The Occult Purpose of War Satanic Super Technologies

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The Occult Purpose of War Satanic Super Technologies



➡ The discourse highlights the supposed manipulation of wars and conflicts by powerful individuals or groups for various reasons including personal gain, territorial control, and occult purposes. This manipulation, which is suspected to involve strategic location control for conducting ancient occult practices, allegedly triggers sociopolitical unrest and dysfunctions. Moreover, the discussion points out the suspiciously late response of the Israeli army to recent acts of violence, raising questions about premeditated escalation of conflict and strategic exploitation of historical pain and trauma.
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➡ The original pagan traditions advocated for being the stewards of nature, contrary to modern misconceptions about harnessing and controlling power for personal gain. Yet, these misunderstood views stem from old Babylonian beliefs involving manipulation of magical forces, and the view of might as righteous. The overshadowing of the Christ impulse, or the transformative, evolutionary force, leads to a dwindling adherence to the older ways, and the inability to create anything new, only able to use existing elemental forces.


Let’s stop treating these disgusting and horrible events that happen to us in which we are the victims of as though they’re organic, they’re not. We are being subject to a systematic breakdown of everything that we hold dear and everything that we hold, that we love it. War as a spiritual function, not just war, on its most mundane level, about gaining power and gaining control. That is the most mundane level of war.

There’s a higher level of war, which is about actually summoning beings from the lower plains to get them to walk amongst humanity. So I live in Israel, and I’m wondering where you feel the direction of this war is going, including the potential repercussions of it on the longer term. I just saw in your Twitter, the post about fermenting World War II, and it doesn’t look very appetizing. Also, do you feel that all this was planned from the deep state? From what I know, the way it all has started, from the unseen holes in the fence to the unusually late response of the Israeli army.

It seems shady. Yeah. So this is a really great question, and I was actually pleasantly surprised. Despite all of the vitriol and violent images and tribalism going on, I was actually really happily surprised to see that there is a movement in society that is questioning things and that is wondering if this is planned, what is going on behind the scenes? Is there something going on on a deeper level than just war, than just conflict? Can war be used to break down society, to dissolve personal wealth, to change the world in a way that benefits the few? Is war a tool for that? And if so, how so? And so this has been a major conversation in the public lately, is how war can be used as a control mechanism and how our pain can be used as a control mechanism for individuals in power.

And how, even going further, can there be occult forces that are behind certain people that are also feeding on this? And when we start to think that way, we’re beginning to think properly about the situation at hand and we’re beginning to really Understand it. And so obviously, the alarming thing is that basically every single war, at least in the last hundred years, was basically funded by the same people, the same families.

And they’ve also been basically started on false pretenses many different times, actually, with the sinking of a ship. I don’t know if you noticed this, but World War I was the Lucentania, obviously, and then World War II was Pearl Harbor. And so if World War II is in the works, will it begin with the sinking of some kind of Navy vessel as well? We have to think about that.

Because a lot of the pretty much, actually, most wars are started on false pretenses. And there’s various different reasons why certain powerful people in the world want wars. There’s self enrichment. There’s to divide up nations, to break up nations into smaller pieces. That can be controlled through democracy building. Regime change is a major one. But there’s also occult purposes for wars, which is to basically gain access to occult objects and to occult sites.

So sometimes there are wars that are created that are pretty much very much about looting certain places. And getting a sort of spiritual site under control. Because at the very top of power, there is very deep occult religious beliefs. That directly feed into basically psychologically controlling. Because if you can control the spiritual realm, you can control the psychological plane. So how people think and people’s dreams that they’re dreaming.

There’s a certain level of occult power. That directly goes into the collective consciousness and people’s minds. Basically, that’s what the occult is. And so there are certain ancient sites on the Earth. That are very valuable. Not so much for the light occult, like not so much for the average person anymore. But for these old ancient occult factions. That still want to try to control the elemental kingdom. They still want to try to control the world through black magic.

Through this kind of dark paganism that is all about control. And it’s not at all about harmony or about God. It’s really about being a God. And so in our world right now, there’s a great division between people who want to play God and who want to be God. They want to reverse engineer every single plant through genetic modification. And then they want to genetically modify people. They want everything to be done through technology externally.

