory, no Pulitzer Prize winning author talks about this. That the play Macbeth was said to be a powder play.

In other words, it was written after the gunpowder plot of 1605. And the gunpowder Plot was blamed by people like Sir Edward Cook, who was the prosecutor blamed on the Jesuit order that there were very many Jesuits, he says, that were involved in the Gunpowder Plot. And Guy Fawkes. You know, people wear the Guy Fawkes mask from V for Vendetta. They don’t realize what they’re wearing. Guy Fawkes was a Jesuit agent planting the barrels of gunpowder beneath the Houses of Parliament to blow up the Protestant government of King James so that they could then take over the country.

That was the plan. And so according to Wills, the witches in Macbeth were said to be an allegory of the Jesuit order. That’s why they had beards like men and breasts like women. It was said to be an indictment of the Jesuits as witches, Satanists and murderers because the Jesuits manipulated Guy Fawkes to plant the barrels of gunpowder. That was said to be a picture or Macbeth. The witches manipulate Macbeth to go kill the king. You see what I’m saying? So Macbeth has written an allegory of the historic event of the Gunpowder Plot. That’s according to Gary Wills now and again.

There’s a whole book on it. People can go read up on it and draw their own conclusions, but there’s a real history to the order that goes back hundreds of years. And when you see the kind of voices, Shakespeare, John Adams, there’s even quotes from Napoleon Bonaparte on the Jesuits and many, many other historic figures past and present. It’s hard to ignore what the order is, the very powerful and sinister influence that they’ve had. If you were to get, let’s say a Webster’s Dictionary or a variety of dictionaries from the 19th century and look up the word Jesuit and Jesuitical.

The name and the order is associated with deception, sophistry, casuistry, deception as part of an agenda. Words to that effect. Are they intertwined with all these various pagan and occult groups? I believe they are, mainly because what they’re known for is they sent out missionaries to different parts of the world, into China, Japan, India, Arabia, Africa, into America. And so their missionaries were known for adopting, and I say missionary with quotes around it like that, okay? For adopting pagan religions. So they would become Buddhists, they would become Muslims, they would become Hindus, etc. They didn’t just go there.

And the reason that they would pursue these other religions that way is because they knew that that was how you ascend into power politically. Because virtually all the governments of the world were linked to whatever the chief religion was in that country. Okay? Whether it’s Islam, whether it’s some form of Buddhism or whatever. Wherever it is, there’s a religion that is linked to the state. And so they would pursue whatever the dominant religion was so they could gain power and influence over the political rulers of that country. So this is something they’ve done for centuries. And the, you know, in the late 19th century, you had these caves, these Jesuit caves that are said to be a mystery to this day, where you have all these images of various world religions in these caves back in the 1800s into the 20th century.

And it’s obvious that there are caves that were being run by the Jesuit order. But why images of all these world religions? Personally, I believe the reason is they were preparing the modern day ecumenical movement. They were basically preparing the philosophies and the arguments that they employed in Vatican Council 2, where they basically argued that the God of Christianity and Roman Catholicism is effectively the same as the God of Islam and all the other pagan world religions. Because that’s, in a nutshell, what Vatican Council 2 argues and the reason that’s important to us today. I think that ecumenism probably has something to do with the mark of the beast.

You know, the mark. You have the mark of God in the Bible where God says, hear, O Israel, the Lord your God is one Lord. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And you shall teach these words unto your children. And it shall be as a sign upon thy hands and as frontlets between thine eyes. Okay, Like a mark between your eyes, like a prayer box. And you think about the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast is again a mark in the hand or in the forehead.

So it appears to be either you are loyal to the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and then you bear his mark, or you are loyal to this Satanic system of evil, and then you bear at some point the mark of the beast, even though there’s all kinds of theories about what that mark may be. But I believe that the mark will have to do if there is this one world government that emerges under Antichrist in the way that people are predicting, because exactly how it’s going to happen, we have to wait and see.

But I believe ecumenism will be a key factor because that’s what they’re using to unite all these different countries and all these different people around the world. That’s what they’re using specifically. But it is a revival of the deceptions of the ancient mystery religions. And we talked about that in our other series, Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings, the New Atlantis, et cetera. This is what the children of Israel fell into over and over again when they would turn away from God and start worshiping idols. And this is really the origin of secret societies. In fact, if I can read here from my Bible real quick, this is from 2 Kings 17, 9.

And it’s where it says, and the children of Israel did secretly those things that were not right against the Lord their God. And they built them high places in all their cities, from the tower of the watchmen to the fenced city. And they set them up images and groves in every high hill and under every green tree. And there they burnt incense in all the high places, as did the heathen whom the Lord carried away before them, and wrought wicked things to provoke the Lord to anger. For they served idols whereof the Lord had said unto them, ye shall not do this thing.

So they would go out into the groves. This is why they’re secret. They’re doing these things secretly because God’s law condemns this behavior. The first command, God says, I am the Lord thy God. Ye shall have no other gods before me. Well, they weren’t obeying that command, so they got to hide away from their fellow Jews at first and go secretly worship all these idols. And notice how the scripture makes reference to the groves. This was repeated by the groups that were called the Hellfire Clubs over in England and across Europe. And they were all these radical guys who were in a Christian society.

But they would go meet secretly in these Groups called hellfire clubs. They’d get drunk, they bring in prostitutes and this kind of thing. They would carry on blasphemously against God, it is said of them. But they were clearly involved in variant forms of paganism, idolatry, and probably outright Satanism. At a certain level, they were called hellfire clubs. You studied the Bohemian Grove in Northern California. Why did they call it the Grove? I believe it’s because they know full well that they are a modern manifestation of the same wickedness that went on in ancient Israel. So this is the deception that drew the Jewish people in again and again and again.

And when we’re reading about how they would turn aside and worship BAAL or Molech or Ashtoreth or whoever these pagan gods were, it’s quite often because they were being told that the pagan gods are the same as the God of Israel. That’s what happens when they lift up the golden calf. They set up the golden calf and they say, here, this is the God who delivered us from Egypt. Right? So they’re ascribing to the golden calf that which the Lord had done. Okay, you study the name Ba’al. The name Ba’al means Lord. The name Malek means king.

So they could argue, well, BAAL is the Lord, just like God is the Lord, right of Israel and the Lord of Heaven. Well, aren’t BAAL and Jehovah one and the same? And so you can see them making these kind of arguments. In fact, if you study commentaries and histories and so on. The reason it is said that they were often bringing child sacrifices is because they were deceived by being told that, well, Abraham brought Isaac as a sacrifice. So didn’t God command Abraham to bring. You see what I’m saying? So then they deceived people to bring their children as human sacrifices.

