➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the connection between Frankenstein and the Bavarian Illuminati, the potential role of AI in healthcare, and the controversy surrounding a man named Luigi. They also mention Elon Musk’s portrayal of Wario and the potential implications of AI in diagnosing health conditions. The speaker suggests that these seemingly unrelated events might be interconnected in some way, hinting at a larger narrative or conspiracy.
➡ The text discusses the biblical story of Samson, comparing him to Trump and suggesting that Trump, like Samson, will return to set things right. The author also mentions a prediction of fires happening on January 2nd and discusses a theory about humanity’s encounter with AI leading to either extinction or immortality. The text ends with a critique of teachers and evangelists who claim to speak the truth but prove to be liars.
➡ This text expresses a person’s frustration with corruption and dishonesty, longing for justice and truth. They feel lost and broken, but remain loyal and hopeful. They ask for guidance and understanding, believing in a higher power’s ability to bring about change. They hope that one day, everyone will recognize this eternal truth.
If you can do this or not. Can you pull up my ex. Can you do that? We’re going to start off with Grimace. Okay. Start up with Grimace. Okay. And you’ll see that a couple of days ago, I shared out the fact that I found it interesting. I thought there was something that was going to happen in New York City. A couple of things kind of tipped me off to that, so I said, a shakeup’s coming. Because Grimace has been associated with these big shakeup events quite a bit recently. You probably remember when the big trend was going around where you drink the shake and everybody was turning into a zombie.
Seems like everybody’s kind of become a zombie. And McDonald’s is kind of smack dab in the middle of this. Okay, take a look at this right here. So we see, Obviously, once again, McDonald’s is key. And, you know, the first thing that came to mind was like, my goodness, does it get any better? The PR for McDonald’s, it’s just insane. But what was interesting was 11 days after I posted a shakeup is coming to New York City. Okay. Because Mickey D. Shared a picture of Grimace riding a red shoe there. You’ll see. Okay, so take a look at that.
So you see Grimace on the red shoe. And if you scroll up a little bit, you’ll see what I wrote, which is that Grimace was originally known. A lot of people don’t know this. That Grimace was originally known as the Evil Grimace. The evil beast actually had four different arms, so he was known originally as the Evil Grimace. So if I saw Grimace on top of the. That this red shoe, which I knew was associated with shakeups, I knew that New York City was going to be in the mix. Now, what’s weirder is that on Halloween, I found that grimace post by McDonald’s that you just had up on Halloween.
There’s a Grimace lookalike competition. Now, they didn’t say where that picture was taken. But I had this vibe. I said, this has got to be New York City. So I said, stay safe, everybody. Now, if you click over to the left, you’ll see that there was a. There was a lookalike competition that took place in New York City right after this event. Strange, right? This is weird. Okay, this is weird. So here we know Jacob’s coming to New York City. That’s what I felt like, at least, because the last time Grimace was kind of in the news.
Ironically, right now, the Mets are in the news because of who signed with the Mets, as opposed to signing elsewhere. Got a huge deal out of this. Grimace is like the mascot for the Mets. The Metropolitan. It’s. The whole thing is just. There’s got to be more to this, right? So there’s a Grimace lookalike competition, and then here we are. It wasn’t much longer. It was, what, one month, eight days later, and you have the lookalike competition for this alleged shooter. That’s. That’s a little bit weird. There’s a lot more weird. Did you hear about the officer that.
That arrested him? No. What about the officer? Truth seeker sent me something. The officer’s name is Fry. The guy that arrested this. The Luigi, his name was Fry? Yeah, the officer’s name was Fry. That’s hilarious. So. And of course, you know, I had a. I had a strange. I had a strange feeling about McDonald’s, because I had this weird dream that voting machines were in there, so that when Trump did his whole, you know, spiel of serving fries and frying fries, it was all about the fries in McDonald’s. You know, you just get to a point where you think this is strange, right? But it gets a lot stranger.
Okay, let’s forget about the name. The fact that. That his last name, man. Joni. Right? Man John. He means big eater, right? The Big Mac. The big eater in McDonald’s means glutton. And he’s in Pennsylvania, where he gets arrested. That’s the Keystone State. Everything went down in Pennsylvania. Where did. Where did Donald Trump do the McDonald’s. Did anybody remember where that was? I forgot. Was that in Pennsylvania, too, or was that somewhere else? I feel like he does McDonald’s in every state he goes to. Oh, yeah. He did it in Pennsylvania. He did. Where he. The Key Stone State.
