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Spread the Truth

5G Danger


➡ Russell Brand, known for his comedic and acting career, has recently been baptizing people and leading prayers, only five months after his own baptism as a Catholic. However, his actions have raised eyebrows, such as baptizing in his underwear and making disrespectful comments during a wedding ceremony. Some people view his actions positively, while others find them strange and inappropriate. There are also speculations about his sincerity and whether he is a suitable spiritual guide.
➡ The text discusses the concept of baptism, questioning whether it’s a divine act or a human one. It highlights the author’s personal experiences with baptism and the confusion caused by different religious interpretations. The author also emphasizes that baptism alone doesn’t guarantee salvation, but a change of heart and living a good life does. Lastly, it criticizes public figures like Russell Brand, suggesting they may be misusing religious practices for personal gain.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of sincerity and faith, and criticizes division and insincerity. They emphasize the need for humility and trust in God, rather than relying on one’s own efforts. They also encourage their audience to support their channel and share their content, and promote their novel and merchandise. Lastly, they demonstrate how to use a dishwashing product they endorse.


Hello my friends! Jacob’s here one more time. Thanks for pressing the play button for spending a little time with me. We’re going to talk about Russell Brand and his tighty whities, baptized in one of his friends in the river. Yeah it was an exciting time for him I’m sure. This is an interesting thing because of course you know on the show, well I’ve covered Russell for a long time. I’ve talked about him many many times. I kind of saw him as the face of Christianity back in the day with a video I did called Messiah.

