Opinions and Takes with Harrison Smith

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➡ Greg Reese, a reporter known for his deep dives into topics like politics and vaccines, discusses his skepticism towards the political system. He believes that politicians are merely actors controlled by corporations and banks, and that voting doesn’t bring about real change. Reese suggests that the solution lies in becoming independent from the government, much like the Amish community. He also expresses concern about potential international conflicts and the move towards a cashless society.
➡ The speaker discusses the transition to a digital, AI-controlled world, suggesting it’s inevitable and part of an economic reset. They express concern about the loss of personal freedoms and the potential for societal disruption. However, they also believe that people will adapt to this new “Sci-Fi World”. They encourage focusing on personal growth and caring for one’s immediate environment, despite feeling powerless against larger forces.
➡ Elon Musk is praised for promoting free speech, but some believe he’s a front man with a hidden agenda. Critics argue that he’s subtly encouraging division and conflict, which can lead to societal control. Despite this, many still view him as a hero, ignoring evidence that suggests otherwise. The discussion concludes with the idea that people should focus on creating beauty in their lives, rather than contributing to division and conflict.
➡ The discussion revolves around the host’s optimism about Trump’s potential return to power, despite concerns about his cabinet picks and their influence. The guest, Greg Reese, expresses skepticism about the political system’s ability to change, emphasizing the need for individual hope and action. They also discuss the perceived Zionist influence in Trump’s cabinet and its potential implications for America. The conversation ends with the host acknowledging the complexity of the situation and the importance of maintaining hope.
➡ The text discusses the power of belief and how it can shape outcomes, either positively or negatively. It also delves into the role of religion in global conflicts, suggesting that religious fanaticism can lead to destructive outcomes. The text further explores the idea of unity and love as a potential solution to these conflicts, emphasizing the need for individuals to recognize their interconnectedness. Lastly, it criticizes the current state of society, where people are often pitted against each other, and calls for a shift towards a more cooperative and compassionate world.
➡ The text discusses the importance of individual freedom and critical thinking in a world filled with misinformation and manipulation. It suggests that we should focus on improving ourselves, helping those around us, and taking care of our own well-being. The text also warns about potential threats like forced vaccinations and the creation of a cashless society. However, it encourages optimism and resistance, emphasizing that even in challenging times, there are opportunities to protect and uplift our communities.
➡ The speaker believes that the current situation is challenging and may worsen, but doesn’t foresee a violent revolution or a total collapse. They emphasize the importance of remaining vigilant to maintain liberty, especially in the face of digital currency challenges. They also express appreciation for a person named Greg Reese and his work.


Greg Reese produces in depth reports on the new world order, vaccines and populist politics. You can find his channel on banned.video as well as reesreport.com and make sure to follow him on X. Rees Gregries that’s Gregrees gregries.substack.com reesreport.com Greg, welcome to the show. Hey Harrison, good to see you. Thanks for the great intro. Very good to see you as well, sir. And I’ve had a lot of requests to bring you on because people have been following your Twitter account and you’ve been saying some interesting things there. I think my favorite that you just posted and I don’t have it up in front of me, but it was something like when Neo took the red pill, he was pulled out of a goopy thing and robots control the world.

You’re like, so what is this black pill I keep hearing about? It’s like the red pill is dark, the red pill is intense. Forget the black pill. The red pill is sort of horrifying in a lot of ways. But talk to us about the black pill right now and are you black pilled and what does that mean? And if so, why? I don’t know what it means. The problem with slang terms is that it’s hard to communicate with each other when we use these made up slang terms. So we gotta really, if we’re gonna do that, we have to define terms, but that takes a whole lot of time.

So I’ll just try to speak in proper English. But I mean, to me it’s not. To me this is same old, same old. My entire life, since I was a young kid, I’ve never identified in the left right mind control paradigm. In fact, growing up, I remember every four years feeling completely confused, feeling like an absolute stranger in a strange land as all the adults around me got all excited and crazy and emotional and fell for the same thing every four years. Every four years. Some car salesman behind this is how I saw it as a kid.

Some car salesman on the TV saying we’re going to do all these great, incredible things and then nothing ever changes. And that’s just how it’s always, always been. And that has never changed. I tried voting when I was 18 just to see what it felt like because I was legal at that age. And I remember I felt like a monkey. Didn’t really please me. So I haven’t done it since. And then I did it in 2020 was the second and last time I did it because in 2020 I decided, well, maybe I’m Wrong, because I have a human too, and my human is limited.

My human is actually kind of dumb. So I like to question it and I like to not believe its own bs. So I was like, well, maybe, maybe I’m wrong about this whole thing. In 2020, I once again felt like a monkey. And it proved to be exactly what it is. The government is run by banks, it’s run by corporations. These politicians are put there as actors because of our human minds, our simple minded human ego. We like to project ourselves onto a personality. Elon Musk is a perfect example. He’s a defense contractor officially, but if you look into him, you’ll find he’s a front man for the government.

So the government wants to reinvent itself the way they do it, because of our simple human minds and our egos. They give us a person and what do we do? There’s grown men on social media that are like animating him on a superhero’s body now. It’s demoralizing. And I’m used to it though, because it happens every four years. This is nothing new at all. There is no black pill, red pill. This is just the two party system designed to keep us fighting each other while the ones who control this place can do what they want. Yeah, I totally get all of that, but I just, I guess you were just sort of stuck in a.