This is how it was done. It’s the fulfillment of what we read in Isaiah 14, where Lucifer says, I will be like the most high. This is Satan imitating the things of God. I had talked about the Jesuits before in our History of the Bible series. We have a series on the history of the Bible called A Lamp in the the Untold History of the Bible. And we produced that film because I feel like once I studied the history of how the Bible went from the Dark Age, because the Dark Age was so called because the light of God’s word was forbidden.

The Bible had been outlawed by Rome and the Inquisition and also with the cooperation of many of the kings of Europe. I think that’s important to acknowledge. And so the Bible was The Forbidden Book. People were not allowed to read it. Then in the 14th century, you had John Wycliffe. He translates the Bible from Latin into Middle English, which was illegal. And so he caught all sorts of persecution and a backlash and so on for doing this. In fact, the Church of Rome and the Inquisition, they hated Wycliffe so badly that 44 years after his death, they dug him up and cursed his bones and then burned his bones and cast them into the river.

I mean, that’s how badly they hated Wycliffe. But see, Wycliffe believed that the people had a right to read the word of God because Jesus says, go into all the world, preach the gospel to every creature, and teach men to observe all things whatsoever. I have commanded you. Well, part of Jesus command is that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. How can people live by every word of God unless they can read the scripture in their own language? You got to have access to the Bible.

So Wycliffe was one of those early pioneers, really, you know, resisting the tyranny of Rome. And in fact, in the introduction to his Bible in 1384, he wrote the words, this Bible, this Bible is for a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. That’s where that phrase originally comes from. A lot of people don’t know that. So Wycliffe believed that the people have a right to be governed in both church and state according to the word of God, according to God’s laws and his commands. And when we interviewed the minister, guy named Charlie Stiles there, he said that Wycliffe’s passion for translating the scripture into the languages of the common people was because he said, the only way the people are going to be able to hold leaders accountable to obey God’s word is they’ve got to have knowledge of it.

The common people have to know what the word of God is. And so that’s what drove him. Okay, so Wycliffe, his writings and his translation go really all over Europe. Then you get to Martin Luther and the great Reformation happens. And people had already been really conditioned by Wycliffe’s teachings and also the teachings of another man named John Huss, who we talk about in our films. But that all lays the groundwork for the great Reformation. So the Reformation happens. You have all of these countries, towns and cities that are turning away from Rome, and they are turning toward what we today call Protestant Christianity, really Bible based Christianity, because that’s what Protestantism is.

Well, the Pope saw that he was losing support from all of these different territories. So he commissioned a man named Ignatius Loyola. In the year 1540, Ignatius Loyola was the founder of the Jesuit order. Okay, he was a former Spanish soldier. He had been wounded in battle. He had suffered a cannonball shot to his leg. That crippled him. Well, partly it temporarily crippled him. He recovered, but his military career was over. During his recovery period, he started reading all these books on the lives of the saints. In particular, he’s reading about Dominic Guzman, who was the founder of the Dominican order.

Guzman and his Dominicans, they were the inquisitors. They ran the Inquisition. And he became fascinated with these guys. And he became compelled that he wanted to be that kind of zealous Roman Catholic and to put a stop to the Reformation that was happening. Okay, so he meets with the Pope in the year 1540, and the Pope commissions him and his company of priests. They call themselves the Company of Jesus or the Society of Jesus. They would later be known as the Jesuit Order. The word Jesuit is a word that basically means. It was a word that was given them by their enemies and they ended up embracing it.

But it basically means somebody who uses the name of Jesus as a pretense for kind of a hidden agenda, which they certainly have. And so then they launch the Counter Reformation. The purpose of the Counter Reformation is to overturn the Protestant Reformation and to bring mankind back into the dark age. That’s why it’s so important. And the Counter Reformation has really continued right up to this very day, once you understand it and you realize what the elements of it are. So that’s an important part of why we made the film American Jesuits is to show people the history of the counter reform, the history of the Jesuit order and how they have impacted American history with everything from the American Civil War, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, which was blamed on them.

We talk about that in the film all the way into the development of socialism and communism. Many people don’t realize that the term social justice was first coined by a Jesuit priest named Luigi Taparelli. That’s where the whole doctrine of social justice comes from. People don’t realize that the Jesuits were working with Karl marx in the 19th century. This was published by the great German chancellor, Otto von Bismarck in the newspapers. He said the. The Jesuit general at the time, a guy named Peter von Becks, was working with Karl Marx and they were fomenting all this socialist agitation throughout Western Europe.

And it wasn’t just Bismarck. You had ministers, well known ministers like the historian J. A. Wiley. Wiley said that the Jesuits Use communism as a weapon against countries they’re trying to control. You had another famous minister, Alexander Hislop, A lot of people know Hislop. He did the book the Two Babylons, or Papal Worship proven to be the worship of Nimrod and his wife. That’s what most people know Alexander Hislop from. Well, he had another book called the Red Republic, which he asserts that Rome and the Jesuits were behind the development of socialism. In fact, he believed and he wrote.

He’s writing this like back in the 18, mid-1800s, and he’s writing back then that he believed the Red Republic was the fulfillment of prophecy in Revelation, where you have the woman that rides the scarlet colored beast, and that the reason for that, the color of communism is red is he believed this was going to be a movement that was going to spread throughout the globe and it was going to be the fulfillment of this red or scarlet colored beast. But that the woman that rides the beast is Rome. Okay. In fact, there’s a quote from J.

A. Wiley in another of his books where he says, remember, all of these guys are writing this prior to 1901. This is all happening back in the 1800s. And he said, Wiley said, that if ever heaven in its wrath set forth a curse to chastise the guilty race of man, it is communism. But he said, but the fetid womb from which it is born is potpourri. Rome. So he openly acknowledged that Rome was behind the development of socialism and communism. And not just the. These are Protestant ministers I’m describing. You also had Catholics that were saying the same thing.

There was a very famous Catholic back in the 19th century, a guy named Paul von Hohensbruch. Von Hohensbruch was raised by a devout Catholic family. They were like Catholic nobility. They’re actually very prominent. His father, who was a supporter of the Jesuits, at one point donated a castle to the order. That’s how prominent they were. So von Hohensbroek, when he grows up, he decides to become a Jesuit priest. So he spent 14 years as a Jesuit priest. He even wrote a book called 14 Years A Jesuit if you study his writings. He left the order, he said, because he discovered the Jesuits were behind socialism in Germany, that they were the.

The secret, hidden hand behind the scenes. So he said that you had another Catholic, a nun named M.F. cusack, who wrote the book the Black Pope, where she’s talking about the Jesuit General. The Black Pope is a nickname for the Jesuit General because it’s generally given out that the Jesuit General rules Over the white Pope. The White Pope is really kind of a puppet for the Jesuit order, and they tell him what to do. And I challenge people whenever they wonder about that. I say, well, just study Pope Francis and study, like, the first five, six, seven years that he was pope.

