You Wont Believe What I Found Out About New Jersey Drones

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➡ A small amount of radioactive material, used in medical imaging, went missing during transit in New Jersey on December 2nd, 2024. On the same day, people reported seeing large groups of drones flying over sensitive areas like power plants and military zones. These drones, which are more advanced than typical consumer drones, have been speculated to be searching for the missing radioactive material. However, the government has remained silent on the issue, leading to further speculation and concern.
➡ The article discusses a missing radioactive material that, despite being a small amount, has caused concern. The author suggests that the government might be hiding something, possibly related to a secret operation involving drones. However, it’s all speculation as the public lacks the necessary information to fully understand the situation. The author encourages readers to share their thoughts on this mysterious incident.


Alright everybody, I just stumbled across something major and it might just blow the lid off of this entire New Jersey drone mystery. Buried deep in the records of the United States Nuclear Regulation Commission, there is a report that nobody seems to be talking about. It’s dated December 13th, 2024 just a few days ago and what it says, well, this is the kind of thing that makes you sit up straight and start asking questions they don’t want you to ask. So here’s the deal. On December 2nd, 2024, a GE68 pin source, basically a small but significant amount of radioactive material, went missing in transit.

This wasn’t a paperwork error folks. The report says that the container was meant for safe disposal. It arrived at its destination, damaged and empty. Let me say that again. The container carrying radioactive material arrived empty and it looked like the container that it was in was broken open. Did somebody steal it? That’s the question everybody’s gonna be asking now. So this material vanished somewhere between Newfield, New Jersey and its destination. Now, on the exact day that this material went missing, across the skies of New Jersey, people started reporting these drones.

Large flying swarms of drones, silently hovering near sensitive infrastructure, power plants, nuclear facilities, military zones and over people’s houses and airports and stuff like that. It started the exact day that this material went missing. Folks, is this a coincidence? I don’t know. You tell me. But, you know, here we have radioactive material disappearing, then suddenly unidentified craft are showing up like they’re scanning or searching for something. So let’s be honest. They’re doing something that we’re not supposed to know about and so far they haven’t told us. It’s all speculation at this point.

Some people say they’re actual UFOs. Some people say they’re drones. Some people say it’s Project Bluebeam itself. But let’s just break it down. So this material is often used in medical imaging. It’s radioactive. It’s not really enough to cause harm. So they tell us, but it is enough to trigger some sort of detection technology. So what if it winds up in the wrong hands? You know, who took it and why did they take it? So the main question is how did a secured shipment of radioactive material mysteriously arrive empty? That’s the question.

So here’s the thing, guys. These drones aren’t just like your neighborhood toy store quadcopters. They’re not the type of drones that people go filming stuff with. The DGI drones and stuff like that. You know, as we talked about yesterday, law enforcement sent their own drones up to investigate. And guess what? As soon as the law enforcement drones got near, some weird stuff started to happen. The drones the drones in question would disappear. Some of them would just shoot out of sight. Some of them would actually disable the law enforcement drones.

And this is technology that shouldn’t really exist. OK, so here’s where it gets interesting. Could these drones be nuclear sniffing machines? Maybe. Are they drones equipped with radiation sensors that have been used for years to detect leaks and stuff like that? You know, as possible. Is the government actually looking for some sort of terrorist with this? I don’t know. Who knows? But if it’s our government, why the silence? Why aren’t they coming clean and telling the public that they’re just hunting for radioactive material? Are they trying to avoid mass panic because they know that something got in the hands of some people that shouldn’t have it? Possibly.

And that’s part of the speculation. But it’s kind of interesting knowing that this nuclear material went missing the same exact day that the drone swarm started. What are the odds of that, everybody? So, you know, this isn’t just strange. It’s deliberate. Radioactive material disappears, drones show up, start scanning sensitive sites, and the government shrugs their shoulders like it’s no big deal. And, you know, if that’s not incompetence, that’s a cover-up. But here’s what really makes me pause, everybody. The behavior of these drones, silent, evasive, capable of disappearing in ways no human-made drones should be able to, this has shades of something much bigger, right? Something that ties directly into the theories like reverse engineered craft, like Bob Lazar was talking about, advanced technology, off-world objects, you know, all these things that we’ve been talking about here for a while.

Things that have been hidden from us for decades. I mean, if you think about Bob Lazar and what he described in Area S4, the anti-gravity propulsion, silent movement, and possible maneuvers, then suddenly the pieces fit together because this is exactly what we’re seeing. There’s too many parallels, right? So there’s parallels in all directions with this nuclear material and with the Bob Lazar thing, David Rush, all these things, and even Project Bluebeam, okay? What we’re looking at here isn’t random. This is not just some accident. Nuclear material went missing and silent crafts showing up on the same exact day.