In between a rock and a hard place because it’s like we know the system is rigged, but then I feel like by not participating in it, we give up any semblance of a chance to change things. Like, is there any possibility to change things? Is there something outside of voting we can be doing? Because you know, even, even if voting for the right guy won’t fix everything, isn’t it voting for the wrong guy that got us here in the first place? Like, there’s got to be something we can do, right? We’re not hopeless here. We’re humans.

We have consciousness. We have free will. The people in charge can try to manipulate people as much as possible, but at the end of the day, they still have to contend with human knowledge and human will and human action. And we can change the course of history. I mean, do you think there’s a way to affect the course of history? Get us out from under this corporate control, the banker control outside of voting? Or, I mean, do you think there’s any way we can pursue corrective measures? In my opinion. And you know, what do I know? Like I said, I am limited to this human brain and I’ve only been able to see things really clearly with hindsight.

What I do know and what I’ve learned in my life is that the forces we’re up against are smarter than us. And the biggest mistake people make is when they think, aha, we got them. We figured it out. It’s really simple. The answer is really simple. It’s always been there in front of our face, and we just haven’t seen it for thousands of years. It’s not like that. And so the only answer I’ve seen is to unify with each other and build our own system. I’d like to use the example of the Amish. I live about 10 minutes from the Amish.

And you could pick this apart by pointing out the flaws of the Amish. But the whole point of the argument is the Amish have kind of figured out the answer. The answer is to become independent, become independent of the government. No longer ask the government for things. As long as you’re asking a massive bureaucracy for something, then you can’t complain when they don’t give it to you. The more you rely on government, the more you become a slave. This is a natural formula. It’s natural, it’s unavoidable. The more you rely on a system to take care of you, the more you submit to being a slave.

And that’s just the cold, hard reality. A lot of people know that and they accept it and they like to fight each other. And they just. It’s like a football game for a lot of people. You could see that, like a day before the election, people were like, this is life and death. And then a day later, everyone’s high five. And like, it’s a football game. So it’s obviously. People are obviously, in some level, they know it’s bs. They’re just playing along because, like you said, what else are we going to do? The real problem that I see is this Israeli cabinet, because they all want to go to Iran.

And if you really wanted to destroy America, which is what we’ve been teaching for a long time, is that if you want this new world order, you have to get rid of 1776. If you want to destroy America, all we have to do now is go into Iran with Israel. The International Criminal Court and all this United nations stuff is bogus. It doesn’t matter. It’s all being set up. All they gotta do is go in there, and that will bring in Russia, that will bring in China, it’ll bring in the entire Middle East, India, everyone against America and Israel.

I wouldn’t even be Surprised if all of our NATO allies join against us at that point because it’s all for the show. Because then what happens? Then one America loses. And then after we lose, we become an occupied nation with foreign troops in the major cities and drones with LIDAR throughout the countryside with little 7 inch barrels like we see in Gaza shooting kids and stuff. It’s a really easy checkmate if they wanted to do that, if they really wanted to destroy America. And as I’m on the rant, the other thing I’ll say which blows my mind is 20 years ago everyone knew that the only problem was a cashless society.

That was it. Everyone was all on board together. No matter what our differences are, so long as we can avoid a cashless society, we’ll be good. But now there’s all these new things that didn’t exist 20 years ago. It’s quite clever. These people, the transgenderism, the men in women’s bathroom, these are now being celebrated because the majority of these people that are now paying attention, they don’t know anything about a cashless society. And if you were to start telling them about it, they would be like, what are you talking about, you conspiracy theorists? We just want to get the men out of our girls bathrooms.

You know, all you got to do is take care of these really easy fixes, like I said, that were most likely created by the very same system that’s going to fix them. And then, oh, by the way, we need a cashless system. That’s why they’re getting rid of the agencies. They’re getting rid of the agencies because they’re going to put it all on the blockchain. It’s all going to AI world blockchain. I don’t think there’s any stopping it. Interesting, man, you brought up a lot of things right there. I agree with most of them. But if it was so easy, if it would be so easy for them to start war with Iran, if it’d be so easy for them to turn America into this post constitutional technocratic world, then why haven’t they? Well, I don’t understand exactly what the goal is or the agenda and I don’t think anyone does.

I hear a lot of people claiming that this is what the agenda is and stuff. And I don’t know, maybe they’re right, maybe they’re wrong. I don’t know. I don’t know what the agenda is, what I do. It does seem like they’re on a timeline. It seems like it’s very important for them to have this thing done. In a certain time period that seems to be clear, that leads me to think that maybe there’s a cataclysm coming, but who knows? There does seem to be a timeline. But the thing is, as long as we settle for fighting each other, then you might as well turn off the news and just put on a soap opera or.

Because it’s like you’re just. I mean, what are you doing? All you’re doing, you’re wasting your life. Well, I would say don’t put on a soap opera. I would say, find a hobby, love your family. Go do something good. Because really, the only thing that I know I have power over, I have power over this human, my cow, that I’m carrying around with me for about 80 years, if I’m lucky. It’s up to me to take care of this thing. It’s up to me to take care of its environment, to take care of the friends and family around it.

That’s what I can do. I can try to be the best human cow that I can be. I can try to be the best person I can be in this short flash of a life I have. And then that’s really the only power I have. And so as far as what we can do to turn this around, like I said, I always thought it only could only be done by people unifying, standing up against the system and saying, f you, we’ll be independent. We can take care of ourselves. We can take care of each other. And now I feel kind of naive because that was six years ago I believed that, and that was for several years I believed that.