And all of the secret meetings that Jesuit leaders had that were published, people acknowledged that this was happening. But they would meet secretly. They wouldn’t let anybody else in there, and then they would basically tell the Pope what to say. That’s generally the impression you get from Catholic writers all the way through the 19th century. So they themselves argued that the Jesuits are like the deep state for the Vatican. And as we show in the film, they’re really an intelligence order. They’re an intelligence network. We have a quote from E. Howard Hunt, who was a former member of the CIA, and he was made famous during the Watergate trials.

And he was at one point called the most famous spy in the world. Well, there’s a video clip of him talking about the work of the CIA after World War II in these Latin American countries. And he said that they had gotten certain information from the Catholic hierarchy. And he says at one point, he says, well, far be it for me to know how the Catholic leaders get their information. He says, but they do. And he says, and we’ve often said at the agency, at the CIA, that the Jesuits form the most advanced and sophisticated intelligence service in the world because they’ve been at it for hundreds of years.

So there’s no question that they are. I mean, they’re called by both Catholic and Protestant writers the deadly papal mafia. That’s one of the phrases used by Emmett McLaughlin, who was a Catholic priest back in the 1960s, and he called them a deadly papal mafia. And the hatchet men of Rome, you know, they’re the ones who are known for carrying out assassinations, spying. Even hundreds of years ago, they were known for sending people in disguise to spy on churches, to spy on governments. John Adams wrote about this. We quote John Adams at one point, who wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson because the Jesuits had been abolished back in 1773.

And what had happened was. And this is very, very important, because when we talk about the Jesuits, we’re not necessarily talking about all Catholics, because Catholics quite often oppose them and what they’ve done. And a lot of the negative information about them comes from Catholic writers. Well, from 1540 to 1773, they were kicked out of the countries of Europe over and over and over again 39 times. And quite often, these were Catholic countries that they were being driven out of because their fellow Catholics turned on them and said, you know, we got to get these guys out of here.

Why? Because their methods were using deception, assassination, revolution, overthrowing governments, massacres, things that many Catholics did not agree with. And they would also blend paganism with Catholicism. You see what I’m saying? So they would adopt, quite often pagan practices, and that were considered heresy back then by traditional Catholics. And so these are among the reasons why they were often driven out of countries. Well, in 1773, you had all of these Catholic leaders around the world that rose up, and they petitioned the Pope, and they said, you’ve got to abolish this order. So Pope Clement XIV finally abolished the order with a perpetual decree in 1773.

Got rid of them, supposedly. And then they’re brought back after a series of events in 1814. And when that happens, John Adams writes a letter to Thomas Jefferson, and he says, I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits. He says, I know of no body of men more deserving of eternal perdition on earth or in hell than these sons of Loyola. That’s what he said. We’re talking John Adams. I’ll give you one more quote, and then I’ll stop talking for a minute. The Marquis de Lafayette. Marquis de Lafayette, who served with George Washington during the American Revolution.

Lafayette was a staunch opponent of the Jesuit order. So the Marquis de Lafayette warned the people of America. He said, if these states, the United States of America, should ever lose their liberty, he says, it will undoubtedly be at the hand of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty enemies of civil and religious liberty. So he was warning about this back in the 1800s. And then one of his friends was Samuel F.B. morse, who developed the Morse code, Inventor of the telegraph. Samuel Morse wrote a book. He published a book called Foreign Conspiracy against the Liberties of the United States of America, in which he’s warning about what he called the European plot here on American soil, and that the chief agents of this plot were Jesuit priests trying to overthrow the liberties of the United States.

Adam Weishaupt was effectively a Jesuit. He wasn’t a priest, but he was somebody who worked in cooperation with the order. And we explain this in the film that you have. The term Jesuit that’s used historically can refer to a Jesuit priest, or it can refer to somebody who’s kind of a disciple of the order and works in cooperation with them. So not necessarily a priest, but somebody who has their approval and furthers their agenda. So Adam Weishaupt I believe, was a Jesuit. Why? Because he was a professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt, which was a haven for the Jesuit order.

And it’s from there that he set forth the ideas of the French Revolution. And that’s where he founded what is called the Bavarian Illuminati. Okay? And the Illuminati movement, I have come to believe, was an obviously deceptive movement, but I believe it was a response to the fact that the order was abolished in 1773. And they knew that they were opposed by their fellow Catholics. So my theory is that what they did was they said, we’ve got to develop a weapon that will allow us to keep fighting against the Protestants. But also they knew they now had to fight against their fellow Catholics because their fellow Catholics turned on them.

You see what I’m saying? Drove them out of all these countries, demanded that the Pope abolish them. They wanted revenge. And revenge is a whole doctrine in the history of the order, if you study it. The Jesuits have said they never forget a wrong suffered and they will seek revenge when the opportunity presents. So, so there are those historians who believe, who study the order, that the French Revolution that happened afterwards could very well have been vengeance against Catholics, because France was a Catholic country, okay? In fact, it was called the Glory of Old Europe. It was really a magnificent country with language and culture and all this other kind of stuff.

Now, unfortunately, they had driven out the Protestants, many of them, with a revocation of the Edict of Nance earlier. And that’s why you had a much smaller Protestant population there, if at all. And they’re mostly Catholics who are not reading the Bible. And so they fell prey to the secular humanist, pagan, anti God doctrines of the French Revolution. But those were the doctrines that were initiated by Weissaupt through his Illuminati movement. And so they did things like they exalted the Goddess of Reason, for example, human reason, because that’s what. What the Goddess of Reason symbolizes. That human reason now will govern how we set forth society from this time forward.

And that’s what the whole French Revolutionary movement was about. They wanted to get rid of God in any form. They didn’t want Protestantism, they didn’t want Catholicism. You see what I’m saying? Now they can make war against their fellow Catholics. And so they needed an instrument, a weapon to do it with. And that weapon, I believe it’s my theory, was this Illuminati movement that set forth the principles of secular humanism. Today, that’s what we call it. We Call it secular humanism or militant atheism. That’s an even better way to look at it. Because with militant atheism, you go through and you trample on anything that has to do with God or the Bible or Christianity or any of it, and you drive it out.

And that’s what they were doing. But see, they were doing it in a Catholic country, in France. So that’s why I believe it was revenge on their fellow Catholics. That’s my theory. And also, if you look up Adam Weishaupt in the Catholic Encyclopedia online, they tell you that at the end of his life, Adam Weissaupt went back to the Catholic Church. He died in the good graces of Rome. Now, when he was running the Illuminati movement, one of his partners in all of that, Baron von Knig his name, was, accused him of being a secret Jesuit.