Now before I get into all of that maybe he’s just kind of you know he doesn’t have the best social cues and that five months exactly after he was baptized as a Catholic he’s now gone on to now he’s baptizing people in his in his underwear and you know leading a congregation and in prayer and doing a lot of interesting things just five months after being baptized he’s leading entire stadiums in prayer he’s leading everyone as if he is a a messiah himself he’s marrying people now and ironically as he’s marrying them he’s seeming to be very disrespectful he calls the shorter man inadequate and deficient in a roundabout way and then implies that the woman you know should agree that he has deficiencies and inadequacies and that she should put aside her longing and desire for more and then he compares himself to a mirrored lens and that he has his power from Jesus just so you know a mirrored lens actually keeps the light from penetrating it kind of doesn’t reflect it it repels it so some people are going to say this is a good thing me for one I kind of look at it as a oh I mean come on he was in his underwear he kind of looked I mean that’s weird right it’s not just me that’s weird it’s inappropriate my wife my wife damn damn she’s like she said it’s inappropriate she didn’t even want to look at it she’s like it’s just weird why are two men in their underwear one wearing a pair of black underwear and then the other one white and it’s like you look at the picture and you see the guy in the scuba gear he’s like wearing a scuba he’s wearing like a scuba so I’m thinking of myself you don’t just have like a scuba thing on hand do you I mean did they just show up and there was like a guy and he was a scuba diver and he was swimming around and he’s and they talked it up and they’re like oh yeah we’ll baptize you and well we don’t want to get our clothes dirty so we’re just gonna you know we’re that’s not probably what happened it was probably like they went down and this guy knew he was being baptized it’s very strange that they decided not to maybe get a bathing suit and wear maybe a t-shirt or something and make it look a little I don’t know more normal right more normal now let’s let’s put aside the fact that that all of this in my opinion you know you want to think the best right you want to think the best but in my opinion I think this is all a big sham I hate that I’m saying that I hate that I’m saying that but you know I mean look at this for a second okay for years religion has taken over there’s a shift that’s going on the land and you know in the end times in the book of revelation it talks of these locusts that come out of the bottomless pit which is a picture of you know people that are I don’t know preying on things and you know and uh it’s kind of like the system that’s in charge and they’re these locusts that are in the book of revelation they look like men they seem that they have crowns it’s actually from revelation chapter nine and I saw the fifth angel sounded and I saw a star fall from heaven onto the earth and it was giving him the key of the bottomless pit and he opened the bottomless pit and there arose smoke out of the pit smoke is a great furnace and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of it and there out of it came locusts upon the earth and upon them that was given power as the scorpions have power over the earth all of this is very symbolic and we’re going to get into it soon but these locusts you find out they come to basically you know they basically mow everything down except for those that god sealed in the end days so I’ve always written articles and compared the locusts to you know false teachers and false prophets and other things like that and the reason is because of the description because you know in scripture locusts do they do they devour a harvest and he said the shapes of the locusts were like horses now horses in scripture are the saints the saints shall be as horses so these locusts have the shape of a horse so they kind of look like a horse you get what I’m saying and in scripture everything is very symbolic look like a horse prepared for battle on their heads it were like gold like they had a golden crown and their faces were like the faces of men and they had hair as the hair of women and they had teeth the teeth of of lions all this is very symbolic and on their heads it was as if they were gold so they kind of appear to be you know divine rulers they kind of appear to be you know they would look like like the Russell Brands of the world they kind of look like they’re divine and everything else but it’s like if you’re not if you’re not savvy to the fact that you probably shouldn’t wear your your underwear it’s a possibility now look am I saying that he’s like he’s the the the locusts come and devour you know in the end days just because it says that there’s this power is given for like five months and he’s only been five months he was baptized five months ago from when he was baptizing somebody I think I think he was baptized the guy had his underwear on I think if I remember correctly but then here we are the two of them are now baptizing someone else five months later but it’s weird because before he was baptizing this guy in his tidy whiteies one year and seven months before it I did a video uh with this thumbnail right here and you could see right do you see the words messiah on there actually the the very famous um artist drip bits who’s who’s like an israelite who loves the channel and everything else I asked him to make that for me I I said you know design Russell like as if he was like it like a false prophet Antichrist that rises up in the end that was like my direction to him and he came up with this really cool purple thing with all the different eyes I’m not saying that Russell Brand is the Antichrist for all I know maybe maybe maybe he is sincere but I do know that the Catholic God that he believes in the infinite torture and a lot of other nonsense the fact that he thinks that it’s appropriate to baptize an underwear it tells me that maybe he’s not the probably the the person that you all should be following before I did that I did this video and uh well I said maybe you should think twice before you let this guy come in as your spiritual guru dog whistle that’s the term that a man that I admire shared with me in regards to the Russell Brand situation a high-pitched noise that trains dogs and also a subtle political message aimed at a certain party but what is the truth he may be right this could be just something that just gets us to act and think a certain way but the biggest story right now in the emerging political news space is the scandal surrounding this man and it couldn’t have people more divided he’s winning because he is a man who generates his own content under his own speed under his own expense he is a threat to all of these newspapers you write for when you I love newspapers don’t get me wrong I love this industry so that’s more important than these allegations by these women why now why now why now why now it’s taken three years it’s taken four years for this and that’s all they’ve got this apologetic begging for forgiveness text from Russell Brand could you please for a second stay open-minded to the possibility that the women are telling the truth well this could be a distraction for sure but there is more to this story than you’re being told it’s spiritually significant after all I wouldn’t have warned everybody that this was coming a year ago if it weren’t who do you trust are these the people that you trust I hate that I feel this way and I think this way but it would be very easy for people to be taken advantage of and that’s what these locusts would do so I asked a question on x I said the baptism of Russell Brand is it of men or is it of God and what does that mean that’s from the scriptures that actually is from Luke chapter 20 where Jesus is asking the religious people you know the baptism of John that water baptism that everybody’s doing is that of God or is that of men he was asking that question to the religious people because