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Spread the Truth



➡ Jacob, the speaker, shares his concerns about the shutdown of the Neowise comet detector, which alerts us about incoming meteors. He stumbled upon this news while researching for a video he made about a comet named Neowise. He also discusses various unusual events happening around the world, including sightings of UFOs and a large meteor in Japan. Lastly, he shares a dream he had about meteors and the potential dangers they could pose.
➡ The speaker shares their journey of starting a YouTube channel, discussing topics like aliens and celestial events, which led to their videos going viral. They mention a significant dream they had about meteors and interpret it as a sign of Christ’s return. They encourage their viewers to seek truth and peace, and to connect with God, regardless of religious affiliation. They also promote their merchandise, which carries their message of seeking truth.
➡ This book follows a unique young man, Thomas James, who is grappling with his destiny. As his true identity is revealed, it triggers a series of predicted events, impacting those around him. The story, filled with hidden treasures, might make you question life’s mysteries and suffering, potentially offering a liberating truth. It explores the universal call we all feel deep within us.


Hello, my friends! Jacob’s here one more time! All of a sudden I’m like a cowboy! Pew pew! Welcome to the show! If I had lasers, I would be doing that to the asteroids or the meteors as they come I’d be like pew pew pew pew pew pew pew! Yeah, because you know I don’t know if you heard maybe well you probably did if you saw the thumbnail, right? You know that the Neowise comet detector is uh kaput. That’s right, they shut it down. This is the thing that basically lets us know if we have a bunch of like meteors coming at us that we should worry about.

This is like a big deal. It’s the the Neowise, it’s been up there since 2011, this thing. Very weird that the whole thing shut down. Stranger still is how I found out about it. Yeah, I mean like we it’s not like I’m like googling uh you know Neowise all the time but a couple of days ago we had Tisha B’Av and we had all of that stuff that was connected to what happened in the Middle East and it was terrible. And of course that was connected to a video that I did in my head and I thought to myself oh my goodness I did a video about Tisha B’Av.

I need to look this up. Am I pronouncing that right? Tisha B’Av. I’m trying to be all like it’s like like smart or something probably probably called Tisha B’Av or Tisha B’Av or Tisha B’Avada Boo for all I care. It doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. But I look up this video it’s you know it says behold I make all things new. This is a video I did in 2020 July 14th and it was based on this this kooky uh comment that I had a like a weird dream that there was a comment was coming on Independence Day.

I know. I know it’s goofy but I did. I did a video about it and I told and then of course there was a surprise comment that came on Independence Day. This is called Neowise and so of course I ended up doing stories about Neowise because it was a magnificent thing. It was even visible with the naked eye. Back then you know I connected to the fall of the order and the fall of the temple. So I think it’s interesting that I put this actually out on X. I said tomorrow’s Tisha B’Av.

213 weeks earlier my video about destruction and Israel connected to the temple coinciding with a comet known as Neowise. So I feel like Neowise may be in the news and find Neowise asteroid detector is shutting down. Why? After 15 years I found it interesting. Like why? I stumbled on it because I thought oh I did a video and then I’m thinking I’m looking for the asteroid but I find out that the asteroid detector is shutting down. They’re shutting the asteroid detector down. Why would you do that? Why would you do that when there’s all the craziness that’s been happening? We have the Persid’s meteor shower going on right now.

People are posting amazing pictures. One of the pictures is from Stonehenge. Yeah that’s right this beautiful picture right over here. It’s so nice. It’s so beautiful. It could be AI for all we know. Especially now Grok’s online doing all sorts of pictures. Grok is an AI that’s on X and it’s in competition now with basically everything. That’s what Elon does. He’s like I want to take over this. I’m going to take over this. I want to be the best at that. I’m going to could have did this picture. It actually did a picture for me.

I wanted to compare the two. I asked Grok what does the savior look like in 2024 and Grok came up with a picture and then I asked chat GPT that I actually pay for. I pay for X as well. I say why don’t you do it and this was the picture the two of them come up with. It’s like one of them looks a lot better than the other. They do kind of look a little bit similar. I’m really way off the point of this whole thing because this is actually very kind of spooky how this all ties in especially if we got to worry about the old meteors coming down.

Coming down just like they did on the old Stonehenge there. See I’m holding that up. They did that. See man. That’s cold editing. But you know what’s weird about Stonehenge is they just found some kind of like an altar. The altar just came out of nowhere. All of a sudden there’s an altar. I find it strange. Find all this stuff strange. But the decommission telescope is set to plummet to the earth this year leaving our planet completely defenseless. Don’t worry. It’s gonna be okay. It’s gonna be okay. I mean it I worry a little bit considering if you’re new to the channel and if you are will you hit the like button.

