ITS BlBLlCAL! The FlRES of SAMSON are LIT | President to Gather the Nations into One TEST COMPLETE

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➡ Jacob talks about his dislike for Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, and discusses various political events. He also mentions the fires in Los Angeles and how they’ve affected famous people. He suggests that these fires could be a sign of end times and criticizes the city’s management of the situation. Lastly, he invites his listeners to join a Patreon Zoom meeting to discuss these topics further.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the author’s interpretation of scriptures, wildfires, and their possible spiritual significance. It also touches on political events, such as President Trump’s term and the certification of his election. The author also mentions a Barbie movie, WWE, and secret societies, suggesting connections between these seemingly unrelated topics. Lastly, the author shares personal updates, including his merchandise and a potential audiobook deal.
➡ The author is encouraging people to buy his novel, “The Calling” by Jacob Israel, which he considers his life’s work. He believes an audiobook version would be popular and hopes for increased sales. He also shares a poetic trailer tease of the novel, expressing a deep spiritual struggle and a plea for divine guidance and understanding.


Hello, my friends! Jacob’s here one more time looking so darn tough! Every time I wear the Meatball Beanie, I feel tough. You wanna see tough? I’ll show you tough. Just a Meatball. I’m in a good mode. Okay? I’m in a good mode. It’s been a good day so far. There’s a lot of stuff that’s been happening. That is, I should say, something that should give us a little bit of encouragement. A little positivity. A little reminder that God’s in charge. Right? No matter how things look, all of a sudden, a guy can take a world leader, rip him from his throne.

Been exactly 56 weeks, as I said, for Justin Trudeau. I don’t know if you knew about Justin Trudeau. This guy, Justin Trudeau. Oh my goodness gracious. Man, what a… Yeah, I don’t like the guy. Right? I mean, he’s not likable. He’s not likable. The things that he said, especially during the virus of the crown and others. Listen, we don’t even need to get into it. Let’s just say that I was so upset with this guy, Justin Trudeau, if you don’t know. He’s the party leader and the Prime Minister of Canada. You know, Canada. Sir, you were considering military force to acquire Panama in Greenland.

Are you also considering military force to annex and acquire Panama? No. Economic force. Because Canada and the United States, that would really be something. You get rid of that artificially drawn line, and you take a look at what that looks like. And it would also be much better for national security. Don’t forget, we basically protect Canada. Trump is going to annex it and make it part of like this North American super-powered nation that is going to compromise also Mexico and some other places. We’ll get into that. Especially after the election was certified by Kamala. We’re going to talk about that.

We’ve got so many things to get into. This announcement of the state of the vote by the President of the Senate shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons elected, President and Vice President of the United States, each for a term beginning on the 20th day of January 2025, and shall be entered together with the list of the votes on the journals of the House and the Senate. Thank you very much. But I wrote about Justin Trudeau. I said, let’s imagine, you know, because imagination is faith. And when you have faith, if you say to this mountain, be cast into the sea, you could do it.

So if somebody’s corrupt and you say, oh, Lord, show the world that they’re corrupt by taking them from where he’s currently sitting. Well, then, you know, if it happens, it’s probably a good call that maybe God’s in charge. So I wrote this little post. I said, let’s imagine Trudeau himself is raked over the coals for his misty links. How about we put a little test out there so that the world knows and God corrects if they be corrupt so that the world knows it’s like and then gives this speech. Take a listen. Over the holidays, I’ve also had a chance to reflect and have had long talks with my family about our future.

Throughout the course of my career, any success I have personally achieved has been because of their support and with their encouragement. So last night over dinner, I told my kids about the decision that I’m sharing with you today. I intend to resign as party leader, as prime minister, after the party selects its next leader through a robust nationwide competitive process. Last night, I asked the president of the Liberal Party to begin that process. This country deserves a real choice in the next election, and it has become clear to me that if I’m having to fight internal battles, I cannot be the best option.

Oh, man, it was ominous to his speeches thing like flew off. It was like the script is now, you know, your story is over. Probably won’t hear much more about him. We’re going to hear a little bit more about Macron, which, by the way, his name means the mark. Weird thing about Macron, there was a historical vids on X was sharing a picture of him and his wife when she was 40 and he was 15. It’s awkward. The whole thing’s awkward. But Macron, you know him and Musk, they don’t get along too well. Macron saying that that mucks Musk is involved in, you know, tampering with the elections in France through X.

