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It’s just a blank book, right? The whole thing is blank. It just says scientific reasons to believe in flat earth. Yeah, there’s nothing in it. It’s a blank book. So I don’t know. Everybody wants to buy it. So that’s why I’m making this video because, you know, I want to help people. And also the author sent me an email and we’ll read that in just a second. But, so apparently this book is on the Amazon best-selling list. Here’s, I’ll put a screenshot up right now. You can look at it. It’s number seven on the Amazon bestseller list.
You can buy it on Amazon if you want, you know, if you want to give it to your friends or your family, whatever. I have no idea why so many people want to buy this book, but you know, hundreds of people send me messages. I’m going to respond to it. So that’s where you can buy it. It’s there. And I think it’s pretty funny, you know, as you saw the video yesterday, if you haven’t seen it, I’ll put it at the end of this one, you can watch it. But basically a friend of mine sent me the book and he wanted me to read it on camera.
He made me promise not to open it, not to look at it before I opened it on camera. And that’s what happened. And you know, the rest is history. So yeah, the there’s a link in the description. If you want to buy the book, it’s at the Amazon link. You know, here’s a screenshot of it too right there. I mean, if you want to buy all more power to you, I don’t know why anybody would want to buy it. No offense to the author or anything. But it’s an empty book. So let’s go ahead and read this email I got from the author himself, because it’s pretty funny and pretty interesting.
I guess he knows about my channel. I don’t know. I didn’t expect that at all. So let’s read this book. I’m sorry, let’s read this email that he sent to me. Dear end times productions team, I just want to reach out to you personally and thank you for making a video about my book scientific reasons to believe in flat earth. It was such a fun surprise to see it pop up on your channel. Your thoughtful and hilarious breakdown totally captured the spirit of why I put this book together in the first place. Well, thanks, man.
A little background about me, believe it or not, I used to be a flat earther. Okay. For a while, I was convinced that the Bible taught the earth was flat. But when I started digging deeper and reading scholars like Dr. Michael Heizer, I realized I had misunderstood both science and the scripture. Dr. Heizer and others opened my eyes to the ancient worldview and how modern assumptions can cloud our understanding of these texts. Absolutely. Once I started researching the so called evidence for flat earth, it quickly became clear that it’s all pseudoscience.
Most of the arguments come from people who frankly, don’t have a basic grasp of physics, astronomy, or how science even works. I found myself thinking there’s literally no scientific evidence for a flat earth. And then the idea hit me. Why not write a book that makes a point loud and clear? Okay, I guess it does make that point. So that’s exactly what I did. I wrote a completely blank book as a joke, scientific reasons to believe in flat earth. It’s a gag gift. But it’s also a conversation starter is perfect for giving it to that friend who still believes in flat earth theory, or the friend who thinks flat earth is just funny.
Scientists get a huge kick out of it. And honestly, it’s the life of a party whenever somebody flips through it and realizes that it’s completely empty. Yeah, I can see that. Whether it’s a family gathering, a birthday, or even just sitting on the coffee table, the book is always good for a laugh. Everyone loves the twist. And it’s a great spark. It’s a great way to spark conversations about science, belief and critical thinking with a little humor. Again, thank you so much for sharing it with your audience. It really means a lot. If you ever want to chat more about the book or collaborate in the future, I’d love to connect the best Landon leave it author of scientific reasons to believe in flat earth.
So that was the email from the author. And I just want to take this time to basically say the reasons why I don’t believe in flat earth. Some people get, they get pretty upset because in their worldview, you have to believe in flat earth to believe in Jesus, which I don’t understand. They say that if you don’t believe in flat earth, then you’re mocking God’s creation, which definitely is an illogical statement. And we’ll get into that in a minute. Here’s the thing, though. If you are a flat earther, I’m not attacking you.
I still love you. We should still be friends. There’s nothing wrong with being a flat earther. What I’m trying to say is I don’t believe it. And here are the reasons why I don’t believe it. If you want to believe it, that’s up to you. That’s fine. We could still believe in Jesus together. We could still be friends. There’s nothing separating us. I don’t want this issue to divide you from me, from anybody else, because we all have the right to believe what you want. Okay. If you believe the earth is flat, that’s fine.
