The officers will roll here under the direction of Catholic Charities. Richard Poiso of Chicago reported that these illegals are getting Social Security cards within four months of crossing the southern border. So yesterday, I ran into somebody that I haven’t seen in a while. He’s been here for about five months in the United States, six months, something like that. And he says, hey, I’m looking for work. And I said, well, I can’t hire you, man. I’m not. I got to hire, like, legitimate people or whatever. And he was like, no, no, no, I’m legitimate now. And he’s broken English, kind of bits and pieces together.
And he pulls his ID and stuff out of his pocket. And he says, I’ve got Social Security code now. And I got workers’ ID and permit for working everything, all legit, stamp, city stamping, specialized Social Security envelope. This dude got on the buses from Texas to Chicago, got in-processed here in Chicago, found an apartment building within the first week, an efficiency apartment, moved into the apartment building. And then he’s been working cash jobs under the table for the last four months until recently he got his workers’ permit. And now he’s working for a roofing company, but they’re laid off right now.
They’re laid off right now and he’s looking for work. We have people literally trying to do everything. They’ve been waiting for years. They still don’t have what this guy has in four months. That’s how fucked up our government is. That’s how much they care about the illegal migrants more than they care about their own people. The problem is, and this is fucked up for me to say this, some Americans have done this to themselves because they’re fucking lazy and they won’t get off their ass to go out and actually get the stuff done that they’re trying to get done, that they need to be getting done.
Like this guy came here knowing that he could lose his life, lose everything. He gets here, now he’s a worker. Within four months done all his paperwork, went to all his appointments and stuff, and figured out the system, and is hustling, is really, really, really messed up. That they would do this for people that are not even from this country. They didn’t help build this country. They didn’t help contribute to this country. And they just walk right in like they do and just get handed IDs, social security card, just get them on the payroll and stuff.
Let’s just do it for them. Let’s get them set, but not take care of our own people that are on the streets. It’s messed up. Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese. [tr:trw].