That’s another clue. Accused him of being a secret Jesuit. So that’s another reason why I think the Illuminati movement was set up by them partly because of Weissaupf’s association with the order, but also because the Jesuits, once you get into the 19th century, they pick up all of those principles of the Illuminati movement and they weave them into social justice, socialism and communism. That becomes the inner core of socialism and communism. So when you fast forward to the Nazi movement, which I believe they were behind, I mean, you had a whole series of historians who blamed Rome and the Jesuit order for Hitler and the Nazi movement.

But Adolf Hitler is quoted at one point of having said that his Nazi movement was the exact counterpart of the French Revolution. So the same principles of militant atheistic ideology that allows you to trample on God or any reference to God or the idea that you have rights that come from God, anything like that is when they want to do things like abolish private property or they want to confiscate somebody’s land or wealth. And you say, well, wait a minute. God says thou shall not steal. We don’t believe in God. You know, we got God out the window there.

We’re not going along with that. We’re doing the state is now God. That’s what they teach, that the state is now in charge of everything. And the state will decide what you can have and what you cannot have, etc. Catherine the Great of Russia preserved 201 Jesuit priests in Russia, preserved them after they were abolished. So that’s how the order, at least outwardly, they probably had secret operations going on that we can’t know anything about. But in Russia, they were preserved by Catherine the Great, the empress of Russia, during the time that they had been abolished.

And so it’s because of her influence that eventually they were brought back in 1814. I got to be honest, I don’t know all the details surrounding it. But that number 201, there are some who have written and suggested. Well, and it’s very conspiratorial, I freely admit. But, you know, right before COVID broke out, they had. What do they have? They had a dress rehearsal that was called event 201. Some people think that event 201 may have an association with the Jesuit order. And see the. The preservation of the order there. The 201 Jesuits in Russia, in a sense, is a symbol for their revenge.

It’s a symbol of vengeance. There they are in. In Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. Okay, John Adams even. Even mentioned the fact that they had a general in Russia. And so, yes, they were there. They had been preserved by Catherine the Great and their teachings. I mean, they’re the ones promoting all of this stuff about socialism and communism. But my suspicion. And again, and just so people know, we don’t go into this in the film, but I’ll give you my historic suspicion on it. You have to remember with Russia, Russia represents the Orthodox Church.

The Jesuits in Rome represent the Roman Catholic Church in the west versus the Orthodox Church in the East. There is an historic enmity and hatred between the two churches. Historically doesn’t make any sense to us as Americans, because here in the United States, we don’t think that way. We just don’t have those rivalries or we suppress them. And we believe in being charitable and tolerant and all that kind of stuff as Americans. But in Europe, it’s a very, very different story. We have a whole section of the film on the Croatian Ustashi. During World War II, the Ustashi were basically Catholic socialists.

What happened was Hitler and Mussolini took over Yugoslavia and they set up the puppet state of Croatia. And then they set up their leader called Ante Pavelic. Okay? Ante Pavelic was like. He was basically the Fuhrer for the Croatian Nazis who were called Ustashi. So they were like the Croatian Nazis. In fact, if you see them, we show you film footage and photos and things like this. They look very much like Nazis, but their emblem was somewhat different. The usage are some of the most bloodthirsty killers anywhere in the history of the world. They were so horrible that they shocked even the Nazis.

The Nazis sometimes reprimanded them because of their excesses and the horrible things that they would do. And we talk about this and we give the quotes and the history and that kind of stuff. For those who are not familiar with the Holocaust in Croatia, we document it in the film and we show that it’s well, well known by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Those who maintain the history of the Holocaust against the Jews in Germany and Europe also maintain the history of this persecution of Orthodox Serbian Christians. And what was happening was so bad. You had this guy Pavelic, who was very close to the Franciscan order of the Catholic Church.

And Franciscan priests were literally, it is said, running out gleefully into the towns and the city. That’s the word that historians use gleefully, happily massacring and raping and murdering these Orthodox Serbians. They absolutely hated them. And that becomes so clear as you study the history that there is this historic hatred. And I believe it has partly ethnic because there was a racial component between the Croatians versus the Serbians. But what they were doing during the war is they were forcibly converting the Orthodox Serbians to Roman Catholicism at the point end of a gun, saying, you’re going to convert to Roman Catholicism or we’re going to kill you.

That’s what was going on during World War II. And there were said to be over 200,000 Orthodox Serbs who were forcibly converted by this usage movement during the war. And today very few people know about it. There are books on it, it’s well documented, the history is preserved by a number. Thankfully it’s preserved and we quote from some of the different books on it. But I don’t think this is just my opinion. I don’t think we can really understand what’s going on, for example, between Western Europe and Russia and the Eastern Orthodox Church. You look at the stuff going on in the Ukraine where Zelensky is persecuting the Orthodox Church there.

But Zelensky is. And, and who, who’s backing Zelensky? These Neo Nazis, the, the Azov battalion. They’re very clearly Latter day Nazis or modern day Nazis. Okay. And that that enmity from World War II is still there from Rome in the west versus the Orthodox Church in the East. So I also think that had something to do with why the radical socialist communist movement in Russia became so bloodthirsty against the Tsar and his family to this day. The Orthodox Church believes that the Tsar and his family were martyrs, that they were murdered by the Communists because they were Christians, that they were murdered for their faith, not just killed, but killed as martyrs of the faith of Christ.

There are even those who think. And again, there are some things that are. That are speculative history, some things you can prove. What we try to show you in American Jesuits is history that you can prove that’s fully documented. We can give you all the writings and so on. Then you have speculative history, which is things like the Count of Monte Cristo. Some people believe that the story of the Count of Monte Cristo is a reference to the Jesuits being suppressed and abolished and then them coming back and getting revenge against their enemies. Because that’s what happens to Edmond Dantes.

He’s betrayed, right? He’s sent off into a prison. There he learns philosophy, and then he comes back, he gets hold of a great fortune, and he takes revenge against all of his enemies. Some people believe that’s a picture of the suppression of the Jesuit order and that they, you know, they were banished for a time, then they obtained great riches. See, if you study the Count of Monte Cristo story, when he comes back, he has all these spies and informants everywhere. He has all this money, and nobody knows, you know, where he’ll be next and whatever.

And the name Monte Cristo means the Count of the Mountain of Christ, okay? Which you could argue is a reference to the Church or the Catholic Church, if you will, from the Catholic perspective. So, again, but that’s speculative history, I freely admit. I’ve just always found it to be very, very interesting. American Jesuits is to talk about history that is very well documented, because there’s so much that is very well documented, their association with social justice. The phrase social justice was coined by a Jesuit priest named Luigi Taparelli in 1843. That’s factually provable evidence. Furthermore, and this is very important, Taparelli said that he wanted to revive the earlier teachings of Thomas Aquinas.