Having an opinion, I guess, is a problem today. Unless it’s positive, unless it’s positive. Let’s be honest. I just did the show. I hope you saw it. If you didn’t see it, you really should, because it talks about the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector and is a great message. But the whole thing was about how on the X platform people were asking, you know, what’s my X number? What’s my X credit score? And today, X has cleared it up. They’re not doing like a social credit score. I didn’t think they were doing it either.

But it was kind of perceived that way. All over, everybody was getting the credit score of a 38. 38! Everywhere you go, 38, 38, 38, which sounds pretty terrible and I was upset about the whole thing. So I even grilled Grock a little bit more today. I said, hey, what’s my score today? And he goes, oh, it’s 38 again. I said, well, you know, why don’t you take a look at my posts and then tell me. And Grock’s like, oh, we don’t have access to that. So it wasn’t really, he wasn’t really, I guess, I guess the Grock on my end was saying, basically, these are just generalized numbers of what they think you should get.

38. But you know, Travis, that’s right, Travis. I’m talking about you and Jennifer. Hope you guys are doing amazing. Big part of the Israelite family on Patreon. By the way, it’s next Sunday, this Sunday coming up. We’re doing another Patreon Zoom meet. If you want to support the channel, and I hope you do, join Patreon. Every two weeks we get together over Zoom Live, five dollars and up. And it is just, it’s a lot of fun. Then sometimes it turns into a show. We got a lot of things to be talking about, especially over the next couple of weeks leading up into the inauguration.

But Travis knew to look up the number 38 and the concordance. That number 38 is a symbol of the process for which we’re sanctified with fire. Now, what’s really frightening and really scary is what’s happening in L.A. Right across the other big city. They call New York one of the Twin Wicked Cities. L.A. is the other city, right? This is an absolute mismanagement by the city. Not the firefighters fault, but it’s by the city. But the fact that it’s on fire is it’s a big deal. Two people are already dead. They’ve already passed away. Thousands of over a thousand homes, over a thousand businesses.

I mean, they’re lost completely. Mark Hamill, Luke Skywalker himself had to evacuate. Mandy Moore, James Woods, who was very, very promoted here on the X platform. A lot of people love him. He was showing people where the fires were, how they were coming closer. And then he was showing people how his deck was on fire. Poor guy. Poor, poor people, you know. Well, not so poor because that area is very wealthy, but I’m sure that other areas are affected as well. They say that Adam Sandler’s house in nearby Malibu, you got Ben Affleck, you got Tom Hanks, you got Steven Spielberg.

All of a sudden, these terrible fires are being associated with fame and fortune. And it’s not a great thing, especially when you have people like Elon Musk saying, Hey, you know, this could have been handled because if you didn’t have so many weird regulations and everything else, they didn’t allow for the controlled burnings of certain things, but yet spend billions of dollars on other programs that didn’t do nothing. But the spiritual part of this story is, it’s nuts. Why is it nuts? Well, because on December 10th, I put out this post right here with member Daniel Perry, who had the Samson tattoo.

You know, Samson, I’ve been talking about the story of Samson, kind of compared Donald Trump to Samson, you know, the last biblical judge, the one that comes in and lights fire to everything. After what we saw with the Olympics, the one who was carrying the torch, I started telling everybody, you’re going to start seeing fires pop up everywhere. I actually did. I put out a test. You can see it right there where I said, you know, test fires are going to start everywhere, starting in, you know, probably in New York City and across the country.

So now we see all of these fires playing out because this is a big deal. This is like the end times. This is the time when, you know, the devil comes down to sift us like wheat, talking about this on the show. But it’s interesting because as we see these fires breaking out in Palisades, which, by the way, means Defense City, it’s like a rampart or a barricade. It’s in the scriptures a lot, you know, it’s written in the book of Luke says, you know, when your enemies come and build a rampart against you, well, it doesn’t look like this Defense City is going to stand.