you know they were like I don’t know I don’t get it you know John was like dunking everybody in the water all the time he was hanging out and acting like a you know a wild man dressed like barely any clothes on him except for like a girdle of of of dead dead pelt that’s what he wore like it was like a dead camel pelt or something and he ate wild locusts and honey wild honey that was that’s what he was known for John and screaming repent repent the kingdom’s at hand repent right he was six months older than Jesus which is ironic but he’s a picture of that religious man Christ came later you know Christ ministry symbolically took off after John was beheaded John didn’t even know if Christ was the one he’s like are you the one he had his servants come to Jesus and ask but here’s the thing Jesus never baptized I’ve never water baptized somebody I’ve been baptized a bunch of times like more than you could think of I mean when I was actually baptized the first time I was so hungry to know God I was you know in my early 20s and I just I just went willy-nilly because somebody told me that I had to be water baptized I believed what they said even though I was you know I was baptized as a baby as a Catholic and I was confirmed right everybody all these different religions tell you gotta jump through this hoop you gotta jump through that hoop you got to do this or not or you can’t be a part of the uh you know you can’t be a part of the church like literally I went and I got baptized by some random guy who was like at some church of Jesus or church of Christ or whatever and I went to that guy’s house and he baptized me in the basement looking back I think that’s pretty weird looking back I think about that guy he had all these you know different young men that live with him and I think that’s weird too now I’m not saying that it was a bad thing but he did I thought it was a beautiful thing at the time but then I went to another church and the other church said oh you were baptized by them you got to be baptized by us do you see where I’m going with this if the fact that the guy’s wearing underwear doesn’t give it away that maybe this isn’t really the work of God there’s there’s a scripture and I believe it’s in the book of Hebrews it says very clearly that we’re not going to lay again the dead works of like repentance laying out of hands of baptism it’s like we got to move on that’s what the scripture says it’s like we got to move on from all of these these things because what does the baptism do really puts the it puts the power in the person one that’s stunking them now once again I’m not coming against it like I said before then baptize more times than I can remember I used to baptize myself in the ocean never thinking that it’s stuck as if that doing that simple task was going to take care of it that’s not the way it works though you know in fact today in baptism what they do is they say you have to say these these words you got to say you know and say that do you believe that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior now I can say oh yes of course I do I do right I wouldn’t know salvation if it wasn’t for Jesus and the story and everything that he went through but that’s not really his name did you know that his name’s Joshua so literally saying his name doesn’t really do much for you if you’re not literally saying it there’s a lot that we’ve been taught religion has grabbed hold and stole a lot from us like locusts like locusts in the book of psalm and they devour but I said I said you know is that baptism of is this of God or is this of man like in other words is this something that’s like an egotistical thing that he’s doing on his own five months and he compares himself to the apostles he’s like hey well the apostles did it like he’s one of the apostles that’s why I had the thumbnails as messiah that was actually his tour he named it that believe it or not once again I hate that I feel like I’m tearing down this like if he’s sincere but all of the fruit let me let me explain something about baptism just so you get an idea and I’m not talking you out of getting literally water baptized it’s a great experience but that didn’t do anything for you you still got to change your life around you still got to live a good life you still got to be kind you still got to forgive you you have to you know you have to seek God and ask God what is it you want for me ask teach me the truth no matter what the cost if people can’t look at this picture and say I feel something’s off I’m thinking maybe it’s time you need to pray more maybe get a little more connected to God because it’s if it’s if it’s a work of the flesh I get it but what’s next you know what’s next you see people baptizing everybody in their underwear we’re going to turn it into something that it was never meant to be it was never meant to be to begin with that’s why Jesus never literally water baptized he didn’t it’s in scripture not just that Jesus only came to do the will of the Father he said this I came to do your will oh Lord came only to do the will of God he never water baptized does God want you to literally be dunked in literal water or does God want your heart to be changed makes me a little upset because if we put our faith in all of these little works you missed the big picture the belief that you know you’re literally saved if you say the literal name of Jesus and it’s not literally Jesus but it’s Joshua and who knows if that’s the way you even pronounce it but the fact that that that’s not even what the scripture means if you look at the word confess the word confess in Greek I’m probably pronouncing it wrong homologio I said that and I thought of the Russell Brand picture but homologio means to say the same thing as okay so it’s not like unless you confess my name it’s more like unless you say what I’m saying unless you speak what I’m speaking unless you agree with the fact that it’s better to love than to hate this is a revolutionary idea and this is actually a great truth because this means that Jesus wasn’t saying unless you literally say my name what Jesus was saying is unless you are saying the same thing I’m saying you’re not saved you’re not you’re none of mine if you don’t know the truth of God if you’re not living your life if you haven’t laid down your life in this world then you can’t possibly be saved how can you do you think that literally be but this is the thing when you make it about something that you know I have to do to somebody or somebody has to do you take the fact that it’s a gift by grace we are saved not by water baptism which Jesus never did which I don’t like if you’re gonna go do it I would say wear some clothes by grace we are saved through faith not of works lest any man should boast by grace we are saved through faith while we were yet sinners Christ died for us I just I worry that people get sucked in I worry that they get sucked in I don’t see much of a difference in you know Russell being this Catholic you know prophet apostle then when I he was you know that the you know the Hindu guru or the spiritual guru or whatever he’s gone the many faces that was the name of the video that I did the many faces of Russell Brand you know our when Kanye um you know kind of lost decided he wasn’t gonna be the face of Jesus anymore that’s when I said they’re gonna have a replacement and it wasn’t much longer that Russell kind of stood forward now does this mean that it’s a bad thing no I don’t think it’s a bad thing I think that even Russell Brand you know in the underwear doing it opens up a conversation it allows me to tell you that you don’t need to go out with a man who’s clearly clearly trying way too hard to justify his you know whatever his spirituality or he’s really having a go and he’s really just kind of making fun of all of us because that’s a possibility too but it’s opening up a conversation I don’t want to badmouth the man I don’t want to tear the man down I do know that his past is bad I do know that the things that I’ve heard him say is bad I do know that he stares people up a little less than someone like Mr.

