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➡ The text discusses a series of devastating fires, attributing them to mismanagement by the city and affecting thousands of homes and businesses, including those of famous individuals. The author draws parallels between these events and the biblical story of Samson, suggesting that these fires could be a sign of impending judgement or change. The author also speculates about the potential for future fires, based on their interpretation of various signs and symbols. The text ends with a reflection on the role of judges in biblical times, suggesting that a new order may be established after these events.
➡ The speaker discusses their belief that the world needs a figure to establish God’s kingdom and suggests that Trump, despite his flaws, might be that figure. They compare Trump to Samson, a judge in the Bible who brought judgment against wrongdoers. The speaker also shares a dream they had about Trump and suggests that it might indicate a significant change or shakeup in the world. They encourage their audience to seek truth and be prepared for potential changes.
➡ Samson, a famous cricket player known for his exceptional skills, is currently in the news. Despite cricket being a major sport in India and other countries, its symbolism is often overlooked. Samson’s return to the game, likened to a prophecy, is significant as he is seen as a ‘keeper of the wickets’, with ‘wicket’ symbolizing a gate or door.


It’s devastating, but what is most concerning to me is our first responders and our firefighters who are trying to battle this. There’s no water in the Palisades. There’s no water coming out of the fire hydrant. This is an absolute mismanagement by the city. Not the firefighters’ fault, but it’s other cities. People are already dead. They’ve already passed away. Thousands of over a thousand homes. Over a thousand businesses. I mean, they’re lost completely. Mark Hamill, Luke Skywalker himself had to evacuate. Mandy Moore, James Woods. He was showing people where the fires were, how they were coming closer, and then he was showing people how his deck was on fire.

Poor guy. Poor, poor people. They say that Adam Sandler’s house in, you know, nearby Malibu. He got Ben Affleck. He got Tom Hanks. He got Steven Spielberg. All of a sudden, these terrible fires are being associated with fame and fortune. The spiritual part of this story is, it’s nuts. Why is it nuts? Well, because on December 10th, I put out this post right here with member Daniel Perry, who had the Samson tattoo. You know, Samson. I’ve been talking about the story of Samson, kind of compared Donald Trump to Samson. You know, the last biblical judge, the one that comes in and lights fire to everything.

After what we saw with the Olympics, the one who was carrying the torch, I started telling everybody, you’re going to start seeing fires pop up everywhere. I actually did. I put out a test. You can see it right there where I said, you know, test fires are going to start everywhere, starting in, you know, probably in New York City and across the country. So now we see all of these fires playing out because this is a big deal. This is like the grand times. The Olympics opening ceremony. Well, the fire that was stolen from the gods, the torch was carried by an assassin.

So massive amounts of people are in New York at this time for the ritual of lighting the Christmas tree. This is a clear message that the mainstream media has been pushing the story. This is a signal to insiders. This is a clear message, a signal to light the fire. Perhaps the fact that the assassin was carrying the fire of the gods and the Christmas ceremony is taking place in Rockefeller Center, which has Prometheus. It’s all about lighting that fire. And just a week ago, we heard about the Rothschild air that had died in the house fire.

But we found out recently that that wasn’t true at all. It’s actually an imposter, an imposter. Judges that would come and the judges, what they would do is they would, they would like help the people out. When the people were wrong, they correct them. They put them in the right direction. There’s a lot of great stories, a lot of great judges. It’s in the book of judges. If you want to read it, the last judge, one of my favorites, because he was, you know, big tough guy, um, is Samson. Okay. Now here’s weird.

So I’ve been talking about Samson a lot, because if you take the name Samson and you scramble the words around, you get masons. Now, why would I do that? Well, because I see, and I saw back in 2023, I actually did a video about this where I compared Trump to Samson, who is going to come in because, you know, Trump is known for New York city. And at the time there was a hive of, of honeybees that was just, just randomly appeared in the midst of New York city. And I thought of the story of Samson and the lion.

You probably remember that, you know, he was going to his bride the first time. And along the way, a lion came in his way and he wrestled him and he killed the lion. And then when he goes back home, um, and he’s ready to come back again to take his bride the second time, hoping that his bride is going to be ready, kind of like Trump’s coming back to take back the United States, you know, kind of like the first time he was there, he ends up in a big fight with a lion.

And then the next time here, he is the second time, but he gets angry because his bride was given to another. And so what he does, what is he takes, uh, the tales of like 300 foxes. He puts a firebrand in between them. And it was during the wheat harvest, which by the way, is kind of happening right now. I like this. This is, I think biblically, this is the time for the wheat harvest. And what’s significant about the wheat harvest is to get the, uh, you know, the material from the wheat that you have to use to make bread, you got to thrash the wheat and that’s not a great process threshing.