Let me believe the earth isn’t flat. All right. So let’s just go ahead and talk about some of the reasons why I believe the earth is not flat. All right. So people always ask me, why don’t you believe the earth is flat? Don’t you trust the Bible over NASA? Of course I trust the Bible over NASA, but here’s the thing that a lot of people don’t really understand about that. And it’s something I really want to clear up because this isn’t about trusting in NASA. Okay. It’s about truth, logic, and ultimately understanding what God’s word really says about his creation.
And that’s how you think. And that’s exactly how I think too. So let’s just break it down because this isn’t about NASA, but a lot of people say it’s NASA versus the Bible. They make that argument, but that’s actually a fundamentally flawed argument, in my opinion, because, you know, flat earthers like to say, oh, so you believe in NASA over the Bible, right? Well, you must be going to hell. Well, that doesn’t make any sense because those aren’t the only two options. And here’s the thing. It’s not even about NASA at all.
NASA didn’t invent the flat earth. I’m sorry. NASA didn’t invent the globe earth idea. It’s been around for thousands of years. The globe earth idea was actually figured out back in ancient Greece before Christ was even alive. Okay. It’s not anything to do with NASA. NASA didn’t create it. NASA is just an agency of the United States government. All they do is make rockets and go into space. That has nothing to do with the flat earth, the globe earth, nothing. That’s the straw man argument, in my opinion. Okay. Again, this is my opinion.
NASA and the Bible have nothing to do with each other. The globe earth has nothing to do with NASA. It’s been around thousands of years. NASA has just been around for what? Since what? The fifties, the sixties, something like that. So I don’t understand where this idea comes from that NASA created the globe earth idea. No, it’s been around for thousands of years. The idea that the earth is a sphere has been understood for 2000 years or more way before NASA ever existed or anybody launched a rocket into space. All right. Uh, in fact, you know, like we talked about the ancient Greek scholars, they figured out that the earth was round basically by measuring the shadows on the ground and measuring how the shadow changes.
And that was in the third century BC. I mean, that’s over 2000 years ago, third century BC. It’s about 300 years or give or take before Christ walked to earth. People knew the earth was round and that means people knew the earth was a sphere during the time of Christ during the time of Christ while Christ was walking the earth. So I don’t understand where this NASA argument comes from. All right. Also the argument for this kind of modern deception run by NASA. It’s just not true. Okay. Uh, you know, you can point to all these different things.
Oh, NASA is doing this NASA. Who cares about NASA? I don’t care about NASA. You guys focus so much on NASA that you lose track of the bigger picture. The bigger picture is that the Bible doesn’t teach and the earth is flat. In my opinion, if you think I’m wrong, you’re free to think that I don’t care. I’ve done the research. I’ve read the scholars. I’ve read the Bible commentaries and nobody until recent times had believed that the earth was flat. If you look at it, literally, I mean the, this whole movement started like 10 years ago.
Okay. Before that it was, nobody really believed that. So now let’s talk about the Bible because that’s what really matters here. Guys, I believe in the Bible. I believe every word is true. I believe in Jesus Christ. People are saying things like you’re denying the Bible. If you believe the earth is round, you don’t believe in God, you’re going to hell. And guys, I mean, that’s just inflammatory. It’s ridiculous and it’s totally not accurate. Back in my younger days, I used to wrestle with this myself. Um, I, I wondered, you know, does the Bible actually believe teach the earth is flat, but it doesn’t.
And it’s pretty easy to understand that concept because when you look deeper into the word of God and you study, it’s not about exactly what you see on the page. It’s about the context of what you’re reading. You can’t cherry pick verses and say, well, it says the firmament. That means that there’s a dome over the earth. That’s not what the firmament means, guys. Um, all you have to do is actually look at scholars, Bible scholars who know what they’re talking about, who understand the word of God better than 99.9% of people.