It’s very weird, though, because Malibu, the Malibu fires, you know, that I was very concerned about just a little while ago, not too long ago. Now it’s going to be a big thing again. But the Malibu fires, I thought were connected to the Barbie movie of all things. I don’t want to minimize this terrible event, but in the Barbie movie, you know, Ken was singing a Matchbox 2020 song. It’s right on the the coast of what seems like L.A., and there are all these little bonfires that were just liming short. So I said, I don’t know.

Maybe maybe the two of them are connected. It’s sad. It’s sad that I’m using Barbie as a reference to this video on a very serious topic. But God says the fires are coming. The fires are coming, which hopefully means something spiritual for us, because fire purifies Christ comes as a consuming fire. There is some symbolism to the fact that a lot of people that maybe are a little ungodly right now are being affected by these fires. But you got to remind yourself before we start saying, oh, you know, go get them with these fires. Go get those big celebrities.

You know, you don’t want that happening to you. And there are a lot of other people that are affected as well. What we want is we want people to come to the Lord and we want people to come together. And we want to stop seeing stuff like this happen. A lot of people are calling even these fires into question. My wife this morning, the Dan Dan, says, look, there’s homeless people that are lighting fires. And I said, well, Dan, you can’t really, you know, you can’t really say that that’s what’s happening. OK, because there could be a lot of reasons why wildfires start.

And the wind is what the big deal is. The wind, the wind, and they’re out of the water. The water runs dry if you go to the wrong well. It’s a symbol of Christ. It’s a symbol of ungodliness. The wind is the Holy Spirit, which Christ comes as a consuming fire. The wind, of course, the winds are going to push these fires elsewhere. Maybe if we kind of decide that, oh, Lord, you know, maybe I’ll live a better life and I’ll do better. Maybe these things will stop. Maybe we’ll stop seeing all the burning. Got a feeling that we’re going to see some kind of world domination.

You know, if it’s God’s will, you can, you know, maybe remind me of this down the road because I got a feeling. You know, I got a feeling that, you know, if it’s God’s will when President Trump becomes president, so long as he’s supposed to do God’s will, otherwise bring us one that will. That he probably will kind of conquer the world with peace. There probably won’t be any war, you know, all these things that we hear about with Canada and everything else. And Denmark, and he even had, he even had Donald Trump Jr’s son on a plane flying out of Greenland.

And the video that he shows, there’s a little bobblehead of President Trump is the Terminator. The Terminator, who was a time traveler. By the way, the whole thing is just interesting. But what’s interesting is in the Barbie movie, you know, she was standing in front of a map, this map right here. And as you can see, the United States of America is much bigger. It’s also the same color, by the way, as Asia. That’s interesting, too. So after Trudeau steps down, which is, you know, it’s just, I mean, that should give you a little bit of comfort, I think.

You know, let’s show the world, God, if he’s corrupt. And it’s obviously clearly, you know, there’s a problem with him. Maybe he’s not really meant to be the leader that he’s meant to be. Trump has a little goof. You know, he likes to put these things out. Our president likes to joke around. He doubles down on making Canada part of America. And now that President Trump’s election has been certified, thanks to Kamala Harris. But she certifies the election. Everything’s done. It’s an interesting time to be alive. I found it strange because the certification on the sixth, it goes down on the same day that WWE, of all things, is weird.

WWE is premiering on Netflix. It’s the very first live streaming show that’s going to be recurring. This is like a big deal. It’s about tribal combat. Roman Reigns is facing. But I thought, I said, how interesting is this that it’s coming out on the same day? I said, I wonder if we’re going to have some kind of a betrayal storyline. But then I remind myself of a video I did about Trump and Vince McMahon. But in this video, for whatever reason, I play it. And I’m reminded of this occult ritual that it seemed like Vince McMahon was playing out.

I learned this from a really funny, amazing, deep YouTuber named Professor Bulworth Smythe, who I’ve shared the links before. But in that video that I did exactly, get this, 11 months, 9 days ago. It’s 9-11 backwards. The fact that I did that, and in that video I shared his whole occult breakdown of what it means for a person to kiss another person’s butt. And that’s what Vince McMahon was known for. Occult ritual. And it has to do with the Templars. Take a look. Because we got some really pretty awful things to talk about. Vincent Kennedy McMahon.

