I have a Confession… Jacob Israel

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➡ The speaker, Jacobs, is going through a tough time after a car accident. Despite his family being okay, he’s struggling with health issues like dizziness, cold sweats, and nausea, which are affecting his ability to work. He’s also dealing with decreased viewership on his YouTube channel, which he believes is due to restrictions. Despite these challenges, he remains hopeful and believes that something good will come out of his current situation.
➡ The speaker is going through a tough time due to health issues, which has affected their ability to produce content as frequently as they would like. Despite this, they remain hopeful and are grateful for the support they receive. They also share a story about their son’s triumphant basketball game and discuss their faith, emphasizing that they believe they are doing their work for a reason. The speaker asks for patience and prayers from their audience as they navigate their current challenges.
➡ The speaker is going through a tough time, feeling discouraged and dealing with mental pain. Despite this, they’re grateful for their audience’s support and are planning to host regular Zoom meetings for their Patreon supporters. They encourage everyone to support each other during difficult times and remind their audience to subscribe and check for notifications to stay updated. They end by expressing their love and gratitude for their audience.



The the hello my friends Jacobs here one more time thank you for pressing place been a little well a love maybe a little depressing time with me now hopefully this will be an encouragement E I’m so I’m so looped that I literally just thought I was recording a whole message to all of you, and I forgot to hit record before. So I poured out my heart to nobody, but that’s just the way things are sometimes. That’s the way things are sometimes. Sometimes life doesn’t go the way you expect it.

Sometimes out of the blue, your life takes a crazy turn. And that blow was dealt to me recently. And I’ve been through a lot in my life, but you probably all know that I had a car accident, which on the surface, it’s like Danielle’s fine. She’s actually at work right now. She’s a teacher. She’s setting up her classroom again. Ethan, he’s been cleared. He’s back to sports, but I’m not doing good. I’m not doing good. And it’s really wearing on me. I put on a brave face. I’m the kind of guy I press forward. Nothing can hold me back.

And sometimes I don’t take it as easy as I should. And I’ve learned that that’s not the way I can continue, because I’m having big time issues. Focusing. I’m getting dizzy. I’m getting cold sweats. I’m getting nauseous. I’m spending days now in bed. It’s very strange. I’ve been through a lot in my life. I have Crohn’s disease, and I’ve had my intestines removed, and I’ve had surgeries, and I’ve been sick. I was sick a majority of my life. I have ankylosing spondylitis, where I have some spinal fusion. It’s a terrible arthritis. And I’ve pushed through with that.

I’ve lost everything more than once. I’ve had my children around a very, very bad person, and every time I had what looked like an insurmountable amount of resistance or enemies coming against me or troubles, I always push through. And that’s what I’m trying to do here on my show, which is, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, it’s getting harder for me to do it, because I’ve always had issues with my body, which is fine, because my mind has always been so sharp, and to be able to focus and to think with this, I have high frequency hearing loss, and I guess nerve damage, and I’m going to see the doctor again today after I finish taping this.

I’m driving over there now, I’m going to get fitted for some kind of a hearing aid or something, and I’m actually, I’m going to ask actually one of my kids to drive, maybe because I’m a little nervous to drive. I’ve been getting very dizzy. It’s very strange. I don’t know if, you know, because I had a concussion, and I think maybe I’ve been trying so hard to come on here because there’s so much to talk about, and I feel like an obligation to share. Not to mention, this is my job now. When the old virus of the crown hit, and then they were going to do the dates of man on me, and they were going to say, you have to do this.

It was like, it got very uncomfortable at work, and I finally stepped away, and it allowed me to, you know, really put my effort into doing this. So I went from doing like maybe one, two shows a week to doing like three shows a week. Now it’s up to like five shows a week, and now it’s very difficult to even do three. Like I did three shows yesterday, and see, here’s the thing, when you have difficulty, you know, it’s there for a reason. Maybe the reason is that it’s time for me to slow down.

Maybe the reason is, you know, I’m looking at YouTube, and I see, you know, what I’ve never seen. You know, before they started cracking down, I used to have, every month I’d have thousands of new subs. You know, then when they started cracking down, I’d have like at least a thousand, or maybe fifteen hundred. Then they’d crack down a little bit more, then it was like, oh, I’d have like five hundred to like seven hundred. Now I’m negative subscribers, and I know that it’s not because of the videos, because I have like a ninety nine percent like ratio on every single one of the videos that I do.

