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➡ The speaker compares his life to Jacob’s story from the Bible, highlighting similarities like having two wives and wrestling an angel. He also discusses his YouTube channel’s growth, which he likens to Jacob’s flock increasing in size. The speaker is intrigued by a mystery involving 35 missing stones, which he connects to Genesis 35. He ends by discussing Jacob and Laban’s agreement, symbolized by a heap of stones, and how their different perspectives on the event reflect their individual outlooks.
➡ The text is a personal reflection on the biblical story of Jacob and his journey to Bethel, drawing parallels with the author’s own life. It also discusses the mystery of the Stone of Destiny, a precious relic stolen from Westminster Abbey in 1954, and its connection to Nicholas Roerich, a high-ranking Rosicrucian. The author embarks on a journey to the Roerich Museum and the Master Building in New York City, believing a piece of the stone may be hidden there. The text ends with the author’s anticipation of visiting the Master Building to continue his quest.
➡ The narrator visits a historic building in New York City, known for housing artists and philosophers. Despite some initial confusion and a brief encounter with rain, he manages to explore the building and its history. He compares his journey to a poem about a student seeking treasure, suggesting that the real treasure is the journey itself, not the destination. He concludes by encouraging his audience to enjoy their own journeys and to appreciate the lessons learned along the way.
Foreign hello, my friends, Jacob’s here. One more time. Thank you for pressing play for spending a little time with me as we talk about the Stone of Destiny, Jacob’s pillow. Leophel. The Stone of Scoon, or Scone, depending on how you want to pronounce it. It is a relic that has been passed from king to king to king, from country to country to country, going all the way back to a character in the Bible known as Jacob Israel. That’s me, too. You’re on my channel. Thank you for coming. Press the. The old like button, will you? Tell people that you like the channel.
If you like it, share it around. I’m glad you’re here. I hope you subscribe. But this story is pretty important because this stone, there’s a mystery attached to it. There’s a couple of mysteries attached to it. There’s a reason why Prince Charles just became King Charles over it just a little while ago. There’s a reason why I trekked into New York City and did a little mini documentary, you know, trace down where this one piece was. But there’s also been a mystery about this stone for another reason. Right before King Charles ended up getting coronated on Jacob’s pillow, which, by the way, was basically just.
It was a stone that he slept on when he was going from one place to another. Gets his father’s blessing. And he runs from his older brother, sort of. If you don’t know who the character Jacob is, he was. He’s one of the patriarchs. There was Abraham. Abraham was kind of the first one to get the idea of this one true God. Then Abraham had Isaac, and then Isaac had Jacob and Esau, these twins. Esau came out first. He was hairy all over. He was ruddy. And then Jacob was smooth. It’s a picture, really, of two types of men.
There’s like the one carnal man, and then there’s the one, you know, spiritual man. And ironically, Jacob himself becomes sort of another man along this journey that he has where God gives him a new name. But the story goes that he hadn’t, you know, he kind of tricked his father into giving him the blessing. And his older brother was really upset with that. I understand that to be. It’s kind of like, you know, I thought that I could get God’s blessing and do God’s will, but, you know, like, working in Christian TV and all these things, and I thought I could do it on my own, right? So I sort of like.
I put on the skin of my older brother. I kind of put on the hairy nature of what religious Christianity is today. And kind of to try to get the blessing my. Myself. And what ends up happening is Esau. He. He’s not too happy about that. So then he comes after Jacob, and Jacob runs, and he goes and he stays with Laban, his uncle Laban, who is a sheep shearer. He makes money off of the flock. Jacob becomes this shepherd on his way to this place before he ends up seeing. Laying eyes on the love of his life for the first time.
He falls asleep, and he falls asleep on this stone that this whole video is about the Stone of Scone. And he has this dream. He has this vision. He has this vision of this ladder or the stairway going to heaven, where the angels of God are ascending and descending upon it. In that dream, he understood that God was in that place. It meant that God was with him, okay, because we’re really supposed to be the stones. And ironically, that stone that Jacob fell asleep on, there’s an old Hebrew story about how it was many stones, and they were all, you know, crying out to Jacob, sleep on me.
Sleep on me, sleep on me. I’m the one that you should rest your head on. And what God did was he took all the stones and he put them together and made this one big stone. And that was the one that Jacob slept on. That was the one where he had his vision of where he. And so what he did was much like I did. I had a vision that I wanted to, you know, serve God for all the days of my life. Jacob makes a deal with God, right? He says, as long as you take care of me and my family and we have enough to eat, no matter what, where I go through, I’ll always serve you.