Man who was famously known for his, you know, Kiss My Buttocks match, where he would take his pants down and he would force people to literally kiss his butt in the middle of the ring to demean them, which is actually sort of like a ritual in occult circles. His 1865 study, The Worship of the Generative Powers, Thomas Wright explains that the initiation ceremony of the Knights Templar would conclude with a kiss to the anus of the initiate. As I imagine most of you my students know, the Knights Templar was an illuminated organization which operated from 1119 until question mark.

In any case, that reference to the interlingual initiation ceremony is here perverted by modern day sexual sadism, more extreme initiation than the Templars practiced. I find the whole thing just weird. Of course, maybe there’s no secret societies, even though we know that there are, I mean like on record we know that there’s like, you know, organizations and brotherhoods and sisterhoods or whatever. We need to go to college, you can get involved in a secret society for crying out loud if you join. So frat, I wouldn’t know about that because I was never cool enough for any of that stuff and I didn’t go to no fancy schmancy school that had no skull and bones, you know? But in response to President Trump saying we should call it the Gulf of America, the President of Mexico said very clearly that we should call this union Mexican-American or Mexican America.

So yeah, everybody’s renaming the new world. It’s almost like my whole life was training for this very moment. So important that I come on here and talk to you about all the weird things happening in the world wearing the meatball hat. Which, by the way, if you want to support the channel, that’s another way you can do it. You go down into the description of the video, you click on the link for more, go into the merchandise and you can click on it. I even have a simple link for the meatball hat. It’s the winter, it’s the coolest beanie.

It’s got a little ball on the top, right? Don’t you want to be a meatball too? It is cool. People always give me compliments on this when I wear it out, which is going to be very often because it’s getting so cold here. So anyway, if you want to support the channel, that’s one way you can do it. Check this out. I’m in a good mood. You know why I’m in a good mood? Because I reached out on a lark. I used to have a literary agent long, long time ago. I was selling mattresses down the street from my house, which I love doing.

That’s how I got to know all of you because this is where I built the YouTube channel. But I reached out on a lark and got in touch with him. And he’s such a great guy. And guess what he’s going to do? He’s going to try to get me an audiobook deal. Like, I don’t have to spend money and I don’t know what I’m doing. One of the reasons why I haven’t had an audiobook in so long is because I don’t know how to do any of this stuff. I’m not great with this stuff. Just me here, right? So I even paid a guy to record it and I ended up getting scammed.

You know, it’s not easy, especially when you don’t have a lot of means. But the audiobook, I know everybody’s always asking for it. I know that it would be so much more popular than even the novel, which if you haven’t gotten a copy of the calling, this is like the best. What are you waiting for? You should do it. You should do it now. You know why? Because if he gets in touch with them and then it looks like a lot of people are buying it recently, that’ll be even better for me.

But how great would that be? Even if it’s like 50 bucks, you know, it’s like that I’d be able to have it. And hopefully all of you would enjoy it. I don’t know. So pray that that becomes something because I know that this novel, this is really my life’s work. That’s why I started the YouTube channel to begin with, was to, you know, it was all about this novel, this one book that I wrote so, so long ago that seems to be a book that is meant for today. And what a time. What a time to read it.

If you want to get a copy of it, of course, go into the description of the video. The links are there or just go to Enter the calling by Jacob Israel. You should find it. Make sure it’s this cover and not the old one for when I first released it in like 2006 and like maybe three people bought it. All right. I love each and every one of you. Enjoy this little trailer tease of the novel and maybe you can get yourself a copy when the show is over. I love you all. I’ll talk to you soon.

Bye-bye. Thank you. Out of the reputations, they’ve killed a kingdom that will become a funeral pyre. For the behavior of those who claim to be God, I have truly grown tired. When Lord, when will you show the world if they be corrupt? They will be fired or else how will they know your kingdom in this life? They never know until this type of behavior they retire. And I, Lord, oh, I feel like it’s violent. A giant seeking day and night and feeling like I’m never going to find it. Because you’re a truthful, Lord, you seem to want to buy it.

But here I am, oh Lord, here I am, I’m broken and being reprimanded. Praise He’s never misleading. Here I am, do your will, but please help me and others to find a meaning. Show them, grow them, leave them, for you are far better than me. Our words are sworn recognizing to create harm to me. So one day, they’ll say the God of Jacob is the God of eternity. [tr:trw].


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