0UTRAGE: Wicked Witch is playing Jesus Christ in Superstar Musical! Blasphemous or No

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➡ Talented actress and singer, Cynthia Erivo, known for her role as the Wicked Witch of the West, has been chosen to play Jesus in the musical Jesus Christ Superstar. This decision has sparked controversy as Erivo identifies as queer and some people are uncomfortable with a woman playing Jesus. However, the author argues that in the grand scheme of things, gender shouldn’t matter when portraying Christ. The author also suggests that this casting choice could be a good opportunity for advertising and stirring up conversation.


Hello, my friends! Jacob’s here one more time, and what is happening? Is nothing sacred? Is nothing sacred? Jesus Christ Superstar, the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical that is my form. My favorite musical! I know all the songs, I know all the words. Well, they decided, you know, in the old Hollywood land. Well, the news just broke that the Wicked Witch of the West, that’s right, the Wicked Witch of the West, Cynthia Erivo, who is a very talented singer, very talented actress, who looks a little spooky, a little bit, took the role of the Witch, maybe a little bit too far, some could say, but she is now going to be the lead.

She’s gonna play Jesus Christ Superstar in the musical. Wicked Witch. I find it very appropriate. I find it very appropriate for the day that we’re in, that this is what the news is. Now, of course, this is actually trending right now on X and other places because, you know, it’s Jesus, right? And not Jesus is a male. And, you know, so to have a woman play Jesus is a little bit, you know, people are losing their minds, of course, because she identifies as queer. And so now you have a woman who identifies as queer, who is also known for playing the Wicked Witch, then maybe even dabbles in a little witchcraft, I don’t know, but you know, with all the jeweleries and all the, she looks like a witch a little bit.

But, you know, this poor young lady, young lady, she’s probably in her 30s, I believe, she’s, you know, I mean, I guess if they offered her the role, it’s got people talking about it. It’s great for advertising. The Hollywood Bowl is a big, you know, amphitheater where they perform plenty of musicals and everything else. Hugh Jackman is going to be there this year as well. But this is, you know, it’s going to start to create a little bit of a stir. People are a little bit upset about this. It’s almost like, it’s like, come on, you know, things were swinging right in the right direction.

It’s seen that now all of a sudden, my favorite musical is being played by the Wicked Witch, which I find interesting. But there’s also a lesson in this. Let me just read a little bit about this performances before you get all kooky, right? It’s not, it’s not going to be a movie, not that I’m aware of now, but performances are only, it’s only like a couple of days, like August 1st through the 3rd. She’s also played Mary Magdalene. So she’s familiar with it. It’s, it’s like, it’s like my favorite musical. I listen to it all the time.

And I sing like all the songs. My mind is clearer now. At last, all too well, I can see where we all soon will be. Try not to get worried. Try not to turn onto problems that upset you. Cause you know, everything’s all right. Yes, everything’s fine. What’s the buzz? Tell me what’s happening. What’s the buzz? Tell me what’s happening. What’s the buzz? Tell me what’s happening. Why should you want to know? Don’t you mind about the future? Doesn’t make you feel good. Yay. Save tomorrow for tomorrow. Think about today instead. I think you’re getting the idea.

I like, I like the musical already online. They’re calling it blasphemous. They’re saying that this is like a terrible thing. It’s all, it’s all woke. It’s woke baloney. But let me ask you a question. Is it biblical? Like if there was someone to play a part of Jesus Christ today, could it be a woman? Ironically, um, in Christ there is no male or female. This is actually in the scriptures. This, so before that you get all kooky, right? And you have a problem with the fact, I mean, historically he is a man.

So you kind of want to honor the historic story, the symbolism of, you know, Jesus Christ being a man is also very essential to the spiritual message as well. We’re the bride of Christ. Christ would be the male, the husband, you know, the stronger of the two. But today, um, you know, you shouldn’t be able to differentiate between when you see Christ, it could be anyone. You should be able to see Christ in a woman. You should be able to see Christ in a man. It doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things.

And in fact, in a book of Galatians, Galatians chapter three, which is like, there’s like a mystery in there. And, um, this is also something that’s going to blow your mind when you find this out, because a lot of people really don’t, they don’t study the scriptures too much. They want to limit things and they want to limit the word of God to, uh, you know, to just a certain point in time and forget about the fact that today, um, we all should be walking around and if people want to know Christ, they should be able to know Christ by knowing you.