And then there’s another path that is basically about harmony. And it’s about God within and Christ within, and harmonizing ourselves into basically a higher form through aligning with that Christ force within. And so there’s very different paths and the fallen path, the darker path that uses war to basically try to do dark occult things. That is very dependent on location. Because they’re sort of this very old kind of dark paganism.

A lot of their magic depends on location. And certain elemental forces that are within that location. That have been built up over thousands and thousands of years. So their weakness is really that they need to use certain elemental forces. That are charged in certain areas. If they don’t have those areas, then they’re unable to perform certain kinds of rituals. And in our era, they’re unable to develop certain kind of technologies.

There are certain echoes that happen in the elemental plane, in the lower, lower subnatural planes that release energy, and they really feed on that, and they really depend on that. And if you’re working in the light, it doesn’t matter. All of that is happening within you. You don’t need to depend on anything external, like elementals or anything, the land or anything anymore, because you already have this process going on within you.

And so this is the battle that’s going on, and this is why so many wars take place. It’s because, again, these fallen magicians who run the world, they need these locations because they cannot create an impulse within themselves, an impulse of power within themselves. They can’t just connect with spirit and their being. They need some kind of machine to do these weird Projection things. They need to call upon these poor elemental beings that they enslave, these subhuman beings that they enslave, and get them to do their bidding.

It’s very dark, but they need certain physical locations for that. And so this is why you see certain places so heavily guarded, and you see this iron clamp on the material sort of reality of things is because that’s all they have. And so, obviously, the more that we hear about what happened on October 7, the more it looks like the Israeli military stood down and allowed their own people, unfortunately, to be slaughtered.

And there was like a seven hour response time in a country that’s basically the size of New Jersey. Okay? This is not normal. You cannot have the most advanced security system in existence that has automatic rifles in their watchtowers, all right? That has a security system so advanced that we probably wouldn’t even be able to fathom it, and then have Hamas get through, which is quite rudimentary in comparison to the Israeli security forces.

You can’t have them break through into the border of Israel and then not have a response time for five, six, 7 hours. It doesn’t make sense. And in my opinion, no presidential candidate, I don’t care who you are. I don’t care who you are. At some point, we have to begin to center ourselves around what is true. There were no presidential candidates in America that actually wanted to take a moment and say, wait a minute.

Before any side is supported, before anything goes on, we need to really understand this event. Why was there a stand down? Why was it 6 hours? I’ve heard some reasons, but I quite honestly don’t believe them. And I honestly believe that it was allowed to happen so that we could enter into this intense period of conflict and death and destruction of course, a lot of this is happening right when the COVID medical tyranny saga begins to be exposed.

A lot of things about Fauci have been exposed lately. A lot of things about COVID itself have been exposed in the last few months. And so there’s this convenient switching of our energy being directed towards this ancestral wound that we have between Israel and Palestine. And so a lot of people, I think, are picking sides and being tribal when we really just need to focus on. Listen, it really looks like there are people above the states of Israel and Palestine that are absolutely benefiting from this conflict.

And the Israeli people are being hurt and tormented and living in an absolute hellscape right now. And the Palestinian people are being hurt and tormented and losing everything they have. And absolutely being. Their existence is being basically reduced to rubble right now as well. And so this is how this corrupt system works, is that every single ancestral wound, every single pain that humanity has, will be inflamed and agitated until we absolutely go into this state of war of all against all.

And they benefit from it entirely. They direct the whole thing from the top so that they can split up the Middle east into whatever pieces they want, have it, look, whatever they want. It has nothing to do with the Israeli people. It has nothing to do with the Palestinian people. It has never had anything to do with any people, any common people who are just practicing their faith or part of a subgroup.

It’s always been about this group above humanity that is not part of any religion that we know of, because it’s just satanism. It’s just pure Satanism. And now technostanism, at this point, it’s just pure technostanism. That’s not something that your average person is participating in. So we have to understand that the people that are controlling these conflicts ultimately, and that benefit from them, they’re not even in the same mindset as most people.

