The Church of Satan 67
Matthew 10:16 – KJV
“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”
Hello All,
I thought I would start of this dark topic with the above verse. It’s important to comprehend the world around us and to be able to actually see the ‘Serpent’s’ world and its grand deception. That’s why I decided to decode “the Church of Satan“. I hope this decode brings love and light to this dark topic, and level of inner-standing among all. Let’s start!
We start by looking at the Wikipedia info boxes for some clues on the founding of this church. The Church of Satan was founded on April 30th 1966 in San Francisco, USA. It was founded by Mr. Anton Szandor LaVey, at a location called “The Black House” (as seen on the right side of the slide above). The address is listed as 6114 California Street.
We quickly see a pattern emerging through the Chaldean numerology that the words “The Church of Satan” sum to 67, as well as “Five Pointed Stars“, “6114 California Street” and the founder’s full name “Anton Szandor LaVey“. The number 67 ties itself to the element Holmium on the Periodic Table of Elements. The artwork assigned to this element by the “Royal Society of Chemistry”, features a cryptic character wearing a gold crown.
The logo for the church called the “Sigil of Baphomet” features an upside down 5-pointed star. The five-pointed start represents us humans, and the “Sigil of Baphomet” represents us humans with our heads pointed ‘down‘, pointing in the direction of the pit of hell.
Above, we take a deeper look at the element Holmium. The atomic weight is the number 164. This number not a Prime, but is governed by its ‘next prime’, being the number 167. The number 167 is the 39th Prime number. Tying the element directly to Lucifer, as the number 39 is the Hebrew Gematria sum of the original Hebrew spelling of Lucifer, found in Isaiah 14:12. In the Chaldean cipher we see that the number 67 matches words like “Speak of the Devil“, and “The Mark of the Beast” and others.
The artwork for the element Holmium is based on the civic coat of arms for Stockholm, Sweden, which is based on the historical figure “Erik IX King of Sweden“, which sums to 71. Seventy-one is directly linked to the element Lutetium on the Periodic Table of Elements, known as the Lucifer element, with the acronym LU, and the atomic weight of 174, which happens to be an anagram, or permutation of 741, Lucifer’s number according to famed occultist Manly P. Hall.
In the above slide I wanted to break down “The Sigil of Baphomet“, it sums to the number 62 in Chaldean. The number 62 is directly tied to the “female goddess” energy (also known as Two X). We can observe that the Chaldean cipher supports this connection. The word “Elohim” sums to 62 in the English cipher, which is defined in Strong’s Concordance as “gods of the Supreme God“, and when the number is mirrored we see the sacred number 26, which is the Hebrew sum of YHWH, aka the Tetragrammaton.
The 62nd element on the Periodic Table is the element Samarium, we can hear the word “Mary” within the name, and it seems likely to me that the element was truly named after ‘Semiramis’ who is the wife of Nimrod, in Biblical context. The element has an atomic weight of 150.36. By dropping the zero from the number 150 we observe the number 15, which matches the Devil card in the Tarot deck, and on the feminine side the decimal, is the number 36, a number highly associated with the number 666, the number of both man and beast, found in the Bible verse Revelations 13:18.
The 62nd card in the Tarot deck is the “Queen of Swords“, which when said aloud, sums to 62 in Chaldean, as well as the words, “a Queen of Spades“.
In the slide above, we continue to break down the “Sigil of Baphomet“. The five Hebrew letters around the sigil, spell the word “Leviathan“, which sums to 496 in the Hebrew Standard Gematria. This number is highly significant. In the Bible, the number 496 means “I resist“, “oppose“, “fall against“, or “fall upon“, as Satan opposes God.
An additional fact that I missed within the slide, but was pointed out to me, is that the number 496 is also the 3rd Perfect number, following 6 and 28. The number 3 in the Bible is defined as “Abaddon, the angel of the abyss“, who is Satan. The number 496 is also the 31st Triangular number matching the word “Leviathan” in Chaldean. It is also the 16th Hexagonal number, and the number 16 matches the word “Hell” in Chaldean. Summing the Sine and Cosine, we see a sum of 115, a number connected to Saturn, as well as Satan due to 11 x 5=55, which is the English sum of the name.
Above, we take a look at the founding date and break it down. The Card of Destiny for April 30th is the 4 of Clubs card, this is the 17th card of the deck, tied to the word “Angel” in Chaldean. It is the card of “Mental Mastery“. It translates into the Tarot deck as the Four of Wands, the 26th card tied to the YHWH, and is the card of ‘New Beginnings“.
What stands out is that April 30th is a date tied to the Beltane festival. A 13-day festival starting on April 19th to May 1st. This is an important time of the year to Satanists and to Witches around the world. The Beltane festival is linked to ritual human sacrifices, fires, the murder of innocent victims. Consider that Waco, the Oklahoma City Bombings and the Nova Scotia Massacres all occurred during Beltane.
The Primary date numerology sums to 119. This number is also heavily linked to Satanism, for one Revelation 9:11 in the Bible tells us that Satan is the King of the Locusts in the Pit of Hell, and the date September 11th is a date believed by some to be Jesus’ birthday, it is also the date in history when both Temples of Solomon fell, without having to mention the most famous attacks on American soil in 2001.
In the above slide I came across this famous date tied to the Church of Satan. The date is/was, June 6th 2006, a 666 date. The date was so significant that the Church published a documentary called “666 the Satanic High Mass“, as can be seen on IMDB. This was celebrated as the 40th anniversary of the Church, the number 40 is linked to “Triple Sixes” in Chaldean as well as the words “All Seeing Eye“.
The documentary is 42 minutes in length. The number forty-two is connected to “the Creation” and the number Pi (3.14), which seems relevant for a ritual. I thought it was funny that one of the High Priests within the Church appears to be minimizing the importance of the date and the number 666 itself, by saying “Number are just Numbers“, this sums to 76 in Chaldean the mirror of 67 which we saw on the first slide.
Furthermore, the founding date of the Church of Satan on April 3oth 1966 to June 6th 2006 is precisely 40 years, 1 month and 7 days, another permutation of Lucifer’s number 741.
In the last slide, I wanted to show this discovery that I found in my research. In Toronto, Canada at a theme park called “Canada’s Wonderland”, their flagship rollercoaster is called the “Leviathan“. I had to break down the numbers connected to this ride, and I decided to show them and add it to this decode.
On the left side of the slide we can see that the rollercoaster has two opening dates, which are 9 days apart (nine is the number of completion in the occult). April 27th is connected to the Tarot Card, the Seven of Wands, which is the 28th card of the deck. The number 28 is the sum of the name “Lucifer” in Chaldean. The date May 6th is connected to the King of Pentacles Tarot card, known as the King of the Earth, which also happens to be the same day of the year that King Charles III was coronated on. For another 28 reference we don’t need to look further than the total cost of the ride, sitting at $28 million. We see one more 28 in the conversion of the ride length (seen on left side of the slide) as 208 seconds.
The Height and Drop measurements are also significant numbers, being 93 and 36. Ninety-three links to many things, like Jesus and the Sun, but on the Periodic Table we can see that it is the element Neptunium, with a Devil’s pitchfork for its artistic representation.
The length of the ride, 1672m is tied to the word ‘Daag‘ in the Bible, meaning “To Fear“.
Lastly, the number of riders 1650 per hour, is a permutation of 156, which is the 911th Prime number. There is much more to break down in all those numbers for fellow decoders, hope you enjoy.
Again, thanks for reading
Much love to All,
Eyes to See
Link to the PDF Download:
The Church of Satan – Decode [Eyes to See]
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