Thomas Aquinas, if you study him, taught the doctrine of justifiable theft, that it’s okay to steal from your neighbor as long as you steal for a good reason. He had all of these different things. We quote Thomas Aquinas in the film and show this doctrine of justifiable theft and that it’s always okay to steal from unbelievers according to Thomas Aquinas. And so this really is the inner doctrine of social justice. And if you just think about how social justice works, the social justice warriors are always looking for reasons and excuses for why they should get money for this, money for that.

I mean, look at. Look at what they’ve just uncovered here with. With usaid, which is heavily connected to the deep state the Jesuit order And this whole idea of social justice, they’re just. They’re just taking billions and billions of dollars. And I can almost guarantee you that if you were to confront the people who are behind this, they would have some justification for virtually everything that they’re doing. Okay? Because all you need to do is come up with an excuse. Mass immigration into our country, illegal immigration. There are Catholic bishops and cardinals and so on who have argued that it’s okay to jump the border, it’s okay to break the laws of the United States.

Why? Because these people are looking for a better life. And they’ve openly admitted that this is all part of what they call Catholic social teaching. Catholic social teaching is another term for socialism. And the way it. The history as we show it is. You have Taparelli, 1843, comes up with social justice. Then Taparelli, who was a professor, taught a young priest who becomes Pope Leo xiii. Pope Leo XIII then sets forth a document called an encyclical called Rerum Novarum. Rerum Novarum, according to Catholic writers, is basically the Vatican’s version of Das Kapital or the Communist Manifesto, that the pope is essentially sort of sanitizing, you know, sprinkling holy water, if you will, on the ideas of Marxism.

But it’s virtually one and the same thing. But Rerum Novarum then here in the late 19th century, is the foundation of what they today call Catholic social teaching. And Catholic social teaching, they have all these different terms. I mean, the Jesuits developed all these different terms for socialism and communism. You have democratic socialism, you have liberation theology. They did this through a Dominican priest named Gustavo Guterres. We talk about this in the film, but he was Jesuit educated, and he set forth this idea of liberation theology, which is just another form of Marxism. But they are totally behind social justice, socialism and communism in the modern world.

Yes, the Jesuits were blamed, and the Vatican was blamed generally for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. In modern times. You have modern historians who seem to scoff at it, but very official sources, like General Thomas Maly Harris. I like to point to General Harris because he was a very official guy. He was a Union general during the war. He was a doctor. And he sat on the committee to investigate the assassination of Abraham Lincoln after it happened. He was one of the judges on the court that tried the conspirators, including Mary Surratt, who was one of the leading conspirators.

It was at her boarding house where the people who planned the assassination had their meetings and so on. And so General Harris saw firsthand the evidence as it was being laid out back in the 19th century. Years later, he wrote a book called Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, where he openly said that, yes, the Vatican and her Jesuit priests planned and helped to carry out this assassination of Abraham Lincoln. And they did it through John Wilkes Booth and through John Surratt, who was the son of Mary Surratt. John Surratt was an intelligence agent for the Confederacy during the Civil War.

And so they had planned this whole thing well in advance. And John Surratt escaped after the assassination, and he went through Canada, through a series of Catholic churches, it is said, and was found a year later in Rome in the Pope’s Zouave Army. In fact, there are several books on this, and often what authors will do is they’ll show the black and white photograph we showed to you in the film of John Surratt sitting there wearing the uniform of a papal Zouave, which is like the Pope’s private army. And he had admitted to a friend of his that they had killed Abraham Lincoln.

So he was eventually arrested, brought back to the United States, stood trial here stateside. And the evidence was overwhelming that he was guilty. In fact, he admitted in court that he and Booth had been part of a plot to kidnap Abraham Lincoln. He claimed that that’s all they wanted to do, was just kidnap President Lincoln, not necessarily kill him. And then something happened, and Booth ended up killing him. That was the claim, and he was found not guilty by the jury. And there’s speculation as to why. A Catholic priest at the time named Charles Chinike. He’s another source on this.

He was the personal friend of Abraham Lincoln, knew Lincoln for years before he even became president, and came to believe that, yes, the Jesuits were behind the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. He writes about this in his book called 50 Years in the Church of Rome. Okay. What many people don’t know today is that the Vatican was the one world power that officially acknowledged the Southern Confederacy. The Pope wrote a letter acknowledging Jefferson Davis as the president of the Confederate States of America, officially. And this was well known during that time period. And it was, you know, you’re officially recognizing the Confederacy like a foreign government.

And, of course, there’s a lot of other evidence as well. Beauregard. General PT Beauregard, who fired the first shots at Fort Sumter. It was said by Chinique that the reason he fired those shots was because he was a rabid Roman Catholic, and he knew that the Pope was against Abraham Lincoln and in favor of the Confederacy. Okay. The first chaplain of the Confederacy was a Jesuit priest. A lot of people don’t know that there’s even a book that’s been written on it. The first chaplain of the Confederacy was a Jesuit priest. You had a noteworthy Catholic priest like John Bannon.

He was a very well known Catholic Confederate priest who was on the battlefield, you know, ministering to the soldiers while the battles were going on and so on. He’s eventually sent to Ireland by Jefferson Davis. Jefferson Davis himself had been educated by Dominicans, and he almost converted to Catholicism when he was younger. So he was very, very friendly to Catholicism in general. But anyway, he sends Bannon up to Ireland to convince the Irish who were coming to America at that time. They were the big waves of Irish immigrant immigrants coming in. But to convince them not to fight for Abraham Lincoln in the Union army.

Because what was happening is they’re getting off the boat, literally, and they’re being given uniforms very quickly, and they’re being enlisted in the Union army. General Harris in his book, says that he lists all the people who were guilty of deserting during the war and. And in the Union forces, the number one deserters were these Irish Catholic immigrants, Probably because they had not. Well, according to Harris, he says they had just arrived from Ireland, and so because they believed that the Pope was against Lincoln, they did not want to be involved, you know, in fighting for the Union.

Their loyalty was to the papacy. But, yes, there’s a lot of evidence politically. You also had what was called the European plot, and this is something, I believe, that continues with us to this day, the European plot. Because there’s a third book written by a Catholic priest named Emmett McLaughlin in the 20th century. And the book is called An Inquiry into the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Now, McLaughlin was. He was known as the people’s Padre. He was a very popular Catholic priest in America. He got on the bad side of the hierarchy, so he ended up being laicized.