They’re truly possessed and they’re in a different way of life than most people. But we keep acting like these conflicts, the period of COVID this new war that’s going to rage in the Middle east, we keep thinking this is an organic thing. Let’s stop treating these disgusting and horrible events that happen to us in which we are the victims of, as though they’re organic, they’re not. We are being subject to a systematic breakdown of everything that we hold dear and everything that we love.

And it will continue until we can wake up and focus our direction in the right way, our attention in the right direction. I absolutely think that they want to create World War Three. World War II needs to happen for there to be enough blood in the soil for Armand to incarnate or for the Antichrist to incarnate. There needs to be a global war in order for Antichrist to come into being.

So there needs to be death. But we have the ability to oppose this, to speak out, to take our attention away from this and put it in positive things, to not be manipulated. And we can reduce the amount of pain and torment, and that can actually reduce the power of Antichrist. He will come and we will see certain events that absolutely have to happen, but we can lessen their effect.

Okay? That is the power we do have. Of course we have that power. So I do think that. I’m going to be honest, I do think that there is an intense desire to create world War Three. I think that there’s a high potential that we may see China also entering the war by 2024 or 2025. I think that’s something that they want. They planned it for a long time.

I think that there’s also a faction within the dark elite that view nuclear bombs not as a weapon, but they view it as an occult ritual. So this is the thing about nuclear particle accelerators, nuclear devices, anything that starts to rip into the subatomic plane or the subnatural plane. These are religious items for these people. It’s not just a weapon. You’re not looking at just a weapon that’s functioning on a material level of control and intimidation.

You’re looking at a religious item. Okay? The atomic bomb is a religious item for these technostanists. And so I think that the reason why we keep talking about it, even though we all know that there are so many types of attacks and there’s certain technologies and weapons that could do what an atomic bomb could do without the fallout or we’ve come so far. But I just want to draw people’s attention to the reality that why people still talk about atomic weapons and that technology is because it is actually, in the occult sense, it tears a hole in the veil.

Okay? So if you’re just doing like, an EMP attack, all right, or you’re doing other attacks that don’t use this particular occult technology, they may paralyze a country, but they’re not going to tear a hole in the veil. So we have to understand war as an occult action, war as a spiritual function, not just war on its most mundane level, about gaining power and gaining control. That is the most mundane level of war.

There’s a higher level of war, which is about actually summoning beings from the lower planes to get them to walk amongst humanity. These are demonic beings, right? That’s part of war. Part of war is absolutely summoning and trying to get demonic entities to walk among humanity through blood, through death, through pain, through strife, and now through certain technologies that are weapons but have an occult effect. And so we’re not coming around necessarily to see this yet, but the moment we start looking at the occult level of war, which is a.

That certain land has ceremonial value, and the elementals are tuned in a certain way, and there are portals in certain places. So the land is important to black magicians. It’s not as important to people in the light. It’s not as important for people in the light, for people in the dark is everything. The other thing is what happens when people die. Forces that create tears in the veil, when massive amounts of people die at once, when people are in pain, when people are in agony, strife, grief.

This brings the lower world very close to us. And these people know that. Don’t think that. They don’t know that. So in our day and age, because we do have such advanced technologies, we can no longer look at war and these people that run the world as simply a material thing, as a material conflict, about money, about power, in the most rudimentary sense, no, we have to look at the spiritual if we really want to understand it.

And the fact that we don’t do that as a society allows these things to continue, although I do see it happening a lot more. Hi, Gigi. Recently you talked about Israel and the real reason for the Iron Dome protection. You mentioned special energies dwelling there because the great sacrifice of Christ that took place and new technologies that need this specific energy to function. First thing that came to my mind was the Holy Grail.

Can you elaborate more on these technologies and energies? Yeah. So for me, just dipping back into what we were just talking about with Holy lands. So back before Christ, the pagan traditions would sort of project themselves outward into nature, and it was more about leaving your body, and you would sort of discover things, truths, knowledge, and even some things about yourself by projecting outward. And this really characterizes how humanity existed before the incarnation of Christ in the Holy Land.

