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Scripture warns against this mindset. Proverbs 3-5-6 commands, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight. Musk’s rejection of a divine creator watching over us ignores the very essence of God’s role as judge and redeemer. When asked what he worships, Musk answered, I don’t really worship anything, but I do devote myself to the advancement of humanity using technology. What do you worship? Well, I don’t really worship anything, but I do devote myself to the advancement of humanity using technology.
And it does beg the question, if there is some super consciousness, where did the super consciousness come from? So I think the most likely explanation is that complexity evolved from simplicity, that the simple elements over time combined become more complex and arrived at what we are. This answer is revealing. Instead of worshiping the creator, Musk worships human achievement. This echoes Romans 1.25 which says, They exchange the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the creator, who is forever praised. Amen. Musk’s devotion to technology, while impressive, is ultimately a pursuit of man’s glory rather than God’s.
Can science and religion coexist? Probably not. Do you pray? I don’t. I didn’t even pray when I almost started malaria. Wow, that’s really not praying. Right. You put your money where your bug spray was. Yeah. You blow my mind. You deal with so much stuff. I mean, you do a space travel and energy and the source of consciousness, and you’re thinking about all of these giant life’s big questions. What blows your mind? What gives you all? Well, I think that, I mean, the nature of the universe gives me all, and just the huge expanse of the universe and how far away things are and how big they are.
The fact that there are things like supermassive black holes that are equal to a billion suns. What about dark matter? Doesn’t that freak you out too? Yeah, and dark matter is also… I mean, dark matter, dark energy are kind of interesting, because I mean, I’m not sure what those actually are. Obviously, people don’t know what those actually are, and it’s particularly dark energy. In fact, that may be an argument for this being a simulation, because in a simulation, you could just make things be however you want. The laws don’t have to be consistent.
At one point, Musk was asked if he would accept Jesus as his personal savior. His response was dismissive, but humorous. If Jesus is saving people, I wouldn’t stand in his way. Sure, I’ll be saved. Why not? This casual attitude towards salvation reveals a lack of understanding of what it truly means to follow Christ. Accepting Jesus is not a matter of why not. It is a deep personal commitment that requires repentance and faith. Acts 4.12 declares, salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.
Salvation is not a casual decision. It is the most important decision anyone will ever make. Interestingly, Musk does express appreciation for some of Jesus’ teachings, particularly about love and forgiveness. He stated, Okay, how many people have actually read the Bible? A few of them probably say they have. Oh, yeah, I mean, I get racist. I mean, at one point, when I was a kid, I was like, I had this existential crisis and I was trying to figure out what’s the meaning of life. And I was like, Oh, it all means nothing. It’s all, and I read like a whole bunch of religious books, including the Bible.
And I’m like, there was a bunch of things. No, they didn’t teach you at Sunday school. Southern Gomorrah, dark. Yikes. You know, God sure changes his mind. Anything from the Old Testament to the New Testament. I’m like, whoa, that’s pretty vengeful in the Old Testament. I remember we could have a chapter past Revelations. But like, is there a happy ending here? Revelations, part two, the happy ending? I mean, let’s just say, like, I agree with the principles that Jesus advocated. You know, there’s some great wisdom in the teachings of Jesus, and I agree with those teachings.
And things like Tony of the Cheek are very important because as opposed to an eye for an eye. An eye for an eye leads everyone blind. So forgiveness is important and treating people as you would wish to be treated. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Very important. Jesus was obviously a burden of alcohol, you know, because one of his miracles was turning water into wine. And then it was like, but they were having a party. They ran out of wine. It’s okay. And they’re like, let’s keep this better going. Who can solve this problem? We’re out of white cloths.
Free in straws clothes. And Jesus is like, I got you. Order now. I like party on. While Musk acknowledges Jesus’s wisdom, he treats him as just another philosopher rather than the son of God. Jesus himself made it clear that he was far more than a moral teacher. In John 14, six, Jesus states, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me. Recognizing Jesus’s wisdom without submitting to his Lordship is missing the point entirely. Musk has suggested that science and religion cannot coexist. This idea is neither new nor correct.
Science is merely the discovery of the order that God has already established. Colossians 1 16 reminds us Science does not contradict God. It confirms his handiwork. Musk’s misunderstanding of faith is not surprising. First Corinthians 1 18 tells us, But to us who are being saved, it is the power of God. Unless the Holy Spirit opens a person’s eyes, they will always struggle to see the truth of God’s word. Elon Musk is a remarkable innovator, but his views on God reflect the common struggle of those who rely on human intellect rather than divine revelation.
While he acknowledges the moral teachings of Jesus, he does not recognize him as Lord and Savior. The Bible warns us against placing our hope and worldly knowledge or achievements, reminding us in Mark 8 36, What good is it for someone to gain the whole world yet forfeit their soul? As Christians, we should pray for Musk that he may come to a true knowledge of Christ. God desires that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3 9 and no one is beyond his reach. [tr:trw].