And now I’m feeling kind of naive. And I think after January 6th and after the Canadian truckers thing fizzled out, that’s when I realized that, no, we are a herd. And whether we. We don’t like to admit that we’ve accepted it, but on a subconscious level, many of us have just accepted that there’s nothing we can do. And so we might as well play the game. At least then we won’t feel like a sheep. Well, you know, I’d say. I would just say that it’s sort of like, you know, whether we like it or not, we’re subject to these forces.

And even though we might not have, you know, a major impact, like, for example, you know, you talk about, like, spending time with your family. Like, I. Cause I’m right there with you. I just want to, you know, provide a good life for my family, keep them safe. But, like, part of the trouble I have in doing that is that Like I can’t let my kids go walk around my neighborhood because I got homeless drug addicts, you know, tweaking on the sidewalk sometimes. And I, you know, so I, so I don’t. So my neighborhood isn’t safe anymore because of the policies that have been implemented by our government because of this, this mind virus.

So it’s like to me, I see, you know, activism in government, trying to change things, trying to set things right is directly, you know, because I don’t want to just run away. I don’t want to just go, well, this place sucks. I’m going to go move out and raise my family on a farm. That’ll get taken care of. That’ll get taken care of. I’m pretty confident that they’ll. Because the only way they’re going to be able to deport people is through a big police force, a type of a martial law system that we’ve never had. And it’s a perfect excuse to give us that.

And I’m sure that’s why they opened the borders up for so long. That and to also change the Overton Window so that average people that normally don’t get involved in politics all of a sudden start paying attention and loving. That will happen. They will clean up all the homeless people, it’ll all go away. A lot of people are gonna die. This whole transition into this AI world is going to be extremely disruptive. It already has been. But that’s what this is all about. All this is about is an economic reset. That’s all it’s ever been about.

And it’s written in stone, it’s written in the stars. And at this point, I don’t see any way out of it because they’ve been so clever in the way they’ve done it. Like I said, the majority of the so called awakening now are the people that are awakened to the simple things that will all get taken care of. And then once those are taken care of and everyone starts talking about the bigger issues, we’re just going to be the same old tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists that we were 10 years ago. But when you look, when you look back at history, I mean, haven’t there been times where, you know, people sort of feel in the same way that you do, where it’s like, well, this is it, we’ve gone too far, like there’s no coming back.

But then a movement will, will crop up. A natural disaster worker. I mean, there have been times in history where natural disaster could maybe save us. There you go. Yeah, maybe natural. I Mean, I was joking yesterday and only slightly joking. You know, Russia has their list of target and they’re like, we’re going to bomb Berlin and Frankfurt and Manchester and Birmingham and London. And it’s like, you might save Europe in that case. And I’m joking. Well, an EMP, I don’t know if I even believe that EMPs are real, but there’s this, like, there’s this narrative of what an EMP can do.

But if that’s true, I think an EMP could give us a fighting chance. That’s one of the. I think it’s one of the. Sorry. You know, it at least be a hard reset, right. I mean, it wouldn’t necessarily get better right away, but it certainly would interrupt the timeline as it exists now. Now, I think what’s going on right now is it’s going to be probably next year, spring time next year. There’s going to be. They’re just waiting to crash the economy. They’re going to wait for Trump to get in, and then once they do that, the solution will be the crypto.

And we already know that because Trump’s already announced that. And it’s going to be. It’s already all being laid out. Whitney Webb does an excellent job explaining it all. It’s kind of hard to wrap your head around because it’s all this new language and tokenization of everything, but it’s all there and it’s all coming, and it’s not. A lot of people will disagree with me here because a lot of people think that this means you’re going to Mark the Beast and the Devil and all this stuff. But in my opinion, there’s not much is changing. As far as I can tell, for all the recorded history, this place that we live in is a dangerous place that is run by some type of parasitical force that’s feeding off of us.

That’s how it’s always been. That’s the red pill, like we were talking about at the beginning. Matrix is probably one of the closest things to the truth I’ve ever seen in Hollywood. And so all that’s happening now is they’re just changing the system to update it to this check. As the technology evolves, it’s not going to be any more evil than it was 10 years ago. It’s going to be the same and people will go back to sleep and take the blue pill and it’s going to be disruptive. Like I said, it’s going to be a lot of loss of life, but things will level down and People will adjust and it’ll just be Sci Fi World, as Cliff High calls it.

Sci Fi World is probably one of the more middle of the road ways of, of calling it, because that’s what it is. Yeah. And you know, obviously technology has, has a major impact. I’m very concerned about how some of these things are being implemented. And it is one of the reasons why I don’t trust Elon Musk fully. But like, when it comes to Elon Musk, you know, he has opened up X, he has allowed free speech there to some degree. And there’s, there’s still clearly limitations, mostly having to do with, with Israel, apac, Jews, that, that sort of thing.

Obviously not totally allowed. And the censorship now is sort of more subtle rather than just deleting accounts. They’ll sort of diminish your reach. So, you know, we’re aware of all that. But at the same time, you know, he is doing a lot to wake people up and you can’t really fake that. I guess you could kind of manage the awakening, but that’s not really what he’s doing. He’s just opening up the floor and people are coming in and exposing all the stuff that you’re talking about, all the stuff that you’ve discovered. Your videos go viral constantly.

So I mean, what would be the play there? If he’s trying to, you know, if he’s playing a role as a front man for one of these groups, what is the, what is the purpose of exposing these groups or exposing the truth or, you know, encouraging the opposite of what these groups seem to very clearly desire? I just, I don’t understand the play there. How do you have a false awakening like that? Well, it’s, it’s. I mean, it’s easy. I mean, that’s the whole point of it. A false awakening, the false light of Lucifer. You know, it’s like, I’m not a, I’m not a religious person, but I’m just using common terms.