Welcome to the show. Hit that like subscribe. Check the bell for notifications. You’re gonna like it here. It’s a lot of fun. I have good times to share with all of you in the midst of all hell breaking out on earth. Woke up this morning to Raw’s alerts and many others saying that UFOs are being seen all over the place this morning. That’s right. If monkeypox wasn’t enough now we got to worry about them old aliens. And a lot of people went to social media to basically point out did anybody see it? Did anyone see that in the sky? Did anyone see that in the sky? I’ll tell you what people were seeing in the sky though.

In Japan just a couple of days ago there was such a meteor. I mean it was huge. Lit up the entire sky. So the question is are they UFOs or are they something else? Yes. It could possibly happen. We could have some spooky stuff coming down. My channel started because I had this kooky dream and you know I have these dreams and then I share them. That’s why I encourage all of you to do the same thing. I say you know share your dreams because you never know. Like something will happen. You’ll be like oh I had a dream and then all of a sudden you can be like you see God’s real.

God’s you know it says that God speaks to us in our dreams. I don’t know if God slumbers in their bed. That’s in the book of Job. Good stuff. What was I talking about again? This non-stop loop of ringing in my head makes me a little bit loopy. But it shut down this wide infrared field or whatever. It shut down July 31st. It’s gone. Now I think to myself right because we’ve had some weird crazy stuff happen in the skies and you know we’ve had the auroras. Remember I had the dream that the skies turned red and then I posted a video like a couple of weeks later or something where I was walking outside and the skies were red.

It was weird. Yeah so we’ve had some weird stuff going on which means that there’s something that’s kind of affecting the magnetic you know the magnetic field of the earth and also the sun’s affecting the sun. And one of those theories could be some kind of a massive planet that comes around every so often. Yeah which of course the people that are in charge if they’re in charge they probably know right they probably know. In my head you know because I’m a writer I start thinking about these things. In my head I’m thinking you know if something terrible was supposed to come you know maybe they want to have everybody under control by then right because people will go a little nuts.