He got out of the priesthood. But he said he had heard these stories about the Jesuits in Lincoln for years. So he investigated it. His findings are recorded in this book, An Inquiry into the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, which is really a very powerful book that I recommend for anybody who wants to look into this. But anyway, he talks about this European plot that involved Pope Pius ix, Napoleon iii, Emperor Napoleon III of France, and then Maximilian I, who is the Archduke of Austria, those three leaders, okay? And they had a plot to invade Mexico, take over the country of Mexico, and then use Mexico as a launching pad to come into the United States and help the Confederacy Defeat Lincoln so they could break up the Union and then have what they wanted.

And this, according to General Harris, a Roman Catholic empire that would go from Mexico through the American territories all the way up to Canada, that was already Catholic. Okay? And they did. A lot of people today, they’ve forgotten. Historians have forgotten. They did invade Mexico with a French army, but the army was stopped short at what is called the First Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. This is why we celebrate Cinco de Mayo. The real reason a lot of people think Cinco de Mayo is, is, you know, the Mexican Independence Day or something like that.

They’re not really sure what it is, but it’s really a remembrance of the first battle of Puebla. Because as the French came in, they were this very sophisticated, very advanced army, and nobody thought the Mexicans had any chance at all. And they surprised everyone. They won the first Battle of Puebla and they held off the French. Well, that’s why they celebrate. And what that did was it caused a delay in their advance that gave Abraham Lincoln time to gain the upper hand in the civil war here in the States. The French army comes back, they defeat.

They win the second battle of Puebla, and then they take over Mexico City and they get control of the country temporarily. They install their European emperor, Maximilian I, who’s the first emperor of Mexico. They put him into power, but Lincoln sends milit. He. He refuses to acknowledge this new leader because he knows what’s going on. You see, when. When historians write about how Abraham Lincoln preserved the Union, there’s more to preserving the Union than just the north and the South. It was these European powers that wanted to break up the Union so they could begin to seize all these different territories in the United States.

That’s what they wanted. And this is part of what Emmet McLaughlin reveals in his book. In fact, he’s even got a chapter in his book where he basically says that you really cannot understand what was going on during the American Civil War unless you understand what was happening south of the border. Okay? And he’s got a chapter called Conspiracy south of the Border. All right, so plan A was. So what happens is, long story short, the French army is forced to retreat because the United States begins helping Mexico drive them out. They pull out, they go back home.

And so Maximiliano, the Emperor, is left alone. And so the Mexican army arrests him. They end up executing him. There’s a number of paintings. The execution of Maximilian. You can go look them up online. It’s really. I mean, his is really kind of a tragic story. Because he was a monarch without a country to rule. So what happened was plan A didn’t work out, right? Invade, invade Mexico with the French army, et cetera, that didn’t work out. So plan B was that they were going to flood America with immigrants, all of these foreign immigrants, get them into the major cities and then systematically take control of the country through mass immigration into the United States.

That was their plan. And Chinooke warned us about this over 100 years ago, more than 120 years ago. And all the evidence is there, brother, all the evidence is there that that plan continues right up to this very day. In fact, one of the things that we point to in our film is a document from 2003 called Strangers no Longer Together on a Journey of Hope. And anybody can look this up online. In fact, I would encourage Americans to go look this up online. And it’s an agreement between the Catholic Bishops of America and the Catholic Bishops of Mexico that they would work together to facilitate the mass invasion of the United States with all of these Catholic immigrants and probably foreign immigrants overall.

But it’s a document that states their purpose and in no uncertain way. The chief culprits, in my opinion, with, with illegal immigration into the United States reside in Rome. What is their purpose for this? Well, they want to get control of our country. They want control of the United States. Now why they want control? That’s a very interesting, that’s, I think, a debatable issue. According to General Harris, his view was that they, they didn’t just want control, they wanted control to destroy the country. They want to destroy the United States of America. They don’t want there to be a United States of America because they hate the idea.

And this according to General Harris and according to Emmett McLaughlin, they make the best arguments, in my opinion. But what they really hated, these old world powers in Europe, not just the Pope, but also the elitists in Europe. They hate the idea that in our country somebody like Abraham Lincoln could come from nothing, could grow up barefoot in a one room log cabin as a rail splitter splitting logs, and that this person could rise up, become a lawyer, become a politician, and through hard work and determination and the approval of the common people, become the chief executive of a very, very power country.

They absolutely hated the idea that that could happen without their influence and them being the ones to control who gets to be in charge. You see, this is all about power and control. Ultimately, at least according to General Harris and Emmet McLaughlin and to a certain extent Charles Chinike as well. They Just did not like this whole idea of America, the dream of America. Because what it does is it puts pressure on these elitists in these other countries who want totalitarian type governments where the government just tells you what to do. Your freedom is. They don’t care about your freedom, they don’t care about what you want.

It’s all about what they want and you do what they say and that’s it. That’s the kind of government that they want. Totalitarianism and the idea of freedom and people can choose their own path and you know, you’re not going to control everything that they do. Well, that’s just. It’s really remarkable that you would have people that think that way. Is there a grand plan? I would say yes. I opened the film American Jesuits with a quote from Governor John Winthrop, who was the Puritan who came over with the other Puritans in the year 1630. And he was one of the founders of Massachusetts Bay.

And he gave as the chief reason for the Puritan migration to America, he said to preach the Gospel in the New World and to establish a bulwark against the kingdom of Antichrist that the Jesuits seek to rear up in those parts. And he specifically mentioned the Jesuit order. So yes, there were Jesuits here from the earliest days of America. And they wanted America to be an extension of the Papal Inquisition of Europe coming into the New World. You see, if you read Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense, one of the things that he points out there is that it was almost universally agreed upon by the people at that time that God had revealed America, the New World.

You know, Columbus sailed the ocean blue 1492, 15, 17, short time later, that’s when Martin Luther nails his 95 thesis to the church door at Wittenberg. You have the great Reformation. Then the backlash from the Reformation is the Counter Reformation. And so you have all these wars going on and battles and conflicts and persecutions like the 30 Years War where the Jesuits tried to literally stamp out by force the Protestant movement and some 8 million people were killed in this conflict. And so William Bradford talks about this in his history of the Plymouth Plantation. All of the wars and the combustions.

And he makes reference to the Pope as the Antichrist in the opening lines of his history of Plymouth Plantation. So now you have Governor Winthrop talking about trying to stop the Jesuits from getting control of the New World because the New World was seen. They believed that God had revealed the New World as a wilderness for the church to fly into. And they literally were looking at the Book of Revelation, where the woman is given the two wings of an eagle and she flies into the wilderness. In Revelation, they believe that was a picture of what they were supposed to do to avoid the persecutions of Europe.

Fly into this wilderness here in the New World and establish it for the cause of Christ upon the earth. And that’s why you had. When they landed at Jamestown, first thing they do is they set up a cross. They pray that both America and England would be evangelists of the world. The Mayflower Compact openly declared that their purpose was the advancement of the Christian religion. Then you have Governor Winthrop saying, not only do they want to advance the gospel, they want America because they’re Puritans. Now the Puritans come with the Bible and the gun. Okay? Not just the Bible, the Bible and the sword.