And if you do the research, Elon is a front man. There is. He’s absolutely a front man. No one has ever debunked that. And several people have done reports on it. And the evidence is stunning. There’s, it’s. What’s stunning is that people just ignore the evidence and be like, no, he’s not a front man. He’s. He’s a good guy. He’s a superhero, in fact. Why would they do it for exactly this. They want to get everyone on board. The darkest. Because I wondered the same things. My darkest answer to that answer is because the whole world is watching.

And the world is watching a bunch of people, America, committing genocide. People say Israel. But the average person in the world knows it’s America. They all know it’s America. So we’re watching America do genocide, and they’re watching America carry on like they don’t really care. And a lot of Americans want it. A lot of Americans want to see the war in the Middle East. A lot of Americans who claim to be Christians want to see Muslims murdered because they’re afraid that they want to murder them. And so in the name of Christ, they want to go into this holy war.

The whole world is watching this happen. And if you go to X now, like, when I follow the recommended links, I get all kinds of links that are pretty outrageous. Like, they’re not. They make Americans look like psychotics. Like psychotics. I get a lot of that. I get a lot of interesting things. So, you know, it’s like Anders, freedom of speech is in the Constitution. So he gave us. He didn’t give us freedom of speech. He’s got a. He’s got an appointment that he allows limited freedom of speech, and he likes to call it freedom of speech.

And the app he wants to turn into a WeChat where you can have a money system and a banking system on there and everything, I believe. I don’t think he’s necessarily like. People say, he’s the Antichrist. No, he’s just a character playing his role. He’s an MK Ultra guy doing his job, and he’s doing it very, very well. And it’s stunning how effective it is. It really is. People should really study the human psychology and understand why this works. It’s the same reason why they have Hollywood movie stars that repeat the same ones playing in all the movies.

It’s the same reason why they have royalty on TV all the time. It’s something to do with us, the way that we like to perceive the story. I don’t know what it is, but your question is as good as mine. Exactly. Like I said, exactly why they’re doing what they’re doing. But I think as long as they can divide us, Elon is extremely divisive. Elon even said, you should put on a MAGA hot and go start a fight. He didn’t use those words. He said, yeah, put it on. And if someone says something to you, be like, yeah, yeah, what’s up? You know, I mean, he’s there telling people, yeah, go.

You know, he’s dividing people. And that’s all you got to do. All you got to do. That’s it. Divide people, two different sides and you’re done. That’s it. And people, the thing is, we love to divide ourselves. People love it. People love to join their tribe and then sling poo at the other tribe. People are completely content doing that. And as long as you can keep people fighting each other, I think you can enslave people forever. That might be the black pill. I do have hope that over time people will awaken and eventually crawl out of this.

Maybe. Yeah. Well, I mean, I think it just is a fact of nature in a lot of ways. It’s like this just is the situation. The Amish. Talk about the Amish. I mean, this was the first election that they ever really voted in in mass numbers because as much as they wanted to separate themselves from politics, suddenly you got feds kicking down your door and pouring your raw milk down the drain. And they go, okay, we aren’t separate from this. This is just how it is. We have to be involved because otherwise it’s going to be.

We’re going to be involved, but not on our terms. So we should at least be involved in our terms or we should at least try what we can do to have an impact on this system that we have to participate in as a matter of just existing in reality. In the same way that, like, yeah, people. People like to divide into groups and we like to have our tribe versus their tribe. But that’s because that’s how nature works, right? Animals do that, too. It’s not really a human psychology thing. It’s just a fact of reality that people can use force on one another.

And to protect yourself, you’re going to want to get other people that are like you to have more force than the other guys that want to force things on you. I mean, it’s just a fact of nature, right? So if that’s the case, then why not just try to have the strongest tribe? If that’s the case, then you turn off the TV and you pick up a musical instrument, or you pick up carpentry, or you start a garden, or you do something that actually is beautiful instead of focusing on something that’s ugly. You know, it’s like.

It’s like when we die, I imagine, you know, there might be like a pile of all the excrement that you left in this life on one side, and then the other side will be a pile of all the beautiful things that you contributed to this world. And I think the goal is to try to make the output of beauty a little bit bigger than your pile of excrement. But, you know, opinions are like assholes and everyone’s got them and everyone likes to play that poo fling game. And if it means nothing, then the game really becomes kind of gross and disgusting.

Yeah, it definitely devolves. Yeah. Quite the image you faded for. You’re a wizard with words. I do, I do like it. But again, you know, again, I just, it’s like I can do what I can in my garden, in my backyard for my children. I can have them run around looking like hobbits. And I do, and it’s amazing. But then I gotta drive down the street and I see the graffiti and I see the homeless people and I see the broken glass and I see the crappy new gas station that’s going up next to the cookie cutter apartment buildings and it’s like, that’ll get taken care of.

The ugliness is creeping in on me. I feel like I gotta fight back. I can’t just retreat and try to make my little garden nice. I gotta try to make it nice for everybody. I mean, I hate living in these ugly, ugly, ugly cities. No, it’ll be cleaned up. It’ll be cleaned up. We’ll have a cashless society. There’ll probably be another vaccine and everyone will probably go along with it because, you know, they’ve accepted it. You know, not everybody. You know, I don’t, I don’t, I don’t know if I will, I don’t. You know, we’ll see when we get there.

