Astrotheology in the King James Bible

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➡ The Catholic Church often adopts local customs to attract new followers, a process known as syncretism. For example, various pagan festivals and deities have been transformed into Christian saints and holidays. This includes the Celtic goddess Brigid becoming Saint Brigid of Ireland, and the Aztec goddess Tonansen becoming Our Lady of Guadalupe. Additionally, many traditional celebrations related to the sun and seasons, such as the winter solstice, have been incorporated into Christian holidays like Christmas.


The Catholic Church is known for integrating local customs to win converts. This is known as syncretism or acculturation. The Celtic goddess Brigid became Saint Brigid of Ireland. Images of the Virgin Mary are a reflection of Isis. The Aztec goddess Tonansen became Our Lady of Guadalupe. The use of incense and elaborate processions in the Catholic liturgy comes from Roman pagan worship, such as those in the temples of Jupiter. The word Amen is tied to the Egyptian sun god Amenra. And Alistair Crowley wrote that the Catholic Mass is the same as the Gnostic Mass, which is the central rite of the Ordo Templi Orientis.

The Celtic festival of Samhain became All Saints Day. And long before there was Easter, there was the Akito festival of ancient Babylon, the Anthosteria festival of ancient Greece, the druidic Albanileer, the Roman festival Hilaria, which commemorated Addis’s death and resurrection, and Shammel Nassim of ancient Egypt. All of these celebrations were tied to the spring equinox and nature’s renewal. They involved painted eggs, rabbits, and a period of fasting, followed by a feast. Before Christmas was ever celebrated on December 25th, there was the Roman pagan festival Saturnalia and the feast of Sol Invictus. These were winter solstice celebrations.

Without the sun, we would not be alive, and so mankind has venerated the sun ever since Babylon, mostly during the winter solstice. Every year between December 21st and the 25th, there is an observable death and rebirth of the sun. As the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky, it appears to stop or die, and it is then reborn as it begins to rise again. Several characters in history appear to be personifications of this death and rebirth. In 336 AD, the Emperor Constantine established December 25th as the date to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. At the time, this was the birthday of Mithras and was observed as the Feast of the Sun, spelled S-U-N.

After 336 AD, it became the Feast of the Sun, spelled S-O-N. Jordan Maxwell called this astrotheology and pointed to several of these astrological events encoded into the King James Bible. The twelve tribes of Israel, the four Gospels, the seven Seals, and the four Horsemen. Kabbalistic research uses celestial symbolism of the planets and the zodiac to interpret biblical narratives, so this is nothing new. The twelve disciples of Jesus, the sun, represent the twelve constellations of the zodiac, traveled around by the sun. Mithras, the symbol of the sun, was often depicted being surrounded by the twelve constellations. Horus, the Egyptian god linked to the sun, was born during the winter solstice.

His mother, Isis, was represented by the virgin constellation Virgo and his journey took him through twelve hours of night. The same solar symbolism can be seen in the historical characters of Krishna, Adonis, Tammuz, and Hercules. The twelve constellations of the zodiac coincide with the twelve months of the year and the twelve ages of the great year. Often referred to as the procession of the equinoxes, the great year is approximately 25,776 years and divided by twelve, each age is approximately 2,148 years. The age of Taurus was often represented by bull worship. The Persian sun god Mithras was known for slaying the bull, marking the end of the age of Taurus.

Similar symbolism can be seen in the Bible. During the transition from the age of Taurus to the age of Ares, there is the golden calf rejection, ram sacrifices, and the Passover lamb. From Ares to Pisces, there is Jesus as the Lamb of God, transitioning to fish symbolism. And from Pisces to Aquarius, which is where we are at now, there is water-bearer imagery in prophetic and apocalyptic texts. The cross itself is an ancient solar symbol, its forearms representing the solstices and equinoxes, which divide the four seasons. And the sun on the cross is the sun at its lowest point during the winter solstice, before it rises again.

You can find much more of this fascinating research in the work of Jordan Maxwell and Michael Sarian. Greg Reese, reporting. The Reese Report is now fully funded by my Substack subscribers. Subscribe today and support my work at [tr:trw].

  • .Greg Reese.

    Greg Reese, a devoted member of the Truth Mafia, can be found sharing his insights on the dynamic platform alongside Alex Jones. This distinctive soldier is always ready to provoke engaging conversations that are one-of-a-kind.

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