But I also have like a ninety nine percent view video from all the you subscribers that’s sharing the channel around freedom of speech, right? Because I don’t break the rules, but not freedom of reach. I’m being. I don’t like to say these things, but I’m being restricted on on YouTube. It feels that way, at least because I know how good, you know, this material is. And I read your comments and I read your emails and I see what a difference all this stuff is making. And I and I know that the things that I’ve been talking about are accurate because like I was putting together this Tulsi Gabbard show because you probably know that they made a big deal out of her.

Oh, and guess what? It was within a certain amount of time. And now they’re calling her Wonder Woman. Oh, and guess who was saying she was Wonder Woman for a long time. And they’re saying, welcome to the Justice League. And guess who said that that was going to be a thing? So I’ve been really excited to like, come on here and share with all of you and tell you all about this. I have so much to share on Tulsi, on Kennedy and all this stuff. And this is not an endorsement. I’m not endorsing anything.

It’s just kind of like what I saw as like the story. I thought that this was the story. This was my speculation of it. So I wanted to do that. I wanted to do it yesterday. I wanted to do it today. I wanted to do it the night that I heard all the news and all the people at Jacob being me at Jacob 71 on X. Everybody was like, can you believe this? Can you believe this? I can believe it. So I know that, you know, for whatever reason, this is being sort of smothered.

But I said that that was going to be the case. I said it was going to be like going back to 2015. I said, it’s going to be like a Python slowly, but surely squeezing a life out of you. And I feel it. Not so much because of that, because, you know, I can grind and I can do a show every single day. I just, I can’t, I can’t physically do it because I’m not well. I’m just, I’m not well. I’ve never had anything like this before. I can’t think straight. I’ve never seen Danielle so worried about me because I’m in, I’m like laying in bed like all the time and I’m down the dumps and I’m, it’s just, it makes no sense.

I don’t want to like get everybody, this isn’t like a pity part. I don’t want to be like a pit because I know that good things are going to come out of this. This has only been since July 20th that this happened. But I feel almost even worse now than I did like days after. It’s just very strange. And maybe the reason is, is because maybe I needed, maybe I need to just take a break and I need to just rest, but there’s so much to talk about and there’s so much to do, you know, it’s easier for me.

On X because I can put out a couple of things and I don’t have to like sit down for, you know, eight hours or 10 hours at a time or sometimes more editing a video or, or logging, logging a live show and then taping the live show. And you know, there’s a lot of work that goes in, but I am all by myself here because I can’t, I can’t pay people right now. Um, YouTube alone this, this month, it’s, um, it’s half of what I was making last month. Last month is what I was making at the mattress store.

Not that I’m giving up on YouTube and anything else. It’s like, if it wasn’t for Patreon and if it wasn’t for people who go to Teespring and people that support on PayPal and all this stuff, if it wasn’t for all of that, this, you know, whatever God wants is going to be what God wills. And I know that something good is going to come out of this. You know how I know this? Because after, after Jesus was put to death and after his resurrection, all of the disciples, this is what I just talked about.

I just, my last show, the Shradda Turin, which was just such a, a beautiful show. And if you had any idea how hard it was for me to put on a brave face, the last couple of shows, how hard it was for me to tell, like doing a live show, you see me stop and go, Oh, this ringing it’s so loud and it’s so hard to focus and it’s, and it hurts my head hurts to the point where I get sick to my stomach. Just got to close my eyes, put it like an ice bag on my head.

It’s going to get better. I know that a lot of people are going through a lot of things and a lot of people are having a hard time. So I know that it’s not just me, you know, so I’m not here to get you all to feel sorry for me, but I want to, I want to give you a little bit of an update as to why maybe, you know, the shows are less frequent. I don’t want them to be less frequent. I just, I just don’t have it in me. I tried again this morning, like five 30, I’m going to bed early.

I, you know, I get up early, but now I’m going to bed like really early and most of the time I’m, you know, I’m either in the chair or recently it’s been very difficult. You know, I went for Ethan’s birthday. Um, he, he got free and clear, by the way, day before his birthday, um, he was in the championship game and he missed a bunch of games because he had a concussion and, and they didn’t clear him, but they finally cleared him. So he came back and, um, you know, like couple of days before I, you know, I, I, I took him out and just let him shoot and just, you know, I said, work on those three pointers for whatever reason.