Alex Jones does which I still think is bad because all of this division has to go all of this division has to go but is he one of the locusts from the book of revelation I don’t know I don’t know and I couldn’t I couldn’t but I I do know if he is not sincere he 100% is but the good news is that the scripture tells us very clearly that um can’t hurt us why can’t locusts hurt us because we know that they’re not coming from a place of truth and sincerity and faith which is the most important thing faith in in in god is the most important thing knowing that there is more john said I must decrease so Christ can increase the the idea of who I am my ego my needs my wants my desires must decreased so I become more of Christ in the world I’m gonna die of my wants and my needs my carnality and allow Christ to take over the the head of John the Baptist was literally cut off so that Jesus’s ministry could begin so I hope that I don’t turn you away from water baptism I hope that you do know that is not what salvation is okay it’s not saying some magic words getting dumped and then you can go live a riotous life it’s more you need to Jesus said if you don’t pick up your cross and follow me you’re none of mine and I know a lot of you are picking up your cross and I know a lot of you are going through a hard time so I want to let you know that God has us in a stranglehold for a reason he’s got me in a headlock this thing with my ear is it’s otherworldly and I’ve never dealt with anything like it before but I know that all this stuff is happening for a reason we have to be humble we have to trust in God we can’t trust in our own efforts like water baptism for example all right I love each and every one of you let me know in the comment section what you thought and share the channel around you know like really share it you’re the only reason that this channel is seen it’s it’s a big deal so thank you for that and if you want to get a copy of my novel The Calling which is like the best novel going go to there’s over a thousand five-star reviews I’m not kidding read some of them it’s you know I get a couple of bucks when people buy this from amazon it’s it’s a nice thing also because I believe that the book is very important and it’s a great way to support the channel otherwise you can go to the description of the video below get yourself the merch all of it’s there become if you want to have truly free home products which I use all the time I’m always I’m always got it on hand you enter code Jacob to get 30 off want to become a patron and partner with me just support the channel get to a dollar five dollars all these things you could do to help the channel out I always save it for the end and I know a lot of people tune out for those of you that are listening right now if you do want to support all you got to do is go into the description of the video and you can see all the ways you can and I thank you for it God bless you I’ll talk to you soon bye-bye it’s dishwashing time baby look at how gross oh man so so gross but we have truly free home dishwashing salt very simple this is what you do I don’t know I’m gonna do it use them too okay I’ll do this I’ll do this come on over here and you grab one little scoop grab your scooper huh nice rounded size scoop you get your scope and you uh you put it in here you put it in here one scoop that’s it you’re done Danielle says that I should start selling that that’s what I’m doing I’m taping something for truly free home damn all right all right now I press start that easy I gotta turn it off first all right now it’s on all right turn it off damn failing here I’m not doing good honey I don’t know what I’m doing here oh my god this is horrible what is happening hey and then you hit start say that’s easy that’s it truly free home you can get 30% off using code Jacob I just figured instead of just using this I should show you that I actually do

5G Danger

Spread the Truth


baptism doesn't different religious interpretations of baptism divine act versus human act in baptism personal experiences with baptism public figures misusing religion public opinion on Russell Brand's baptism questioning the concept of baptism Russell Brand as a spiritual guide Russell Brand baptism controversy Russell Brand's Catholic baptism Russell Brand's inappropriate behavior at wedding Russell Brand's religious actions

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