I mean, it’s kind of a little selfish. And I’m like, you know, as long as you take care of me, I’ll do it right? But Jacob did the same thing. And what does God do? He blesses him. So he ends up going to work for Laban. But this stone stayed, which is weird, because I feel a connection to the story as well, because I lived in Connecticut, and I went from Connecticut to Long island because I felt like God had called me there. And that’s where I got married the first time. And that’s where I ended up going to work for daystar Television.
Much like Jacob, I had this dream that I was gonna, you know, serve God. And I had that dream, you know, when I kind of moved to Long Island. I didn’t sleep on a stone exactly. But really, the stone is A picture of us and our life and what God is, what can. What God can build off of it, like the foundation, which is Christ, which leads you to the stairway, which actually, in scripture we find out is Christ. Christ is the ladder, the intercessor between heaven and earth. But this stone is like, a big deal.
So much of a big deal that it has traveled country to country to, you know, and it’s the. One of the most important relics that is right now held. I believe it’s in Westminster Abbey. It’s a big deal. I’m going to play a video for you that’s going to explain everything because it’s so important and it’s so. I feel so important today that I actually trekked in to try to find this missing piece. Whole video was about it. In fact, it was like a little bit of a trek, a little bit of a journey. I felt like God was calling me to go and find it.
Just like when I went to work for daystar, I said, you know, I really want to do my own thing. And that’s. That’s when I. I started my YouTube channel. So here I’m working for Christian TV, much like Jacob is working for Laban. I’m a shepherd of the flock, much like Jacob was a shepherd of the flock. He thought that, you know, he thought that he was gonna marry the love of his life, and he ended up kind of getting tricked into marrying somebody else. But still, it’s. It’s. I do find an interesting connection to the story still.
This stone to this day, it’s so super important that it’s. It’s literally in the news right now. Why is it in the news? Well, because there’s a mystery attached to it. This stone that’s been probably, you know, coronated King David back in the day and many others. Kings in Scotland, kings in England, and now King Charles in England, which just took place. The stone, when they were preparing it for this, because the deal is worked out, of course, with. With Scotland that anytime a king is crowned that it could be used. And it’s held with the crown jewels and everything else.
And there’s a huge mystery about it, because at one point, the stone was stolen by people. It was cracked in two, and for whatever reason, you know, was put back together. But there’s some pieces missing. And that’s the big news today, because when they were getting it ready for King Charles’s coronation, they found these, you know, these. These Roman numerals, xxxv35. So at the time, I even covered it, you Know, people were saying, oh, maybe this dates back to that time. But what Professor Sally Foster, an archaeologist at Sterling University, just said, she says the Stone of Destiny is actually a 35 piece original sandstone.
So it was like this one big thing and it had 30 different five pieces. She thinks she figured it out. She thinks the markings were made by Robert Birdie Gray. That was the Scottish nationalist who was the stonemason who oversaw the repair of the Stone of Destiny after it was stolen and returned in 1951. Some people say that it’s a fake, some people say it’s forgery. But because there’s like a mystery with the stone that the true owner, you know, if the true owner touches it, the, the stones will cry out or something like that. But it’s, it’s such a big deal.
People put such faith in these relics. Meanwhile, the stones, you’d be surprised. It’s our life. It’s, you know, like the stone that I slept on, the pillow that I slept on when I dreamed of being here today. This, you know, this is the. This is the altar. This is the sacrifice that I gave. This, this is the monument that I built for the Lord, much like Jacob did back then when he came to Long island the first time. That’s me, this Jacob, right? He gave his life to God and then he had to travel all the way to Texas, and he’s working for Laban and he’s doing everything and he’s, you know, and he ends up getting divorced.
That’s not. That’s what I. What happened with me. I ended up with two wives, just like Jacob had two wives. It’s an interesting story because I actually also wrestled an angel, which you’ll find he ended up having to deal with the same thing I did. And when I was working in wrestling and there was a wrestler named angel, he was a youth pastor. And I got involved in a match as Dr. James Cobb, Dr. J. Cobb, and I choked him out, and then he ended up getting like a torn hamstring or something. Very interesting, very interesting.