But if people are programmed and controlled and they know how to you know shelter in place maybe all that is stuff that like seems like it’s so terrible maybe it’s like them trying to make the best out of a out of a terrible situation. Maybe not you know you want to think that you want to think the best you don’t want to think that you know you don’t want to think any of that I don’t want to think any of that stuff but it’s I think about it why because the video that I did I said well if you want me to share something you have to really you know have to give me you’re gonna have to give me the heads up and so and last night I have a terrible dream where I’m at the emergency room a building much like this which is really disturbing and we’re there for Ethan and in the dream basically like you know we start seeing meteors flying and man and it was like almost like it looked like scary times were coming because of this and but but that wasn’t really the dream I’m not saying that that’s going to happen the point of the dream was that in the dream I felt like if I had shared about it if I had just you know warned people if I had just said look this is what I’m thinking about that maybe perhaps I don’t know I know it’s as crazy as it sounds you know I mean like um Jonah you know when he when he didn’t want to share he didn’t want to say you know oh hey I’m gonna talk about aliens now I don’t even believe in aliens I’m supposed to tell you about that it’s a long story short I had this terrible dream I do this video the video on the uh the dream that I had this terrible dream and I share it and that was like kind of the the the start of my channel taking off because the next video I did it went viral so viral that I I freaked out and I deleted it then I put out another one saying okay lord I’m gonna talk kooky if you want me to talk kooky right because it’s all so weird it’s all predetermined I say okay I’ll do it then I’ve you know put out another video that one went viral too so the reason why you’re all here is because of me finally you know having a terrible nightmare after months of being prompted to talk about you know this other planet called Nibiru or planet nine or planet x whatever you want to call it in the other sun the dual system called nemesis the black sun you know that’s uh it’s kind of like I talk about these things and um so when I see stuff like the neowise asteroid detector being shut down I think to myself that’s a little sus that’s a little sus I think I think why you know why now the next one’s going up I think in like 2025 or something they say that we shouldn’t be too concerned about all of it but you know now I don’t know if you’re into the whole moon thing like you know the full moons and the blue moons and all that stuff well we got a blue moon that’s coming yeah the blue moon is coming out I think it’s on April 19th so whatever today is it’s the 19th and basically the the blue moon it’s not just the the Elvis blue moon which is interesting because we’re celebrating the what you know anniversary of Elvis they’re holding like a vigil you know I guess from when he passed away or something I don’t know I don’t follow Elvis Presley’s news I follow another kink first full moon though is a super rare blue moon this is what you can expect the moon being closer to the earth and bigger and brighter something like it’s huge than it has all year long so it’s rare it’s rare now what’s really weird and it’s got me thinking is it reaches its peak fullness at 2 26 pm eastern time 2 26 pm the super rare blue moon reaches its peak now why is this weird because as I’m reading the article about this it goes on to say during the moon’s closest approach to the earth it can be approximately 14 times larger and shine 30 times brighter than when it’s at its farthest point in orbit approximately 226 000 miles away so I’m like 226 in the same article there’s gotta be a connection and there is and you know what the connection is it’s very strange do you remember the McDonald’s sign do you remember the McDonald’s let me play this for you this is strange do you remember I posted a video um not too too long ago McDonald’s when it turned to wick donalds and I I posted it and said the sign of Christ’s return just take a look at this this is interesting and also on 2 2 2 McDonald’s launched its dark twin wick donalds to celebrate all of the anime characters and all of the anime shows that have changed a letter of McDonald’s to wick donalds to avoid being sued you can meet the characters here at the website the only character is now no word on what could be causing this outage this morning a lot of people saying that it started around midnight east coast time which around midnight east coast time it’s happening at 2 2 6 if you actually looked at the video you saw that that was posted on the 19th 719 so here we have the super blue moon coming out 2 2 6 2 2 6 it’s a sign it’s a witness it’s sus all of these things working together all of these things come together in such a weird weird wonderful way how can we not be excited about the days to come do I think that something’s gonna happen like my terrible nightmare that I had I certainly hope not do I think that it’s gonna happen the night of the blue moon at 2 2 6 I don’t think so I really hope not in fact but the whole point of the video was it’s about Christ’s return who’s to say that these meteors that I dreamed about these things flying in who’s to say that it wasn’t something heavenly coming like a mighty truth to basically wake up the land who’s to say peace I say peace in the middle east prisoners released peace I shout peace the lord declares this war to cease by noon tomorrow let joy replace sorrow and let this news be seen so those shouting for more turn their tongues against war and instead make those who are evil flee peace I say peace because all of you better believe the god of Israel is one of relief I don’t know but if you know if uh if meteors start hitting everywhere and everything else you know just remember Jacob told you you’d be okay just say a prayer you’ll be fine I’ve been talking about this stuff for a long time god has it disappointed you know here we are again god hasn’t disappointed never does and I promise you if you just ask for the truth hey I totally forgot I was wearing this if you just ask for the truth say teach me the truth and on the back it says no matter what the cost if you just do that you ask god you know you don’t listen you don’t want to go to a religious church you don’t want to go you know you want to go to a mosque or a temple or you want to go to a synagogue or do you want to go to a church or you want to go to you know whatever you want to go mormon hall what do they call you know kingdom halls for the Jehovah’s witnesses you don’t want to go to you don’t got to go anywhere you don’t have to go anywhere all you got to do is ask for the truth you know there is a god I talk about this god oh god of Jacob the god of Abraham the god of Isaac the god of Jesus Christ there is a god and you’re connected like literally you’re connected like like the sound that’s in my ear that I’m connect like this non-stop download of whatever I’m getting or access to we’re connected to the Lord so isn’t it time that we ask for the truth and if you want to support the channel great way to do it get the merch go into the description of the video you can get to teach me the truth no matter what the cost and you know so when you see people and you walk in you go I’m walking down you know that the mall or I’m you know I’m with grandma and we’re doing the power walks we’re gonna walk three miles on the mall every morning which I think is so super cute you were to teach me the truth people see they go teach me the truth and then they pass by they look at them no matter what the cost and they just got tricked into asking for the truth of everything think about that I’m not kidding I’m not kidding they but it may get them to think maybe we should ask for the truth maybe we should we need to love we need to live we need to be better and um I promise that the days ahead no matter how crazy it gets you may not need an asteroid detector all you need is a love detector baby how do you like that how do you like that all right I love each and every one of you I’ll talk to you soon bye bye September 10th Mars hangs closer to the earth than it has six thousand years like the light that led men from the east to a child in a manger it could well be a sign of good things to come Thomas James shall be his name the world will change because of him in the small town of Bethel in a time not unlike our own a child with a great purpose is born years later alienated by its peers abused Thomas suffers a devastating loss when it appears he has nothing left to live for in the world this is when his true call begins while trying to escape the sinister powers that be a terrifying vision haunts miraculous events seem to follow the peculiar young man as he struggles to come to terms with what he was born to do the stage is set the time is at hand the truth will rise and a revolution will begin the startling revelation of who Thomas James is truly will change the lives of those around him and set off a chain of events long ago foretold there is more to this novel than one might think inside these pages hides a treasure just waiting to be discovered so if you’ve ever wondered if there’s more to life or why it is we suffer then this story will not only captivate you it may just open your eyes to a truth that could set you free find out what is in us all that makes us heat the calling


Spread the Truth


connecting with God beyond religion dream interpretation of meteors dream signifying Christ's return incoming meteor alerts Jacob's Neowise comet research large meteor sighting in Japan Neowise comet detector shutdown potential meteor dangers promoting truth-seeking seeking truth and peace Starting a YouTube channel journey UFO sightings worldwide viral videos on aliens and celestial events

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