And that’s the time that we’re entering into. So I compared Samson to Trump when he came in the second time, the biblical judge that comes in to kind of set everything right to bring fire, which is why I feel like we are also going to be seeing some, you know, fires will say popping up everywhere. Like things are going to start to burn. I just had this vibe and that’s the, that’s the, that’s the guy that got off. Look at his tattoo. It’s the exact same picture. Um, that, that famous picture of Samson ripping the a lion in two, which is, which like, this is what I’ve said is coming with Trump, you know, with, we’re, we’re going to see like things being like, like it will say, like a fire sale, you know, like everything’s going to be just turned on its head.

Will be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars and upon the earth, distress of nations with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring men’s hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken and shall they see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Wildfires, like I said, stuff travels. But once again, I’m look, I’m not a firefighter and I’m not an expert in these things. I don’t know.

I don’t know. But I do know that I’ve talked a lot in the past, especially the past year. And if you look at right there, we’re in trouble from 11 months ago, get a lot of fire going on. We were warned three days of darkness, Canadian wildfires, a third of mankind fell by plague, smoke and fire. What do you see? Is this our future five months ago? The world sleeps while Nineveh catches fire. Interesting about Nineveh catching fire. This eclipse touches Nineveh. So I’m not like discounting, you know, Star Wars and lasers from space.

I’m not discounting that that star was where the Super Bowl was played. Okay, I probably think that they already have space lasers up there ready to, you know, for the future. Again and again, videos from the past this one 330 days before the LA fires began. The Super Bowl halftime show was all about the Phoenix. About a new civilization being birthed from the ashes of the old. The Super Bowl halftime show was there to usher us in. But how many lives would be lost in the process? Woe unto you inhabitants of the earth for the devil has come down upon you and is filled with wrath, but rejoice those in heaven.

Because when Christ comes, it will be as fire. For Christ came to set the world on fire. And it seemed the fire would pave the way for a new day. A new world. And is this what this Super Bowl show was all about? 330 days before the fires began. Even the Paris Olympics had the band Phoenix playing their closing ceremony. There were plenty of reasons for me to think that the fires of Samson would come. On June 9th, parts of Midtown Manhattan were shut down because of a beehive. It was very strange. I saw it as significant and prophetic because of course I had just recently talked about a beehive and I had just talked about hell on a program that I just did.

Very interesting that Venus on the night of the 12th and the 13th, it’s going to be passing on a star cluster known as the beehive. Now why I find this to be interesting is a beehive is to do with collective. And now here days later we see Queen Bee dancing in her new bee outfit. The bees that were going on reminded me of Samson’s bees that was found in the carcass of a lion. And I think of New York City. I think of Trump. And I think of Trump as the carcass of a lion being in New York City right now.

I say it’s significant. So you got to understand the story of Samson right here. Samson was like the last judge. A judge brings judgment on a people. A judge is right before there’s a king. There’s a holy order. The kingdom of God is established in the world after the last judge. Right now the kingdom of God doesn’t seem to be established in the world. So we would kind of need a last judge if you will. Someone to stand up. Someone to make things right. Someone to work on God’s behalf. Doesn’t mean the person’s a godly person by the way.

And I’m not saying that Trump’s a good guy. Believe it or not on this channel people have you know really given me a hard time because I say don’t be deceived. Because I had dreams about this guy. I had dreams about him losing the election before he lost the election. In this video right here I told everybody right the day of the election I told everybody’s gonna probably lose it contest it. I said don’t don’t pay attention to it video after video. I said this if you’ve been on the channel for a long time in the comment section say Jacob it’s amazing here we are years later and it’s actually happening exactly as you said.

So I have a dream. It’s a very strange dream. I don’t pay much attention to it in the dream and it was a couple of them but this one was the one that stood out the most in the dream. I for some reason was like with one arm was carrying like the casket of of our president. Yeah that’s right but it was open. But on the left hand side of me there was our president. It was very strange. There was like you know it was one in the casket with the casket wide open.

