17 million Murdered by Voodoo Death

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17 million Murdered by Voodoo Death by Covid!


Tommy Truthful: Exploring the Claims of Dennis Rancourt on COVID-19 and Societal Stress

17 million dead by COVID kill equals 17 


Dennis Rancourt, a physicist with a Ph.D. and a notable academic history, has presented a perspective on COVID-19 and its societal impacts that diverges significantly from mainstream narratives. His assertions encompass the nature of the pandemic, the role of societal stress, and the influence of medical institutions.

The Pandemic Analysis

Rancourt’s analysis is based on all-cause mortality data, which he claims indicate around 17 million deaths resulting from COVID-19 measures rather than the virus itself. He argues that there was no “viral respiratory pandemic” in the traditional sense. Instead, he suggests that societal actions, such as isolating vulnerable individuals and inducing stress, led to increased mortality.

The Science of Psychological Stress

Rancourt delves into the concept of psychological stress impacting health. He emphasizes that social isolation and chronic stress can suppress the immune system, leading to various health issues, including bacterial pneumonia. Rancourt connects this to a broader societal structure, pointing out that chronic stress is used to maintain social hierarchies.

Critique of Modern Medicine

The narrative takes a critical turn towards modern Western medicine, which Rancourt labels as a significant cause of premature death. He references the Flexner Report of 1910, suggesting that it led to the suppression of natural medicine in favor of a petrochemical and surgery-based approach. This, according to Rancourt, serves to perpetuate societal control and maintain the dominance hierarchy.

Psychogenic Death and Mind Control

Rancourt also touches on the concept of psychogenic or psychosomatic death, where emotional shock can lead to sudden death. He cites historical and declassified documents to suggest that governments and institutions like the CIA are aware of these effects. The mention of the Clintons’ visit to Haiti and their observation of a voodoo ritual is used to illustrate the broader theme of mind control and its impacts.


Rancourt’s perspective presents a radical departure from conventional views on COVID-19 and health. It intertwines various disciplines, from epidemiology to sociology, and raises questions about the role of societal structures in individual health. While his claims are controversial and not widely accepted in the scientific community, they contribute to the ongoing debate about the pandemic’s nature and effects.

  • #DennisRancourt
  • #COVID19Analysis
  • #PsychologicalStress
  • #ModernMedicineCritique
  • #PsychogenicDeath
  • #SocietalControl


➡ Dennis Rancourt, a physicist with many published articles, asserts that there was no viral respiratory pandemic, and millions of deaths were caused by stress from imposed Covid-19 measures, not the virus itself. He argues that societal stress, psychological pressure, and dominant hierarchies, compounded with damaging modern western medicine, significantly affect individuals’ health and are often the leading cause of death than the diseases themselves.


Dennis Rancourt has a Ph. D. In physics. He is a former tenured full professor and has published over 100 articles in leading science journals. Rancourt and his team have used all cause mortality data to prove there have been about 17 million deaths as a result of official Covid-19 measures, but not from COVID which was a lie, as far as I can tell, from all cause mortality data that we’ve been studying extensively for a long time.

There’s no such thing as a viral respiratory pandemic. He explains all this in his essay entitled there was no pandemic, which you can find on his substac. There was no pandemic in the sense that there was not a particularly virulent new pathogen that was spreading and causing death. That is not what happened. What happened was huge assaults against vulnerable people by many different methods. And every time you did that, you caused excess mortality in all the countries where they were not doing that.

There was absolutely no excess mortality, even if it was a jurisdiction that was right beside the one that was doing this. Rancourt explains a science of psychological murder that has been officially studied and documented for well over a century. It wasn’t just the spike protein that killed us, it was the whole damn thing. Psychological stress and social isolation are dominant determinants of an individual’s health. That causes a suppression of your immune system, and you’re going to get some kind of infection, cancer, heart disease, and very often the lungs are very exposed to the environments, and they’re subjected to all the bacteria that you live with all the time.

You get bacterial pneumonia, and it’s a huge killer. When a society is stressed, meaning all of its individuals are stressed. The kind of psychological stress that kills you is when your entire world is turned upside down. Your whole life, you thought you had a place in the world, and it’s gone. That will kill you within a very short time. We always occupy a dominance hierarchy, a social dominance hierarchy.

That is how we organize our societies, because we are social animals. It is a fundamental truth of how we organize societies. The stress that is intended to keep you in your place within that dominance hierarchy is an everyday chronic stress. And the stressors have to keep changing how they’re going to stress you, because you get habituated to the stress, so they have to randomly hit you with hard things every once in a while to really make sure you understand what your place is.

That stress is one of the biggest determinants of health. But we have to admit that medicine itself is a massive killer. It’s a massive cause of premature death of individuals. Modern western medicine is officially recognized as the third highest cause of death. It was designed to be a way of controlling the population. The role of medicine as an institution in our society is to maintain the dominance hierarchy, is to keep people sick and to put them in their place.

It’s just part of that. Institutionally financed by the Carnegie foundation and published in 1910, the Flexner report was used to outlaw natural medicine practices in America. The Rockefeller foundation then funded a new kind of medicine, an inverted form of healthcare that utilized petrochemical drugs and experimental surgery to keep people sick and in many cases, kill the patient. As Dennis Rancourt has pointed out, this is how societies have been run for centuries.

A declassified document entitled Geomagnetic Factors in spontaneous, subjective, telepathic, precognitive and postmortem experiences, as well as decades of trauma based mind control research, shows us that the CIA and our governments are well aware of the deadly effects that traumatizing a population can induce. They are killing us with fear and trauma. This is known as psychogenic death or psychosomatic death. It is the phenomenon of sudden death brought about by strong emotional shock.

Chairman of the department of physiology at Harvard Medical School, Walter Cannon, called it voodoo death because mind control is the main method used in voodoo rituals, which is well understood by our world leaders. Bill and Hillary Clinton spent their honeymoon in Haiti at a voodoo ritual which Bill claims inspired him to run for political office. I was particularly intrigued by the voodoo religion. Voodoo’s central ritual is a dance during which spirits possess believers.

On the most interesting day of the trip, I got the chance to observe voodoo in practice. After several minutes of rhythmic dancing to pounding drums, the spirits arrived, seizing a woman and a man. The man proceeded to rub a burning torch all over his body and walk on hot coals without being burned. The woman, in a frenzy, screamed repeatedly, then grabbed a live chicken and bit its head off.

By the time we got back from Haiti, I had determined to run for attorney general. Greg Reese reporting. .

  • .Greg Reese.

    Greg Reese, a devoted member of the Truth Mafia, can be found sharing his insights on the dynamic platform bannd.video alongside Alex Jones. This distinctive soldier is always ready to provoke engaging conversations that are one-of-a-kind.

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