The connection of all this and the reason why I find, you know, the news about the stone so exciting right now is because I don’t know too much about this being 35 pieces and some of them are missing. And we need to go on a hunt to find out where they are, because that’s what’s going on. It’s like a big mystery. But I say to myself, I wonder if it’s Genesis 35, because, you know, the story of Jacob goes a couple of chapters. It’s a great story. You should read it. And it’s ironic because his story and my story are so.
It’s almost like interlinked. It’s. It’s insane. He was in Shechem, I was in Sachem. You know, it’s just very interesting, all of it, when I start to look at it. So I get so exciting when I hear news about this stone. In fact, this morning I put something up because you know what happens? Here’s the deal. So he goes to work for Laban, and while he’s there, he puts these sticks, you know, to basically breed the sheep in a certain way because he made a deal. He says, you give me the speckled and the spotted. You give me the ones that you don’t really want because they’re not as valuable as like, you know, an all white sheep or an all white goat.
You. You. And I’ll. I’ll keep those. And they were the minority at the time. I’ll take those. But what ended up Jacob, he ended up doing was when he put these, you know, these, these twin pieces of poplar in the wood in, in the stream when the, when the sheep and the goats and they came over to, you know, to have sex, what happened is they would, you know, they would end up intermingling with each other. Then when he ended up doing was, he started breeding it so that, you know, only the strong flock would become the speckled.
And so he started to like, nourish and nurture the speckled flock to the point where their flock got so, so big. Much like, you know, at one point, I think even Right now, my YouTube channel is much bigger. Like, I put my. I did the same thing. I started the YouTube channel when I was working for Daystar. And then, you know, it was like when I had to leave, when they were like, okay, it’s time for you to go. And I left. They were upset. The story with Jacob in the. The Bible is he leaves Laban under the coat of night.
You know, he kind of like, he takes everything and he leaves because he thinks they’re going to get rid of him. It was pretty interesting because I kind of did the same thing. I ended up moving back because God said to Jacob, he says, go back to Bethel now. What’s weird, Bethel is the place where he put the pillar. Bethel is the place where he’s told to go back to. Bethel, ironically, is the name of the town in my novel that the lead character, Thomas, is from Bethel. Which is strange because at the time when I started writing this I started writing this novel basically in college.
You know, I ended up finishing it much later in life. But Bethel is like. It’s like the place of God. That’s the house of God. Now, this is interesting. There’s a lot of talk about other stones. So. So Jacob ends up taking his family and everything, and he goes back to Bethel. Sort of like I ended up taking my family and I went back to Long Island. I got married and with the Dan Dan. And now we built our, you know, our family and everything else. And there came a certain point where Laban was upset that, you know, Jacob had gone back to his hometown.
He comes looking for him, much like they start did with me. And they were like, well, you got to go if you’re going to be in Long island, not going to work for me. It’s a whole other story. But along the way, what ends up happening is, you know, Jacob didn’t. Didn’t steal anybody from anybody. He felt like everybody that every sub he gained, every sheep, every goat that he ended up getting while he was building, you know, what, he was building his stable because he was tired of working for them. He wanted to serve God.
So he ends up leaving with everything that was his under the COVID of night. Nobody knew. But, you know, his. One of his wives took some of the. Some of the idols, stole some stuff, which isn’t good, just kind of like. I mean, symbolically, it’s kind of like, you know, you leave, but still your. Your soul. Ish. Nature still hangs on to a couple of little things. So Laban comes and. And says, you know, look, you know, did anybody take anything? You know, you. You leave. We were doing so well, and, you know, the. The. The.
The kids were upset because now Jacob had so many more, you know, sheeps and goats, and they’re like, well, hang on, he got those from us, even though it was God that gave it to him. So what ends up happening is they make a deal. They make a pact that they’re not going to mess with each other anymore. And they. And. And how it goes is Jacob tells everybody, okay, everybody get a bunch of stones together. And everybody kind of comes in and puts all their stones together so all these stones are here and they’re eaten.
And let me just read this to you because it’s very interesting. So Jacob took a stone and set up. Set it up as a pillar. He said to his relatives, now you go gather some stones. Sort of like I built this. And now I’m saying to you, like, I put this up so I Put my stone here. Now I’m saying to you, come on, gather up your stones. Let’s get together. Let’s get together, let’s eat. And that’s what basically happens. So they took stones and they piled them into a heap, and then they ate there by the heap.