Yeah, but that’s where we’re going. And there’s no reason in the world to think that we’re not. But we, I think we’ve all accepted that, you know, that like, like you said, now people are concerned about these little things. These little things will get sorted out over the next few years. You know, I think the vaccine is a good, is a good example of something where, you know, the elite have meetings where they go, we failed. You know, we wanted everybody to get the vaccine and we didn’t. I still think human consciousness can stand up and resist it.

Well, we got another segment. I want to get into the Israeli influence on Trump’s cabinet and sort of just what you think comes next and how people can prepare for it. Greg Reese at gregrees on x reesreport.com gregrees.substack.com we’ll be right back for another 30 minute segment. Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. This is Harrison Smith, your host, American Journal. My guest is Greg Reese, of course, one of the most powerful content creators online right now. You can follow him on X Gregries, his website, reesreport.com or on substack@gregrees.substack.com and I wanted to invite Gregory on for a number of reasons.

But I also have the feeling that we differ a little bit on. I guess you could just say optimism. I’m pretty optimistic about Trump, even though I disagree with a lot of his picks, and I’m suspicious and I’m increasingly worried about some of the statements he’s made and we’ll get into that. But at the same time, I’m like, we gotta have hope. We gotta change the method. Because the way I see it, the globalists have spent decades putting things in place. They start to see it slip from their fingers. So they’re ramping up. I mean, it’s like we’re both racing, trying to outflank each other, and we’re just going farther and farther.

So I think there’s hope. I think there’s a chance to sell, save things. I think that some of the stuff that’s happened in the recent past has been unexpected and hugely damaging to what was established as the timeline that we were supposed to be following. I think we’ve sort of at least delayed it, if not totally knocked it off track. And I know you, you are not quite as optimistic as me, and I had the feeling that your view is probably shared by a big chunk of our audience. So I think it’s. It’s worth it to hear it out and try to contend with it and try to, you know, I don’t want to.

I said when I invited you, like, I don’t want to debate you. I don’t want to come on. And Trump is great. No, Trump is bad. I don’t wanna do that, but I just wanna sort of pick your brain and see where the. Where the truth lies. Let’s talk about Trump’s cabinet picks. Are you just totally down on all of them, or are there some that are good and some that are bad? I mean, what do you think awaits us in the next Trump administration? Well, like I said at the beginning, I don’t think that unless Stu Peters put out a cabinet of his choice on his Twitter, and I thought that was pretty good.

I wouldn’t agree with any of them, but I’m not like some type of political expert, but he had some obvious one on there that I think most people would agree. Most people who were America first would agree that if this was really. Because, I mean, what are we really talking about? We’re talking about somehow changing a system that has been corrupt for our entire lifetimes. A lot of people like to go back to, oh, it happened when JFK. No, I mean, people say go back to the 1800s, but to think that you can just vote a bunch of people in and sit back and watch it happen on TV is.

Is ridiculous. So that’s how I feel. I believe that they’re all kayfabe. You know, it’s a term, you know, like they’re there to keep us, to keep our hope. Because I’m optimistic. I am optimistic. I’m optimistic in the human spirit. I’m optimistic in the love that general that is generated from some divine spark that is in many humans. That many humans want to come together. And these people that I’m talking about, I don’t see them on tv, and I don’t even necessarily see them on social media. I might. I may not. You don’t know who’s real and who’s on social media, but I know they’re there.

I see them in real life. I definitely can feel them in my own heart. I have hope in that, and I believe there’s always hope, and I believe we are always moving upward and onward in this place. Personally, I don’t put my faith in history, but when I look at history, it does seem like we’ve always, like, you know, we used to be drunk all the time because water would kill us, you know, so we’re constantly improving our situation here, and I think that’s constantly going on. So I am optimistic. As far as the cabinet goes, what I see is.

And it’s obvious. Everyone sees it. It’s clearly obvious, is it’s 80, 90% very Zionist, very out, like, crazy Zionist, like, Christians who believe that Palestine doesn’t exist and Holy War Crusaders, you know, and a lot of right wingers are cheering that on. A lot of. They’re like, yeah, all right. You know, that means death to America is what that means. I mean, that’s unless the. Unless the ultimate agenda is different. But if they wanted to kill America, that’s the easiest way to do it. So that’s what I see. The majority of the cabinet and then the rest of them.

What’s the rest of them? The rest of them is Matt Goetz. Matt Goetz is the only one who’s not, like, clearly Zionist. And then everyone’s talking about him like he’s some incredible guy who’s going to. Okay, he’s One guy, and he probably won’t make it. He’s probably already getting himself set up to run for position in Florida again, or I think he’s even got a second term already waiting for him. So, I mean, I don’t really see Dr. Oz, I mean, TV, all these TV stars. I mean, it’s almost like they’re doing this on purpose to demoralize people.

That is a part of the psychology. Once you can get people to get on board and put their faith and trust in you, and then you get them to then slam dunk on the left and be like, haha, losers, dumbass, and then reveal that you show all the people that put their trust in you that you fooled them. This is a psychological thing. What it does is it kind of humiliates a person and forces them to double down and shuts them up. It’s quite evil. The thing I’ve noticed is people don’t really understand evil. People think that evil isn’t that evil.

Evil is evil. Evil will stamp you down in the dirt until you cry and beg for mercy. That’s what evil will do if you let it. But the good news is you don’t have to allow it. You don’t have to play the game. So that’s how I feel about the Cabinet. We’ll see. Though it turns out the report I put out today, it seems like Kushner has a lot of say in it right now. A lot of people have turned total Q, and a lot of people are saying that, well, he’s doing this on purpose to expose Zionism or something, which makes no sense.