People, that’s a signal if you have ever seen one, right? Something big is happening beneath the surface and we are being left in the dark. Now, take what President Trump just said on his recent statements about this drone mystery and put that into perspective because here things get a little bit more intense. The government knows what is happening. Look, our military knows where they took off from. If it’s a garage, they can go right into that garage. They know where it came from and where it went. And for some reason, they don’t want to comment.

And I think they’d be better off saying what it is. Our military knows and our president knows. And for some reason, they want to keep people in suspense. I can’t imagine it’s the enemy because it was the enemy that blasted out. Even if they were late, they’d blast it. Something strange is going on. For some reason, they don’t want to tell the people, and they should because the people are really, I mean, they happen to be over Bedminster. Want to know the truth? They’re very close to Bedminster. I think maybe I won’t spend the weekend in Bedminster.

I’ve decided to cancel my trip. All right, folks, so let’s bring this all together because the more we dig, the more it feels like a scripted operation straight out of a dystopian future or some sci-fi film right before the aliens show up. And I know that’s probably not what’s happening, but that’s what they want us to feel. In the wake of the New Jersey drone swarms over these sensitive areas and places like that, President Trump has come forward stating, he said, something strange is going on here. They know what’s going on.

You just saw the clip. Trump is calling out the silence. He’s asking the questions that nobody in the government dares to ask. Is Trump in on this? I don’t know, but his words cannot be ignored. So the mainstream media won’t ask it. The people at the Pentagon won’t ask it. And most people in America are just sitting around wondering what’s going on. So let me lay this out for you, just what we’ve gone over so far. We have radioactive material disappearing under highly suspicious circumstances. And now we’ve got highly advanced crafts. Let’s call them what they are.

You know, UAP people call them UAP UFO or just reverse engineered drones, something like that are showing up on the exact same day. Let’s go ahead and ask some bigger questions here. See if we can connect any of these dots because right now, nobody really knows what’s going on. Is this Project Bluebeam? Maybe. For years, we’ve been hearing about Project Bluebeam. It comes from this book that was written in the 90s. I actually have a copy of the book and I’ll bust it out one day and I’ll read it to you guys and we’ll go through it together.

But basically what it is, is a man says that he was given information about Project Bluebeam, which would be a stage event, a stage UFO invasion in order to manipulate the people of the world. The plan used advanced technologies, including holograms, false aerial displays, and so on to create a global crisis, a fake alien invasion, some sort of divine appearances, or even a nuclear scare. These drone swarms, are they a test phase to that? I don’t know. It seems like the piece is fit, but right now we don’t know anything, so any question, in my opinion, is valid.

Think about it. Missing radioactive materials create a panic. Mysterious crafts start flying over sensitive sites. More panic. The public sees this as some sort of otherworldly threat, priming that for the solution. You know, what’s that? The Hegelian dialectic. Problem, reaction, solution. And who has the solution? Of course it’s the government. Maybe they’re searching for that radioactive source. I don’t know, but one thing is for sure. We are being kept in the dark. And that’s why we’re asking all these questions today, because we can’t really rule anything out at this point. The most simple explanation here is that these drones are nuclear sniffing drones deployed to locate that radioactive source that went missing.

And if that’s true, why are the silence though? I mean, are they scared that people are going to freak out if a small amount of radiation was missing? I don’t think so, because even in this report that I’m showing you here, it says there’s not enough radiation to really cause a lot of harm. So if they did put it in some sort of weapon, you know, it doesn’t make sense that they would go through all this trouble to find it when it’s just a small amount, right? I mean, I don’t know.

Unless a larger amount was taken and that isn’t in the report, that could be possible too. What do you think about this? So here’s what we do know. The radioactive material didn’t just vanish. The container was in, was broken, and it was missing. So somebody stole it. What was the point of that? I mean, you could do the math to try and figure it out yourself. The government doesn’t stay quiet unless they’re trying to hide something big. And we know that’s the truth. They’re always on top of everything unless there’s something that they’re trying to keep secret.

Trump’s comments also, they tell us one thing. They know exactly what’s going on. And like I’ve said before, they’re just hiding it from us. They do know what’s going on. And these drones are a part of this operation. So this could be Project Bluebeam. This could be Black Budget Operations looking for that material I was talking about. We don’t know, honestly, but one thing we do know and the timing of this all is very suspicious. It doesn’t seem like a coincidence, right? Nuclear sniffing drones looking for the material, possibly. But if that’s the case, why make such a big deal out of such a small amount of material? It doesn’t make sense, but at least some of these pieces may be starting to come together.

So we really don’t know what’s going on right now, but I want everybody to tell me what you think. Go ahead and put it in the comments because right now, everybody’s speculating. It doesn’t matter who you are, unless you have some above top secret security clearances, you have no idea what’s going on because us, the American public, we can only guess. And that’s what the purpose of this video is. Just talk about some strange, interesting coincidences and find out what you guys think about it. So I want to thank you all for watching this video.

And until next time, God bless you all. [tr:trw].


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