It’s. It’s. This is the key. This is the. This is. This is a big deal, but this is where it gets weird. Also, you. Last year, you’ve been covering Grimace connected to a smile in the Grimace smile, and this is the smiling assassin, right? Yeah. That’s where I. That’s how I connected. It was from your. You’ve been on this Grimace thing. You know, we talked about the assassin show. Right. We talked about this. And the Olympics that went down. This was a big thing because you were the one that kind of opened that door to me.
Right. And I was just blown away with the fact that I’d forgotten that. You know, we all talked about, you know, this being the year of 2024, will be the year of the assassins. And my goodness, you have the best show right now is called the Jackal Bat. An assassin, Corporate espionage assassin. Yeah. You have all the attempts that have gone down, all this. But what’s weird was, remember, I called you up and we talked about the fact that this had to do with Prometheus because the assassin in the Olympics opening ceremony was carrying the. The torch, which is Promethea fire.
Right, right. The fire of the gods. And. And so my big thing has been. I’ve been saying that the. The fire is lit. The fire is lit. This also ties into the story of Samson and Donald Trump as the second president. Like, there’s. There’s going to be. We’re going to probably start hearing. I’ve been saying we’re going to start hearing about fires, like literal fires. I wouldn’t doubt if we start seeing stuff like this happen, literally in New York City, God forbid. Oh, no. Yeah, we’re going to see some fires, for sure. I don’t know where it’s going to be, but it’s coming.
Well, it’s the. It’s the. The. You know, Prometheus, he was corrected. Because, of course, you know, he tried. He gave the fire of the gods to the humans. This is an issue. This is a big issue. Now, this shooter, this. This would be assassin or this alleged assassin who’s carrying. You probably talked about the fact that he was carrying Monopoly money, right? Which is. Yeah. It’s just strange. In his backpack. So they. They find his backpack and they’re like, oh, it’s filled with Monopoly money. And everybody, of course, is. Is saying, well, Monopoly and McDonald’s, they go kind of hand in hand.
You have this. This whole thing. Right, right. Because, like, the. Monopoly was the game at McDonald’s that was so much. I used to play that, but I never won. No one won. No, it was a scam, you start. Right? It was. It was. And actually, it was that. There was actually a big scandal, too, that was connected to that. They. They did. They did scam a Lot of people. You’re right. So this is what was weird was. Now, this was my show that I did. That’s the thumbnail right there. And you’ll see that’s Prometheus in the background.
That’s the statue that is at Rockefeller Center. Now, why did I put that there? Well, because the day of this, you know, this shooting was. It was when they were going to light the Christmas tree. The Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. Rockefeller center is known for Prometheus. Prometheus, the fire of the gods. The fire is lit. Weird. Prometheus. So now I didn’t get the full picture of this. I talked about. This is why I’m, like, vibing big time with this story. And I was so happy to come on here because I think this is so important with the day that’s going on.
You know, the story that we’re. We’re hearing about is this is all about healthcare, and it’s connected to AI okay, so all of this is connected to artificial intelligence. And the fact that they just denied so many claims, they found ways to deny claims. Now. This is why everybody is cheering for this guy, because healthcare is so expensive. So expensive. Well, I wonder what could make health care less expensive. Perhaps maybe slashing regulation and slashing people that work and get paid a lot of money and just putting AI behind the wheel. Right? Why not? Why not everything go towards AI Artificial intelligence.
Frankenstein. Because. Do you know the other name for Frankenstein? Mary Shelley Frankenstein. You know what the original title is? The modern Prometheus. The modern day Prometheus. So this is weird now. This is where it gets weird. So if you go to the next slide where you see the officer go to the. To the left, I think. Yeah, I think. There you go. That’s the only officer whose name was seen. So this big scene just went down, you know, Luigi. He’s Luigi. Which blows my mind, because we’ve been talking about Bizarro Superman and Bizarro World. Like, everything’s flipped.
It used to be McDonald’s, and then they did this whole anime thing called Wick Donald’s where everything was flipped on its head. You know, like we were entering into a whole new timeline where everything’s just ridiculous, where this guy’s name is Luigi. And not too long earlier, you had Elon Musk playing Wario, and he’s fingering Luigi as the killer in the courtroom in New York. Really? Wow. You don’t remember the video where he played Wario? Then his baby mama, Grimes, she ended up going to the hospital for a mental Breakdown right after the show. Grimes, right there.