Meanwhile, Iran, which is really Persia, which is one of the oldest cultures on Earth, are making it very clear like, hey, we’re not looking for any trouble, you know? Right, Right. Yeah. And I mean, it is. It’s like completely insane how. And I did a big rant yesterday about John Thune, right? Just like, oh, thank God, it’s been 12 hours since you last pledged allegiance to Israel. Thank you for reminding us. We’d almost forgotten. I mean, it is ins how their number one priority is not just Israel. It’s like making sure that Israel’s military activity can continue, AKA the genocide, the mass murder of Lebanese civilians and Palestinian civilians that must continue unabated.

That is their number one priority. Forget the immigration crisis, forget anything else. That’s. I mean, it’s absurd, it’s infuriating, it’s relentless. But it’s like, how do we get out of that when, like, that is our system and whether we like it or not. It’s like the Zionists control the aipac, having a minder for every single Republican, as Thomas Massie revealed, except himself. Like, that is the system that we’re in. We want to move away from it, but obviously you can’t just, you know, rip it out wholesale in one, you know, round of voting. So you got to sort of, you know, it was incrementally implemented.

I think incrementalism is the right way to undo it. And in a lot of ways it’s like we’re playing Monopoly and the banker is cheating. And so, you know, do we flip the board? Do we quit the game? Well, if we quit the game, then we definitely lose. It’s a Monopoly game for our life, right? It’s like we’ve bet our life on this Monopoly game and the banker just keeps helping himself to $100 bills. And it’s like, so how do we, you know, how do we stop that? Is it even possible to win when they have the game so rigged? I mean, all this is like confusing.

I don’t know what the solution is, but at the end of the day, I firmly believe that like, hope and defeat are in many ways self fulfilling prophecies. And if you just genuinely believe, here’s the way we win, if we just stick to this, we can succeed. That can be manifest just by sheer force of will. You can bring that about. Or if you say it’s over, they have control, they will never win, That’s a way to absolutely guarantee that you never win. What’s your take on that? And just the idea of like we are playing a rigged game.

We get that. But I don’t want to flip the board and quit the game and let them win. Israel could completely collapse over the next couple of weeks. That would be great. That could save the world. That could save the world. I have hope. Things could happen. But if Bill Cooper was right, who knows? I don’t know. If the letter by Albert pike that everyone says is fake has any truth to it, then the holy war is the plan. The holy war. If they really want to consolidate the world into one system, which I kind of think they do, that does seem to be the big story.

Then the easiest way to do it. Well, the money is one way, but better than that is religion, because they say 70 to 80% of the world is religious. Humans are. God is the closest relationship I have in this world, but I’m not religious at all. But most people are. And the easiest way to do it, like I said, the whole world’s watching while people who claim to be Christian have blood coming out of their mouths, just wanting to kill, kill, kill, kill, kill. And when it kicks off, if it kicks off, then people are going to be horrified even more than they are now.

And it won’t be that hard for the Pope to follow through on his plan to unite all the religions under one umbrella and bring everyone together in world peace. And there’s not going to be much to say about that. The Christians aren’t going to have a leg to stand on after all this. Yeah, well, I mean, but on the other side of that, like, you know, you talk about the Christian Zionists who are bizarrely more dedicated than the, like, Israeli Jews that live in Israel. Like, it’s crazy. Some of the things, the speeches Hegseth. And who is it? Huckabees.

He’s the other one, right? Palestinians don’t exist. I mean, they’re on this holy crusade, like, literally a crusade. And they think. But it’s all predicated on this idea that there’s a prophecy that there will be a big war. And they’re trying to bring that about. But if that’s a misreading of prophecy, if that’s a lie, then they’re just setting themselves up for total abject failure because they’re literally expecting God to step in and intervene. But if that’s not the case, if that’s not the correct reading of the prophecy, then they’re just. It’s psychotic. I mean, I’m sorry.

It’s psychotic. I agree. If I had. I mean, it’s like, it’s one thing to believe and have your own little religion. Sure, Freedom of religion, great. But if your religion is the whole world has to burn for eternity in order for me to be happy forever, then you are a psychotic person. You’re insane, and you’re dangerously insane, and I don’t want to be anywhere near you. Yeah, I agree. I completely agree. And that is the weird part is it really does seem like the entire world is being held hostage by religious fanatics that have this apocalyptic worldview.

And whether that’s the people in Netanyahu’s party who will impeach him if he doesn’t prosecute the war, which means he’ll go to jail. So they have this suicidally. They’re suicidally dedicated to the war with Israel that’s gonna eventually collapse. Israel. I mean, it’s just. It’s also insane. And that’s the only word for it. And I keep using that word over and over, but there Is no better definition for it than what we’re observing. But again, I have to ask, like, is there not a way. If you had a magic wand, if. We’re just playing total hypothetical here.

If we were made supreme emperor tomorrow. Greg Reese. All hail Greg Reese. He is now in charge of America, and everybody has to do whatever he says immediately. Would you. Is there anything you could implement. Do you think that could rescue us? What, a magic wand? Yeah. Magic wand. Yeah. I would just tap. I would just tap everyone. So everyone woke up and realized that they weren’t a monkey and they weren’t an animal. That’s all you gotta do. All you gotta do. People just gotta realize their heart, tune into their heart. Realize that the love within them that you cannot put into words.