Jacob took a stone, which is the Christ in him, by the way, because that’s what the stone is, the rock of Christ. Then he said to all his family and friends, now gather up your stones. Now gather up your faith. Now gather up your life and bring them together in that one place. Now this is where it gets interesting. And we will call the name of that place Witnesses. How funny is that, right? That’s interesting because, hey, we are, right? Are you a witness? Jesus wants us to be witnesses. And so that place where Jacob’s like, you know, Jacob left, Laban came over, was still upset, and.
But Jacob had, you know, he had gotten so many people to gather together. And Laban comes over and he sees the mess of the rocks, and he goes, you know, by this, we’re gonna make a covenant. And if you do wrong by my daughters, because Jacob was married to his daughters, then God’s gonna be the judge. So what’s interesting is so Laban, by the way, who fleeced the flock, he made money off the flock who cheated shepherds like Jacob, changed his wages, like 10 times, didn’t actually care for the flock. Flock tricked Jacob into staying longer than Jacob wanted to.
He wanted to leave, right? But he wouldn’t let him leave. Saw this as a covenant, as a witness heap. Basically just a bunch of stones Jacob’s people brought together in one place. He called it a witness heap. Now, this is where it’s different, though. Where Jacob called it Galid, which is the opposite of how Laban see is it. So like, Laban sees it as like a. A witness heap, like a. A witness, like a mess. I witness a mess. But Jacob sees it a mess of witnesses, like a heap. You see the difference? Laban at the time was looking at Jacob and Jacob alone, but Jacob wasn’t.
He was looking at everything that was brought together in that one place. So they called them two different things. Laban only saw it as Jacob’s heap. Jacob saw it as a heap of witnesses. How crazy is that? I find it all interesting. So I think to myself, what if it’s Genesis 35 and I go to it, Jacob returns to Bethel. So God said to Jacob, go up to Bethel, settle there, build an altar to your God who’s appeared to you when you were fleeing from your brother Esau, much like I did, build an altar. There you go.
You have an idea. You have a dream. You had that dream before you went to go work, right? For Laban. So he says, go back to Bethel to build this altar. And he says, so Jacob said to his household, to all that were with him, get rid of all your foreign gods. He’s like, you guys got to get your house in order. We got to serve God. We got to do the right thing. And he gets to this place called Shechem, which is interesting because I moved to Sachem. So they gave Jacob all the foreign gods that they had and rings in their ears.
And Jacob buried him under the oak at Shechem. Then they set out, and the terror of God fell upon all the towns around them, much like the way it’s happening today in the world. Jacob and all his people with them. They came to Luz, which is Bethel in the land of Canaan, where he built the altar. And he called the place El Bethel because it was there that God revealed himself from when he was fleeing from his brother. Much like I came back to Long island, built this altar. When I first had the dream, when I left Connecticut in my past life to go to Long island, it’s just.
The whole story just seems so entwined with me. It’s. It’s mind blowing. It’s just mind blowing to me and, like, so encouraging to me, because at that point in time, he’s older in his life and he’s a little more settled. He fears God a lot more than he used to, which is accurate for me as well. And it’s at that point where, you know, God reminds him that he’s not just Jacob anymore, he’s Israel. Like, I wanted to remind all of you that you’re not just who you think you are. You’re more. God sees us the way we’re going to be, the way we’re meant to be.
And it’s like. It’s the point of the story where I feel like we’re at. So that’s why the stone is so incredibly interesting. And I wanted to share the little mini doc that I did on this with all of you. So if you’ve seen it before, this is the first time I put it all together. You’re gonna enjoy watching it again. And if you haven’t enjoy this show. Christmas night, 1954. Scottish students broke into the Westminster Abbey, the spiritual heart of the commonwealth, and stole its most precious relic. The thieves broke down the door to King Edward’s chapel.
They reached the coronation chair and took away the Stone of Destiny which was there and had been for 700 years. They left all of the jewels. They left all of the stones. They only left their signatures. JFS now why? Why would they leave all of this behind? Why? Why were they only concerned about this one precious relic, the most prized of the crown? This is where they exited. This is a mystery we are going to solve. This stone that once rested under the Patriarch Jacob’s head was now sought after by incredibly important people. One of them, Nicholas Roerich, a high ranking Rosicrucian of the Rosicrucian order.
Someone who’s been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize three times, who has a pact that is still standing with the United States government today. A man who many believe found and took a piece of that stone and hid it away. An Indiana Jones adventure for a stone that is a bow to crown again. All right, I made it. I have absolutely no idea where I’m going. So fix fan traffic. Fan New York City. So far so good. Alive. Please do not sit on the steps or the handrail. Please watch your step getting on and off. I got a taxi right away.