Grimes is peach. So. So, but. So this is what’s nuts though, is that here he’s saying, luigi, you’re the killer. And Luigi’s like, oh, no. Strange, right? And then here’s the. The distress call signal that the mushrooms. Hang on a second. Go back to the mushrooms. Now this killer alleged he has like a whole page about the benefits of mushrooms and stress relief. Are you serious? He’s promoting the Gordon Lawson and. And AI too. I. I posted in the private chat a link to the. His actual Twitter thread. And the last thing that he had retweeted and pinned was all about this new AI revolution, Waldman.
So I look at that and I go, that’s interesting. He’s just very, very nonchalantly standing perfectly in the shot, so it’s very clear who he is. So I said, I gotta look that name up. First name that comes up is Dr. Waldman, who is just a character in guess what series story. Dr. Waldman. Frankenstein, Prometheus, Ingle. And what about Inglestadt? Paranoid. Well, there. There are some other theories that I really like too, that. That Mary Shelley’s Franklin Frankenstein interpretations that it was also about the Bavarian Illuminati, that Frankenstein was a personified version, this monster of a group that was founded in the same place that Frankenstein comes from.
Ingolstadt University. This is where Adam Weishop takes over Ingostadt University and turns it into his recruiting ground for the Bavarian Illuminati. But I mean, isn’t this. But isn’t this a little strange? You know, I even got freaked out when I took the picture at like 3:11. You know, there’s like. Everything’s so strange in my life. His name’s Waldman. Just like, just like the character. And. And here all I’m talking about for how long? And we talked about this from the moment that it happened. Prometheus. The fire is being lit. The fire is being lit. The whole thing is nuts.
Go to the next slide. Go to the next slide if you can, for a second. And then I. I just got a little. I just thought it was interesting because I’m always talking about 7 11. And just the license plate I thought was cool. It was 77 and K is the 11th letter. I should have probably looked at MG. Wow. Yeah, you do talk about the 711 all the time. So the whole thing there is just. There’s just something that makes me feel like I think this is connected to. To AI. I mean, but not just that.
I think that this Story could be one of those things where we’re done with the health care system. System. You know, we’re done doing things the way that it’s been done. It’s too expensive. People aren’t getting care. What about, like universal care? And then what about, hey, we have universal care? Well, we have AI do a lot of the job. And why wouldn’t we want to move to something where everybody can get some kind of health care as opposed to being denied claims by AI? It’s almost like the AI denies the claims and then they blame the system.
They blame, you know, the CEO and they blame the group, which, by the way, I don’t know if you know anything about Mr. Mangion, Mr. Mr. Big Mac Eater himself, but his family is connected to the exact same type of business. They have so much money. They’re connected to the health. US Healthcare, the, the business. They have a Lorraine something. They have like a whole group. I mean, these are very well to do people. Wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They’re. They’re very. They’re very connected to health care and like nursing homes and all the stuff that US Health care and this, you know, federal kind of thing that they’re.
They’re bringing against US Health care, all of this is. It seems to be connected in a weird way. But at the same time that all of this is happening, you have Elon Musk talking about Grok and how Grok can diagnose things. Share your share, your share your X ray. And now there’s this big talk about how AI can do the job of a doctor and do it better. They’re saying this. They’re saying this now. This is like this is happening now. And the X ray of Louis Mangione’s lower back, where it was fused. The story goes that he had such a bad back that it was fused that he can’t even be intimate with women.
That’s what the, you know, the story is with this guy. Meanwhile, when he got out of that car, he was jumping around. Not like somebody who has a bad back. You know, he was like thrashing around and everything else. I mean, valedictorian of his class. He also wrote like a 262, some kind of, you know, manifesto. Did you hear about this that they found? Seems like some of it was written afterwards, if not all of it. It was handwritten. My novel, which, by the way, I’m gonna put a plug out there because if I air this on my show, everybody should get it.
Get a copy of the Calling. Like the best novel ever. This is 328 pages, which in Hebrew means to bluff. Ironically, they didn’t do that on purpose. It’s Strong’s 322 means 328 needs to gird up. But it took me a while to write that he’s picked up in McDonald’s. I mean, it could have been psychically driven into him, right? Like MK Ultra style. Maybe. Maybe. Oh yeah, that’s right. You do have my novel. It’s awesome. It really is a great. It is a great. It’s probably. I’ve been showing off my book collections this whole entire stream.
It’s my crowning achievement. My crowning achievement in life. It takes a lot of work. I mean we did just a. Like a little pamphlet. This is a lot more to put together this and thank you. Do you know that this stuff that’s happening with one alleged killer is also happening at the same time that there is another killer who self defense killer who’s been set free. Daniel Penny. Okay, so we had the. We had the beast Grimace riding the red shoe into the parade. And I said, oh, Jacob’s coming. Watch out in New York, right? Look alike competitions coming.
