His True Name – Yashua – The Decode

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In this thought-provoking decode, His True Name “Yahshua”, we embark on a journey to uncover the hidden mysteries behind the name of our Savior. Exploring the Hebrew and Greek origins, we analyze the gematria values of various names attributed to Jesus, unveiling their profound symbolic and biblical significance. Using tools like Strong’s Bible Concordance, the Chaldean and English gematria ciphers, the Tarot deck, and the Royal Society’s Periodic Table of Elements, we decode the layers of meaning shrouded in history.

This video dives into the controversial revelation that the Chaldean gematria value for “Jesus Christ” sums to 36—a number intrinsically tied to the infamous 666. Is there a deeper message encoded in the Savior’s name? What insights can we gain from ancient numerology and scripture?

Join us for a groundbreaking exploration that challenges conventional thought and sheds light on the secret name of our Redeemer. Don’t miss this captivating decode from Eyes to See Decodes. Like, share, and subscribe to uncover more hidden truths!



Wikipedia Reference from bottom of Pentagrammaton page: https://web.archive.org/web/20081102195129/http://www.yahshuah.com/bkjy.html

Wikipedia Page on name Yashua:

Wikipedia Page on Tetragrammaton:

Youtube with Dr Rubenstein and God’s Signature found in DNA:

Wikipedia Page on name Yashuah (Pentagrammaton):

E-Sword FREE Bible with Strong’s Concordance – Download for PC:

Royal Society of Chemistry Periodic Table:

Thank you,
Much love and peace to All


  • Eyes To See Decodes -

    Eyes to See is a prominent member of the Truth Mafia, known for his exceptional decoding skills. He rose through the ranks directly under the legendary Tommy Truthful. With eyes that perceive beyond the ordinary, his abilities are truly extraordinary, making him an invaluable asset to the organization.

    You can follow me on Telegram: https://t.me/EyestoSeeDecodes View all posts

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2 thoughts on “His True Name – Yashua – The Decode

  1. Avatar Of Pauline Christensen
    Pauline Christensen says:

    Hi I have been fallowing Tommy for several years now and I would like to correct you on the name of our saviour his name is YAHUSHA and not Yashua.I’m sure that will change the gematria,his name is translated from the ancient Hebrew language thank you your info and stay with the truth my friend SHALUM SHALUM !

    • Avatar Of Eyes To See
      Eyes to See says:

      Hi Pauline, Thank you very much for your correction suggestion. That is exactly why I did a decode on the topic, to learn and explore. The information on the name “Yahshua” came from the research done on the letters “Yod Heh Shin Vau Heh” which led me to the Wikipedia page for the “Pentagrammaton”, where I learned the name “Yahshuah”. The Chaldean gematria sum for “Yahshua” and “Yahusha” (with the H being silent at the end, and the Chaldean being a cipher on phonetics) are identical at 22, so you could very well be correct. Thanks for your comment Truth Seeker! Much love, Kris

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