It was amazing. And with that, ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones. When is the last time that you know of in America where this many people came around to one place to hear people talk about politics? I just don’t remember anything this large. I don’t know if there ever was another time quite like the times we’re living in now. This is the first I’ve ever seen it. I brought them. I got both my sons here now. Look at the crowd here. I couldn’t believe how many young people were here. It’s awesome. Never. Not in my 48 and a half years that I’ve been alive.
I think things have gotten so out of control that you can’t not pay attention to it now. It’s in your face. It’s coming to your doorstep. It’s coming to your school. It’s coming to your business. I think everybody should be talking with your fellow neighbors. You know, I even have some neighbors. They have some signs out front I might not agree with, but I still know him. He calls me over. I help him out. I needed a generator one time. He gave me an old generator. I fixed it up and used it on my house. Do you think they’re going to steal the election again? That remains to be seen.
We hope not, but people are working very hard. People are getting smarter, but they could very easily steal the election. Well, they’re going to try like hell, so we got to get out and vote by the numbers. I think they will. Absolutely. Well, they’re going to try. Of course. Well, I’m of the mindset that it’s going to have to be postponed, that they’re going to do something, whether a terrorist attack, a false flag, or even World War III to postpone the election, because they know they can’t cheat again. They’re going to steal it. If they don’t, they’re going to have their own January 6 moment where they’re all up there attacking the Capitol, doing it their way.
And what do you think we need to do next if they do steal the election as far as? Well, I don’t know. We’re trying to find places to move out of the country, but other than that, I think there’s no place to go. And I think we just have to, as this gentleman said, we have to work harder and put everything we have into bringing back what is true and right. What the Declaration of Independence commands us to do? I think we have to understand that your neighbor is not your enemy. It’s the people who have taken control through multinationals and the world.
Unfortunately, the world government who are run by a bunch of NGOs and people who are faceless. You know what? Sometimes I’m not even sure that the whole system isn’t rigged to begin with. The whole system itself isn’t rigged to just control the people. There’s going to be a war either way. Whoever gets installed, whoever goes to the White House, there will be a war regardless. Well, actually, sorry to say, I think that is the answer, revolution. Because I’ve been of that mind since Obama was elected. It’s going to take a revolution to change back to the Republic the way it should be.
Thank you. Appreciate it. Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese. Thank you. [tr:trw].