So yes, they saw America as a fortress against Jesuitism. That’s how they saw it. All right, so there has definitely been a plot here from the beginning for the Jesuit order to get control of this part of the world. But there has been a Protestant resistance in this country also from the beginning. And you have, well, you fast forward to the American Revolution and you have Samuel Adams, when he signed the Declaration of Independence, he said, I trust from this day forward the reign of political Protestantism shall commence. A lot of people don’t realize that that’s how men like Adams and many, many others saw the Declaration of Independence.

It represented Protestant principles, in other words, principles from the Protestant Reformation. That rights come from God, based on God’s law. And that no one, whether it’s the Pope or a king or anyone else, has the authority to violate the laws of God. And if they do, then they can be resisted by force if necessary. Based on Psalm 149, which what the Puritans fully believe, Psalm 149 says, Let the saints be joyful in glory. Let the high praises of God be in their mouths and a two edged sword in their hand to execute judgments against the heathen, to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron, to execute against them the judgment that is written meaning in the Scripture.

This honor have all his saints. This is one of the reasons why in a Christian society all men were to have the right to bear arms. It’s all based on the Puritans view of the Bible. And so, yes, there’s been a plot here. Now the plot we show you can go back to the early colonies, you can trace it through the 19th century with the Civil War. And then we show all the writers, or at least some of the writers who believe that Rome was behind World War I and World War II. In fact, you have a book called Rome behind the Great War by John Kensen, blame, you know, essentially saying that the Vatican was behind World War I.

Then you have Dr. Edmund Paris. Edmund Paris claimed that the Vatican was behind both World War I and World War II. When you get to the end of World War II, you have Winston Churchill. He says, we’ve just come to the end of our second 30 years war. What was the first 30 years war? The Jesuits and their Catholic League trying to stamp out Protestantism. Okay? So Churchill saw the same elements at work, the European historians. And that’s. I have to say it this way, because most American historians don’t see it from that perspective at all.

But the European historians definitely saw the Vatican and the Jesuit order being directly behind Adolf Hitler and the whole Nazi movement. In fact, Leo Lehman, in his book behind the Dictators, Lehman was a former Catholic priest, and he said that the entire Nazi movement was set up by the Jesuit order for their purposes. And we show how, going back to 1890, there were elements of the Nazi philosophy that they were publishing in their publications. So these are not just light claims. In fact, let’s go a step further. You had HG Wells, even though I have mixed feelings about welles, but H.G.

wells, during the war, was calling for the bombing of the Vatican. He said, why isn’t. And look this up. We show it to you. Why isn’t anybody bombing the Vatican? He said, why? Because he believed the Vatican and the Pope had been behind Hitler and Mussolini and the entire Axis Powers movement. But these are things. These are parts of history that have been either swept under the carpet here in modern times. It’s history that has seemingly been removed or forgotten. But these are the things that we talk about in the film. But there’s a whole European side to the war where many of the Europeans clearly saw the hand of Rome and that World War I and World War II were simply one, a continuation of the other.

And I believe what’s going on with the European Union, because the European Union is what the Jesuits set up and the Vatican set up after the war to continue their struggle, but in a different way. And that’s why I think it matters today with what’s going on. And when you have the Pope, Pope Francis, who’s a Jesuit, coming out and saying that the war in Ukraine is the beginning of World War iii, that’s very significant that he would say that. And you have to wonder if the people who are behind World War I and World War II, are now announcing that Ukraine is World War III.

What could that mean for our future? And really the future of the entire planet? And again, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. I try not to read too much into that other than to report, here’s what’s happened and here’s what’s going on. But other elements. Everybody today is very familiar with what went on with COVID 19 and the coronavirus issue. Without saying too much about it, we would point out that Dr. Anthony Fauci is a Jesuit. In fact, if you go to the government website, we show the video from the government website with Dr.

Anthony Fauci talking about how he got into medicine. And he says, well, his father had been a pharmacist, but that wasn’t really what made him want to go into medicine. He says, really? He says it was his education by the Jesuits, that that was what inspired him to become Dr. Anthony Fauci. Okay, so Dr. Fauci is a Jesuit through and through. Also one of his helpers, Dr. Burks, we show in the film, also very closely associated with the Jesuit order. When she was sworn into her office, she had a Jesuit priest right there beside her. In fact, he gave the invocation before she was sworn in.

You had Redfield, who was head of the CDC at the time. Redfield was a Georgetown University graduate educated by Jesuits at Georgetown University. Just so people know Georgetown. The reason Georgetown is so important, it began as Georgetown College and became Georgetown University. That is the headquarters for the Jesuit order in the United States. That’s their headquarters. And Emmett McLaughlin, specifically in his book on the assassination of Lincoln, says it was the Jesuits at Georgetown who were behind training John Wilkes Booth and the others to carry out the assassination of Lincoln. That’s what he says. So Georgetown is very, very significant.

Georgetown. Bill Clinton comes out of Georgetown University, and most people know who Bill Clinton is. But if you said to them, you know who Otto hence is, they would say, no. Who’s Otto Hantz? Oh, Otto Hentz was Bill Clinton’s Jesuit mentor at Georgetown University. That he’s had a lifelong. Well, since he was at the university, but right up into modern times. We show an interview where this Jesuit priest at Georgetown is asking Bill Clinton questions and so on. And it’s very, very clear that Clinton has a close association with the order. And he even says that he believes that he would never have become president of the United States except that he went to Georgetown University.

Then we could talk about Joe Biden. Joe Biden was educated by Jesuits at Fordham. Joe Biden was sworn into office as the president on a copy of the Douay Rheims Bible, which is the Jesuit’s English translation, which, once you study it, is a picture of the Counter Reformation because they literally translated that Bible to counter the English Bibles that were being produced at the time. The Geneva in particular. Okay, so it’s a symbol of the Counter Reformation. And then he had two Jesuit priests. One of them did an inaugural prayer, and another one did the inaugural Mass when Joe Biden was installed as president.

Okay, so Joe Biden, he’s another one. We talk about Bill and Melinda Gates. Bill and Melinda Gates. Melinda Gates has a Jesuit in her family. They both give their foundation, rather gives millions of dollars a year to the Jesuit education programs here in the United States. All of this is well documented. This is not. This is not conspiracy theory. These are just facts that you can prove. So when you start looking at the impact of somebody like Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, Joe Biden, Dr. Birx, and others, you have to wonder, is their influence being driven by hidden hands behind the scene wearing black robes who are known as the Society of Jesus? Is that what’s really going on? Now, to take it a step further, that’s not just my conspiracy theory.