I like to use the word God just simply because I assume that that’s the most universal word. But even that word, I’ll use that word. And it triggers people. But I don’t know the name of God. I don’t know how to. You can’t put these things into wor. But once you realize that you are connected deeply to something that’s connected to everything. Bob Marley was right. A lot of people that want to see war and death and blood and murder don’t want to hear that. But Bob Marley was right. We are all one. We are all connected.

If you back up far enough, we’re all cells in the same organism. And it doesn’t make sense for only cancerous cells to kill each other and act the way that we do. So if we were to realize that we were all connected in some way and there’s enough room. Look, look. I could say I love people. I don’t necessarily like people. I’m a hermit. There’s a reason why I’m dressed the way I am. And I look like I haven’t been out much because I don’t really hang out with a lot of people. But there’s enough room.

That’s the beauty. There’s enough room here where you can do that. Everyone can have their space and do their thing and live their life. But the problem is a lot of people don’t identify with that spark. Instead, they identify as a human, as an animal. And so therefore, they see other humans as energy and prey, whether they eat them or not, feed off of them. They will manipulate them. They will use them to advance their own power. And they’ve been doing it forever. And as long as we do that, then we’re going to have government to protect us from each other.

And that’s just the way it’s going to be. But again, isn’t that just a natural reality? I mean, is it, you know, there’s predators and there’s prey that just exists and you know, humans can rise above that and we can, if we work together, establish societies where, where it’s not a dog eat dog world. And I talk about this on my show like pretty much every day that it’s this mindset, this dog eat dog mindset that is self fulfilling again, because if you’re looking around going, if I’m not screwing somebody over, then I’m the one getting screwed over.

So I got to figure out how to be the top dog here, I got to figure out how to screw everybody else over. Then that puts everybody else on the defensive and it’s this feedback loop of chaos. But we can interrupt it and you can stop that and you can establish. And America was for a long time a country where politicians for the most part didn’t take bribes. You didn’t have to worry about the police kicking in your door and shooting your dog in the face. All of that is fairly recent. And up until just maybe less than 50 years ago, for sure, it wasn’t this at each other’s throat because we have the nation that we treat each other nice internally, but we sort of have our shields and our swords up for everybody outside.

I mean, there is a way to manifest this loving reality on earth. It’s just you have to, to sort of have hard lines in certain places and not have this suicidal altruism or tolerance that has led us down the path of just accepting the hatred, the dog eat dog, trying to get one over on one another. I mean, the better parts of our human nature can be brought to the forefront if the people have the will to do it. Yeah, I mean, I think so. I think to think that, you know, I mean, sure, I’m a big dreamer and everything and I can see how arguably its potential to see that come about overall on earth.

But I also think it’s also insane to expect something to be something it’s not. And if you look at, like I said, I don’t put my faith in history, but if you look at history, including biblical history, including all scriptural history, including myth and everything, and it all basically paints the exact same picture. And that’s more like we’re on some kind of farm and that we’ve been enslaved this entire time since Babylon. That’s what history says. The only time that that’s changed according to history is like in the past 100 years, there’s been this bullshit story spun about how we’re all free.

This is just a new psyop. So we’re still slaves and nothing’s changed. And so anything you can do to free yourself from the mental prison, that’s great. Anything you can do to free yourself from any of these prisons that we’re in right now is great. That’s great. So there’s all kinds of things to be optimistic about, but if you think you’re going to turn this world into a utopia, you might as well start knocking on people’s doors and selling crazy, kooky stories. You know, pick a religion. You know, Hayes, did you know someday all the bad people are going to be gone? It’s just going to be us good people here.

You know, it’s nuts. Well, that’s not where we live. But it’s not. But it’s not nuts to try to, you know, bring that about, right? No, of course not. I would say that’s probably the best thing you can do. But like I said, all you can do, like, what can I do? I can make sure that this cow here that’s talking right now tries to do its best job, tries to be the best human it can be, you know, not tread on other people. And better than that, maybe I can even try to help those around me.

And also important, take care of yourself. You have to take care of yourself first and foremost, because otherwise your human is going to act crazy and stuff. Outside of that, there’s not much you can do. Now, that’s a lot, though, because that inspires, that influences things and things are. It’s not all we don’t live in a material world. In fact, we live in a world of crystallization that is occurring in higher realms that we don’t quite understand. But it’s well understood in the experience, and it’s well understood in people’s journaling of this experience for thousands of years.

And so we are in this crystallization part. And so by taking care of our free will and making ourselves as good as we can, being as genuine as we can, being, showing people the genuine person that we are without fear, that will have an effect on the bubble around us, I think. So that’s what I try to do. And then as far as my reports, I had an interview yesterday and I was saying, if a person says, I believe something because I saw it on cnn, or if they say I believe something because I saw it on a Reese report, that’s the same retarded comment because just because some stranger on TV is saying something doesn’t mean it’s true.

If you don’t take the time to look into it yourself, think for yourself, then you really just don’t care. I know, but just the fact that you said that means you’re more trustworthy than CNN because they tell you, don’t do your own research and don’t do your own thinking. So I think we can tell who to trust. It’s the people who tell us, don’t trust me. And in the same way you have a track record of truth and they have a track record of lies, we can observe the pattern. Don’t sell your. Don’t ever compare yourself to CNN on this program again.

