Artificial Intelligence and the Grim Future of a Divided Humanity

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The Unseen Threats: A Call for Unity

Welcome to another blog post on, your trusted alternative media platform. We are committed to delivering unbiased, fact-based narratives that challenge mainstream media. Today, we delve into a series of interconnected issues shaping our world and future.

The Economic and Political Landscape

The world is in turmoil. Economies are being strained to their limits, with the U.S. government’s policies contributing to a potential bankruptcy. Tensions are escalating, hinting at the ignition of a third world war. Meanwhile, our borders are being flooded with single military-aged men, raising questions about national security.

Rather than providing clarity, the media continues to divide us along party lines. Elections, once a symbol of democracy, are now marred with allegations of rigging. The entertainment epicenter Hollywood is goading the people into a second Civil War.

The Silent Killer: Technology

As these events unfold, humanity faces a silent threat – technology. Nine years ago, hundreds of scientists, including Dr. Martin Blank from the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Columbia University, warned us of the dangers of cell phones and 5G radiation. He stated, “We are all part of a large biological experiment without informed consent.”

Fast forward to today, and the situation has only worsened. Millions have been affected by a mandated mystery injection, which has debilitated even more and infected the living with nanotechnologies that are linking us with machines.

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence

“Sentient artificial intelligence far beyond human beings. You give it a thousand years alone to make better and better versions of itself. Where does that go? That goes to a God.” ~ Joe Rogan

“So what kind of God. I think of it this way. So the first stage of the Industrial Revolution consisted of people building machines that were stronger than the human body. Right?. So the steam powered loom, The backhoe, the combustion engine. They replaced muscles. Right? So that’s what the machine does it became stronger than the human body.

The second stage, which we’re in the middle of, consists of creating machines that are more powerful than the human mind. That’s what computing is. And I would say A.I. or super computing is just that, exponentially. But that doesn’t make it a god. In the sense that, the machine, however powerful it is, any more than a backhoe is a god because it can dig a trench faster than a hundred men. It is still something that people created. So the story hasn’t really changed. At the center of the story are people, and their creative power may lead to unintended consequences, but the machines that they build did not make the universe and did not make people. People made the machines, right?

But I would say the part I agree with is there’s a spiritual component here for sure. People will worship A.I. as a god. A.I., Ted Kaczynski was likely right, will get away from us. We will be controlled by the thing that we made. All those are bad. Like, that’s just bad. And we need to say unequivocally, it’s bad. It’s bad to be controlled by machines, right? Machines are our help mates. Like, we created them to help us to make our lives better, not to take orders from them.

So, I don’t know why we’re not having any of these conversations right now. We’re just acting as if this is like, some kind of virus, like COVID, that spreads across the world inexorably, there’s nothing we can do about it, just wait to get it. It’s like, no! If we agree that the outcome is bad, and specifically it’s bad for people. We should care what’s good for people, that’s all we should care about. Is it good for people or not. If it’s bad for people, then we should strangle it in its crib right now, right? And why not just blow up the data centers. Like, why is that hard? If it’s actually going to become what you just described, which is a threat to people, humanity, life, then we have a moral obligation to murder it immediately. And since it’s not alive, we don’t need to feel bad about that.” ~ Tucker Carlson

“Well, you could say the same about the atomic bomb, right?” ~ Joe Rogan

“Yes, you could. Everybody I’ve ever talked to, and there are many people, are like, yeah, it could get away from us and enslave us. Let’s say no to slavery. How’s that? Is that a tough one? Not for me. Yeah, I mean, and maybe a good use of nuclear weapons would be to hit the data centers. No. I’m serious. Like, why is that crazy?” ~ Tucker Carlson does not support anyone using nuclear weapons in any case. These data centers should also be destroyed, but we must do it legally. If enough of us get together and push back legally, we can stop it. We have the actual power. All we have to do is put down our devices and stop using them, and we take the power back. It’s that simple. We fight back against the electric companies. We tell them to take all their equipment off of our homes, we refuse their smart meters, and we get our lawyers involved to have them taken down because we can prove that they are harming our loved ones. But what we can’t do, my brothers and sisters is incite violence or handle it in that type of fashion. Because that’s precisely what they want; they want us to get out there and riot in the street and start causing chaos. This is what they do. Order out of chaos, they will bring in martial law, people will disappear to FEMA camps, and they will bring order out of that chaos that I can promise you. Legally, they force me to say that, guys! Tommy .T

The Alien Threat

In his famous 1987 speech, Ronald Reagan referred to an alien threat that could unite humanity. He said, “I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us?” Today, that alien threat could be the anti-human Artificial Intelligence that humanity is giving birth to.


The future of humanity is at stake. We are at a crossroads; if we fail to unite, the future could be grim. It’s time for us to come together, question, seek the truth, and take control of our destiny. Stay tuned to for more insights and updates.

“Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this blog post are based on various sources intended to stimulate thought and discussion. They do not necessarily reflect the views of However, we don’t censor our content creators here at Truth Mafia. I agree with 99% of the points made in this video, except for Tucker Carlson’s statement about nuking data centers. If I or you, the reader, had said that, we would have been arrested immediately. Hence, I do not support that particular statement. However, I wholeheartedly support the rest of his speech. As the owner of two major alternative media companies, there are certain things that my legal team advises me to say, and this is one of them. 


Tommy Truthful.”  

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➡ The U.S. government is accused of causing economic problems and conflict, while the media and Hollywood are blamed for causing division. Meanwhile, technology, specifically cell phones and 5G radiation, is said to be harming us, with a rise in fatal brain cancer in young people. The text also mentions a mysterious injection causing harm and an artificial intelligence grid being built around us. The author suggests that this could be the “alien threat” that Ronald Reagan spoke about in 1987, and warns that if we don’t unite, the future could be bleak.


The corrupt us government is bankrupting the economy and igniting a third world war, while flooding the border with single military aged men. The media continues to divide us along party lines with another rigged election, while Hollywood tries to goad the people into a second civil war. And while this is all happening, humanity is being slow, killed with technologies that only serve to isolate and track us. Nine years ago, hundreds of scientists were warning us of the dangers of cell phones and 5g radiation.

I’m Doctor Martin Blank from the department of physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Columbia University. We are scientists and engineers, and I am here to tell you we have created something that is harming us, and it is getting out of control. The incidence of fatal brain cancer in younger people has more than tripled. We are putting cellular antennas on residential buildings and on top of hospitals, where people are trying to get well.

It’s particularly frightening that radiation from our telecommunication and power line technology is damaging the DNA in our cells. The time to deal with the harmful biological and health effects is long overdue. We are really all part of a large biological experiment without our informed consent. And things have only gotten worse. Millions have been murdered with a mandated mystery injection, which has debilitated even more and infected the living with nanotechnologies that are linking us with machines.

An artificial intelligence grid is being built around us, and the people have never been more divided. And if we fail to unite, the future of humanity is destined to be grim. In Ronald Reagan’s famous 1987 speech, he referred to an alien threat that could unite humanity. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? And regardless of what he was referring to 37 years ago, that alien threat is here today.

It is the anti human artificial intelligence that humanity is giving birth to, sentient artificial intelligence far beyond human beings. You give it a thousand years alone to make better and better versions of itself. Where does that go? That goes to a God. Literally, I don’t create what kind of God? So, like, I think of this way. So the first stage of the industrial revolution consisted of people building machines that were stronger than the human body, right? Right.

So the steam powered loom. Sure. The backhoe combustion engine, combustion engine, they replace muscles, right? Right. So that’s what the machine does. It becomes stronger than the human body. The second stage, which we’re in the middle of, consists of creating machines that are more powerful than the human mind. That’s what computing is. And I would say AI or supercomputing. It’s just that exponentially. But that doesn’t make it a God in the sense that the machine, however powerful it is, any more than a backhoe, is a God because it can dig a trench faster than 100 men.

It is still something that people created. So the story hasn’t really changed. At the center of the story are people, and their creative power may lead to unintended consequences. But the machines that they build did not make the universe and did not make people. People made the machines. But I would say the part I agree with is there’s a spiritual component here for sure. People will worship AI as a God.

AI. Ted Kaczynski was likely right. Will get away from us. We will be controlled by the thing that we made. All those are bad. That’s just bad. And we need to say unequivocally, it’s bad. It’s bad to be controlled by machines. Machines are helpmates. We created them to help us to make our lives better, not to take orders from them. So I don’t know why we’re not having any of these conversations right now.

We’re just acting as if this is like some kind of virus, like COVID, that spreads across the world inexorably. There’s nothing we can do about it. Just wait to get it. It’s like, no, if we agree that the outcome is bad, which, and specifically, it’s bad for people, we should care what’s good for people. That’s all we should care about. Is it good for people or not? If it’s bad for people, then we should strangle it in its crib right now.

Right? And why don’t you just blow up the data centers? Like, I don’t. Why is that hard? If it’s actually going to become what you just described, which is a threat to people, humanity, life, then we have a moral obligation to murder it immediately. And since it’s not alive, we don’t need to feel bad about that. Well, you could say the same about the atomic bomb, right? Yes, you could.

Everybody I’ve ever talked to, and there’s many people, are like, yeah, you know, it could get away from us and enslave us. Let’s say no to slavery. How’s that? Is that a tough one? Not for me. Yeah, I mean, and maybe a good use of nuclear weapons would be to hit the data centers. No, I’m serious. Like, why is that crazy? Reporting for Infowars, this is Greg Reese.

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  • .Greg Reese.

    Greg Reese, a devoted member of the Truth Mafia, can be found sharing his insights on the dynamic platform alongside Alex Jones. This distinctive soldier is always ready to provoke engaging conversations that are one-of-a-kind.

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