I just felt like because, you know, Ethan’s, um, he’s growing, but he’s a little bit shorter than most of the, uh, children in his league. And I said, you work on these threes, work on these three. So we worked on those threes and the last game, um, August 22nd, the day before his birthday, he had his championship game and they were down nine points and Danielle says to everybody, somebody just needs to score three points, everybody, because the whole game they were losing, everybody had given up believing. I had vibes and what did Ethan do? Three, three point shots, one after the other, one three point shot.

Then he stole the ball, another three point shot. Then they stole the ball, got it to Ethan, another three point shot. Goes to overtime and they start fouling him and he gets one free throw after another free throw after, and he ends up winning the game, the hero. Day before his birthday, day before his 13th birthday, which was the day before our anniversary, 17 year anniversary, which I find incredibly significant because of the cicadas, the 13, the 17. I talk about it so much, just strange that my son, you know, turns 13 and our marriage 17 because we’re a blended family.

I have custody of my children. Danielle has hers, you know, like we got together very young. I’ve been through a lot in my life. I’ve been sick. I’ve Crohn’s disease. I’ve had my intestines removed. I’ve had balloon dilations. I’ve been, I didn’t have the best childhood. I didn’t have the best life. I didn’t have, I didn’t have the easiest time of things. I got diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis. I was in pain constantly, but I always pushed through this thing is different because it has to do with my head and my, you know, I love to create my mind and, and, um, and I have people that attack me online.

I get threats and all sorts of crazy stuff from people that they don’t know that it’s just not about me. You know, this isn’t about me. It’s never been about me. It’s been about my faith. It’s been about what God’s allowed me to do. And that’s why I know that even though right now I’m going through a difficult time, not an insurmountable task to get through this. I’m going to get through it. I’m going to take it little by little. I’m not going to, I have decided that I am slowing down because I can’t keep up I’ve, I’ve hurt myself more.

Not that I’ve like overdone it, but I’ve just, I can’t, I can’t keep up the way I used to. It’s just, um, I’m hoping maybe this hearing aid will help or something, or maybe the doctor will have something to say today to me. I don’t know. Um, I get, I get a lot of you emailing me, telling me, giving me ideas on what I can do to make myself feel better. And I appreciate it. I appreciate you have no idea how much I appreciate this work because if it wasn’t for the support, you know, and it’s like, every time I think it’s like, Oh, well, you know, I just need to just, because this is a, this can be a burdensome job.

It doesn’t seem like it is, you know, from on your end, a lot goes into it. And there’s a heavy, there’s a heaviness to what I do, especially because I feel, you know, I feel like the burden of the world on my shoulders. And I feel like, you know, I finally let go with the fact that they’re stifling my growth, they’re not allowing me to reach, you know, the amount of people that I would like to see where my life could be a little bit easier. Maybe I could get some help and I could hire some people.

They’re not doing it. I got my, um, my, my ramp up of, uh, I guess, what was it? The last week of, you know, I did, I did three videos, which was, you know, I thought that was pretty good for, um, you know, the state that I’m in. 77, um, shares. So in those three videos all together. So that’s not like 77 shares of those videos on one video. It was like all three videos. So if you divide that together, you see how many of you are sharing my videos around. And, um, and I take those numbers 77 is a good number, right? This is a good number, but could you imagine if it was like a thousand of you? Could you imagine if it was 2000 of you? Could you imagine if it was 5,000 of you, my videos, they, they, um, right now, um, for whatever reason, they’re trying to hold it back because you know, who wants, who wants people to be set free? Who wants people to have a life of peace and hope they want the vision.

They want anger. They want outrage. They want it. They want to push people to hate other people. That’s what sells love, hope, encouragement that does himself, you know, so much hate online, but the name like Jacob Israel, but everybody thinks I’m Jewish. Could you imagine how much I get? And we’re having a nose like mine too, on top of everything else, because I’m Italian, but you’re all here because you care about me, not mean something to me. And I care about you. I just wanted to give you an update. I just wanted to say, have patience, um, for me and, um, and grace for me.

And if you can, you know, pray for me, pray for my family as I pray for all of you, I don’t know, I don’t know what the future holds, but I know that God has me here for a reason, right? Doing what I’m doing for a reason. And I’ve had a lot of stuff come against me. You know, I’ve had, I’ve had every time things came against me though, God brought me through and those that came against me paid the price, heavy price. They did the people that the man that was hurting my children.

I ended up with custody of my children. Guess where he is. The people that have come against me in the past, they have their own issues now to deal with because when you’re doing good in the world, when you’re sowing good seeds, you’re going to get a harvest of those good deeds. It’s going to come to you, but it doesn’t mean that sometimes you’re not going to have resistance after Jesus past. I may have said this now. I may have said it in the last video where I wasn’t recording. I was so upset when I realized I wasn’t recording.