And then after the incarnation of Christ, we see humanity begin to function in a completely different way. Because through Christ’s sacrifice, the cosmic stream of reality was integrated into the earth and the human being making it. So every human being could basically perform the tasks that they’d have to do to leave their body with great effort, could now be done by training yourself to go within. So now everything can be done within the human being.

Okay? So that’s the difference between the pagan traditions and the post Christ traditions, right? And consciousness was very different, especially 6000 years ago, 3000 years ago as well. And so there’s this stark difference. And so if you’re looking at the occult traditions that are pre Christ, they don’t acknowledge that certain spiritual feats can be done within the human being. Okay? They are absolutely trying to work within this very old magical style, which some people will call it Babylonian magic or the Babylonian tradition, which is basically playing God.

So at the point of the Egyptocaldean Babylonian epoch, humanity had reached a level where they were kind of dangerous in a way, where they were coming into a solidification of their mind to become more and more and more self aware and more and more intellectual, more deeply rooted in the self. But they also were still in this more pagan moment of being able to almost break down nature into pieces in order to control it.

So basically understanding what every season is and understanding what every single elemental being is and what the powers are. And so it’s almost like by the end of the pagan era, nature was categorized into pieces and used ritualistically under the will of certain magicians. And that was never really how it was supposed to be. You were supposed to merge with the elemental forces out of complete love and harmony.

I mean, the whole pagan tradition at its core and at its peak was never about controlling animals. It was never about controlling elementals. It was never about control. It was never about breaking the nature down into pieces so you could control nature. That was the dark shadow fall of the pagan era and of the Egyptocaldean era, which was the fact that suddenly we started to use this intense knowledge about the elemental kingdom and about the earth and about the cosmos.

We started to just try to have all of that wisdom, all that ritualistic wisdom. And we were using it to control other people. We were using it to manifest certain things only. And there was no respect for harmony anymore. And man was making himself a god, trying to make himself a god by subjecting everything and everyone to his will. This Is not what the initial pagan traditions were supposed to be about at all.

They’re actually about being the stewards of these natural kingdoms of life in which God was resting. So some of the modern forms of paganism don’t resemble at all any of what it originally was. Unfortunately, a lot of it is about what can I get, what can I manifest for myself, which is actually a vestige of this older time of high magic, really, in Babylon, where people were finally preparing to have Christ enter them, which is the ultimate individuality experience.

But they still had all this advanced knowledge about the world and magical forces and the stars and what every tree species means, and they had this incredible ritual knowledge about the world. And so all of that impulse, that darker impulse, they see the world as something to ultimately be controlled. They have to basically bring it under their heel. And that’s because they’re in this Babylonian mind state that believes that it’s might is right.

It’s that, listen, if I can harness the energy from the Holy Land, which was even significant before Christ, because we’re not even getting into the certain ISIS and feminine stuff that also has existed on the Earth, they’re going to use the planet and certain spiritual forces to create events ritualistically, just like they’ve been doing for thousands of years. And the Holy Land is part of that, especially if there is an Antichrist that is supposed to be formed.

Because it’s occurred to me that if there is an Antichrist, perhaps it would need to be built upon where Christ was, or something about it may need to be built upon where Christ was. Right? We have to think about that. Some part of the Holy Land may need to be used in some respect to bring about Antichrist. It’s something we need to consider. It’s something that we need to consider.

Because when you’re functioning in that dark magical thing, you have to use the forces that are already present. Right? There’s no acknowledge of the Christ impulse, which means nothing new can be created. It’s the Christ impulse that allows transformation, evolution and something new to be catalyzed within you. That’s what the Christ impulse does. But if that is not within you and you don’t acknowledge that, then you are stuck using whatever forces exist on the world.

And they’re dwindling, because the longer that Christ has affected the earth and humanity, the less and less power the old ways have. But they are limited to what already exists, what elemental forces exist. Whatever spirits are under their control, whatever aggregors they have currently, whatever land has certain power, they have to use it because they can create nothing. Newton, ho. .


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