And they’re going to help you understand that this was taken out of context. All these things, these 200 verses for supporting flat earth don’t support flat earth. They’re actually taken out of context. Okay guys. So we have to understand the ancient context of the Bible and the time it was written and we have to read scripture in its proper context and we don’t import modern ideas, modern conspiracy theories and modern ways of thinking into the Bible because the Bible wasn’t written for that. It’s thousands of years old. We have to read it in the manner it was written.
Right. So the Bible describes God creating the heavens and the earth. He’s not laying out a scientific diagram. He’s just telling us who creates it and why it’s him. It’s the Lord. He created the earth and he created all of the heavens. Psalm 19 says the heavens declare the glory of God, right? The heavens, the heavens is space. It’s the universe. The skies proclaim the work of his hands, not the dome, the skies, the heavens, the infinite vast expanse of space. And, you know, by saying that God could only create a flat earth and he’s not capable of creating a universe, that’s diminishing the power of the Lord.
His power is far beyond anything that we can imagine. And trying to sit there and say that God can’t create the universe, like nebulas, galaxies, black holes, God can’t create that. Are you kidding me? My God can create that. My God, the God of the Bible, the God of the universe can create an infinite expanse far beyond anything we can ever fathom or understand. I mean, to limit him saying God can only create a flat earth, anything other than that is discounting God. It’s mind-blowing to me because you’re literally putting God in this tiny box saying that everything outside of the earth can’t be created by God.
God has no power to make the universe. It’s just it’s baffling. How can you think that? It just doesn’t sit right with me. And, you know, flat earthers, you know, some of them, not all of them, like to believe like they like to think if you don’t believe that earth is flat, you’re denying God and you’re going to hell. That’s just ridiculous, guys. It really is. And the God I know, the God of the Bible, is infinitely powerful. He’s not limited to creating a flat earth in a dome with lights stuck in it, right? My God spoke the entire universe into existence.
Galaxies, stars, planets, black holes, nebula, and things we cannot even comprehend or imagine were spoken into existence by the Lord God Himself, by Jesus. You know, I believe that God isn’t limited to the flat earth. I believe He’s so big, so huge, so powerful, so amazing that He created everything. He created everything in the universe. And despite the vastness and the infinite nature of the universe, He still created it. He created everything. And we’re here to bear witness to that and be amazed and glory, give Him glory for creating such an amazing universe for us to look at and study.
And despite the vastness of the universe, He’s still close to us. That’s what’s amazing. He’s still close to us. He’s still with us and He still cares for us. And He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to save us, despite this universe being so big, okay? So the flat earthers are going to be like, oh, well, no, that doesn’t make any sense because, you know, the universe doesn’t point to God. Of course it does. Look at how amazing the universe is. God created that. God created the Big Bang. In fact, I believe Jesus Christ is the Big Bang, right? Now hear me out for a second because people think the Big Bang, it’s some sort of conspiracy against Christians.
No, no, I don’t believe so at all. I believe the Big Bang is biblical and a lot of other people do too. So let’s say a lot of people think the Big Bang is some sort of anti-God theory, but if you really look at it and you really look at Scripture, you’ll see something amazing. You see Genesis 1.1 says, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, okay? The Big Bang, it created the heavens and the earth. And John 1.3 says, through Him all things were made, all things. Just like through the Big Bang all things were made, right? In my opinion, the Big Bang and Scripture go hand in hand.
Science doesn’t disprove the Bible. Science actually proves the Bible. They are the same thing, okay? When He spoke, the universe was created. He created it by speaking. To me, that’s exactly what they’re saying the Big Bang is. It’s a singular event that made everything just like Jesus Christ. So in my opinion, that was Him. Everything was created through Him, by Him and for Him. The Bible says that Jesus is the Alpha, the Omega. He’s the beginning and the end. So to me, okay, the Big Bang isn’t proof against God, it is proof of God.