This is what Jesus that days, you want to know the father? How long have I been with you? You don’t know the father. If how long have I been on this channel? You don’t know Christ. Do you see what I mean? It’s like, you should be able to, you should be able to know God by those that express God, the son of God, who is in the bosom of the father, which means, um, one that is constantly learning and in communion with, he reveals the, um, the, the father to the world. But in Galatians three, it says very clearly, you’re all children of God.

This is what Paul’s trying to get across. He’s trying to get these like you foolish Galatians because they were being so silly. He’s like, you’re all children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you have been baptized by Christ, you’ve put on Christ. Okay. So if you’ve been baptized by Christ, if you’ve been immersed with the power of, of the Holy Spirit, then you have literally clothed yourself with Christ. You were in Christ. Christ is in you. There should be no difference between you and Christ. It says for as many of you has been baptized into Christ, you’ve put on Christ.

So now there is neither Jew nor Greek. There is neither bond nor free. There is neither male nor female for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Now listen to this, because this is the, uh, this is what they don’t teach at Sunday school and in your church because they did kind of take things out of context. And if you be Christ’s, okay, so you’ve put on Christ, you’ve been baptized by Christ. If you be Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise. If you’ve put on Christ, you become Abraham’s seed and an heir of the promise that God has laid out.

Now you’re an heir. I say that the heir, as long as he’s a child, differs nothing from a servant or a slave, though he be Lord of all, Lord of all, but it’s under tutors and governors until the time appointed. In other words, if you put on Christ, you are Abraham seed. Do you want to know who Abraham seed is? Now you go up a little bit earlier to chapter three, verse 15, and you read who Abraham seed is. Brethren, I speak this after the manner of men, though it be a man’s covenant.

Yet it be confirmed no one can disannul this. Okay, so in other words, no one can change this. To Abraham and his seed were the promises given. He didn’t say to many seeds. He said, to Abraham and to his seed, but as of one and to your seed Abraham, which is Christ. Abraham’s seed is Christ. Then if you keep reading, you come down to what we just read. If you’ve put on Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed. Who is Abraham seed? Abraham seed is Christ. If you be Christ and you’ve clothed yourself with Christ, now you are Abraham seed.

There’s no male, there’s no female, there’s no Jew, there’s no Gentile. So Jesus Christ today could be played by a woman because Christ today would be revealed within the woman. Because there is no woman, there is no man in Christ. There is no many, there is one, and that is Abraham seed. And that is what you are. If you’re born again, you’re an heir. Listen to this, an heir. But as long as you don’t know this, as long as you’re immature and you haven’t matured into it, then you’re no different than a servant, a slave.

You walk around thinking my life is the worst. If you don’t really know it yet, but you’re under tutors and governors until the time appointed. In other words, God’s going to teach you, God’s going to lead you until you realize, even though you think you are and act like and look like a slave, you are Lord of everything in Christ. So what can stand in your way? Don’t let this little, this little musical, it’s my favorite musical of all time. Don’t let this bum you out just because the wicked of which the wicked, the witch, just because the wicked witch of the West is playing Jesus.

It really in the grand scheme of things. I mean, I wouldn’t go see it. All right. I wouldn’t see it. I think, you know, it’s like if a character is written to be a male, it should just be played by a male. But back in the day, you probably didn’t know this. Like in Shakespeare’s day, there were no female actors. It was all men. So the men played women back then. That’s a little weird in my opinion too. Right. But it is what it is. I guess now things are flip-flopping. So Jesus Christ is now going to be a woman.

No big deal. Right. I guess you got to tell me in a comment section. And by the way, if you want to get some merch, you want to support the channel, go to the links in the description. Everything is there. The, the links are right there. You click on it, go shopping, go find out what you want. I appreciate this Freud. It helps me out and helps channel out and I love all you and I’ll talk to you soon. Okay. Bye-bye. Believe with me. Picture yourself happy and free. Live in your life the way you want it to be.

No more worries, no fear, no trouble, only peace. Happy at work, at home, with family or alone, regardless of where you roam. Imagine joy is all you know. Imagination is the ground where your future grows. Imagination is the key, you see. If you’d only believe, you’d receive what waits behind the door of infinite possibility. There is a desire in your heart. From this desire you must never part. See the end from the beginning. Picture it all in your mind. Worry about how you’ll get there. Only see the end result regardless of time. [tr:trw].


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