Mr. Reese, I get what you’re saying. We need to be involved and conscious and aware of ability for your own life. If it’s really important, like people claim it is, then show it. Yeah. Now, like I said, it’s gonna have an effect on us one way or another. So I feel like we should participate. And at the end of the last segment, we brought up vaccines. I think vaccines are a good example. I mean, if all was lost, I would be vaccinated right now. Right. They would have tied me down and jabbed the needle in my arm and they would have put a gun in my face and forced me to do it.

But we still have, however diminished it is, some semblance of human freedom, some ability to resist, some capability to say no to the authorities, despite how they present themselves as all powerful. So, I mean, there’s a reason why Australia had camps for unvaccinated and we didn’t. Right? There’s different paths populations, can take. And America still retains in some nascent ember form, still burning there beneath the surface of the ash, this instinct for freedom and this desire to resist authority and impose your will rather than be imposed upon. Don’t you want to kindle that and fire that up, or do you think that’s a fool’s errand? I don’t see.

I think they were hugely successful with the shots. The research that I look at shows that they put a type of nanotech into billions of people. And this nanotech is able to be triggered externally to create a variety of pathogens, of synthetic pathogens that can be dialed in from a distance as they see fit. That, according to the research, that sounds crazy. And most people, when they hear that, will think you’re crazy. But if that’s true, which is what the actual documents say, then what they gotta do is they all they gotta do is trigger an Ebola outbreak in New York City and a million people are dead.

Once they do that, they will be able to force vaccinate you and you will be able to say nothing about it. Well, that is the thing, right, is that they’re really, really good at setting up for themselves win win situations where, you know, they have some attack. You know, it’s the type of thing where you want to go, well, this is fake, this is manufactured, but it’s like it’s still a car heading towards you. You gotta either get out of the way or get hit. Right? So it’s like, yeah, they have, they could, they can release a virus.

And even though we know they’re gonna do it, like they can still release it. You can’t ignore it. You can’t just, you know, brush it off and say that could never happen, because it obviously could. So how do you deal with that? In the same way? Yeah, they could crash the economy and they probably will. I think spring of next year is probably not a bad idea. You know, if you’re them, you wanna crash the American economy in spring of next year to blame it on Trump and, and waste his entire administration trying to deal with the depression slash world war that you’re starting.

We all know that, but they might still do it. So how do you contend with that? So what do you think is next for humanity? And what advice would you give to our listeners who are worried about what comes next because they see all of the potential triggers that the New World Order has in its hand? Ready to go. I got into this work because I believed in a mass human awakening. It’s still possible. I also believed that Americans had it in them to do the lawful American thing, which would have been to take up arms against our country and drag our government officials out into the streets and hang them.

That’s really kind of what I thought I would see. That’s not gonna happen January 6th. And the trucker thing made me realize that we don’t have it in us to do that. We’re not in that era right now. And so in my opinion, the best thing anyone can do is to, most importantly, do not be afraid of anything. Focus on your heart, focus on the things you love, focus on the things that you can do and don’t worry about anything else. But what can we do? What can we do though? That’s the ultimate question. I mean, I can, because then what I’m sort of left with as well, I might as well just make money and then just go home and ignore everything going on around me.

But again, I just feel like that’s abandoning the field to our enemies who are very involved and very insensitive on getting their way. I want to stand up against them and fight back. Is that what you mean by, like, do what you can do or just expand a little bit on that idea? Well, the way it’s. I don’t. Like I said, how’s that going to happen? Like, it could have happened if we would have chosen to unite, but instead we decided, oh, we’ll give it one more go, we’ll give it one more shot. And then maybe in the next four years, if it doesn’t work, then, you know, I don’t think there’s going to be another four years.

I think they can take care of it all in one year. And like I said, the objective is to give us a digital cashless society. That’s the main objective. That’s all it is. It’s a big ordeal, but that’s what it is. It’s a big deal to do that. And once we’re there, then maybe we can start making the world, then we can start talking about what we can do. Because the good news is, really the world. I mean, it’s not all bad news. This crypto world has a lot of ugly control and tyranny involved in it.

But if you’re really keen on looking out for your loved ones and your communities, there are ways to do that in a decentralized crypto type of soc. So it’s not. It’s just the new age and new era. And I don’t mean to be completely giving up, but really, honestly, at this point, the only thing that’s going to change anything is a violent revolution. And I don’t see that happening. Well, yeah, I don’t think we’re at that point yet, but I think things could get a lot worse. Again. I just, you know, the only thing I worry about is that, you know, like, for example, last January I was on a show and it was like a panel show, and a bunch of people were saying, what do you think is going to happen? And everybody was like, well, it’ll be World War Three, it’ll be this, it’ll be that.

I said, you guys know, next January, we’re probably gonna be sitting right here. It’s not gonna. The world’s not gonna burn down. The market’s not gonna collapse. We’re not gonna be living in champions, probably. We’re probably gonna be sitting right here. And I wonder if 100 years from now, no digital currency will have fought that back. I mean, it’s insistent, like we have to keep fighting these things back. But the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. And that’s just a fact of the matter. But I so appreciate your view on X at Gregrees. Rees Report.com Gregrees.substack.com thank you so much for joining us, sir.

Glad you’re back in the United States and keep up the fantastic work at Full wars and elsewhere. Greg Reese, thanks so much for joining us at Greg Reese on X. That’ll be it for us, folks. Stay tuned. Alex Jones, 90 seconds. Don’t go anywhere.

  • .Greg Reese.

    Greg Reese, a devoted member of the Truth Mafia, can be found sharing his insights on the dynamic platform bannd.video alongside Alex Jones. This distinctive soldier is always ready to provoke engaging conversations that are one-of-a-kind.

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