Does that make sense? Alright, so if you’re hating me right now and you’re like, well, you’re wrong, well, okay, I have my opinions and I’m not the only one who believes this. A lot of people do. So, you know, it is what it is. And look guys, I get it, okay? The flat earth theory is tempting because it makes you feel like you’re part of a secret group that you have some secret knowledge and that you and your people know things that the rest of the world doesn’t. It makes you feel special.
It makes you feel set apart from the world, right? And, you know, I understand that. I really do trying to feel like you belong to something bigger than you are. But that’s what the Bible is, guys. You know, and a lot of flat earthers think that they’re awake while everybody else is deceived. They think every single person who disagrees with them is some sort of, you know, government agent or some sort of, you know, deceived demon or something like that. They believe that they’re the only ones who are right and while everybody else in the world are just basically jerks, right? And, you know, I hate to break it to you, but we’re all the same.
Nobody knows more than somebody else. It’s really just like Gnosticism to believe that you found the secret knowledge and this secret knowledge enlightens you beyond the rest of the world. That’s literally the definition of Gnosticism. You know, nobody knows anything and all we can do is do the best we can. So for me to believe that earth isn’t flat is okay. And for you to believe that earth is flat is okay. And for the people who don’t believe that earth is flat, that’s fine. You know, I mean, you don’t have to demonize people for what they believe.
And I’ve come to the realization that flat earth theory isn’t really built on science. It’s not built on scripture. It’s built on misunderstandings, right? I mean, it really is. And I’m not, I don’t mean to be offensive to anybody, but people say, Oh, take a Nikon P 1000 and pointed at the stars. It’s going to prove everything that doesn’t prove anything. I mean, seriously, look into optics, look at, look into lenses. The Nikon P 1000 is literally just a 1000 millimeter zoom lens. It’s not anything special. A 1000 millimeter zoom lens isn’t big at all.
If you really want to look at the stars through a zoom lens, you use a telescope and what happens when you use a telescope? You see rotating planets in the sky. You can see the rings of Saturn literally from your backyard. You can see anything you want. You can go and you can see nebulas. You can see galaxies. All these things aren’t just CGI. You can see them with your own eyes. And no, Nikon P 1000 isn’t going to show you anything because the optical ability of that 1000 millimeter lens is miniscule.
You need to get a real telescope. Go buy a telescope. A real telescope is the same thing as a Nikon P 1000, just multiplied and scaled up by a lot, but with the magnification. We’ll show you anything you want to see and you’ll be able to see that, okay, maybe space is real because oh, look, here’s a nebula, right? Like these are the same nebulas that you can see in all the space telescopes, like the Hubble space telescope and the James Webb, all these images that are coming out, a lot of them are visible from your own backyard.
You just have to take the time to get a telescope, figure out how to use it, and you’ll be shocked at all the things that you can see through it. And if you don’t believe that the rings of Saturn are real, you can see that too. You can see everything. It’s really not that hard. And I challenge anybody that believes that a Nikon P 1000 1000 millimeter lens has more magnification than a telescope. Really just look into the optical characteristics of these things and you’ll see that it’s just incorrect. It’s just patently false.
It really is. You know, go get a telescope. It’s really cool. It’s really easy and you’ll be able to see God’s creation from your backyard. And I know some people think that all telescopes are fake and there’s like some sort of CGI computer screen and telescopes. It just, that’s just, I’m sorry. It just, it doesn’t make any sense. Okay. Telescopes don’t have CGI inside of them. I’m sorry. So yeah, I believe in a God who made everything from the smallest grain of sand to the farthest star in the sky. Um, I don’t need a flat earth to know God is real guys.
I look around. I see the mountains. I see the ocean. I see the clouds. I see everything. The birds creation already declares his glory creation. I mean, look how beautiful it is. Go outside and look around. It’s so beautiful. That’s God right there. So next time somebody asked, do you believe in NASA or the Bible? You know, I’m going to say to them, I’m going to say, I believe in the God who made the Bible and who made the entire universe. So yeah, I want to thank you all for watching this video and we’ll see you next time.
God bless you all. [tr:trw].