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Very interesting thing. But it’s about to get more interesting, so I hope you’re buckled up. Hello, my friends. Jacob’s here. Thank you for sticking around with me. We just did an amazing live show about St. Patrick’s Day and today is St. Patrick’s Day indeed. Which is ironic because the news is this former ex-Mega Pastor, my old boss when I worked at Daystar, all the stuff that’s happening with them, all the news that’s going on with them. What’s happening in the Catholic Church, in this church, in that church, it’s like becoming very, very obvious that maybe this is not where God is found.
Possibly you have to tell me in the comments section what you think. But when more and more of these pastors start to fall, it’s a big deal. I covered this nine months ago. Ironically, turns himself in on St. Patrick’s Day. Just did the whole thing about the St. Patrick’s Day portal. The portal that St. Patrick’s found. I talked about how St. Patrick’s Day today was supposed to be a solemn event. But now everybody’s, you know, getting wasted. It’s an amazing show. If you haven’t seen it, you should definitely go see it at the end of this video.
It’ll be linked. Just click on it and watch it. But it’s ironic because the name of the church, well, was originally called Shady. Shady Grove Church, which is now the Gateway Church Campus in Grand Prairie. It’s like Shady. You have a church that starts off with the name Shady, and you’re probably thinking to yourself, maybe this pastor, maybe we should think twice. Sometimes the truth is there in a name. The St. Patrick’s Day portal that I said was open. The St. Patrick’s Day portal, which is a picture of Christ. The door being open to Christ. The door, the manifestation, the sons of God, where the power of God becomes known for everybody in the world.
Here we are nine months after. And exactly nine months, that’s two times in a row. That’s a lot of kwinky dinky doos, right? Just talked about the nine months. Just did a little thing about blackouts, too. Let’s put a little test out there about the blackouts because I was seeing all of these electric stations for whatever reason I saw it once. I saw it twice. And then I told everybody in this post right here, I think blackouts are coming. And exactly how long was that again? How long was it? In between nine months, by the way, in regards to Robert Morris, where I said if he’s corrupt, covered the whole thing, I’ll play a clip in a moment.
Nine months, symbolic of birth. And what is birth all about? It’s about exiting the womb, the cave, the matrix. It’s about being born into the world, the portal being Christ. That’s the portal. So it’s ironic that Gateway, which is a portal, same day, where God’s like, hey, I’m going to give you an example. I’m going to give you an example of how religion has abused you all, how religion has turned you all into a bunch of muppets that don’t know how to love your own neighbor. Religion has done a number on things. When you have pastors and mega pastors like Robert Morris, who just turned himself into Osage jail, by the way, nine months after my video.
It’s just because these lies that they’ve been sharing for years, and there’s so many of them, it’s like a cancer. And so when you believe things that aren’t true about God and they’re directly opposed to the very nature of God, guess what you do? You end up acting ungodly. So he confessed. He called it a moral failing. And what ends up happening? Well, he went to like some counseling for a couple of years. And well, then he was back to it. He was back to it. And he ended up becoming probably one of the most influential pastor because he is, I don’t know if he still is the pastor.
But when I was there, or at least last I heard, he was the pastor of the people that run the network that I worked at big, big time now, the biggest Christian network in the world. He is the pastor. He was the child as a grown man, as a grown man. Now, you know, he said that he went through the whole, you know, he went through all the stuff that he needed to do. He checked all the boxes. He dotted all the eyes and he really, really, really repented. And you know what? People, people can repent.
People make mistakes. They do things. I mean, that’s something that’s like, I don’t know, it seems like really monstrous because you’re preaching a word of God. You have a wife, you have a child. They’re putting you up in their home. And then you end up having years long relationship with a young girl, a young girl. He said that he, you know, he had inappropriate behavior with a young lady. He doesn’t say he was the age of my youngest son, Ethan. He was 12. Young lady, lady sounds like 18, 19. You know, if you’re going to go young, that would be young.
A lady is 18. She was a child. It should have been a young child. This is in the article on the Christian Post where he talks about how he began doing this to this poor girl. And he said in a statement that, you know, it’s something that he’s dealt with and he’s better and he’s confessed and, you know, they’ve forgiven him. And in March of 1987, the situation was brought to light. It was confessed and repented of. And he said that he submitted himself to the elders and submit himself to the authorities. The 63 year old former senior pastor was charged last week.