We actually quote from a magazine called Mother Jones, a liberal magazine called Mother Jones, and they had an article called Their Will Be Done talking about the influence of the Catholic priesthood with the politicians in Washington, D.C. and the. The CIA and the C. The. The. I believe that the Jesuits are behind the deep state. You know, what. What we call the deep state here in the US that’s basically controlled by the order through Georgetown University. And it’s because the founder of the CIA ultimately goes back to Wild Bill Donovan, William Donovan. During World War II, he was the founder of the OSS Office of Strategic Services.

The OSS then becomes the CIA. Well, Donovan was a Knight of Malta, and he is said by at least one Special forces writer and historian to have been a Jesuit and that he learned his techniques from the Jesuit order to develop the OSS and all their secret operations. And, you know, they were being called. By the end of World War II, there were American journalists who were saying that they were going to become the American Gestapo. That’s what they were saying about them. And so what happened was Harry Truman dissolved the OSS and he set up the CIA that was supposedly going to be a better intelligence service.

The problem is they got the same guys from the OSS to run the CIA. And it seems that the corruption continued. Just so people know it’s the OSS that smuggled thousands, or really tens of thousands of Nazi war criminals out of Europe after the war. And Operation Paperclip. Absolutely. So they smuggled them out. Operation Paperclip is where they brought them to America, but they also smuggled them down to Argentina and some down to the Vatican, where they were able to live for many, many years and avoid persecution. But the OSS played a key role in that.

Them MI6 over in England and then obviously the Vatican as well. That’s why they called it the Vatican Rat lines. We have a whole section on that in the film and we show it to people. But then we show how William Donovan, Wild Bill Donovan, late in life, appeared at the Vatican to meet with the Pope to receive the Pope’s highest honor for a lifetime of service, both public and private secret service to the Papacy. So you think about that. That’s the guy who, who is credited as the founder of America’s modern intelligence service. So think about that.

Who’s control who, who would the deep state be? I mean, who are the possibilities here? I think that’s an important question. In one of our early films, we talk about the plan for three world wars that is usually traced to Albert pike and a letter from, or from her to, I can’t remember the details, but between Albert pike and Mazzini over in Italy, et cetera. And the plan for three world wars. When you look at what’s going on with what people are calling World War 3 or the groundwork for World War III, and you have so many people saying this doesn’t make any sense.

Why are we doing this? Why would we provoke Russia? This is illogical, it’s insane. You know, this whole view, which I think we as Christians would agree, we, it doesn’t make any sense that anybody would do this. You have to wonder if the plan for world war, if it’s just part of a plan and they’re going to push it through no matter what. You have to wonder that, of course, I think we have to wait to a certain extent and see what happens. I think we’ve got to confront these powers along the way as God fearing, Bible believing Christians.

And I don’t think America, I don’t think most Americans would want to be in a war, especially a globalist war, setting it up the way that they’re setting it up. And I really hope that the Trump administration disrupts these plans. I had a friend of mine who actually somebody who appears in Our film American Jesuits, but sent me a link to an article where the Jesuits at one point were asking for money for their foundations, their charities, etc. Why? Because since Trump cut off the foreign aid, it was affecting these Jesuit institutions because they were getting a certain amount of that aid.

Now, I don’t know what the numbers are, but they’re certainly being affected by it. And they would be because they’re interwoven with all of these left wing groups that are taking billions and billions of dollars of American money and using it to foment all these socialist principles in our country and throughout the world. Trump was educated for two years, from what I understand, at Fordham University. Fordham is a Jesuit university. Some people think that that means Trump is a Jesuit. I don’t necessarily agree with that assessment. I’ve never thought that President Trump was or that Donald Trump was before he got involved in politics.

And the reason is because he doesn’t really promote the Jesuit value system. If you want to understand Jesuitism, if you go back to the 19th century, if you were to get the book by J. A Wiley, the Jesuits and their. The Jesuits and their maxims, their moral maxims and plots against kings, princes and churches. Okay, you can find the book online. Read it for free. The methods that the order was using back in the 1800s are effectively the same as they’re using today. You have so much in common. But their philosophies are. They are behind the radical left.

They design the radical left, all of the policies, the ideas, et cetera. You can find the elements of it going back several hundred years in the Counter Reformation history. But that is what’s behind modern social justice, socialism, open borders, the environmentalist movement. That’s what they’re all behind. Trump is not really a supporter of these ideas. Now, some people think he’s some kind of controlled opposition. Personally, I don’t believe he is. But again, we’ll have to wait and see. We’ll just have to watch what happens. He seems to be. You see, when he first started running for president, I sat on my radio program when he ran for the 2016 election because he was the only one at the time who was willing to confront illegal immigration.

And I had known about this plan that Chinike warned about for years. I talked about it. And so when he comes out in 2016 and he says he’s confronting illegal immigration and, and he’s talking about all the problems and the Americans who are having their lives destroyed because of this, etc. I said on my radio show, he’s going after the heart of the dragon he’s going after. This is the key weapon that Rome, the bishops, and the Jesuits are using to try and get control of our country. And it’s called irredentism. Irredentism, we talk about this in the film, is the Italian word for immigration warfare.

That’s what they’re doing. They’re using immigration warfare to get control of our country. And that’s what President Trump has chiefly opposed. So because of that, I generally don’t see him as a pawn of the order. He doesn’t really promote their ideas. Although Trump is not perfect, he has his issues as anyone else does. But I am hopeful that he’s very, very sincere. In fact, I’ve always thought that he was a sincere American patriot trying to do what’s best for our country. But we have to remember as Christians, what Jesus said. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life.

No man comes unto the Father but by me. Acts 4:12 Peter when he’s talking to the Jewish leaders, he says, and they had healed a certain man. He said, let all the house of Israel know assuredly that at the name of Jesus Christ does this man stand before you whole today. Neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved, other than the name of Christ. Praise the Lord. So that is the gospel. And it’s very, very important to remember what Paul says in Galatians.

If any man or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel, let him be accursed. For anybody who wants to learn more about our work and our resources, you can go to our websites. We have two main sites. We have that’s a D U L L A M Films F I l m there you can find our documentaries that we’ve produced over the years. We’ve got more than a dozen of them and a number of different series that we offer. You can find our film American Jesuits there. That’s our latest documentary that we released in 2024.

Also, you can go to our website at and listen to our radio podcasts, which we’ve got a lot of them archived. And of course you can listen for free and check out our resources there as well. Also, we’re on SoundCloud. If you want to listen to our podcast on SoundCloud, that’s another venue. Now, where can you find American Jesuits? You can find and if you want, you can find it on Amazon because Amazon obtains the copies from us. So yes, you can find it on as well.


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