Whoa, Watch out in New York. Something’s weird going on. We get the lookalike for the would be assassin. And then we got the riots that went online. Well, not riots. I shouldn’t say that. They weren’t. They were like mild, small protests, but they could turn into something much, much bigger in a second if things aren’t out of. You know, there it is right there. And they could get a lot worse very, very shortly. But what’s interesting about this is Daniel, I believe I. I posted this on my page as well. If you go back, you’ll be able to find it.
Daniel, now that he’s free, people are kind of comparing him to some kind of a hero. And one of the heroes they’re comparing him to. I was a little freaked out by Method on X. His name’s Burton. He’s. He’s a great guy. He’s been with me for a long time. He’s loved my channel for a long time. He was just blown away that this guy, Daniel Penny, who is the, you know, he’s this guy that was just set free, which is what the protests are about. If you can go over to my ex and see if you can find the Daniel Penny post, there is a.
I reposted it. You can see that there’s a tattoo that he has. And on the tattoo that’s. Oh, that’s. That’s another thing, too, you might want to take a look at. He was. He was known for playing that game. It’s an assassin game called Among Us. Extremely ironic. Yeah, yeah. Iron. Oh, no, there’s 10 of them, it looks like. I was trying to count. The whole thing is just. It’s just disturbing. But so this guy, Daniel Penny, he’s got. Now, here’s weird. Samson, for those that don’t know, was a biblical judge. He was actually like, you know, what happened was there was no king over Israel, really, at the time.
Israel, there were a bunch of slaves. We’re captives in the system, sort of like us being sucked into the system. And so God made these judges that would come, and the judges, what they would do is they would. They would, like, help the people out. Like, when the people were wrong, they correct them when they put them in the right direction. There’s a lot of great stories, a lot of great judges. It’s in the book of judges, if you want to read it. The last judge, one of my favorites, because he was, you know, a big, tough guy, is Samson.
Okay, now here’s weird. So I’ve been talking about Samson a lot, because if you take the. The name Samson and you scramble the words around, you get masons. Now, why would I do that? Well, because I see and I saw back in 2023, I actually did a video about this where I compared Trump to Samson, who is going to come in? Because, you know, Trump is known for New York City, and at the time, there was a hive of honeybees that was just randomly appeared in the midst of New York City. And I thought of the story of Samson in the line.
You probably remember that, you know, he was going to his bride the first time, and along the way, a lion came in his way, and he wrestled him and he killed the lion. And then when he goes back home and he’s ready to come back again to take his bride the second time, hoping that his bride is going to be ready. Kind of like Trump’s coming back to take back the United States. You know, kind of like the first time he was there, he ends up in a big fight with a lion. And then the next time, here he is the second time, but he gets angry because his bride was given to another.
And so what he does, what is. He takes the tales of, like, 300 foxes. He puts a firebrand in between them, and it was during the wheat harvest, which, by the way, is kind of happening right now. I like this. This is, I. I think biblically this is the time for the wheat harvest. And what’s significant about the wheat harvest is to get the, you know, the material from the wheat that you use to make bread, you got to thresh the wheat. And that’s not a great process, threshing. And that’s the time that we’re entering into.
So I compared Samson to Trump when he came in the second time. The biblical judge that comes in to kind of set everything right to bring fire. Which is why I feel like we are also going to be seeing some, you know, fires will say popping up everywhere, like things are going to start to burn. I just had this vibe and I. I’m still, you know, thinking, you know, I even said that in my last stream, too. Is that right? About fires? Yeah, I said the fires are even. There’s astrologers who said that something with the astrology, too, is like, prime for fires happening on the date January 2nd.
Oh, that’s interesting. Which is January 2nd is 201, like backwards or whatever, you know. But yeah, so we’ll see. Whole thing is the whole thing just so. So you have two different stories. What? You know, three different stories going in at the same time. Right. And then you have this Daniel Penny who’s got the. Samson. He’s got the tattoo of Samson ripping the lion in two. So what is that? That’s him right there. Yeah. And that’s. That. That’s the. That’s the guy that got off. Look at his tattoo. It’s the exact same picture that. That famous picture of Samson ripping the lion in two, which is.
Which, like, this is. What’s I’ve said is coming with Trump, you know, with. We’re going to see, like, things being like. Like we’ll say like a fire sale, you know, like everything’s going to be just turned on its head. And I wouldn’t doubt that these stories that we’re hearing, it just like this. This looks like a lady to me right here. Yeah, it does look like a woman. That’s right. Does not look like this guy at all. And on the Economist magazine, the guy is also smiling, like, in the middle. And like, this is like the big story.