So, you know, the timing of me doing that video with the thumbnail, with the bars, and then him turning himself into bars nine months. Nine months being the theme, the church being the portal, timing. God, I said God was going to show things, make it a little more clear to all you. And here it is. Here it is again. He founded and preached at Gates Gateway Church in Southlake. I’ve been there. All right. My old boss, that was their pastor. And now you see what’s going on with everybody over there at Daystar. I’ve even tried to come to everyone’s aid and tried to help and try because, you know, you love the family, you feel bad for them.
You see these people going through the stuff that they’re going through and you feel bad. But really, the only thing that can keep a person from reaping what they’ve sown and pretty much is nothing. Because you always reap what you sow. But repentance, there is forgiveness. You know, you pay the price that you’re owed to pay. You don’t need to pay anymore. That’s the problem, though, is a lot of people don’t even know when they should repent, when they should love. Well, this guy, he thought, you know, he thought he was going to get away with it.
If parents were okay with it, people were okay with it. And they’re becoming like a multi, you know, millionaire. The dude served on President Trump’s spiritual advisory board back in 2016. He was a big name pastor. Okay. Now we know who’s there now, right? Paul the White just did a video about that. If you want to check it out, there it is right there. But in June of 2024, the victim, she came forward. Her name’s Cindy Klemeshire. And she spoke about, you know, how abuse is rampant in the church. And it certainly seems to be rampant today.
But the day that we’re in, my friends, you know, we’re going to pray for, you know, the family. We’re going to pray for them. You know, he’s listening. He’s going to get what he’s going to get, right? And you get what you get. And you shouldn’t be upset. You know, it’s like if you did the right thing, I don’t know. Maybe if you, as I said in my video, I said, maybe if you submitted yourself to authorities ahead of time, you know, maybe that would have been a good thing. Maybe you could have headed this whole thing off.
But they released them on a $50,000 bond. This guy’s life’s over. It’s over. You know, it’s over. The system, the way it was, the religious system, the way it was, you know, a system of control, a system of deceit, a system of abuse that robs you, right? Bring in the tithes and the offerings. Listen, you want to support the channel. You know how to do it. You get some of the cool merch, right? But not because God’s going to bless you for doing it. I’ll be blessed by it. I hope that the work that I’m doing here blesses you.
But you do it because, you know, you want to support the channel. You want to help out. That’s great. There’s a whole other difference. Me coming on here and saying, you know, if you buy, if you buy the God’s Champion mug, which is in the description of the video below, you click on more. It’ll open up. Click on the link. Link. And, you know, you can become a member of Patreon. Support the PayPal. There are many ways to support the channel. Listen, an ox is worthy of its hire. I appreciate those that reach out. I had somebody sent me a beautiful letter, a beautiful letter.
I’m going to talk about it in the live show and just sent me some cash. I was like, thank you very much. You know, I tell everybody about my PO box at Port Jeff station, New York. It’s in the description of the video below. But my last name is not Israel, right? But the day that we’re in, you know, our past can be forgotten. We can be brought into a new day. But if we’re not repentant and we’re not really turning to God, correction is going to come. And for him, it came nine months after I did that video.
And it’s it’s a big deal. It’s a big deal. But it’s also a reminder that the portal is open. Skateway Church. I find it a little on the nose. I think it’s a little cool. You got to tell me in the comments section if you find the same. In any event, if you’ve been abused by people in the church, if you’ve been abused by, I don’t know, anyone that takes a position of authority spiritually over you. Make it, you know, talk to somebody about it. Don’t talk to me about it. I get a lot of emails and you can send me an email.
You can. You know, you could reach out to me on Patreon. You could reach out to me in many ways. But really, don’t hold that stuff inside. Today’s the day where it’s got to come out. You know, we got to do better. We got to try harder and we got to show people the love of God. Even the people that are doing messed up stuff like this guy was doing when he was in his twenties, four years he abused this girl, young girl too. And he was a pastor with a baby of his own and a wife of his own.
What does that say about the religious system that everybody’s in? What does it say about that? People are quick to say Jesus is King. Jesus is King. Very few people want to wash feet. Very few people want to forgive and want to love. So I hope you’re one of them. All right. Thank you for coming to the show and do me a favor. Hit the like button. Hit the share button. Subscribe. Repost. Do what you got to do. Anything you do is very helpful. I love each and every one of you. And that Mandela effect video is coming.
It’s coming. I’m still editing. It’s good. It’s a really good show with, um, with the director, Robert Kennedy. All right. So listen, I’ll talk to you soon. I love you all. Bye-bye. [tr:trw].