Hope I’m still recording. I am still recording. Thank God they were imprisoned. They were shut down. They were mocked. They were ridiculed. They had things taken from them, put in change. They were martyred all because they knew that this wasn’t their world. Jesus said, I’m in the world, but I’m not of it. That’s me. If I was of this world, I’d be on here saying what every other person that says, you know, Jesus is king or Christ is king. And then out of the other side of their mouth, condemns people for being the way they are, condemns people for being the color of how they were born, condemns people for whatever, you know, faith they ascribe to.

I don’t even know if ascribe is a word. Ascribe is what I meant to say. It’s hard for me to think with this thing. All right. I had to give you an update. I had to do something today. I wanted to do the Tulsi show. I’m going to get you, um, that tells you because it’s, it’s, there’s no way to deny that God has his hand on this channel. And that’s why I can’t feel like I’m being, you know, bullied or harassed. And because if God wanted me to reach more people, I would reach more people.

This isn’t God’s hand. The Lord gives and the Lord takes. I just want to do, I want to do what’s right. I want to do good in the world. I want to do good for all of you. And I thank you for allowing me to vent. Um, because I’ve been really discouraged. I’ve been really down. I’ve been really down and I’m usually very up. You just, Danielle, you asked the Dan Dan she’s, she’s not used to seeing me like this, neither of my children. It’s, uh, it’s just a whole other weird thing that I just never had to deal with.

And you know, you think, you think to, Oh, I’m good with physical pain. Then you’ve got to deal with mental pain and you’ve got to deal with, this is like a torture to me. I got to fall in love with it. I got to get to a therapist. I’ve called, I don’t know how many therapists, but they don’t take the insurance that I, I have to offer. It’s very strange, but I’ll get there. I’m going to go to the doctor today. You all will pray for me. You’ll, um, you’ll go to the description of the video.

I don’t know if I mentioned on this video that I, I last week on Sunday on Patreon, cause I was going to do a live show, but I couldn’t get to it. I said, Oh, you know what I’ll do? I’ve been promising that I’ll do a zoom. I’ll do a zoom. And it was a little bit last minute and we only had four people there. But man, was it awesome to talk and, and I’m going to do this on a regular basis for the people that the people that are going to, you know, you are invited, if you’re on Patreon and, um, stay on the lookout, go to the page now.

And then I’m going to try to do them on the weekends. I don’t know if I’m be able to do it this weekend, but, um, but, but if it’s not this weekend, it’ll be next for sure. I’m going to do another one. Um, I’m going to try to do this one more at night because it seemed like midday was a little bit hard. We had four people. It was great. I think a great thing starts small. Lance was there. Lance, he, um, he said, you know, we should do like a Bible study and, uh, and see what happens.

I don’t know, we’re going to see, but it’s going to be, I think that it’s time for us all to meet each other and talk to each other and just encourage each other because I, I feel like the day we’re entering into, even though it looks like, you know, hurrah hurrah, I think it’s going to be difficult. And I think we’re going to all need each other. Yeah. So I need all of you to, uh, have the best day ever know that you’re loved. I love you. I’m grateful for you. And, um, please make sure you subscribe.

And if you haven’t seen the video in a while and you’d be like, Oh, where’s Jacob, I’ve been doing them. It’s just that they’re not showing it to you. Make sure you subscribe. Check the bell for notifications. Get on X as Jacob Israel 71, get on my telegram. All the links are in the description. I post stuff there when I have a new video. But once again, Lord gives the Lord takes, if you’re meant to see it, I guess you’ll see it. And if you want to catch up on some of the shows that you’ve missed, they’re there, watch the Shroud of Turin video.

That was really, uh, that’s really a powerful video and, uh, and the one right before it, all right. I love each and every one of you. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye-bye. [tr:trw].


Spread the Truth

1 thoughts on “I have a Confession… Jacob Israel

  1. Avatar Of Nic
    Nic says:

    I am a subcriber. Youtube is doing what they can to cause pain. Plz dont give up. If you have to switch.or add platforms let us lniw.
    I was fine till 6th j a n. I used to run my own biz, i was a proud parent, sister, daughter. Now im not. In 57 with a brain tomor &;on disability. When youre down it can always get worse. Remember that. I saw them in the stroke rehab. You’ll be ok. Just do your best &:trust in God.

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