Did you. Do you remember the Economist magazine, that little, like, we were like, who’s that mouth? Yeah, I thought it was the what’s her name from this is crazy. Like, I shot Shout out to Maverick. Maverick. He sent me this picture and was showing me this one. Like my. My Count of Monty Schizo. I called my new. My new name where I’m obsessed with the 128 number and seeing that around a lot. And I don’t know what 128 really means. It’s like, it’s been my thing that I’ve been doing. I know. 128 code, right? Right. Yeah.
And this, this one right here, this post, it got over like 300,000 views. Like, what the hell? But this is just like this. My reticular activation system sees the. The numbers. Yeah. So when you were talking about this guy posting. No, no, no, no, no. Hold on, hold on one second. Let me pull it up. It’s. It’s what? Paranoid American, he shared out the assassin was talking about AI Twitter thread, that he was just talking about AI for like 20 different posts, but he posted it on that date. The 128 code, the December. Let me read what that says.
Let me see. Normal range, possible states, human race. This is a fairly popular theory that, that humanity has multiple times come to the same cusp we’re on, where they discover AI or some sort of solid state intelligence. And then it goes one of two ways. Either it leads to an extinction level event or it leads to immortality. And I guess one of the claims here is that since we don’t know of any immortals, then what usually happens is we get to this cusp and then something goes horrifically wrong, and then that leads to close to an extinction level event, which in some cases means we start over from scratch, all over again.
Yeah, we just live our lives over again. We’re probably an echo on a server. We’ve probably been doing, hey, listen, it took God, how many, you know, times to make man, you know, days, Like a thousand years. I mean, who said, who said we, we. We may be at this thing for thousands of years and never know it, but through adversity, you know, and like, like AI is brought through adversity. You know, adversity training. We evolve, we get better. I mean, that could also be a reason why people like you and me, both of you and I start to see patterns.
And we’re like. When I saw that grimace, I’m like, something’s going to happen in New York City. It’s going to be a shakeup. When I see the lookalike competition happening, I say, I think there’s something going on in New York City. Doesn’t that look like New York City? And then there’s a lookalike competition, and then there’s this thing that happens. 11 days. One to eight is 11. Am I correct? You add that up, right? That’s 11. Yeah, yeah, right. So it’s the whole thing now. I actually went. I did a Google search, a Google Earth search on that 128 Sherman Place.
It’s freaky. You go down the street. First of all, you can’t find the house. The house isn’t there. But there’s like, weird things. Like there’s a black cat in a window staring like another house. Like, has a door creaked half open. It’s like the whole thing looks haunted. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I did like it. Like, I. If you got time to kill today, I don’t know, you’re doing this stream for how long? You may want to. You may want to try to, like, look, look up 128 Sherman Place, Maplewood, New Jersey, and just go down and take a look at the street.
It’s freaky. And it freaked me out. And I shut it off. When I saw the black cat in the second window at 1 2, 4, I was like, check, please. Oh, we’re definitely gonna do that tonight. Late night stream. We’re gonna go to this fake address and see what’s going on there. That’s a great idea. All right, well, listen, thank you so much. Thank you watching and thanks for letting me be a part of your history, because this is gonna be. This is history. I love everybody. I’ll talk to you all soon. Check me out YouTube, JacobIsrael.com or X.
It’s @jacob71 on X. I like Sharon on X too, but YouTube’s the place. All right, bye bye. Love you. All the teachers teach for higher. The evangelists speak of either no responsibility or infinite fire for gain. They remain fundamentally claim the truth while proving to be liars and I liar. Oh, I feel like a spider land A giant seeking day and night and feeling like I’m never going to find it because you’re a truth all alone. Few seem to want to buy it. They build out of the reputations they’ve killed A kingdom that will become a funeral pyre for the behavior of those who claim to be God.
I have truly grown tired. When, Lord, when will you show the world? If they be corrupt, they will be fired or else how will they know your kingdom in this life? They never know until this type of behavior they retire. And I, Lord, oh, I feel like a spinal and a giant seeking day and night and feeling like I’m never gonna find it because you’re a truthful few seem to want to buy it. But here I am a loyal. I am a broken and being preppable man. Crazy’s never misleading. Here I am to your wealth of Please tell me and others to find this meaning show them, grow them, leave them for you are far better than me.
A worthless word recognizing to create harm to me. So one day they’ll say the God of Jacob is the God of eternity.