How cool is this? Hey, how are you? How you doing? You take credit cards right now? I have to be honest, as I’m sitting in this taxi at this moment in time, I’m a little bit nervous because I haven’t been into the city in a long time. I didn’t really know where I was going. But now doing this voiceover, now knowing that the coronation has already happened and how strange it was, and how they had a grim reaper that appeared and how even this footage that I shared looked like his eye was turning into some kind of a reptile or something.
You probably saw this on the last show, but had been six months, six weeks and six days since the Queen’s coronation. A lot of weird things, it seems indeed, like there is something, something about this stone that needs to be found. I knew it had to happen when it happened. I knew I had to go when I was meant to go. But all I could think about right now was how badly I had to go to the bathroom. I mean, it was terrible. The taxi driver, well, he did everything he could to get as much of a fare out of me as possible.
And I almost peed my pants. But back to the story. There it is. Oh my God, look at that. Roerich Museum. Wow. I’m so excited. Thank you so much. Is it okay to film in here? Yes, of course. I. What do you know about the Stone of Destiny. Do you know anything about it? So I really. You don’t know so much about it. That was like his thing. That was his thing. The master building. How far away is that from here? Three or four blocks away from here. It’s not that far. I can walk. This is like, very exciting for me.
This is very exciting for me. No. The king is getting coronated on the 6th. Jacob’s Stone. Jacob’s Pillow. I’m Jacob. I have a YouTube channel. And I’ve talked about this man for years. And I never. I never got here because I don’t like traveling. I get. I don’t like traveling. I don’t like long, you know. So I. I was at the gym and I was working out. I’m from Long island. And I. I got in a car and went to the train. And now here I am. So. Do you mind if I look around? Of course.
All right. Great. The key. Designed the. The pyramid on the dollar bill. Did you know that? Yeah, I heard. Yeah. He was a mover and a shaker. Roark. Is that how you pronounce his name? Yeah. All right. Thank you very much. This is so exciting for me. I’m looking for something in particular that is in here somewhere. Oh, The Last angel. If you don’t think that he was in the know about some stuff. He’s got it framed right here. By order of the president of the United States. You all gotta understand something. I don’t like traveling.
So this was like a big thing for me. Danielle told me there’s no way you’re gonna go. I didn’t dress appropriately. It’s very cold. Man. What a nice museum this is. Take a look at this. The star of the hero. Huh? Isn’t that beautiful? Seems like all of his work is very symbolic and very spiritual. There’s a man right there. There he is. Okay, this. This looks familiar. Let’s take a look. Let’s see. This looks familiar. This is called the Treasure of the World. I think that right there, that’s the container that had the piece. I think our.
I think our time here is done. Now it’s time to go to the. The. To the building. Now this is where we’re going next. Going to the master building, which the nice man says is about a couple of blocks away from here. Was. What was Rock’s nationality again? He Russian. He was. Oh, yeah. Do you what part exactly he was from? Doesn’t get any better than that. Where are you from? Same place. Are you any relation? No. This is. This Is something else. Okay, now I gotta go to the master building. The apartments. How do I get there? Did you.
I heard you have somebody who lits in the building. Cousin 1 has an apartment there, but where they have stuff still there by him? No. So. So here’s the thing. Here’s the thing. I’m. I’m a YouTuber. Roerich had a fascination with like, the Holy Grail, which is known as like the Stone of Destiny. King Charles is about to be coronated on it. Researchers and historians like a little treasure hunt. They think there’s a piece of that stone that supposedly is. Is going to be. That is actually that was built into the master building in a specific corner of the master building.
Oh. So I’m going there just to go there because it’s a historic place. People have forgotten because of course, you know, treasures are hidden in plain sight. He has two paintings where. That’s, you know, where. The shard of that stone. He had this in this box and he has these two paintings. One of two of them are upstairs. So that, that building, I think, held artists and philosophers. That’s why it was built. Right? Right. Originally. Right. I think they always have a little art display, you know. Can you walk into the building or is it into the lobby? Yeah, so I can walk into the lobby? Yeah, I think so.