There was also I remember there being like I noticed there was moss on the bottom of of of the casket. Moss that was growing there. But in the dream you know the president was he was he was smiling he was laughing he was having a great old time and here I am carrying this and I I didn’t understand I’m like oh and then I woke up and I’m like oh I get it it’s gonna be like a fake thing. I don’t know I look at things and I say well Lord what does it all mean? And God kind of speaks to us and he kind of tells us and he says you know what if you’re asking for the truth no matter what the cost like the shirt says which you can get in the description of the video below and the links are everything by the way if you want to connect to me on patreon you want to paypal you want to help out the channel because it’s just me I appreciate it you can go there but if you’re asking for the truth no matter what the cost guess what God’s going to do it’s going to give it to you he says if you just ask I’ll open the flood gates the flood gates of heaven the gates are going to be open but who’s the keeper of the gate guess who Samson Samson’s the keeper of the gate he’s a judge and so you got you got a bunch of bees downtown in midtown Manhattan I think to myself a trump being a lion he even put out a trading card looked like a lion right well Samson let me tell you a little bit about Samson Samson was a judge that God used to bring judgment against a really pretty terrible bunch of people but you Samson was kind of a he was a little bit vain you know he’s kind of a jerk you know he kind of was really into himself and he was kind of cocky and he was arrogant and kind of a little bit like Trump you could say in a roundabout way this is in my trade war this is a trade war that should have taken place a long time ago by a lot of other presidents so somebody excuse me somebody had to do it I am the chosen one somebody had to do it so I’m taking on China I’m taking on China on trade and you know what we’re winning he ends up because of this he ends up he doesn’t have a great time of things in the end but in the beginning he’s called the strong man he’s very strong and they knew this about him because Israel was they were still kind of slaves in the system but God had these judges that were risen up at certain times to do certain things and Samson young guy he wanted to get married right so he went down to a place where his parents weren’t like hip to this at all they’re whatever you do don’t marry somebody who’s in the system don’t marry anybody that doesn’t believe in our God you know the God of Jacob the God of Abraham the God of Isaac don’t marry anybody like that but Samson’s like that’s what I want to do he saw a girl he dug her that and so he went down to Tim to uh to work it out that was the name of the place that he went and on the way he sees a lion and he he ends up in a fight with this lion and he tears the lion which is interesting because then he goes down there and this is where we get the the the riddle that we’re about to talk about in a second because it has to do with the bees that were in New York City and more so he claims his bride and everything seems to be good now he comes back a second time right so he comes out the first time to to basically you know declares bride and everything else and then he goes kind of back home and his parents are like why are you marrying somebody down there but then when he goes down a second time to go in so he can consummate the marriage guess what happens they sold the daughter off to somebody else because they didn’t think that he was that interested yeah which is interesting so as he’s going down again he says I remember I fought that lion let me go see what’s happening with that lion he goes back and he looks for the lion that he tore into kind of like how I tore into Trump right and I said oh this guy he’s so big and guess what he saw inside of it he saw honey inside of it honey which is symbolic of it’s symbolic of revelation symbolic of wisdom it’s it’s actually a really cool thing because the land flowing with milk and honey so what he did was he scooped the honey out of the carcass of the lion right and then he gave it to his parents they didn’t tell him where it came from and everything else so it was interesting because the beehive in New York City it reminded me like Trump when I think of Trump I think in New York City but not anymore now I look at like the carcass of Trump in New York City like New York City is a hot mess so it’s almost like Samson stands back up goes back down sees this beehive in the carcass of the lion then he goes and says hey give me my bride now remember Samson is a picture of Christ Samson is a picture of God claiming his bride through his son Christ and when he finds that his bride is married to other people before the storm bride is married to the system he’s not too thrilled about that not too thrilled about that he says you know what I’m gonna do now that’s it you’re all in trouble he takes a bunch of foxes like 300 foxes and he ties their tails together and he puts a fire brand right in between the tails and he sends them out two by two it’s during the weed harvest that’s the time of the year that this was going down we are coming out of the wheat harvest right now going into the grape harvest this is the time and he ties these tails together lights it on fire and it burns everything down and he said to himself I am guilt free of this because you were supposed to take care of my bride and you didn’t so what do you think that means in the scheme of things if trump is a picture of Samson it means judgments coming it means the whole the whole marketplace the way it is right now is going to suffer very very dramatically there’s going to be some kind of a huge shake of people and I hope that you’re all ready for it it’s going to be uh it’s going to be quite quite to shake up right grimace coming stealing your shakes we just bought the grimace shakes from mcdonald’s everyone let’s say happy birthday it’s going to be a shake up it’s going to be interesting but you know what else is interesting is the fact that trump is already compared to Samson many times the nation did an article about trump being like Samson and that he takes the Samson approach i mean do you find that a little bit odd i find it odd you know what else i find odd because as i’m at the gym working out praying asking for more i say to myself lord you know you think maybe Samson’s in the news right now that’s the idea yet because a week ago when i was about to put this show together there wasn’t really much Samson info but now today Samson’s all over the news you know who Samson is Samson’s a famous cricket player probably saw him on the thumbnail this guy who by the way his number number 11 the twins interesting Samson supposedly is gonna fill the Samson who is known to be a great wicked player wicked i don’t know anything about cricket but you know cricket in india and other countries it’s a huge sport so god speaks to us through the things we understand so those that are in india can do a youtube video like this and point out the incredible symbolism of the fact that Samson the keeper of the wickets and a wicked is a gate a door is back has returned it’s like right out of the books of prophecy right there Samson has returned so


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biblical story of Samson and fires devastating fires city mismanagement famous individuals affected by fires future fire predictions based on signs impact of fires on homes and businesses need for a figure to establish God's kingdom new order after fires role of judges in biblical times signs of impending judgement or change Trump as a potential figure for Trump compared to Samson

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