I mean, going. It’s May 4th. May the 4th be with you. Got a souvenir. Got a souvenir. Check this out. It’s upside down. Check that out. Now we’re gonna go to the master buildings. They said it’s just literally three blocks from here. Very interesting. Very fun day this was. Huh? Huh? All right, let’s get going. He said, literally, you go just this way and then to the left, three blocks. I got the Treasure of the World. I got a print of it. So we got a little reminding going on. Closer I get to the building, the more fired up I am.
I literally have the chills. You know, sometimes we all need a little bit of an adventure. I think I was getting too comfortable in the house. Gotta get out a little bit more. Let’s soak it up. New York City up here. It’s very nice. Downtown wasn’t so nice so far. My knee still hurts, so no superpowers yet, but we’ll see. My wife said I would never do this. The Dan Dan. She’s gonna be eating some humble pie when I get home, baby. She couldn’t believe it, you know, I just felt some rain, which is funny because I’m literally a block away.
Storm clouds are gathering. You know me, I’m a storyteller. I like to. I like to tell stories. If it just, like. If there’s a crack of lightning and there’s a downpour, when I get to the building, that’ll be cool, but also stink at the same time. It’s 3:10. This is 3:05. I miss it. I missed it. It’s right here. I’ve touched it. Nothing’s happening. So sorry, Lance, no superpowers today. I don’t know if this is where it is, but this is the picture. Interesting. We made it. Let’s go inside. Looks like there’s some construction going on.
So when they built this place, when they built this building, the master apartments, when they built this place, Einstein was there. Max Planck was there when they laid the foundation. And here we are going inside. History, baby, History. Hi. Is it okay to film in here? To record in here? My. My phone. Can I record in here? What do you want to record? Myself. Yourself? Yeah, but not too. No, no, no, no, no. Oh, just a second. Do you know anything. Do you know anything about the history of this building? No, not too much. Not too much.
All the histories between 100, 107 and Riverside. You talk about the museum. I was just there. Is there. Is there anybody here that might know, like, an older. Yeah. Oh, that would be good. Thank you. I’ve come a long way. I’m not. I’m not filming you. Don’t worry, I won’t record you. I know. No, no worry, my. I understand. I’m a YouTuber. Some stuff for me. That’s it, huh? That’s all they have. They. Some pictures here, but. Wow. All right. Yeah. That’s cool. Thank you. So the sun is starting to shine. Just came out. Looks. Looking a little bit better.
I can’t go downstairs. I wanted to go downstairs and just, I don’t know, get as close as I could to the foundation of the building, but I don’t live here, and that would be weird, right? So they already think it’s weird. They already thought that I was weird, but the nice lady working there, Angela, she let me in. This was fun. You know, my knee still hurts. Would have been nice to get superpowers, but, you know, I wasn’t really expecting that. I think that the treasure is actually the journey, you know, Reminds me of that poem that I wrote about the.
The wise master and the student. And the student, you know, he says, hey, follow me. I’m going to show you. I’m going to show you. I’m going to show you where the secret treasure is. He goes, finally, you’re old enough to know. The student was so excited. And for three days they hiked and they traveled and they journeyed. The journey was hard and it was long. He was hungry, they got hurt. It was terrible weather and they had to sleep out in the cold. And then they finally got there, there. And students like waiting for this great treasure.
And he’s like, hey, there it is. And he points to a dandelion, a weed. A weed by the master’s feet. Just a little weed right next to his feet. Student was angry because he’s like, I travel all the way to New York, all the way to New York City, and I had cleaning to do with that house to come to a building for this. And the master was like, the whole time you were going there, the whole time that you were traveling there, you were excited. I’m sorry. Now the end of the journey is here that you want it to mean more.
I think it was exactly what it was, was meant to be. And I’m happy that I came. I’m happy you all came with me. Thank you very much. So hit that like button, subscribe, share and have the best day ever. I love you. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye. Bye. Write the book is all it took to set the future stage Years would pass as a heartache that lasts for that seat to finally be engaged Loss would come and although I’d run my trials and tribulations I could not outpace that’s what it took to finally put these words on the page.
Illness and despair, abandonment, loss of home, possessions Mark told I was going nowhere where all this and more children in danger As I pounded my fist while crying and praying to the floor Deliver me, Deliver me I can’t take anymore but this book is what my suffering was for Meant to be read by all and it was through the suffering of my fall that the world would finally know a God of love could so beauty in these ashes and allow it to finally grow. All of this God will to the show so it’s one each one of the world would finally know the calling God the purple been waiting to be found in the first coming below.